Cheerleaders in the Chess Club | Season 1 "The Mystery"

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we're gonna be like for cheer I know and that's okay it'll be fine you sure about this yes just don't get it look don't even worry about cheer you wouldn't even be on the squad if it weren't for me okay you're my friend right of course we do things together like Batman or Robin and who's Batman you are and his Batman always right yes no she's not but you trust her because she's the smart one [Music] [Music] welcome to the Bulldog chess blog in today's episode we will be talking to Garth about a series of opening moves called the Kings gambit Garth what can you tell us about this exciting style of play well when the Kings gambit is not for the light of heart exposing your Kings OC might seem risky but there's a reason why it was the third most popular opening of the 17th century 19th century 19th century that is a 9 well it looks like a 7th well it's a 9 well some people put a line through their sevens I thought it was a 7 let's just start again if you are idiots [Music] hello oh hello welcome we are here to join the Chess Club yes come in come in everyone this is would you like to introduce yourselves sure I I'm Jessica and I'm Ashley burns we know everybody knows Ashley burns hello Bree cheerleaders in the Chess Club that sounds like something Disney Channel barked out are you here to make fun of everyone cuz I already do that they are here to join our club I didn't know you played chess I don't counselor made me join what's your Excuse we just wanted to support this worthwhile Club really and we really like checkers chess chess yes I meant for style checkers on our clothes I this really nice checkered skirt actually it's plaid but lines of stuff are good too that's why we're here why's everyone looking at me like that because you're pretty thank you barf you're more than pretty you're both angels this is so amazing I can't believe you guys are joining us you are going to love chess club it's a place where we can total yourselves that's great I'm Cindy can I show you my official chess club handshake okay actually you're gonna have to fill up these forms and get them signed by your parent or guardian before you're officially able to participate what's not over call things they're here to play well it's something weird I happen to them they technically wouldn't be covered by the school's insurance you mean like if they slipped on Howard's drool very funny that's not a joke that actually happened I'm glad I'm the captain Oh captain do you know a lot about chess what's your ranking we might need a little learning well you came to the right place ladies just so happens they give chess lessons on the side really this is Garth at your service truth is there's lots learn about the game of kings the first thing you'll want to work on is a good opening move okay opening moves are my specialty I know them all French Sicilian Dutch I'd be happy to give you a demonstration if you are interested either during Club time or after sure that sounds good no thanks think it over it's all free just one of the benefits of membership with you to joining well finally other members for watch out for the tables they're fine well it's something were to happen off you're going to scare them off by after you go free I'm not acting freaky you are what are we you have to get to cheer practice by 4:00 right chess club sounds like the perfect fit for your schedule yeah no doubt so uh have a look around we have just pieces of boards timer we're a little underfunded but this yes see technically that's not part of the club playing more than one game but your skills like athletes that play two sports crust training okay and this is penny are you a good witch or bad witch what we're not which is these are cheerleader uniforms that's from The Wizard of Oz it's her favorite movie where my mean Dorothy when she arrived in Oz we don't see people like you around here she's the most mature of the group really why I have a boyfriend seriously his name's Brandon he's really young that's just his baby picture he's much older now he doesn't go to this school he goes to East Side Elementary I like young men want a lollipop just like the munchkins oh and there's one more person you have to meet she's really wonderful and she can't wait to get to know you guys and tell you all about ourselves Cindy no no no no no no perfect opportunity show me good this is Beth hi Beth there say hi you can do it you're friendly Cindy her teacher said not to do that she just needs encouragement I'll help you we just move your lips and push some act just like this here we go hello my name is Beth and I'm really happy to talk to you today she doesn't talk she can't she can she just doesn't but we still love her suck him around she's just shy technically she's diagnosed as a selective mute Howard can I talk to you out here you never said it would be like this like what freaks and weirdos they're not freaks and weirdos they're my friends how about I just be registered I don't actually have to be here you could just have me on the list you need to be here you can make this club excellent it's chess club how excellent can it be really excellent you're delusional and they're weird actually you're weird do you agreed to be a part of the group well I'm changing my mind this is over then I'm posting