The Games + MORE! 1 Hour Compilation | He-Man Official | He-Man Full Episode | Videos For Kids

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[Applause] and the masters of the universe i am adam prince of eternia and defender of the secrets of castle greyskull this is cringer my fearless friend fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day i held aloft my magic sword and said by the power of grayskull [Music] [Applause] [Music] cringer became the mighty battle cat and i became he-man the most powerful man in the universe only three others share this secret our friends the sorceress together we defend castle grayskull from the evil forces of skeletor [Music] [Music] hello adam what are you sculpting it's going to be a surprise it seems like a lot of work for a hobby i'd rather do magic see this rock i'm gonna turn it into a teeny little [Music] fish i think i need some more practice [Music] adam i brought something that should make sculpting a lot easier what is that duncan it's my new beam ray [Music] how does it work with this control stick you point the antenna at what you want to sculpt and fire away hey let me try it here goes [Music] that's you orco [Music] i like the monster better [Music] duncan you didn't invent this just for sculpting no actually it's a very powerful weapon that i've set at low power why all this secrecy well this was one way to test it without anyone knowing if the wrong people got it it could be a dangerous weapon [Music] to begin game assemble all components [Music] all components assembled insert subject to begin play there that completes the pieces of my game now all i need is a victim to play the game with me [Music] [Applause] power me [Applause] [Music] ah yes there it is man at arms his daughter tila and prince adam here goes [Music] what happened father i don't know some sort of power surge is that what the full powered beam ray can do even more well i'd like to take a closer look at that tunnel come on cringer [Music] you're amazing what a waste using your genius only to do good but i'll soon change that nurbs power me [Music] who are you i am negator future master of all eternia well negator what do you want here i want your beam ray and i want you well you'll get neither no one says no to negator never the tunnel adam's in there well don't worry he can get out the other side i wonder what caused this i think something very strange is going on out there it doesn't look too good in here either we'd better find out by the power of grayskull [Music] did i have a headache [Music] let's go do you want to say no again i'm impressed with your powers but you're not going to change my mind oh yes i will observe the power of [Music] negatory we've got to do something we can't we're no match for negator we need he-man we better see if tila and man at arms are all right [Music] that water's headed right toward tila and man at arms we've got to do something fast quick that plateau [Music] this should do it [Music] oh [Music] i shall return [Music] that got rid of him and this should take care of the water [Music] he-man you sure saved the day i'm worried about adam don't worry he got out the other end of the tunnel that's a relief now what's this all about we'll talk about it on the way home [Music] captain tila yes prince adam wants you to meet him in the valley of the desert for what reason i don't know but he said it was an emergency well thank you oh say i don't believe we've met no captain i've just been transferred from the mystic mountains well i hope you like it here [Music] where is that adam i'd look everywhere [Music] the power source on this sled needs recharging i'd better head back to the palace no no no i've a much better plan for you what's happening i can't turn [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i am repeating my generous offer come work for me save your breath i will never work for you never i have something that will change your mind tila if you don't worry she is perfectly safe i demand you release her immediately you demand if you come to work for me i will release her if not she'll be with me for a very long stay it is your decision and i guess i have no choice very wise of you bring your beam ray to the valley of the desert and come alone with your genius and your beam ray nothing will stop me [Music] have you seen tila not since you got your message and went to the valley of the desert message i didn't send her any message where's man at arms i don't know and i don't see his beam ring hey something's going on i better find out what by the power of grey skull [Music] [Music] this is meniderm skysled all right but i don't see man at arms that's because he's not here [Music] a perfect day man at arms for my old b-ray and he-man for my own game nerbs power me [Music] it looks like rain does anyone have an umbrella that's not a rain cloud spread out i have a hunch this will take me to tila and men at arms he's gone [Music] taylor thank goodness you're safe are you all right [Music] he is fine perfect for my game i wonder what he means we'll worry about that later his man at arms here negatory has him captive in a laboratory hmm there must be a way out of here the control switch is on the wall [Music] this sure isn't one of your ordinary walls these bounce back [Music] what's that it looks like an air ventilator rammy can you open it what a question of course i can effective but dumb [Music] it came from there [Music] nice of you to drop in turn the switch on the wall [Music] now let's get mad at arms [Music] i'm afraid the only way we'll free them is by getting negatory [Music] of course i let them escape it's all part of my game plan [Music] whatever game you've got planned you're going to be the big loser