The Glorious Napoleonic Revolution...this over pop is impossible to beat??

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just just watch this game just watch this game you I I I guarantee you won't be disappointed guys you will not be disappointed I know I've been doing a lot of KM recently I know I've been doing km a lot recently but this just just watch this game honestly it's so good it's so good Kevin Kevin has finally realized the power of a build order that I actually gave him so I gave Kevin a certain build order I'm not going to spoil it but I gave Kevin a build order obviously a basic build order but Kevin being a better player than I he's going to run with it and make it his own and do his own thing with it um so he's going to still be experimenting doing this build uh but just you wait just you wait Kim obviously does some insane stuff here as well like there's just moves after the move after the move and honestly when I was watching this game I did not know who was going to win and it was so good so let's introduce the players everyone knows everyone's fan favorite Skynet km the man the myth the legend I wonder if he's going to join our stream again I If He blesses our stream again oh world complete going up against Kevin everyone knows Kevin everyone likes Kevin he is arguably a top 10 player when he's playing certain cves exceptionally strong player always have good always actually have really good games versus Kevin I always enjoy playing Kevin he uh but he is a very very solid player and this is Kim though this is this is Kim and I don't know what it is Kim has this weird spell that he plays better the better his opponent is so the higher the ELO km's opponent is is the better he becomes it's just the way it is don't ask me don't ask me it's just the way it is Kevin in red on the right side here picking up a couple of water buffalos he's got a total of four now he's going to be happy with that can't complain with four let's compare that to Kim looks like he's got one two uh one two and he's eating one of them currently so really wants to get that fast stage up and look at the time around 2 minutes 20 without the house build is is sort of where what happens so 2 minutes 24 is pretty solid can't complain with that with with food Treasures it's just insane let's have a look at this deck he's going for his Old Faithful capitalism does have that for again like we saw with the Egypt revolt game he seems to be adap in and he seems to like the for as opposed to free up Towers which I like this this like a picking up 60 coin there he's aging up almost halfway looking pretty comfortable right now there's a TP in the middle of the map and he's just going to be chilling aging up with the Imam which I was told is their logistician but the logistician went down to 800 food I believe now which it clearly was the case because we saw him AG up with 800 food so the Imam age up actually is kind of interesting it's doesn't make your Fortress age quicker but it definitely gives it more more XP and can you put a price on8 XP you know it's pretty good it's pretty good and you you put them behind your base it's a pretty safe way of gathering XP especially if a TP gets taken down let's go have a look at Kevin uh going for 13 V age up here pretty quick age up time as well he going to be that that's a really good age of time probably got some food Treasures picking up a trap settler very nice hasn't got it yet but he's just about to I love this French explorer it's like the female Napoleon wait o o o the the female explorer was glitching out there that wasn't so sexy agent with the Quarter Master four Villages for a shipment getting those oh that's a very safe Market did a mosque always give more XP than a no I don't believe it did but it is 0.1 I believe I think a church gives 7 and a mosque gives 8 maybe mosques are just more holy maybe mosques are more holy than churches controversial I know controversial I know it's not controversial for me to say it though because like we said I am now the Arbiter of all religion I believe in every religion including atheism which isn't even a religion but I an atheist and both a religious person in every aspect of every religion anyone who remembers the Kim versus rev that game you'll know why I'm now a Believer should I say a Kima yeah that one didn't land too hard classic spy coming in here just about out going neck to neck Toe to Toe with that Scout that Scout putting some work against that spy but that spy is still going to have plenty of HP to two hit an Explorer which Kevin is keeping very close to his chest here he knows full well that that spy is out and he doesn't want any beef with it 700 gold is coming he did get a rack doesn't look like he's made anything so kind of a semi mask FF but he's not made any mask so basically a straight FF with the four villagers first and into 700 coin can we just talk about his deck can we just talk about his deck lion mode hey you you thought I was making it up when I told you about this build order that is a Lion Heart deck right there that is a Lion Heart deck right there all right that's magical that is Magic right there so we'll see what we're