The Geshema is Born | Award-winning Film | Malati Rao

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[Music] oh no one [Music] fore for [Music] spee [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] for [Music] Fore [Music] [Music] [Music] fore [Music] [Music] debation in [Music] the foree foreign fore [Music] [Music] spee all Buddha Dharma very much based on philosophy not just rule Buddha himself you see uh according to Sanskrit tradition Buddha himself you see told uh advis us uh oh my follower uh bishu and bishes uh Scholars should not accept my teaching out of Faith out of devotion but rather thorough investigation and experiment [Music] [Music] for foreign spee [Music] fore fore foreign foreign for foreign spee spee [Music] speee speee speech fore [Applause] [Applause] spee spee on [Music] [Music] son [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] for [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] h the society where male can do more according that circumstances I think certain prayer is mentioned so some us friend I think like uh they complain about precious Garland there is some mentioning about this some uh false false of female physical that because you see the writing mainly for monk or male so that you should you should understand for female practitioner the opposite is logical sh Book E chapter you mentioned you say how to reduce your mental sort of scatter usually the sexual also one factor to go so since that text teach for group of Monk so Shand Shand which mentioned they false of female body so some my friend told me they don't like sha because he too much male shavinism actually not because of the audience so you should understand you know his Holiness always say there is no any reason to coming The Reincarnation in the women's life or the man's life he also he told many many times again my life the 15th you know theama can be you know reincarnation in the women's and the man's life so how can you know image or again you know the Big Hope can go on the NL [Music] Amal [Music] [Music] spe [Music] all Mighty am PR [Music] am [Music] [Music] GL de I oh my [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Applause] it's [Music] for [Music] speee about 40 years I think I publicly firstly I public mentioning those Monastery uh who simply Carri some puas some rituals lot of tantric was a practice without much study so I appealed all the monasteries if they willing should study this great text like those big monastic institution car study uh the the response wonderful meantime I also suggested now n also should uh study similar way like the those monastic institution they also respond very good foree [Laughter] for for Fore for [Music] Fore [Music] [Music] speech spe fore [Music] [Music] foree foreign speee spee [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fore [Applause] [Music] forch foreign speech foree [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] fore [Music] [Music] [Music] fore [Music] since I think 8th Century from India uh because of the physical condition I think bikuni never been tiet so no bikuni or abort according to pan uh via tradition we have to follow according M so there uh the female bishu should be abot when you ored so since that is not Avail not not established so difficulties not fore fore speee [Applause] [Applause] foreign uh few occasion we discuss as a International uh Buddhist s discuss how to revive there's one called Vaya so maybe the half of the via the kishima uh need not to study actually strictly speaking uh they cannot study when you are able to mentally you are able to keep more walls seriously only then those are open you you know so when uh you are not there you have no business to know about it yeah the burmish Buddhist monk still very reluctant and Thailand as well uh only in Chinese tradition there is some big I cannot change this this must go according V [Music] rule [Music] Lo [Music] [Music] h spee yes respected brothers and sisters I'm very very happy indeed the great H come to participate yeah Electro something so the part of brain which KAS which which directly link with physical movement this we call the sensorial Consciousness the other part of brain which only think or these things can Mission can help we believe so but we have never shown it so far it's all what you would call sens either motor like like motor control or sensory there's a movement physical movement physical movement or or taking sensor converting sensory signals never cognitive mental mental States but we believe we believe you can also create those and we know again from from from neurosurgery if I stimulate if I put an electrode during an operation inside particular parts of the brain I can have memory I can recall something from my past or I can have specific um imagery or I can find things funny there's a famous case when you stimulate the girl here up front she finds everything funny and she starts laughing and you ask her well why is it funny and says I don't know it's you guys are just funny every time you stimulate this particular part of the brain with help of some Mission can you sharpening our [Music] mind [Music] than you [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] think [Music] at the beginning when I mentioned kishima and then some top scholar say oh Kish that little hesitate then I immediately mentioned the B Buddha you see Buddha himself decided so therefore why not kishima and Bishi Beyond My Control is we have to follow the V rule but as far as kishma is concerned I have sort of authority I decided for foreign [Applause] spee [Music] a [Music] is [Music] for [Applause] fore fore [Music] fore oh it is so good question about something like you know the next life the firsts life and the reason about uh cause and effect and something you know which is The Good The Logical reason about how to be in your land [Music] [Music] there near Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you GL GL GL GL GL my God [Music] might [Music] B the ch [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for [Music] [Applause] [Music] go [Music] [Music] fore [Music] h [Music] [Music] we [Music] speee this Kim name is not very small name so we need to do something special you know more than normal life until now we don't have any G or any any you know that the philosophy teacher the non philosophy teacher you know so I just think that maybe I need to teach them you know if we teach to you know other people people then going much much they develop isn't it that I just think that some other people they think you know the NS they are just you know they challenging for M I think you know from us you know the nun they really don't think that you know they just searching something you know better to and better and better life and about study you know if we have something like this or Gish certificate then we have one goal you know to get achieve you know very clear so that's why they're coming to something to you know getting things here and so no anything like that so they the people are very you know lazy so that's why they mind thinking um I think beneficial you know so in the moment in this samsara you know everybody looking after something Nam yeah so that why they have some good name they can do something better job isn't it yes I spee fore spee foreign [Music] [Applause] foree [Music] [Music] think is it foree [Music] spee for [Music] spee [Music] as more [Music] there Lord [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] my mightyy [Music] Gody
Channel: furhhdl
Views: 63,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _j90nTgMs_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 9sec (3369 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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