THE GAME AWARDS 2021: Official Livestream with Hellblade II, Star Wars Eclipse, Sonic, Matrix

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Wow def wanted some bloodborne news. Geoff even mentioned working with fromsoftware

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SpecialistMap8210 📅︎︎ Dec 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Stayed up till midnight and had to get up for work at 3:30am. Sort of a piss off they didn't reveal much worth talking about imo. Tired as shit for no reason

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SpecialistMap8210 📅︎︎ Dec 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Cringe beyond belief.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/wairugae 📅︎︎ Dec 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

As a horror fan the only announcement that interested me is Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Oh and the Plague Tale Requiem gameplay is cool as well.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ron_weedsley 📅︎︎ Dec 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Weren't there supposed to be like 5 reveals on the scale of Elden Ring or something, by Geoff's words? There wasn't even one, this was the worst event ever lol

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/madpropz 📅︎︎ Dec 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

One of the Game Awards ever.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Oznificent 📅︎︎ Dec 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Guys check out the Matrix experience thing! The opening animated stuff is whatever, but afterwards, they let you explore a massive Unreal 5 quality city. I'm kind of blown away at the level of detail going on here.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/morphinapg 📅︎︎ Dec 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

What was the final trailer?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Awake00 📅︎︎ Dec 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Overall I would rate this year’s show as a C+

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/namastayhom33 📅︎︎ Dec 10 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] what's up everyone welcome to the 2021 game awards pre-show it's a show for all you completionists out there that rewards you with exclusive content Awards and not to be missed or you'll embarrass yourself World premieres I'm Sydney Goodman and as you can see I am in person at the iconic Microsoft theater to Hype you up for Gaming's biggest night we are live streaming around the real world and in the virtual world thanks to Horizon venues with oculus our main show starts soon and includes massive musical performances some of the biggest talent and AAA titles like Suicide Squad The Matrix awakens and Destiny 2. but if there's one thing this community knows it's that you don't have to hail from a giant Studio to make your mark and gaming so let's start off strong with our first world premiere an indie action adventure that is as Charming as its hero is cunning this is Tunic [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] and now it's time for the very first award of the evening and I really can't think of a better one to start us off games for impact this category highlights the very best of what gaming can be thought provoking stories that challenge the player on more than just skill exploring all the corners of the Human Condition these are the games that remind us in a medium where you can be anything be good or at least chaotic neutral here are the nominees of the games for impact award and the game award for games for impact goes to life is strange true colors [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you so much um I can't believe we won as devs we work on games for years at a time before we share with the world and by the time we do the world's often different from when we started the adventure that's never been more true for me than with life is strange True Colors it's not just about finishing a game in quarantine who could have predicted what kind of an impact a game about human connection would make in 2021 so from everyone at deck nine and our partners at Square Enix thank you so much congratulations now before we take a quick break I have to tell you about Luna Amazon's cloud gaming service that turns your TV into a gaming console now if you haven't heard of Amazon they're a little Indie development Studio I'm kidding anyway now for a limited time the Fire TV gaming bundle is 40 off the bundle includes a Fire TV stick 4K Max and Luna controller a high performance controller built for Luna get it now at gaming bundle we'll be right back with more game awards pre-show after this [Applause] hey game awards I'm Nate Hill hey I'm Ariel powers and we'll be watching the game awards streaming to you on Verizon's 5G Network yeah come check it out we're gonna party hardy until we can't hardly party and there's gonna be some surprise guests along the way I think one of their names is Jack Harlow yeah I think one yeah one is GI Carlo yeah Jack Harlow so yeah come by at 5 p.m Pacific and uh we'll be on slash NATO yeah yeah Ragnarok is here and it will take the full night of your tribe to turn the tide for midgard yes even them chosen by the gods for this very moment to cut this giant problem down the size no pressure foreign [Music] [Music] and welcome back we are so happy to have you with us whether you're in person or watching the stream we've pulled reddit's r slash Gaming Community to see what their pick is for 2021's game of the year and the winner is Resident Evil Village and if you're on Tick Tock use the hashtag game night to celebrate the game awards we are getting closer to the Big Show and people are showing up early because the early birds get the worm and they know better than to miss out on three of the biggest world premieres in gaming that we are about to see roll the thing aof 15. foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] the world's Premiere Martial Arts Festival the King of Fighters 15. get ready for a fight recently discovered [Music] foreign [Music] an island and a dune sea I remember the guidestone the Diamond Schultz the sisters of balcora are spinning 100 billion stars the song of the core I remember opening the gates [Music] foreign [Applause] was it so long ago no not so long not long enough [Music] [Music] and now I have the honor of announcing the winners for four Esports categories for best Esports athlete here are the nominees and the game award goes to simple congratulations and now here are your nominees for best Esports team and the game award goes to not as vincere congratulations Navi for best Esports coach here are the nominees and the game award goes to coma congratulations coma and for best Esports event here are the nominees and the game award goes to 2021 League of Legends World Championship congratulations League of Legends world championship and congratulations to all the winners and now we have three more World premieres in a row ready for you spanning all different genres and niches niches niches and to start us off rising from the Ashes to take their rightful place as gaming royalty once again Telltale Games is back and better than ever and I cannot wait for you to see worries about you I know you've been a rockhopper you survived the crushing black of space you were at the docks on the series so you don't put up with any you were Dawson's attack dog you don't have any problems killing inners or belters who disagree with the OPA Que I've heard quite a bit about you Kamina drummer it's hard to tell if it's all true though truth is truth how you deal with it is up to you boss man [Music] hi I'm Kara G from Amazon's hit show The expanse and I'm thrilled to be exploring this great character further check out the next issue of Game Informer to learn more about the expanse a Telltale series we all have our reasons for babylon's Tower to fall but not everyone has the power to make it happen you do you're bond with the Gideon coffin gives you strength powers okay control the only thing you can't do is go back [Music] the tower awaits time to ascend [Music] ants [Music] free weekend play now and coming soon by destroying that Tower defy the Iron Fist [Music] with me should Miss [Music] I have something for you what's up everybody I am Ariel powers and I'm at the game awards let me take you on the tour that's the stage right there and this is the back of it that's pretty much it we'll be hanging out with myself and Nate Hill tonight on his twitch Channel make sure you come through it's going to be all over Verizon's 5G Network it's gonna be insane we have some special guests for you so make sure you tune in and hang out with us see you there [Music] and now guess what I have two more World premieres for you coming in steaming hot fresh from the oven let's take a look foreign ERS restlessly through the darkness silver light illuminates the land and the mountains with an entranced room it shows its true form [Music] leave the Beast to me this is a royal matter foreign [Music] hey y'all you've been Reckless with other people's hearts for so long Jala it was a matter of time before you wrecked your own morning Ma wow Jala hi Auntie you pissed off your exes so much they organized against you flirty or are we fighting come closer and find out [Music] time to cook [Music] that's acceptable [Music] coming soon patience Evil Dead the game at the game awards and tomorrow on twitch's winter Gathering Jeff Keeley will chat with Bruce Campbell himself and Sabers Tim Willits about the game which is coming out next year and now we've got the World gameplay premiere of another Evil game evil West which we also announced last year at the game awards let's take a look foreign [Music] course oh that means nothing when Hell's Gate starts spewing everywhere [Music] [Music] let's do the best thing oh you didn't see that coming I don't know about you but I am greedy for more content here's a new world premiere from perfect worlds foreign [Music] good morning death what a lovely day to be alive won't you say ready for another busy week in the afterlife oh my busy may have been an understatement [Music] evidently your Sorrows have been working overtime oh my really wow that is truly unprofessional now death we talked about this try not to lose your temper again foreign ER that showed you some respect well you know what they say if you want things done right it's best to do them yourself [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] the game award is coming up we're watching and hosting a watch party together on Nate Hills Channel yeah we're gonna be watching on Nate Hill and it's all powered by Verizon 5G we're gonna be spending the night with some of the biggest stars and me and Ariel so come by and check it out come through see you guys and now I have the pleasure of presenting the game Award for best audio design when your medium relies so heavily on being successful in putting the player inside your story audio design is everything it's the