going to see it's a mystery probably not so much a mystery now going up with ancient regime he's aging up with the bishop the greed right now imagine aging up with the bishop versus Kim that takes bulls that takes bulls and we like Bulls on this channel we like Bulls on YouTube and we like Bulls on Twitch no # no homo # homo it's all the same thing not really but kind of do I know what I'm saying no am I chatting [ __ ] yes there comes that Royal Embassy wagon let's see if he makes any Royal Musketeers five Musketeers coming out slow age up but it's it's not actually that slow in the grand scheme of things cuz he didn't make any Musketeers when that 700 gold came in bang he was great into the age up so it's not actually going to be that slow Crim is aged up though he's got those four Deli now out oh and that's that treasure villager right there unfortunately looks like he's going to meet its Doom look at him it looks like he's got glasses on what a nerd yeah you deserve to die nerd imagine wearing glasses in the 16 1700s who wears glasses in the 16th century nobody they weren't invented then what a nerd get glasses before they were invented looking at Kim he's sending in the Moss construction I I did post a video yesterday on YouTube and my my fans on YouTube did uh did tell me how to pronounce the one of the texts the text that give you free bombards the the top two corpse huh H H that's thanks to my YouTube boys respect love you all love all my fans which is none oh that could have been a problem but he does back it up okay could have been a little bit of a problem could have got sniped there but he has got his Musketeers out so he is building some Royal Musketeers and some normal Musketeers these World Musketeers are kind of special they're just basically better Musketeers we'll have a look here6 HP compared to 150 22 range attack compared to 23 but the the special power of these guys and look at their little capes at the back look how cool they are these guys get a Charged ability uh which is about double double the attack something like that I think it is literally double attack uh which which just makes their kiting ability so more much more effective than normal Musketeers veterany is coming for the Musketeers he's now going up to age four this is Kim Let's have a look at his deck what he's gone for so no spy here he literally the first card was just 1,000 coin and look how fast this age up is he's all two3 aged up and it's not even 10 minutes yet this it makes it makes punishing this build so difficult especially if you don't age two push but he's aging up he's now getting the palace INRI and this is what I like this is clearly why Kim likes this double uh double mosque build so everyone he's wondering he's he's got two trading posts and and two churches two churches two mosques and that's what allows him to be able to get that 1K coin mosque construction and the palace entry card so to get to squeeze all of them in just before you've aged up and look at this timing now it's just the timing of this build is so good it's sweet as a nut it really is in comes the top chew corpse choo choo that's what I'm going to call these boys now Choo Cho bombards Thomas the Tank engines in they come threee bombards going to do very well against Fort Royale here the Royale with cheese has popped himself currently but 10 and a half minutes 10 and a half minutes there's three great bombards out in the field I mean he he does still have four Deli plus an Explorer with an eye of assassin crack shot like you're going to need like 10 cab to deal with this and if you haven't built a stable which Kevin hasn't it's going to be difficult to deal with he did age up with the free spyy as well look how much Havoc these are causing 18 vills for km 30 for Kevin and Kevin's trying to go for the the industrial build himself told you I told you I gave him a build order I gave him a build order and Kevin is following it these three spyy are slowing him down though he should be aging up by now the SP causing a massive issue one villager does go down there just look at the damage the spyy do they raid Beast they have no negative multipliers versus villagers which they actually probably should have they should probably have like a. five but they do 45 hand attack as it is can we argue that at least there's should be a 75 negative multiplier Tanis if you watching that TC is definitely going going to be going down as well um so that a that Bishop age up serves pretty much no purpose other than buying some time for Kevin he is going up for the AG as well shipping two falconet getting a little bit little bit of cold feet here little bit worried that he might be pushing in without any protection whatsoever looks like the two is that the 2tc wagon card oh the nisam are out as well damn this is looking quite this is looking rather scary Now Kevin oh Kevin he's doing it going for the BBN reforms which cost 900 resources 300 in each resource and that's going to give him two shipments just before he ages up Bravo Kevin Bravo you are following my build order down to a te and I love it love it we have a look at his build he's going went for three vills four vills 700 