The Gay Best Friend - How It Became a Stereotype

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"One day, you will meet the gay of your dreams, and it will be the happiest, most fulfilling day of your life." In the history of mainstream cinema, LGBT characters have mostly existed in the margins. They've been the supporting characters, rarely the lead, and for a long time they weren't even allowed to exist openly. Nothing exemplifies this marginalization better than the trope of the Gay Best Friend. "Oh, and don't even get me started about the cliché Gay Best Friend whose sole purpose in the story is just to help the main hot chick." Here's what we expect when we think of the stereotypical Gay Best Friend: They're an accessory for the straight, white, usually female protagonist. "That afternoon, I was high on another feel-good drug: the new gay friend." They rarely have much character development, and instead are there to help the protagonist learn something about themselves. "You're chasing Michael?" "Yes!" "And who's chasing you? Nobody. Get it?" They conform to gay stereotypes, like being into "girl talk," cocktails, and fashion. "What do you think?" "Oh, all of it, and I would throw in a Korean snail face mask. Sweetie, your skin is so dry it's hurting my face." They're mean! The GBF tends to be very funny, often in a cutting way. "Oh, you think you're gay?" "What? No, no, well, yeah, I'm not sure." "No, I can see it. I mean, you suck at being straight." They are non-threatening: the GBF's sex life is usually invisible, and they're viewed as essentially sexless. "You don't understand what this feels like. You've never..." "Lost the love of my life? Wrong. Paolo. Brazilian. Broke my heart." Today the GBF feels like an outdated stereotype, but it's important to remember that cinema's first ever Gay Best Friends were positive developments in LGBT representation. Bernstein in Next Stop, Greenwich Village was significant for being a queer character whose queerness was explicit, not coded, "Who are you?" "I'm Bernstein." "You're Jewish?" "No darling, I'm gay." and who wasn't villainous because of this, but someone to empathize or identify with. Brian in Cabaret was introduced as a woman's queer best friend "I've gone through the motions of sleeping with girls exactly three times, all of them disastrous." but was even more revolutionary in being the male lead and explicitly bisexual. "Screw Maximillion!" "I do." "So do I." Charles Grodin's Buddy in the Gene Wilder comedy The Woman In Red is a valuable early example of the Gay Best Friend character who's happily accepted in a friendship group of otherwise straight men. "Do you believe this man asking whether my Teresa would fool around?" "I find it hard to imagine your wife sleeping with you!" Still, these characters were often secondary and sidelined in the story. And as increasingly nuanced queer characters have emerged, the Gay Best Friend looks more and more like the product of a different era. Here's our take on the history of the Gay Best Friend, and why we need to expect more for this character in the 21st century. "You don't know what my reality is." If you're new here, be sure to subscribe, and hit the bell to be notified about all our new videos. I wanna thank Skillshare for sponsoring today's video! Skillshare is an incredible online learning community made up of millions of lifelong learners. The first 1,000 Take viewers to use the link in our description will get a free trial of Skillshare Premium membership! So check it out now and start exploring your creativity! "Okay booch, change out of whatever this is, because I'm gonna drop you off at the office on my way to my no plans whatsoever." The stereotypical Gay Best Friend character did not emerge out of thin air. The characterization of the GBF as a more effeminate kind of man can be seen as a descendant of one of Hollywood's oldest LGBT tropes: the sissy. "This is ripped. Who were you with last night?" "Strangler Lewis." "Oh, catchers catch can, hmm?" Sissies were a way for filmmakers to hint at queer characters without being explicit, and came to prominence during the great Depression when traditional notions of men being breadwinners were in crisis. As Vito Russo writes in The Celluloid Closet, sissies "made everyone feel more manly or more womanly by occupying the space in between." While there's widespread criticism of the sissy stereotype, some have also pointed out the positive aspect of offering at least some representation or inclusion: "I liked the sissy." "My view has always been visibility at any cost." But things got worse as a result of the Hays Code- a list of moralizing rules beginning in the '30s about what cinema could and couldn't show, which equated homosexuality to sexual deviancy. Sissies went from being the comic relief to the villains. "You may have the falcon, but we certainly have you." In a sense, the Gay Best Friend represents a reversion to type for the non-villainous original sissy. The GBF and sissy share the same signifiers- being flamboyant, effeminate, well-groomed and well-dressed, prone to gesticulating, and