The Funding & Tenders Portal for beginners

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hello and good morning it is ten o'clock central european summer time and i have the pleasure to welcome you to this webinar on the funding antennas portal uh first quick question colleagues can you hear me well and can you see me we can see and hear you well thank you very much so welcome again to everybody we are already around a thousand participants in this meeting and the numbers are still increasing so thank you very much we are very pleased that you are with us uh in this webinar today my name is peter i am a head of unit in the european commission's director and general for research and innovation and i'm also the so-called system owner for this funding antennas portal and i'm here today with a whole team of colleagues who will together with me present the different aspects of this funding antennas portal we will have at the end of the session a sec a section on questions and answers but you don't have to wait until the end to actually bring your questions in and for the questions and answers uh very obviously we cannot go into an oral interaction but we will use an application that is called slider that many of you will of you will know and in this uh slider tool you can already start now putting your questions and we will at the end go through all the questions and try to answer a maximum of them before putting a new question we also ask you to look in the questions that others have already put there and if you have the same or a similar question please don't ask it again but rather like the question of the others that have already put them there and we will then at the end go through all the questions in the order of popularity so that is in terms of housekeeping i should maybe now say a few words about the scope of this event and what we want to achieve so the funding intenders portal is supposed to become this central shop window for the commission's funding that means all the eu funding programs the grants that the commission is giving but also for the procurement actions that the european commission and the other european bodies are undertaking so if you are interested in getting a grant from the eu or if you are interested in offering your products and services to the eu institutions that they might acquire from you then this portal is of interest to you it already covers in terms of the funding programs a large number of programs the ambition for the current financing period from 21 to 27 is that we will cover at the end all centrally funded programs and when i say centrally funded i mean all the programs that are managed by the commission itself by its executive agencies by joint undertakings and other eu bodies what we will not cover in the short and medium term is the eu programs in the so-called shared management so for instance what is excluded most of the structural funds we can also not cover yet the joint management of the erasmus program that is done by national agencies but the centrally funded programs should be in this very soon or many of them are already there the title of today's webinar is the funding intenders portal for beginners and in these two hours we cannot do much more than just giving you glimpses into the different functionalities and if you then actually want to use and become a more experienced user uh you have to go more into detail and there is a lot of help and guidance available so we will go through the different functions uh just giving short introductions into each of them in today's meeting before we start and before i give the floor to my colleagues we have prepared three little polls in slido this is in the first instance to know who is listening to us and what are you dealing with and what are your interests so if i may ask you to go now to slido meaning and then use the code that was given to you on the event website maybe we can also try to share it again and i share my screen with the initial slide which shows the coordinates for going to slider one second so i hope you can see this this is the way to go to slido you go to and to put you put in this identifier portal nob and then you will find the first poll and please reply to this first poem i stop sharing now again okay we see that many of you already managed to get there peter if i just may say a word because we have some people who are complaining about echo in the sound of the youtube video in this case just make sure that you don't have two windows opened with the the youtube live stream because i confirmed that the sound is normal okay so it's not my fault apparently no it's not okay so the figures are still increasing but the statistics seems to stabilize so we see we have in the audience today about a quarter from public bodies 18 from secondary or higher education establishments 16 from non-governmental organizations or civil society organizations 15 smes uh 15 research organizations and i cannot see the figure for the private for profit entity no sme does it mean it's zero it's four percent actually okay okay thank you very much and we go immediately to the second poll now yes so what is your experience with this portal are you a complete newcomer or are you more experienced i may also address a recurring question it's uh whether this webinar will be recorded and the answer is yes and you will be able to find a recording on the event page so the same one that you may use to access the youtube live stream thanks olivier yes okay we see that indeed we reached the audience that we wanted to reach more than half of you are really beginners and only few are the more experienced users so that is very good i think we should go to the third poll now so in what are you most interested in grants or procurement and then within the grants what is your specific interest submission partner search registration of your organization okay i think also very clear results coming out although people still reply the vast majority of you is interested in the eu funding pro programs means in the calls for funding but there is still also close to one-fifth also interest in calls for tenders okay i think we can close this now thank you very much and we will then hand over to our first speaker my colleague agnes jivarin will give you a quick overview of the main functionalities that you can use without even even being logged in and without having an account on that parcel agnes please yes just a moment i will hide okay so good morning everyone i'm glad to hear that the majority is new to the portal so um in order to start looking for opportunities the quickest way is actually is when you land on the portal the first question is about finding calls for proposals and tenders so in this box you can put in any keywords that come to your mind that which area you are interested in will it it can be a very specific word like nano technology you will see the proposed hints already or if you are interested in sme actions you see the related keywords coming up and then when you click on the search you will enter a more refined search possibility which will be presented by my colleague later on so we go back to the home page once you have tried the keyword search you can also go by selecting the your interesting eu programs so if you know already what eu program you are interested in you can click on these programs here your favorite program and then you land in the landing page of a certain program where you will see more details about the structure of the program you can also make a specific search just linked to this program you will see projects and results later on and we provide an overview about the program structure about the the main things to know about the program there's a section about the the novelties what's new and then we also will build gradually useful links you can see here that there's a banner link to the program here this is not only a banner but actually it helps you to navigate throughout all these pages later on so once you have selected your favorite program and let's say you would like to see the guidance documents then you can go to the how to participate section click on the reference documents and you will see only the documents related to this program later on if you want to change a program you can simply click away the filter and choose another program for your interest area the same is true for actually all the pages this is to help you navigate throughout just to make sure that you don't have to set the filter over and over again so for each eu program you can find the interesting information if you are interested in the previous programming periods you can also find information related to that as well we have a section about the basic things to know about the participation how to participate in five steps we have divided it into two domains one related to the crons and another one related to the tenders these are very similar but still if you would like to know more you can still read the details from here you see that first we help you to find a suitable call for proposal and then once you clicked on the topic card you can read all the related details the topic conditions you can find the submission system there or you can launch a partner search request related to that topic and then once you want to interact with us then you will need to create your eu login account you either need to register or you can use your if available one if it exists and then there are certain actions registering an organization or submitting a proposal for that you need to have an eu login account and i will show you later how the logged in part looks like so in the how to participate section there are very small differences in grounds and tenders but it's worth taking a look at the differences so if you are interested in the tenders you can read more about the procedure these are the basic conditions there are plenty of further references for your reading and you can also make a very specific search link to the tendering opportunities only so regarding the navigation in the portal here you see only the public sections which are available to anyone without to login so these are the searching for funding opportunities the documents related to the participation organization registration and then we have a partner search functionality with with a complete database of previous successful uh participants and then we have projects and results linked to all the programs and if you would like to participate as an expert evaluator or monitor in the programs you can also find a section there and a support which will be also presented later on by my colleague we have a new section also on the home page but here you will find generic news webinars linked to any programs if you are interested in use of a specific program then i advise you to select the program from the home page and then actually on the landing page of the program you will see the latest news link to that specific program only so if you would like to interact with us then you will need to log in to your eu login account creating one is quite easy you just need to have your email address and then link to that you can create it what you will see on the left hand side is all your private personal assets these these depend on your access rights actually so for some people uh this navigation on the left hand side will be a bit more quicker and easy if you don't have too much assets too many access rights other people will have a very long list so it really depends on on your personalized access rights what you will see here so my colleagues later on will show you how to register an organization so this is the section where you will find back your previous registrations or your previous proposals if you have been invited to one and then i will look out now and will hand over to my colleague spiroz who will talk about the details of the searching for funding opportunities hello everyone yes i will carry on sharing my screen okay please give me a second spirus are you with us yeah that was just small just want to start from some place okay we're ready so i'm just sharing my uh starting i'm sharing my screen we hear you with a very low voice okay you get closer to your microphone yes okay so here we are so we have is better now yes okay so good morning everyone sorry for this delay so a very important part of the funding attendance portal is a place where we can where we publish all the um all the tenders and all the topics um related to the to the ground so this is the landing page where we have more than ten thousand um calls for more ten thousand tenders and um and topics uh where you can find them under this uh menu item here search for funding intenders as we have quite a big amount of um of grants and uh maintenance what we do we have some um search criteria here that will uh help you and assist you uh to go through um the areas the specific areas you're uh interested in and um by typing some criteria and select some criteria and typing some keywords you will be able to find what you're looking for so what we have done we have um aggregate and you have selected all the keywords and that are related to the topics that grants are available so if i take again um let's say uh the same area in nanotechnology as you can see here we have several uh keywords uh starting with this word and if i click one of them you will see now that the results are limited only to the topics that are related to nanotechnology you can by clicking this much whole world only here you can select and say that the word that you have typed there is part of an of a phrase or of another word or it has to match exactly uh this your search criteria for that specific word um then you can if you clear for example anytime you can clear the search criteria a very big distinguish is between grants and tenders so if we let's say we're interested in the grants then you deselect uh there is the checkbox of the tenders and what you get now is uh the total amount of grants that are available um for funding so as you can see we have more than four thousand here and um the next one is uh the submission uh status what does it mean we have three areas we have forthcoming open for submission and closed uh forthcoming are the ones that are that we have already published the information we've already published the area that we're interested in to fund but what is missing is the opening date so it's not open it's not open yet so you cannot start uh the submission yet it will tell you um for example if i deselect all of them and select under the forthcoming you can see that the opening date for this is going to be in the first of june but we already provide you uh all the information that you need in order to be able to prepare whatever is needed for the submission when it will be uh open so if i select the other ones so what we currently have now are um around 60 we have 60 open ones uh and uh quite a few that are closed so as you can see since we're reaching the end of the we have reached the end of the previous um framework program now we're in the new on the horizon mainly whereas in europe and other programs where new uh uh topics are are coming on a regular basis you can find grain evenly even down the um some other specific criteria so you can select for example the working period that you are interested in as you can see we started this year the new program period and we already have 90 calls available for this program uh if you have more specific information you know exactly that you want to apply uh for a specific call then you can select the specific call and then your uh information uh your results are limited to the minimum um that will allow you to navigate um easily and search and find