gold he did go for ancient regime I think a little bit early but seems to be working for him he went for for then 1K would he hasn't shipped 1K gold to do this industrial though so that's what I really like he's just he did get those Market techs early on and it's paid off for him because he just needed to put villagers on Golden food and that's how he got the age up he did make a decent amount of Musketeers as well on top of that so that's just you know the power of the French economy really showing its colors there running out of food though he's not going to have too much access to food so he's going to need to do something rather soon almost threee villagers almost uh sorry almost free shipments uh one of the reasons why FR I believe France have a really good industrial is because they they're one of the few SES that have access to four culverins which is a an actually a really insane card both Tempo or stopping tempo of your opponent and because things like great bombards heavy cannons just give so much Tempo so much destruction so having four CNS is really insane uh it's also worth 2,000 resources and the average is worth around the crate resource which is about 1,600 so a lot of Cs have kind of have two culverins now two falconets as one shipment together or they have three culverins but you know not many have that four culverin I think there's only a handful and that would that's that's as I will say you know that's such a good uh Sweet Spot number I know it's free to kill a great bombard in one but great bombards you know even if they take one of them down or they you lose a cover and bang you've still got that free left so it it makes a big difference I it sounds like I might be waffling there but honestly it makes a big difference having four as opposed to three it's just that extra security as well he's now aged up he did age up with the gold as well with the 1K gold and what I like to do with that 1K gold is go straight into the borbon Allies a really great shipment gives you veteran Bourbons 25 of them which is pretty damn good you can hugely overp as well so you can make a load from the Royal Embassy ship this in and you can overp by like 20 or so and it's really really good I believe that does automatically give them the veterancy tag as you see I did mention this to Kevin as well his Royal Musketeers currently are just age one or sorry ag2 Musketeers but bang that Shipman comes in it does Shadow te all of them into veterany as well and he now has 39 he now has 39 going for the field guns upgrade interesting not sure he's only got two of them so not sure why he's doing that Royal Guard BBN look how quickly that Tech comes in as well so now he's going to have royal guard Musketeers which is the equivalent of guard Musketeers um but they're better because like I said they've got that pistol charge attack which is double the attack so yeah looking really really good right now two heavy cannons it's just shipment after shipment after Shipman and that's the power of that ancient regim card but Kim has a plan of his own in comes those huge spy he which just have it's insane it's the church Tech he's got the top Che corpse here as well with the free great bombards which are going to do so much damage and the C they don't know what they're doing they can't find their ass from their [ __ ] hand oh the two heavy cannons are going to get sniped back for him as well finally the C start doing the damage but the Great bombards have done so much damage to the borons that the NS I think will clean up here there is still two heavy cannons uh sorry two falconet those heavy cannons going down is a massive shame they weren't even firing at the nisam there either theis guns are going to be a to clean up and actually Even Stevens really if Kevin can keep these C alive oh did you see that culverin just killed like five abis guns in one honestly people people underestimate Mass culverins versus low HP skirmisher type units which abis gun ugly is cuz it only has 13 HP bang look at look at the damage those cin are doing to the abis guns damn so uh looks like a bit of a I'd say a fair trade do I think anyone came out on top Kevin's micro could have been better there uh I mean Kim's micro could always be better but Kevin's could he could have cleaned that up so much sooner if he didn't lose so many uh Musketeers to those great bombards oh he would have he would have definitely won that a little bit more convincingly 37 vills for Kevin km on 38 actually on more wow and he he has been on three 3 TCS for quite a while now two bombards being shipped did ship that nine Cavalry archers interesting that he goes for two covered wagons as opposed to two uh one of his factories uh in the long run that's better to ship two factories but in the short to midterm it's definitely more effective to have a factory W it's basically like an instant eight vs if you upgrade it at least eight bills so he's booing pretty well right now making some Cav archers that's uh definitely the unit to build they shatter to veterancy because they're only a agree type unit so that means you don't have to spend that investment getting them to vet they're also just better