the video you dare watch me oh my god Howard are you blackmailing the captain of the cheerleaders butt out Bri I'm so proud of you you're like a gangster with a fanny pack this has nothing to do with you sure it does I'm in the Chess Club what's on the video that must be juicy why else would you want to hang with us losers I never said you were losers no that's right he said freaks and weirdos [Music] I say post it I don't want them in the club anyhow [Music] are you in or are you out [Music] we're joining chess club let's play [Music] would you like to start our new chess video blog episode your what our chest video blog every week we make a new one with the new chest lesson it's gonna be so awesome after 22 subscribers yeah eight of those are Howard speaking accountants they're not fake they're subscribers for my gaming channel countries worldwide this is going to be so exciting I think I'll let someone else be the star so what do I say you just read it off the cue cards anybody can do it and you really think I'm ready for on camera your natural trust me I don't know how to spot talent actually Jessica you should really learn more about chess before you go on camera and do something you might regret right good idea I'll teach you great if you change your mind don't worry we know where to find you get me out no I'm good I don't want to play I actually don't like chess no offense it's just on my thing look don't take it personally it's nothing against you I'm just having a non chess moment why are you doing that seriously can you please stop okay fine there I'm playing oh my god guys we have a production schedule can we please follow it yeah it's just trying to make them feel welcome whose turn is it on camera it is your turn and my turn on camera Garth is the cameraman all right just let me go fix my hair you're behind the camera yeah I know I just want to go fix my hair I'll do the camera okay fine here they're all in order that this won't this won't open just hit the red button you need a passcode Oh just uh don't turn it off now make sure you frame it evenly on both sides yeah whatever okay get ready to say cheese what oh it's just Howard what have you ever thought about gelling your hair back why oh it's just you could be really good-looking if you wanted to oh okay is this necessary I'm just thinking of the success of the blog butter he looks on camera the more followers will get right I guess but Garth has a beard job might as well oh all right don't you think he's good-looking I don't know you can admit it I'd rather not look at him I mean his face is it's really you know it's symmetrical this is the mummy and this is the daddy which one of the mommy you can tell because she has a flower the mommy move anywhere she wants daddy moves one step at a time what about this that's their house you can move like this like this let's put their pony can twist twist like this what are those mommy and daddy had a lot of babies what about that one oh that's the aunt she moved in after her husband cheated on her and now she has a drinking problem so she can only move like this all right now you're ready to play Howard you are so handsome if I was your mother I would be proud Thanks how's this we're trying to appeal to a younger audience you can't just give an old man style I think it's dashing handsome grandpa it's not what we're after here trust me needs a little more of a little bit of and the glasses they gotta go I need those to read cue cards can we get this going we are two-thirds of the way through club time and we haven't even started filming Garth you're back on camera brie has disappeared [Music] this is how we do it 2:16 the only death wish this is how to achieve blade level 27 mm-hmm [Music] this is how we do it 216 Xenoblade Death Wish episode 207 this saga unlock the particle incinerator was that a good move hmm I don't know why don't we ask Chester who's Chester oh he is Chester the Jester he's an expert at chess Cindy have you seen him lately hmm he's such a sneaky little rascal he must be around here somewhere Oh Chester did someone call my name hi Chester good to see you this is Jessica horn Jessie you know it's Jessica don't be rude that's okay she's nice so good seems to be the problem well I didn't know if this was a good move or not hmm let me see I'm sure he'll figure it out he's taught me everything I know hmm all right here's what I've decided okay who cares just up fun you can't do that you already moved your king you can't castle once you've done that it's no big deal I don't really care whatever no it's fine just play the way you want I just thought you guys knew the rules you know how to play chess yeah I've played you can do it it's just free fine let go what are you doing oh my god this is insane what is your deal seriously could you just like say something hello a little communication would be appreciated okay you know what never mind you can play by yourself have fun hi this is my mate Howard and today on our series on mates is the fools mate which is the quickest traffic only two moves Howard and I will mount them hi this is my mate Gwen and next up on our series of mates is the stalemate so are you going to tell me what why are these new girls in the club we had spaces available and they weren't to join them they sure are pretty yes Thank You Cindy it seems to me that they don't actually want to be here