Scott's New Cluster of Consoles

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hello hi welcome so we are back talking about closets a while back uh i showed my closet at uh my old apartment in my old two-bedroom apartment where uh you know i had my closet full of all my extra stuff uh all the extra game boxes and console boxes and all of that and uh yeah that was when i lived at my old apartment and that apartment was nice but uh you know i then moved on to uh this house where i'm in the basement right now which is where i do all my filming and where all my games are and all of that stuff and uh you know i love it this is this is like a dream house of mine and uh you know i couldn't be here without people watching my videos throughout the years like thank you you made it so i could afford a place like this and thank you so much um you know like i'm i'm very very thankful for the position i'm in and you know i can be able to store all my console boxes in a closet like this um you know i wouldn't be here without uh people like you watching throughout the year so seriously thank you so much and the the least i can do is show my grimy s closet so that was my old cluster of consoles this is my new one however there are two separate uh clusters of consoles this one is is a bit different and it's it's a bit of a construction phase at the moment um so i feel like stuff may be a little more interesting to look at in a construction phase so might as well show it right now the nice thing is we have so much more room now this is the current uh setup that i have for uh storing uh mainly mainly games and accessories i have a different closet that i'm using mainly for consoles though i do have uh some consoles hanging out right here uh and uh a bunch of a bunch of stuff hanging out right here uh but uh we can look over here this is where like the water heater and all that is so uh that's probably dangerous but [Music] if uh if if anything leaks we'll we'll we'll fix that problem when we get there but uh yeah pretty much uh right here we have a shelf pretty much full of uh doubles or games that uh i just i don't really have a space for these are games that are kind of like i bought for a one reason or another uh games that i'm looking to do videos about that i kind of want to keep in in one place uh you know i have a bunch of extra 360 cases right there and uh those are like a bunch of bad wii games these are old wii games bad wii games that i've i've already featured in like a shovelware variety hour episode of scott the laws and then a lot of these are just kind of games that uh are kind of a part of a set that i that i've been buying that you know i might want to talk about in the future and uh there's uh you know there's definitely some organization i'd like to do um with uh with a lot of these boxes this is the 3d ps3 tv so this is like a 3d monitor uh you know it's it's not the biggest tv um but i always wanted this when i was younger because it was so cheap it was like 100 bucks and you get like a playstation it was it was literally a tv with a playstation logo and it also had cool 3d glasses that came with it and uh at least motor storm apocalypse did a thing where you could do split screen where two players would wear the 3d glasses and you'd look at the same screen and you'd both see your own viewpoint which was pretty cool but i believe motorstorm apocalypse was literally the only game that did that but i did get the tv but they're harder to find now strangely enough not many people bought them so uh but i did but i bought it secondhand and uh you know recently which means i i spent way more than i than i really should have but uh i wanted it um but uh yeah another thing that i have is just kind of uh extra shelving uh these are shelves for the ikea bookcases that i use right here so i kind of have these on standby if i ever need them and then uh these are just extra props that i i bought that uh i need to i need to put somewhere else not not here i do have an entire prop area uh for when i film uh which i might i might show eventually um but uh for the time being we're talking about junk but back here uh are some collectors editions that i bought for uh specifically like videos and uh yeah i'm i don't know where to put them right now uh so they're just right here for the time being and then over here uh again you know i am still figuring it out and uh right here are a bunch of uh analog um devices analog is a company that is kind of the uh the best way to put it you know you have you have like audiophile equipment for uh you know you know like heavy heavy duty music uh music you know like headphones or like like a dac or like heavy duty just stuff for audio files um you know if there's a term for uh video game enthusiasts that is the same as like audio files analog kind of makes uh stuff for like maybe like a tier below that you know something where it's just like you want the the best quality version of something possible but you don't want like the authentic whatever oh i want a gameboy made by nintendo i don't want you know blah blah blah whatever um yeah analog is pretty much you know a third-party company that creates new consoles that don't use emulation but uh you know they they use some circuit board wizard wizardry it's it's called uh fb fgbtp is late fpga uh and uh it pretty much made you know whatever it's it's good they're they're good consoles they're they're good they're good methods of playing the old games nowadays uh that's just stuff from them that i bought uh and uh yeah over there just vhs tapes and vhs cases because i don't have anywhere else to put them uh and then over here are pretty much a bunch of uh the more modern games and i bought these uh these little cubbies pretty much uh the cubbies aren't great for like storage management as in like you know let's say like storing a bunch of stuff storing as much stuff as humanly possible but it just does make things a lot easier to store or as in like manage and organize just so then uh you know like i just that way like