The Future Of Insomniac Games Just Got Leaked...

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what's up everybody Welcome to podcast now I'm Alex and in this video I want to talk a bit about these Insomniac leaks now look I want to make it very clear what we're going to be doing here I'm most interested in kind of the future road map of the studio which we do have a pretty good idea of the games that are coming um I wish everybody there and I truly do mean this every Insomniac employee I wish the best the personal side of this is terrible I hope nobody's harmed obviously when we know kind of what's happened here right and we know personal info is part of it uh passports and just a lot of personal documents so I hope that while you know people are getting excited and people are looking into all these gaming leaks there is the side of like the human part of it and and also I guess just having all these you know future games and future or whether it's like leak stuff or Wolverine obviously that must not be great you know for insomnia to kind of wake up to or be alerted to late at night so what we're going to do here I'm not going to talk about Wolverine in fact I haven't looked at the Wolverine gameplay I mean there is gameplay for Wolverine out there none of that stuff we actually going to talk about or look at I want to talk about the future of Insomniac I feel like yes it's it I mean spoilers SL leaking involved there obviously but I feel like it is probably the least harmful right because you don't know what the things are going to actually be like what it's going to look like right how it's going to operate um you can just kind of look at the titles and say that's cool that's not cool things like that so that's what I want to focus this video on and by the way even at the time I'm recording this pretty late at night it seems like this is stretching Beyond Insomniac if Insomniac helped another Studio that stuff seems to be coming out there's stuff on Gorilla Games in their multiplayer project and cancelled things that maybe Insomniac has pitched before so this really extends even maybe Beyond Insomniac into anything that Insomniac touched maybe if they helped a naughty dog game you might see that over the coming days so I'll keep my eyes on it and if there's anything interesting I'll you know again make a video on it so let's do it let's look at the future of Insomniac now I'm not going to show the slide I feel like I would get in a lot of trouble I'm just not going to do that so we're going to kind of bullet point things and this does seem to be real um very much real honestly it seems like it was a almost a slideshow a PowerPoint kind of presentation that they themselves did back in July and there is kind of proof there's like document names to back it up um kind of more of that lingo that we're not going to go into but it very much seems like this is real so let's do this thing spoilers okay if you don't want to know if you don't want to know what's coming from in simoniac over literally the next 10 years obviously turn away now I think it's going to be pretty hard to you know not see this stuff going forward but still all right so Marvel's Venom in Fall of 2025 Marvel's Wolverine in Fall of 26 Marvel Spider-Man 3 and fall of 28 new rat and Clank game in the fall of 2029 a Marvel's X-Men game in the fall of 2030 and then finally a new IP from them in either 2031 or 2032 it's kind of you know unknown it's it's one of those two years for sure but you just don't know you know which of those two so there's the road map um obviously there's several things to talk about here one is I would say the general excitement um that's a great lineup you know honestly I am going to have some negative things to say in just a second in terms of of the Marvel side to them but I honestly look at this from them and say yeah you know a Venom game is exactly what we've been asking for and it's probably going to be a Miles Morales type thing I just can't imagine you do in backtack years Venom and Wolverine and they're both like gigantic games right so I think one of them is not going to be I think that's Venom Spider-Man 3 that's a launch game for ps6 right you can kind of read into that right now now these things are you know again this is what they say back in July these things things could get pushed and I don't really know if they'd be moved up right I feel like pushed is the only way this is happening so Wolverine that's a big one right we were talking about 2025 and it seems like 2026 it seems like it got delayed in some way uh Spider-Man 3 again that's the launch of the ps6 is fall of 2028 a new Ratchet and Clank game in Fall of 2029 I have uh some very strong thoughts to say about that one I'll say that in just a second making an X-Men game I mean obviously that's gigantic and one thing actually you May notice you may not but you also May uh no multiplayer thing unless the X-Men game is the multiplayer thing now we just heard rumors of like a spider verse game and you know again there's actually a slideshow again I'm not going to show it but there is leaks to suggest that maybe they pitched a Spider-Man multiplayer game but that's not on this list so I don't know what happened to you know there's supposedly and and not even supposedly like they were hiring positions for a multiplayer game I don't know what that would be right it kind of has to be X-Men if you think about it you know cooperatively and to you know want to get people to you know hire for a multiplayer game and they were hiring back in like 2020 2021 so you're hiring for a game that's 9 to 10 years away I feel like something happened and nobody's really talking about that right now I wonder if that will be a discussion or something else with leaks will happen but that's a big one to me whereas the multiplayer game is Xmen the multiplayer player game um and then the new IP again in 10 years 10 years from now you're going to get a new IP all right in terms of my like controversial hot take again I'm a fan and I will be