Daily life in Tel Aviv, Israel (important information for tourists) - the city's cultural center

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good morning from tel aviv this time i will  take a video of my own city i was born here   and i'm and i'm going to meet my sister and  my brother in one of the coffee places who   bakery and not so far away from here and you  asked me about my life and here it is i was   born many many years ago not so far away from  here this is king george street that's the one and if y'all continue that way i will reach  the carmel market one of the best market and   the sea if i will continue all the way to the  west i will do a witch from the nest sorry   i will meet um the sea it's something like 10  minutes walking slowly walking like my walking   if i reach that place i will continue north to the um cto and then to haifa and  the rest and here is one of the   few shopping malls of tel aviv it's called  diesengoff center but if you will ask where is the   shopping mall in the center of the city everyone  knows that they are talking about it there are so   many places here to talk about you know it's not  so important it's not about jesus and the messiah   but it's still interesting now it's too early to  see million people in the street but as you can   see there are people in the street that place  used to be a cinema i yeah as a child i used to   go there a lot but now there's two coffee places  ozen bar is one of them and that's the other one   and the theater now is uh it's actually a theater  but of uh uh off off off uh pop bands and um   some small uh shows like comedian or something  like that that area is one of the squares of   tel aviv next to my house i live somewhere  there um but there's a monument here at 1940 at 1940 and then later on in 1941  there were two airstrikes here   and one of them was about the italian  you know the one who used to be with   mr hitler and it actually happened right  there something like 200 300 meters   from there and around 100 people died  because of it and later on 41 the vichy the french slashed friends of hitler did  it again and they killed something like 12 people   here there which was right there and if you ask  the television today i'm not sure that they know   that it's happened but uh if you will ask the old  people like my mother late mother she knew that   it happened but she was a child at that time and  i remember that she said that she was on the way   to the market and she hide in one of those shops  that she do understand what's actually happening   let's go back to the boulevard the only  problem is that we are going to get here going east and the sun is there that is one of the many boulevards of tel aviv  and i just read that um sorry i don't know   what's happened to my voice i just heard that i  would go through that shady side from the shade   side here it is um then if you're planting trees  there will be less accidents in that world than   well let's hope that we won't  see any accident in that area like that one it's actually more calm and that crazy man a vault he is crazy because  he's not supposed to drive there he's supposed   to drive here there's a special lane for  him but let's leave the noise of the truck i don't know when was the last time or if you  actually been here in tel aviv but tel aviv   it's uh to the city it was established at  1909 at the beginning it was a neighborhood   of jaffa in 1921 until we became  an independent city a jewish one   and 1948 jaffa became a part of tel  aviv a neighborhood in tel aviv and   the name of the city the full name is  tel aviv which means tel aviv jaffa i hope that you can see something  if it's the sun for you then put hat tell me if it's the first what do zionistic mean by zionist it's it's funny  because you know i'm plotting so many videos and so many people muslim muslims are  trying to divide israel and the zionist   israel is good zionists are back the zionist  was immigrant that established 1882 in russia   of jesus suffer from the  christian government let's let me talk about the rest of the jews  these are the two in all over the world   and they decided to go back to the to their  homeland and their homeland was israel   israel as a jewish place established at the  time of king david they're talking about free   time three thousand years ago and that matter  the only way that they just could feel better   is their in their homeland um now it's a problem  because i can see one of the best coffee places   with excellent sandwiches and it used to  be the ammo it's known by the television   it's kind of a secret place the only problem is  that now i'm taking a video of it then you can   visit it don't tell the other israelis about it  because if it will be so popular the television   the snobs one will actually switch to another  place and this is very very very close to my place i don't know if you saw um a guy an old guy with a telephone  stocking with telephone who's kind of   gray hair this is one of the  best actors of tel aviv comedian but a lot of them are staying here in  the center of tel aviv because you know   that's the city that except everyone that what  you can see from here this is a beaver square   and a bit of a center it's a a jewish israeli  theater one of the first that actually started to to play with the ebro it's established in russia  but around 1930 the city hall decided to give them   a little bit space for that and this is now it's  called the national theatre of israel this is the   coffee that i was talking about uh let me show you  the sandwiches you know what let me take you there and it's amazing and every day it's different