chess is an acquired taste give them some time it's just odd that two athletic people would want to join our intellectual Club they are clearly different and very pretty yes thank you we heard you the first time well this is part of your problem you always see everything in black and white perhaps why you like Jessie what do you sing they judge people do clearly say that but this is only the first four meeting and you seem to have a pretty strong opinion about them I know I have a strong opinion about them I think they're very pretty yes Cindy that is wonderful good for them what are they doing here not everybody is gonna fit into your little box with a label on it everybody may have something special that it's not apparent on the surface [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry about Ashley she doesn't always understand people that are different when we were younger she was afraid to come to my birthday parties because my aunt was fat she got over it because one time my mom had to bring her to the hospital and she got to know her there and learned that she was actually really nice she was pretty fat though where can this one go again I've never talked to someone can't speak before let's be hard to get people to understand you or maybe it's easier I talk a lot and it doesn't always help that people can understand me probably because they say dumb things a lot at least that's what my friends say can we please just stop talking about the cheerleaders and start filming you're the one who brought them up I think you may be jealous excuse me I've seen this behavior before with guys they're threatened by me it happens they think I'm gonna steal their girlfriends and are you not all the time that is completely unrelated to what we are talking about and I'm pretty sure you've never actually had a girlfriend it's like in snow white with the evil queen when she realizes there's someone fairer than her I'm not the evil queen I am the nice one now can we please just end this conversation and start filming the blog fine let's do it actually we don't have a camera and now to show you dance move up and put it on I call this one the happy [Music] stuff your waist pack with something heavy I'm using medium rocks actually burns we're playing truth or dare and I was dared to do this okay what are you doing nothing we need this yeah sorry no I just had to go to the bathroom next time sign out so we know where you are yeah I'll do that today's lesson on chess sneak attacks the key element to a successful stink attack is the element of surprise so let's say your opponent's rook is on f8 and you decide to move that was too early what are you doing it's a sneak attack you're not supposed to see it coming let's just start again [Music] oh my god Devo Khloe Kardashian who Khloe hello the youngest Kardashian sister what does that have to do with chess nothing look she just posted a state face you mean stink face no stink face I don't understand what's a stink face it's like stink but it's tank if it's passed cents then it should actually be stunk what are you like a teacher no but I am trying to teach you about chess okay then why did I just beat you checkmate what plan is more of a Pocahontas because of her hair stuff and she's the leader which one are you everyone knows Cindy's Snow White guilty as charged and we still put my animal friends tell me how just hmm Jazmin she's too confident not me maybe Cinderella Cinderella is too common your rare special definitely an Ariel really thank you which one are you Beth we think she's Rapunzel trapped in her tower but we're not sure yet hey any of you seen my sunglasses scarf we are having girl time oh all right bye bye [Music] what are you not telling me about what Ashley just beat me in eight moves and and she's a cheerleader cheerleaders can't be good at chess typically someone skill is directly proportional to the amount of time they spend developing it it's as if I joined the cheer team and beat her in a cartwheel race I don't think that's what they actually do you know what I mean well get used to it we need her not only is she good at chess but she's also the most popular girl in school and she knows how to fundraise she organized a car wash that paid for her whole squads uniforms how do you know this she's friends with my sister you never told me that do you never asked look it's like the ghetto around here mismatched pieces ripped borns broken timers wouldn't you like to be proud of this club for once we deserve professional gear digital timers team jackets and you think she's the only one that can do that she might be so let's show some hospitality fine but don't forget I'm a co-captain not her hey looking for it I were doing another chest log today that's not scheduled till next week come on the last one was so fun we have no script or lesson planned out what about the fans we got 22 subscribers begging for chess videos actually we're down to 21 someone unsubscribed well we've got a rope him back in make more of these hot babes I guess look I'll be the first to admit I haven't been pulling my weight around here but let me come up with something okay it'll be good I promise I'll need to approve it first I'll go write it up are you not going to apologize in a normal situation when you accidentally trip someone a normal person apologizes do you want to take the princess personality test okay