The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (White Horse Antichrist)

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[Music] so [Music] revelation chapter number six and we're going to look at uh verse number one and just read a couple of verses tonight and i know that that'll be a blessing to you then we'll break this down revelation chapter 6 verse 1 and 2 when you have it tonight say amen it's on the screen for you tonight new king james version the bible says now i saw when the lamb opened one of the seals and i heard one of the four living creatures say with a voice like thunder come and see and i looked and behold a white horse he who sat on it had a bow and a crown was given to him and he went out conquering and to conquer i want to preach to you tonight from these two little verses in revelation chapter 6 starting off from the subject the four horsemen of the apocalypse the four horsemen of the apocalypse this is going to be a multiple part message i'm going to do one tonight probably finish up the rest next week but this week we're going to look at the four horsemen of the apocalypse holy spirit anoint my lips and anoint our hearts to receive the word that you have for us tonight in jesus name we pray amen well i don't know about you but as i said time and time again i thoroughly enjoy the subject of bible prophecy i absolutely love the subject of bible prophecy for years and years early on in my ministry i was very intimidated by the book of revelation i was taught by people that it was hard to understand that it was difficult that it was mysterious and you know we probably should leave that to some other people but i want you to know something all 66 books of the bible are wonderful from genesis all the way through the end of malachi in the old testament starting picking up with matthew and going through the book of jude the little small singular one chapter book right before the book of revelation all 66 books or 65 books aside from the book of revelation are wonderful but there's something special about the book of revelation that you cannot say about any other book in the bible and that is this in revelation chapter 22 john under the inspiration of the holy spirit gives a a directive under the unction of god and says this blessed is he who reads and understands this book now there's a blessing when you read the book of revelation and you hear it and you study it now isn't it interesting that people and would try to deter you from reading the one book in the bible that god said you get a blessing when you hear it and understand it and so praise god we're going to get into this tonight and we're going to look at it the book of revelation is not very difficult to understand now i know some of you may be looking at me and say whoa pastor you have no idea what you're talking about um well let me just tell you revelation uh it's not the book of revelations with an s i hear people say that all the time even preachers sometimes it's a slip of the tongue it's not the book of revelations in other words it's not many revelations it's the book of the revelation of jesus christ and in chapter 1 john when he writes he actually says and he breaks down the chapter in almost an outline form he says i'm going to write down the things which which were the things which are and the things which are to come so when you look in the book of revelation there are things that are happening that he references in the past there are things that were happening in the days of john where he writes to the actual literal seven churches of asia minor and then in chapter four he begins to look forward into things that have not yet happened yet and even in the middle of the futuristic things he grabs a second and looks back and shows us a piece of the puzzle well last week as we began to look at this we looked at the rapture of the church and we talked about first of all the battle of gog and magog the russia coming down from the north surrounding israel and and and causing a revolt in god uh ultimately annihilating the enemies of israel this is not the gog and magog war uh connected with armageddon uh that is mentioned in the end of book of revelation this is something that happens uh in proximity to the rapture of the church then what we see is the rapture of the church that happens and we see god do some amazing things now i believe the rapture is so significant to us because as you were here and you heard perry preach on sunday morning both and night and i've taught you this before that we've heard from people for years that jesus was coming jesus was coming jesus was coming our generation has seen so many things that have happened now you know israel we became a nation in 1948 we see the healing of the nation of israel um i would take a rabbit trail tonight and teach you some things that are very interesting but usually every time israel and the united states are so prophetically connected i've taught a little bit about that before when i talked about the 400 year cycle of rome in america in israel and the bondage throughout egypt but so every time something significant has happened to israel something has happened to us for instance let me give you one in 1948 a healing came to israel and israel became a nation you know what else happened in 1948 the healing revivals happened in america all throughout the land 1967 jerusalem became the capital in 1967 another great move of god happened in our nation so there's a lot of things that are kind of paralleled with uh the nation of israel and america so interesting stuff we don't want to get sidetracked in but i said all that to say this a lot of end time prophecy in the bible could not even begin to be fulfilled until israel became a nation and jerusalem became the capital because when you read zachariah when you read isaiah when you read the prophets they all speak of israel being a sovereign nation and jerusalem being the capital of the nation of israel psalm 104 says when the lord shall build up zion and you begin to see her being built up then the lord shall appear in his glory so we see israel being built up and in the center of the stage of life and so we know that the rapture of the church is at hand last week we talked about the fact that there's a difference between israel and the church that they are not the same that the church has not replaced the nation of israel and so we saw the distinction of the church not being mentioned right 19 times church is mentioned in revelation 1-3 from chapters 4 on through 19 it's mentioned zero times god's attention shifts to the nation of israel so last week let's pick it up right here revelation chapter 4 if you remember we talked about it being a transitional chapter that's where we got the name for our series after this because in revelation 4 1 you don't have to turn there but john says after these things i looked up and i saw a door open in heaven and a voice saying come up here and he began to show him the things that happened after the time of the church so