ultimate hint system an instant mood that either alerts the player to what's coming next or obscures it it's basically playing God here are the nominees for best audio design and the game Award for best audio design goes to Forza Horizon 5. our audio team throughout the development of Forza Horizon 5 have just been so passionate about everything they do there's this Relentless appetite to produce an audio experience of the absolute highest quality this this award it really does mean the world to us I'm going to say a few thanks if that's okay so uh Fraser ruri Matia Matt and Rich guys you did it this View congratulations thank you congratulations Forza Horizon 5 and now we have an incredible composer Takeshi Furukawa here to tell us more about his latest score let's check it out hi everyone I'm Takashi Furukawa you might have heard my music I am most known for my bafta nominated score for the Last Guardian several years ago I met with a new and exciting Swedish Studio who shared with me their vision for a beautiful sci-fi story the game centers around a heartfelt relationship between a young girl and an adorable creature I instantly fell in love with the project and its stunning visuals here's a taste of the game with the original soundtrack I'm working on right now I hope you enjoy it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] here it is I can't believe it we are already here we are down to our final world premiere of our pre-show it is a special game announcement something you did not see coming hello game awards I come bearing news ever wonder what happened after Persona 4 Golden now you can check out Persona 4 Arena ultimax and find out I can barely wait to show you how everybody's doing [Music] wrong one [Music] [Music] Persona 4 Arena ultimax will be released for PlayStation 4 Nintendo switch and steam on March 17th the steam pre-order will be available very soon oh how steamy okay everyone it's time for me to hand it off to our main show I hate to say goodbye but I think I've earned a chance to chill out and have my mind blown with Incredible Awards and exciting artists performances by Sting and Imagine Dragons appearances by Keanu Reeves Carrie Anne Moss Jim Carrey Ben Schwartz and yes more World premieres coming up so soon for our main show and I just want to say I hope I didn't get too braggy about how many world premieres we had but you know what I'm not going to apologize because when the best of the best of game development and production has that much to share I think we all win and when it comes to the game awards more is more baby thank you all for getting stoked with me at the pre-show and congratulations to the winners of our first awards of the night and that's it for me I'm Sydney Goodman I'm gonna go find my seat the 2021 game awards Starts Now foreign [Applause] [Music] that I needed you more [Music] I hope you know where it is everything you broke me and left these people I want you to hurt like you heard me today I want you to lose like I lose when I play what could have been [Music] [Music] [Music] I am your ghost foreign [Music] [Music] ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything a newborn [Music] s want you to lose [Music] [Applause] [Music] when I play what could have been why are you not afraid of the future with all of its unknowns why don't we just go ahead and tell her that we're divorcing my daughter is not a weapon take him away the fate of the free thinking world is in your hands I know you've been meeting with her behind my back it's not what you think Matt giving life oh no I sense suffering here spirit you'll have to work on it you can't just give up we're never getting out of here let's see how special you are I had been doomed to a life of Solitude [Music] but understand suffering and it will not be fine it will be fantastical I guess it's my time to shine God gives Victory to the Lions when I look into your eyes I see Lions sorry could you repeat that after him now do you feel it yes you want to stay a team enjoy the beach one revolution was in US I'm breaking this Loop welcome to the game awards 2021 now here's your host Jeff Keeley hello everybody [Music] [Applause] hello everyone I'm Jeff Keeley and this is the game awards video games biggest Night Live in person it's amazing uh first of all it wasn't sting phenomenal so honored to have him open our show that was what could have been from Arcane the new Netflix series based on League of Legends thank you so much Sting Ray Chan and the game awards Orchestra conducted by Lauren balth that was absolutely incredible thank you guys well I gotta say it feels so incredible to be back here on stage at Microsoft theater and streaming live to tens of millions of you around the world this is a night for the fans and you know the games we love are nothing without amazing developers and that's why we do this show to honor the creators of games so welcome to all of you guys here today thank you so good to see everyone but you know we got to be real and we can't ignore the headlines that are out there game creators need to be supported by the companies that employ them I think we all agree with that so let me just say this before we get to any of the news or announcements rewards we should not and will not tolerate any abuse harassment and predatory practices by anyone including our online communities we all love games and if we want this industry to keep growing we must build an even brighter and more inclusive future the games we play and when the games that we love they teach us that we can impact the world around us and tonight I call on everyone to do their part to build a better safer video game industry speak out online vote with your time and with your dollars Empower these World Builders who are creating the future of all entertainment and believe me the future you're about to see looks absolutely incredible we got a lot of good stuff for you we have so much news to get to but now to present tonight's first award please welcome a nominee tonight and the star of Far Cry 6 the one and only John Carlo Esposito [Applause] [Music] Independence allows a game to go a little bit more wild become a bit stranger and the freedom to break boundaries tonight's radically creative nominees for a best independent game demonstrate Excellence achieved through great risk here are the nominees for best independent game best independent game look I know this sounds weird but the day's repeating itself [Music] [Music] and the game Award for best independent game goes to Cana Bridge of spirit of spirits also wins Best debut indie game [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign well yeah you know it was an amazing journey to get here um it took a lot of hard work from an awesome team a few of them are here today but just can't say enough about the amazing people we worked with on to make this game and to make the vision come true um have to take our partners at Sony who kind of believed in us from the very beginning gave us a great opportunity and all the guys at Epic who just I've been there from the beginning so thank you everyone and this is a great honor thank you foreign [Applause] congratulations guys all right now it's time to look into the future two years ago this team announced their game on this very stage now they're back with the first gameplay reveal when I saw this I could not believe it was actual gameplay but it is captured by the team in game this past weekend sit back and get ready to experience a new level of cinematic immersion foreign with our swords we will Forge new stories to strike the gods that haunt us [Music] but I will show you what lies behind my eyes [Music] we will embrace our suffering soothe our scars of grief and break their Siege of our minds you may see them as gods but we will show you what lies behind their eyes foreign took your own life for what you believe is your sacrifice to make to lead others to death brings a different kind of Burden one that's senower would have to learn show it can you smell that yeah look at the bones look at the bones that's going to be you know no one's ever killed the Giant those whose eyes are clouded by fear are besie besieged by the ghosts that haunt them senua saw that to win the war we must break this Siege break it with an unshakable truth break it with an impossible feat get ready yes [Music] Harold foreign [Music] come on foreign [Music] is that [Applause] five minutes come on I know you he needs you [Music] truly incredible that's not a cinematic that's gameplay and that's why we do World premieres because the state of our art just keeps getting better thanks to Ninja Theory for that incredible piece and now it's time for our first of many brand new game announcements at the game awards I hope you're ready foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] what a way to kick off our game announcement Star Wars Eclipse will be the first game set in the high Republic era of the Star Wars Galaxy and it is being created by Quantic dream in collaboration with lucasfilm games and is currently in early development all right there are many more game announcements to come trust me as well as Awards all night we are partnering with YouTube shorts if you have a favorite nominee tonight that doesn't win let us know your thoughts by posting a YouTube short with the hashtag got shorted and head to the YouTube gaming Twitter handle to find out how to get your very own salty consolation gift all right right now it's time to meet our first Global gaming citizen a program we started back in 2018 to turn our air over to individuals who are building positive inclusive communities around gaming we're honored to share their stories I grew up playing games games was as a little kid as a little a little gay boy not knowing why I'm so different James gave me a place to feel safe and to be myself it gave me a reference to be inspired to build up all this drag this insane costume all this makeup all this hair but feel powerful because as a kid I felt weak I felt like the outsider foreign [Music] now let's run to the exit when you find people that have similar interests you can be yourself so close you don't have to be worried about all these things that make a difference they can be what make you special thank you [Music] I've got you under my skin I've got you deep enough it's all deep in my heart that you're really a part of me I've got you under my skin hi folks Pete Heinz here [Applause] yeah we've got some stuff on sale but let's all take a breather while we give away hundreds of free game codes this is our small way of saying thank you for playing our games for the past 35 years [Music] and we're just getting started from ghostwire to redfall to Starfield and much more including stuff that hasn't even leaked yet so if you can't imagine doing anything other than developing and Publishing games with us we have a project that can use your talents in fact across Bethesda and all our Studios we're hiring so consider this your invitation to join us there's a lot of work to be done and we're running