Custom Game Labels and Cases

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we all have owned a video game at some point we can all be honest with each other if you've owned more than three game boy games at least two of them are getting lost common misconceptions i don't play video games i only buy them the person that started that misconception is me i swear every video game i buy i buy with the intent to play at some point you know i i want to experience everything in my collection and just because like oh i collect video games whatever that doesn't mean i don't want to play them i've been going through a ton of my backlog recently and it's a wonderful feeling it's just the problem is it can get tiring to just play through a video game like one video game after another after another after another sometimes i just need to pump the brakes and i need to play galaga galaxy in arcade classics 3. it's it's a great idea to just like collect the games that you want to experience even if you want to collect everything you know i want to own every single wii u game ever released on this planet and you know what i'm playing through every last damn one of them but i want to clarify that i'm not trying to say that you're doing it wrong if you're uh only collecting games that and you're you're not really planning on playing them you know you just get joy out of collecting them you know there's no right or wrong way to collect uh you know if you just want to collect games to enjoy the art and or just enjoy them on your shelf whatever you know it's just like whatever makes you happy that's up to you uh you know but this is just me personally speaking as in at this very moment because you know sometimes i might buy games that you know like i'm like oh well i really like this art but you know i can't physically i can't play the game because you know i don't own the console or or you know may not be my style but at least at the moment i'm in a very i want to buy games that i want to experience kind of mood you know like i i want to buy these games and i want to put them on the shelf uh but i also want to experience them i'm kind of in a you know i want to check that experience off my bucket list kind of thing but one part about collecting that kind of goes hand in hand with being able to experience the games is being able to just see the games on your shelf if i walk across my game room and i see that i own like this game boy game i'm much more likely to remember to pop it in and give it a play but the problem is a lot of video games are just not in cartridges or cases or what have you that work well on a shelf or work well to be kind of displayed on a bookcase or whatever it's really hard to display game boy games so most people including me just kind of throw them in a shoebox or a ziploc bag and just kind of like that those are my game boy games and at that point it doesn't even become like a collector's mentality it's just not fun to have all of these game boy games just in a in a box or a bag somewhere because you kind of forget about them it makes it harder to just you know play the game you want to play when they're just all kind of jumbled up in a random sock so while it's really nice from a collectible standpoint to just have them displayed it's also nice from a playability standpoint to be able to go to your shelf and pick up a game boy game that you want to play without having to scrounge through a bunch of them in a garbage bag so i kind of want to just talk about custom game labels and cases just all the different variations that i've come across of a ways to display your games uh specifically games that are much harder to display you know games on the nes snes and then especially when you know cd and dvd cases start to be used those i don't care about those those are pretty damn easy to display they have end labels or they're in specific cases that are easy to pop on a shelf i'm talking about games that are very difficult to display so game boy and the first one we're going to talk about n64 so nintendo 64 cartridges are creeps so they don't have n labels and on top of that they're in this weird shape that's just kind of like inherently hard to kind of stack so i've seen many people uh put them on shelves like that uh but i i don't do that i just kind of put them up like this uh because i just find that to be you know a bit more i don't know natural uh but of course the problem is they don't have n labels so what do you do so back in the day i used to uh just kind of print off paper uh i would just type up the game name in a word document nothing fancy and i would just cut it out and uh put it on with scotch tape and uh it did the job you know like that's the thing like sometimes you just kind of want something to be functional you don't really care if it's flashy uh and that did the job but the problem is you know scotch tape doesn't really do do that well you get a bunch of dog hair all over it but of course it just didn't look that great and especially considering i was just cutting them out by hand uh you know it wasn't the most just uh straight cuts and it just ended up looking not that great so uh one solution and uh in my opinion one of the only major solutions is to buy custom end labels uh now these are pretty much available everywhere uh i don't even remember the seller that i got these from so i'm terribly sorry uh but these are available pretty much by many etsy shop owners uh i just look up nintendo 64 and labels on google or specifically etsy because i got these on etsy and you will find numerous results and uh what these are pretty much i assume most of them are like this where uh you just get the entire n64 library you get you get every single game released on the in the n64s library at least here in north america i'm sure you can get japan european sets but since the n64 library was so small around only a little over 300 games uh it's pretty easy for them to just release the they give you the entire library of games uh because it's only a couple of pages and uh yeah when you pop them on they look stellar it's literally just you know you peel it off and you pop it on it is also a really fun uh just kind of like it's just a satisfying kind of checklist feeling because