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foreign so hey there fellow YouTubers it's Frank Bush here again in today's video I thought I'd walk through a detailed breakdown of exactly how to do rapid ridgelines I've done some videos in the past about making rapid ridgelines and stuff but I haven't really gone through step by step the full build out so people could do it at home themselves so that's what I plan on doing in this video so if you want to kind of Advance your rope craft skills and you're looking to make a you know a ridge line for when you're out doing Bushcraft kind of stuff that's really top shelf and doesn't require any knots and stuff when you're out in the field you can just set it up in a matter of seconds really rapidly then stay tuned yeah so the first order business what I'll do is kind of walk through the different components that I'm going to be using in this build so I have invested in the past in a thousand foot of 550 paracord so I'll just pull that up and kind of give a close-up on the camera hopefully give the specs on that but you can see no GV resistant can handle up to 550 pounds blah blah blah right so needless to say I bought one of these a while ago and uh just use it for doing a lot of my paracord projects and what I've really done here is just cut off this is about a 50-foot Hank rope and I've literally just cut it off there's nothing that I've done to it other than just melt the ends so that they don't Fray and other than that it's really just 50 foot of cord at this point in time I I've taken out some of the cutting and melting of the end stages just to save some time yeah so what I have here is four different lengths of paracords each one of these is 18 inches and like I said all I've done at this point in time is just melted the ends and just did that like I say all off camera just to save time I want to really go through the details of the knots and the builds and then what I have here this is uh Mason liner chalk line now this isn't the stuff that actually has the chalk on it this is just a nylon cable if you will and the reason why I use this is I plan on making prosecs that attach on prusik Loops that attach onto my main Ridge line and this is a nylon cordage as well it's made of the same material that they make the 550 cord out of and uh this stuff has about 120 130 pounds strength to it before it'll break then when it comes to uh the prospects that are going to be kind of putting tension on the tarp when I set up a tarp out in the fields the 120 130 pounds will be ample um level of strength for that kind of stuff yeah then it just allows me to have really good prussics that'll grip onto the Ridgeline as we move through time like I say I'll go through all the full details of that and then just the same as I did with the 18 inch lengths um that I cut of the 550 I cut three strands at 18 lengths each or 18 inches each and just melted the ends of the chalk line so what else I have is uh my little you know Leatherman surge it's my Bushcraft multi-tool of choice if you will this is always on my hip and there's really just two key components that I ended up using out of my multi-tool the first one was my saw component I should stop for a second just kind of explain I have here two wooden toggles now these wooden toggles I made just out of a stick that came out of the woods I cleaned the bark off of it and um like I said I know this one was a bit of a tedious process it takes like 15 minutes to make these toggles if you will so I didn't bother adding that into the camera but it was really simple there was a you know a stick in the woods looked like it was a good hearty stick I turned around and used my saw and just you know cut the stick to the length I needed and then I also have a little you know auger style component that sits on my multi-tool and most multi-tools have this look kind of similar to that hopefully the camera's picking that up on you know good angle if you will and in order to drill these holes into these pieces of wood simply just kind of whittled it out if you will with a little auger bit thing and all the way to the point that it was clean through and it was big enough to push the paragord through yeah and then I just kind of cleaned it up a little bit so that um the cord could slide easy so kind of cleaned up around the outside edges a bit I still need to do a bit of that should do a bit of champing on the edges of there too but it's a toggle I'm not overly concerned but uh like I said I I didn't bother recording all of that because it's kind of a tedious process and there's not much to show on camera and hopefully the description of what I've done here is pretty self-explanatory yeah so needless to say that's how I got my kind of toggle pieces to begin with and that's really the sum of all I needed the multi-tool for was just to make these toggles and like I say if you're in an area with Twigs as you can see they're about the diameter of my pinky or so and then to give you an idea the size they're a little bit smaller in my pinky but they could be easily be the same size as my pinky and they're about the same diameter around yeah and that gives you an idea of kind of the size of the wood I'm working with you could go with a little bit larger than these I wouldn't go too huge or you know I can make life more difficult later on but that gives you a rough idea the size of the things I'm working with yeah so either way like I said we've got the basic kind of fundamental components here let's move on with doing the build yeah all right so the very first step that I'm going to do like I said I just bundled up this Hank rope if you've watched previous videos of mine I show how to kind of do rapid deploy bundles and that kind of stuff and I'll probably walk through that in this video too but either way I'm just going to take the line in that kind of would feed out of