positioned in opposition to traditional notions of masculinity. But there are some key differences: the Gay Best Friend is no longer kept in the closet, "Two things I love to do, that's fight, and kiss boys. Come on!" and we do get to see something of their interior lives. In The Devil Wears Prada, Stanley Tucci's Nigel may exist primarily to help Anne Hathaway's Andy navigate the treacherous nature of working for Miranda Priestly, but he still has character outside of that relationship. "This is a shining beacon of hope for, oh I don't know, let's say a young boy growing up in Rhode Island with six brothers pretending to go to soccer practice when he was really going to sewing class." On the other hand, even over a half century later, these characters continue to occupy that space in between. In Sex and the City, both the show's Gay Best Friends- Carrie's Stanford Blatch and Charlotte's Anthony Marentino- exist to bounce off their respective gal-pal's personalities. Stanford works in the fashion industry and is similarly single-and-looking, so he becomes a sounding board for those sides of Carrie's personality. "There's a beautiful man downtown, selling beautiful furniture, and we're going." "I'll get my purse." Meanwhile, Anthony is a hyper-organized event planner whose bluntness cuts through Charlotte's own neuroses. "You loved Harry, I loved Harry, we all loved Harry, but it's been two weeks! Next!" Worse, in the second movie, the two GBFs marry each other, reinforcing what Salon's Thomas Rogers calls "the clichéd, condescending hetero fantasy, the one in which you introduce the only two gay men you know, and magically, the sparks fly." "Her best gay friend is marrying my best gay friend!" Still, while these relationships may seem one-dimensional, on the positive side there appears to be truth in the show's portrayal of straight women and gay men trusting each other for advice about their love lives. Overall, the treatment of queer characters as little more than fashion accessories for straight women likens them to status symbols, or as Chris Riotta writes: "It's come to my attention some of you think having a gay friend is like owning a piece of jewelry." "The consequences of Britney winning this election is that I'll have to move to New York without my best gay. What if I need an emergency makeover, or a last minute souffle?" GBF satirizes this through a plot about rival cliques led by teen girls who believe having a Gay Best Friend will secure them the title of Prom Queen. "The hottest trend sweeping schools worldwide is the GBF." "The Gay Best Friend: every celeb has one so every teen girl needs one." But rather than being a film about the girls who seek out these GBFs, the story uses this trope to criticize the assumption that all gay men must subscribe to a contemporary version of the sissy archetype. "You don't even sound like the ones on Bravo. Say the word 'fierce.'" Its final message is that the GBF symbol is dehumanizing, and that it pressures queer people to perform a persona in order to be accepted by straight people, instead of freely expressing their true selves. "I don't wanna be king of the gay prom. Or be a Gay Best Friend." "I just wanna go to prom, be a friend..." "George likes to pretend that he's gay." "And why would you do that?" "Oh, I find it attracts women." If the Gay Best Friend trope purports to celebrate gay people as the ideal platonic companion, then the gay love interest for a straight woman takes this one step further. Stories about a woman wishing her gay friend were straight (or mistaking him for straight) elevate the gay character into a paragon of masculinity- an idea of what straight women wish straight men would be: refined, sensitive, and emotionally vulnerable. But is this the compliment it thinks it is? Arguably, this kind of portrait is reductive to both gay and straight men (who, it implies, can't be sensitive), and doesn't show much interest in the gay experience. In The Object Of My Affection, Paul Rudd's George is portrayed as the perfect guy for Jennifer Aniston's Nina. "You're an extraordinary person." He's a good listener, he's great with kids, and is emotionally intuitive. "He asked me the same thing you did." "Why am I living here and he isn't?" "Bingo." and the blossoming of her relationship with George coincides with Nina having cold feet about taking the next step with her actual boyfriend, Vince. "I just don't know if I should be living with him. He can really fill a room." So despite George being gay, the audience is instructed to root for him to get together with Nina. His homosexuality is seen as an obstacle to their natural chemistry, while Nina uses the fact that he once had a girlfriend to keep the possibility alive- both for her and for us. "George is G-A-Y, gay! That means he never sleeps with women." "He has slept with a woman!" In Clueless, after Cher makes her speech about the lack of quality men in her school, "Searching for a boy in high school is as useless as searching for meaning in a Pauly Shore movie." Christian enters, in slow motion. He perfectly fits her male ideal, down to