out of platforms to Port Skyrim 2. and because it's not simple to give anything away for free these days here's a bunch of legal texts [Music] [Music] is all dangerous than you could ever imagine foreign [Music] plot out the Sun do not give in [Music] there is find the ark before All Is Lost [Applause] that was a new look at Lost Ark from Amazon games coming in February and speaking of Amazon we're proud to partner with prime gaming on the game awards this month You Can level up your gaming experience with free games including Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Tales of Monkey Island and frostpunk there's always something new to play every month and for the games you already own you can unlock skins weapons and more including in League of Legends new world Apex Legends and Roblox check regularly for new drops and surprises at next in the days leading into the game awards I read the internet with a little bit of fear wondering if some of tonight's big surprises might leak this one sure didn't it's time for a new game announcement that no one had on their bingo card enjoy foreign a new threat comes to our Shores and I must call you home restore what has been broken unite old enemies Forge but you can be more you can be a leader you our Wonder Woman [Music] [Applause] they're the actors who portrayed Ellie and Abby and The Last of Us Part Two please welcome Ashley Johnson and Laura Bailey [Music] every year the best performance category brings surprising new faces and portrayals of wildly different characters tonight's nominated actors continue this tradition once again stunning us with their extraordinary depth and dedication here are the nominees for best performance performance I see the truth about you I've seen the worst parts of you in Paradise the cost will be blood eight Geniuses who painted up a prison and named it Freedom you escaped my little brother's idiot games did you [Music] everybody chose to be here cult don't hide your true self thank you and the game Award for best performance goes to Maggie Robertson [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] um wow that was the scariest walk I've ever done in my life um thank you so much it is an honor to receive this award and it is an honor to be standing here in front of you all today I would like to give a really huge thank you to Capcom for creating an amazing game full of wonderfully rich and uh dynamic characters of which lady to use but one and to Rosanna and DJ with the workhouse to Steve knieveli our amazing cinematics director I've said this before but I'm going to say it again because I'm a broken record you took a chance on me when you hired me for this role and in doing so you have changed my life being a part of this game playing this role and becoming a member of this amazing Community has changed my life so thank you so so much foreign [Music] with hopes and expectations and for an answer sometimes it would be better to live with that hope without ever finding the story this is not the story you want it to be this story will keep you alive this story and monsters where many faces foreign [Applause] Lake Sam thank you coming all the way over for Finland for this uh this is so exciting Alan Wake too it's been a decade fans have been asking you for it why is now the right time to bring them back well Jeff first of all I want to say apologies it's been raining here in Los Angeles today it's on us fiction fiction making out into reality so sorry anyway yeah 10 years over 10 years wanting to make the streaming of making it we've been iterating on the concept and we know fans have been asking for it we've been a bit protective we knew this is going to be a pretty scary experience I guess now we are convinced everybody is ready you are ready what kind of game are we gonna get for the sequel can you tell us something about it yeah we are breaking new Crown here this is going to be remedies first ever survival horror game our take on the genre the first game had horror elements to it but it was an action game yeah and we feel that this is the perfect genre to bring together the story and gameplay closer than ever before because the story horror story is at the very heart of this and it's psychological layered deep mystery way too I you know you are such an incredible Visionary I can't wait to see what you're doing with this game I know you said to me a while ago this was your dream project and I'm so honored that we got to announce this here at the game awards so we're going to hear more next year I think right yes we you know fitting to the theme yes we're gonna go dark okay for a while to work on this we'll be back next year summertime to show more all right summer 2022 more on Allen wake 2 Sam thank you so much for that announcement thank you very exciting all right well now I'd like to welcome a comedian writer and a well-known chili dog Enthusiast it's Ben Schwartz [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] everybody my name is Ben Schwartz I played the voice of Sonic the Hedgehog in the Sonic the Hedgehog movies thank you it's very kind thank you very much uh and I just wanted to say thank you so much for supporting our movie also thank you very much for the note about Sonic's legs and teeth in our original trailer I know for real that's a good note that's a good note I'm really happy that worked out we needed that we really needed that the good news is so many of you loved our first movie that we got to make a sequel and today yes video game movies come on yes sure two other people at the end today I brought with me the trailer to that sequel yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean this is you can this isn't like the real trailer this is a blank DVD for effect if this was the real trailer I feel like we'd be screwed because there's no computer with a DVD drive anymore so this would be like troublesome anyway I can't tell you how excited we all are about Sonic 2 so many incredible people are in this movie we got James Marsden Tika Sumpter Colleen O'Shaughnessy as Tails Idris Elba as knuckles and of course the legend Jim Carrey as Dr Robotnik now Jim has actually sent a very special video over to say hello to all of you and you guys are in luck because I have the video with me right here playing still let's roll the video Jim what do you say hello everyone and hello Ben I'm sorry I couldn't be there with you but I look forward to meeting all of your avatars in the metaverse where we can really get to know each other hey before you see this exciting new Sonic trailer I'd like to pass on a word of advice that my Scottish grandfather gave to me when I was just a boy he said Son don't grade in the grinder don't do it son and a grinder boy grade it by all means graded till my cows come home but don't create it and a grinder then to drive the point home and put his hands around my neck and he squeezed real hard and he said go do it son don't create it and the grinder are you lost into me boy Ariel Lester wow yeah inspiring words thank you Jim you know I think we all needed to hear that yeah take it in if you need to good great okay here we go thank you again for continuing to support the Blue Blur and it is my honor to present to you the trailer for Sonic the Hedgehog 2. enjoy [Music] quick stretch little snack and here we go Sonic I love that you want to help make a difference you're being Reckless don't worry nobody's gonna get hurt pretending to be Batman blue justice trademark pending he was still just a kid trust me there will come a moment when your powers will be needed but you don't choose that moment that moment chooses you I just got goosebumps wait a second did you steal that from Oprah perfect Papa's Got a Brand New stash since I've been gone I've discovered the source of ultimate power sounds big it's been on my vision board for years [Music] hope I'm not too late I'm sorry I'm sorry who are you Tails okay this is what we're gonna do step one light taunting step two I have no idea foreign [Music] [Applause] that wasn't too bad today's forecast calls for a 100 chance of Adventure [Music] Return to Sender face it you're never going to get my power do I look like I need your power [Applause] where are my manners Sonic Meet knuckles [Music] so so fun all right next one of your nominees tonight for most anticipated game is Horizon forbidden West from Gorilla Games the team is hard at work back home in Amsterdam finishing it up for a February release but I'm grateful they put together this for the fans foreign and the machines are out of control foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] wow game over his orchestra thank you so much I am so ready for this game uh thank you so much to Lauren in the orchestra and in her first ever performance and trip to the United States the beautiful Julie Alvin thank you so much Julie well speaking of Music last week you probably saw everyone posting their Spotify wrapped on social media my top artist of 2021 Rufus du Sol Sam Fender and day glow you can make your Spotify rap now in the app and stick around as we reveal for the first time the most listened to Spotify artists and songs on gaming consoles in 2021 also on the music front some of the music we've been playing tonight is from sessions Diana sessions is Riot games project with music made to be safe to stream without fears of copyright issues check out to download the full album and now it's time for a special and long-awaited announcement foreign let us defy Destiny together I'm gonna drop plate number seven you're gonna do what what the what this will be a memory to cherish for the rest of your lives we deserve what's coming to us yeah but I'm not your sister lunch begins surrender to the darkness embrace it [Music] hundreds of games to choose from PC are you a player then do something high quality PC games [Music] Xbox game pass for PC 2021 game awards Xbox game pass for PC and you too what do we think you know it's so effortful I like that we animate it you're welcome okay I understand the impulse to do something big but what do PC Gamers actually want because I don't think it's that they love brand new PC games we have some great ones coming day one okay some of them haven't even been announced yet okay great marketing idea what if Gator tweets out this list more or less leaking it in a cool hip way I retweet it because I have so many more followers in there it's done what's done tweet it it's out there no you didn't I don't think you should proactivity ain't a crime huh well it might be when people think about Xbox game pass they think about console they don't know where a PC gaming service why not just call it PC game pass that's a great idea okay we're going with that just like that you're going to change the name of the whole thing because of Gada who calls himself Gator it's a good name all we got to do is add some top tier streamers to this to really land it yes what about 100 thieves fans was that's a hundred thieves where are the other 97 I get it that's fine thank you man we'll take it from here brother we got cameos we