negator hey never lose nerves power me [Music] subject inserted and ready [Music] no more of your games he-man now you'll play my game it's an easy game just find the end of the maze and you'll be free of course no one has ever found it before well standing around isn't going to get us out of here let's get going go which way [Music] that was too close for comfort i don't think i like this game i wonder what other surprises are around here my pigeons have a ball [Music] i think we got company lots of company this one is mine [Music] well you used your head now i'm going to use your feet [Music] bullseye [Music] very good but remember the game has just begun negator you won't be so happy when we get out of here now which way it doesn't make any difference let's try this one [Music] i don't think there's a welcome mat in front of that door what do we do go through it of course i'll have to time this just perfectly this should make it more interesting he-man okay here goes nothing that's what i call a hot trick let's hope that's the last problem we'll have no this will be your last problem [Music] what do we do with a giant bag of wind blow it away exactly [Music] come on we can't be too far from the exit now you've fallen right into my trap time to finish the game [Music] which of the four corridors do we take you mean which of the two or uh which of the none too bad you've come to the end of my game i told you no one has ever won my game i never lose there's always a first time negator would it do any good if i hollered help we haven't lost yet yeah i know never give up till you tried everything well we're gonna need everything we got right now that was your big mistake megatour jump on ram man [Music] that takes care of that now let's get out of here right now that must be the exit no well your game plan didn't work did it i'm not finished yet nerves power me come on negator come and get me [Music] you'll have to do better than that more power give me everything you've got [Music] [Music] you won't escape now he-man [Music] bullseye it's my turn now negator you'll never get me quick let's get our friends the console is about to explode [Music] thank goodness you're all right he-man what happened let's just say you won't have to worry about megatour anymore that's a relief come on let's go home about time i'm getting hungry lucky adam while we were going through all this he's probably at home playing one of his games i don't think he likes games as much as he used to what makes you say that just a hunch everybody likes to play games but when they do it's natural to try and win but some people try so hard to win that they forget about safety they get excited lose their tempers and then run the risk of hurting themselves or someone else by playing too rough [Music] no game is worth an injury when you play don't be so anxious to win that you'll do something which you'll regret later on play it safe [Music] [Music] [Music] there it is eternia home of the mightiest warriors in the universe somewhere on this planet i will find the perfect gladiator for my cosmic games but who will it be [Music] a warrior known as ram man perhaps [Music] no no he possesses great strength the oaf is too clumsy for my purposes [Music] beast man's power is mighty indeed but his savage nature makes him completely untameable no for my games i'll need the greatest fighter the universe has ever known none other than he-man himself and now to fake a distress call that will lead the hero to me [Music] [Applause] hurry cat that distress call said there's a spacecraft down there here [Music] i knew he'd answer the call for help you know what to do us your wish game master [Music] strange there's no sign of a spacecraft or anything else out here i don't like this it feels like a trap [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign it looks like skeletor's got himself a brand new gang of flunkies i'm not so sure they're from skeletor right he-man who are you i am the game master i traveled the universe collecting the mightiest warriors for my cosmic games so you faked that distress call i did i had to lure you out to test your power for myself i was most impressed you'll make a fine addition to my arena sorry not interested your interests do not concern me he-man you will serve me as i wish since you like games so much try playing with this [Music] you've made your point warrior come there's nothing for us here [Music] you're going to let him go of course not fool he's got to have some hidden weakness i can use against him and my little spy here will find out what it is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um [Music] oh [Music] i have to hand it to my father his new training robot is good [Music] maybe too good allow me [Music] sometimes a shield works best as a weapon i'll remember that thanks he-man what happened with that distress call you went to investigate was anyone in danger only me tila some villain calling himself the game master tried to take me as a gladiator for his cosmic games what happened well battle cat and i turned on his offer thank goodness i hate it if you were taken away from eternia i'd be losing one of the best warriors i ever knew as well as one of my best friends you mean a lot to me you mean a great deal to me too [Applause] [Music] stop your training i have a more important job for you my little spy has told me that he-man is fond of a certain young woman in the italian royal guard if we were to capture her e-man would surely offer himself to us for her release how come we have much to plan there it is ladies man at arm's latest invention the android horse show us how it works adam we'd love to see all you have to do is sit in the saddle and say forward strider [Music] me stop and