his style from a past era, which noticeably contrasts with the '90s slacker aesthetic she finds so offensive. "I don't get how guys dress today. I mean come on, it looks like they just fell out of bed." But the movie is making the point that Cher's interest in this archetype of the perfect man is shallow and she doesn't realize that she actually loves someone else. Meanwhile, Cher doesn't even really appreciate all the richer parts of Christian's personality, "You like Billie Holiday?" "I love him." and his numerous references to his sophisticated cultural tastes are treated as merely joking clues about his sexuality that Cher doesn't pick up on. "Christian had a thing for Tony Curtis, so he brought over Some Like lt Hot and Sporaticus." When she does eventually realize he's gay, "He's a disco-dancing, Oscar Wilde-reading, Streisand ticket-holding, friend of Dorothy!" he quickly shifts into the fashion accessory GBF-category, his value still only seen in terms of what he can do for her. "Not that Christian wasn't a blast to hang out with. He was becoming one of my favorite shopping partners." The women in The Object of My Affection and Clueless may learn a lesson about why they fixated on an unattainable guy, but the first reaction we're encouraged to have about these gay love interests is disappointment. These men are wonderful, so it feels like an unfortunate missed opportunity that the protagonist can't be with them. "You don't tell a woman that you love her and then two days later bring Romeo over to sleep with you!" Gay characters' sexuality is erased even further in variations on this story set-up where straight men pretend to be gay or take advantage of being mistaken for gay to get closer to the girl they want. "Can you spray me? My suit keeps riding up." "That's why I'm here, girlfriend!" This leads to a portrayal of the Gay Best Friend that doesn't even include a gay character, reducing gayness to a plot device to tell a story about straight people. "You have done self-tan before, right?" "Yeah, like, I do it all the time." A rare exception to these pitfalls occurs in My Best Friend's Wedding. While Rupert Everett's George play-acts the role of the straight boyfriend to perfection to help Julia Roberts' Jules make her old flame Michael jealous, "Actually, it's a very romantic story." we always know that these two platonic pals are not getting together. After Jules doesn't get her man, the film concludes with her and George having fun together- thus elevating their friendship to the same level of importance as a romantic relationship. "Maybe there won't be marriage. Maybe there won't be sex. But by God, there'll be dancing." In many of the romantic stories we've been discussing, the gay characters become sidelined because they aren't the solution to the female protagonist's quest for a partner. And this reveals a central problem: the Gay Best Friend tends to exist in straight narratives, supporting straight characters, and is rarely, if ever, seen in queer spaces. "And you're also the one who's currently carb-loading with a gay man, while he's probably waiting for you in the hot tub." A mainstream exception would be Will and Grace, which from 1998 on was unusual in its time for balancing its story between the gay male and straight female best-friend leads (who were also supported by another more flamboyant version of the gay-male and straight- female best friend pair) "I guess we can take our minds off of things by touching each other inappropriately." "Good idea." More recently, we see a great example of a straight best friend character existing in a primarily queer space in It's A Sin's Jill, who supports and loves her gay male friends. "La!" "La!" "Break a leg Rachel." "La!" "La!" "Good luck Gladys!" She fights for their rights and cares for them when some get diagnosed with HIV in the '80s, before many treatment options are available. "They don't think it's tuberculosis." "Then what is it?" "What do you think it is?" When her best friend Ritchie's mom doesn't believe he's gay, Jill monologues about her appreciation specifically for this aspect of Ritchie, "Then there's Richie, who's gay. Absolutely, definitely gay. He's beautifully gay." and her total acceptance and understanding of her friends is a rare, important thing. "That's what people will forget, that it was so much fun." "Do you understand what I mean?" "No." "That's why I need to see Jill." Jill's straight-best-friend is an inversion of the GBF trope that shows how valuable the straight woman-gay male relationship can be when there isn't a hierarchy of power that always centers the straight space or narrative. "And this is my best friend, Jill." "No, I'm sorry, no, as drag goes that is completely unconvincing. He's so manly!" "I'm the only one who is!" In today's stories, the Gay Best Friend trope isn't necessarily being abandoned, but it's evolving into something more complex and self-aware. It might be used knowingly, like with Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt's Titus Andromedon "D'fwan broke up with me!" "Oh no, it's my Gay Best Friend, Flouncy Magoo." and Big