My Twin Sister Has Albinism | BORN DIFFERENT

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Sherria: We have nine year old twins and they were born different. My daughter She’riq she has albinism but my son Te’riq he doesn't. The very same thing that they were ridiculed about, being highlighted. Born different. She’riq: Is it not too much fun when you can go through that hole? Te’riq: People sometimes don't believe we are twins. People always come up to us and be like, Oh my god, you guys are so cute. I love your outfits and then we, we say thank you and then we and then we be like we’re twins and then they’ll be like no. And we would be like yes. She’riq: Like we’re totally different he's more funnier than me. Te’riq: I'm just kind of calm I don't know. I sometimes ignore people all the time okay. Sherria: We have nine year old twins, and they were born different. My daughter She’riq she has albinism but my son, Te’riq he doesn't. And that was a shocker for us once they were born. Albinism means you just have no pigment in your hair, your skin, or your eyes. So you're very sensitive to the sun, very rare and for having a child with albinism, I believe is one out of 75. Sheterria: When the twins were born, I was in elementary school. And basically like I was so excited because I wanted one to come out looking like me. I didn't care who it was, just somebody come out looking like me. I was like, Oh my gosh, she looks just like me. I started crying. That was the best moment ever, man. Awesome. Sherria: My, my daughter Sheterria she had bullying, people you know, call her names, I think she had somebody spit at her before, it was really hard for her. Shetteria: I was like Mommy, I don’t understand why these kids like, are treating me like this because at home I got the love. But it's like when I went outside of home it was a whole different environment. Sherria: Of course we were worried about She’riq's, you know… Terry: Being bullied and the same things that Sheterria went through. And what the world what she was facing outside the doors of our house. We were worried about that. She’riq: My sister helped with my albinism because she, comfort me and she helped me because I used to be kind of shy. But now I just like to make friends a lot. Sherria: We're getting ready to go to Houston, Texas. The twins and Sheterria have been chosen to be a part of the Skin I’m In 2019 exhibition and gallery by celebrity photographer Ferrell Phelps. We haven't seen a photo So we're really excited, to see what he's done with them. Sheterria: I'm super excited to go to the 'Skin I’m In' exhibition. I feel like it's going to be awesome. Amazing to be in a room with everybody that shares something in common. I haven't got to see the pictures yet so I can't wait to see them. I'm super stoked. When I look in the mirror, I see some body who has come a long way. My eyebrows are blonde, my eyelashes are blonde, everything is blonde. And I used to hate that and now look in the mirror. I'm like, yes, you cute. She’riq: I'm excited. I'm so nervous and excited to see how it is. Te’riq: So excited go. Yeehaw. Shetteria: Everybody's getting to see their pictures for the first time. It's just going to be amazing. I'm really happy to be here. What about you guys? Te’riq: I feel so excited and happy. Ferrell: I always want to do things that make a difference and impact the world. People are prejudiced against each other simply based on skin melanin, something that God created us to walk the earth in. Sherria: The very same thing that they were ridiculed about, ostracized about them being highlighted you and I can't be a part of this show. Because we don't have differences. Shetteria: I feel amazing right now today was great. Oh my God met so many cool people. We talked it felt like we were a family. Seeing my pictures me almost cry. Almost cry, but they look super amazing. I'm just really happy I got to be a part of this. And it's just so cool. Ferrell: When you talk about acceptance, and we talk about the Skin I'm in project, I want everybody to be accepted, you know, for their uniqueness. And not necessarily the cookie cutter type, but uniquely beautiful people. I want the modeling industry to change. I want the commercial industry to change. You learn more when you can see the variations of people that exist in the world. Sherria: I'm very proud of them, accepting who they are. That that's what I’m most, most proud of. Te’riq: I felt, I felt really happy and excited. She’riq: I never thought I'd be a part of something like this. I’m just a, I'm just a regular person. Te’riq: Yeah, we're just normal people.
Channel: truly
Views: 5,593,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazing news, amazing stories, amazing story, amazing, barcroft media, barcroft tv, barcroft, documentary, real life, 2019, Born Different, Albinism, albino twins, twins, twin, Pembroke Pines, Florida, twin siblings, rare condition, albino, family, Barcroft TV, December 2019, 244808
Id: bA_irgP7rzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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