His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama visit to Foreigner

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foreign bench mincing some garlic okay so we're going to meet the seven contestants when I look up and his Holiness the Dalai Lama himself has come into our kitchen to meet us oh my God and we're going to meet Danny first okay good I don't know what to do Harley it's nice to meet you spices I told her you like spices I I can't I can't believe Dalai Lama is in the kitchen very good looks really beautiful very good Ellie is making you an Italian Dish today she's making it with her hands they're all putting in so much effort it's a bit looking into the eyes of the Dalai Lama is just out of this world you never think that in your wildest dreams you're gonna meet pleasure to me like this is probably the most special feeling I've ever had you know got the chills what is this is cheese yes you like cheese don't you yes this is a special moment who gets to stand next to the Dalai Lama and have him watch over the food that you're cooking and hold your hand and offer you a peanut hello it's a pleasure to meet you oh thank you me I got two only when food I can judge I'm glad it's not ready yet touched me his Holiness touched me it's a very emotional day in the kitchen today I think everyone's being touched in their own way and is dealing with the emotional side of it in their own way as well there's quite a few tears but it's not tears of unhappiness it's tears of joy guys just one second look at me just want to say one thing you just met the Dalai Lama you have one and a half hours to go [Applause] [Music] since my first visit to Europe 1972. I said okay this message Universal responsibility thank you my main commitment number one promotion of human value number two promotional religious Harmony these two things I committed till my death and for sure our appreciation of him coming to the United Kingdom we will be attending some of his teachings and also his public talk in Albert Hall and also I'll be joining in Oxford to receive him there as well and then we would ask you to go to the vector [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] fellow Governors distinguished guests staff and students of London Metropolitan University in recognition of his outstanding achievements in promoting peace globally and for his spiritual guidance and Leadership I present to you for the degree of doctor of philosophy honoris causa his Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama [Applause] I mean if I'm honest like when he's always came inside the room and just like tears forward but you know it's just genuinely that's that's what it is I couldn't even speak good thank you over the years I've had the pleasure thank you thank you thank you thank you sorry you don't need to return to your dressing rooms are you very tired you've got more energy than I have than there that's a very good condition of people a lot of people so they are really show you something and in full Spirit yes so that fresh make fresh meat yes [Applause] thank you very much privilege oh thank you thank you thank you have a safe journey thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you no no time no time thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you do it thank you thank you you're hurting us and other friends they are simply welcome you here to London Palace this morning simply to come to meet his Holiness on his visit to the United Kingdom but it seemed that the most appropriate way of beginning this morning thank you [Music] [Music] Leicester at 16 . [Music] is it a good journey good journey just excellent fortunately we didn't have the weather for you it'll be a better day tomorrow I've been the deputy Norman I just thought how Charming he was how natural how friendly how humorous he was I mean that came out very much so his humor and you can see the twinkle in his eye the whole time laughs [Applause] his Holiness Dalai Lama is a manifestation as a human being of the Buddha of compassion this is an inspiration really huge inspiration for all of us for UK not in Yemen for everyone for the world all right now on behalf of the queen welcome you to Oxfordshire thank you thank you thank you the president of the college [Laughter] welcome to modeling College we're delighted to have you here thank you thank you you brought the good weather really close you'll be staying here for the next two minutes it's from California it likes it likes it nice and warm against the wall thank you thank you thank God what's the step here charismatic figure that makes it even harder so I think it will be it'll be a huge problem once he passes on what's going to happen and it's good to have great significance about the future of the Tibetan people because for them he's sort of the source of unity and the source of cohesion of the society and culture thank you in Japan or Korea no I'm actually like fries okay yes I'm from Malaysia from Malaysia what is the purpose of your visit here today yeah mainly I think I've been a few times and now this time mainly the one of my Waters today commitment is promotion of religious Harmony did you feel that you're winning the argument over Tibet no I don't know because after the martial crisis now my visit to become politicized too much politicize okay honored to meet you and welcome you to black friend thank you thank you like that okay how Splendid thank you [Applause] experience [Music] actually the way in which I came to be his principal interpreter is more of a coincidence actually um that was in 1985 I was a young monk one of the students you know among many thousands studying in one of the Tibetan monastic universities [Music] thank you good morning of course the place very nice very peaceful and also decorated because very beautiful but weather is not so kind today I think this is one of one of these events that's so significant for Don permanent Associated for Scotland but you really just have to be here to see the Dalai Lama to see all this going on it's absolutely wonderful [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] sometimes I think I made mistake to choose my time [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] okay you're coming my left hand side the Dalai Lama has become a global icon in the west a smiling Saint or a Divine Statesman exiled from his homeland of Tibet but his story and that of his country has been muddled by myth and propaganda both in the east and west the Tibet issue is one of the most costly and long-standing territorial disputes the world has ever known but the focus of this film is to witness the ongoing efforts and to understand in his own words the Dalai Lama's intent to resolve it once and for all I welcome you bike to home I fully committed about one China I fully committed my Middle River approach so don't worry for the last three years our film for us to stand on the hill over there to get a long shot a view on the balcony after months of negotiation the Dalai Lama opened his door to our cameras and we've been following the Tibetan leader as he