than Janis series at being anti-a and generally Cav archers are a weird unit in in Legacy they never used to be that popular at all but in De they kind of are a better musketeer and you better believe it Kevin has just revolted to the Revolutionary France the Glorious Revolution France c bonjour there they are now this is the this is exactly what Kevin asked me to I didn't want to give it away earlier but Kevin goes right I need a build order for the French Revolution give it to me and this is it baby this is it he's this is like one of his first few games during the French Revolution and he's already pulling it off better than I am one thing that makes this revolution so goddamn good is that you can batch train the you can batch train the Sans scates and look how quickly they get built it's basically like a fast military unit being made but they do serve as still a villager like these guys you know they still it's only about half of what a French KY deore gives but it's still4 wood there it's still 6 food on berries it's still 66 on gold and now you can bash train so technically really you can boom even better in the French Revolution because you can bat train you have the ability to bat train these units I did give I did give Kevin a couple of tips as well on certain good cards he's trying to ship this card here client states which gives 500 gold and five revolutionaries per TP you have you can see here is trying to get some TPS and uh if you get if you get like five TPS or even four TPS it's 2K gold and 20 revolutionaries so insane it's a really insane card and I do actually believe um that this revolution is being slept on a little bit I I do regard this as other than Chile Revolt I would say this is the best Revolt in the game he only had two TPS up at the time so it looks like he was only able to get 10 revolutionaries and 1K gold but that's actually still a 2K resource shipment with two TPS so that is that is still a pretty good resource value card he's got there the G Cav Archer are coming in oh and that's a lot of bombard though there is two heavy cannons if as long as Kevin has a way of dealing with these artillery pieces watch these guard cavaly archers they will not do a dent into these scan squalis one thing to note though Kevin has forgotten to send Pioneers this game you can't send Pioneers once you're in this revolution you have to send Pioneers before you revolt and it does give these Sans scotes like what 300 HP or something like that something ridiculous but these guys take a look at these stats they are their villagers but at the same time they have 23 ranged attack which isn't bad at all they have double bonus versus artillery double bonus versus heavy infantry two times versus pet but the most important thing is that they have 40% range resist 40% range resist these the these carry archers are doing about 10 damage the great bombards though they will do a lot of damage but look at these God look at these Cav archers getting absolutely slaughtered there's Musketeers in there there's a couple of revolutionaries as well but it's the Sans scotes that are doing the backbone of this Army and that's essentially why the revolution is so effective look at that bombard just go down to one hit no melee involved now shipping in the guillotine which gives resources I think it has something and sets ranged attack bonus against hero to two um yeah a bizarre card you definitely want gives 1500 resources right now Sans Scot infi more damage against Heroes uh feels like you want to save that card generally or it's a good card to send against China or Aztec you know those sort of cves that have insane uh hero HP but now and this is the this is the great thing about this revolution is look at the scores as well look at the score right now just clean that Army up from km km is going to be doing good he's on 70 vill so bosniac coming in as well so he's doing fine but caval archers are not going to do well versus Sans skots so yeah these sanses I mean he he can decide he can do whatever the hell he wants to do with them he can decide to push he can decide to Boom continue booming put them on food you know he can push uh what I would like to do is they they want to be on these herds uh to be able to produce more of them so you want to dominate the map right now with the Sans scotes as part of your army and then once you've got the map control just put them on food some nice macro going on here by Grim he's got plenty of resources bosniacs coming in uh bosniacs will actually do well versus sanses the one thing they are quite weak against is Cavalry Mass Cavalry they don't actually have any bonuses versus Cal nor do they have melee resist seates attack big kelei coming in you coming at a great time yes you really are seeing this kin versus Kevin and Kevin has has revolted to the French Revolution wow five horse artillery coming in but that's not what's going to do the damage the damage is the Sans lot there's what going to do the damage to these guard uh guard Cav archers Kevin this is I I'm so I'm so glad it's like a a it's like having a son who surpassed his dad I'm the dad and Kevin's the son uh when it comes to this revolution