The Garden Tomb Jerusalem, the place where Jesus was buried is empty of visitors due to Covid 19

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it's the beginning of september 2021. tourists are still not allowed to enter israel and thanks god that one of the most beautiful sights for christians uh decided to open the gates although it's empty it's still beautiful but in regular days you can understand that you can see so many christian groups sitting around that garden and enjoying the story of the crucifixion the tomb and the resurrection of jesus we are at the garden tomb the garden tomb is a beautiful christian site outside the gates of the city outside um the walls of the city the book of john i think john 19 actually tells us that jesus was um crucified out of the gate he was crucified after the gates because that's how the jews used to be crucified another thing that it's important he was crucified in a place that everyone will be able to see it and they will know what not to do the gold the calvary then in that case um the garden tomb is answering both uh situation it's outside the gates of jerusalem that walls of jerusalem is let's see 200 meters from there 600 feet uh to the south and um and we found here tombs another thing that the book of john tells us told us that um joseph of aramitia gave jesus his own place and his own place was just next to the golgotha to the crucifixion place and look how beautiful is that garden sadly although they open that place and they are renovating the stage that used to be there and from there you could see two things the first one is the uh calvary the golgotha the second one is um uh the the uh central bus station of east jerusalem the arab central bus station constructions uh did not enter then what i'm gonna do i'm gonna add a video that i prepared a few like a week or two ago or two weeks ago um outside the gardenton because the garden was was closed down and he will be able to see the set but here it is this is according to the garden tomb according to so many christians is sorry is the calvary the golgotha and now there's not a lot of noise but usually there's a lot of uh um a lot of buses nowadays here and we will talk about why it's very important above it you can see a muslim cemetery that it actually tells you that it used to be a cemetery area from ancient time the calvary from here it's a little bit difficult to see the shape of the skull but at 1883 when charles gordon was standing back to the damascus sketch which is not so far away from here and said we cannot see it and a little bit of noise uh he saw the skull the calvary the golgotha um let me tell you that there is another option and it's actually accepted by most of the christians and this is the church of the holy sepulchre which is inside the city again if you turn out those houses you will see the walls of uh of the city and uh by that you will be able uh to see even the two dams of the church of the holy sepulchre then that videa is not a battlefield area um at the fourth century centella and saint helen came to jerusalem and looked for the crucifixion and the burial site of craft and she found one and until the 16th century everyone accepted it as it is but then the christian some of the christians went out of catholic um the protestant and they started in the 19th century to ask questions are you sure that that is the place because as we know it's in the center of the city um the center of the city and the walls is surrounded and the tune was supposed to be outside and because it's the center of the city usually the romans are building um the agora which is the market and a very important temple some helen destroy the temple and build a church instead of it but is it the correct side then there are so many stories and i cannot tell you if it's true or not because it's difficult for me to understand that question the guys here at the garden tomb usually tells me sahih isaac follow your heart it doesn't matter where it is if it's here it's there what is important in that garden that is not a church and you can feel the atmosphere and let me tell you something about the atmosphere when i'm used to take my daughter now now she is too old for that she is 16 switch 16th and uh the only thing that you know is my credit card and uh certainly doesn't help a lot because i'm not working for one enough here now because of the situation coronavirus no tourist then in that case she used to tell me and it was right there at the small chapel she used to tell me that she is playing with angels there there is something so important and when my angelicums and some of the christians ask me to visit their place i wanted to do that for so many months but that place was closed lock no one could enter to this amazing place because of corona virus and covenant in that i was waiting for more than one and a half year to enter the death place and we did it then in that case um the hard doubts about that place as well and if it's okay but you i will talk about it too but you if you believe in that place this is your place um let's continue the story then now we know that the garden is very close to the crucifixion place and very close to the tomb because it's actually part