i'm not stacking stuff upon stuff upon stuff if i'm stacking things uh there has to be a limit to how much i stack so that way you know it's easier to just keep things a little more tidy that way i guess but yeah we pretty much have a bunch of uh the modern stuff over here and uh you know i try to keep things fairly organized by system but as i add stuff um other things just kind of uh get added onto the piles so uh you know it's a little organized but not really uh so up here i have uh all my wii u's or at least all my boxed wii u's uh yeah i just like these i don't have a specific reason for for grabbing them i mean some of them i really wanted because they they have they are fairly special the zombie u one comes with an art book uh the mario kart eight one comes with a special red wii wheel uh the mario maker one came with uh the eight bit uh modern mario amiibo but uh that one uh you know isn't rare but uh it's just it's just an interesting format of box because it's longer uh and then uh the smash splat deluxe edition of uh the wii u featuring smash brothers in splatoon which really enough splatoon got you know like a full-on wii u set but smash brothers never got like a full-on wii u set it only got this one where splatoon got a full-on wii u set and then it also got this one which is uh it shares with smash brothers which is interesting and then i also have the refurbished ones which i think may be uh the the stupidest rarest ones that i might own uh that one is like a white 32 gigabyte refurbished one and not only do i have a white 32 gigabyte refurbished wii u but i found one in the box so now i own two i'm sorry i'm getting a little hectic because it's so late at night so i'll try to be a little more mellow but uh here we have uh all the amiibo that i own i wanted to kind of have them organized i used to kind of keep them in a bin uh but now i i just kind of wanted to uh organize them all in a way where i can immediately grab one if i need it and uh i want to do something with the boxes i might put up a shelf like up here uh where i can put the the box the uh the boxed amiibo that i have um you know i'm not looking to get any more frankly uh these are kind of the ones that i'm like i'm i'm cool with this amount uh i mean to be fair and i never was really like oh man i'm gonna keep the metroid dread amiibo in box or i'm gonna keep the zelda and loftwing amiibo unboxed but i'm just kind of like i just kind of bought them because i'm like i kind of want those and i just i never got around to opening them because uh because why would i have to i don't know but uh what i did with the amiibo i finally fulfilled a a pretty uh lifelong dream if i've been alive for eight years maybe but it was to get a custom-made uh amiibo riser pretty much uh these you can kind of get on etsy they're not really frequently available like uh it's it's harder to find these which i find strange i find strange that there's not a lot of people making stuff like this but this is just made out of wood pretty much and they just have slots for each amiibo so you know they just kind of fit you know perfectly right there i wish it was deeper but uh you know i wish like i don't know these uh these shelves were thicker and you know the amiibo fit deeper in there but uh the time being you know it does the job it's it's a good it's a good shelf um you know it's not the the best looker in the world because you know it's just kind of unfinished wood uh but uh you know i don't know it kind of fits with the rest of the unfinished look over here but um yeah i kind of put the smash brothers amiibo in a lineup that is a uh you know pretty much kind of like in the order that the characters appeared which is the order that they're in uh you know smash ultimate but uh i i took some liberties with like uh what i you know just genuinely what i thought made the most sense to me personally um and uh i kind of i i ordered the characters in the order that they appeared via like smash brothers for wii u uh so it's like you know like a character like mewtwo uh is like all the way over here after duck hunt uh which you know is not true you know mewtwo appeared in melee but i kind of wanted mewtwo over there just because uh you know he's in the smash brothers for wii u style uh you know he appeared after duck hunt because he was a dlc character uh you know ice climber appeared in melee but they're in the ultimate style so i put them uh when they first debuted as a smash brothers ultimate character via like the initial trailer so uh you know i kind of put them in uh relatively chronological order but in in my own up way and then i have a lot of like the extra ones over here uh i didn't i i i think like the seller that i bought these these shelves from uh one i think they were on vacation when i wanted more and two i don't have a lot of like extra amiibo outside of like the animal crossing one the ones that i bought for the amiibo festival episode and uh just like a couple extra stragglers here and there so i just kind of found a different shelf which uh this one is clear um and doesn't match this one but whatever and then this right here uh are pretty much all of the uh all of the retro uh retro games uh all this stuff there is the is the uh stuff that i haven't cataloged so far or at least like put into the uh the system at the moment um but uh for the time being yeah this is uh these are the retro games thankfully uh these uh these kind of shelves that i bought uh thankfully like game boy advance games and like n64 they fit uh pretty much as perfectly as they possibly could have so uh very thankful about that but uh yeah we have a lot of uh ds stuff down there and then virtual boy and then we have uh nes and uh you know pretty much all the uh really old school stuff we got like atari and uh television colecovision back there then nes snes and uh sega genesis and then n64 over there nothing nothing too crazy what's down here we got uh some stuff i didn't know where to put c man uh and then up here i'm still trying to figure out exactly what to do