got ideas percolating right next steps to me are just talking about like how we bill you wait hold on are we really going to make an ad for the game awards and you're not going to wrap in it at all I mean if I could get away with that [Music] PC games yes that's kind of like saying we're at the the game awards [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey hey [Music] hello again words my name is Martin fos Anderson aka Mr Savage it's really bad if you're if you're stressed before you're trying to play a game and trying to win it if I was stressed after school I just wouldn't be able to focus properly and it would just make everything 10 times harder together with truth I have an important message vaping nictine can increase anxiety symptoms and stress levels I think it's really important to people know the truth about vaping nicotine [Music] foreign [Music] thank you now please welcome actor simulio [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh hey guys what's up oh yeah oh yeah sorry um I'm I'm here to present the game Award for best action I guess uh and oh shoot that's so sick sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry um so you know as a martial arts superhero myself uh I know a little thing or two about action and uh oh snap with the plasma sword sorry sorry um where was I the prompter right uh uh action is the best when it's kinetic and and fast paced and and totally organic to the to uh no you did not Master Chief oh you didn't sorry guy look you guys know that Halo just came out right and it's and it's literally sitting in my living room while I I gotta be here uh so so instead of actually playing Halo I'm on stage presenting the game Award for best action while watching streamers on Twitch seemed like a pretty reasonable compromise anyway here are the nominees [Applause] action game night night A revolution is not won by The Fearless it's won by the fear doesn't have changed Everything Has Changed sorry sorry sorry uh in the game Award for best action game goes too returnal [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh wow thank you we are so happy to be here to accept the award for everyone who worked on returnal when I first joined housemark I could tell returnal was a really special game and it was our amazing team that pulled it off and brought you the game that you played today uh thank you to the amazing team at housemark in Helsinki Finland our incredible code Dev Partners who helped us build returnal our amazing Partners at xdev represented by Pedro and everyone at PlayStation we're so grateful we could build a game like Eternal but biggest thanks obviously it has to go to the players thank you for playing and thank you for supporting returnal wonderful [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is that it can't be it is just start at the beginning they landed on Mars it looked wrong like we were in a dream and you boarded sabathon ship Wicked thing The Lure yeah we wanted to find her try to gain the upper hand but she was baiting us what happened next my ghost brought me back we kept going she knew we would and that's when you saw the night forget it he refused to die yeah just like us sure you're absolutely sure it was light salvatun's Illusions can fool the senses nope I know what I saw this is real what made you push forward we needed to know what that thing was we couldn't stop what has she done [Music] looks so so good uh Destiny the witch queen that is coming out in February everything you saw there is actually from the uh the first mission of the game which is so cool and Bungie is celebrating their 30th Anniversary this year so uh congratulations to Bungie and there's a lot of great stuff happening in Destiny 2 right now um to celebrate 30 years of Bungie um all right now it is time to get to another new game announcement uh a few months ago a Japanese game creator reached out to me and said hey I want to announce my next game at the game awards and I'm so honored to have this opportunity to present this Global announcement to all of you please enjoy foreign okay [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] that's a fun one it's clear toy Amazon has not abandoned his roots uh thank you again for that very special announcement speaking of uh just that we have another brand new game to announce from a studio comprised of many industry veterans check this out foreign [Applause] ever since the day the portal Network collapsed stranding Us in these realms we have searched for a way home lost and alone in the dangerous Labyrinth of Fantastical worlds welcome to the lands of Fame [Music] every portal is a chance for salvation uniting the Lost survivors foreign Nightingale our Beacon of Hope but beyond our reach as long as we stand together our journey will unite us [Music] are all that is left [Music] love brand new IP and joining me now is Aaron Flynn from inflection games Aaron you were on stage at the first game awards in 2014 accepting game of the year for Dragon Age and now you've got a new studio in flexion up in Canada um what kind of game do we get here with uh Nightingale oh thanks Jeff yeah so it's a survival crafting game uh shared World idea so we want to bring players together solo experiences Cooperative experiences lots of ability to go and explore these amazing Fantastical magical Realms we're gonna give players lots of lead to come together cooperate lots of opportunities for community building that sort of thing well it looks incredible is it I love show me this game a while ago I was like this looks so cool we have chose people and you're pretty far along that's real gameplay footage so people play it next year yeah absolutely yes we're gonna be nearly access next year on PC only and looking forward to inviting players in if you want to see more play amazing all right well thank you for that announcement a nice surprise for the game awards and tonight we've got much more coming up but we're also going to introduce you to our game awards second annual future Class A group of 50 individuals who represent the bright bold and inclusive few future of our industry you can see the full list at the game tonight we're also partnering with Google Play to have our future class Mentor the next generation of women in gaming Google plays changed the game aims to improve female representation in gaming for the next 12 months a selected group of teenagers will receive Hands-On guidance from last year's future class as mentors right now meet one of the new members of our future class oh hi I'm DJ Knight and I stream One Touch I probably gotta hate me right now and I love it my focus is primarily joy everybody has the potential to be cynical about everything this game sucks it's easy to do that it's much more enjoyable to find good A lot of that started when I was in the military finding out that people shot rockets at your plane it's a reminder that nothing is Promised do you want to look back on your life into negativity or focus on the good hello world I'm Eric lovebeck from beat games and I'm thrilled to announce our new music for collaboration Lady Gaga music pack Launches on beat saber tonight see you all in multiplayer [Music] foreign [Music] thank you hi game awards it's Ms Tech Final Fantasy 14 just released its latest expansion and Walker and to celebrate they're partnering with GrubHub on something really cool check out this piece I did with them and enjoy the rest of your show alright everyone let's focus up it's time to raid all right this is the top part get ready to stack yes see where did you get the pizza now when you order with GrubHub using code and Walker you get free delivery and unlock an exclusive Pizza emote in Final Fantasy 14. that's so beautiful I'm crying on my pepperoni we've all been there foreign [Music] [Music] practice behind me this Cold's breath reminds me the shot is [Music] what's up everybody I am Ariel Powers I'll be presenting the best mobile game presented by Verizon afterwards come join us for the game awards watch party on Nate Hill's switch channel I'll see you soon foreign back in the summer of 2019 I visited this first time developer at his studio in the United Kingdom he told me his dream was to one day share his game with the world at the game awards well that dream is about to come true enjoy [Music] foreign [Music] foreign I cannot wait to play Somerville thanks to Chris Olson and the team at jumpship for that one next we're going to head to the stage for a very special performance from a much-loved game Studio foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] delicious [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with the Winking songs [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] well well looks like it's Bon Voyage to our old Pals cuphead mugman and the lovely Miss Travis they're off on their next adventure this time to the fabled DLC Island watch challenges await in this Enchanted land what better way to explore the island than with a leisurely climb into the mountains just remember to watch your steps that's the icy Tundras more to your liking don't forget about your mittens look out for a whopping winter whale next stop the dramatic Western planes under the watchful eye of sheriff Winchester yeah [Applause] [Music] he's the best baker in the land his cookies are sure to put some pep in your step oh and you'll need it for there's a new challenge waiting around every corner on the amazing DLC Island thank you foreign [Applause] we have a date June 30th 2022 so exciting the delicious last course all right next up earlier you saw the trailer for Sonic 2 the movie and now it's time for the little blue guy to give you a glimpse at his next game also coming in 2022. over here [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign I got a little job for you it's just temporary folks here they don't make no never mind who you are what you've done everything's got to be new these days Sensational let the mirrors show you who you are what's your picture you want to level I'd love to learn anything that you want to teach me I can read them more quick find out what they want folks will pay good money just to make themselves feel better [Music] a man believes his own lies people get hurt and you lie you try to find your way out I warn you didn't I there is no way out wow that was the best story I've seen since that's trending now onto Awards business I am honored to be announcing the best art Direction category these nominees across a broad variety of budgets and genres each found their own path to combining visual design music and animation into their own distinct expression of intent and purpose uh you know one francese I love the other action in Silent Hill I hope we get a new one of those anyhow here are the nominees for best art Direction best art Direction all right [Music] and the game Award for best our Direction goes to death Loop [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] because last night I made the bed that Guillermo deltoid will be giving this award so this is awkward I will stick