since you get the entire n64 library whenever you get a new n64 game it's kind of fun to look for it on the uh on the sticker sheet and peel it off it's kind of like checking one off the box even though i'm not going for a full n64 set it's still kind of a fun feeling you know it adds an element of fun to buying n64 games but at that point there's another solution that uh some people go with uh for these cartridge-based games specifically n64 but i've seen them do it with uh nes snes and many others and that is custom game cases for these things uh which weirdly enough uh i've seen these things at game stores i've seen these things like i've i've gotten this one i didn't go out of my way to get this one i just bought this game on ebay and uh it just came in this custom case and that is one of these guys uh these are fan made cases that uh you know you can pop in this case a super nintendo game man and uh you get a plastic uh clam shell to uh protect your game in uh these i'm not super into for uh very large games you know a game like a super nintendo game this already has an end label and uh you know i also i'm not really a big fan of just the design it's just kind of a weird looking thing where i i frankly would have probably preferred if it was just the traditional super nintendo cover art but just you know uh this you know this way but i understand why some people would like this uh i just find it a bit unnecessary because like i i would want to own a case like this for every super nintendo game i have and that's probably like 50 plus games so it's just going out of my way to find uh get cases for all of those when i really don't need it i find this to be much a much more lucrative thing when there's smaller games you know portable games game boy game gear game boy color all of that stuff where those are tiny games that came in cardboard boxes originally so it's really hard to display them already super nintendo and nes games you don't really have a problem with uh with displaying them really i've seen a couple different uh options for this i think one of them was called bitbox i don't know if they're still making them but they might be and i understand you know it's just like it's kind of nice to have like a big thing on the shelf for like oh you know you can very clearly see this is mega man soccer i'm not gonna play that because super nintendo games on the shelf are a bit harder to see uh the fonts are smaller and you know it's just all black labels so uh you know it's kind of hard to see from farther away but super nintendo games i've never really had a problem with displaying really in my opinion uh this just seems more like if you want to give the game's cases you can do that but i find it to be a bit superfluous now oftentimes when i buy kind of uh bigger games on ebay they uh they often come with these protective cases this one is for a vita game so uh pretty much you put your vita game uh and i've gotten this for pretty much every kind of game imaginable like i've seen cases like this for uh regular dvd sized stuff so you know like wii u wii uh playstation 2 xbox 360 original xbox all that kind of stuff and then i've also gotten them for nes games snes games n64 games uh you know these are okay you know like i i just don't use them really uh you know i'm fine with just putting the game on the shelf as is these are just things that you will come across uh if you're buying bigger uh more more elusive games sometimes they'll give you these with like games that i'm like what what the hell it's like the seller saying you son of a [ __ ] don't you dare touch uncharted it's a nice gesture from sellers i'm definitely uh open to getting these because you know it's kind of it's kind of a nice thing where it shows that they really care about the quality of the game and they want to ensure that it you know gets to you in a very doable fashion but i like to have my games on my shelf uh in pretty uh easy to play ways where you just pull it off you open it up and you play the game uh i don't really need the protective case most of the time but you know for the bigger games not a bad option however i've been delaying the inevitable what the hell are you gonna do about that portable games specifically game boy game boy color game boy advance these have always been a nightmare to collect for because they're so tiny and what are you gonna do like when you get one or you're just gonna throw it in a bag you know like it's just not fun because you kind of forget sometimes what games you own if you lose games easily it's way nicer to have the cases but the problem is the original cases for these games are just cardboard boxes it's really hard to get them and on top of that when if you do end up getting them like it's just kind of a nuisance you know you're going to leave them in there all the time and whenever you want to play the game you have to you know pull out the cardboard and make sure you don't crumple it or make sure that you don't rip it you don't you don't do anything bad to it because that stuff is going to wear down over time it's just cardboard so yeah it's just like these most of the time you're gonna buy them loose and they're just gonna go into they're gonna go into boxes however there have been multiple solutions to this problem specifically with original game boy game i've seen a lot of people do something along the lines of putting these in cassette tape holders uh that was always kind of a cute way to go about it cassette tape holders roughly you know they're pretty tiny but they do hold original game boy games at least you know these of these types of dimensions you know uh when it comes to the games of the type that are bigger and and are rumble packs supported i i believe those should fit uh you know maybe the cartridges like the game boy camera that that probably won't fit but regardless most games that are about this size they'll fit in cassette tape holders i've also seen some people do something along lines of spice racks uh racks along those lines and just kind of propping up the game boys game boy games like that on spice racks uh that also works as well uh you know if if you want to do it that way of course like uh stacking the games like this you know one at a time