whatever you're interested in so if i deselect for example the forthcoming and the closed ones and i only get the open for submission um and get only the the grants here is limited only to this area if i select for example one of them then i will get all the information that is needed so we give you at the top some general information about the call um we have some updates that coming regularly you can view them here uh by chronologically uh by the uh by the data we have uh the topic description that shows all the displays all the documents that are available and what you really need to know about um about the topic uh in case that we have published some faqs uh mainly feedback from users when they don't understand some some some parts of the call we published some faqs that could facilitate the uses to the uh submission we have all the supporting elements mainly documentation our helpers our id help desk the online manual that you need to know all the call information some really what exactly it's applicable and what you need to know about the call and at the end very important part is when you are aware about all this information and you're ready to submit let's say proposal uh in order to be evaluated and see if you can be grounded then you can then you select the specific area and most in this case we only have one and by clicking on the start submission uh then you need to confirm and you're going to be redirected to the submission system where you can start the submission of your uh proposal um also we have some search criteria here at the top uh we have the documentation uh anytime you can access all the documentation that is needed to get familiar uh with the procedure of submitting evaluation uh of the um of your proposal uh we can have some calendar uh and rss feeds about the news and the updates and you can sort also uh the um the topics uh depending on the on the area that you uh that you're interested in um other descending and sending or depending what is open and what is closed the same functionality applies also in the same principle applies also for tenders so tenders is uh all the procurement let's say opportunities that a commission is uh is um publishing that they will be interested in so in the same manner if you click one of the tenders then you will get the basic information about the tender what is it about the area that they want to purchase whatever they need them and when this is also open then you're gonna be able uh to uh submit uh your um uh call for tender uh based on on the eligibility and based on on the information that is provided uh in the area so this is um a work through um about the landing page and the place where you can find there are also more specific criteria um about either for grants or for tenders and we do this in order to be sure that uh the results you're gonna get back uh from your are such criteria they're gonna match uh more or less um uh the area that you're interested in in order to avoid uh having to go through thousands of topics and tenders that we publish so by typing and selecting here you're going to be able to find out the areas where you will be able to submit the proposal or attenders so that's a quick walk through the funding and centering landing page i'll pass you to my next colleague thank you very much i think the next in the role is giuseppe and he will tell us about how to register an organization chooser please thank you i am going to share the screen as well and uh yes indeed i will uh i will present you uh the registration of an organization of participants in the funding entered the portal uh as i said my name is giuseppe and i would like you to have a look again to this section how to participate where you can have you can find the steps the key steps in order to to participate and i will stress again the importance of creating your you login account in order to access to the secured section or the funding intender uh portal and this is a precondition in order also to register your organization but as i said i will focus my presentation on the registration of the organization so i will have to click here on the participant register so what is the registration it is actually a mandatory step you need to take in order to be able to participate to call and submit your proposal the purpose of the registration is to obtain a participant identification code which is known as a pick by providing some basic information about your organization and this information will be used in your proposals and will be validated by the european commission in case your application will pass the evaluation stage during the grant agreement preparation uh the uh participant register is fully multilingual you can select your favorite language here and you also have access to help to in case of need it is a good practice before starting a new registration to check whether your organization is already registered in the in the system and you can use this search functionality in order to search for existing organization let's say that i didn't find my organization so i can start my registration process by clicking on this button as i said before i need to authenticate so from this moment uh my uh the the system will recognize my profile i will enter my password and i will start again from the the first step which is the accessing the participant register okay so i go for register your organization i have a welcome message that is informing the user about the registration process uh and the duration approximate duration of the registration and then you will uh get your pick number so this is the first screen where you're asked to enter some identifiers so the the legal name and i will put some the country from from this screen you can already see some uh in the layout that you have red asterisk wherever you wherever the fields are mandatory and you can get some tool tips for adding more information about the specific fields you can see how many characters you use for each field uh here i still miss some mandatory field and then you can see it also from this message review the form so you are not allowed to move uh forward until you don't provide also this information that will add also a v80 number so uh this information is used to have a preliminary check in the system so the system is checking now if my organization already exists in uh and uh and this proposing is some pre-registered organization which name uh look like my uh the one i am registering and let's say that i don't recognize my organization here in case i would recognize my organization i could opt for uh stopping the registration and reusing the peak number in this case i would say that i don't see my organizations and i want to continue my my registration so i am in the next step which is the organization data again here i'm asked to enter some information some information is already entered in the previous step if i want to change it i need to click on this edit button here uh i need to enter the address number two and the postal codes okay and i will put the cd and my telephone number okay here i have official language this is something different from the language of the screen is the language you will wish to use with the european commission in your communication so it's something that is also a mandatory field and now i will move from organization data to legal information section here you can see you have just one mandatory field which is the legal form this uh field is dependent of the country so i will see i entered italy as a country so i will see all the legal firms from italy i will choose my legal form which is a sochita in a collective uh well there is a misspell here and for the rest the use can see preset values which are uh default value set as no uh but you should really pay attention and confirm these statuses one by one because this could be you useful and in the future when you apply for uh for a call and can be used as eligibility criteria or as a selection criteria so it's very important that you provide the right information in this stage otherwise you need to go back later to update your information i'll move to the next step here we have the authorized user so the user that can access to this organization to update the data to communicate with the commission and i can see by default that my account has been added and eventually i can add a second account as authorized user uh as a backup this is also good practice to follow once i confirm this i am already at the end of the process so i can see in the summary page all the information i provided if i don't like something i can go back and change otherwise i can print if i need to have a summary printed out or or i can submit the data so i will submit and i will get finally my peak code this is a very important code you will receive at the same time an email with all the information you provided and the pick number and this is the number you will have to use every time you will submit a proposal and you will add your company as a partner in a proposal uh before closing i could just show you if what happens if i log out from the secured section and uh i uh i will find okay the back the funding antennas with no specific uh area uh dedicated to my user if i log in again the system will detect what are my profiles and my roles and will show me as was presented by agnes just before some sections on the left side and among those sections you will see also the organizations that i can manage because i created or i have a role in these organizations by clicking on this organizat on my organization i will be able to um to see the organization i just created and by clicking on modify i will land to the page where i can actually see the data i provided i can eventually change it and update it and also new sections that will be used in the your future interaction with the validation service whether you need to create bank accounts or manage your financial capacity assessment or exchanging messages uploading documents and and so on so that is all for my site and so i will uh give back the floor to peter okay thank you very much giuseppe and i will continue myself now immediately with the next agenda point which is how to actually prepare and submit a proposal and for this i will try to share my screen again i hope you can see it yes we can good and so you now are determined to [Music] start preparing a proposal the first step is of course that what we already described before that you have to find a suitable call topic and for this you usually go to the search funding and tenders that spiroz has already explained in very much details and if you want to actually submit you are of course only interested in the topics that are open for submissions so you unfiltered all the fourth coming and the closed and let's say you are interested in a call for funding meaning in the grants and not in the genders then you would also unfill the tenders part but you see that there are still 60 topics and in the near future that there will be many more open topics because the new programming period just starts and all the calls will be published very soon so and in order to even find suitable topics in this restricted set you can start searching by keywords and let's say i'm not interested now in technology and nano but i look more in something of the area of rights and the the justice program and for instance i can i am i know that i'm interested in the rights of the child and there i see there is exactly one call topic open which is dealing with the rights of the child i click on that topic card and as beerus has shown already i come to the page where all the details of this topic are explained so in which program it is located in this case it's the citizen equality horizon values program and it is also in the work program year 2021 it shows the type of project and model grant agreement the type of actions is this strange acronym but you will then know more when you start reading through the call documentation and you also see again the status this one is open for submission and you still have a lot of time to prepare your proposal because the deadline for submission is on the 7th of september and then you see the topic description in this case you are referred to a call document that gives the details of the topic description and then you have all the other information here and then before you actually start preparing a proposal in many of our calls you do not apply alone but you apply with a consortium and within all the topics descriptions if this applies we have a possibility that we call partner search and for instance in this particular topic we see already that 54 organizations have posted requests for partner search and there are two different types of requests or of offers you can either offer your expertise and tell to everybody in the world i have this and this specialities and things to offer and i'm interested in participating in a consortium in this specific topic and then others can go there and see whether they want to go into a consortium with you or you can also post an expertise request meaning you have for instance already a core consortium but you look for a specific other partner that can cover certain aspects of your proposal for this topic and then you place an expertise request and who can place these requests it is normally the people having a right to manage the data of the organization so if it's a newly registered organization what we have just seen in zappos contribution and you are the so-called self-registered meaning you just have registered your organization then it's you you can place such a new offer if it is an organization that is registered since long and has already participated in earlier grants or tenders then this organization has somebody in the centralized administration called a leader legal entity appointed representative who can place such requests for partners but this is just a side aspect i go back to the topic description and now i come actually to the preparation and submission of the proposals and if this topic is open for submission you will find this section here start submission and the most important in the sections of course this start submission before you can press this button you still have to choose the provided available from the available project types the types of actions the one that you are interested in in many topics there is only one choice so you just click here there are some topics where there are different types of actions available and then you have to choose between them and then you have chosen your call topic you have chosen your type of action and now the proposal submission system knows exactly what you want to do and can provide you exactly the correct proposal submission forms and the other details you need again you have seen this this time i will confirm the choice and i will be guided directly into the proposal submission system and the first step again if i want to start preparing a proposal i have to identify myself for very obvious reasons again if you do not yet have an eu login account the creation of one is extremely easy and uh it requires just your email and your first and last name i just see i had earlier with the test account i now log in with my real account okay i am now in the first screen of the proposal preparation and submission system again i see all the details that i have chosen and most importantly also see the deadline this banner is turning yellow and red when it comes closer to the deadline and i also see here a kind of a metro line showing me what i have to do what are the different steps before i actually can submit a proposal and i am here first at this first step i have logged in i have selected my topic and type of action and