The Girl Without a Phone - a Snow White Story

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pencil or no pencil pencil. Do you want Steve in the background? I don't know does he deserve it? My phone blows up every time you tag me. You love it. Maybe someday I'll let you be my real boyfriend. A free phone? Once I hit 50 000. That's that's totally doable. Just a matter of time. Your your first brand deal. Drop this off at the library, I hate going in there. Of course deuces. Jen. Yeah. We don't say that anymore. Right, see ya. So what do you think? um who did them? me. How old were you? I worked on them this week. Oh. Yeah I'm thinking of changing electives next term maybe taking art. hmm okay yeah no. Oh i'm just starting. and now it's time to stop, this isn't you they're these are bad. Okay. You have to stay in the classes that I'm taking I need you there. I mean who else is gonna tell me how pretty I am? Probably everybody. Probably but still I can't have an artsy boyfriend. So I am your boyfriend. I know we're so cute together I'm just contouring he's five months older I straighten my hair I am not telling you where I live. Hey Nikki have you seen the remote. I don't watch tv dad. Your mom's missing The Kardashians. Moms missing the Kardashians? Yeah um can you help us find the remote please? Dad I am live streaming okay you're a high school principal the world doesn't need to know about your Kardashian obsession. Okay sorry. What no Steve did not post that I know everything he posts I approve it all. If you're lying I'm coming after you oh my god I can't believe you're making me do this. Hey. What are you doing? Oh some homework. Who is lillybean016? oh someone that goes to our school. Why are you reposting her stupid emoji pictures. I thought they were cute, you know she makes them? So you just share it? Well I like emojis. She has 37 followers she doesn't even show her face. That doesn't mean. Yes it does delete it. Okay fine. Steven if you want to be my boyfriend you have to start acting like it. Did you see it? See what? A girl at school has more followers than you. What lilybean016 she had nothing yesterday. How? Steven made her viral. Who is she. She's streaming live in the sewing room right now. Hey what's the name of your fake instagram account? Which one? I don't know it's like Aurora something. She's bullying people on her instagram account. Okay Aurora she's she's blind and Lily keeps sending her these sunglasses emojis totally making fun of her for being blind and now Aurora wants to run away it's totally out of control. Yeah but if she's blind how can she. Dad she's using the sewing room to bully other students this school has a zero tolerance policy on bullying that is your rule so what are you gonna do about it? Okay so this is the in-school suspension. What does that mean? It means you'll spend the rest of your classes in here instead of your regular classroom. What is this? Well we call it the co-op, um just give that to Mr. Klausen he's expecting you they're on a field trip right now so you can go in and work on your homework for now okay you'll be fine. Hey do you remember when you got that gum stuck in your hair? Yeah and Flo had to use the scissors to cut it out. Yes and I sliced your scalp open. Yes and I tried using extra gum to stop the bleeding. Yeah and the blood kept coming. Yes and it formed a giant bubble on your head. Yes and you walked around school all day with that that giant bubblegum blood bubble on your head. Yeah and it started that bubble hat fashion trend. Yes and when it finally exploded. Wait what? Who are you? I'm lily. I um I have here. Are you Mr Klausen? Professor Klausen. Sorry. Are you joining us. Yes. I think. I don't know for how long. Who are you guys? We are the high q society. The what? The high iq. yes. The einstein club. We're the smartest in the whole school. Yes keep going build. Yes uh we are here on an assignment to analyze the the color temperature from these electric diodes. okay. You see uh typical fluorescent light emits a color temperature of 4000 degrees kelvin. Kelvin? Yes it's a unit of measurement invented by Calvin Klein. It's how he gets such great profit margins off of his line of men's underwear. I'm sorry I don't get it. Pivot. That's that's because actually we are north side secondary's elite dance squad. Support. Northside nation. recover. Actually the the dance is just a little something on the side we're really. Home schoolers. Homeschoolers? uh yes we meet here once a week to develop social skills. No we meet here every day. Blocking. Never mind we meet here once a week. Every day yes every day. Justify. Because our homes burnt down. Yes we have no homes. We are the homeless homeschoolers. Great job very nice you're learning. What just happened? Oh don't worry it's all over they were practicing on you. They're practicing? Yeah they're the school's dramatic improvisation team the northside gnomes. You look happy. I just used my daddy's credit card to buy instagram followers. He thinks it was for school supplies. Back on top and now she's out of that stupid sewing room whatever will she post about? uh can I get a volunteer to get some textbooks from the resource room anyone? Stephen