purchasing every single one of these games day one I want to make that very clear okay this is all like it is exciting and it is all of these games are something that I do want to play but this is also in a way kind of my worst fear with Insomniac I have talked about as long as they're making the games that they want to make I'm generally okay so I would like to throw that out there and say hey if they want you know their next three games and then four of their next five to be Marvel and that's their choice I'm fine with it okay now my gut kind of tells me it's 50/50 I don't really think it's their choice I don't know if it's whatever word you kind of want to use it's very disappointing to me that you get a rash and Clank game once every 10 years now there were other leaks that showed basically how much money was made on some of their past games looks like ratch and Clank Rift apart lost them money it didn't actually make profit and in fact it cost them a couple million um once everything was kind of deducted right so I guess I get it if ratch and Clank literally is the only game that doesn't make them money why would you make it all that often now it's a very important franchise to me it I think it keeps them a little diverse right like it lets them have some different games out there so I'd like to see it more than once every 10 years and again when you go through it and you say okay well four of five are Marvel and then I guess in all things it's four of six right because on the new IP but you also have to wait 10 years now for something that's not Marvel or Ratchet and Clank and again in terms of that I guess diversity and wanting them to make what they want to make again as long as they want to make these Marvel games and they're okay with being a Marvel studio and that's their choice I'm all for it but honestly I think there's more to it I really do I feel like Sony has something to say about that um and they're kind of a big part to it I don't know I mean that's my own personal opinion and then I guess the fin I did actually tweet about this rip resistance and rip Sunset Overdrive um again those are two franchises that don't make money resistance never sold it kind of is what drove Insomniac to leave PlayStation in the first place and make Sunset Overdrive eventually with Xbox so I get it it's just you know that's a personal thing right like resistance to me is one of the all-time Elite franchises so I'd love to see a remaster collection I'd love to see a remake collection or you know whatever and maybe that can happen it it wouldn't happen with Insomniac but maybe it could just happen in general so I hope so because honestly like you look at it the next 10 years there is no Sunset Overdrive 2 there's no Sunset Overdrive remaster or even getting it on PlayStation and there's also nothing with resistance there's also no no new game right that you know those games started somewhere they started as new IPS there also is no new IP for another 10 years so you know again on one side of things I am I'm I'm genuine here I am excited for this I'll be playing all these games I'll be covering every as long as I'm still around you know in 10 which you you never know but as long as I'm still around in 10 years you'll see that I've covered every single one of these and I'll be covering it as fairly you know as I possibly can but at the same time I you know I I don't I mean I've said this before controversial I I think this is a hot take I don't think everybody says this in fact I'm one of the only people that does I don't want them to be just a Marvel Studio I'm sorry I don't um and that's okay like I hope it's okay at least it's okay to me I don't want them to be just Marvel and I kind of want them as long as they have the creativity to do what they want um but I mean they're just doing Marvel I mean that's the point here so we'll see what happens and again you know this is the main thing I wanted to talk about there are numerous leaks that are out there right now have a blast you know reading what you want you know read what you want and don't read what you don't want right I think something that probably is going to happen because of this is people saying hey you know you should or shouldn't cover this stuff because of how was obtained and it's like well you know the last of us that happened Capcom did a very similar thing or got done to them a similar thing to this years ago if you guys remember there was a huge data breach personal info was I think revealed and released I don't think it was like a hack I think well maybe it was it was just something big that happened with Capcom and basically every game that Capcom was making over the next 10 years which were still in that that was leaked like a few years ago um we know like future Resident Evil games we know Monster Hunter and stuff so and I've covered it other people have covered it so hopefully nobody gets too mad at me I guess for covering it there's nothing I can do if you do get mad I don't really care but just so you know this kind of thing has happened before it's not good I don't want it to happen you know more often but again at the end of the day this is the stuff I'm most interested in I don't want to talk about the Wolverine stuff and I'm not going to and then also the the personal stuff of the you know the data from Insomniac employees that's the terrible stuff that stuff you hope really gets solved and that's the worst of the entire thing knowing that Spider-Man 3 comes out in 5 years I mean to me like that's something interesting to talk about it's maybe not the biggest deal right so let me know you guys think in the comments make sure you subscribe to the channel if anything else big happens that catches my eye I'll obviously be covering it thanks for watching and I'll see you all on the next one
Channel: Podcast Now
Views: 10,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: insomniac games leak
Id: 8sLk07OjHmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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