obey [Music] we changed strider's vocal command unit today anyone who tries to ride it besides man at arms or me gets thrown i wish i had known that before i took my bath i wish you'd realize you don't have to show off to impress people there's a real charmer inside you adam and i like that fellow a lot more than he man i like you both but for different reasons you could never be a warrior like he-man is oh i don't know i'm pretty good with a sword [Music] adam i'll need that sword but wait tila stay back all of you seize her [Music] you didn't think you could hold us off with a single sword did you boy my sword i think i'll keep this as a memento of my easy victory [Music] take this message to he-man boy if he ever wants to see tila again he must surrender himself to me at my cosmic arena tell him to come alone or tila will remain my prisoner forever they're holding her as bait for he-man well why don't you just become human and go after them i wish i could orco but i only took my sword oh no i'm going after them tila said i'd never be the hero he-man is well i hope for her sake she's wrong [Music] [Applause] [Music] i have a reading on the game master ship it's just south of the mystic mountains are you sure we have to go through with this well as long as he-man can't make it we're the only hope tila has but the game master said he man was to come along if he sees you he won't see me i've got a plan which is where you two come in [Music] for the last time let me go [Music] now to get out of here [Music] a nice try woman but i win as always [Music] perhaps i was wrong to insist on he-man as my champion you have considerable skills of your own unlock this door and i'll show you some skills you won't forget in good time my dear he-man comes to rescue you i'll have eternia's two mightiest warriors to fight for my amusement forever [Music] now you know what to do sure just leave everything to me that's it we're doomed for sure [Music] who seeks an audience with a game master i hunter i have come to offer this mighty jungle cap to the game master for his cosmic circus doesn't look like much of a fighter but we'll let the master decide so you want a bargain for this creature do you let's see what he does you see before you one of the fiercest most savage creatures from this or any other planet where where you remember oh yeah right roar bro roar is that it oh no oh where do you see him in action first we all need a volunteer [Music] yeah afraid of him are you afraid of him no afraid of his teeth and claws yes ah i've wasted enough time with this that cat is no fighter this calls for drastic measures [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right i'll take him i could always use him as a clown or something [Music] [Music] that looks like the prisoner area up ahead tila tila i see you chose not to deliver my message to he-man that will be a mistake you'll regret since you and your friends went to so much trouble to sneak in it would be a shame for you to miss the games take him away now what's gonna happen i don't think you're gonna like the answer i know you came hoping to rescue your friend tila so i have thoughtfully released her to watch you fight [Music] adam adam is no warrior he'll never survive your terrible games he should have thought of that before coming here [Music] let the games begin my sword if i could just get it your opponent is craggox the terrible you can see how he earned that name [Music] [Music] that youth is braver than i thought but once qragox uses his stinger it will all be over adam look out for its tail [Applause] if only i could get my hands free come on magic [Music] [Applause] [Music] go hey gruesome down here [Music] taylor [Music] tila [Music] this is the best match i've seen in ages you fake bully you heard kyla [Music] leave him to me orco by the power of grayskull [Music] he met [Music] that's right and once they're safe i'll settle with you nice going cat [Music] you've defeated my best warrior he-man but you won't be so lucky with me [Music] all right game master let's finish this man to man my trident i said man to man game master or do you cheat at every game you play my disc trucker will take care of you you're not playing fair [Music] i still have my servants the most powerful warriors gathered from around the universe yes warriors you trapped by force and used as slaves in your games how loyal are they now come back and fight you cowards game's over you lose no i always win it's not fair there's one thing i can't stand it's a sore loser how are you feeling i'm fine but adam he's safe in fact i couldn't have rescued you without his help i know i never thought i'd see adam play the hero neither did i [Music] now that the game master is in the palace jail you are all free to go home my time corridor will send you back i still can't believe it but this time i guess we owe it all to adam just between us tila what kind of a man would you prefer someone like adam or someone like me i don't know i guess i'm looking for a a man with adam's wit and your courage but where would i find him today he-man was forced to play a dangerous game by the game master the game master bragged a lot about winning all the time but he became angry when he lost it said it wasn't fair well playing games could be a lot of fun but boasting when you win or getting angry when you lose spoils of fun for everyone and pretty soon nobody want to play with you so take a tip from me be a good winner and a good loser you'll enjoy your games more and so will the people who play with you good luck goodbye [Music] get up beast man you've lost [Music] never get the girl [Music] [Applause] come back here you cowards i command you come back you measurable traitors when i get my hands beast