the bundle if you will I'm just going to pull that out a bit and it's like is that all quick release so just give me a bit of line to work with yeah now the first order business I'm going to do with this line is I'm going to turn around and slide a toggle onto this line and I'm just going to feed the Paracord right in through and let that just sit freely on the line so it's movable you know I'm not tying any knots or anything else in it at this point yeah and now on the end I'm going to want to make an an eye in the line if you will a little Loop in the end of the line and when it comes to the size of that Loop I'm going to want to make that to be roughly about as big as the length is of the toggles and my toggles are both pretty well the same size yeah so you know within reason The Knot's going to take up a bit of the cordage so I'll give that a bit of Slack and now all I'm going to do when it comes to this now is I'm going to turn around and kind of wrap it around my finger while I'm holding I'm holding both ends here right I'm going to just kind of wrap that around my finger and feed that through both holes now this is just the the loop on the end of the line that I like to use lots of people like to use Bolens and other things like that you know and it's it's pretty flexible when it comes to there's a few different knots that you can use and I'm just going to check that now yeah it seems to be a bit tighter so I definitely don't want it to be too much where it's hard for the uh toggle to feed through so I'm just going to loosen that off a bit open it out give myself a bit more room I think I see and easy enough to adjust before you go tightening down everything and kind of Lock and everything in place you know muddle about with this kind of stuff a little bit just to make sure that you're kind of at the right Point yeah that should be better and now the thinking really is I just want to tighten that knot down and make sure that you know that Knot's good and on the line now that's never going anywhere that's really kind of my end that's going to wrap around the tree and it looks like the toggle you know can fit through there within reason it's a fairly snug fit but it'll fit so that's always good that's exactly the kind of size I want so all I'm going to do now is just snip off this little bit of um cordage and clean up that end so I don't have any kind of loose ends but first order business that I'm going to do is just use my pliers and kind of pull it out on all the different ways it'll pull make sure that my lines on there good and tight I want that knot to be Rock Solid I mean I've never had these knots give or slip in any way or any form so you know it's good in that regard but that's generally speaking the thinking that I want to do is my first couple of uh kind of knots on the line if you will and I'll just oh just kind of cut off that extra bit and really if I adjusted my knot more cleanly than I have I wouldn't have even had to cut that off but such as life ring I made this Ridge line a little bit longer normally I run my Ridge lines about 30 to 35 feet and this one's going to be closer to 50 feet because I want to have it where you know any length in between the trees isn't going to be an issue so really this is the first step now like I say we've got it to the point where all we've got now is a clean Loop sitting on the line and a toggle again throw flow uh float freely on the Paracord yeah so now I'll switch camera angles and kick over to the next step all right so now the next step in the build like I said just got that lead line I've kind of set off to the side now now the next step of the build I really need to turn around and make myself a bunch of Loops out of all these chords that I've cut to length now and like I said these are all cut to 18 inches then generally speaking what I do is hey maybe I'll use the darker on the standout on the camera a bit better yeah that'll probably be better so now when it comes to Turning these into a loop in fact let me just shift my camera angle a bit see if I can kind of give myself a bit of room to work with here just two seconds sorry about that I should have done that already but so needless to say I've got this you know 18 inch piece of cordage now in order to turn this into a loop that I'm going to be using to make rustic Loops as we move through time the thinking really is I'm going to take the two ends now make sure I'm good and in the camera here I'm going to take the two ends now and now the first end I'm just going to lay over top if you will I'm going to wrap it around I'm going to go in fact I'll just do that I'm gonna go over top and then under and through the hole I know I got big myths so sometimes it doesn't get on the camera well but uh needless to say that'll be the first knot now I simply just turn this around and I'm going to do the same kind of thing now this little knot now can slide on that line easy enough so just kind of slide it a bit to give myself a bit of room but the thinking really now is I'm going to do the exact same thing on this direction where I'm going to take the Rope I'm going to come over the top I'm going to come through and then I'm just going to come over the top of that Loop and then out through the hole of it hopefully the camera catches that with Justice and I want to have these knots where I don't want to have a lot of the extra where the end has been kind of melted and soldered shut if you will I don't really want to have a lot of that be spare and then needless to say that's pretty well it now of I'll just adjust that knot to make it that there isn't much sitting on the edge and now you simply just kind of pull these two now and they come together as such so I'll flip it and kind of show you and roll it to my hand hopefully the camera is catching this well to show you what this knot should look like and if it doesn't look the