seriously Howard what is up with that weird girl which one let me be more specific the one that doesn't talk and also barely knows how to play chess Beth her parents put her in chess club to develop some social skills she joined this club to develop social skills so you guys are like her role models really she's just not that confident that doesn't give her the right to be rude she doesn't mean to be rude she has an anxiety disorder that prevents her from talking I saw her whispering to penny they've known each other since kindergarten she's the only one she trusts this makes no sense penny can you come here I the new personality test for you I need to write a test log first okay what's a good topic something easy free I'm touched what you've never come to me before don't get all sucky on me okay I just need a chest lesson so Howard can make a video I can't help it I'm an emotional beam this is so sweet of you I'm not being sweet okay I'm trying to use you for my personal gain to take and give nothing in return well I am honored to be here in your time of need give me a stupid blog idea maybe to be on how chess makes friendship blossom that any ideas of course I like makeup tutorials bet you do Garth just ask her very simply why will you not talk she can whisper the answer and question - that's it that's the personality test and report back if you want a popular chess blog you gotta make it clickable okay top 10 lists those are it yeah so like what it's gotta be like this top 10 hardest chess moves number 5 will blow you away what's number 5 see you're already hooked I don't know if hot in chess really go together hmm you've never played against me penny is giving Beth a personality test I want to know why she won't talk it's a clinical diagnosis that's your opinion I think she's just rude this is more serious than we thought okay Beth has SBS what's SBS Sleeping Beauty syndrome she can't talk because she's waiting for someone to kiss her I knew it she's brought your rose maybe Howard can kiss her no Howard is not kissing her because that would be stupid kisses don't even work that way how do you know you have been kissed that is irrelevant kissing is simply someone's skin cells most of which are dead touching another person's dead skin cells it can't magically change someone they did for me once really do tell it was in summer school had just ended the days were long and the scent of jasmine hung in the air when I first saw him I knew he was perfect he looked at me with his deep brown eyes and ran into my arms and we embraced like we had missed each other our whole lives and then he kissed me actually it was kind of sloppy who was this guy Samson my st. Bernard we're still together I'll do it I'll kiss her Dorothy you'll be perfect you obviously need somebody who knows what he's doing not bad don't worry it'll be just like pulling off a bandage it'll only hurt for a second yeah you're right it was a kiss so you look nice don't take too long I don't like it when girls keep me waiting the five different types of chess players which one are you what are they catchy huh here look it over I'll get the camera set up move you should unlock it it's one two three four Oh perfect okay take care of the rest you gotta help me what I got myself into a situation that it shouldn't have what kissing Beth - you'll be fine I know I seem confident but Ruth I've never done this before I think it's a little too late to back out now this will make it nice and soft for him just wiggle your lips together you've never kissed your sister what about your mom she doesn't even hug me I suppose you don't have a dog either snoopers died when I was 2 I don't know how I'm supposed to help you I just need some advice - what do I keep my mouth closed not too much right now definitely not more like this what about my lips should I lick somewhere keep the dry or what looking's ok just not too much you want her lips to stay on your does not slide off and where do I look you can keep your eyes closed if you like what if her eyes are open that doesn't matter you be the leader you're the man take charge what if I have to sneeze and I accidentally head-butter there are no starts bleeding [Music] okay you two we're hiding what about my hands should I squeeze her facebook she like that where or is that listen you got yourself into this mess you're just gonna have to man up ham yes man up man up man up she's ready to be kissed man up okay I can do this right here this is it right here big kiss my lips will touch hers fireworks lightning will smell broken good luck write your roles prepare yourself my lady this is the point of no return this normally doesn't happen must be full moon [Music] No she spoke I knew she was faking maybe she can speak again Beth they're so proud of you you can be the next video blog do you like that say something well try this unique New York unique New York oh I got one rubber baby buggy bumper [Music] just leave her she needs a moment to herself well I did it no you didn't you didn't even kiss her I didn't need to just the thought of me and kissing her broke the spell she barely even spoke but she did she said a word the Seas parted and her voice rang through in all its glory you are welcome I don't even know why you guys had to scare her I doubt she'll ever speak again I think she just went back in her shelf they're playing truth or dare and I was