to my to my speech so thank you wherever you are thanks to the game award I now have a flashback of when I was studying the 60s era by watching his movie the shape of water um scrutinizing the sets the colors the lighting so thanks for your indirect participation also thank you for rewarding our risk talking our passion for visual expression or level of craftsmanship and our attention to details that's a our players seem to really appreciate isn't it tonight I'm proud ladies and gentlemen and I think the guys across the ocean attacking are already brought too thanks to them for this cool adventure thanks to my long time up buddies Damian well thanks you bro we did it uh thanks to the great people at betisda Sony and Microsoft a big hug for our families and friends and lastly I'd like to dedicate this award to the boss Robert Altman peace and french fries yes I lost a bet last night also [Applause] [Music] congratulations to all the winners so far and right now we are excited to announce additional winners tonight in the 100 fan voted players voice category here are the final five nominees as voted on by fans and the game award goes to Halo infinite congratulations for best RPG the nominees are and the game award goes to Tales of a rise for best score and music those nominees are and the game award goes to near replicant stop me as content creator of the year but first let's hear from fans and creators themselves on who they want to win for creator of the year I want dream to win good luck Dream It's All About the beard people you gotta vote for eBay hi my name is Emily I would like to nominate fusry for your creator of the year foreign here are the nominees for content creator of the year and the game award goes to dream congratulations dream of course not here in person here are the nominees for best multiplayer game and the game award goes to it takes two Joseph you did it I learned to keep microphones away from him congrats and Hannah present the best mobile game please welcome WNBA player and Team Liquid streamer Ariel powers thanks Jeff here are the nominees for best mobile game presented by Verizon [Music] and the game award goes to Jin Shin impact stay right here we've got more Game Awards coming up after this what's good but cargo what's the dob this is Khalifa Adams here in full effects rocking with y'all I'll just want to be podcast the premiere podcast spotlighting people of color in the video game industry I think when you have those really seminal moments within culture and within the world where you see something that throws you you know you just don't know what to do you feel confused you feel upset you feel hurt but the thing that I can do and put out into the world is a show I know that things right now are very very difficult I know that things are all over the place in lots of different ways it's scary man I mean it's that's just there's no other way to put it it is scary to be black in this country today I'm a black mom so I'm scared a lot of people in Gaming Community these just don't want to hear it we sat down for about two hours or so just kind of ran through our feelings and emotions because it's all I bring poly Politics on this a lot of people's reality so the show goes out it launches so I would see all these tweaks hey you need to listen to this hey you need to check this out hey you need to be paying attention to this and then one of the big Outlets caught it then it just moves let's just speak to 100 true you know I'd always wanted to use my voice in a way that felt powerful really bring home the conversation about doing a show through a prism of Blackness I think we did the job in a really good way and I think the world and the industry was better for it foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] with Amazon Luna I can play all my favorite games straight from the cloud that's right I can play on my Fire TV tablet and phone yo Brandon what's that game you keep talking about which one the lineup looks awesome Yakuza like a dragon don't make Cry 5 judgment Ripple sticks extraction I can play any game without waiting for long downloads there are so many great games you want to couch anyone I'm in Phil like I'm on your couch let's go number one trending blessed Sigma the world drowns in corruption your Empire is aflame with heresy the faithful perish and the wicked multiply blessed Sigma lend me your strength grant me the will to purge the corrupt to Smite the heretic to bring hope when hope is lost by the comet and the hammer I pledge to the coming battle I vow not to wave and never retreat trust and Tall against the Flames of positions to drive back the shadow of chaos with your Holy Night [Applause] [Music] have I ever let you down [Music] Victory favors the faithful let us teach them fear first Sigma and the empire [Applause] [Applause] she's an actor who stars in The Mandalorian and the upcoming series The Book of Boba Fett please welcome Ming nawen [Music] foreign [Music] narrative is more than a collection of cutscenes it represents our own involvement with the story and its characters to be nominated for the best narrative award a great game demands provocative dialogue and a captivating plot but above all it must exhibit a meaningful involvement with the audience and also just speaking as the mother of a son who loves gaming it's nice when there's more to the story than just blowing up grenade factories and shouting obscenities at your alligator Brides here are the nominees for best narrative it's a narrative it was a spell I am telling you if it is a spell how do we break it I need to find out exactly what happened that night I can reveal their secrets you have proven yourselves unworthy and you must be destroyed my name is Raz and today is my first day on the job [Music] and the game Award for best narrative goes to Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] through the Sun [Music] okay that was a surprise there are so many people responsible for making this such a wonderful thing I want to thank Marvel game studios for trusting us with their characters and for allowing us to make them our own for our fabulous cast for bringing them to life in ways that words on a page can never do for Olivier our producer you bear JF my game director the entire crew who worked on it and of course my wonderfully wild wacky immensely talented writers thank you for making comedy look easy thank you for not complaining too often when I pushed you to remember our main themes of grief and to go deeper who am I kidding I know you complained but thank you for not doing it to me thank you everyone this is an honor [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Ed thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] what a beautiful game all right now we have something very special the gameplay World premiere trailer for rocksteady's newest title Suicide Squad killed the Justice League we've all been waiting anxiously for them to give us a first look at Kaylee what the hell you think you're doing huh that footage is strictly classified my name is director Amanda Waller and since the game awards doesn't care about disclosing classified Intel listen up whatever you've heard about task force x the state of the Justice League or Superman rampaging through the streets of metropolis you better not say a word ever to anyone because if you do believe you me I'll hear about it you've all been warped Waller out she gone she's gone good all right well I think we've waited long enough to see Rock city's new game this is going to be worth the risk you want you guys want to do it [Music] let's all watch this together when I think of a Justice League I think of Wonder Woman Superman Green Lantern you don't want to mess with that boy but you Barry you're just the team mascot aren't you mate the loser of the league folks the fastest man alive it's the foreign Brainiac I gave you orders kill the flag oh I'll kill you myself [Music] nothing can stop me budgeted gaming did you get him really why don't you just mail me the bullet I'm the eye in the sky taking points pulverized [Music] oh yeah [Music] boy [Music] No Escape from my route you wanna see what a real hero can do come on then yeah really thought flasher had us [Music] [Applause] ually from the upcoming game for spoken here are the performers Ella balinska and Pollyanna McIntosh [Music] hi I'm so excited to be here with her you may have met the character I portray in full spoken Frey Holland I am so excited to be here to announce a brand new trailer and especially delighted tonight as we will be seeing pollyanna's first portrayal of tantaprov for the very first time she is a ruthless adversary for Frey and I hope players get into it looking for a boss fight with this woman at some point I definitely hope that you're in a boss fight cute Ella that's that's if it's with Ray now a world premiere trailer for forespoken [Applause] Poland I do not know how I got here and all I want is to go home she is hell how else did she survive in the corruption the people are afraid they looked at me in the council for hope that we cannot give them but maybe you can Wherever I Go turns to it's always been this way Matthew has all but lost everything that corruption touches it breaks yeah I saw it up close to trespassed on my bed who set this battle in motion foreign [Music] not guilty lies she dies [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you honey come on we've lost a square we can't hold it [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] who will play Captain Titus Clive stand and uh Tim uh what do we just see well I'm just so excited I can finally talk about this game you know we are making Space Marine too I sequel to the iconic you know Warhammer 40K game you know and at saber um you know we've uh we're using the experience that we have we have learned from games like Halo Quake Champions uh World War Z to really bring this game to life to make it the most intense action game ever and we've got Clive as a Space Marine it's awesome live how does it feel to be in the game oh it's a dream a pretty freaking Grim dream but anyone's ever seen any of the work I've done I'm not scared of the darkness um no it's it's I'm stoked and grateful to be a part of this um I used to play with and paint um the Space Marines when I was a kid with my older brother so the chance to play one of the most iconic characters in The Warhammer 40K universe is is everything to me so it fits you it looks looks good so we're excited to see more of the game and awesome for you guys to show the gameplay Tim Clive thank you so much for joining us and right now here's a brand new look at Saints Row [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] we're really good at what we did [Music] come on anymore next step is to find people that can shoot guns [Music] you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] there's still plenty of show left and why would you want to watch alone when you could watch with me and aerial Powers exactly tune into our watch party to see a lot of exclusive interviews