this revolution Kevin is really making this his own now he's just popping off with this absolutely love to see it shipping in the 1500 resources 500 in each resource both his factories on heavy cannons that was a French kiss that's what they do isn't it in France kiss on the cheek [Music] G and look this is exactly what he's doing look he's taking the M these Sans scotes get 7 food per second so he's really now he's deciding to push in a little bit made a couple there just the heavy Cannon production these guys yeah going to collect that beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful Kim adapting making some cin just have some more spoty now as well scores really caught up for Kim so he's bounced back really hard there which is nice Spar are going to be the perfect counter here now imagine muk's right now like this I'm not sure why kareim likes to have bosniacs in his deck because mamalukes are so much better mamalu would be really difficult to kill for Kevin right now has seen them so I think he's going to decide to back up a little bit it's saf it to come over here picking up those resources now both his factories are on gold not sure what that's going to be for maybe he wants to make culverins Kim on 73 vills he did lose a few vills there Explorer is going to go down there by the looks of it did get the eye of assassin cracker shot that horse is sleeping on the job there get up you're in a battle this is the one thing these santes are bad at and it is healing villagers yo big kelei coming over here what what was that raid big raid of 27 yo how you doing kelian folks is Kevin trolling no Kevin is not trolling he's playing his heart out here not trolling at all this was definitely the build order and I've spoken to to Kevin and he is loving this build he is absolutely loving this build he's really enjoying it he's almost gutted he wasn't doing it sooner and I said hey I've awoken the masses you know I tried to do what I could I've inspired Kevin and now I'm sure Kevin being a better player than I will inspire the masses and I hope anyone watching this uh this because this is going to be going on YouTube regardless of who wins this I hope this inspires the masses for people to stop doing this cuz it's such a fun Revolt clearly a lot of thought has gone into this Revolt by the developers uh I think they've done an absolutely fantastic job i' I I would love to see more revolts like this oh yeah y Big B stat bore just subscribed loving the Revolt content I'm loving you I'm loving you cheers to you here look cheers Sunshine clink thank you very much for the prime big boy appreciate it 18 months what a boast and we are all about the revolts on this stream I love Revolt changes I love revolts becoming you know I love revolts not just being Allin crazy bat [ __ ] you know things uh I love having unique revolts like this cuz it's basically like playing another civilization that's that's what this is it's basically like playing another civilization uh km on 80 vills going for more spyy here so Kim doing really good and he's actually up in school right now let's have a look over over at Kevin and believe me guys this game gets better and better he's just know he's happy sitting on berries let's have a look see how many currently on 55 Sans scotes so definitely lots of more room for another what is it 25 or so Kim taking the middle map here and do my eyes deceive me Kevin wants this I can I can feel it I can sense it Kevin wants in the Napoleonic era oh oh oh there it is oh and I I can't even there's there's so many changes I I I I would have to spend a whole stream just explaining all the changes that this Napoleonic era gives going up to this Revolt the Glorious French Revolution you know it changes things about the royal guard the Royal Musketeers it gives you the church text to get the deers but the Napoleon the Napoleonic era that's that's a really difficult word to say so quickly as well era it's Napoleonic era that's it I have to say that slowly uh cuz Napoleon is quite a odd sound to make for an Englishman it's almost like I'm I'm being a traitor to my country by saying the word Napoleon so much and and and there's something about this this revolution is like the the best revolution in the game it's the most fun Revolution it's the most intriguing Revolution um and and it's the French but it's okay that's okay come to terms with that now I love my Frenchy boys I love my I love my Kevins and my gigs and look at this look at that flag as well by the way look at the flag look at that flag blowing in the wind isn't it glorious so now he's revolted the Royal Embassy takes the Royal musketeer to the next level it changes them to the foot carabina carabina carabina this guy has this guy is basically the musketeer with the mortar attack with the grenade launcher look at these stats look at those stats with the grenade launcher Tech they're better than H5 Musketeers I keep telling everyone this that this these Musketeers are better this Revolt the Glorious the the nepon Napoleonic era is better than age5 in my opinion you get to spam all of these Royal Embassy units you get the the horse carabina as well which is the the second