man i'll give you 10 seconds to follow your friends before i send you there myself mark my words he-man someday you will wish you never heard the name beast man i already wish i never heard it and then he took a step toward beast man those birdface tripped three times trying to get out of the fortress thank you all for coming to the age of the widgets once again we were glad to be of help no i must be going and i must get back to my duties at the palace adam is behind in this training [Music] [Applause] we sure showed beast man it'll be a long time before i try something like that again [Music] you better be careful orco the abyss can be very dangerous well to you maybe but i can fly yes but there are great winds and mystical forces down there the source of gray skull's power is down there gee looks like it goes down a long way it should the abyss is bottomless bottomless actually the abyss goes to the center of the planet that qualifies as bottomless in my book do you want a rock to drop in the abyss i promise you you won't hear it hit bottom oh no thanks i have my own rock [Music] rock that's better [Music] guess that makes it pretty bottomless [Music] [Applause] adam adam not here either huh i'm getting a little tired of adam's skipping my lessons [Music] i've been looking everywhere for you you're supposed to be i know i know i'm supposed to be learning survival skills right so why didn't you meet me two hours ago to tell the truth tila i didn't feel like it what you didn't look i know i have a lot to learn but come on tila can't we have some fun once in a while fun adam you can't waste your life just fooling around there are too many important things to do well that's what i mean work work work it's all you ever think about well i don't feel like it but adam that will be all captain [Music] well i hope you're proud of yourself i've never heard you talk that way to tila well she's always [Music] no i don't know i guess i'm i'm just tired cringer but you're a he-man yeah he never gets tired but prince adam does it's always study this learn that i'm tired of it well i'm tired of being battle cat but as much as i hate to say this i'm sure glad he's around when we need him i know old friend you're right i'd just like to take a break for a while do something relaxing for a change me too but but what about taylor don't worry i'll say something to her in the meantime why don't we use this nice shady spot for a nap now you're talking and then he dismissed me as if i were a stranger taylor remember he is the prince of eternia but we grew up together like brother and sister and when was the last time you played like brother and sister play we're both grown and why are you taking his side i'm not taking anyone's side look here i'm very proud of you and the way you handle your responsibilities but you've got to loosen up occasionally loosen up yes take a break the battle at the widget fortress has exhausted you father i'm fine my problem is adam then why not find a way of combining work with fun oh thank you father you've just given me an idea gotta run kids [Music] [Applause] adam granger wait up adam i have been thinking about what you said in the courtyard earlier and i dilah i want to apologize for the way i spoke to you today you see i was tired yes i know you don't have to apologize you were right it's time we had some fun for a change yeah yeah what did you have in mind trust me now this is more like it your picnic idea is just what we needed isn't that right cringer yeah you sure hey fellas the fun isn't over yet what what's next are we gonna play a game or something as a matter of fact we are i'm going to hide somewhere in the forest and you have to find me hey hide and seek we used to play that when we were kids remember oh yes i remember that's why i brought these what's this for in case you get lost it's a homing device yours will be set on send and mine will be on receive this will help you find me in case you get hopelessly lost well don't worry about me worry about finding a good hiding place all right now just give me a head start hey what happens if you get lost i don't get lost [Music] cringer wanna help me find tila you just run along and have a good time i'll just guard the picnic basket for you okay just don't work too hard well i think she's had enough time [Music] tila i'm hot on your trail [Music] i hope adam didn't get lost already [Music] good adam you're getting it this oughta hone your tracking skills good he's on his way what was that now who might you be oh aren't you the cutest thing what's your name little fella i think i'll call you pookie what do you think do you like the name pookie [Music] very good adam you found me but now you have to catch me i'll catch you all right and this time no head start it was nice meeting you pookie bye [Music] ouch oh swell what next what do you think i am an acrobat what's the matter adam can't you keep up with a girl pookie i'll race you to the castle i'll show her she's not gonna get the best of me [Applause] [Music] this isn't fun anymore [Music] you did a better job of following me than adam did let's see if adam can track me here [Music] we sure gave adam a run for his money well he needs the exercise right pookie pooky pookie pokey get away from there [Music] that was a close one pookie you could have fallen over that edge well yes you must be careful [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now where is she i must have misread the tracks i'll bet you doubled back to cringer [Music] tila tila gosh she's not here either cringer didn't tila come back here hmm no i haven't seen her i thought for sure she'd be here she probably went back to the palace well it doesn't seem like her to leave like that she probably got