same as what I'm showing then you're going to have to redo the knot you haven't done it properly but you should see kind of two bands sitting here kind of right side by each with each other and then on the other side you should see it look like that so now as I apply tension that won't go anywhere that's on there now good and solid like I said this is called a fisherman's knot if I wanted to I can still grab those two little Nubs and pull them apart and I can turn it into an adjustable sized Loop that way but it won't hold you know to whatever size it is it's just good if you wanted to make say a bracelet or something like that right of and then you could just tighten down the little fisherman's knots that's not obviously what we're doing in this scenario but just to show you right as a little side note so needless to say kind of set those knots against each other and now this fisherman's knot has created a nice Loop that I can work with as we move through time so now I have to do that to the other seven strands of cordage that I have here the three remaining paracord and the three remaining um Mason line um and do them all exactly as I just showed so I'll stop cut cameras go off and tie those knots and then come back when I have all my Loops assembled yes okay so it's been about another two three minutes now and I've got all my Loops assembled now as you can see I've just tied fisherman's knots into each of these different pieces of cordage and it really just gives me sets of Loops yeah so fairly straightforward fairly Elementary of and like I said I've got four of the 550 paracords and I've got three of the Mason line um Loops now done up so now the next step will be let's hook those on to the ridge line and start to advance it out further yeah okay so now all I'm going to do now is kind of set up my Ridge line just in a short scale in front of the camera here where I can apply some tension to the line so I've got my solar generator that I built where I don't know if I built this one out in previous videos but it's going to handle on the top I'm just going to use that as a brace point to connect onto and the thinking really is I just want to have tension being applied to this line so hopefully I might have to adjust my camera angle a bit but I'm just going to apply some tension to this line because the next knots that I go to set up here it's easier to just kind of have tension on the line yeah so let me just see if the camera is gonna give that Justice or not yeah that should be all right maybe I'll adjust you guys forward a little bit there we go so now this is really just kind of temporary setup between two objects that I have my work area that I'm I'm working in here just to kind of like I say give tension to the line now the thinking really is I'm going to take these Mason Loops that I've created now and I want to attach them as prussics onto the line and if you're kind of curious the toggle is right here on the ridge line like I said I've just hooked it on to the handle of my solar generator to give tension but I'm just now a couple inches down and these projects will move freely on the line so but hopefully it just kind of gives you a bit of bearing to you know where this is happening on the Ridgeline it's needless to say I've just got these Loops of cordage now I'm going to turn around and wrap them three times around the line on the insides if you will and now I'm gonna just pull out now see if I can show that justifiably now I'm just going to kind of apply tension and I don't want the line order to kind of go astray but I want to have these Loops all just kind of feed into the middle and you'll see in a second a clean prusik that appears out of The Ether if you will and you want to make sure that your lines are kind of set I'll do a real close-up of this so you guys can see but uh it just kind of cinches on now where I've done three Loops to the inside but now that this now this prusik Loop is strapped onto the Ridgeline and like I say I'll kind of loosen back here and just show you a real close-up of that so you guys can see what that should look like so now on the one side you should see it see if I'm cleanly getting that it should look as such where you see six Loops none of them over lapping each other they should all sit flat against each other and then the line should run across the bottom yeah and I'll just flip that over now and show you kind of this side and it'll be the same now again so that allows me to attach like you see it allows me to attach a plastic onto the line and what the process really do is they make it that I can slide them when there's no tension on the line I can slide them really easily back and forth on the line but as soon as I turn around and apply tension to the line it'll lock and hold and kind of catch that line on the Main Ridge line so it won't go anywhere it gives me this kind of locking point if you will and process you know they're really common in Bushcraft they've you've done Bushcraft or any of that kind of you know Woodcraft Bushcraft kind of stuff in the past Plastics are really part and personal with doing a lot of Bushcraft stuff so needless to say I've attached on one no the thinking really is I'm just gonna turn around and attach on these other two and I'm just going to do them right to the left of this process so I won't bother going through doing the full knots again I'll just hook them onto the line so you guys can see what that looks like yeah all right so it's been about another minute or two here I've I've now hooked on all three projects onto the line yeah and you can see they're all kind of independent and clean hopefully I'll uh maybe you can kind of fiddle with the camera a bit but you should have this kind of look and feel for the process they should really sit nice and flat and clean onto the lines yeah there shouldn't be any kind of overlapping especially