than when  you will come you will see different menu it's many hebrew and that's mainly because we have no  tourists now for more than one here another oh that coffee place is called a bima  coffee place although there's no name for it and   another good coffee place and in israel coffee and  a restaurant it's almost the same it's right there i will try to move to the  shade there's a crossing now they're crossing now to the other side that was one of the first entertainment  area you know culture area there you can find one of the halls of the  the tel aviv museum that was the beginning   of it it was a small home and we didn't think  that we will need more than that at their 30s   but we know the museum of tel aviv is one  of the biggest in the world it's like a   city of modern art and classical art but  it's worth visiting tel aviv i'll use him oh we are going through the jungle i wish that  i could buy more plants to my house i love it olive tree if there is something that i want to do is to have   an olive tree in my house but  my house is too small for that that is part of the square of abima  and um you can see the name of it right   to there the bima and rochard is to the right this is the philharmonical of tel  aviv but you can they use it as a   huge performance for example when i was  here then i saw elo electric black orchestra   there and and laurie anderson was there as well  beautiful square built by one of the great late   architects of israel the sad thing is that  there's no shade and we have a lot of sun for   most of our time you can see one of the city of  another famous uh artist's culture his name was Menashe Kadishman (and not as stated) I think he's going to yeah  The statue is by and that's rochelle avenue that part of  rochelle avenue that been um renovated it   but it actually goes all the way until on  this trip and that's the beginning of the live   it's worth a tour by itself and i will take  a video of it later on i'm not sure that it   will be today but it will be later on it's  still hot now it's a cool day in tel aviv   it's only 85 degrees fahrenheit  28 29 degrees tells us it's hot that's the kettle from the bicycle lane and again i will try to take the shade part of  that street but look at the philharmonic now   uh a lot of uh demonstrations are being held there  um the one against mr bibbidi thing out there late government of israel was taken here and now  it's the base camp of the one who are against the   vaccination corona virus vaccination   that demonstrate here every saturday  and then they march all over the city   to demonstrate in israel it's by law you can  do that anytime you're not just if it's more   than 12 people you must take you get a permit  from the from the police but they will give   it to you a wonderful bakery that's another one  that i'm going to stay in certainly it's called let me show you the log of it here's of course it's in hebrew  and um such a beautiful place such a beautiful place and we are so good in  coffee and bakery stuff let's go from there   at nighttime you can find here a few of  the uh pubs without clothes of course although somewhere in the world it's nighttime now we are now heading to marmorac street this is  the street that was born by the french 1941 the cats we have a lot we have a lot  of things looks like like every fifth   uh family in tel aviv will have a  cat or a dog or both or more than one grocery shops you could find it  everywhere another pub it's closed now and you can see from time to time a lot  of bubbles houses when i will take you to   rochelle avenue i will talk about the  international style that started in germany   just before mr hitler was born well i think he  was a child at that time but when he became hitler   and germany became to be  nazis he kicked them out of of the world of germany and some of them came  to here at that time a lot of the jews came to   tel aviv and to israel mainly because they  ran away from germany and they had to build   themselves houses quickly and because most  of them came without any penny the government   actually helped them and this is the result  of it will be the above ourselves um fast   basic and with cement which  makes it a little bit cheaper i love to love you i love israel i really love  to guide you then if you're rich at that point   and this is the first time that you are watching  my videos then first subscribe my channel   and push the ring ring the bell and  you will get the latest videos of mine   and if you want to add  something or change something noise this is uh a result of the idea that we are in the  fog area and earthquake might hit tel aviv as well   it just a crit was damaged today by that  and a friend of mine that is now staying   in greece in santorini actually told me that  he felt it too then as you can see there are renovated it according to the new rules which is  good i hope that my neighbors will do that as well forgot what i was started to talk about but let's  cross the junction here we are at marmorek street   that street is levi judah levy and this is even  give royal street i know that it's a horrible view   but it's another important stretch to  visit and i might might talk about it too another forgotten man i was somewhere in the  middle and i don't know i don't remember what   it is i'm too old for that um when i will listen  to the video i will know what to head next time   you can see that we are building now lots of   sky craters in tel aviv mainly because we don't  have a lot of landings and it's quite a small city   am pm grocery shop that opened  24 hours a day seven days a week then if you need something it's here the smell  is amazing