hungry isn't it almost dinner time almost maybe you're right i i guess she's getting back at me for giving her a hard time yesterday [Music] [Music] oh spooky you're all right well i can't say the same for myself i think my arm is broken adam adam oh it's no use adam doesn't even know where i am all right come on tila pull yourself together think stay cool now oh how are we gonna get out of this one oh wait the homing device i'll just switch this to send and maybe adam no he won't be on receive besides this transmitter isn't very strong and i have no idea how far we fell no one knows where we are i can't climb out with this arm and what am i gonna do what am i going to do duncan have you seen tila no she wasn't a dinner either did you two have another fight no we got separated in the forest i'd hoped she'd come back here hmm how long has she been missing well almost four hours duncan i'm worried no it's not like tila to go off by herself unprepared wait duncan she was prepared she gave me this homing device it's funny she thought i was gonna get lost why this is one of the signal devices i made a while back look her transmitter's on she's trying to signal us perhaps this was never meant for long distances and the evergreen forest is on the other side of the fertile plains i'll boost the power we'll use the city's long-range sensors to locate her all i have to do is adjust for this frequency and the scanner will do the rest is that tila sure looks like it only it's not coming from the forest it's not where then a round castle grey skull let's go [Music] there that will have to do that's the way out and we're not getting anywhere by sitting [Music] then again maybe i better sit [Music] i don't get it the source is right here but it indicates the transmitter is still far away which direction north east or no direction just here i don't get it duncan come here i think i found something what is it adam tila's footprints are you sure well i should know them i tracked her through the forest before what are those marks hmm this break is fresh that means tila came this way it looks like like she slid not over the edge oh no not tila prince adam met at arms what brings you what's wrong i sense great sadness it's tila something's happened to her we think she may have fallen into the abyss oh no [Music] yeah mother i feel my mother she's alive adam duncan tila's alive alive how where is she she's down in the abyss very far down oh adam she's hurt deal is hurt i'm going after her no wait [Music] he won't get very far there are very strong updrafts that means we can't use the sky sled to go down there we must climb down and i know someone better suited for the task that's strange i wonder what by the power of [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i am [Applause] let's go [Music] i don't know what that was but i don't intend waiting to find out i can just get to that rock up there the rocks on the other side are a lot easier to climb than this wall watch out for formations like that last one you'll never know when one's going to kill [Music] [Applause] [Music] hold on duncan i'll pull you up hold on thank goodness you're here amen i would never have made it without you but we still have to find tila and get out of here safely there she is duncan boy am i ever glad to see you orco take the rope and tie it around taylor take your time orco make sure the rope is secure [Music] oh hey man i didn't even think you could get me out of here oh father i thought i'd never see you again everything's going to be all right now you know adam is very worried about you tila let's go home just a little more at last oh what a climb i don't know about you but i could sleep for a week we'll have you home in no time you know the strangest thing about this whole experience is my mother you're your mother well i don't know how to explain you're the only parent i've known but in the middle of everything i had this overwhelming feeling that my mother was protecting me i felt that she loves me and wants me in her arms she does tila she does tila learned two extremely important lessons today she learned it's just as important to play as it is to study and work but it's also important to take the time to learn the rules for playing safely right duncan tilo wandered too far away and when she ran into trouble there was no one around to help her or to go for help so when you play away from family or friends make sure someone knows where you are at all times [Music] oh so there you are adam oh come and join us duncan a race huh looks like you're getting the whole tour fisto yes he-man promised if i ever came to the palace i would be well-treated but i had no idea i never thought i'd see the day when cringer would willingly run anywhere and you still haven't ready set three two one go but they aren't moving where does the race start it already has the race is to see who can do nothing the longest you see they can't move blink or make any visible motion the first one who does loses and i always win you do not oh you lose again cringe i i i lost but how when you talked your lips moved and if you move you lose but or cold talked first so his lips move too yeah but with orco how can you tell i hate to say it adam but you've got a point [Music] excellent race prince adam uh would you not agree man at arms yes fisto what's that [Music] it's a ship [Music] and it's coming in fast i wonder what it wants well whatever it wants i think we're about to find out people of eternia hear us we are the vendarian seekers of truth we come to you with a problem where we come from there is no evil only good but here the powers you call good and evil [Music] a game that will help us understand we shall search among the most powerful representatives