up in these areas it should all look clean these lines should sit Side by each with each other really cleanly with the loop actually coming through the center so you know if you see anything other than that pull it off and reset it on these are really simple knots they don't take a lot to them but either way I now have these three prospects hooked onto the line and I'm ready to move on to my next stage yeah and as a one kind of side comment you'll notice let me just tension up this Ridgeline to kind of keep my hands free from things so I can do the example so you'll notice though when I did these loops on there the fisherman's knot was off centered it's not sitting right down on the end when I hook on these plastic Loops I intentionally kind of set them off to the side so that when other lines set on to them they're not restricted by that fisherman's knot in any way just a little kind of side note if you will and these are like I said rustic Loops are really easy to put on the line there's not much to them if you do find that they fumble up in any way shape or form it's easy enough to just pull them off and reattach them yeah but either way we'll move on to the next step of the dildo okay so now with the next step of this process I'm going to want to attach cordage carabiners onto these so typically when it comes to these Plastics you can feed them through the eye grommets you know on the tarps and that kind of stuff and just stick a stick through it and turn around and lash it on and you're Off to the Races and life is good but uh I quite often or occasionally I should say depending on the terrain you're in you'll end up finding scenarios where you might not be able to find good little strong Stouts little sticks that you can use as toggles to kind of strap on to your prussics so by using cordage carabiners it allows you to solve that problem and still be able to tie off to your tarps and that kind of stuff without issue yeah so the thinking really is I've got this Loop now of paracord and what I'm going to do is kind of pull it and find where the halfway point is and I'll show you two different ways you can do this so the first way I'm going to turn around and make a Lark's head knot so I'm going to kind of fold this over on itself and then I'm going to want to pinch and just kind of grab the two inner strands and pull them and it forms a little Loop hopefully the camera is getting that all right so it gives me like a little pocket I can work with and what this allows is that fisherman's knot now that's on the other end I can feed that directly through that Loop and just set it on and then tighten it and what that allows me to to now have is like a carabiner made out of paracord so I can ditch the whole concept of having pair uh carabiners I don't really use them ever in my Bushcraft stuff but uh it allows you to ditch them entirely and still have good strong Carabiner capabilities now I prefer this method but the Lark's head but there's another method you can do and I'll I'll show you that here where you turn around and have the not end now I'm going to take the other end of this Loop I'm going to feed it through as such and then I can wrap it over top of that knot and kind of hook around that knot and I can set things on that way as well and that allows like I said I can apply ample amounts of pressure and now you've got a doubled up cable in either scenario you get kind of this doubled up cordage you know capability but in in either scenario it acts like a carabiner where that's now locked it's not going anywhere in order for this to become free you can simply pop that back off the top and you're off yeah so it's really Elementary you know you can go either way in these scenarios like I say I prefer going with the Lark's head version you know which is where I kind of created on this end and then just because what's going to end up happening now is each one of these prusik Loops that we've set onto the line I'm just gonna feed my fisherman's knot through and I'm just gonna hook that right into the Lark's head knot and tighten it up and now I've got these kind of cordage carabiners strapped right on to my prussic loops so if I want to hook onto a tarp I can simply loosen these off and I'll feed this through the grommet or the Toyota the tarp you know put that onto the line feed them through tighten them up and then there's no real knots per se when I'm out in the field it allows me to connect you know without having to use any tall goals for the uh um you know putting up the tarp and that kind of stuff so needless to say that's the thinking though really is I've got these little cordage carabiners if you will that have attached onto the process then they're good in the regards of if these prosecs ever break or give these can instantly become spares and they're just already right on your Ridgeline they're right in the kit and ready to go so the thinking really is I'm going to do the same thing now when it comes to the other two and just attach on like you say attach on some additional cordage carabiners to each one of these process and they're really just there to be a replace of toggles you know you don't really need to have the toggles out there and now that's on there it's not going anywhere on to the next and I'll do this just the same for continuity sake where I simply just feed that right through the prusik push my fisherman's knot through that little arc's head knot that I create and set that on and the good part is all of this stuff you can take on or put off or you know all that kind of stuff with ease right there's not much to it in that regard but uh one way or the other now we've got the three cordage carabiners attacked were attached to our process and our prospects are able to slide on the line so we'll move on to the next step now yeah all right well I actually had to change the heart of how I was going to move