Eco India: How a simple innovation in oyster farming has transformed the lives of these fisherwomen

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[Applause] [Music] the fisherwomen of water that a small village on India's west coast are the middle of weaving their dreams for many years they've told for long hours to return only with a negligible catch of oysters so Revati lucky nari lisanna me to 230 Kalwa oaxaca right so any cyclic tory power botton potato mine Aetna wala I just do society would Patna me I saw such a ridiculous in the footage of my native Arabic Avila lighty and they take a lottery Pike up I say corpus extended our assess the pike up I see a cop ID combo Ducati Varun la Gazoo [Music] in 2013 the fisher women felt that their efforts needed better results they were approached by the United Nations Development Program with the plan that would go on to simplify their lives by farming oysters in the creek behind their homes they were promised help and asked to form a self-help group with local fisherwomen Vidisha Presidium HeLa budget cut was formed after much opposition and coaxing come on Alana Keane I am alleged in dismay I will a very poor name he come record in Chicago I did it to me Caracas Omran I am i October lalala donas arty Allah loud at opana so I can never tacky hooniverse my lecture to lecture scale army to walk a like ILO come on Isaac I wanna have you told us a little coupon I like it upon might learn I upon Hannah that couldn't there be a moon heigh ho today but we hadn't eaten in Tripoli karela pretty telling tell me my Pogo up on high a game of skill to us up that's all Annie with liquor right so ante up Ramona a meet Oprah culpa Kayla [Music] [Music] the women with very little formal education took to oyster farming with ease and confidence they set up 450 ropes with empty oyster shells on bamboo frames naturally available Oster spats very common in the maratha Creek attach themselves to the empty shells over time and the harvested to produce a bounty for its farmers an initial investment of about 85 dollars to buy bamboos and ropes brought in Whitefield returns and this has now been replicated in other regions across the west coast besides us take me much cheaper get volume achieve ecology Tom multi-tape one mother my treat ladies look at a section of my chicken a la la la because to the items of Porto Ali laughs shut up people my day no matter whole Makai we share multiple Sangha with Latika two monosaccharides are sill now to happen I mean I'm just I ran a Sangha mano button watch a good fight it to me but just what they are Cara mommy machi market mothers in heaven where I got tire Kelly bar economy birthday moon tennis angular2-meteor theoria Zelda Apple sir an apple bodemer to malabon project dated the salmon HR person well this is to Malibu newly if I'm not the money that comes in after eight months of waiting for the oysters to grow in their shells is an essential saving for the women they redistributed among themselves at the end of the year and put some of it back into passion projects like making luck dues or sweets to sell to the community the fisherwomen of Waratah are among the first Oster farmers in the state of Maharashtra charging forward to quash stereotypes in what was once considered a man's territory a chola Ramallah I'm the mr. como si and editor semana serĂ¡ una under the table guys applause mode button moolam so pale I care about Eliza hip arm is just what Kelly a tapa soon I'm jihad that honey I mean it's April cool I play at sharpest a balance Reilly they balance and I want Pournami I'm sure so touching how smooth I'm German and Jo smooth younger at point or a purpose a day one day a hot body to tomorrow ponderous at Koretz Minami Misaki Koretz he to me Pandu syrup lemon olomana Annika so tilapia Obara heats up Livie right [Music]
Views: 1,672,307
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Keywords: Eco India, environment, sustainability, nature, ecology, documentary, environment documentary, DW-TV,, development, pollution, environment degradation, oyster farming, fisherwomen, Maharashtra, innovation, bamboo structures, Wadatar village, household income, UNDP, self help group, financial independence, oyster shells, seafood, oyster selling, livelihood, Sindhudurg, benefits of oysters, natural cleaning agents
Id: 4RAU5rPMe80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2019
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