of good and evil and they shall be asked to compete in a game to see which is greater we shall make our choices tomorrow at midday until then farewell [Applause] boy it should be quite a match i only regret that it shall not be i who will represent the sight of good uh how can you be so sure i mean you're really powerful well perhaps little friend but no the bhandari will only have one choice when the time comes to choose someone to represent all that is good on eternia and that choice will certainly be he-man of course and if they select he-man then they would have to select the most powerful force for evil on eternia normally that would be me but i believe i have a way to change that [Music] behold the evil geiser it's a little invention i've been toying with it can increase the evil power of anyone inside it ten times over making that person the most evil being on eternia sounds like my kind of induction there's just one catch i made the evil for myself but then i found that it may have certain unforeseen dangers on second thought it's not my kind of invention after all [Music] you're going to need it [Music] of a wonderful day taylor i've really got to be going oh don't be silly adam you're always rushing to go off somewhere but nothing's more important than your training [Music] oh yeah yes that was too easy something on your mind well i guess i'm just thinking about the bhandari they'll make their choices for the games any time now and speaking of time it's getting late wait a minute practice isn't over yet yes but i uh um ah there you are my friends i wanted to say goodbye before i left for my farts and we'd better say goodbye if i'm to turn into he-man in time for the bhandari to make their choice [Music] oh no you don't you're not going anywhere until you say goodbye to fisto and we finish [Music] somehow i don't think they're going to find him [Music] what i'm glowing [Music] [Music] now to activate the evil geyser you have been selected to represent evil on eternia the games will begin soon we did it now get him out we must get him ready we have a game to win yes we'll win this game the old-fashioned way the tried-and-true way we'll cheat [Music] the contestants are in place both sides will be permitted to view the proceedings spy core what's he doing there fiscal what's he doing there i had expected he-man but no matter defeating the side of good in any form is all that counts [Music] the game [Music] seek out is game pieces and push the button on top for each you find you will receive 100 points and this one red game piece is worth 2 000 points you will find them with the seekers you wear on your wrists follow the era and you will finally gain pieces the one who collects the most points wins for some reason if you are forced to withdraw another must take your place to fulfill the test good will obey its own rules but evil will be bound by no rules then we can do whatever we want and we will and now let the games begin [Applause] [Music] seeker says game pieces there there it is now to climb mountain and now you fall we'll take care of that call in one of your feathered friends for a quick delivery of the game yes skeletor [Music] [Applause] get the game piece [Music] got it excellent evil 100 points good zero clear now [Music] well this should be easy enough just balance on the logs and get the [Music] this should device a real splash with fisto hey [Music] that little accident looked awfully fishy to me it isn't fair they're cheating so why don't we cheat too because the point we have to prove to the vendari is that good can win by following the rules still it might be a good idea for he-man to keep an eye on things cheating is one thing but fisto could be hurt accidentally true enough [Music] by the power of gray skull [Music] [Applause] [Music] according to the tracker the next orb should be under that stone now to see what happens [Music] let's see how fisto likes a taste of my new weight magnifier [Music] [Music] [Music] agreed [Music] got it but for how long the stone's getting heavier [Music] only one way out of this and that's to turn one big stone into a lot of small ones [Music] good work thanks amen you have agreed to continue in fisto's place therefore take the seeker and good luck but but what about spike it's pretty obvious that he's getting some help doesn't cheating disqualify him this is more than a test of strength it is a contest between good and evil each side free to use whatever tactics its conscience will allow the games will continue [Music] the only way i can make up the 2000 points we're behind is to find the red game piece but where [Music] oh i have to start somewhere you'll never find enough of the devices to make up the difference at last i will witness the defeat of the man as long as that full spy car doesn't mess things up [Music] there on that hill i will get it [Music] there should be right here and eight but this is not part of the game [Music] get me down [Music] release spy call [Music] i found another one another 100 points i did it i did it [Music] strange according to the tracker one of the game pieces should be here there's nothing here but the rock perhaps it's underneath you may not approach you may not walk forward you may not approach you may not walk forward you may not approach a force field the bendari said that this was not a test of strength so perhaps i should think this out since i can't walk toward the game piece you may not walk forward maybe walking backward would do the trick you may not approach you may not [Music] got it he did he found the 2 000 yes now he's tied with spyko wonderful news this is terrible news spy car there's one more game piece remaining you have to get it now yes escalator [Music] there it is the