i can start now and the first step is of course to tell the system which organization is submitting or preparing this proposal and if i am a more experienced user i and i have participated earlier the system already knows this and will suggest to me an organization or in my case several because i have several test organizations with which i worked before if i don't see this so if i'm a complete newcomer this will not exist for you and then as we learned before you first have to register your organization and you will get a pick a participant identification code and you will also have a short name of your organization and what you do then here is you enter this pic instead of choosing from the ones that are here i will now choose one from the ones i know already next is i have to tell the system whether i myself are the main contact or whether later on i have to define another contact normally if you start preparing a proposal you are also the main contact so i leave it like this and then you have to give an acronym to your project proposal and you start writing a short summary sorry i pressed the button from summary and i save and go to the next step what i see here now when i go to the next step next step is a warning it tells me that for the organization that i have chosen the legal entity appointed representative if this is a validated organization will immediately be informed that this pick was used for creating a new proposal this is important in bigger organizations where there are many employees who can be involved and can start preparing proposals but we inform the central administration of the organization that actually something is going on okay i have to click yes here in order to continue and then i will also get yet another long text giving the terms and conditions you read through this and then you have to agree if you don't agree unfortunately you will not be able to go further and then the system also congratulates you telling you you have now already created this proposal and then you have two two possibilities you can either stop doing the continuing the proposal means going to my proposals or you can continue preparing the proposal at other partners at other persons who will then also get access to the proposal and so on and then of course you will be prompted you have to fill in some administrative web forms you will have to upload documents technical description in form of pdf documents and so on i will not go we don't have the time to go through all the details but the system also will guide you through all the further steps so i will now decide to not continue with this proposal but i click here and the system will bring me back to one of the main screens of the portal okay coming you are still logged in as you can see you you can see your name here and you can also see it in the fact that this left hand menu list is still available and if you want to now go back or maybe i i still demonstrate what happens if you log out so let's say i log out i go and do something else i come back after a week or two i go again to the home page of the portal and i want to continue preparing my proposal first thing i have to do is to log in okay and again as soon as i log in i have this left-hand menu list with all the my assets if you are a newcomer you will your list of assets will of course be relatively short so we show the menu items only if you actually have something behind these manual items so if you want to go back and continue preparing your proposal you click on my proposals and yes i actually find the proposal that i just created i created it in this program with this funding scheme with this acronym and the status is of course draft and i still have more than 100 days to submit and finalize the preparation of my proposal and here is the list of the actions i can do what i can do i can edit this draft and this will bring me back into the proposal submission system but i can also delete the proposal and if you want to play with the system you can do this you can go to any open topic and you can start creating a proposal but what we would ask you in this case if you do this after you played and you you had prepared a draft which you will never pursue please delete it because many test drafts will load the system unnecessarily and it will become slow for the real submissions so i will do this also now here so i click on delete proposal and then there is another warning saying if you do this now this this will be lost forever and this is of course what i want because it was just a test so i say continue and again it wants me this process irreversible yes because it was just a test i want to have it it was irreversibly deleted so i click yes and then this is done and when i come back the next time or when i do a refresh maybe even this proposal should no longer be available in my list and with this i think i stop and i hand over to thomas who will tell us about the possibilities for seeing projects that are existing already in your area of interest in your country your region and so on so please thomas take over i stop sharing good morning everybody my name is thomas kaminsky i work in a dgdg directorate general for informatics and i'm head of sector responsible for technical delivery of of the funding attenders portal and today i'm going to show you some other function of the portal because what you have seen now until now is how to navigate and how to apply for the opportunities which are announced in the portal but the portal also uh provides a possibility to see what projects are funded in the context of eu eu funding and what are the results of those projects then well as we have multiple programs which are available in the portal the degree of information which is available differs per program uh so i will start with showing you uh what is the basic set of information available for every program and so so let's i mean so if you are interested in seeing uh the funded funded projects you need to go to projects and results menu item and then you see the screen which which i present uh here and here you have an opportunity to actually um filter out our filter for the programming period and program of your interest uh the biggest amount of information we'll have for programming period which just finished so that's why i will stay in the programming period of 2014 2020 and when it comes to programs let me just select one example program let's say creative europe and then when when you when you select the program what you can see is list of funded projects in the context of this program what we offer here is so we offer some possibility to to narrow down your search if you want to look for specific programs so we can actually search by base by keyword like let's see if we have something for translation if you know project id you can use it uh the same for acronym and also the topic and in the main screen or the biggest part of the screen you see a list of results as you see with my filtering i got six results and then uh so those results are organized in cards where you see very basic information about those particular projects but when you click on the name you get into the page where you see more details and and here you can see a project information uh with well with acronym id status and and the overall budget as well as your contribution then there is a fact sheet with um with description uh keywords and then some more specific information which program it was part of which topic and type of action and at the very bottom you see the very interesting section where we list participants in this particular project and there is also a map where you can when you can actually visually see what collaboration was i mean how the collaboration was actually performed in this particular case we see one one organization and then on the right side there is one more interesting functionality because we actually we provide information about coordinator of this project and the possibility to contact this coordinator organization via our contact form i'm not going to go into the form at this moment but basically from there from from by clicking this particular button you can open the contact form and send a message to the program to this project coordinator so that's a basic functionality when it comes to showing the funded projects but for some uh programs um we offer more information uh it's it's um so let me just show you uh because uh horizon 2020 where we have quite an extensive set of services where you can get information about what is funded and some statistics and also interesting project results section so i i just selected um horizon 2020 and there as you see we see much more um so we see a possibility we see horizon dashboard so there is access to horizon dashboard where you will be able to uh to see and also um navigate to statistics uh in the con of horizon 2020 program uh let's go let's go in and as you see you you get the page with even more information um so uh we maybe i'm going to start to show you one uh one dashboard which we offer and then i'm going to explain this uh the sec this complete page with more details so let's say that we want to see implementation figures for horizon 2020 funded projects and then i'm going to go to the dashboard interactive dashboard it will take a couple of seconds where you first you can see so you get you get access to the uh to to extensive set of information about horizon 2020 signed grants um as you see i mean it's it's there is quite a lot of that but up apart from actually seeing you can uh drill down and search for your area of interest so for instance let's say you are i mean what you see now is the totality but you can um let's say you you are interested in seeing the uh what is uh i mean let me see i mean on the map we'll try to select france and then uh automatically as this dashboard is interactive uh the the statistics which you see are uh narrowed down for uh for the for france uh so you see directly that everything was uh was updated and and you can you can do really quite a lot of um of filtering checking and verification here because uh let's say that i i want to dig or drill down to medical and health sciences and then so it's i click on that and then i actually see results which are narrowed down even more i'm going to stop here because i think this i mean all the functionalities here could a representation of all functionalities here could take an hour at least but i we i just wanted to show you that it's a very interesting tool in case you are interested in multiple details at any moment whenever you actually let's say selected some filter you can by clicking on red cross you can go back and release those filters let me go back to the portal so as you see on the page of which which we call horizon dashboard you have access to um into two such particular dashboards on various schematics and here every button actually represents access to different dashboards of a similar kind which i showed but simply with different scope so we have one so we have set of dashboards with implementation figures like h2020 proposals funded projects and even for uh for facility we also provide access direct access to fp7 funded projects dashboard then you can go to the dashboard and see the country profiles that's another very interesting element organization profile so here you you can see the information on the basis of the organization uh project results so here in that dashboard we we actually concentrate on intellectual property rights and scientific publications and results of of projects in this this domain and we have some dashboards for specific aspects like european innovation council pilot seal of excellence and international cooperation in the context of horizon 2020 you can see so apart from the dashboards in the horizon dashboard page you will find tutorials some news and and twitter feeds which are which are published in this context uh so let's go back uh to our projects projects and results page for the horizon 2020 because apart from horizon dashboards we have also horizon project results that is a very interesting and and i would say fun and and entertaining platform where projects publish results uh for for which which could be reused by by others and this will be presented by my colleague just after my presentation and then we have some some other access to other services or like horizon results booster innovation success stories and also cordis because for horizon 2020 and fp7 projects there is an information service called cordis where you see all information about all funded projects uh and basically i mean that's uh that's that's where we we refer you from from that point uh from from the portal for horizon 2020 and also you will find the same for fp7 here so that that is actually part of the project and results for um horizon 2020 there is one more interesting element which i just wanted to show you quickly is that for also causing a program published as a very interesting uh tool uh in in the page it's actually cosmetic data hub so again i mean what i did in project results i actually selected other program which is called cosme and there you see a specific access to specific functionalities as well as list of funded projects which is a basic functionality of our system and then so just to show you a cosmetic data hub you will see a map where you will be able to to actually navigate and actually see what are the specific projects funded in specific locations with uh with some details let me just go to one so we have for instance i mean you can see basically a multi quite let's say extensive set of information about the funded project in in specific location uh i think i will stop here uh so i hope um that you you are uh well you will be you will find the project and results part of the portal interest as an interesting source of information and i will have um give back the floor peter to you and for presentation of the next step i think particularly horizon results platform thank you yes yes many thanks thomas and i will immediately hand over to jorgos who will give us a short demo on this horizon result platform that is if i understand it correctly in the future not only for the research and innovation programs but other programs will also start hopefully using it jorge please hello thank you peter um yes just to answer your question uh i'm trying to hide some of these bars here from my screen um yeah the horizon results platform is intended mainly for those project results that have something to do with innovation in a way or those results that could have a target audience so indeed we are discussing with some other programs uh who already told us that they would like to join the platform but before i jump into um into the uh demo of a platform let me just say a couple of things about this sort of novel uh platform that we recently relatively recently launched and the reason we launched this platform is because you know in europe we often get this criticism that we are excellent at funding excellent research but we're not that good at turning that research and knowledge into innovations that can have value for our economies and societies so this is just one of those tools that attempts to address that um that criticism in a way now it is a relatively novel approach in the way we promote results because this uh platform is actually driven by our own beneficiaries so it is those who receive a grant um that actually publish the results and the idea here is to give these participants of our programs a place where they can advertise these results to those targeted audiences that they want to reach out to and to also express their needs when they publish these results so not just saying you know this is what we