The Grabowskis' Unique Adoption Story (Part 2) | Born With Albinism

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MOTHER: Oh, hey. Good morning, guys. FATHER: Hey, guys. Morning. MOTHER: Hey, who wants apple with their pancakes? NATHANIEL: Me. MAE: I don't know. I'm Mae. I'm 11 years old. And I was the second to be adopted. [MUSIC PLAYING] MOTHER: I just figured, well, we already have one with albinism. They'll probably match us with another. This time they called, and they're like, she has brachial plexus injury. FATHER: She has nerve damage in her right arm. MOTHER: I was like, wait, she doesn't have albinism? And they're like, no. Are you interested? I'm like, oh, yes, yes, yes, we're interested. When Mae was little, she thought that maybe she was the one who was different. MAE: Since all my siblings have white hair and white skin, I thought that was just normal for Chinese people. And I thought I was different from the rest. FATHER: [INAUDIBLE] with them? MOTHER: Peanut butter? Sure. You can have peanut butter with them. In the process of adopting Mae, I kept seeing these pictures of these little boys with albinism. China opened the door for people to be able to adopt two at once. And so, we adopted Nathaniel. NATHANIEL: I'm Nathaniel. I'm 13 years old. And I'm the second-- MAE: Third. NATHANIEL: The third. Uh. Because we-- they got us both at the same time. MAE: But they wanted me first, and then you. NATHANIEL: Uh. [MUSIC PLAYING] MOTHER: And all of a sudden we went from three kids to five kids, like in a moment. So we were like, OK, we are done. We are full. Our family is complete. We were done. And then-- ALL: Good morning. KAELYN: Morning. MOTHER: Are you ready for pancakes? KAELYN: Yes. MOTHER: Yes? KAELYN: Can I have apples with my-- MOTHER: I cut some apple. KAELYN: I'm Kaelyn. And I'm 13 years old. And I was the fourth adopted. [MUSIC PLAYING] MOTHER: Kaelyn, all that was in her file was that she had albinism. So we got to China for her, and we met her, and she was the sweetest little thing. And she does have an intellectual disability. And we are privileged to have front row seats to see her grow and change. FATHER: Guys, you've got all your chores done? Ready for school? MOTHER: And so, then we had Kaelyn, and really, we were tapped out again, like-- We were done. Were we-- we were done? Definitely done. - We were done. - No more. Yeah. EMILY: Good morning. FATHER: Good morning, Emily. MOTHER: Good morning. EMILY: Good morning. FATHER: You ready for pancakes? EMILY: Yeah. I'm Emily, and I'm seven years old. And I was the last one to be adopted. [MUSIC PLAYING] MOTHER: Emily has just brought so much spice-- FATHER: Oh my gosh. MOTHER: --into our family. EMILY: Scuse me. GIRLS: Eww! EMILY: I burped, and then I burped again while I said, excuse me. Oh, well, thank you for that. We never, ever planned on adopting five children. It just steamrolled. So here we are.
Channel: TLC
Views: 835,376
Rating: 4.9576321 out of 5
Keywords: tlc, tlc shows, tlc full episodes, albinism, adoption, grabowski, born with albinism
Id: cicp-2pvmSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 23sec (203 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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