The FUNNIEST FAKE 1.19 Minecraft Speedruns...

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please give me something good like some good loot he gave me a yellow shulker box oh my gosh oh my gosh guys this is the most OP drop ever these are the funniest fake Minecraft speed runs ever oh my gosh it's a diamond end portal that's so rare I've been exposing fake Minecraft speeduns for a long time now and I've gotten pretty good at it so you can trust me when I say that these are some of the funniest I've ever seen this first runner starts by immediately looting a village and finding fire resistance potions in the Brewing stand of the church remember these for later he heads to a nearby lava pool where there are strange block placements that are clearly fake these grass blocks are already perfectly set up for him to build a portal which he does and uses to enter the nether once he's in the nether we can pretty clearly see a Bastion but if we look a little closer we can actually spot an existing nether portal out in the distance showing us that he already entered the nether before the run the runner Bridges toward the Bastion but he ignores this entire section of it and bridges all the way to this very specific room where he find super overpowered loot as well as ender pearls in a separate chest he heads to another Fortress next where he drinks one of the fire resistance potions from earlier to help fight the blazes there seems to be a ton of blazes which is explained by the second Blaze spawner that we can just barely see if we squint a little once he has the blaze rods he needs the runner heads to this very specific spot with a little indent in the terrain that was pretty obviously made by him for a nether portal sure enough he builds a portal and it brings him into this cave where he is able to mine straight down and right into the stronghold where he doesn't get the achievement for entering this next Runner starts the Run by immediately digging into a Buried Treasure and getting a ton of good loot they swim to a nearby shipwreck next where they find an insane amount of iron but instead of heading to the nearest land the runner swims in a different direction and eventually finds a ruined portal that was not visible from where they previously were the runner loots the portal and heads towards a village where there are one two three iron golems more than a village of this size should naturally spawn with the Golem also don't fight back when being attacked which further proves that they were spawned in we can actually see that this Farm here has water with no blocks under and yet the water stays in place leading me to believe that the runner World edited this Farm in and this is simply a resulting glitch the runner seems to messily cut their recording and then finds a random librarian villager that has impossible Trad also notice how the runner leaves the village without collecting a single bed weird the runner enters the nether neck where they spawn right in a fortress they grab what they need and head back to the Overworld where they prepare to approximate the location of the stronghold but halfway through they just give up and run right to where the stronghold is without using any eyes at all the rest of this run is normal so let's move on this next run starts off normal until we see in the runner's inventory that they forgot to clear their search bar but things really start to get weird when they enter a ruined portal and end up in the back rooms oh no let's switch things up a little this next Runner is playing in the mine a chunk speedrun category where the goal is to well mine a chunk they spawn right in a village where they find chests with gunpowder and diamonds both things you can't find in a village they use the diamonds for a pickaxe and use the gunpowder for TNT next the runner picks out a spot to mine but it's pretty clear that they've already had the spot cleared out something that's made obvious by the lack of grass compared to the surrounding area and this terrain here that seems very unnatural the runner starts to dig and eventually uses the TNT to clear out blocks but things get weird again when they find a pretty big cave that just makes mining this chunk out even quicker and then eventually a second cave that is huge which clears out like half of the chunk I guess we know now why they pick this chunk this Runner starts by looting a nearby Pillager Outpost and heading in the least optimal Direction into the mountains but it pays off because they end up finding a very convenient Village and rued portal they complete the portal but don't light it yet remember this for later they loot the village and then mine down in a very specific spot where they find infested something that is impossible considering they're in a Meadows biome and not in a mountain biome and then they eventually mine straight into an ancient city a new edition in the 1.19 version of Minecraft the runner finds diamond blocks in the center of the city something that is possible just not in this specific spot as well as blaze rods which are not possible to find in an ancient city but maybe the runner thought they could get away with it because of how little people know about this new update the runner heads back to the surface and enters the portal from before and proceeds to kill some Enderman but if we look closely we can just barely see an Enderman spawner that the runner clearly placed the runner heads back to the Overworld and locates the stronghold but notice their XP bar as they mine down yeah they clearly cut their recording most likely because they died once they entered this huge cave that actually almost kills them again the runner searches the stronghold for the portal room for a couple minutes until eventually they pause and stare at a wall before turning right back around and walking directly to the portal just from looking at the video it isn't entire L obvious that the runner cut the recording while staring at the wall even though it's made pretty clear by them suddenly being able to easily find the Portal afterwards but if we take the footage and look at it in an audio software we can see a very blatant cut all right let's move on this next run comes from an old friend of mine epic Minecraft dream Pro speedrun whose fake speedruns I've covered in past videos The Run seems pretty normal at first aside from the heavy metal music playing over it but after some digging I found the the world seed is straight up from a website with the top 20 Minecraft 1.19 seeds right here epic Minecraft dream Pro speedr running finds a ruined portal and the chest has I'm not even going to explain this one he finds piglins whose trades seem tampered with as he's able to get ender pearls super quickly he grabs blaze rods and eventually builds a portal to return to the Overworld but when he enters the portal he is right in the stronghold I got this next run from the actual moderators so it's got to be good and it is the runner spawns at the bottom of a lake which is just not possible he's right next to a village that has an insane number of iron golems as well as an insane number of villagers probably just there to cover up for the Iron Golems only 3 minutes into the run it changes to nighttime showing us that the runner has been on this world for a lot longer than it seems as Minecraft days are supposed to last for 20 minutes not three he heads to a nearby ruined portal that is already complete something that is just not possible the runner heads into The Nether where you can spot a space in the ground that was obviously originally a portal he finds a fortress where two Blaze Spawners are right next to each other with nothing in between making it very easy for him to get a lot of rods extremely quickly the runner finds a Bastion where there are just no piglin brutes and he trades for what he needs and then heads to a very specific spot that is clearly already set up for a nether portal he returns to the Overworld and locates the stronghold but only has one eye left oh but it's fine that's all he needs to complete the portal the chances of this are incredibly low once he's in the end the Ender Dragon already has some of its health gone which seems pretty weird okay let's move on this next Runner starts his run by heading directly to a ruined portal which seems strange because this portal was not visible from where the runner spawned how did he know to run right in this direction the runner makes the bizarre decision to head right into the nether before he even chops a tree where he attempts an advanced speedr running technique where you use the pie chart in the F3 menu to determine what direction the nearest Bastion is in typically this technique is pretty complicated and requires some thinking but the runner ignored all of that and just spams Keys randomly he even goes into spectator mode by accident after he pretends to locate a Bastion he finds one where there seem to be very few piglins as well as some pretty overpowered loot you'll also notice that the Spawner in the Bastion is spawning blazes instead of magma cubes like it's supposed to because of this the runner is able to get both rods from the Bastion as well as of course Ender pears he has everything he needs so the runner heads back to the Overworld where he starts to head towards the stronghold he stops at a village on the way where he collects a bunch of beds before eventually getting all the way to the stronghold where the silverfish spawner and the lava in the portal room are strangely missing subscribe if you enjoyed
Channel: LinusStudios
Views: 5,307,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linusstudios, fake minecraft speedruns, fake minecraft speedrun, fake minecraft speedruns be like, linus studios, fake speedrun, minecraft speedrun fake, fake minecraft speedruns in a nutshell, fake spedrun, linus studios minecraft, minecraft, mincraft, fake speedruns, minecraft speedrun, mincraft speedrun, minecraft speedruns, minecraft manhunt, smp, survival, funniest fake minecraft speedruns, minecraft 1.19, 1.19, wild update, minecraft 100 days
Id: ncbo-9h1xLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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