The Freshwater Pearl Culture

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you [Music] every bar on earth has its own impact which will bring destructions pain and sorrows but this creature which will have to fight against the foreign particle which has entered leads into one of the finest gem on earth called pearl no other gem has captivated our fascination and admiration like the pearl diamonds maybe forever but pearls have been recognized as price Devils for centuries longer than any cut stone almost all of the gemstones are formed by mineral deposits that must be mine cut and polished to revolted sparkling beauty pearl has a history more fascinating and more regal than any other Jim pearls from India are known from time immemorial admired all over the world as the finest oriental pearls they were in high demand all over the world however natural pearl resources in India as in other parts of the world have depleted and pearl fishery was stopped in India about four decades ago there is a huge gap between production and demand and the only option left was culture of pearls pearl is one of the most important jumps in the Indian culture as it constitutes one of the nerve rotteness so pearl has been in the Indian jewelry industry for a very long time where in Hyderabad being the one of the biggest pearl hub for the international market since the 17th century so there are two kind of kinds of pearls that is freshwater and saltwater where in fresh waters are the ones which are popular in India kikuchi Miki of Japan and his colleagues made pearl by injecting foreign body into the shell in 1890 but kept it secret for long but this wonderful farming and technique had to reveal to the world and later it was adopted every corner of the world to produce this beautiful gem [Music] the in a conversation with Professor be.we krishna murty assistant professor main research centre g kv k bangalore i came to know that the pearl cultivation can be done in your backyard by having minimum requirements such as land water in which you live mussels you see new boot accretion a model aka Tombo v star on jag a clear idea the nearly no shikata rhetoric a iran sample jagged an arrogant ajay that name would be the case of jacques talked with them but they calo sovereign leader verde do it recognized that those who have agricultural lands they can mode grow any food grains can use their land for pearl cultivation usually in the case of freshwater pearl it takes 12 to 18 months for the formation of a pearl pearls are produced in the sea naturally but they can also produce in many parts of our country using light pearl producing muscles which can be obtained from local water bodies like pond river reservoirs etcetera it is called as freshwater pearl cultivation they are collected manually and kept in buckets or container with water the collected mussels are kept for preoperative conditioning for two to three days by keeping them in crowded condition preoperative conditioning helps in weakening of adductor muscles which has in easy handling during surgery [Music] the surgeries must be performed during winter that's the main criteria the temperature can be anywhere between 25 degree to 28 degree one must avoid performing surgeries in warm climate the key materials required during that surgical implantation are builds or nuclei which are usually made from molasses shell or other calculus material in this process crown or design beads are inserted into the mantle cavity region of muscle after opening the two walls of animal and separating carefully the mantle of anterior sides from the shell with the help of surgical set after the placing the beads in desired place the gaps created during implantation are closed just by pushing the mantle onto the shell implanted muscles are kept in post-operative care unit in an aquarium for ten days with antibiotic treatment and supply of natural food in these 10 days muscle will fight to push the foreign body out of it in that process some muscles will die and some will succeed in their effort therefore the muscles are examined daily with removal of dead muscles and the ones that reject the nucleus but the muscles which still have the nucleus even after 10 days it will accept the foreign body and start quoting Necker on it to protect himself after post-op educate the implanted muscles are stocked in the ponds the muscles are kept in plastic hole try with plastic bottles tied to both in in place in pond at 1 meter depth periodical checking of muscles with removal of dead ones and cleaning of plastic containers is required throughout the culture period of 12 to 18 months muscles don't need any specific feed as such they are filter feeders and hence live on algae and plankton in water according to Professor Krishnamurti plankton or food for the muscles can be prepared using cordon and mixing with ground nut powder and water will lead to high amount of plankton and food for the muscles which will later can be used for both fish and the muscles to survive boy stur muscles are very sensitive to its surrounding environment a little bad temperature and pollution will lead to death so freshwater pearl there is one thing you need to know what moister you're looking at and/or what muscle you're looking at and you need to know how to maintain the muscle as keeping it clean keeping the surroundings clean and the ecosystem to be very clean and on that you should know how delicate the muscles are so that the muscles don't die and then you also need to look at the freshwater pond the freshwater lake where you are it should be in cooling temperature the more of the heat then like they just like humans they get sunstroke and they die in the same time wasters are very strong in life they can survive up to hundred years the muscle after the culture period are open carefully and the position of the pearl is felt by touching the area close to the incision scape by a pair of scissors fine forceps and needle the pearl form is carefully removed without cutting or damaging the intestine or other internal tissues determining the pearls value is an art and many people have mastered this art being an exceptional gem there are some measuring standards to label the degree of pearls positive in value this is the freshwater pearl and the way we value this pearl is on seven category six that is the shape the size the luster the surface and the nature quality and the seventh part is matching when we have a strand of pearls so this is a near drowned near round pearl so which is the second best quality in the shape shape wise has a good enough luster but has a lot of blemishes and also it has a really good color of I would say cream and a good overtone of white there are many benefits and advantage in adapting freshwater pearl culture into practice to the farmers as it involves low investment and maintenance and also financial health from Carmen to the farmers Karnataka Raj mean Ogura Kei like in the on the Mendoza schema - so a scheme a league on the Morozov realtor Ruby Runa 30 an ahmadi monnorick a particular night and a psycho today on the Lok Sabha Kachiguda utterly Chikara appetizer percent andre matos ROP z'ha'dum a zip-tie toe in a writer a virtual kevala to sorrow by though these business have lot of profit and written with low investment at the same time it involves high amount of risk struggle and patience the farmers have to wait till 12 to 18 months to write their fruit as you heard that quote which says the patience is bitter but fruity sweet playthrough below I'm Vega investment in this room are big are they ever Baku other Timothy telepsychic patience Iran second cycle 1 dou g ET avec une a venir else at work with natural event another stock book worth being a hawk or a beaucoup starting with luminol in with the principal earlier or a lot or Boonton applaud Allah naturally natural again wanted o su Morocco Mauritania cuesta mafia but overly you know what algorithm what always have very more available interior oh you know one martabak sad name what first reports went on chat I didn't end up not anymore today other night you stayed up Lhasa a circle and an investment what a cuppa chocolate agar mundo 10 more spending more day a cafe with to Putin will tank alike but there are a lot a remedy would took would have really India used to be Center for the world in pearl business but today we lie miles behind today the major pearl producing countries are Australia Tahiti Indonesia Japan and China India is one of the major importers of pearls to meet the growing domestic market demand say Indian pearls are of nowhere in the international market the leading people in international market are Japanese and Chinese so Chinese and main on fresh waters and the Japanese is more on the saltwater pearls we're in the Mikimoto is from Japan Japan so they are really big in culturing and they produce something worth of millions of dollars in turnover every year so we are in the trade but we are nowhere in the production area very very we consider very small amount though we have certain limitations in traditional farming which we depend on many external resources and enormous expenditure and minimal income with huge amount of risks through evolution of science we can adopt to such parallel occupations which not only generate profit but also help in making a mark on international market as an ornament lovers let's be self-reliant in producing such ornaments and make people sustainable in their income by adopting to science and technology in our occupations [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Music]
Channel: Suhail Khalifa
Views: 196,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Freshwater Pearl, Bangalore University, Pearls, Agricultural Science, Suhail Khalifa, Pearl Culture, Jewellery, Karnataka, Famers, Farming, Valuation of pearl, HIstory of pearl culture, process of freshwater pearl, GKVK, karnataka, Indian Farmers, rural devolopment
Id: 3tfcY02avW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2017
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