achieved but you know what do we need to move these results further down the line do we need an investor do we need to a collaborator a business partner do we need a research lab to continue our research etc i will not go into all the details of what is possible to uh to to to state as need there is a drop down list when you upload your results you will see now let me just quickly show you from the two points of view um so this is the uh the main page to get to that um uh likewise as tomasz explained before um you go to the project results and then for the moment since the platform is mainly for rni uh results you'd have to go and filter on the horizon 2020 framework program and then you click on horizon results platform so you go land at the same page here now if you have received the grant then um we would really strongly encourage you to upload your result for the time being it's accessible this uploading of key exploitable results is accessible to fp7 and horizon 2020 and of course the future horizon europe but we hope to onboard new programs as peter mentioned earlier so um [Music] that should happen later this year and as in the following years so if you want to publish your result here then you just simply click on publish my results and there is a very good online guide here to guide you but let's for example click there and then of course you need to log in with your credentials and for the moment you have to have a primary coordinator contact or coordinator contact or participant contact role in the project in order to be able to do this so as anya showed you at the beginning this is your area on the left i am logged in as a super user of all those projects that have uploaded results in the platform so now if i list my projects i see a very big number and then in order for me to publish a result all i have to do is okay i select which project i want to publish the result the result for let's suppose that we want this project here i click on the actions button i go to project results and here i can see an existing result that i published this one i deleted and then i if i want to create a new result i just click this button here now let me uh explain what this is about this is bringing to your attention that what we need here is a key exploit is those key exploitable results of your of the project and these are basically main interesting results selected and prioritized due to their high potential to be exploited and there is a detailed definition here we don't want to you know this is not the tool where you report on the deliverables of your project or your work packages etc a deliverable could well be a kick exploitable result but not all deliverables fall under this definition so please read this carefully before you decide what to upload and if i click ok uh then the tool will take me to a very uh you know straightforward application uploading process where you know i have the elements of the result i will not go through it here because i am in the production version of the database and i just wanted to show you quickly here if you go to the iit how to um that is not what i wanted to see so i will go back to the main page or i simply go like this there is a very very nice and detailed guide which explains all the fields that you need to fill in in that um in that form um it starts with so here what i just explained it tells you how you can create results and then here there is a detailed explanation of each field uh the title result teaser to the potential user you can upload the video tell us what your result type is because depending on that then you are going to be asked different questions what are your target audiences are they policy makers are there are the investors what about those who publish the results in a project there could be uh not all partners that contribute to a specific result and also very importantly what are the owners for exploitation what who are those individuals or entities that own the results and can enter into a discussion with a potential stakeholder like an investor for example is there a startup created for those results that are interesting for policy uh is there any influence in policy what is the business maturity and exploitation outlook uh of these results the trl level that you're all aware of current stage and next steps what about the underlying business behind and what if you're looking for investors are you prepared to meet them kick these flags if you are do you have a business model sorry a business plan do you have a market study do you have investors do you have customers on board this is all flags that you can uh that you can tick now so this is from the point of view of the uh user of the sorry the beneficiary now if i am a visitor here from a member of the public or an investor or whatever obviously i will not have credentials so i'm going to lock myself out and the idea is that we try to promote this platform to um [Music] to several stakeholders that might be interested in our result in exploiting our results so let's say that i am visiting this platform and i'm thinking okay wow let's see now uh what can i find so if i am interested in results in my country then of course i can look per country um if i am investor a business angel investor and i want to find results interested or looking for business angel investors then i can simply use this looking for filter and here is what all these needs i spoke to about i spoke to you about earlier you can see all of them here so you publish your result and you state what your needs are your needs might be collaboration i need coaching i need grants i need to expand and find more markets or customers in this particular case i selected business angels and then here um you can have a look at this very detailed uh all these advanced filters that a user a visitor of the platform can search your results in uh for example if they're interested in high maturity they can search those results that are relatively higher of higher maturity or even or even those that are already deployed in market and there are many more filters here if you're an investor and you are absolutely um interested that the potential company or startup coming out of these results has a business plan then you can filter that as well and then of course you can select uh which area if you want some um if you want uh from the area of clean energy for example there's two ways to do that uh you can either select by the ec policy here related dc policy area for example and go to energy find energy so we drill we nailed it down to three uh particular results now and you can see here a nice representation of its results which also can declare which strategic development goals they contribute to they have intellectual property rights to the underlying result here and then you can simply click and see here the details of all those fields that have been filled by them so here's the title here is the teaser here's the owner of the solution the result description their needs the sustainable development goals they contribute to current stage description value proposition and their core their investors corner their readiness level and then the idea is that this stakeholder looking into our database into our platform they can contact this person here through this button again um the in order to protect our result authors we would like the person contacting them to have a necklace id so here they will be asked to fill in a form with their agus id so this is what i would like to present okay thank you very much jorgos thank you very impressive and we come we switch topic now a bit we come to the possibilities for um people to help the commission and the executive agencies in evaluating proposals and monitoring projects and our programs so what do you have to do if you have are interested in becoming an expert working in these fields for the commission and there is for the new programming period a single call for expression of interest so we are looking for expertise in all funding areas in all the different programs and you if you are interested in this you just go to this to our portal and you tell us what your expertise and your profile is and now tamash will give you all the technical details on how to do this yes thank you peter so as peter basically said if you are interested to be an expert we also have you you should also come to our portal and then we have a page where which you can actually go to by i mean by getting to work as an expert menu item where all the information are explained and first thing which i i would invite you to is to to see the video because you can see um interviews with real with experts real experts and which gives a glimpse of what what their work is is about and and as peter basically said so we look for experts for evaluation of proposals price and prices and tenders and monitoring of execution of projects as well as preparation uh and implementation of eu programs uh the uh if the uh the second or probably the most important aspect is call for expression of interest so currently a running call of expression of interest for experts can be found uh here in this um it's a pdf document so you can see it at the bottom of work as an expert screen calls for expression of interest for experts 2021 2027 so after watching the video i invite you to then go to this document because you can see there and maybe just quickly open going to open it you will see all the uh all the requirements and and procedure as well as all other elements for which are required for for you if in case you are interested to become an expert and i mean once you uh you you you get familiarized with uh with this expression of interest and you would like to express your interest we provide the possibility for you to register as an expert and i'm going to quickly go through the registration uh process so so you can see it uh so we can see how it works but before jumping into that just uh i mean we we offer a couple of other points on this on work as an expert page so news related to experts quick links with some documentation or faqs and and guidance and then some further information about logistics for brussels as well as other opportunities for experts in the context of of eu institutions so uh but now let's let's try to register as an expert so for that you need to click register as an expert and you need to create your login account or if you have it you you should log in with your account so let me do it for myself and now as i login i will be directly forwarded or i will i will move to the system which is which is which is used for registering experts and by uh registering as an expert i actually express interest in becoming an expert so once once this registration is done that means i can be found uh by relevant services uh what i get at the beginning is uh terms and conditions of the portal as i'm a new user i have to uh to to accept them obviously you can see details of those terms and conditions by clicking on this link and then i'm in the system of registering so first it will be a little bit funny but let's let's go through so uh title first name last name date of birth and let me i will just just pick the random one just so so it's actually all the basic information which which you need to feel fill in um date of birth place of belt country then gender nationalities uh so you can pick up more than one in my case i will i will stay with one and then you need to accept data privacy statements and again link for those statements you can find here that the information which i provide is true and um that i accept using electronic exchange systems for interactions with the european commission that means that you accept that the data which you introduce will be used by our systems for interacting with you so i'm fine with that and then i would like to join so um now i'm actually getting into the wizard we could call it all set of steps where uh further information where i will be able to provide further information about my profile and as you see it is indicated that this process should take approximately seven minutes uh and we can of course i can skip some points but obviously less information i provide less attractive i am when for the ones which are searching for experts in the expert database to which i'm registering to so let me just put some telephone number so again you see the information so first how to contact permanent address country then and we are getting into very important stage where you actually um need to provide information which expert of which field you are and and how it works here is that we basically have a big catalogue of fields and you can search it by by typing keywords so for instance i would like to let's say that i'm in expanded robotics and as you see just by typing in i see quite a big set of specific domains or fields which actually i can choose from and what is important is that you need to choose at least three domains usually i mean well it depends of course on your expertise but they can be very similar so let's say that i want to be to select assistive robotics then again i have for instance applications and concepts and one more automation telepresence and robotics so yeah we have more and more of telepresence that's why um let's let's choose this one and then so once i select at least three you can you can have more of those domains so i save it and then i have more more information and wizard asks for more information so at this moment i will be asked where i work and so i'm going to add my current current place so again let's say yeah maybe i mean i just put random information so particularly me i'm employed again a organization which you put will be actually searched in the in the catalog of organization so here it's a you just put the type the keyword and then we will search or system will search in the database i select european commission then some more information needs need to be provided i'm going perhaps to skip those because well i mean we don't have so much time you can in this step you can also save and add another employment i'm not going to do it but just for your information so basically you you build up your cv in this in this step let me save it and then a highest level of education that's the second element when it comes to your cv so let me just put some item for myself i will just select my my university and then so i just added my uh my highest level of education if okay and then next step is languages so as you see it's really a cv and it's really like in cv let's say okay save and then we get to the um to the step where we we need to choose who can see our profile in the expert database and that's uh i i would of course advise to to read all uh the information carefully but by default your profile will be available for eu institutions and bodies this can this has to happen but then you can or not opt-in or out for actually being also visible for other new institutions like european parliament council i mean you see the list here as well as research funding bodies with public service mission based in the eu and then research funding bodies with public service mission which are based in third countries so that's uh as you see this for instance is not selected by default obviously more you select more opportunities or potential opportunities you might have and then there is a last well selection or acceptance which you need to provide so that you can actually be contacted by all programs and sub programs of the above selected eu and non-eu institutions uh and if yeah i mean so that's that's the choice by by default and having done that you can add publications books articles i'm just going to show it but perhaps i'm going to skip it but and here you can use a doi uh identifier