volunteer. Oh yeah sure I'll go. Thank you. Boys are so unchivalrous nowadays. See the most important part about improvisation is that you be a yes person, if somebody has an idea you accept it and you build on it with your own idea. They do a really good job with that. Anybody can say yes. If you're a yes person amazing things can happen in your life. Are you a yes person? Mostly on the weekends. Excuse me is this the resource room? Give it a try help him out. Do you mean like? Yes. Yes. See if you had said no then he would have left and the story would have ended. This is a story? It could be. I'm looking for some math textbooks do you know where they are? No. Um I mean yes I will help you find them. Thanks, hey aren't you the emoji girl? Yes that's me. Those are cool. Thank you I'm Steve I'm Lily. Do you always curtsy like that? Yes I learned it from my grandmother who's a duchess in England. So are you royalty? Yes, technically I'm a princess. oh um oh no don't. A small one's fine. Her ancestry stems from the Windsor clan. Is that a big one? She was born in a castle. Like a castle castle? And she's cousins with Adele. Adele have you met her? Just at family gatherings. She once went on stage with her at a concert. Seriously? I don't remember I was little. Keep going build. But uh Adele dropped her and she bumped her head. and that's how I lost my British accent. Oh my god that's like so amazing. I've never met anyone so interesting or so uh. so? so yeah. Um were these the books you were looking for? maybe probably sure. Thanks, good luck with your emojis. Oh do you want one? Actually? Yeah here pick any one you like. Is this one okay. Yes. I better get back to class. By the way who are you guys? They are the school's acapella jazz trio. I was thinking maybe this weekend we can go check out the open mic at sleepy's cafe. Who's going? Well we could go. You're funny. Oh I need your english please. Oh yeah yeah. What's this? That's a heart emoji. Yeah I can see that but why do you have it? Nothing I I got it from the emoji girl you should see the group she's with in the resource room oh they act and they sing. Steven. What? Who are you? huh. Listen to yourself. I thought they were cool. You're being selfish, how do you think this makes me look. I don't know. Think about the people around you for a change Steven. Life's not all about you. He fell into a pile of dirty cucumbers and discovered a girl in the kitchen baking apple strudel. Welcome back. A bake sale? Just a little something to help raise money for your club. That's very kind of you. Can we try some? Justin. Sorry. Can we? Of course, we need some expert cookie testers. I'm good at that. I bet. But we'll need help promoting it so who has social media. me. Oh I do. I have a lot of followers on instagram. Great lily why don't we take a picture and we can post it. oh okay. I'll take it out on your phone. Everybody in perfect oh so cute. Oh just having a little trouble I think it's this case oh yeah all right I'm just gonna pop it off all right ready say cookie. Cookie. so cute. okay lily why don't you post it and make sure Oh I'm so sorry here let me. That's okay it was it was my fault. You should really get a better case for it. Yeah. How many of these do you want in the pic? All of them, I want to look cute and cuddly after I'll just like throw them out or something I don't know. Hey isn't this a no makeup selfie challenge. Yeah so? It doesn't mean you actually don't wear makeup it just has to look like it. You don't get 50 000 followers by playing by the rules I need that free phone. And you're almost there. Oh my god what she posted again. Who? Lily. What? She must be using someone else's phone. She has a sponsor. Who? Some new skincare brand oh hey I know them. What are they like proactive or something? No cooler you upload a selfie and you get a custom prescription for like awesome skin. So she thinks she has better skin than me now. Of course not. This is so out of her league. Hey look there's a coupon code for a free bottle. Lily1. No no you are not doing that. Unless they sponsor me too. This is your fault. What. Her popularity if you hadn't shared her post. I thought it was a neat it was just an emoji. Just an emoji. You know what just go. Like finish your homework? No like goodbye I'll use this stand to hold the light at least it won't promote other girls instagram accounts. Breaking her phone wasn't enough I have to go all the way. Congratulations are there any leftover cookies? Just for you. Next we should do a car wash. Let's spread the word on all of your accounts let me have your phones. You too Lily. Oh that's right. I can still post it on their phones. No I feel bad here use mine. Are you sure? Of course you should be the first to post this. Log in put your username and password. Perfect. all right. Everybody squeeze in ready this will be so nice say Nikki. Nikki. Got it thank you so much you're welcome. Just let me log you out and Oh no. What? I hit the wrong button. That's okay you can just. No you don't understand Lily I deleted your account. You what? I'm so sorry you have every right to be mad you should be. Scream. Yell, let me have it I deserve it be mad. It's okay. What? It's not that big