forward with the next step of this so needless to say I'm going to probably create one more um prastic Loop out of the 550 chord but I don't know I'll stop and think about how there's a lot of different ways you can kind of do these things when it comes to options so I'm just being indecisive within my own head really more than anything but uh needless to say the next step I've got those so just so you're aware those three projects that had the uh cordage Carabiner strapped on them I've got those on the line I'm just going to slide them up near the wooden toggle that we attached earlier in the video and that way they're kind of out of the way yep and I'll turn around and the exact same thing I'm just gonna hook on a prusik with the 550 cord now try to catch this on camera as best I can and I've got big mitts so they kind of get in the way but you just wrap that around three times if you will and then you kind of keep keep it to the outside but pull down on the inside and just kind of bring everything together I'm really trying to do this the best I can to give you the camera angles of how it's going to look as you're forming this knot if you will but uh that's really kind of the thinking right there of that's kind of how it starts to come together and look when you're doing it with the 550 cord now if you have 550 chord the grip here isn't you know a lot of people claim the grip there isn't really as good as it is when you're using a smaller diameter cordage like I am with the Mason line and if you feel like that's the case and that this knot is slipping it's easy enough to just kind of open it up bring it around and give it one more pass through so instead of just going three times around you go four and I found that anytime I've had slippage on the line you know if it's really wet and it's uh cold out in the fields and you are running into a situation where a plastic Loop is wanting to slip when you're applying tension I find generally speaking just adding on that one extra Loop Round will create the reality where that'll never slip you know when you're up to four around that thing will hold on and it's Ironclad it just locks on and you can still move it and everything just the same as you could before but one way or the other that is on to the line solid so needless to say I'll just leave that one at the four so there is no sticking in the future for me but you can see really simple knot like I say there's tons of YouTube tutorials on how to make process and this one's just really Modified by having the additional you know Loop onto it but uh one way or the other I'm just going to stop for two seconds and think about exactly how I want to approach the next step of like you say I'll turn around and whip off another prussic loop because I'll need two of them I think and how I'm going to move forward with this next step and uh I'll so I'll cut a piece of 18 inch paracord and get it ready the same as I showed earlier in the video with the fisherman's knots and that kind of thing and then I'll cut back yeah all right so like I say I've got another 18 inch piece paracord and I'm going to take that last toggle sorry I was just debating on how I was going to attach the toggle on and I've decided to hard line it right into it so needless to say I'm going to take this 18 inch piece paracord here I'm going to feed it right through the toggle hole and a snug fit but either way that's good and I'm going to turn around and just do a fisherman's knot and tie that right onto this toggle right into the loop so it's always part of the loop yeah and I'll just exactly wrap that around up and through flip it over the other way exact same thing opposite direction and come over the line under and around over and through the loop and it's really you want the end bits of chord to just be facing kind of away if you will it's a good sign you've done the knots the right way because you can go leftover right or right over left and that kind of stuff right so needless to say kind of just pull those tight and I can see the two were sitting against each other lets me know The Knot's all good just give it a good pull and now that's on there and that toggle's locked on there without issue now right so now I'll slide the toggle um right up near the knot itself now and I'm gonna let me just check my camera and goes yeah hold on maybe I should adjust my channel I'll adjust the camera angles and then hook this part on yep and so is the toss-up between wanting to show you guys the close-ups of exactly how these knots are done and everything and and want to have enough room to work in if you will but uh needless to say I'm just gonna set it on where like I say I've put the toggle right up near the knot I'm gonna set that on the line and wrap the toggle around turn around and around one more time and make sure I'm taking that knot with me I'll just slide that other plastic out of the way a bit and now dress up that prastic knot so that it looks okay and the loop that's going to kind of lock everything always has to go to the outside so if you're kind of getting frustrated to which way is this chord going and everything else that's the nature of how things are going to flow if you will and I always find that these get to be a bit of a mess too so if you end up getting frustrated when dealing with process you're not alone it's just the nature of how the cordage sits on itself sometimes doesn't always like to lay the flattest but such as life it's easy enough to straighten out Only Takes a Minute right and should be something similar to there I'll dress it up a little further but it gives you an idea now so now I've got this toggle hardlined right in to the prusik and this will become a key component later on when it comes to being able to rapidly strap on the trees now the build here is pretty well done now the only thing I have left to do is down at the far end of