seeks to find an elusive common ground with the Chinese government enabling him to return to the land of his people but time is not on his side throughout the making of This film both the subject the footage of the actions and reactions of the Tibetan leader will inevitably be scrutinized carefully from Washington to Beijing and for that reason there's no voice over the Dalai Lama can speak for himself and you can make out your own mind [Music] [Laughter] and I was standing the tremendously [Music] this is the last time we'll see you okay love you [Music] my Approach is actually the way of approach to all problems very cautious it's important that's where we're going now oh audience Tibetan IA then some I think from these are Tibetans have come over from Tibet yes recently that's it so every almost every month something better so I always meet them and give them some as a encouragement that's my duty a lot of them come to see you yes I think with unrealistic expectation [Laughter] [Music] oh yeah um [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Siri [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] language many of them return so in the past because here free country no immediate Danger so they sometimes do to our carelessness when these people returned foreign Liverpool is preparing for the arrival of one of the world's biggest spiritual leaders the Dalai Lama will give a lecture at the Anglican cathedral where he's set to pick up an honorary Fellowship from John Wall's University the Chinese government have complained about the visit they occupy his home country of Tibet and accuse him of trying to split the motherland the Dalai Lama fled in 1959 and has lived in Exile ever since foreign [Music] [Music] foreign morning thank you very much uh how much is some some of you really looks very very serious I want to see the uh your teeth that's much better I think smile genuine smile is one of the unique about the human face so instead I think a tiger very good teeth but no ability to show the teeth if Tiger shows teeth brings fear the human teeth so brings peace happy okay thank you I really appreciate they I see the leaders organizes this opportunity thank you very much thank you thank you very much [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Laughter] oh my God this is foreign to all Brothers sisters [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] visited Japan from 15th to 23rd November 2007. his Holiness was invited by all Buddhist Federation and Kanagawa Buddhist Federation for the commemoration of 50th and 40th anniversary on his arrival he was being received by Mr Sokol harbola representative of his Holiness the Dalai Lama Japan The Voice chairman of Kanagawa Buddhist Federation and the Buddhist monks in 1967 his Holiness visited Japan for the first time and this is his 12th visit thank you thank you thank you on 17 November 2007 he solenisted Dalai Lama briefed the media at Coconut University during which he responded to the questions on various issues another [Music] on 18 November his Holiness the Dalai Lama left for easy Shrine essay Shrine is the holiest and the most important shindo Shrine in Japan his Holiness the chief Priests of the shrine vulnerable toshia wada and Mr shishu Makino the former member of the Japanese Parliament and the founder of the diet members league for the Tibetan issue working hand in hand through the large Shrine complex and paid respect to the Moon inner Shrine this is a part of his Holiness that Dalai Lama's commitment to promote religious Harmony by paying respect to religious places around the world [Applause] oh [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] University Auditorium his Holiness emphasized on the need of religious Harmony this Interfaith Forum was participated by the heads of Hindu religion Buddhists and shuganda faiths I never stayed I am I always describe myself as a super even in my dream I'll often [Applause] [Music] on 20th November his Holiness gave the valedictory speech to some 5000 Japanese Buddhists in the National Convention Hall of Yokohama city as a part of Grant function to commemorate the 40th founding anniversary of Kanagawa Buddhist Federation and do it a new home yeah [Music] and what is foreign on 21st November his Holiness met with the national and international media people at hachuji new Grand Hotel main purpose of my visit non-political and meantime I also today always do not want to create any inconvenience to anybody so no problem at our first meeting of the opposition we had this very interesting discussion so I think this is human friendship spiritual human friendship so inside you should become jasler students say you mean being after the first briefing his Holiness addressed a huge gathering on modern world and spiritual values [Applause] what is the meaning of modernity what is that I think modernity maybe as a related mainly experience on physical level structure of house and different missions different costumes better or cloths and lifestyle food Style um [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] laughs thank you [Music] this trailer this event this fact of course without so now now this is a fact now we are seeing you see the picture of tiger so this is Tiger now for the question what what is title all these are there and working and causes an effect all there love causality there's the basis of buddhistor of belief now my favorite was the television is BBC oh what is that [Laughter] is but there's a Tibetan I want to extend my welcome to you and to visit my own country I'm not seeing you with your glasses off before really I've never seen you in Japanese do I seem very small am I a bit blurred routine the first lunch that's right that's right I know you're very busy thank you very much thank you thank you [Music] million people desperately trying to get foreign I'm too good a share I'm here Central Asia not Tibet is my home yet um Limitless from the Buddhist Viewpoint not only me you also the Limitless beginningless life sometimes I do feel in my dream some or dream or semi dream some because the faint sort of feeling my previous life about few hundred years ago in Tibet and also a few hundred years ago one one occasion and then through that way at the time of Buddha I'm a somewhere in India vicinity of Buddhist time so so so therefore my rebirth Limitless if you have the rebirth sort of concept then death is something like change our clothes and this old cloth become old and unusable then a Time come change [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Laughter] no foreign [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] thank you Bluetooth hahaha brother yes [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] foreign when I talk Hotel services foreign give me this is [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tibet Tenzin
Views: 240,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QmZyo0ocSKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 8sec (3068 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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