of a deal. Yes it is, you had thousands of followers I just deleted them all. It's okay I didn't really know most of them. I just deleted your account it's gone. I'll make a new one it was fun. It's fun, losing everything you should hate me. I can't hate you. Yes you can. No I can't. Why not? Because I know what you're doing. You do? I know what's going on here. You do. Of course. You're my fairy godmother. You're what? You're just not very good at it, but that's okay. This probably sounds pretty weird but uh this sort of thing happens to me all the time It seems to me like the people from the improv team are like the dwarfs from snow white. but there's only three of them. Okay then maybe they're like the fairies from sleeping beauty. So then who'd be the evil queen? I guess there isn't one. And I thought I was Cinderella you know it's possible that this whole fairytale thing could just be in our imaginations I mean you never even got kissed. What a rip-off. Maybe. Oh are you coming to the improv show tonight. I'm in it It'll be fun um it better not be one of those shows where they make you do audience participation. It's not like that. Because I'm not going on stage. I promise no one will make you go on stage. We're gonna need to volunteer from the audience. You, you sir, let's give a hand for Steve Steve. Okay so our first activity is called fake fairy tales first we need a fairy tale. Cinderella. Cinderella, now since this is fake fairy tales we're going to do a gender reversal version called Cinderfella. Once upon a time there was a poor young boy named Cinderfella. Um that's me all the animals loved him. He lived with his evil stepfather. Cinderfella get those dirty dogs out of the house now clean up their poop. He also lived his way too cool step brothers. Yo yo wassup bruh. Uh hey brother. Pound it. One day a messenger arrived with an invitation. A royal ball dang we gonna check out that princess tonight. So they started getting ready for the ball. Cinderfella um yes brother my pants ain't baggy enough fix 'em. Where's my leather jacket and shades. Right away. Cindefella begged to come with them. Can I uh come with you guys? Begged to come with them. Please please please let me come with you. But there was more cleaning to do at home. Cinderfella was left sad and alone he cried and cried and cried and those tears summoned a magical leprechaun. Oh Cinderfella I see yer in a bit of a wee pickle. Yes fairy god leprechaun um I want to go the ball and meet the princess. Well let's see what we can do for ya. So the leprechaun cast a magical spell that made him cooler and cooler and cooler until he became the coolest dude in the kingdom. Here's the keys to me car. Oh and be back before midnight. Meanwhile at the ball the evil stepbrothers were creeping on princess charming. Yo princess. Check out these moves. But princess charming wasn't interested. Actually you two smell. Oh yeah it's all natural. You know you like it. But when Cinderfella entered the ball princess charming couldn't take her eyes off of him. Beautiful music started to play. But when the clock struck 12 Cinderfella panicked and ran off. Wait come back. The next day princess charming searched for her mystery man. She searched high and low finally arriving at. Hello sir do you have any fine young men living here? Oh the finest. She had them each try on the cap. Is there anyone else? No no more. Are you sure? Well just this lazy ugly scrawny piece of. But the princess insisted. I insist. The cap fit she had found her true love. and they lived happily ever after the end it looked really nerve wracking but it was like so impressive. I didn't know you could do that. Lily these were left for you. oh from who? uh doesn't say. oh my goodness. My mum's picking us up out front if you want a ride. Oh yeah i'll meet you there. I just have to get something from my locker. Okay princess. Hey. Hey. You left your emojis. Oh my goodness thank you. That was pretty awesome huh. Yeah it was it was good. I'm happy. Yeah that was uh pretty cool. And I'm sad that it's over. Well um I'm angry. but why? Oh I don't know um cause I never met you earlier. Well you make me speechless. Well I'm Shocked that you feel that way. You should be because I'm a nerd. No. Well you have to say yes that's the rule. Well fine if you're a nerd then I'm a nerd too. This is uh getting cringy. Yeah yeah um I should uh I should I should go um. You have to say yes. Rules are rules.
Channel: YAP TV
Views: 51,096,658
Rating: 4.7620373 out of 5
Keywords: Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, Princess, Little Mermaid, Disney, Belle, Frozen, Elsa, Young Actors Project, YAP, Prince, Charming, Evil Queen, Kissing, Kiss, Pretty, Love, Frog, Robert Randall, Short Film, Fairy Tale, Grimm, Hot, cute, beautiful, funny, fashion, Aurora, Esmerelda, teen, high school, comedy, cheerleaders in the chess club, thirteen, wonderland high, locker combo, romance, romantic, aladdin, beauty, beast, queen, Ariel, Jasmine, Pocahontas, Princess and the Frog, rhys dawkins
Id: Ci7fv4ghrPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 54sec (2154 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2017
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