that that's going to take up a lot of space uh and you're going to need a very specific setup for that to work uh you know it might not work in your specific bookcase kind of thing but that is another potential method of displaying game boy games but the one i was raised on uh was right under our noses every time ds game cases you ever noticed that ds game cases always had a slot for gba games uh so that is an obvious solution for the very least gba games you take a bunch of uh ds game cases of course let's pretend this one is uh is a completely blank case you know you take all the uh all the stuff out there are loads of blank ds cases you can buy on ebay for dirt cheap uh some of them you know may be official you know you know they're official if they say the nintendo they have nintendo logos and all that on it and you probably want to go for those because those are going to be much higher quality uh you're going to find some cheap third-party ones and those will do the trick but you know these are obviously going to be much higher quality but yeah dsg uh game boy advance games fit perfectly in them of course it looks a little like you know like you're missing something but these have always been an excellent solution the problem is not all ds cases had a gba slide so just because you find a bunch of you know empty ds cases uh eventually nintendo got rid of the gba slot in all of them uh around the you know probably around the 2010 2011 mark whenever they would print new ds games uh they didn't come with a gba slot inside them uh so you know that kind of makes it a little bit harder but keep in mind most ds cases have the gba slot so it's not a huge deal of course you also have to print off your own box art here however pretty much most gba games have ds oriented box art options out there there's a website called the cover project and you can look up pretty much not only gba games but pretty much most game systems you will find uh fan scanned box art and gba box start often has dimensions that fit ds cases so you can print off your own you can buy some glossy photo paper or just regular paper if you don't really mind and you can print that off you know just get the right dimensions for a ds case and then cut it out and then boom you have gba games uh like i said of course that is a bit of work but all this is going to be a bit of work so you know tough so that is definitely a solution to gba games however uh regular game boy games or game boy color it's a bit more of a tricky subject with these uh i prefer the idea that you know like hey every single gameboy game gameboy gameboy color gameboy advance i have in these style cases i would absolutely love for the gameboy games that i own to fit in you know cases like this the problem is there's there's no way you can really get this to work you can kind of you know you can kind of do that but like you're you're a [ __ ] creep that way and also you know you might damage the game you might damage the case not a great solution i've seen some people do something along the lines of they they cut they take a box cutter i've seen like youtube videos where people like do this and it's terrifying and you know if you do this more power to you because i could never do this because this this takes a lot of determination but i've seen some people say like oh yeah game boy game finn here you just have to take your box cutter and carve out this plastic you know cut this plastic out cut this plastic out and then you take foam and then you cut an insert for a game boy game in the foam and then you put the foam in here and then there you go what the hell is your problem [Music] so these cases while they work uh they're not ideal for everything uh mainly just loose game boy advanced games are perfect for these but even then uh the manuals are a bit of a tricky subject like if you own your manual uh you can you can store it like this but even then you know it's kind of you know it is kind of like lifted up by this thing and you cannot store it like this that ain't gonna work so uh it does work but it's a bit weird i used to store all my game boy advance games like this uh and it did do the job but eventually i started to get kind of lazy and it was just kind of more of a nuisance to have to print off game boy advance cover each and every single time uh so eventually i kind of stopped doing it and i just kind of i just kind of threw my game boy advanced games in bags which you know i i actually lost like i lost a couple game boy advance games i don't know where some of them are uh there's some that i bought recently and i'm just like i don't know where they i don't know where this game went uh so that can be an issue and uh you know laziness got the better of me but uh i found a new hope this is one of the best solutions i've ever seen of course this is a bit more of a pricey one but uh i think it's well worth the investment and uh this is custom game cases uh that's their entire website and uh yeah they they made custom game cases for all of this kind of stuff this game boy advance and of course game boy advance is something that you know everybody can um you know every anybody can do with an original ds case but uh these are a bit more tailor made for game boy advance where oh man look at that fits perfectly and uh they do this thing where uh they they offered the blank cases you know you can get this case blank but they also offer select uh games uh printed they'll print the box art for you so uh i just usually order the the game uh that i need so i needed advance wars and uh lucky enough they had advanced wars the box art uh so uh they'll do they'll send this to you let's send the box but they'll also have the box art printed off as well for you which is super super nice because uh the way uh their printing is uh much better than i could ever do with my printer but game boy advance is something anybody can really do uh but as you can see uh these cases can hold a lot more oh this is so good i'm i absolutely love this the fact that i have uh ds size cases for original game boy games and of course game boy color as well this style of case fits uh both game boy and game boy color and i couldn't be happier to have game boy game boy color boxes uh that i can