dared to do things can we just get this over with okay is that okay that's okay that's the closet yeah okay that's called you now oh my god [Music] what what are you looking at did you enjoy the video I bet you didn't know how it was such a good kisser don't look at me like that okay so I took his phone whatever he shouldn't be keeping secrets from us this this stays between us if you dare tell anybody about this I swear I will you won't tell anybody of course not you don't talk I dunno hi Ashley good luck Thanks that's not something she wants to tell you what make it quick what I can't you was she saying I don't know she said it was important I saw that video cat video you came here to tell me about a cat video no look this is bad timing you can show me later good luck what cat video are there no instructions for this it's a 30 year old timer good luck how do you feel about chess cozies what's the purpose it keeps them warm and it makes them look really cute what's with the new room it's temporary mr. C's class tarantula got out and they think it went in there yeah well where is everybody penny and Beth are at the basketball game and Ashley and Jessica are cheering that's the saddest thing ever what cheerleading I think it's wonderful it makes people happy it's demeaning let's dance around so boys come look at us in our princess dresses she does have a point cheerleading is a sport and besides what's wrong with wanting to be a princess in fact there's a lot we can learn from princesses grace charm eating disorders just like we practiced girls let's show them how we do this let's do it so Ashley what is your boyfriend coming to watch tonight excuse me Chess Club Howard are you guys not a thing where'd you hear this I didn't hear it I saw it [Music] Garth I need you to set up two amok and game simulations clean versus two rooks in a minute I need to Instagram my kicks not a minute I want to get this thing going well whatever it is it can wait these are some sick events Garth do I need to remind you the hierarchy of this club when your leader gives you an order you follow it yeah well some people don't play by the rules bossman nobody respects me around here maybe you're trying too hard sometimes I just want to slap him is the game over no we just decide just come back bets just wanted to wish Ashley Jessica good luck Wow how did you do that with your good luck smile not this time she told them I told them as in we through words isn't that right back yeah yay since when I cured her where were you hey want to play [Music] so you talk now can you talk to Ashley what did you say to her good luck anything else did you tell her about the video well doesn't matter I showed it to a girl on her cheer team it'll be everywhere soon we've done that stuff a million times I think our hand just slipped why now instead of everyone it was an accident or was it what do you mean Tiffany wants to be captain injuring me humiliating me in front of everyone it's part of her plan can you look at my house is there mom I think it's just a boo-boo a boo-boo just a god you're not - this is serious I feel dizzy let's sit down being in Cheska is ruining my sadness we've met some new people they're nice you think don't you honestly I think the people in the Chess Club are I'm extra closing my Walker open up in I forgot my combination let's borrow from Lawson pound it's just till we get home come on I feel like such a loser I am a loser stay positive no it's true I think you Milly ated myself in front of the whole school I don't know my locker combination I look like I got dressed at a homeless shelter and I'm in jazz club well at least you get your braces off soon Oh till next year forget it I'm quitting Howard can't make me say anymore he can't use the video against me now that tiffany has it what are you talking about what video the one all right kiss the biggest nerd in school and I did let me take another look at your head Jessica make this stop it's like a bad dream what's happening to me I a loser well we factored the height of the fall and the density of the gym floor along with all the nausea and confusion and with the dilation of your pupils I see there's about a 60% chance of this being a concussion what Oh where'd you get those glasses you look so smart come on let's go tell the Chess Club you're quitting what's going on Jessica why why do you have a flashlight excuse me where's Howard or Glenn I was something important to tell them and oh my god did you see what Becky was wearing I know it's like put a shirt on okay you have shoulders Wow but do we need to be exposed to them 24/7 well actually I totally wore her shoulders hashtag shelter girls you saw mine from behind like literally get some surfer guys with long hair yes okay I have to go wait where are we even talking we should be texting I'm like literally my mother Oh oh my god ashes where have you been what's going on like literally everything I was something so important to tell you you saw the video shut up and listen Cindy's a penny was talking to Bri who heard God's saying that Howard likes you huh I know right then bring Gwen got totally Delian everyone was like what he's going on until they both decided what [Music] [Music] three Gwen what are you doing trying to get Howard to notice we want to join your squad how do we look a different makeup Chuck oh my god you are so better not if I'm