um so so it's it's pretty easy and this will be uh automatic uh and then if i go back so now actually with that i created my profile and as you see uh now you can see the screen where uh i mean it's it's called even cv but i'm in my expert area area where i actually see uh the items which i um encoded few moments ago so like areas area of expertise languages education and there are some even some more some more fields or some additional fields we can which i can which i can work on uh and but but at this moment i'm actually um registered and as you see on the right side your profile is 100 complete that means that at this moment i'm actually available for being found and contacted as an expert and you because uh so that's that's about creating your your profile uh but uh as an expert you also as you see you are in some some let's say in actually pro your profile which is called my expert area where you can see multiple elements and some relate to your personal data cv which which you encoded some others like bank account contracts and invitations and payments those relate to experts who already who are contacted and contracted so uh it is in this uh in this part of of the system in my expert area that you will uh you will be interacting with the commission uh obviously at the end at the at any moment you can uh modify your personal data and uh and cv but also you will be as active expert you will be using all other functionalities as well there is one more element which i wanted to show you but for that i'm going to go back to the portal because now as we are in expert system expert profile we are um a bit deeper than that but now let's let's say that you register as an expert and now you would like to go to your profile so the the screen which you have seen so uh then you come to the portal and then you need to log in i as you have seen i logged in before so my credentials are automatically taken up and as it was already explained by peter a few moments ago once you are you are logged in you see on the left side the vertical menu uh where which is which we call my area and then you see the link as you register as an expert you actually directly will see a link called my expert area and there basically from the home page of the portal you can get into my expert area uh there is one screen which actually shows you um i mean it's a dashboard basically which shows work some evaluation tasks which i assigned as you see at this moment i have zero then i have administrative area where i um whereby clicking view edit profile i go back to the to my expert area which you have seen with a personal data cv bank account contracts invitations payments and they are coming back to the portal there are some other information uh like about the number of contracts in last 12 months expert rotation rules which are specific for for some programs and then there is also a possibility to uh to delegate your profile so let's imagine that you would like to uh that you work as an expert but you are busy or you you want that somebody else is actually let's say helping you with with your profile then basically you there is a possibility for that i'm going to stop at this stage and well thank you and peter i'm going back i'm giving back the floor to you yes uh thank you very much thomas and i see time is running we have to speed up a bit uh i will now follow up with another topic that is a rather closely linked to the expert profile and then the next topic is the person profile this is a new feature of the portal that is actually not yet available directly but that will become available rather soon and the basic idea behind this is that in principle every user every any registered user of this portal will have the possibility to create a person profile this is entirely voluntary so you don't have to you can do this and even if you decided to do this you can still decide very much on what parts of your person profile should be visible to the public and which parts not or even whether your profile is supposed to be searchable by others or not and another principle for this person profile is also that a part of your profile will be created automatically by our system because as you have already seen throughout our presentations as soon as you have an eu log in and you start interacting with our system the system will remember what you have done in terms of preparing proposals having an expert profile having participated in procurement actions and so on and all this information the system will pull together and will present it as part of your profile i will now again share my screen yes and i just have this screen open so before going further i should encourage you to also go to the slido and start putting in questions i said you can put in questions at any moment but in a few moments we will then start going through these questions so please if you have questions go there put them or vote on the questions of others but now i go back to the portal home page and i want to show you what you have to do in case you decide to create such a person profile what is the interest in creating such a profile we have seen before that the portal offers possibility for looking for partners or for offering their own expertise currently this possibility is restricted to organizations so you must do this on behalf of an organization and you must have a role in the organization in order to be able to do this if you have such a person profile in the future we will offer this these possibilities also for individuals for persons i now have to log out because i have to log in here with the test account in order to present these functions that are not yet live and available and i have to sign in with another account this okay i'm getting there okay so i am logged in with this test account and i see here now on the left hand side a new my asset which is called my person profile but i have never touched this before and if i touch it for the first time i will first receive a warning and the question your profile is not created would you like to create it and here i can always say no and if i say no nothing happens because i say this is entirely voluntary but if i decide to do this i can safely do this because even if i start creating my profile nobody will be able to see it i have to actively and explicitly give my agreement to any public visibility later on i so i say for once yes and i hope yes so it gives you again a welcome message and i say get started you also have possibly seen that there was a message saying your profile is not public so for the moment everything you put in is visible only to yourself once you have logged in with your credentials and then you can start putting in some details of course your email is already there because this is the email of your eu login account that you need and then you can start editing your biography you can put in languages areas of expertise very similar to the things you would do with your expert profiles and other things i have no time to go through this just to to inform you that you can also if you have a so-called orchid id instead of filling all this in you can import your personal details from this orchid id and maybe i go again one step back and here you have the possibility then to see if you have put in certain things to see these and to edit these and one important element here is this little sign you can for each individual element of your profile decide whether this should become visible to everybody or not so the first decision you have to make is that your profile is searchable at all but then within this decision you can still decide for each individual element whether this or that element would be public or not and you can also go back at any moment in time and change your decisions so that is the basic functionality in order to keep to privacy and to keep the control over your data and the visibility of your data entirely in your hand and again the the advantage and the benefit of having such a profile and also putting some information there and making it public is for finding partners for potentially performing new consortia and once this new functionality is up and running what we have seen about the topic related partner search earlier will then also be available for you as a person so if you go there you will see persons offering their expertise or looking for expertise and you can yourself also offer your expertise or issue requests for for expertise i think i stop here and we go to the next part and i hand over to olivier for some very important basic information about access rights how can i get rights to see different things only please take over olivier we cannot hear you you are muted olivier sorry so indeed my presentation will be about the different roles and how you can grant and revoke roles on the portal so the case here is that for example you need to update the data of your organization or you need to intervene at any point in the project so in order to do this you must first be logged into the portal which i am for the moment and then you have access to my area here on the left which is a menu which is personalized depending on what you can or cannot do in a project or proposal and so on i will only touch the organization and project roles so quite logically if you want to uh grant a role or revoke a role for the organization so for example this is the leader role the accountant administrator this goes through my organizations so when i click on this i see the list of the organizations where i'm active in so here this is a test account so i have many of them you should only have one or two most logically and for each organization there's an action button and here if i edit the organization roles so i will only have access to this if i myself am allowed to grant or revoke roles you have this screen which is the list of all the people who have uh who have a role at the level of the organization so i can edit and delete some but i cannot do this for some other roles this depends because here for this organization i am an account administrator so i cannot remove other account administrators but otherwise if i have the right to do so i can add some roles so for example here i will nominate a financial signatory which will be my colleague spiros that will give the presentation after me adding the name the first name and the last name is uh not so important it's important if that person does not have a new login account yet because in this case a new login account invitation will be sent to that person here i know that he already has a new login account so i have added him to the system and i don't know where his name is this is the one you see so i have inserted spiros but actually his name in his eologian account is testing test so he should have received a notification via email by now the same goes if you want to grant roles at the level of the projects so you go to my project you select one of your projects and you can click on manage consortium this is the place where you will be able to see for this specific project the whole list of organizations and provided that you have the right to do so to edit the roles for one given organization so i will not go through this process again because it works exactly the same you can add a new role or revoke an existing role but as this presentation is rather short i will give you two small tips um the first one is that if you have been granted a role uh but you did not receive the notification for any reason so it went to the spam folder you deleted it because before you could read it there's one way you can see all your roles so if you click on your small profile here there's the my roles button and click on clicking on this you will have an overview of all your organization roles all your project roles and all your proposal roles so if your role does not appear here this is because you don't have it so you need to request it to the relevant person and i know that the the the role uh the whole role system is quite a lengthy subject so i unfortunately do not have time to reach this now but if you want to have more information you go through support guidance and manuals and here we have the online manual so you see that there are two online manuals but this is the the old one for the horizon 2020 programs this one is the new online manual which is valid for all the programs and if you go here you have this roles and access rights section where everything is explained at length and you can see each role and what each role can do so again time is missing to go really into those details but i think that you may find all the necessary information in those two parts so i think that now i can hand over to my colleague spiros so that we can see whether he indeed received my notification um spiros and colleagues i would suggest that we skip this part about the notifications and tasks because we don't have much time left and i would hand over directly to else for two minutes presentation of the management of your eu login account and then we spent two more minutes with emmanuel on all the possibilities for getting help and guidance else are you ready else yes hello i'm ready yes sorry so um i want to spend a few words on on the management of the account of your eu login account at least and also of the security settings that means that you can if you want to secure your account a little bit more you can opt for a two-step verification so in that case um you will be able to uh you you will be able to use your password and the second factor in this case it will be your mobile phone or your device that you will need so first thing you need to do is register your mobile phone in the eu login part this you can do here by manage my mobile devices and you can add here a device else we can you are not sharing your your content we see on your video oh yes thanks i will start so uh again so we were setting uh the second factor and so to do that you need to go uh to the you will go to the to the my uh area to the the login menu here on the top you have here the security settings and then you can set your two-step verification so this will combine uh the login using your password and your mobile device so first thing you have to do is register your mobile device for this you will go to the manage my mobile devices in your eu login account so i will go here add a device i will call it my phone i will put here a pin code that you need to confirm and you submit and then you get a qr code that you need to read with your eu login app that you need to ins have installed on your mobile device for some reason uh my your login app is a bit blocked so i cannot do this here but let's continue here then to continue for me the second step i need to click here activate which might not work for a moment because i cannot register my device but i will tell you that after uh after you you put you will get a list of questions that you need to choose from and you you will need to provide answers to this list so this is the the page uh so i can you you can put here your favorite pad which is my dog lila you can put here also the brand of the first car that you had so you can choose all your questions but you need to be sure of the answers because these answers you will need whenever your second factor is not available for you so uh when you send those questions your second step will be activated so whenever in you will go to one part in my area here so you see that it's now active you will go into one part of my area here you will get a message on your mobile asking you to enter your pin code in the eu logging up so far for the second factor and how to set it you can also manage uh your account your eu login account i will point out here only the most important things