and Industrial spank takes trust me you do not want to miss it but don't take our word for it come to nadehill powered by Verizon 5G come check it out see you soon [Music] [Music] Escape [Music] are here hey guys FaZe rug here and I'm asking you to help me destroy 1 billion mechs for ablegamer's charity in the hit new game Macarena join me and millions of players in five on five Mech action for a chance to win insane prizes raise money for a good cause and get a shot at driving this real mess are you ready to battle I'll see you in the arena [Music] what's one award is one award enough well the gold medal was that enough there's one title enough nope what about one sponsor no way with every win you only want more because enough is never enough welcome back to present our next award it's the man you just saw in that WD black piece and tonight you can get 10 off selected WD black products uh to celebrate the game awards please welcome seven time NBA All-Star and owner of endemic Paul George [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you good evening everyone um I love action adventure games for the versatility one minute you're solving a puzzle the next you're lining up headshots and then suddenly you're being put on a hook by a vampire lady taller than me this category is like a Showcase of what it means to be a video game here are the nominees for best action adventure game I've got eyes on the target ratchet the dimensionator thank you for waiting and now let the games begin and the game Award for best action adventure game goes to Metroid [Music] [Applause] on behalf of the teams at Nintendo and Mercury steam who worked on Metroid dread thank you so much for this award and congratulations to all the other nominees this is the action adventure category and Metroid dread checks off both the action and the adventure box it's filled with action-packed moments behind every door around every corner and on every level and at the same time it introduces us to a massive and mysterious new planet that players can explore and Adventure through it's the result of a true collaboration between Nintendo and Mercury Steam and I have a few comments that the developers asked me to read on their behalf we'd like to say a big thank you for this award from the development teams at Nintendo and Mercury steam that worked so hard to bring all the Metroid fans around the world the experience that they were hoping for it's been a dream come true to travel together and this dangerous yet marvelous journey to zdr we're so thankful for all the fans for enjoying Metroid dread on Nintendo switch thank you very much [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] there it is the biggest death trap in all history and the Dukes headed into its jaws on Caledon we ruled with air and sea power here we must Scrabble for Desert power move slowly from the day of your revenge will come this is your inheritance speed is a device of shaytan thus there will always be a desert on a rackets [Music] to train them this is my vengeance this is my Doom [Music] [Applause] please welcome two of the stars of the upcoming Tiny Tina's wonderlands Ashley Birch and Will Arnett [Music] foreign [Applause] thank you for having us we are so excited to reveal a bit about the story in Tiny Tina's wonderlands yep and are we talking about the dragonlord yet yes will plays the dragon lord the essential villain within the wonderlands yes but in a clever twist I turn out to be the underdog hero of the entire realm and it's really beautiful and it's actually one of the main reasons that I took this role so um no what do you mean no you play a necromantic overlord and not the good kind well he's a job creator for millions of unemployed individuals he races the dead man yeah and he gives them stuff to do okay some of them get to sail some form a rock band a lot of them like I don't know stab things or something do you really not know the story of the game that you're oh sure no yo you mean the the Whimsical Adventure from the mind of a 13 year old demolitions uh expert yeah who whimsically tries to blow up the heroes for 40 levels yeah so if anyone is the central villain here it's Tiny Tina all right roll the damn trailer foreign [Applause] beyond the Borderlands a world forged by Wonder and ruled by Fate there's one alone who can wield Fate One alone whose story is in their own hands the Fate maker that's you heavy right [Music] you seek passage I can Aid you I am Valentine Gallant Adventurer the scary stabby one is fret of new evil Vibes this way now follow me [Music] a beautiful body indeed and full of power power I mean Invincible looking bad how do we win this we attack together idiot do you want to fight I'll give you a fight that's a big boy it's a big big boy sisters I believe we have found our champion oh listen to me lip flapping while you could be off adventuring Taylor you left a cheese curl on the board mayhaps it is a a powerful ancient meteor and it begins to rise from the ground this isn't a blessing it's a blasting hold on what game are we playing here we're playing [Music] foreign [Music] last year won indie game won multiple game awards and now they're back in a totally new unexpected way foreign [Music] all right tonight we have a very special K-pop performance the South Korean developer Pearl Abyss wanted to thank you for the great response to their recent trailer for their upcoming open world action adventure game doke V so they created a music video working with the popular K-pop dance team one million dance studio enjoy [Applause] [Music] it's gonna be special today [Applause] [Music] show me your everything cause I'm a Superstars [Music] [Applause] [Music] two times [Music] thank you all night we are wrapping up 2021 with Spotify and here for the first time are the top three male and female artists as listened to by you on gaming consoles in 2021 top female artist Doja cat Billy eilish and Ariana Grande Top Male juice world xxxtentacion and Polo G later we will reveal the most listened to Spotify songs now a winner earlier tonight for best mobile game here's a look at two new characters coming December 14th against an impact and the first glimpse of the upcoming character young Jin [Applause] the sky is clear and the sun is shining time to get the Oni Kabuto out for some training I'm the one who's supposed to be adored by the kid me know that I have anything to say about it to survive hardship you must prepare for hardship your weapon at the ready you never know what's around the corner foreign [Music] charge let's roll really it's showtime foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] the King has gone insane he is a proponent of a theory called animal magnetism he's capable of anything this Automotive Mastiff it could do much more than dance Angel of Death descended from their Heavens to Vanquish the Clockwork tyrant [Music] these machines fade on the Dead the greater the massacre the deeper the river where they slate them first [Music] yay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's up everyone this is Matt hayfee lead guitar player and lead singer of the metal band Trivium I'm also streamer on Twitch I'm stoked to announce that I'm in metal hellsinger a rhythm-based shooter game make sure you check it out we also have incredible metal screamers singers like myself like Alyssa from Arch Enemy rating from Lamb of God check it out my friends I will see you all in hell there was a soul had Music Inside they called her the unknown [Music] [Music] character [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's talk [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] starting in 2022 there's a new way to play your favorite mobile games on your PC through Google play games take games from your pocket to your desktop and seamlessly pick up where you left off Google play games on PC is coming soon in 2022. next here's another brand new game announcement for the first time at the game awards I enlisted because I didn't want to wait years just to get out and see the Galaxy I wanted to go somewhere see new worlds look up at a sky no one's ever seen before it's been a dream of mine since before I can remember so I would be honored to become a Captain someday we need to learn everything we can [Music] notify everything you say about it this can't be right time to impact one minute Jara I need you to do the right thing [Music] fate of the negotiations the interests of the Federation and the prospect for peace may very well depend on it [Music] he is back again Make some noise for Reggie foreign thank you thank you wow you know Jeff said it earlier isn't it great to be back live and in person back amongst friends it's fantastic this is a wonderful time of the year the game awards our opportunity to celebrate the creators and the players what is this Jeff eighth year something like that so much you know we've witnessed so much over these past few years the launch of Next Generation eight and nine consoles the mobile Revolution streaming games VR AR and quality free to play games and this category represents another innovation in our industry this is the award for best ongoing game it used to be that a game would ship and that would be the game but today's developers keep players coming back to their beloved titles again and again by delivering and creating exciting new content here are the five nominees who are engaging their audiences year after year best ongoing game foreign for the best ongoing game goes to Final Fantasy [Applause] tonight Final Fantasy 14 online also wins best community support [Applause] [Music] uh this is quite the honor to win best ongoing game uh the category had so many amazing nominees that it's truly fortunate that we were able to win um there's an incredible team behind Final Fantasy 14 who pour their hearts into the work uh bringing new and memorable stories and Adventures to our fans uh from around we're born all the way to end Walker and and Beyond so a big thank you to Final Fantasy 14 team and uh can't wait to see what's going on in the future uh and honestly the biggest thanks to our community uh they've been our Rock and we're so happy that you continue to give us our support thank you so much [Applause] [Music] foreign of time we have sought the glory of competition wasn't always what you'd call friendly as civilization evolved so did the desire for battle and the drive to be the best cities groups and soon everyone wanted a piece of the action some for power some Faith but many people just love the The Thrill of the fight even today oh come on [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] laughs that was Rumble verse coming next year from Iron Galaxy in epic games and tomorrow there's a first look gameplay event head to to sign up now here's the World gameplay debut of a sequel to a game awards nominee from a few years ago a plague tale requiem foreign sky [Music] dick the grave and Let Me Lie come Hugo I'm right behind you blood did I Live Well gladly die and I laid me down with a will this be the verse you crave for me hey