lots of fruit and vegetables it's like   every grocery place but smaller than a big um then  i pick uh uh those big chains of supermarkets but   it's it's but okay it's the end of support  today and you can see some sukkas small hats i already took a video of the jewish  quarter at sukkot the agriculture   holiday and it's the last service before uh winter  time now it's already autumn in israel and that's   the reason i'm taking that video because it's not  as hot and as humid as used to be like a month ago   and you can see some of the hats here  i know that the sun is in your eyes one which usually every kosher restaurant  will build one and people will sit   next day but that was the last day not anymore  today we are beginning a new holiday like we   didn't have like so many holidays this  uh this month but this is a very nice one   you know that the jews are reading the  bible every monday thursday and saturday today they will finish to read the first books  i will start to read it from the beginning   in that case tonight it's gonna be a celebration  and i'll try to see if there will be celebration   outside the synagogues because it's  corona time and some people are praying   outside the cinematics and tomorrow it can be a  festival with all the torah books and people will   dance in this street and there will be convoy of  of people that will um dance in the streets while   those convoy is actually passing through  them and we might take a video vertical   i'm not leaving tel aviv now not for the next  few days but that is the cinema tech of tel aviv   and cinema tech it's all about good movie  from europe from all over the world actually   but yeah the quality one not the blockbusters beautiful place a few holes but you  can see them that we are building   more and more and more sky craters all over oh mcdonald's yeah we do have  mcdonald's some of them are kosher   then you won't be able to eat a cheeseburger  or you can won't be able to buy yourself a mac with a milkshake as i believe i will reach that  place and not really try to be   till it could be late i mean to be the  last one and i'm gonna be the first one   it's always like that if you're talking about  kosher not kosher things then you saw ampm   it's a kosher place although it's functioning on  shabbat which is not allowed but here you can find see the in the city it's called  tiftaam and it's the sunset here   open or shabbat and here you can buy  shrimps uh ham bacon was totally not kosher we're entering to the hashmona  in street fashion night and soon we will say goodbye and before we say  goodbye you will see some new things another   two or three things i want you to understand  that we do then if you give some questions   i think that was that was the thing that i  forgot to mention you can ask me whatever you   want i will answer it and if you'll go to the  description you will see uh the links for my   instagram my professional instagram and facebook  and another link that called buy me a coffee then   if you want to support me mainly because i'm not  working for more than one and a half year and i   love of taking those videos you can do the two  busan you see it in hebrew and arabic it's a ice   cream arabic ice cream chain and considered to be  a very good one it's still closed it's too early we love wine central tel aviv it's a lot of traffic jam that  is one of the reasons not to have a car if you're   living in central can live or to walk which is  good you can see few more sky graves that one   uh my brother bought her an apartment that's why  i'm actually going to sit in one of the coffee   place near his house and the lower part is a huge  shopping mall fashion shopping mall which is um   what can i tell you a nice one looking to shopping  mall just like next to my house there's no reason   for me to be here and that's a square that  in um every friday you will have a vintage   and secondhand market um not my cup of  tea but it's it's very crowded on friday and i'm going to as breads in hebrew and it's a bakery  that deals with any kind of pastry   sweet salty sandwiches and very good coffee  it's not my best place because it's not air   conditioned outside but it's quite good it's  basic then we and see what's happening here and i'm almost sure that my brother is not  there but you know what i will try to go in i'd like that so if you want to  smell the bread here you can smell it   all right let me see if my brother is there i'm  not going in with the uh camera let's see it as   a private place and this satsuki it's all about  good good tea shakes look at the line for it in the shots you need to wear the mask but outside you don't need it and i'm going  into the vintage market but it's not friday then   it's supposed to be empty and i  will go to see where is my brother one of the businesses area and  sorona which is a german colony   from night from 1870 is there it's another reason  to take videos and of course on the first one then if you liked the video remember subscribe it  and i will see you in my next video see you bye
Channel: Zahi Shaked. Israeli tour guide צחי שקד. מורה דרך
Views: 3,685
Rating: 4.9439254 out of 5
Keywords: צחי, שקד, מורה, דרך, tripadvisor, הדרך, מדריך, טיולים, הטיולים, ישראל, zahi, shaked, tour, guide, israel, Holyland, Holy, Land, Tourist, Sightseeing, Tour, Guide, פלסטין, Zahi Shaked, מורה דרך, מדריך טיולים, מדריך תיירים, tour guide, ישוע, ישו, Jesus, קורונה, קוביד-19, Coronavirus, COVID-19, COVID - 19, צחי שקד, zahi shaked, Tel Aviv, Mediterranean Sea, Jaffa, Neve Tzedek, Tel Aviv Beach, White City
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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