final game piece it's going to be quite a climb better start now don't bother hey man game [Music] will see gameplay is best you will all see [Music] just one step at a time [Music] [Applause] don't struggle too much if you do you'll [Applause] [Music] just a little farther [Applause] [Music] i may regret this but i can't just leave him hang on spykor i'm coming [Music] all right now spike or grab my hand i will fall come on try i got you now hold on here we go okay spike you're all right yes my court is all right and now [Applause] i knew i was going to regret this [Music] looks like i've just run out of time there's only one thing to do if i can't get to the game piece i'll bring the game piece to me better hold on tight spy core [Music] got it sorry spike looks like this just wasn't your game good has [Music] we see now that good is the greater power you could have won the game soon instead you went back and helped your opponent which nearly cost you the game why because winning at spykor's expense wouldn't be winning at all that's the difference between good and evil those who are evil will do whatever they have to to win but as long as there are good people who are willing to do what their conscience tells them evil will [Music] you never of you we shall remember what we have learned here today and carry it with us to the stars farewell [Music] [Music] car i've been thinking and i think i've learned something very important what's that skeletor i hate losing [Music] today we learned about the value of trying even when the odds are against you sometimes when people around us aren't playing by the rules or the job seems too big it's easy to become discouraged but that's when you really have to stick with it and keep trying because that's how winners are born so whether you're playing a game or doing your schoolwork no matter how far behind you think you are don't give up remember you can't win if you don't try see you next time [Music] hurry the king is in a dangerous position yes very dangerous it's certain defeat if we don't help i'm afraid that this time there may be nothing any of us can do let's find the safe place to hide well the king has finally run into someone who can beat him oh no he's not hurt is he no orco the king is losing at his favorite game chess what a relief i knew lord todd seems to have you cornered well king randor if you would care to concede never give up is the royal motto oh we play this game on twitter all the time any suggestions oh it's simple just watch a little magic orco you've moved all the pieces oh orco [Music] i'm sorry lord todd have no worry randor we were evenly matched i think here okay i have a magic trick of my own to show you thanks you want something cringer how about a steak things [Music] come on cringer i know just the price for a picnic and now here's something for you taylor it's beautiful what can i say uh say nothing and simply accept it as a gift and look lord todd has presented the king with his jewel set as a symbol of loyalty we are overcome by your generosity lord todd if there is anything i can do for you well yes there is something what is it i would be honored to have taylor as my guest at castle stark but that's impossible i have so many duties here you've been working hard keeping an eye on adam you deserve a vacation you may go [Music] this looks like a safe spot no one has lived in this castle for years [Music] what's happening [Music] it's over that monster is making the castle fall by digging underground look at those claws oh no he's coming his way let's get out of here wait for me [Music] [Music] we know nothing about lord todd he comes from a far off land and we've never seen him before hey fellas i can look after myself well time to go taylor [Music] looks like something is up [Music] it was awful you never mind about your steak cruncher the monster demolished that old castle over the hill last time we saw it he was heading straight for the palace monster palace this is a job for he-man but the sorceress wants us at grayskull you deal with a monster first i'll go see what the sorceress wants by the power of gray skies [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right arco lead the way [Music] any sign of my dinner no sign of anything steady cat no point getting angry the ground is moving [Applause] [Music] i have to stop that monster or whatever it is before it gets to the palace i have an idea come on [Music] that should slow it down [Music] what a silly place to leave a big thing like this i can hear the animal's thoughts but but his mouth isn't moving it's called telepathy i could hear you you could hear me who are you i'll tell you who this is e-man he-man whoa your name is famous all over internia i am known as black and you stole cringer's dinner oh he mad i meant no harm oh please don't hurt me he man i'm not he's he man i'm so sorry sir whoever you are don't hit me don't worry no one's going to hurt you moak hey man moak is as short-sighted as a bat i don't think that's quite the right phrase but i know what you mean why did you demolish that castle back is there what it was i knew i hit something i'm always knocking into things i'm so clumsy well moak you're heading straight for the royal palace you don't want to demolish that do you oh no sir definitely not sir i just borrow around to stay out of everyone's way oh it's so wonderful to talk to someone again i get so lonely but you can talk with your mind most people's minds are blinded by fear because of the way i look well i'll just tunnel off over there i won't be a bother to anyone [Music] hey wait a minute [Music] thank you that's the nicest thing anyone has done for me [Music] i'm still mad moak ate my dinner and he still looks ugly and evil oh i