come on here he lies to be Mr sailor home from sea and the hunter home from the hill I don't know what's happening to be Lucas I feel my mind's going I know I think of your brother you have to carry on [Music] what have you done foreign [Music] this year we partnered with GrubHub to do something really cool to get your food delivered to the game awards order GrubHub using the code endwalker during the show to get free delivery on all orders of 15 or more and an exclusive Final Fantasy 14 eat pizza emote for the game I know you get some dinner we got lots lots of shows still to go this year teclan celebrated its 30th anniversary and next year Dying Light 2 arrives after a long wait we've got a new look right now at the game story with the CG trailer foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] wait for me [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the island you once knew has flipped welcome to chapter three where there are brand new places to explore and exciting new ways to experience fortnite like never before start by earning battle pass XP Beyond Battle Royale it's all about playing your way to level up and unlock Battle pass outfits including Spider-Man there's also new features to check out get around more quickly and invade enemy fire with new sliding and swinging and even set up camps where you and your squad can heal and store items from match to match plus there are new weapons and items to help win a victory Royale and earn the ultimate Prestige the victory Crown keep winning and keep the crown along with these features the island is all new explore Sanctuary hidden home of the seven in Spider-Man's home turf The Daily Bugle along with many more locations and with the Island's new weather conditions anything can happen in addition to all new gameplay check out the chapter 3 season 1 battle pass that features Spider-Man the foundation and more newcomers so what are you waiting for drop in the chapter 3 and start exploring the new island because you never know what you might find foreign [Music] things [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's been a great year so far for shark mob on their first game blood hunt they just completed a successful Early Access and I'm very excited for their full release next year blood hunt will be out on PS5 and PC in Spring 2022 and we'll be free to play when I started the game awards in 2014 this band made a bet on me in the show and few believe we could make the game awards reality seven years later Imagine Dragons is back at the game awards for a once in a lifetime performance that celebrates 10 years of super giant games in their first release Bastion please welcome Imagine Dragons featuring the composers and songwriters behind all of supergiants games Darren Corb and Ashley Barrett I did [Music] [Applause] [Music] I dig my whole you build a wall is gonna fall gonna build that city on a hill gonna build that City over here one day those tears are gonna spill [Music] Ed [Music] too long Build That Wall until it's done [Music] [Music] [Music] oh the misery everybody wants to be my enemy [Music] [Applause] I wake up to the sound of the silence that allows my mind to run around with my ear up to the ground searching to be home the stories that I told my back was to the world that was smiling for you great [Music] but my mind [Music] oh the misery everybody wants to be my enemy everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] you're the greatest [Music] oh the misery everybody wants to be my enemies [Music] [Music] okay I'm hoping that somebody pray for me I'm praying that somebody hold for me I'm standing with nobody posed to be posted being a regular emotion ready to go whenever they let me know the roads available [Music] because I had it and I thought about we can have it on an opposition kind of shocking they want a static with decision I'm automatic quarterback ain't talking second pack and pack it up on Panic better better put it better so don't matter spare this sympathy everybody wants to be my enemies [Music] [Music] they say [Music] oh my God that is so great thank you to Imagine Dragons j.i.d and Ashley Barrett and Darren Corb that's something you will only see at the game awards tonight we partnered with Chevrolet to make the game awards live stream more accessible including an audio descriptive stream ASL stream with deafgamers TV on Twitch and closed captions it's important and now to present the Innovation and accessibility award please welcome Jacksepticeye and a member of our future class from 2020 and one of the judges who helped select the nominees for accessibility the incredible Morgan Baker [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you Jeff it's an honor to be here tonight games are for everyone and this award recognizes the teams that are advancing gameplay features and Technology to make sure games can be accessed and played by all it's incredible to see the effort developers put into prioritizing people who often go ignored sharing their work with as many people as possible and that's why we love being able to show our gratitude to those who go above and beyond each year discovering new and creative methods to encourage inclusion here are the nominees Innovation and accessibility presented by Chevrolet [Music] and updates that will be coming shortly after launch players will be able to enable a sign language interpreter [Music] escort the blind girl 500 miles down a treacherous Valley in the wake of an invading hold and the game award for innovation in accessibility goes to Forza Horizon fact tonight Forza Horizon 5 also wins best sports racing game [Applause] [Music] thank you this award means means so much to our team because everyone at playground games is really committed to accessibility so much so that we made it one of our core pillars for Forza Horizon around the world there are about a billion players who have some sort of uh disability that makes get makes gaming a challenge for them and I think it's great that us as developers and as creators can add in accessibility features and options and just open the magic of video games to more and more players I'd like to thank a few people and I thank Alan Hartman Matt booty um Tara volcker Ben Williams and all of Team Xbox as well as our accessibility attempts Tanya Aaron and Ryan um and with that I'll guess I'll go because it's time to wrap it up um um when everyone plays we all win [Applause] what a great sentiment uh such an important word congratulations guys all right well joining me now is Simon vickland from 10 Chambers Simon back in 2017 we announced your studio and your first game at GTFO right here at the game awards and we're thrilled to have you back I understand tonight you've got a special announcement for everyone yes it was a great opportunity to show off the game was it four years ago yeah and um something's about to happen tonight yes yes indeed the thing is uh we it helped us reach you know the audience for our um extreme Co-op horror game yes and we've thought what better way to announce 1.0 yeah we've been in Early Access now for two years what better way to announce 1.0 than to come back to the game awards so the surprise announcement is that GTFO is out now this very minute we release it right now so I'm gonna press the button exactly back home in Sweden someone's pressing a button right now and it's out now and there's no better time to get into GTFO yeah than right now with uh 25 off and uh you know the we worked hard to make the game more accessible sorry it's more accessible and um yeah let's let's take a look we've got let's take a look at the trailer yeah all right 1.0 GTFO thanks so much Simon check it out thank you foreign where every resource scavenged thank you might give you one more chance there's only one real and get out Bring it what it wants or die dark no sudden moves where the monsters wait [Music] get it over here I found it grab the item close the door why are we here what terrible things do we do deserve such hell oh we know is we'll have to work together or we will die together [Music] my name is Mike I go by Mike the quad and I stream on Twitch [Music] I joined the military in 2008 when we came back I was involved in a motorcycle accident trying to figure out how to use a controller without having any hand function what's up everybody that kind of sparked my advocacy I wholeheartedly believe it kick-starts a patient's Rehabilitation [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you rage Shadow Legends I mean wow you pick your Champions they're glorious and their Shields oh they glisten-like wet otters but the bad guys there love crafty and they're spooky they're I'm big and then you go to battle and it's like then finally your foe is vanquished and that satisfaction such a primal feeling download raid Shadow Legends get exclusive free bonus pack with TGA 2021 promo code [Music] I need to do terrible things again now we must find the prophet kill him finally yes I'm done running foreign [Music] the time has come to strike [Music] the master chief returns we need help we protect Humanity whatever the cost this wasn't the mission the missions changed they always do [Applause] [Music] foreign play it now with Game Pass [Music] launch yesterday and I know I'm playing it this weekend and I am excited to watch next year when Steven Spielberg's emblem television show time in 343 Industries bring the legendary Master Chief to life in the live-action Halo original series streaming exclusively on Paramount plus here is the world premiere First Look trailer foreign [Music] in fact I'm counting on it we're lost in the dark but you give people hope and I will always be with you I see this [Music] as a new beginning please welcome the chief creative officer from epic games Donald mustard [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that was crazy that was amazing um all right so making games that are original Innovative and really push the medium forward is not easy at all it's the culmination of the work and the talent of hundreds and hundreds of people and countless hours and it only happens when there's a clear shared vision of what a game can be these nominees for best game Direction represent what's possible when it all comes together best game Direction you have no idea what's out there sure is anyone listening Celine my name is Raz and I'm the new intern this is the part where you lose oh so awesome all right and the award for best game Direction goes to death Loop [Applause] [Music] [Music] um yeah so this Loop is my first game as a a game director and it's also the first game that uh Sebastian I are co-creative director for and uh actually I don't mean that as a brag it was terrifying uh terrifying for us terrifying for the team uh so yeah I really want to to thank the Arcane Leon team um for you know taking the leap of faith of giving their best work uh to uh you know um to make this strange game that no one can sum up in 30 seconds um you know actually work and uh uh yeah and also thank you for to PlayStation you believed in our