up here this i i wanted to get this is the this is the ubisoft laser tag game that they showed it like e3 2010 that everybody was like that's weird i had to get it i didn't i don't even think people know that released i i wanted to get it i don't even know if it works anymore because it's a pc game and they probably have to connect online i don't care i wanted it but uh yes continuing as you can see uh it's it's a mess over here and that is mainly because some of the stuff i've had in storage for a while that dj hero box uh donkey konga i had like in a storage unit because i did i didn't have space for it in my in my apartment um so i finally got it and now i'm like all right where do i put it but yeah this area is uh all of the uh wii u accessories that i have um some of them have been uh taken out because i had to film with them but uh yeah you know like the nes classic edition was there but uh i had to film with it um and uh yeah we have the wii u accessories over here and then nintendo switch and the mini consoles and then over here we have uh ps3 stuff and the the famicom mini collection which is great i'd like to try to display those if i could because you know those are some of my favorite things that i own but right here i kind of made this a little wii u section i had this uh this holiday gift guide pamphlet holder uh that i just kind of put there and then the uh the complete pokemon rumble use set uh i had to put that out here but yeah uh this is pretty much just a much more spread out and uh organized version of uh what i had back at the apartment but we have bins now this helps me out tremendously in terms of organization and just keeping things nice and tidy but uh i have bought so many damn pins so far and uh this really helps me just keep consoles organized with all their accessories and cables and all of that stuff the problem is with the bins is that it it's not as fun you know it feels very corporate there's barely any personality here it's literally just function over form uh which you know hey it is functional and uh it makes just taking this stuff out to play them and just enjoy them a lot easier at least for me personally because then i don't have to worry about like putting them back in in a way that's aesthetically pleasing but uh it makes using them way easier uh the way the way this works makes that really easy uh pretty much i bought like uh these big bins from like hefty and uh these kind of have uh the consoles that i think require more space uh the sega genesis and nomad and cd and 32x bin is struggling right now but it just makes it really easy so uh for example this is the nintendo switch bin and if i want like the ring fin adventure ring con uh you know i just opened that up and uh it's right there and of course uh i do have like a bin above it but uh you know these these ones are pretty manageable these are easy to like you know just take out and you know move out of the way but uh most of the time i can just kind of enter these bins uh without even moving that one because you know it's just just open it and you know just stick your hand in there it's pretty easy and yeah uh originally at the apartment i pretty much only had like these bins right here these were like the ones that i had back in the day or that i still have them and you know these were the ones that i used like a year ago just to store like i just had like all of my playstation 1 stuff in like that bin and i i don't understand how i did that now these are pretty much just for like really minor stuff uh even then you know like i i have this one just having new 3ds face plates i can just consolidate that and put that in the 3ds bin because the 3ds bin doesn't have that much stuff in it so uh you know there's still stuff i'm looking to do um but uh yeah this stuff uh you know like i said it's not that fun you know obviously it's cool to display this kind of stuff but i have too much stuff and i i'm just i i want to just be able to grab this stuff whenever i want and use it and then put it back and know that it's in a safe place that you know it's not gonna get hurt it's not gonna get damaged not gonna get dusty not gonna get lost uh this just works incredibly well for me and there's probably more bins than you may expect because uh you know there's stuff over here there's stuff down here but uh you know i got some stuff uh some stuff in the way uh like a guitar hero i never owned a guitar hero set until recently uh i found a guitar hero world tour set i was uh listed as brand new online and uh i i opened the trusty drum set out and the the uh the uh you know symbols look like that and i was so happy that i bought it for brand new the kick pedal had a bunch of hair on it but uh yeah i still have some organization to do uh this entire setup looked quite nice a little bit ago but uh i moved some consoles in here um because as you can tell like i have my wii u's and my wheeze in here um and uh the tatsunoko versus capcom fight stick that was another thing that was in storage for a little bit i'm very very thankful that i uh that i do have that in uh uh now uh you know at my house because uh it was in storage for a while and i've always i always wanted this back in the day i really wanted it because i wanted a fight stick i wanted a fight stick not only just to have a fight stick but you know just to use for other things because you know this one just plugged into a uh a wii remote so i was like oh i can use that for all kinds of things and i remember seeing the tatsunoko versus capcom fight stick and i was like oh that looks quality and i finally got it and i'm like that is quality but uh you know like it's it's something that i'm like yeah i'm probably not gonna use that that much so uh you know it's something that i was like all right well that's going in the storage unit this had the same fate as dj hero that's embarrassing but uh yeah i i think it'd be great to kind of have a like a guitar hero uh you know like bin for the guitars there uh you know probably put the drum set just like over here