The Gospel of John in 7 Minutes

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the Apostle John wrote a story about his best friend and that's the book we're looking at right now tradition holds that he wrote the book like a lot of years after it happened probably around fifty years after Jesus went to heaven John is a man who never forgot any of the three years he spent with his best friend and he's remembering and writing their experience down before he too goes into the next life to be reunited with them John's Gospel is the most complicated of the foreign story telling a nonlinear structure but it's the simplest and aim' John's about belief that's it the book starts with a wonderful prologue a literary masterpiece Jesus is the word eternally being spoken by his father he came to bear witness about that light that all might believe through him that's why Jesus came that all might have the chance to believe Jesus saw a future disciple named Nathaniel and he told him something about his life and Nathaniel believed in him Jesus said because of this do you believe you'll see greater things than these Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding and his disciples believed in him he did miracles at Passover and many believed in him a Pharisee named Nicodemus had a midnight meeting with Jesus and was told the most iconic verse in the Bible for God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him should never die but have life forever John the Baptist confesses Jesus is the Christ and says whoever believes in the son has eternal life Jesus transcends societal norms and converses with a Samaritan woman alone at a well and quote many Samaritans in that town believed in him because of the woman's testimony John's about belief a government leaders sought Jesus power to heal his son and upon seeing the healing he and his whole family believed jesus healed a man who'd been crippled for 38 years on the Sabbath and the Pharisees hated him for it jesus replied for if you believed Moses you would believe me for he wrote of me the most Old Testament own of all time Jesus fed 5,000 people with one lunch and walked on water when the crowd from the feeding found him later he told them I'm the bread of life whoever comes to me shall not hunger and whoever believes in Me shall never thirst it's the first of seven I am statements Jesus would make in the book people were trying to decide if Jesus was the Messiah some of brothers didn't even believe Jesus said whoever believes in me as the scripture has said out of his heart will flow rivers of living water Jesus made a second I am statement I am the light of the world and while he was teaching many believed in him jesus healed a blind man and the Jews didn't believe that he had been blind and then received a sight until they called the parents of the man who had received his sight Jesus taught the people and gave two more I am statements I am the door and I am The Good Shepherd he also taught about his connection to the Father and many believed in him there one of Jesus best friends got sick and died he told his disciples Lazarus has died and for your sake I'm glad that I wasn't there so that you may believe but let us go to him upon raising his friend from the dead Jesus told Lazarus sister didn't I tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God Jesus was anointed by a woman named Mary he entered Jerusalem on a donkey while the people yelled Hosanna and told his disciples about his imminent death he also told them while you have the light believe in the light that you may become sons of light but many didn't believe so that the writings of Isaiah would be fulfilled Lord who has believed what he heard from us and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed some believe but didn't say anything for fear of being kicked out of the synagogue by the Pharisees Jesus had Passover with his disciples and told them about his betrayal while washing their feet and said I'm telling you this now before it takes place so that when it does take place you may believe that I am he he also gave them a sixth and seventh I am statement during their Passover dinner together he said I'm the way the truth and the life and then the final one I am the vine Jesus taught his disciples more over dinner and they said now we know that you know all things we don't need to question you this is why we believe that you came from God and Jesus says back do you now believe he's like after all this in Chapter 17 jesus prays the greatest prayer in the Bible to close out their dinner he even prays for me and for you he says I don't ask for these only but also for those who will believe in me through their word that they may all be one just as you Father are in me and you that they may also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me our entire mission is in those words Jesus was betrayed tried denied and delivered to be crucified he was tortured and died John the author and his friend was there instead of this moment fifty years later he who saw it has borne witness his testimony is true and he knows that he's telling the truth that you also may believe but death wasn't the end for the Son of God he killed death once and for all and rose again it wasn't just Lazarus that Jesus could raise from the dead Jesus raised himself from the dead his disciples found his tomb empty and believed one of them Thomas wasn't there and he said he'd never believe unless he saw Jesus and proof of his killing on his resurrected body Jesus gave him exactly that and said don't disbelieve but believe John then gives us his purpose statement as if it wasn't already obvious enough he says now Jesus did many other things in the presence of the disciples which are not written in this book but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and that by believing you may have life in his name there's an epilogue in chapter 21 where Jesus reunites and challenges Peter and the other disciples including the author john john's about belief John uses the word belief 99 times in his book maybe because he wanted the hundredth time to be you when you say I believe belief doesn't mean intellectual agreement you don't believe that two plus two is four it's a fact that you agree with belief doesn't mean hope you don't believe the Warriors will win the title this year you wish it belief means to have complete and total faith in something I've heard it said that you don't believe unless all your weight and fate are on something I got a great illustration of this from my dad there was a world famous high-wire Walker named Charles blond and he walked a wire across Niagara Falls and achieved a lot of fame he decided to one-up himself and push a man in a wheelbarrow on a wire across the falls right around the corner on the day of a stunt two men were arguing about whether or not it could be done not knowing that Charles Blondin himself was listening the daredevil turned to the man arguing for his success and said glad you think I can do it because I need a man to get in the wheelbarrow that guy didn't actually believe unless he was willing to get in do you believe this is the bullseye of the Bible the payoff of Scripture the foundation of a faith that has spread all over the world and changed my life do you believe in him God created man fell jesus promised Jesus fulfilled Jesus followed Jesus returning and the Bible is God's Word
Channel: Pastor Landon
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Keywords: john, gospel of john, bible project john, john bible project, john overview, john walkthrough, book of john, john in the bible, the gospel of john, gospel of john overview, gospel of john walkthrough, bible, bible overview, bible walkthrough, the bible, new testament, gospels, 4 gospels, landon macdonald, pastor landon, john summary, john explained, book of john summary, book of john explained, who is jesus, book of john sermon series, book of john overview
Id: Bv5-eTQjFdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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