He-Man goes back in time to stop Skeletor | He-Man Official | Masters of the Universe Official

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[Music] do [Music] at last i have it skeletors [Music] the wheel of infinity the ultimate key to the destruction of castle grayskull great cheers skeletor but it isn't enough to destroy grayskull when the wheel is in the right spot there won't be a castle gray skull and i shall rule all litenia what about he-man where we're going even he-man can't stop us and where is that we are going back in time to a time when there was no castle grayskull [Music] marvelous day for a picnic and some magic let's see just the thing tasty prize double in size now there's a useful trick [Applause] i believe that's big enough must have overdone it oh well [Music] wow [Music] he's summoning us to castle grayskull let's go the only place i want to go is home [Music] thank you for coming there is danger lurking look into the window of time and see the danger [Music] skeletor the demon is building a fortress but where here on the very spot where castle grayskull stands that's impossible isn't it unfortunately no skeletor has opened a corridor in time and traveled back to eternia's past what good will a fortress in the past do him the fortress protects the wheel of infinity if skeletor starts the wheel spinning it will go faster and faster and grow larger and larger until it is fast enough and big enough to destroy this castle and skeletor's evil will rule eternian you must go back in time and stop skeletal then let's do it by the power of gray skulls [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] the language of eternia's past will be strange to you but orca will know what to do about that i will i mean yeah yes of course i will i hope time is delicate do your job swiftly [Music] [Music] so this is whatever green forest looked like in the past [Music] and i guess that's what he turned into looked like [Music] easy battle cat we want to be friends orco the sorceress said you could make sense out of their language right if i can just remember that spell let's see uh scribble deep [Music] come on arko they're headed this way oh scrabble we do that's just you do serve the ghost face gap in galaxy i did it she said ghost face she must mean skeletor we are friends we want to help you you've got to believe me we [Music] my blaster won't work look out he-man [Music] i don't know why but my magic seems stronger here and not that it wasn't always great [Music] let's move it [Music] have you out in a minute folks come on [Music] hey man the pit's clear [Music] okay you big bully come and get us [Music] that should hold worm face for a little bit [Music] you have proved yourself friends to the snake clan man how may we help you tell us everything you know about skeletor the one you call ghost face he came to our land a short while ago and with his evil power took control of olo master of the ape class once the eight men were our friends now they hunt us trapping our people and forcing them to work as slaves in the fortress of the ghost face can you lead us to this fortress i don't wish to see you destroyed don't worry we'll be careful and we do have surprise on our side that's what you think e-man oh no gather your warriors we'll show he-man a little surprise of our own that once skeletor [Music] it's too quiet then let's make a little noise [Music] give up skeletor or we'll turn your fortress into toothpicks let's see you'll try it let's get them for eternia and praise god [Music] stop them [Music] oh [Music] mind if we drop in skeletor [Music] that club would make a fine toothpick [Music] that should cool him off [Music] and now for you ghost face not so fast my pretty have a little sleeping gas amen they've got zelora [Music] stop too late fools now you have a choice save castle grayskull or try to save this woman from dragosaur isle [Music] there it is dragosaur isles [Music] he-man's here good well he wastes his time trying to rescue zelora the moment i have waited for approaches this time i can't lose but what we do if he comes here the terrors of the jungle will take care of him and if they don't we'll do it ourselves [Music] hang on orco [Music] [Music] [Music] oh thanks he-man that silly weed almost had me for lunch let's keep alert i'm sure that's only the first of skeletor's nasty tricks [Music] so [Music] i guess that'll teach skeletor not to bug us [Music] [Music] and his friends have survived [Music] get them my beauties [Music] those big lizards could use a little rest [Music] my beauties you'll all pay for this here's something for your beauty to chew on fang man [Music] hold it skeletor [Music] between time and space [Music] i'm coming stay back this cage is alive with skeletor's magic [Applause] [Music] thank you oh thank you good work not good enough skeletor got away the window of time will soon draw you back you have only a little while to stop skeletons sorceress can you help us i shall do what i can [Music] oh not again skeletal [Music] them hold them off i'll stop skeletor [Music] i thought my blasters might work again [Music] you've had it skull face i'll show you power you want power skeletor try at this i won the wheel spins [Music] i i can't stop it no one can stop it it will spin throughout time moving faster growing larger until in years to come it will explode destroying castle grayskull forever maybe i can't stop it but i bet i can speed it up [Music] it will explode [Laughter] no time to take my way out only one thing to do jupiter what was that that's what skeletor had planned for grayskull he just forgot to plan on he-man [Music] welcome back he-man you did well all of you what happened to samara i liked her all i can say is that through your efforts the snake clan and the ape clan will be friends again and together they'll build the world that is our eternia you have the thanks of castle grace girl he-man and now i must make sure that skeletor's time corridor is closed forever farewell [Music] now that's what i call real magic [Music] as we've just seen skeletor went back into the past to make evil things happen in reality no one can go back into the past that's only make-believe but we can try to learn from the past from things that have happened to us and try to apply them toward being better people today remember it's today that counts so make it the best day possible until next time this is he-man wishing you good health and good luck [Music] so [Music] i must say this is a very good idea a summer fair to celebrate the day shira saved valley view castle she sure did from hordak's doom balloon and a lucky day it was for us the valley view castle doesn't need to have its fortune tone hordak wouldn't dare come back here again [Music] [Music] it is i call it the time transformer this machine will solve all your problems with the rebels sure it will just like catra solves our problems with shira again now why can't you little worm tatra just runs whenever she sees sherrod [Music] i've warned you before about teasing imp now leave him alone yes master [Music] how will this machine solve my problems with the rebels by going back in time and changing your losing battles to winning battles that's not possible oh no watch master hordak [Music] i'm sure you remember the time you attacked the rebels at valley view castle with your doom balloon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] of course i remember it it had the power of lightning the doom balloon was the most beautiful ship of evil i ever had and then you ran into shira don't remind me of that she was standing on top of that mountain waiting she even challenged me come on hordak now try picking on somebody your own size i fired every bolt of lightning i had at sheira i was sure we had enough electrical energy to beat her but the doom balloon couldn't handle it our circuits were overloaded the doom balloon was doomed turn it off what's the point of all this professor tempest i don't need to be reminded about what shira did of course not master but i told you i could change it but it's already happened then we go back to a time before it happened watch i'll rewind it [Music] oh we stop it right here and i'll give the doom balloon [Music] another energy beam now let us see how well she-ra does against the doom balloon [Music] full energy power fire we're beating her i can't hold off that energy [Music] valley view castle is now horde territory are you sure without a doubt they are on the castle walls at this very moment oh my goodness look all troopers where'd they come from if you doubt it i suggest you contact the castle and speak with your troopers [Music] this is going to be a waste of time the troopers won't be there [Music] valley view castle it worked [Music] my troopers are in control of valley view castle and this is only the beginning yeah yeah i like it [Music] they suddenly appeared or troopers everywhere but where'd they come from oh deary my cowell we've got to warn adora and the rebellion come on bro [Music] i wonder how madame's doing at the valley view castle fair down [Music] speaking of madam watch out [Music] somebody must have moved that oak tree are you all right i'm fine but there are problems at valley view castle the horde trooper suddenly appeared what like magic [Music] yeah right there inside the castle well that doesn't seem possible it's as if history were being changed you're right [Music] horde acts up to something strange it looks as though our next stop is the fright zone [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your time transformer has worked well so far yes it has gone back in time and helped your balloon defeat shira how far so good now let's give it a real test yeah yeah yeah i feel tested i want the time transformer to help me destroy bright moon yeah destroy bright moon i just said that oh yeah yeah sure you did [Music] freight zones dead ahead [Music] there's a secret entrance an old ventilation pipe somewhere around there it is let's go [Music] this will take us directly to hordak's chamber [Applause] we're almost there just wait until shira finds out what i've done the