the line so let me just kind of slide these both this way like I say I'll make sure all these knots are dressed up I do all the time when I'm out in the field too right it's it's a never-ending battle when it comes to doing these things to make sure that your knots are sitting flat and everything else but uh you know as long as they're not slipping on the line when you're using them it's normally a mood point if you will and in fact I'm just going to pop that fourth one back out and I had to change a heart and just take it back down to being a regular project it just looks cleaner you know when I'm out in the field I don't really care about you know how clean things look it's just when I go to pull on this thing does it bite under the line or not right the proof is in the pudding when you're out in the field doing stuff so but needless to say that's going to be the heart of it now when it comes to setting up these different Ridgeline components if you will so the only thing left I'll shift camera angles here and um just show the one last knot that needs to kind of be set on this whole show if you will and then uh we'll as moving forward scenes we'll look at setting this out out in the field so now on the bundle end now because like I said we've just been kind of setting up all the components now so that they're ready to go right but another bundle end now on the other end of the line and we haven't done anything down on this end at all yet all I simply have to do here is put a little overhand on that's it I'm Gonna Leave This and this is really a stopper knot later on in time when the Ridgeline is fully set out just putting on that little knot allows it that all those Plastics and stuff we set on the line you know if we're moving things around the line there's no chance of those Plastics sliding off the end of the line if you will this is really just a stop or not to stop that from happening now really Elementary but one way or the other we're now to the point where this Ridge line is fully completed and as the next scenes in the video like I say I'll show this being set up between two trees and how easy it really is yeah foreign so at this point now like I said the Ridgeline is completed like I say I'll jump out in the yard or out in the take a trip around the backcountry set this up out in the forest somewhere but either way this is the order now in which you should see things you've got a loop sitting on the end you've got a toggle that's just floating on that line freely we've got the three process that have the cordage carabiners attached then we've got this project with the toggle inlined on it and we've got another prusik now on the line and now I've just bundled up my Hank of rope so that can be quick release now you notice all my gear is going to be kind of sitting up right at the beginning so I can control all my knots and how the flow of things are going to go when I go to connect between two trees with ease then you'll see that tomorrow when we go to wrap this video up but this is exactly what things should look like at this point in time if you're kind of following along and building it out yourself you should have the same kind of construct now like you say at the Loop the toggle you've got three prospects that are feeding off to the cordage carabiners then you've got the prusik with the toggle and another project on the line and then it just feeds off to your quick deploy Hank yeah all right fellow YouTubers so I'm just out at one of my local parks in the area brought along a little tarp to help show the example and I've got the Ridgeline that uh I built and now I'm gonna first off I'm gonna show you from this tree to this tree how fast you can actually set up this Ridge line to give you an idea of how rapid it truly is and then I'll stop and go back and we'll walk through each one of the different connection points and how they work yeah so I'm up and it's Ridge enough tarps now hooked on to two points but I stick 10 Peg Choice wasn't necessarily the best birthday you can see like you say you can see that was all real time right of need to set this up is really quite rapid and the fact that there was no knots needed you know that you can set this up with adjustable gear that because of the length of the bridge line I potentially could end up going between trees that were 20 foot apart or trees that were 50 foot apart and because of these types of toggles that I'm using the diameter of the trees is really a mood point I can go around smaller trees or larger trees obviously to the length of the cordage that I'm working with for my Ridgeline for this is a about a 50 foot Ridgeline it's a little longer than what I would normally work with but it gives you an idea of the flexibility of the distance between the trees is pretty well irrelevant you know within reason and the diameter of the trees the same and because you don't have to tie any knots or anything this makes this a really flexible setup you know I recommend at least trying this out you know it takes an hour or two to go through the build and making this Ridgeline and all that kind of happiness but uh it's invaluable when you're out in the field like I say when your hands are cold and the rain's beating down and you don't have the dexterity within your fingers to really do that fine detailed knot work that you want to do this is a great alternative to being able to achieve all the same results you're looking at but not having to rely on Knots and your fingers and you know when these things get wet and it's cold and everything else knots can get tricky when you're out in the field if your hands are weak and The Knot's full of a bunch of water and there's tension on it and that kind of thing you know you want to try to minimize as much of that as you possibly can you know a lot of people prefer to it as roughing it when you're out in the woods in my perspective