so this is changing the password which you can do here behind the settings icons i will not change it for now but you need to give the current one and confirm twice the new one you can see your account details um if you uh if you need some information on that everything is there another thing you can do is you can modify your personal data here you can change your name or your last name if you want to do so but also your email address be aware in this case that for legal entity appointed representatives this this is not possible so they cannot change their email addresses like this then you can put some extra settings and that's it and then also another important uh function is to delete your account if you don't want to do business anymore in the portal you can click this here but be aware if you delete your account that all your access rights in the portal will be revoked and they will not be you will not be able to recover them again so be be very careful with this function so i will stop here peter and give you back the floor thank you very much else and we switched immediately to the last presentation about the different possibilities for getting guidance and help emmanuel hello can you see my screen yes so i'm emanuel from the portal team i will immediately show you here what help is available in case the different presentations from my colleagues uh were not yet clear enough so here in the menu you have the the last menu item is support i click on it and i'm gonna jump start immediately by going to guidance and manuals here the first element are the reference documents when i click on it i can select a funding program for instance i'm going to select the horizon funding program and here you see that there is a guidance section where i can find specific guides for specific aspects of the igrants process per program next in the menu i'm going back to guidance and manuals basically um we have for grants we have two types of of guides we have uh the online manual where you find uh help regarding the business processes and another uh section which is the i.t how-to which is more about the the the i.t aspects uh basically a little bit what we have been explaining to you today between screenshots and so on how things work on the portal itself for um because there are two uh types of funding opportunities on the portal grants and tenders if i select only the tenders then there is one uh guide called the e-procurement wiki that encompasses both the business and the it aspects so it's a bit different for grants and tenders next in the menu we have um the the uh faq faq section where we put all it's a database of all the frequently asked questions um available you you can filter for grants for tenders by by area for instance you can pick here uh submission um and you can also pick a program if i click on one of these questions here you see the question and the answer and you can say whether you find either useful answer uh or not and this gives us then again uh feedback finally i will come back to the faqs later on finally we have the help desk help desks section where you can go to to ask a question if things are still not clear again we have most of the time we have um for most of the programs we have an i.t a help desk for the it aspects and we have often times another help desk like here for the consumer program we have a consumer help desk which is dealing more with the business aspects um then i would like to quickly show you this page here where you have the the key steps um my colleague already touched upon this page uh but what i want to show you is that you have here this rescue boy um and if you click on it you will get the specific guide which is relevant for for this section so if i go here to tenders it's a different guide it's the procurement wiki and not only do you get a link to the specific guide but to the specific page in the guide that is relevant for the page that you are on and this need help rescue rescue boy you find it on many pages in the portal so this is a more contextual way of providing you help finally i would like to show you [Music] simply if i take a funding opportunity i'm picking the program period i'm picking the program and i'm picking a specific program part and now i click on a specific funding opportunity so this is this is a call um with here some essential information about the call and then you have all the call information and basically here you have a left hand menu if i click here i go to um a section for this call where i find all the relevant questions and answers for this specific call um and also you have a get support section where you can find um where you can find it's it's actually it's here where you can find uh specific help for this specific funding opportunity as you can see here for instance for this call you don't have to fill in any form uh that goes to a help desk because there is a functional mailbox available and you can ask your questions to this functional mailbox that's it for me thank you very much okay thank you very much i think we reached the end of the presentation and we now go into the questions and answer session so olivier can i ask you to bring up the screen from slido with the questions in the order of number of likes and we start immediately from the top first question can one sign up for the portal in order to immediately to be immediately notified when a new call is launched thomas do you want to reply to this one absolutely so yes so actually we have call updates um which which we which are available in the portal uh so we can perhaps i don't know because i think else could uh could present it better than myself but um we can actually show you how this can be done so there are there is there is a specific way of actually getting call updates will you be able to get there quickly and share your screen i guess i will be able to okay quickly and share my screen so i'm just going there just a few seconds i will be there and i'm now sharing my screen so here under funding and then the search you have the funding updates uh here you can also filter them by programming period and by a programming group they are kept here for uh for three months and you can subscribe here to the rss feed which will inform you whenever there is a new funding update here uh for the new calls you can subscribe to the rss feed that is that is on the search funding and tenders here in this part you can subscribe and there you will receive the new calls okay that's i give you back okay yeah i think that replies to the question so olivia can you bring up this screen with slido again so next question can we work with several people on the same application and the plain replies of course yes i want to i will try to show you how this is actually done and i will share my screen again so and what i will do i log in now i have to log in again with my usual [Music] account and what i can do in the proposal if i have created a proposal i can of course give access rights to anyone else so i go to my proposals and i have one test proposal here i go to edit draft as we have seen before already and for instance if i want to add another contact for my own organization i have a button here i have to give this contact a role normally this con i am the main contact so i would choose contact person i can also choose what kind of access right the person should have read only or also the possibility to edit with me i say okay this is one who should also edit and i'll put a to put the first and last last name and an email address i will not do this now because it's always the same principle we have seen it before and then i click on add contact if this person has already an eu login account he will immediately or she will immediately have access to that proposal then if this email address is not yet linked to an eu login account the creation of an account will be triggered by the system and the person will receive an email asking him or her to finish the creation of this your login account this requires two clicks and then the person has access to that proposal the same works if you are the owner so to say if you created this proposal and want to add contacts for other organizations that you want to become part of your consortium you so you first have to identify the organization via the pic or via the wire the name and then you search and then there will be yet another screen for adding context i will not now not go into these details but the basic principle here is everywhere in the proposals but also in the ongoing grants that the ones who created it have access in the first stage and then these persons can give access or also revoke again access to others so the the management of access rights and roles to your different assets is very much in your hands and it all starts with the one who created the asset who can then give access to others okay we go back and come to the next slide of question are you planning this kind of webinar for advanced users so i i don't think we can have one single future webinar for advanced users because when we go deeper into the details it will become very specific but indeed we will think about maybe a series of webinars for the one and the other function that is a indeed a very good suggestion next what are the new features of the portal compared to the old version depending on a bit of how much we go back into the history uh one important new feature is of course that this portal now covers most of the centrally funded programs and in the near future it will cover basically all centrally managed programs and of course that this portal also covers the tenders and maybe because i have seen another question on what is the difference between grants and tenders i will reply this already now so a grant means that you do something basically in your own interest and the european union gives a certain contribution to the costs so grants are normally co-funded so that you have to bear a part of the cost yourself and another part will be funded by the eu budget and the reason for funding it by the eu budget is because there is a certain interest of the eu policies to co-fund your your activity because it has a potential impact on the implementation of eu policies calendars procurement is completely different here we speak about buying goods and services and there of course there is no co-funding you make an offer and we pay a price so that is the main difference um thomas or anybody else do you want to add on the question of what is new compared to the past yes so in fact i mean of course depends how far in the past we go but in the uh if we if we take as a past participant portal it was only focused on grants now in the context of the funding and tenders portal you can find grants and also a procurement or tenders as us and the difference was was just explained by peter and then there is one other element is that we we actually add gradually more and more programs so initially the participant portal was focused on um on the well horizon 2020 but before that fp7 program so research and innovation while now a portal is well covers many many domains and and our ambition is to actually cover all the programs of the funded by the eu uh european commission and well i mean we have we have many we have some uh because all the time we gradually add new functionalities so it is probably not easy to uh to to describe but i mean for instance uh the the novelties which we have is uh person profile which peter presented the other novelty is uh the extensive info extensive possibility for partner search where people can express interest uh in specific uh topics um and well opportunities basically uh and and there are many many others but if i think i'm going to stop here because generally speaking our our intention is whenever we have a new functionality we publish news in the in the new section of the portal and then we we do our best to inform the relevant public about that and also uh we we do every now and then webinars which are focused on specific new functionalities just to add also so much the the project's results which is also very important because now introduce also the uh the concept of the investors that are also coming to the portal uh for the results exploitation of the projects that we have funded so i think this is a novelty that more and more also programs uh will be added in the near future but if you were used to the old portal actually all the old tools that were there are still covered under this one so it's the old one pretty small exactly thank you speedos and olivia because it's very important okay thank you very much next question about the organization registration if our institution was registered and validated by another person who doesn't work here now how can we get access so i think this is the situation where indeed nobody is anymore in the organization and all the access rights are lost and but the organization is actually validated and i think this is a question for giuseppe we have a process for recovering in that case yeah indeed we can maybe remind how this works so the the use case here is an organization that has uh um has lost his access to uh to the data or the person left the organization and nobody can access any more to this organization and this is a serious issue especially if the organization went through all the validation so it is already participated to grants a proposal and nobody can go there to to modify the data uh this organization is probably receiving communication from the commission so it's it's something that is happening once in a while so we found we created a specific um let's say a tool to respond to this need if you can see now my screen again i think that the the proper way to proceed in this case such a cases is to go for the support and and go in the faqs i mean we didn't want to publish this really in the front page of the funding and tender portal so how to re-establish let's say the link with your organization but that's the best way to do is going through this faq page and in this case i would search for lear and you have a special section called lea recovery [Music] as you know is the legal entity appointed representative is the person who can represent the organization vis-a-vis the commission and then can sign i can decide who signs electronically and so it's a very powerful uh profile and uh if nobody can access to this profile nobody can access the organization there is a way without accessing to the participant register to indeed regain access and this is exactly the place you need to go it's so again you go you search for lea recovering the faqs and then you go in this page i know that is a bit hidden but is this done on purpose because we didn't want this functionality to be so exposed but as you see intuitively you can get to it and then once you are here you can go to access to your recovery what happens once you click here is that you actually are asked to provide again all the information so basically the legal representative of your organization will have to fill in some forms where he will indicate who will have access so the new leader you will have to add his ids a copy of his ideas etc and this will trigger a new let's say validation of the year process they will end up by granting an access to a new user for your organization so it is a a as i said is is the key of all the access rights in the in the within this uh um let's say participant organization management is is a very important process and that is why it is still a bit complex as a but as you see by using the faq feature and the lia recovery keyword when you search you can access to a page to recover your access okay thank you so back to the questions i think the next one is about a specific program