time transformer will help me beat her once and for all now it's time to begin the final destruction of castle brightmoon switch on the time transformer quick bow we've got to get some help you the traitorous come with us master hordak would be happy to see we've captured a traitoro door oh the old one too got it [Music] nope [Music] looks all clear that way [Music] this place is a maze i'm sure this is the way out wrong traitor [Music] take them to master horde [Music] the time transformer is almost ready master buster we've captured the traitorous aura this must be my lucky day don't count on it oh no watch as my time machine gets rid of your wonderful bright moon once and for all get to work professor watch closely adora as i turn defeat into victory i can hardly wait yes master you will remember the time when brightmoon's defenses were down [Music] i remember my eclipse beam was ready to use its energy to hit bright moon then she-ra showed up to stop the eclipse so that my machine wouldn't get enough energy sword to change now let's go we've got to pull like we've never pulled before swifty she actually thought that blasted unicorn of hers could stop an eclipse and it did i know that what is the time transformer going to do about it if we send a meteor storm to block the moon it won't matter if shira stops the eclipse excellent excellent [Laughter] see if you could reach into my pocket i shall now draw in a meteor storm no no no i'll draw the meteor storm make it [Music] we should be able to slip away while they're working on that screen how's that just in case a little sneezing powder should cover our escape the robots need we'll find out [Music] get ready [Music] let's go [Music] stop that sneezing [Music] you metallic nincompoops the prisoners have escaped catch them or you'll spend the next hundred years as a vacuum cleaner don't worry master hordak once the time transformer sends the meteor storm nothing can stop it good get it started [Music] bo you'd better go warn queen angela [Music] what about you i'm gonna try to find a way to stop that machine all right adora but be careful don't worry i will be i think it's time for shira for the honor [Music] i am [Music] wait here swifty no time to waste i might as well take the quickest way [Music] [Music] i'll freeze you [Applause] [Music] your aim's as bad as ever hordak wanna try again you won't get away this time [Music] you've ruined my time transformer it's not my fault she tricked me sorry professor but you boys aren't grown up enough to play with this toy [Music] foolish woman the time transporter's already been started right nothing can stop it now right moon will soon be mine we'll see about that [Music] this may be the toughest thing i've ever asked you to do swifty i will give it my very best try oh what is it we've got to go back in time and stop a meteor storm the only way we can get there is by circling etheria in reverse at high speed let's go for it faster swifty faster [Music] go faster swift win go go swifty go faster faster [Music] look the eclipse and there comes the time transformers meteor storm we've got to stop let's see if some batting practice will do it swifty [Music] sword to bat [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was a hit here comes some more don't worry swifty i'll get him i think that didn't not quite [Music] uh oh that's the big one you did it shira a home run yes and the time transformer has not changed what happened right moon will be safe from hordak let's go swifty time to go home it's a good thing shira turned up when she did right if she hadn't gone back in time to blast that meteor storm bright moon would have been blasted to bits hmm that wouldn't be a very good fortune madam if you're going to start telling fortunes again i'm going to bed now listen here broom i happen to be the best fortune teller in all etheria i tell the past the present and the future the future you mean like what tree you're going to crash into next well but that's not exactly what i meant you see i will [Music] hey again did you find where i was hiding today if not take another look see me here i am in today's story madame rest told a villager that if he worked hard was honest and treated others kindly kindly see you soon [Music] for the honor of love we have the power so can you
Channel: Masters of the Universe: He-Man & She-Ra
Views: 30,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: He Man, Animation, Greyskull, heman, cartoon, he-man, retro, retro cartoons, masters of the universe, he man theme, cartoons for kids, he man full episodes, he man, Heman, He-man, He man full episodes, he man english episodes, he man heyheyheyhey, he man what's going on, cartoons for children, kids cartoons, he man episodes, kids animated movies, She-Ra, he man film, he man full movie, he man full episodes in english, he man masters of the universe 1987 full movie
Id: KynvmzJI1IE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 8sec (2408 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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