can't help the way he looks but he has a good heart there are some who might think you're pretty frightening yourself [Applause] it's unbelievable it's like someone transported the royal palace out into the desert i made this paradise using the knowledge and power of the stargate the stargate i don't understand ah but you will my dear you will [Music] this is my leopard the doors can all be opened or shut to create a maze a person could get lost in here and never find the way out exactly the center of the maze what's that the source of my power a stargate to another dimension the heart of castle star another dimension only the sorceress has anything like that who are you i am a collector of unique games and this is my most prized possession oh yes it's just a black square ah watch my dear [Music] unfolding and now a life-size chess set and those fabulous pieces yes carved by the finest craftsman it is perfect but for the final selection of one of the pieces i have searched a thousand systems for a suitable queen at last i have found her where right here you will be perfect forget it i'm leaving ah you don't appreciate the honor i'm bestowing upon you you will be the living model for the most unusual game in the seven universes thanks but no thanks it's made of eternium the hardest substance in this universe you're evil and twisted i am an artist you have an opportunity to be a part of my beautiful creation [Music] there is no way out one way or another you shall be mine [Music] i'm glad you came so quickly an evil force has entered eternia where is it it is centered on the old castle of stock stop but that's where tila is then tila is in terrible danger i must contact he-man while you do that i'll leave for castle star [Music] [Applause] you'd best come quietly guess i don't have any choice most sensible my dear what's happening to the stockade the stargate is beginning to open what will happen when the gate fills the frame i'll be able to pass through to my home dimension along with you my dear we'll see about that tell them to back off there's no use there's no escape the robots are programmed to protect the game not me [Music] in that case i'm going to smash your precious game if they don't lay off know what they'll never let you go it's just a standoff [Music] ah this is becoming an interesting game isn't it we can see what happens on my view screen i think i'm in trouble what's going to happen to my father he will have a nasty surprise [Music] oh no [Music] i cannot let you harm my father if you free him i'll go with you no taylor don't do it silence it is agreed now release my father you are too trusting my dear you broke your word what kind of a man are you i am not a man at all [Music] i am a spirit from another dimension in search of new games my world in a few minutes the star gate will be fully open and we can pass over say goodbye to your father there is no return from my dimension [Music] amen [Music] todd has tila in the center of the maze he's going to take her on a one-way trip into his own dimension we'd better get these other doors down [Music] these inner doors are made of eternium it's going to take the power sword too much time to cut through them there's something moving in there [Music] it's moak he's a friend malak what are you doing here oh no he man i've done it again haven't i oh dear look i'll just patch it all back together as best i can no moak you're just the one we want am i glad to see you you are we need your special and unique skills that's right we need to get to the center of this maze we can't cut through it but you can dig under it at last the stargate is open [Music] and now my dear we can pass through come what's happening hey man [Music] ah the legendary he-man will make a wonderful pawn for my game hey man look out [Music] you've made your last move he-man it's all over or should i say checkmate [Music] we've lost never but you'll never get back if the gate [Music] look even closes gate is closing fools even while you think you win the round you lose the match your friend is deserting you not even he-man can overcome the natural laws of the universe you have all fallen into my tracks hurry [Music] can't hold it much longer [Music] hurry it's closing look the necklace todd gave me his turn to rust [Applause] and now the energy todd was using has left our land things are returning to the way they really are [Music] so let it be known that sir moak the good-hearted shall be welcomed and honored throughout this land for his noble and selfless deeds [Music] i won't go bumping into things anymore [Music] today we met lord todd who appeared to be a generous and good person and moak who looked like a monster but then we found out that it was todd who was the monster and moak who was kind and good you learned that real goodness comes from the inside remember not to judge people simply by the way they look it's what they're really like inside that counts bye for now [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Masters of the Universe: He-Man & She-Ra
Views: 35,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: He Man, Animation, Greyskull, heman, cartoon, he-man, retro, retro cartoons, masters of the universe, he man theme, cartoons for kids, he man full episodes, he man, He-man, He man full episodes, he man english episodes, he man heyheyheyhey, he man what\'s going on, cartoons for children, kids cartoons, he man episodes, kids animated movies, She-Ra, he man film, he man full movie, he man full episodes in english, he man masters of the universe 1987 full movie
Id: z82882miReM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 56sec (6056 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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