of the tomb joseph other methiah was a jew a priest who gave jesus his aunty attempt that no one used before here i'm usually staying with my groups and we are listening to the story and praying and then visiting the tomb oh great i remember the viewpoint that i couldn't visit then this is a view of that of the calvary from damascus gate at the 19th century then you saw that part of the hill and that is the stage that i couldn't climb on to show you the golgotha left face i mean it looks like a skull and if i'm talking about that i remember i told you that in that area today uh there is um a central past station of the arabs the palestinians in jerusalem and then before you're going to shout at that how dirty let me tell you that that was a main road and that road took us to mount of olives and to jerusalem and to the left of that road you can actually see a visit damascus gate and the way to damascus the way to the sea of galilee was from there than the way to turkey then it was a highway at that time and the romans um used to crucify people at that area now how do i know that that part wasn't belong to joseph of ramitia because that part used to be a quarry quarry is always on by um the government and after the time of king hero the romans use it as well and why not to crucified people here very close to the main road another thing that they told me here and i loved it that at the church of the holy sepulchre we're climbing up to the calvary to see where jesus was crucified then let's see if he will be crucified here see the golgotha and he will be crucified here it means that no one will see from here you will see that someone was crucified but you won't see the sin list of his then maybe he was crucified at or near um that place just in front of us in front of those people while now walking nice that the garden tomb is here and we are in that area uh beautiful isn't it if we're talking about richmond whoops yeah now we can see him better richmond garden i mean look at that it's beautiful another thing that you can actually see here is a water system and they usually have a picture of it as well but not now little bit frightening and it's this is only dangerous that's why they used to throw the buckets in but it's such a a huge one then we know that it's doesn't own by one person or poor people then in that case it can be owned by joseph over media because we're talking about the rich a rich man um and now the doubts can i do that you're not going to kill me for that you're not going to stun me white is on me because according to tradition of some spheric jews that area used to be a place that used to stun people if they've been to punish them then again to strong people in a very in a highway because people need to know why at the crusader time they use it as a stable for of the hospitals well it actually doesn't mean that that it's good or not uh if it was the tomb of jesus or not at that time but this is part of that idea then the water system as it is today is from the crusader time it doesn't mean that it was wasn't here before another thing that you can see here and there are so many biblical trees like that beautiful olive tree an octree is a wine press you can if there is a one place press here it means that someone rich could use it it is and look up here first the garden and my christians that tour is for you i know that you want to go to the tomb and we will go we will enter the terms soon uh but let's look at it let's look how beautiful it is that area is full with thumps the tomb that we are going to see is um is the tomb that we believe that jesus was buried there if it was part of it some scholars believed that the tomb was established in the 8th century um we see 100 years before jesus time then we can actually say all right if it was used uh then who said that it doesn't use uh later on because the jews use the symptoms the problem is that is that joseph of amitya gave jesus his answer what you cannot see here is the rolling stone and there is a rolling stone that we found out here because the original is not from here here it is then let the lovely lady first pray in that place and i will enter later on but let's talk about how jews used to bury themselves there's so many niches um in a family cave they used to put the body in one of the niches and then a few years later they used to take the bonds out and put it in a small place like that the houseries the only problem here in that tomb it's that it looks like the first and first temple time and you will see like um open circuit focus he used to put body on the floor just lying down then let's go in and it's so sad that but i'm the only one here where are you my dear tourists please come to israel the most important thing here that i loved is the sign here of the door which is not here anymore he was risen he's not in the trim itself what you can actually see here we can see two between the two and three tops that one you can see that the edge of it they make it a little longer because the body wasn't to that place that can actually tells us that maybe um joseph built it for his family and jesus was a little bit higher than that the beautiful uh the beautiful cross here it's from the byzantine time