vision uh thank you to our fans and uh actually I have a lot of people to thank but not a lot of time can we make those 30 seconds Loop couple of times okay okay well I stopped here but just uh if you're on your small last word for my family in French so Lydia Aya Papa Mama thank you very much [Music] [Applause] [Music] now it's time to take a look at some other Award winners tonight in the category of best Esports game presented by GrubHub here are the nominees and the game award goes to League of Legends congratulations for family game here are the nominees and the game award goes to it takes two here are the nominees for best fighting game award goes to Guilty Gear strive next best Sim strategy game here are the nominees and the game award goes to Age of Empires 4. next the nominees for best VR AR game and the game award goes to Resident Evil 4 VR and finally your most anticipated game presented by Prime gaming here are the nominees and the game award goes to Eldon ring for the second year in a row all right well everyone our next guest is a little shy if anyone in the audience has any twin blades or Wing Spears talking to you Reggie I'm going to ask that you please put those away for now um let's let's bring them out here's a little shy but look everybody it's it's my pot friend come on out pot friend great to see you you should put a bow tie on or something come on output friend don't be shy uh looks like he's got a a note or something you got a note there pot friend yeah all right let's see see what this note says thanks pot friend good evening please enjoy my gift a new trailer for Alden ring I guess we've got another world premiere trailer thanks buddy let's check it out foreign it happened an age ago but when I recall I see it true on a night of wintry fog the rule of death foreign Gods began to fall starting with Godwin the golden Queen America was driven to the brink the shattering ensued a war that roared only Darkness the Elder ring was broken but by whom and why what could the demigods ever hope to win by foreign foreign these two were the mightiest to remain and locked horns [Music] but there would be no Victor [Music] and so we inhabit a fractured world awaiting the arrival of the Elder Lord [Music] unless of course thou should take the crowd good just confirming the date the same February okay excellent good to see amazing I can't wait to step deeper into the world of eldering uh when it does come out in February tonight we've teamed up with Spotify to reveal what you're listening to every day on gaming consoles as part of spotify's rapt so what were the most listened to songs in 2021 on gaming surfaces here are the top three rap star by Polo G Montero by little NOS X and booed by 24K golden featuring Ian Dior congratulations and make sure to make your Spotify rap tonight stick around because coming up Keanu Reeves and Carrie Anne Moss reveal the Matrix awakens we debut a brand new Next Generation game and the game awards Orchestra pays tribute to our game of the year nominees [Applause] foreign [Applause] ER you don't think I know who won you break off I never break a rule to rule two oh you're one of them I've got all day baby freak off you know you want to never [Applause] well respect respect but seriously break off I fell into games and I lived and breathed them for so long I just never knew that it could be a job that I could be good at I'm Anisa sanusi and I'm a UI ux designer in video games hi Hi how are you doing it's actually been I was born and raised in Malaysia but I came to the UK at age 19. if you're a minority working in video games you kind of go through life feeling like you're an imposter I think that's what made me wish I had somebody to talk to so I decided to create my own mentorship program limit break is aimed at underrepresented people working in the UK gaming industry [Music] so I feel like people just really want to be connected and be a part of a community I feel like anybody who wants to make video games should be able to make video games what's up everyone I'm Sydney Goodman and I play some Resident Evil 4. I am terrified but excited [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's go [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you I'm gonna shoot you right now we're right off of your feet foreign [Music] thank you ah I'm gonna shoot you right now [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey everyone my name is my go-to is probably gonna be it takes two hi everybody my pick is Psychonauts too gonna have to give it to ratchet and claim ripped apart a pure Joyride of fun from start to finish and that's hard to beat foreign that was a look at which game of the year nominees YouTube creators and fans want to see win later tonight we'll find out if they are right when we present game of the year every year at the game awards we try to find games that push the medium forward in new and unexpected ways this game comes from Embark studios in Sweden a new team of Veteran developers their first game brings together thrilling multiplayer PVE action a Next Generation physical sandbox and incredible visuals to create a truly Dynamic player experience here's the reveal complete with real gameplay foreign [Music] there is no way to hide Kings barons Queens we give them different names but they're all the same killing machines falling from the sky this is our home our Bastion of resistance this is where the brave meets the Bold we will not die in the shadows we will face our fears head on Showtime [Music] watch it Scout ahead right there [Music] owe me one perfect new contact breaking orbit Southern Rust Belt they will never stop coming foreign [Music] [Music] that was incredible and now we have two special guests joining us for a very special moment Carrie Anne Keanu welcome I'm sure you guys recognize this uh iconic scene moment right Jeff thank you it's good to be here at the game awards and yes this is one of the scenes that made the Matrix feel so groundbreaking perhaps inspired a few video games too oh impressive thanks can you still do that absolutely not but I can in the Unreal Engine fought I believe everyone here is expecting to see something new so here's a never before seen look at the Matrix resurrections exclusively for the game awards 2021 let's roll the clip [Music] where are we Tokyo the moving portal makes it harder to track US seek is the best of them Portal's Queen we do know Shadows I don't remember this we don't have to run to phone with anymore either [Music] door's on your right foreign it's all about set and setting after our first Contact went so badly we thought elements from your past might help ease you into the present nothing Comforts anxiety like little nostalgia The Matrix resurrections looks awesome and we can't wait to watch it on December 22nd but getting back to tonight's theme which is the world of interactive entertainment I have to say akiano you've been in several great video games and immersive experiences uh did you ever think that one day a game could look as real as being in The Matrix absolutely I mean we are reaching the point at which the line between the physical and Virtual Worlds are preserving and with interactive storytelling reaching stunning levels of fidelity maybe it's fair to ask what is a game what is a movie over 20 years ago the Matrix pushed the boundaries of filmmaking and visual effects we couldn't have imagined where the state of the art would be today was photorealistic digital humans in Virtual sense to push the limits once again we decided to team up with epic games and now we are proud to bring you tonight's final world premiere at the game awards 2021 a glimpse of the Matrix awakens an Unreal Engine 5. experience experience experience [Music] hi I'm Thomas Anderson like many of you I work with computers but computers are also mirrors reflecting back who and what we are and the choices we make the worlds we build we still got it like riding a bike these things foreign [Music] oh yeah it's playable everything you just saw is running in real time and on real Engine 5 on PlayStation 5 and Xbox series X and S it is pretty mind-blowing and now you can download and experience The Matrix awakens for yourself for free right now in its entirety it's available right now make sure to play it it is mind-blowing epic is just taking things another level play it tonight please as we look to the future of games with platforms like on real Engine 5 it's now time to celebrate the best games of this year to present game of the year please welcome last year's winner of Game of the Year and best game direction from Naughty Dog Neil druckman [Applause] [Music] thank you thanks Jeff man it feels awesome to be back here together in person congratulations to everyone who managed to release a game this year perseverance dedication and passion are inspiring and there's no shortage of that in this room now performing music from each of tonight's game of the year nominees once again the game awards Orchestra [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right thank you that was fantastic A fitting way to honor the very best of the Year let's hear it one more time for the game awards Orchestra [Applause] and finally congratulations to all of tonight's nominees all pretty incredible games and the 2021 game of the year is it takes two [Music] [Music] so unreal this thing how much I was up and that's the Asia 2017 uh same Oscar and then now uh actually in a way of the officers got because the Game of Wars is getting way better so [Applause] let me see my my beautiful team for a fantastic War obviously without that I can't do anything and also I want to say also I want to uh give this award to my daughter Mio and my soon to come down to Zoe it's so nice to have children I'm surprised how much you love them if you don't have children go get them I mean this is the best thing that can happen thank you again I'm really proud I'm shaking look at me man this is like a big big moment for me Anil your big inspiration thank you thank you [Music] [Applause] congratulations Joseph fair is so amazing all right what'd you think of the winners tonight did your favorite game win if not post your thoughts with a YouTube short and let us know who got shorted tonight thank you again for watching the game awards we'll see you next summer for summer game Fest such a pleasure that we got to do this in person thank you so much have a great holiday season good night everybody foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: thegameawards
Views: 4,716,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game awards, the game awards, gameplay, world premiere, video game awards, xbox, playstation, nintendo, summer game fest, sgf, geoff keighley, awards, announcements, gaming awards, live, sonic 2, star wars eclipse, matrix, keanu reeves, jim carrey, sting, arcane, what could have been
Id: OS4m2O3V93o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 222min 26sec (13346 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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