Mouth's Matthew "Those girls are gonna eat him alive, and then barf him out because they're bulimic." "She's funny!" Or it might be a road into telling more well-rounded queer stories, like with Happiest Season's John. On the surface John plays into the traditional GBF trope: he's the comic relief, he's cutting, "I just think the choice you're making is dumb and you should feel bad about it and yourself" he pretends to be straight at one point, "I am John, Abby's heterosexual ex‐boyfriend" and he's there to help Abby learn a lesson "Just because Harper isn't ready, it doesn't mean she never will be, and it doesn't mean she doesn't love you." "I‐I want to be with someone who is ready." But the film exists in a queer space, and that lesson is that every queer story is different. "Everybody's story is different. There's your version and my version and everything in between." At first, it feels like Eric in Sex Education is falling squarely into the Gay Best Friend (and Black Best Friend) traps. "Now lose the tie, you look like a Mormon! Listen, you're gonna have to fake it until you make it. Can you do that?" But we start to become aware that the show's initial setup, with "nice guy" Otis as the focus, and "best friend" Eric there purely to support him, is a clichéd high-school story template that the writing is about to critique and break out of. "Oh, this? Yeah, no, I'm auditionin' for Swing Band, thanks for askin.' So nice that you care about what's happenin' in my life." When Otis treats Eric poorly (as so many GBF's have been treated before), Eric is afforded the space and dignity to recognize this and assert himself by calling Otis out. "Why are you so angry?" "Because, we've been friends since we were nine years old and you've abandoned me for someone that you've known for five seconds." After that, the narrative begins to flip. Otis becomes more supportive, "I think you are the coolest, bravest, and kindest person I know." and Eric's journey, love life, and inner conflicts are given as much primacy as Otis' story. "Will you hold my hand?" "Yes." Another self-aware series, I May Destroy You gives us a balanced, realistic look at all the complexities that can arise in the straight woman- gay man relationship. Writing in Dazed, Jason Okundaye argues that Kwame is "failed" by his female friend Arabella when she locks him in a room with someone she's trying to set him up with. "I'm actually tryna find your toilet." "It's first door on the left." "Sorry mate, I thought this was the toilet." Quote: "the women in our lives can, though well intentioned, often lack sensitivity to our autonomy or ventriloquise our desires by projecting fantasies and romances into our lives and engagements with men." "Where's Kwame?" "I gave him some privacy with Jamal in the bedroom." "Umm, he's on a break." "I'm sure he was swiping on Grindr in the market." "He's on a break." Compared to all these nuanced stories in today's landscape, the classic, uncomplicated Gay Best Friend trope is limiting. It reduces the gay experience down to one specific thing. "Is cheerleading still a thing?" "Is being the Gay Best Friend still a thing?" The GBF can still be funny, supportive, even into fashion- those things were never the issue. "I'm not sure if it's working or it looks like a clown's tampon." But the important thing is that we move away from the token queer character in a straight narrative, whose value is determined by how useful they are to the straight protagonists. "An hour ago he wasn't our new Gay Best Friend." As one of multiple queer characters, existing in queer spaces, and within storylines centered around queer people, the GBF can finally thrive. "I've had to work really hard to love myself, and I won't go back." This is The Take, on your favorite movies, shows, and culture. Thank you so much for watching and for supporting us. Please subscribe, and never miss a Take. Thanks again to Skillshare for sponsoring today's video. Skillshare offers thousands of affordable classes designed to fit your schedule, with short video lessons that you can pause and come back to at any time. One Skillshare staff pick you can check out right know is Gemma Yin's class on how to create and star in your own gif. This class will walk you step-by-step through adding a fun layer of animated illustration onto a photo portrait. Then you can reveal your handy work on social media. 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Channel: The Take
Views: 327,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skillshare, the gay best friend, gbf, clueless, isn't it romantic, sex and the city, i now pronounce you chuck and larry, high school musical, sex education, i may destroy you, glee, riverdale, emily in paris, the devil wears prada, mannequin, the woman in red, my best friend's wedding, the maltese flacon, easy a, big mouth, will and grace, the next best thing, malcolm in the middle, kick ass, to all the boys i've loved before, unbreakable kimmy schmidt, crazy rich asians
Id: c89Q6Y226y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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