unit you get from the Royal embassies it's not just the Musketeers you get those goon type units with a strong hand attack and he's going to be spamming them out as well and look at this overp right now oh and he's even shipped the 100 Days card we this is there there's so much about this this Revolution and it's just shipment after shipment after shipment because you get lots of XP just shipping this this this card gives you 220 XP it costs, 1500 resources but it gives you a musketeer for each unit you have lost he's about to get a 100 Musketeers 100 Musketeers although hold your horses it's not as good as you think because it does basically give you Russian Musketeers H2 Musketeers although he does have the veterancy tech for them so it is slightly better look at these boys I double click them and I can't even get the full 100 these guys look at this look at this overp and it's only about to get sweeter he can still ship the grenade the Grenadier Tex what she's doing the sand scotes as well imagine if he pushes in with all of this oh I can't keep up with everything there's so many cards to talk about as well there's so many good cards here he's going for the Imperial Old Guard which I actually think is quite a bad card but it lets your grenadiers have more resistance um there is actually a fun Grenadier card here which allows your grenadiers to mine chop wood and construct buildings yes grenadiers can become half villagers why doesn't matter why just because now he's getting the middle guard the Old Guard and I think they're the final ones look at the skins on these bad boys oh that's one of the things I loved about the the recent updates is that everything has a separate skin everything has its own unique feeling and look at this you cannot tell what each unit does right now he's over he's currently on 352 pop yes you are seeing this correctly how did km stop this these horse carabinas are AG five units as well they have 48 hand attack why I don't know why he's got 100 veteran Musketeers Sans scotes with with 40% range resist he's got crazy old guards which have 86 Siege 74 hand attack he's got these foot carabinas which are Musketeers on steroids he's got an insane amount of heavy cannons and other our bits of artillery and km's revolted to Egypt oh my goodness me this is the craziest game I've ever seen and and as much as I enjoyed watching the Egypt revolution for the first time the other day yesterday there's just no chance again he still over popped he still can't make units and that was everything km had even a Revolt he's now shipping in Imperial the ability to get Imperial upgrades for all his units yes these guys can get Imperial they can also ship this card oh and he's already given up he can also ship this card which gives an extra two multipliers versus heavy cab so French goons drons are the best drons in the game because they have they can get a times five multiplier an imperial draon with a times five multiplier against heavy C it's namesake Glorious Revolution the Glorious Revolution oh I I have no words that was nothing but glorious Kevin I gave Kevin a very basic build order with this and Kevin has just made it his own just made it a fantastic awesome build and it was just beautiful it was beautiful to watch absolutely beautiful has a shipment here which gives two additional revolutionaries for each shipment you currently could have been 38 there's all sorts there's like uh for almost 2K gold you can get five mamalukes and five Gatling camels there's the three heavy cannons and three horse guns I think he shipped that card uh infinite one Heavy Artillery uh you know French Royal Army allows you to Musketeers and how it is to get um uh promotions you can stop your opponent getting shipments with some of these some of these things there there's so much saying you've got flying battery and uh Graal system which just makes uh your heavy cannons insane they fire faster with this and they do more damage with this like there's just so much cool stuff um about this about this revolution there's there's so much unexplored stuff as well and it was just absolutely beautiful and uh yeah they have it guys watching now I jizz my pants I hope you [ __ ] with me we basically had one massive orgy guys watching on YouTube this is this is from the past or you'll be you'll be [ __ ] in the future again I'm talking smack I don't care I'm excited
Channel: Lion Heart
Views: 12,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ageofempires3, aoe3, aoe3 pro, LionHeart, Lion Heart, Lionheart_UK, Microsoft, Gaming, RTS, Real time Strategy, DLC, aoe3 high level, Knights of the Mediterranean, ff, revolt, fast fortress, age of empires 3 revolt, native, FI, Fast Industrial, learn aoe3, Fun, USA, Mexico, China, Brits, Malta, Italy, Ports, Ottoman, Otto, Dutch, Maya, Russia, Spain, Japan, India, Haud, Lakota, Inca, Sweden, Aztec, tips, tricks, get better at aoe 3, improve, Twitch, Twitch Streamer, Aoe 3 streamer, Aoe 3 Discord, Cast, AOE 3 Tier list
Id: Aehfv21CWVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 38sec (2198 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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