under the portal the life i'm afraid we cannot reply to this one because we are not the specialists of each individual program but we will take note and we see that we have a name here okay next one are all the funding programs included already it seems some are still missing yes some are indeed missing we are in a process that we call onboarding and again all the centrally managed programs will sooner or later be covered in this portal and again when i say centrally managed i mean where the grants are managed directly by the commission or one of the executive agencies or one of the joint undertakings we will not cover erasmus national agency fund grants we will not cover most of the structural funds and other eu programs that are in the so-called shared management that means managed basically by the member states okay next question is it possible to download application templates for offline work the straight answer is no and this has many reasons what we provide in the reference documents pages is pdf versions of the basic templates but these are not for completing the you should not fill them in if you really want to fill in and start preparing a proposal you have to go to the online system there is no possibility for downloading and afterwards uploading uploading would create many technical problems and this is not possible maybe we can also mention peter that uh it's not one short operation uh submitting the form i mean they can somebody can start and save it as a draft and come back the day after or as long as the uh is still not as the topic is not closed and submit later on so this can be filled little by little there's no need to spend three hours yeah on top of it in many cases as we said this is collective work so there are many different organizations involved in the proposal if you start then sending around these things by email this will create all sorts of problems so having it online is has has many advantages compared to offline preparation and if i may add something about the application forms on the reference documents page these are standard application forms they give you indeed an id so you would already be a little bit prepared before you start submission but it could be that there are small changes compared compared to the version that you will find in the submission system because there it might be that for your call they're using a specific application form with small changes compared to the standard one okay can i answer something the question was just popping up saying from where can we get these templates they are in the reference documents part so we have show this is one of the menu items in the portal so let's go back and share my screen so i am in here so how to participate reference documents i have to select a program because these templates are of course program specific i choose by chance horizon europe and here i have a section if it exists templates and forms application forms and you see already even the standard templates are a whole list for the different types of actions under a program and when i click here i come to this pdf document giving the forms and it says explicitly example not to complete because the completion is as voice as we said only in the online tool okay i stopped sharing again and we go back to next question will there be any events on using the portal for grant management we take notes and indeed we will prepare other webinars maybe shorter ones that are more specific to the different parts next question how can we publish the partner search announcement i can take this if you want to give a short demo yes please so i will share my screen just seconds i am here on a topic page so i was in the search funding and tenders and i chose one of the topics see your screen there okay no so i am here on a topic page so i i was in the search funding antennas and i chose one of the topics so here you have these partner search parts where you can if you have the right role you need to be a leader account administrator yourself registrant of your organization and you need of course to be logged in so i'm logged in here and i have here my my area part you can click here view edits and there you have the possibility to select among your organizations usually you don't have too many i click here one and then i can add here a new partner search announcement it will notify me that i already have some but i want to create another one anyway so there i can choose whether or not it is an expertise request or an offer i can enter some data here to describe everything and then i publish the partner search and then it will come in the list of partner searches of that topic so here it will be now somewhere here it is but also when i go to my person my organization profile they're in the list the same published search should appear but not as immediately as of now but it will come so that is in short and no i think this was enough peter yeah i think it's rather straightforward to create such a such a partner search request okay um next question will all these questions be compiled and available afterwards i'm afraid we don't have the resources to prepare written answers to all the questions but the whole session as we said is recorded and you can go back at any moment and scroll through the video and go to the question and answers part and see what we have replied here next question recently lots of technical problems with the portal preparing submitting proposals please explain this can we expect smooth operation again soon yes this was related indeed to the proposed submission system there were several issues at the technical level sometimes very deep in the technical provisions of the system the root causes were found also the call deadlines that were concerned could finally be closed so these calls are there were some postponements of the call deadlines but finally these closed these scores were closed and we are confident that in the next call deadlines such thing will not repeat itself but maybe also as our colleagues from digit to say a few years ago indeed indeed we experienced issues with uh submission system uh recently uh but um at this moment uh well i mean so system was put back into proper operation so uh so at uh so we generally it works uh smoothly um and um we we are rather confident that this should not happen and um generally speaking we have a very close uh look at uh and then we are monitoring very closely in this system maybe we can also just uh explain that this happened because of of the new um multi-annual financial framework and and the fact that we have to deal with new programs which are not always the same as they used to be before correct yes i mean those those items comes from the evolution of the system to the to the new requirements but as i'm saying at this moment we are confident in the operations of the system and we are monitoring it very closely okay next question in the future during the project's lifetime if you have legal or financial questions to whom can we address our questions is there an email address this uh question cannot be replied by one simple answer so of course the first contact is your eu project officer the one who is responsible for your particular grant and with whom you are normally in contact in all the day-to-day running of your project if this doesn't work or if you are to remote from this because you are not the coordinator of of a project each program has specific provisions for giving help and support and i think emmanuel has shown the different options if you are involved for instance in horizon 2020 or horizon europe there is a help desk called the research inquiry service and if you go to the page in the portal so maybe i share again to show what you have to do so i go again to the portal and i go to the support part and i look for help desk and support services i have already filtered for horizon europe and here you have something called the research inquiry service but similar provisions exist also in other programs and then you have simply to filter for the other program but if for when i go to this research inquiry service you have a form where you give in give your contact details and you can choose a subject for instance legal and financial issues and program area legal and financial issues and then you can put in your inquiry and there is a first level that will then look at your question and depending on the specificity of your question it will be forwarded to a specific second level help desk that will then be able to answer to your specific question okay i stopped sharing again and come to the next question [Music] how to connect your own eu login account with your organization that is already registered so there are different possibilities if you actually want to acquire a role for managing your organization records in the organization register then you must acquire one of the organization related roles and this can only be done by contacting the persons in your organizations that have already such a role so you must find out who is the legal entity appointed representative in your organization and ask him or her to grant you a for instance an account administrator role that's the way it works and then that person follows the path that we have described earlier in giving you that that role but if you want to be connected by just being involved in a project proposal linked to your organization then this this indirect link will be created automatically once you are involved in this report in a proposal or in the grant so we have shown how somebody who is already in a proposal can give access to others and if the one does this and gives this access to you this access is always given to a combination between a proposal and an organization in that proposal and so if you get this role you are then automatically linked to that proposal but also to that particular participant in the proposal which is your organization and so this link is established okay next question do all partners involved in the consortium after registered in the portal yes so if you want to become a beneficiary afterwards and this also means you are identified as a partner in a project proposal the organization has to have a pick so we have seen in this short demo for creating a proposal that the first step for involving someone in a proposal is to identify the organization and so each organization involved in the proposal needs a pick a particip participant identification code at the level of the proposal preparation this participant identification code does not have to be validated so the what everything you have to do is what giuseppe showed at the beginning if your organization doesn't yet have a pick you go to the organization register and you in five minutes you create your organization by putting in some basic data and you will get this pick and only then you can be involved in a proposal okay uh next question i have worked with several organizations each time i switch i create a new account is this a disadvantage for a person profile can i combine my accounts important question so i understand the question that okay you are actually involved in several organizations the issue is if you want to become the legal entity appointed representative of several organizations uh i'm afraid i know i think it's still possible giuseppe can can you clarify can somebody with one eu login account be a leader in several organizations i think yes yes yes of course yes okay so it is better to use one one on the account because this will allow the user to have access immediately to everything he's managing so that's but then even this is possible so the general principle is really we we assume that one person is linked to one eu login account so if we see a you login account we assume that there is one person behind it and that also this person has only one eu login account and the system is now that giuseppe confirms also for the leader the system is established in a way that this is all possible so you can be involved in multiple projects proposals multiple organizations with one and the same eu login account the advantage is that when you log in you see it all at once the second part of the question can i combine my accounts here uh unfortunately we have to say no so the damage is done in a certain sense once you have started using different accounts you can then the only thing you can do is then try to transfer so to say all the rights from the other accounts to to the one account that you won't find me to use but that's a bit more tricky okay maybe one element which is also very important is that you do not share your credentials with anyone else because anyone who has access to your account if you have roles in the projects for example can do work in the system on your behalf so do not share your eu login credentials please yes and this is even a legal requirement when you first log into the portal you will have to sign up to the terms uh and of reference and use and this is an important part of the terms of reference that you agreed you don't share your account with anybody else okay is it possible to sign up for the notifications about your webinars we currently have no notification system for the webinars we will ask you to go from time to time to the news section of the portal where we publish these notifications for a new webinars and we also when we do these webinars we inform all the networks that exist for instance national contact points uh lobby organizations and so on and we hope that these then spread the news about what i've but we have no notification system for the moment but peter don't we invite certain roles sometimes for certain webinars once once once people have a role in an organization and we invite yeah i mean that can happen so let's say if in the future we organize a webinar on the specific issues around grant management what we can do of course is can send a notification to anybody having a role in any of our grants so that they know that this happens okay next question does the portal display somewhere the success rates per category of calls for projects not for all programs but in particular for horizon 2020 this is available on the dashboard so you have heard a few words from thomas about the horizon dashboard and there is one particular dashboard for proposals and there you can also see the success rates and if you then drill down and filter and use all the possibilities of this dashboard technology you can also do it per call okay next question what is the difference between an organization being validated and declared so declared means somebody went and did what joseph described uh in the morning meaning you registered a new organization and you have received a participant identification call and pick this nine digit number this means declare so the organization exists in our system you can identify your organization when you start being involved in a proposal validated means that once your proposal is successful and we start with you the preparation of a grant agreement we need supporting documents we need you need to prove that what you have declared in terms of your legal entity is actually supported so we need vat extracts extract from the national company register a whole list of things and there is a validation service in our research executive agencies and they will then look through all these documents and see whether the data you have in android are in compliance with these documents and once this is all checked you will your organization the respective pick will get a flag validated and then this validation is is valid for any future participation so once you have validated and you participate the second and the third time and you are successful a second and a third time or you