display these games in it makes it so much easier to just go to my shelf and play some of these games and that's what i want to do even though like i buy a bunch of these games but i want to play these games i want to go to my shelf and be like you know what i want to play oracle of seasons you know what i want to play metroid too because i'm a [ __ ] masochist and yeah their print quality is fantastic you know it's not like 100 percent like oh man this is like nintendo quality printing you know something that you'd see on like a switch game but it's still really good uh and overall i am incredibly incredibly happy with these uh i believe this the the plastic that they use is probably not nearly as as quality as something like a ds case i had one of them crack but i've had i've had ps3 game cases crack i've had ps4 game cases crack you know i think that's just kind of it comes with the territory of you know plastic cases uh i i personally buy each game you know like by itself you know i don't buy the blank cases i i buy you know the games that i have and they don't have everything so that's kind of an issue uh so you know it's just something but uh pretty much most of the games that i've gotten are available on their website uh but hopefully they kind of get through the entire libraries of these things but i do have a couple of problems with uh their stuff uh and it's most mostly just from like a potential standpoint where i want them to do more but i i feel like sometimes like they they focus on some things that i'm like come on guys like for an example on their website they have uh you know they have game boy game boy color game boy advance and i think you know that's the stuff that you really need to focus on because these things need cases like these they really do need cases uh but they have a huge section for sega genesis and i recently just bought some where it's just like i bought sonic and knuckles and sonic 3d blast and comic zone and the genesis six-pack and those games never got like plastic clam shell cases so i bought those with their plastic clamshell cases because i was like oh yeah of course like that would be awesome to have a sonic and knuckles game case because that only came in a cardboard box but then they have like a bunch of games that already have plastic cases available um of course you know like as a whole thing where it's just like those plastic cases or specifically those box arts may be hard to get you know obviously the games are more cheap loose uh and you may just be like hey i just want a case for this thing i don't care if it's the original real deal i just need a case i totally get that but i would just prefer if they prioritized fully games that never got cases and i know they definitely do but there's a bunch of systems that they could definitely focus on uh and they could introduce but uh you know they they have nes and snes and n64 and sega genesis that they do and i'm just like but those those don't really need cases in my opinion maybe n64 and nes and snes uh giving those games cases feels like more of a novelty to me i know stuff like neogeo pocket or atari lynx and or even stuff like a sega 32x or whatnot those don't need like those those don't have a huge audience but i think those need cases more than a lot of the other systems that they have sega 32x only had cardboard boxes and the games don't have any end labels so i i just feel like those would be prime for some plastic cases but at the very least we got virtual boy they even gave it a red case and all that and it's so good to just have these games just displayed because uh i own the whole north american library that's right i have a huge but the virtual boy library is so small that uh even though i don't own all like the games i only have like a couple that i don't own from japan uh and there's like another not for resale game that i don't own but uh other than that i own everything and uh but but i just bought straight up the entire library in case form because hey on the off chance that i do eventually get every single virtual boy game i have every single case and uh it's like five bucks to get a case with the artwork printed off and in my opinion that is worth it but of course that depends on you know if if that's worth it to you to pay five bucks to get a case uh a high quality print for the box art and then a case that will house uh the manual and the game you know if that if that's worth five bucks to you they're awesome but i really like this website i think this website is great for displaying these types of games this is in my opinion the best way to do it but uh like i said there's numerous ways uh there are numerous cheaper ways there's more diy ways you can even be a [ __ ] creep and carve out your ds box i know uh it's kind of annoying to buy games that you know you just you don't have a method to display even if you're not displaying them to be like oh i own 3d tetris it's more so like you want to display so then you yourself can see which games that you own and it makes it more likely that you'll play them because you see them and you're like that sounds fun it can be an annoying experience but finding ways to display these is incredibly fun uh even then like even now that i found ways to display these just going on this website and and buying uh the cases that i need is a fun experience because it's it's that feeling of like completing something you feel you feel whole after you get the metroid 2 case so yeah i hope this really helped out some of you and your quest to display 3d tetris game collecting should be a full-time job this is a lot of work but it's always fun uh it feels like you know you're you're accomplishing history here by going through each and every one of these games and and being like yeah i know a lot about 3d tetris go [ __ ] yourself and being able to display them is important whether you care about collecting or not i think we can all agree on that so just find the method of displaying that works for you just please god do not carve out this case
Channel: Scott's Stash
Views: 289,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ih7YbKtQEEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2022
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