you don't want to be roughing it you want to be trying to smooth it if you will as rapidly as possible and having technology like this and the ability and skills to do things like this can make your stay when you're out in the wilderness that much easier all right so like I say I'm gonna try to get this as close and detailed as possible so on this Ridge line the very first things we did I'll just pull out a bit of this to give me a bit of length so one of the very first things we did was hook on the loop and the wooden toggle yeah so I'm just going to shift the rest of the gear down a little bit so that I've got a bit of room to work with now all I'm going to do is take this Loop I'm going to wrap it around the tree make sure I'm still in camera here I'm going to wrap it around this tree and now this toggle that exists here I'm going to pinch both pieces of the cordage coming out both sides of that toggle and I'm just going to take this Loop I'm going to hook it on to that toggle and then against the tip of the loop itself I'm just going to push that and I'm going to lock that against the tree and this is cinched on there now it's like a one-way cinch if you will where that's not going anywhere and I can make that right flush to the tree I can make it nice and tight you can see there's a lot of tension on there so it makes it really easy to kind of Lock and Brace to a tree yeah and when it comes to popping this off now if I turn around and just take this toggle and break it a bit it loosens right here and allows me to just pop the toggle off and I can come off the tree with these so like I say simply just pinch both sides of the cordage both sides of the toggle on the cordage and then sit against that tree and set and I'll see if I can get any closer with this you say it's a little bit tricky but hopefully you can see that now where the loop that's coming through kind of puts a bend in this cordage and locks it on the toggle and that's how you're getting the cinching strength so now the way that this tensioner works really is oh sorry the way this tensioner works really is I can one way cinch that as tight as I want it to go and I'll show in a future video of ways to use this similar setup to kind of strap gear to your bag and that kind of stuff but either way now the remaining components that sit on this line are the three plastic Loops that have the cordage carabiners on them I'm just going to leave those kind of here and out of the way now and now I've got the two process that have one of them has a toggle on it these as I'm walking I'm just gonna slide these down the line because as you can see they can kind of slide freely on the line here I'm going to just slide those with me as I take my hanked bundle and walk towards the other tree yeah so now I'll just shift Hammer angles and show you the connection on the other side okay so I'll try to do this as elegantly as I can but the thinking really is I'm just like I say just pulling these two projects down the line as I go I'm just kind of Shifting them along yeah as I get to this tree now now this bundle is going to start to become loose if I want I can kind of cinch it a bit tighter just to keep tension on it it's not really critical though so but needless to say as I come to this point I'm going to leave the prosec just make sure that the camera is catching that yeah it should be okay so I'm going to leave the prostate that has the toggle on it sitting on this side of the tree and the other project that doesn't have one I'm simply just going to bring that around and back to this side and as I do that it gives me an ease to just hook that toggle right into the loop and now I'm set here all I have to do is slide this prusik to apply tension I can reset that bundle with ease but if I see that I'm kind of moving a bit too far away from the tree simply just tighten up this portion so I can stay close to this tree as much as I want I can adjust it however I want with it being a little loose and just by kind of pulling out that plastic it allows me to lock and make this as tense as I want it to be and I can go both ways I can apply it here or I can apply it on the side with the loop and now that's on there that's a really tight Ridge line it's not going anywhere yeah and when it comes to the three Mason line um process that I have on there with a cordage carabiners I'll show that as part of The Next Step yeah so now with the Frosted carabiners like I say they just float along the line I'm going to use the one that's on the outside on my left your right as one tire point to a tarp I'm going to use the third one that's on that line as being the tire point to the other corner of the tarp and I'm going to leave this line in the middle so I can hang gear or that kind of thing on so I'll just kind of space these out a bit I'm just going to come out to the corner point now and there's a cordage carabiners that I've put onto these lines now I'm just gonna pop those open I'm going to slide the little Loop that I have through the tile point on the tarp I'm gonna just hook those carabiners back on and lock that to this point and now I'm locked on and I can slide and adjust this prusik wherever I want it to be but the tarp is securely you know tied out if you will to this point so I'll do a close-up of that again to show you the full detail of it and then I'll go off and do the other Corner yeah so now like I say I'll just disconnect this and kind of show it again now so I've got this cordage Carabiner got the knot on the end I'm simply just going to feed that through the loop of the prusik and I showed that the Larks had not in previous examples but in this time I'll just do it this way where I'm feeding the loop at the end of where I put a bite in it back through itself and then kind of come over the top pull it out a bit and just tighten it up and now that cordage Carabiner is locked on there