participate also in a in a procurement contract then all this validation process doesn't have to happen again so you don't have to submit all these supporting documents again that is the difference between declaration validation we are a bit past our time i'm just looking how many viewers do we still have it's still 1500 so if colleagues are still available i would spend some more minutes on some of the other questions if this is okay for you next question if a project proposal is successful how to sign the grant agreement accession form on the funding attendance portal so first thing what we just said first your organization must be validated this pick must be validated second your organization must appoint somebody called lear a legal entity appointed representative this is normally a person in the central administration of your organization who has the trust of the legal representative of your company and this person can then go to the portal and assign other roles in your organization and one of these roles is the legal signatory role so this leader once he or she is established goes to the portal and tells us who in the organization can legally commit the organization and can sign things so in the same way as people can sign on paper and these persons will then these legal signatories will then still have to be assigned to the respective grant from somebody having a role in the grant and once this is done this person the legal signatory can go into our system login and can sign the grant or the accession form electronically okay next question the upload area of the part b allows a single document upload only is this a temporary bug or are we supposed to merge all annexes in one pdf this is a question about the proposal submission very clearly and it depends very much on the call to which you apply and as a as we said these proposal templates and forms are can be very specific and there are calls and topics where indeed this is expected that there is only one pdf nx there are other calls where there are more i'm not aware of any technical bug was there a technical bug related to this comics i'm not aware either i don't think it's a technical backup no i will confirm i don't know i'm not aware of okay it's probably the functionality like this usually when there's one part be upload then the system counts the pages and that's that's the answer why we have one upload okay the main reply is it depends very much on the caller and the topic next question if it is the first project as a coordinator is there a help hotline especially for financial and organization questions i i showed for the horizon programs there is the research inquiry service where you can choose the area in which you ask questions but again if you are the coordinator in a grant that is signed your first contact is the project officer in the commission or the agency dealing with your brand and then of course the different programs also offer other help possibilities in going back again to horizon there is for instance a network of so-called national contact points this exists also for other eu programs and there are also national contact points that are specifically trained and proficient in the financial and organization questions and the good thing with these national contact points is that they are in your country they speak your language and they are more easily accessible also for talking than the central help desks of the commission next question if you register as an expert can you still apply for grants the straight answer again yes but then of course for all experts that we contract there is a check on potential conflict of interest and so if we choose you as an expert and you are supposed to get a contract there will be a set of questions asking you do you perceive potential conflict of interest and we will also do background checks in our own databases and of course if you apply and call for proposals in a grant you cannot be an expert evaluating this the grants and the this proposals in that call for proposals that's clear but in principle it's of course possible okay will you indicate us where to find the annotated grand green model for horizon europe uh yes very simple that is under the reference documents it's not yet there but it will come so i share my screen again for a few seconds so that we are 100 sure where we find it so going back to the porter and going to the how to participate reference documents and this time you should of course again choose the respective program so i choose horizon europe because i know that there is already an entry for it it's here whatever as i said today the thing itself is not yet available but it will come soon okay next question do we need a lear to be registered no it's the other way around you first register your organization and then if you are for the first time in a successful proposal then the validation of your organization will start and link to this the process for nominating a leader will also start if you are really completely fresh you just register your organization the one who registers this organization will be what we call a self registrant and for participating in proposals that is sufficient for the proposals you don't need to lear once you are successful and want to sign a grant you will need earlier next question how are you paid as an expert is it fully remote shop so you're able to work from any eu country so it's it's not always fully remote of course in the current situation it is fully remote but in the normal situation there can also be some on-site work here in brussels in particular when the panels come together to discuss whole lists of proposals and to form a ranked list but a lot of the work is actually done remotely in particular the individual evaluation by each individual expert how are you paid there is honor as an honorarium so it is not a procurement that we do in in terms of the experts we assume that you do this basically uh because you are committed to your subject but you get some kind of compensation which is currently an amount of 450 euros per full day and then what a full day means there are in terms of remote work there are rules for the complexity of proposals and how many proposals will count for a full day so it depends very much so but this is the basic principle okay next one we have written a live proposal oh again a pro question on a particular program do we have to reapply at the funding antennas model so reapply will mean there is a new call from proposals in the live program which fits your topic and as the life program will be now also integrated into the funding antennas bottle you would indeed have to go to the funding attendance portal you will find this new call there and then you can apply in the way we have described how long does it take for a new year to be validated do you want to give an indication well this depends on other processes in the validation by the collaboration and the cooperation let's say of the of the participant himself so if he provides immediately whatever is requested which means a couple of forms to fill and sign and the copy of ids the process is quite straightforward and it will not take more than few days of course if you don't provide information this will block and delay the process okay i'm looking at it again at the time so i suggest that we spend another 10 minutes and then it's one o'clock and we will close this session uh so next one will the funding portal replace the prospect and pardo spiros that is for you i hope you can reply to this one uh yes that's the uh that's the idea uh currently uh all the um the calls uh all the calls will be published in uh in fnt portal and uh that will replace actually the uh the publication that they currently have by a prospect and indeed the pador the equivalent system of uh managing the organization indeed will be uh replaced uh in the near future with the urf pdf pdm during the management of the organization so yes that's the the way it will go okay next question how do we know if our organization is fully registered there are different possibilities you have seen that for even preparing a proposal you must identify your organization and if you found your organization uh it will also show you whether it is validated or not but also you can also find this out independently of preparing a proposal and here i share my screen again very quickly and i go to in that case i can go to the how to participate and to the partner search because the partner search can also be in a certain sense abused for finding any organization so you put in the name of your organization so let's say you want a university and you search no apparently this is annoyed also i made a typing area arrow and maybe this organization was aya i found it so there is let's say this is my my organization i found it and here i see the organization status which in that case is declared meaning the pick for this organization exists but this organization was not yet validated so it has no leader you can use it in a proposal for becoming partner in a contract in a procurement contract or in a grant it still needs to be validated and the real process has to be finalized so that's the way of finding out whether your or any other organization is actually existing in our system and when it's existing whether it's declared or validated okay i stop sharing and we go to the next question thanks olivier once you start the submission process is it possible to save and come back yes yes i we tried to even demonstrate this in the morning absolutely you can once you created the proposal you come back at any moment and we showed what you have to do you go to the portal homepage you log in you will find the left hand menu items starting all with my you click on my proposals you will find your draft proposal there you click on it and you continue the preparation next question what will be the exact accountability was what will be the eligible costs when will the new program guide be published these are many questions in one question and i'm afraid we cannot reply to them in detail the program guide for the different programs will not all come at the same time for horizon europe it will be it will come in the coming weeks but the uh rules for accounting and for the eligible costs they will be in the first instance in the annotated monogram agreement and we spoke about this before this will also come very soon by the way the model grant agreement itself is already there so if you have a lawyer who can understand the articles the legal articles without annotations you can go there already now and and read this this applies by the way both to the generic monogram agreement that will be applicable to all the programs and if you think about horizon europe the specific additional articles for horizon you are already also available on the portal again you have to go to the reference documents page that we have shown now already several times okay next question can different colleagues in the organization access to my area of our organization can we log in with different emails and passwords to the same account uh not the same account so again the principle here is there is an organization that has a pick a participant identification code and within these organizations roles can be assigned to persons and of course many different persons can have roles in order to access the account there is one role in the organization sphere which is above all the others which is the leader the legal entity account uh yes legal entity appointed representative and this person has the possibility to give roles to others in particular to so-called account administrators who will then have more or less the same rights as the leader to access the organization data and to change the organization data with the only difference that the account administrators cannot delegate further and so you can have as many as you want so it's not the same eu login account it is every person having their own eu login account but they can acquire access rights and roles on the same organization and the same sense as it applies to access rights and roles on projects and proposals okay next question is there any way to avoid giving partners the full access to the application we prefer partners not having the possibility to oh now it has changed sorry sorry sorry okay sorry i go to this next question does all of this mean that e-proposal will no longer be used for proposal submission in the next live program i think the plain answer is yes at least for the parts of the live program that are managed centrally and if i remember well the live program is the centrally managed program i can i can confirm because we are putting the documents online so yes indeed the this system e proposal will no longer exist it will be replaced by the proposal submission system that we have demonstrated before and now the other question pops up again is there any way to avoid giving partners full access to the application yes it is so we i have quickly shown that you can when you enter other people to give access to your proposal you can choose with different levels of access rights and if you don't want people to edit then you give them a role that gives the read-only possibility so that is in principle possible possible yes another question on scope of our portal will this portal replace the international cooperation and development portal for calls who has to reply to this who knows well i mean because here depends on the scope i i don't think the international cooperation and development portal is a commission portal because uh if if it's i mean we are indeed replacing the commission portals for calls yes but my impression is i might be wrong but my impression is that this is the wider context okay i think we cover now the very last question and very sorry for the few questions or the following many questions that are left we will go through them and we will see if we integrate them otherwise uh afterwards in in our frequently asked questions so which one is now on top are these grants only open for registered organization or can a single person freelance etc apply for the funds and still be accepted yes so we have the concept of legal entity and any legal entity can participate in grants but also in procurement contacts and of course a natural person is a legal entity i as a natural person can of course sign contracts i sign contracts for my electricity and for my phone and everything so yes indeed natural persons can participate and natural persons also can register in the participant register and can get epic we maybe missed this very first choice in giuseppe's presentation the very first question when you then go to the legal status of your organization is the question whether you are a legal person or a natural person and in the case if you are a freelance you and you want to have such a pick you go to the system and you take of course natural person and then you have a pick and then you can participate in proposals for grants and for procurement contracts so colleagues i'm sorry we are running out of time we have to stop this now as interesting as it might be thank you very much to everybody and to the great interest and also to the many interesting questions we will go back analyze the rest of the questions we will also think about future webinars following the suggestions that you have made so thank you very much also to the team and have a nice lunch break bye
Channel: EU Science & Innovation
Views: 50,089
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Id: YPhw5SR4C5M
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Length: 180min 16sec (10816 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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