competing against you I totally ship you in Howard no I should be you and Howard how's my lip gloss too pink no such thing as too pink BBG what about my eyes Jessica well why are they acting like this well as adolescent girls they have an overactive limbic system limbic system the part of the brain that regulates emotion okay as opposed to the prefrontal cortex which is used to regulate more complex cognitive behavior right oMG besties you totally have to show them your routine oh honey honey you're in TJ you'll go go teach the Pete what you see is what Eugene Frankie she becomes so cool I'm just giving a real yo-yo some skin comes off step off I'll do my thing do jpg in the house yo drop six feet [Music] [Music] [Applause] what do you think did we make the team are we cuter will Howard like it no I think I think it sucks Cindy don't be so mean yeah how would you rate us here's how I would write you you suck Cindy why are you saying that cuz they suck you look like two ducks trying to hold in the fart and that music sucks too how can you say that they're human beings with feelings you can't just go rabid that's disgusting hey you don't call me disgusting you hurt my feelings I didn't say you were disgusting I said that your bird actually no sorry you are disgusting that is gross thank you oMG what on earth was that well burping is caused by swallowing air and then expelling it will see mixes oxygen and nitrogen yo yo yo was give up for Howard hey Howard want me to set up chess board anything you want right cuz you me your pals that's right Anna Howard wanna play chess just do you need playing chess we're pals right forget chess yeah that's a bad idea wants to play chess anyhow look good ever came from that how about see you like yeah gee don't you how we could play it if you want would you like that just do me playing I see like the house would that be fun no no that wouldn't be fun who wants to play Yahtzee I know what we go talk to some pretty girls what girls it's not a bad idea wait we're gonna have lots of fun talking to these girls you better do the talking because I don't like talking to girls especially pretty once they make me nervous I'll just keep my mouth shut because I always say something wrong do it say something right hey girls what's up Howard I have a new fundraising plan for the Chess Club it will make tons of money for sure it's your it at the school fair we didn't have a kissing booth and girls can pay a dollar to kiss you I'm sure we'd make hundreds maybe Millions and that would just be from me oh that would be good how you do good in the kissing booth girls would line up all around the block to see you not bad I like your updates thanks hard maybe come to our cheer tryouts we could really use a good luck charm if you know maybe I will maybe I won't give the details to Garth he's in charge of my calendar I sure AM hold your appointments don't die Howard what about you what do you have to say what's up with this one yeah what's the matter can't you talk Howard's talking to you ain't that right Howard let me explain for you plain Ashley ain't a talker when she's feeling like a stuck her voice goes dumb winter brain goes no yeah I sometimes have that effect on people ah she's speechless oh my god what a freak say something you nerd [Music] it won't stop until you do what you came here to do you came here to quit the Chess Club didn't you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] how's your head Ashley Tiffany I'm so sorry I dropped you what are you doing here I just want to make sure our former captain is all right former well if you're injured then we should have someone else take over don't you think that would be best for the squad so you came here to see if I'd give you my captaincy well I also wanted to meet Howard what's going on or did you want to keep this a secret I don't have to share the video what's on the video come you'll see it is it the cat video how did you get it free what is it don't worry it'll be safe with captain Tiffany you can say it Ashley captain Tiffany captain Tiffany just say it and all your problems will go away what's on the video go ahead and post really yeah I don't care let the whole school know I'm proud of it you are you're proud of kissing Howard yeah cuz Howard's my boyfriend what what what what how come no one told me that's right so go post whatever you want to in fact I'll beat you to it what are you doing I'll post my own video [Music] hashtag cheerleaders and the Chess Club now get lost if you're not cool enough for us yeah we'll see what everyone else has to say bring it oh yeah let's play some chess baby [Music]
Channel: YAP TV
Views: 3,535,619
Rating: 4.8516459 out of 5
Keywords: High school, hot, movie, teen, school, bully, cheerleader, teens, teenager, bullying, cute, beautiful, short film, web series, thirteen, middle school, wonderland high, locker combo, ask me about my shirt, chess, laine taylor, shea smeltzer, paige lidiard, yap, young actors project, young actor project, girl without a phone, brat, rob randall, robert randall, antibullying, randal, friends, series, cinderella, snow white, sleeping beauty, king, queen, gambit, queen's gambit, how to play chess
Id: lPxkOTZ2ksI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 25sec (3685 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 22 2018
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