so hopefully that gave that Justice but one way or the other I'm cinched on this thing's not going anywhere I can apply a lot of tension onto this point without issue and I didn't have to worry about having any type of you know wood off the land or any of that business yeah so all kind of pan back and hook on the other side to show you kind of how quickly these things can go yeah so now you can see I simply take the other Corner tile point that I have on my tarp you can bring this over to the soft shackle if there's not enough room or any of that business it's easy enough to just adjust at this point and uh pop that so it's loose feed it through and hook it back on and as simple as that I'm strapped on it's locked it's not going anywhere now I can just pull out these process and apply tension now I've locked these two points and that's on there really tight you know it's not definitely not going anywhere of I've got a good tight Point here I could easily turn around and uh guy off this onto the center point I don't feel it's necessary it's better off to use this to hang a lantern or that kind of thing yeah and now when it comes to setting up the two back points I'll just grab two sticks and set those out so you can see kind of how quickly you can set this tarp setup up as a basic kind of lean to if you will yeah my focus is mainly on two and a half deep more than anything else but to show you grab some sticks of you know I pull out the one corner bring it out nice and square on the angle here and square to that point you know and stick a spike in the earth if you will and I'm on on that point and then the same on the other now I could rapidly I know I'm going off camera I'm sorry people just the nature of you know the size of these tarps and my poor camera worked but as you can see in a matter of seconds I've now got a covered area set up yeah and give me a fairly wide footprint to get in and out of the rain I'll shift this to a better angle here hold on so hopefully this angry angle gives it a bit of a better Justice if you will but as you can see fairly wide footprinting underneath here where I can be in out of the weather I've got a dry patch that I can kind of stay out of the conditions in if you will right all right well I thought I'd just stop and show to be kind of a purist and things of given the fact that I'm jamming in this Ridgeline set so like I say this is all the gear the toggles and all that kind of stuff I've just pushed those all down to the end with the loop on it and the toggle yeah so all I'm going to do now is kind of put that line through my middle finger and the ring finger in the space in between I'm going to hook over my thumb come around the pinky and then I'm going to do figure eight and this is really how you set up a nice clean bundle when you want to do a Rapid Release later on in time when I get to the point see how much line I got left and we're getting down to the last couple feet now make sure I'm still in camera all right so you can see the you just continue doing that now I'm down to the last couple feet of cordage on my line I'm just gonna pop my Pinky and thumb I'm just going to kind of hold this and pop my pinky and thumb out squeeze the bundle together and then I'm gonna wrap the last bit of line around this way and you can do this fairly tight if you want to kind of secure things now generally speaking some people put a clove hitch in here I don't like doing that because I just know I'm just going to end up pulling it back off anyways I normally just kind of Bring It Around once pull the stopper knot through and just cinch that tight and that tends to be good enough to hold it now and when it comes to you know releasing this now as I pull on this lead lead line it's just going to pull straight out of the bundle without getting tangled up into itself yeah and there was no knots really involved here you know when it comes to calculate the tarp not a big deal takes a few seconds pile that back into the bag and you can see though in a matter of minutes you can go from having your gear sitting kind of in bundles in your bag to having a full shelter up and running and you know if you're in cold weather and that kind of stuff sometimes your finger dexterity doesn't work as good because of the cold temperatures and that yeah when it comes to this rapid Ridgeline it's really good in that regard of not having to tie any knots you know if you're out and it's you know 20 degrees Fahrenheit and I don't know what that is 10 degrees below Celsius and it's cold you're not going to have the same dexterity of your fingers as your if it's a you know 70 degree you know Fahrenheit 20 degree celsius day it's just not the way it is when you're out in the fields right that that reality just isn't the case so doing things like this allows it where of course I'm having to go with it right every time you're doing a video but uh needless to say you're not going to have the same kind of finger dexterity that you would you know in a nice warm comfortable day when everything's dry and blah blah and you still want to have it where you're wanting to set up that shelter quick especially in the colds you know wet weather and that kind of stuff even if you don't have the hand dexterity you know your fingers aren't quite as you know good at doing the knots and stuff as you can see oh I'm pretty well there so like I say if you're interested in this type of content thanks for watching yeah and stay tuned cheers
Channel: Frank Bush
Views: 107,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paracord, rapid, Ridgeline, prusik, loops, cordage, carabiner, bushcraft, rope, ropecraft, soft shackle, no knots, fasts, best, Tensioner, toggle
Id: YsT-VdztDZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 1sec (3481 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2022
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