another things that tells you that maybe someone at the byzantine time at the beginning of christianity actually believed that this is the tomb of jesus and another beautiful thing here to see is that there is a hole there i'm sorry for the non [Music] pure um for the soul to go out of the cave straight to heaven um because the tomb itself is not so pure let me stand here and i will show you a little bit of the two from every angle but the door is missing just like a rolling stone is missing now it's so difficult for me now because my mother died a week ago and i'm standing in front of a tomb well i know that my mother is buried my mother is a jewish woman and she was buried in a in a jewish tomb just like um every other jew in israel and this is the story of jesus as well because jesus wanted you let me go outside and let me tell you how she was buried until we will go outside let me tell you that some of you asked to support me and at the beginning it was a little bit difficult for me because you know all about the ego and pride but i'm not working from more than one and a half here um if it's okay about you go to the description of that video and look at the link of buy me coffee if you will buy me a coffee you can ask me to pray for you somewhere in jerusalem and in israel and if you want me to light a candle for you in some places i can do that if you want me to put um um a note between the western wall a western wall stands the whaling wall i will do that as well if you do have a suggestion for a video that i didn't make it and yes i do have more than 19 000 videos then i will do that or at least i will send you the link of that video too you don't need to support me but if you can i will be happy then buy me a coffee and let's talk about what's happened to my mother then first of all she didn't die of corona she died because she was old but not so old she was 85 years old and and she could choose to live or she could choose to to die in a way in israel um she knew that if she will get a medicine she will be a dependent by other people and until 85 she was long she lived alone and she didn't want any help from anybody other and the beautiful thing is that we could say goodbye i could say to her what i feel and as i asked her for her forgiveness and she looked at me and said take care of everything i love you more than ever and um take care of the family and your child and i'm doing it and now i'm standing in front of the tomb of jesus and his mother couldn't say goodbye to him his mother could follow him a little bit but not more than that then the idea that he died in front of her and he was buried at the same day as the jewish i mean in jewish tradition my mother was she died at thursday morning and she was buried at the same day just like jesus did remember according to the book of john uh joseph over methiah asked to get the body of um of jesus after he died on the cross and yeah and and he wanted to bury him at the same day and that is actually what happened um they purify their body they put a shroud around her just like they put a shroud around jesus and they bury her um in the jewish cemetery then that was a jewish cemetery there are so many ascent at the end it's a beautiful company in church just behind that wall and we found lots of uh tombs but most of them is not from retirement jesus is earlier and in the time of jesus amazing isn't it this is one of the places that i really love and for the one who say come on stop talking we wants to pray i'm gonna prepare a video uh of entering the tomb without talking at all and you will have time to pray as well then um um what should i say yes if you didn't subscribe me before did that now it's a competition between me and my daughter my daughter remember the 16 years old child can't understand that an old man like me can be a youtuber she's laughing at me although i do have almost 1990 000 subscriber and it's a competition because she said only when you reach 100 000 subscribers i will actually look at you at a different perspective then if you know some people who love those kind of videos please tell them to subscribe me as well i want to show my daughter just before the end of 2021 that although there's a coronavirus um in in the world people are watching my videos and if you want to tell her that you reached that point please write it down i will actually read it in front of her thank you very much and uh i'll meet you in my next video and from right now you are my family the garden tomb beginning of september 2021
Channel: Zahi Shaked. Israeli tour guide צחי שקד. מורה דרך
Views: 3,226
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: צחי, שקד, מורה, דרך, tripadvisor, הדרך, מדריך, טיולים, הטיולים, ישראל, zahi, shaked, tour, guide, israel, Holyland, Holy, Land, Tourist, Sightseeing, Tour, Guide, פלסטין, Zahi Shaked, מורה דרך, מדריך טיולים, מדריך תיירים, tour guide, ישוע, ישו, Jesus, קורונה, קוביד-19, Coronavirus, COVID-19, COVID - 19, צחי שקד, zahi shaked, גן הקבר, ירושלים, the garden tomb, jerusalem, Christian, Golgotha, Skull Hill, Gordon's Calvary, Evangelical Anglicans, Anglicans
Id: xbUczt7vhoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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