Queen Marlena the Pilot | Full Episode | He-Man Official | Masters of the Universe Official

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] i said my patience grows thin very thin oh no boss you aren't too thin if anything so you look a little fat [Music] i have tried to conquer it six times seven yo six you flee bitten fair brain the first one didn't count it was only practice i was teasing the poor fool i guess he-man can't take a joke amen i've been foiled by that muscle-bound one too many times i will defeat me man uh you'd need an army to defeat an army yes i need an army but all i have is a robot fleet machines to pilot my ships and a couple of stupid assistants he's talking to you you dim-witted duo what is it that holds your attention more than the mighty skeleton royal guard is having a chance to bounce a joust you ignore me to watch the royal guard play games i should the royal guard of course the royal guard i will capture the palace and make the guard my slaves and with their weapons and fighting skills at my disposal not even he-man will be able to stop me [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] for me [Music] [Music] it looks like taylor's in trouble [Music] steeler is a skillful pilot but she still has much to learn does it bring back memories my dear you know me well my king here comes tila you were great tila if that's supposed to be funny it isn't i lost she didn't mean that adam you did well my daughter don't spoil the performance by being a bad loser if i did so well why did i lose you grew careless and forgot to be observant but he was above me there was nothing i could do i couldn't aim at him up there excuse me on earth we had a maneuver called the immelman turn i could show it to you if you'd like sure uh sometime maybe look father if a ship is above me there is absolutely no way i can reach it this guy sled doesn't have top guns [Music] ignition oh here you are i thought i should find you here my dear man at arms did a nice job of rebuilding your ship didn't he yes and i'm glad this ship means so much to me it means a great deal to me too after all this was the ship that brought you to me [Music] [Applause] [Music] by the grace of eternium what is that [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you all right what happened meteor strike hit the engines few lines blew [Music] you need rest return with me to my palace you shall be my guest while you recover but i think you will find it comfortable and pleasant in a few days you will be well and can return to your earth a few days you said but i fell in love with you and with this planet and i just couldn't bring myself to leave yet there are moments when this royal life can seem too calm at least compared to my days as a space pilot yes skeletor has not been causing much trouble of late and i for one have been glad for the chance to relax speaking of relaxation we'll be going to the beach for a picnic after the joust will you join us my dear no not now though i'm sure it will be lovely i'd just like to spend a few more moments with the rainbow explorer of course my dear i quite understand i shall see you upon our return there you are the so-called rulers of eternia i shall capture them and i thought you were gonna die [Music] just as i suspected holo what's your plan man you metal munching if i capture that wind raider i will have the king the captain of the royal guard and her father the weapons specialist why should we capture them i thought you were going to attack the palace why do i surround myself with fools even the robots are smarter than you he needs you i mean both of you you pathetic fan of pitiful tin heads listen to me if i capture their rulers the royal guard will have no one to lead them i will conquer the paris easily go warm up the collector [Music] [Music] i'm ready for seconds [Music] i think i just just lost my appetite skeletor quickly everyone into the wind raider they're running away so impolite well you'd better freeze them with a freeze ray trap jaw right boss [Music] [Music] go get the power chains we don't want our guests to escape right skeletor i will chain them up tight i'm very good at that i hope so you must be good for something [Music] captured in a single stroke and without your protection the royal palace shall fall beneath the might of skeletal [Music] perhaps the best place for you is in a museum you are from another place and time after all and now back to my life as queen of eternia your majesty yes what is it lieutenant your majesty we've just received a communication from skeletal he has captured the king prince adam and the rest of the party oh no that villain what does he want skeleto demands unconditional surrender he wants the royal palace never if that demon thinks we will surrender so easily he better think again scouts report that he has masked a great fleet of robot battlecraft can we beat them i don't know our men are willing to fight but without captain til our man at arms to lead them god i must know all the details the palace will take heavy damages shall we prepare for defense no when skeletor arrives he will be prepared for a fight and i do not like the idea of my home becoming a battleground get every man aloft in every ship we have skeletor will not be expecting an attack we will take him by surprise quickly old friend we have a job to do skeletor has my husband my son and my dearest friends and we're going to get them back [Music] where do we go lieutenant not yet queen said wait for the lead ship the lead ship which is the lead ship i don't know [Music] i don't think so it can't be skeletor yet then what by eternia look i've never seen a ship like that one but i know a lead ship when i see one come on [Music] is everyone comfortable no not very good you will excuse my keeping you out here but there are secrets inside snake mountain that are not for the eyes of the enemy [Music] i can't free my hands we may be stuck this time my friend try to relax soon i shall move you to more comfortable quarters the dungeons of the royal palace of skeletor you evil monster if i could get loose i'd calm yourself tila you cannot succeed the palace is heavily guarded ah but i have the king of eternia and tila the captain of the god since the god is now without a leader i think i shall conquer them easily [Music] jaw you will control the robot ships from the bashar right boss and i myself shall lead the attack in the doom buster it's a pity that your chains prevent you from bowing before the new king of eternia it's a pity these chains prevent me from getting my hands on you you hooded hoodlum strong words captain i shall remember them we'll see if you talk so bravely in the prison mines of skeletor you haven't won yet only a matter of time captain even now your army cowers in the palace awaiting my [Music] [Music] [Music] right by the power of gray skull [Music] [Music] nobody but nobody can fly like that i know a person [Music] and now for getting two birds with one stone [Music] all day i have to get up there [Music] hmm [Music] no my fleet is being destroyed get that spaceship [Music] while i take care of these men [Music] that's some pilot [Music] of [Music] myself oh no that was how i lost the joust this morning down [Music] you lose skeletors [Music] you're the best pilot i've ever seen my friends it gives me great pleasure to introduce you to the best pilot that a planet called earth ever produced marlena my queen your majesty your majesty your majesty will you teach me to fly like that yes tila tomorrow [Music] i was just wondering yes what is it adam well i was wondering when skeletor had us all chained up why did you free me instead of one of the others because you are my son adam i didn't have time to free everyone and i had a feeling you would know what to do mother uh adam a mother always knows her own son and what he is capable of doing i've always been very proud of you adam your majesty i want to thank you for coming to our rescue and for teaching me more about flying you're most welcome taylor you'd be surprised at what we old timers know and we still remember what it's like to be young and think you've learned everything well not everything and speaking of learning i was wondering if you would teach me to fly the rainbow i'd be glad to but only if you teach me to fly the sky sled you've got a deal [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Masters of the Universe: He-Man & She-Ra
Views: 160,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: He Man, Animation, Greyskull, heman, cartoon, he-man, retro, retro cartoons, masters of the universe, he man theme, cartoons for kids, he man full episodes, he man, Heman, He-man, He man full episodes, he man english episodes, he man heyheyheyhey, he man what's going on, cartoons for children, kids cartoons, he man episodes, kids animated movies, She-Ra, he man film, he man full movie, he man full episodes in english, he man masters of the universe 1987 full movie
Id: ZvFVodMkU8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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