somewhere uh there's still a bit to do but uh you know i've that made progress what i'm just very happy about is uh this just makes the collection much more accessible uh it's way easier to come in here grab something real quick uh use it put it back uh you know back at the apartment uh everything was clustered so much that it you know like it was something where i'd clean everything up i'd organize it all and then immediately after that i'd have to grab something and grabbing it and like you know trying to find it i'd pretty much tear through the entire closet and like all that organization would be for naught so uh now even though you know that that's always gonna happen you know no matter how many times you organize something you're gonna have to go in and uh you know uh grab something and then you know mess up all your organization uh but uh this at least makes a lot easier to just do that and uh you know i'm very happy about that however this is a cluster of consoles after all so where are the other consoles well uh they're in this closet right here this is uh right across the uh the basement uh so uh pretty much over there is where the desk is and right next to my desk is uh where that closet is uh with the water heater and all the other games but uh yeah this is uh where all the uh the game console boxes are and i've actually done this recently i put them in all bins so uh yeah i definitely can't store as much as i really want to but the bins help i'm really sorry for the amount of bins here but they do they do really help um because it is nice to just be able to go like okay i need 3ds boxes boom all in this box is all 3ds stuff uh i i probably would want to label everything though i haven't labeled the boxes that are kind of self-explanatory what's in them like this is all nintendo switch this is all game keep stuff um you know this one i'm like okay well i can fit the nes top loader and the nintendo iq and i'm like okay well i can only see the top loader from this angle so i'm gonna have to label this and the same with like okay well this is micro vision game com and select a game machine and this is 64 dd in tv game 15. um so there's a lot of uh there there's there's some that are very much like you know this is all game boy and uh this is super nintendo and super famicom so uh there's a lot of stuff that's like uh you know very specific like oh this is one specific thing this is all ds i still should probably uh label that all um but uh i i did it this way so then i can add stuff later on because you know like there's definitely room to add more stuff so i could say oh this is all game boy and game com i don't know so i can just add the label right there if i want to and uh you know i could add stuff to this box because it's just psp psv and sony xperia play and then a bunch of stuff down here the bigger consoles are harder to uh store so uh you know i'm not sure what i'm going to do for those i think some of the consoles are going to have to go in the water heater room where this one can be just a couple of uh you know a bunch of consoles uh you know just random ones whichever ones i see fit pretty much uh the entire point of this is to keep the boxes uh you know nice and pristine um you know keep them away from any any damage this does help because you know like this is a basement so you know basements are a little more prone to flooding uh so uh you know if something does happen uh you know the bins are gonna kind of protect these boxes at least they would protect them much more than if they just weren't in bins at all the problem is the bins do take up more space so you know i do have uh more stuff out here that uh you know i don't really have room for i mean i have room but i i want it to be more organized i don't want to stack a bunch of uh extra console boxes on top of these boxes because uh you know i just i want the bins to be easily accessible i don't want them to be uh you know just like have a bunch of uh game console boxes stacked on top of them but uh yeah this is where all of the uh game consoles are so i have two closets now that are uh you know full of game console boxes and game and accessory boxes and uh yeah it may not be the most fun thing in the world you know like this like this looks like homework but i hope this kind of maybe gave you some storage solution ideas uh at the very least it could help you brainstorm and what not to do but this is pretty much uh what i'm thinking about doing because it helps uh preserve the game boxes and uh for what i do you know like i make videos about these things so uh you know i need access to them very quickly uh you know if if i need to talk about a 3ds a specific 3ds model i can immediately like open this bin up and boom all the 3ds boxes are there originally i would just kind of stack them all in a very specific manner and that way you know like hey you can store more that way but it's also kind of hard to find a specific thing if you need it in this way it's much easier for me to find something immediately grab it take it out and it doesn't affect the placement of anything else because you know what if i needed like this yoshi edition 3ds xl box for whatever reason and that was at like the very bottom of a stack and it's just like well everything's got to move and you know maybe it's at the very bottom of a stack and you know it's behind a bunch of stuff well then i have to tear apart the entire thing this way everything is just organized much better and it makes accessing them far easier so yeah uh it's always a progress uh when you have a place like this uh kind of organizing cleaning maintaining it is always a progress you're never going to be fully done but uh for the time being i think it's in a state where you can look at it and go jesus christ scott
Channel: Scott's Stash
Views: 232,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dAnmEtl3NCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 48sec (1608 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2022
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