in revelation chapter 6 go back there with me and we're going to begin to look at this horseman the white horse rider of the four horsemen of the apocalypse revelation chapter 6 verse 1 says now i saw when the lamb opened one of the seals and i heard one of the four living creatures saying with the voice like thunder come and see and i looked and behold a white horse he who sat on it had a bow and a crown was given to him and he went out conquering and to conquer a lot of mystery has been around this white horse rider of revelation chapter number six and so tonight we're going to look at this mysterious person who i believe is the uprising of the character the bible calls the anti-christ you know throughout the throughout the ages you know even in some of our day those of us who are in this room uh those of you especially those who are of the age of 60 and older you have lived a little bit longer than somebody who's younger than me and you remember some of the past presidents and some of the past world leaders that maybe some of us may not remember but you know throughout the time countless numbers of people in history have been called the antichrist i could go through the list of presidents who even in america people said well they're the antichrist the politicians have been called the antichrist when nero was in rule in uh the land and he did all types of ungodly wicked things to the christians nero was called the antichrist hitler was called the antichrist and by the way if you go to looking at parallels of hitler's life you can see why they would call him the antichrist then stalin was called the antichrist many other people have been called the antichrist throughout history and so what we need to understand is that while there have been many who have an antichrist spirit there is one who is coming and i want you to look at what john wrote in his book in 1st john chapter 2 verse 18. read this with me john writes he says little children it is the last hour and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming and even now many antichrists have come by which we know that it is the last hour leave that verse up there for a moment and i want you to look at a couple things with me first of all as we begin to look at this here's what i want you to notice i want you to notice the word the the word many and then i want you to go back and i want you to look at the capitalization of the first word uh the first mention of the antichrist little children it is the last hour and as you have heard the antichrist is coming say that with me say the antichrist is coming this is something that they knew and they understood in the early church but notice this john even says this he says even now many antichrists have come now notice at the very first part of this verse he uses a capital a in order to reference the antichrist in this moment john is referencing a real person he is using this this name if you will with the capital a to signify that this is a real person who will be personified in human flesh called the antichrist and then he goes on to say that many little antichrist have come in by which we know that this is the last hour now look at first john chapter four verse three another couple chapters over same book he says in every spirit that does not confess that jesus christ has come in the flesh is not of god and this is the spirit of the antichrist which you heard was coming and is now already in the world the word anti-christ the word anti could mean against but it also could mean in place of now in the days of nero and other world rulers caesar even and others especially in the roman empire these kings looked at themselves as god and they wanted the people of god to bow down and worship them and when they didn't when they didn't participate in the worship like we see with daniel like we see with other people shadrach meshach and abednego in the old testament when they did not bow down to worship these leaders there was a price that had to be paid that's the same spirit of the antichrist that's going to rule in the last days that the bible says is even here right now so the question is who is this white horse rider in revelation chapter 6 verse number 1. i want to tell you that this writer is none other than the antichrist he is a man not a machine he is satan's demonic messiah daniel chapter 8 verse 24 look what he tells us in daniel chapter 8 it says that his power shall be mighty but it will not be his own power he shall destroy fearfully and shall prosper and thrive he shall destroy the mighty and also the holy people notice here daniel says through the lens of prophecy that he'll be a powerful man but his power will not be his own you want to know why because this man will become possessed with the spirit of the devil himself in the last days and when he arises all of hell's forces will be inside of him and he'll make war against the godly and against the righteous look back with me in revelation chapter six verse one and two many of us say how in the world can you get so much from just a couple of verses well let's look at this in verse number two he says and i looked and behold a white horse everybody say white horse now who else in the bible do we know that's coming with a white horse jesus many people have tried to say that this is jesus but first of all here's what i need you to know this white horse writer begins writing at the breaking of the first seal which happens at the rapture of the church so what we see is that this white writer is out writing and what does the bible say the bible says that he had a bow and a crown was given to him and he went out conquering and to conquer notice it says that he had a bow but he didn't have any arrows he had a bow but he didn't have any arrows this speaks of the ministry of propaganda the antichrist will be somebody with slick words and he will have a lot of propaganda in his ministry then what we see is that a crown was given to him now the word crown here in the greek new testament is the is the word stephanos and it means the crown of a warrior or somebody who incites bloodshed but when jesus is referred to as coming on a white horse with a crown his crown that greek word is diadem and it speaks of royalty and one who is ultimately victorious i want you to see that in revelation chapter 6 this white horse rider is an imposter he is a false messiah he is a mockery of the lord jesus christ and he shows up at the beginning of a great economic collapse and tries to bring peace into the world so tonight as we're beginning to look at this i want to tell you that we already hear the hooves of this white horse rider galloping throughout the land friends i i don't know i believe the church will be out of here according to scripture i'm going to show you that in just a moment i believe the church will be out of here before the antichrist rises to power but you make no mistake about it you hear this ball-headed preacher from arkansas i believe he's already alive i believe the scene is already being set as we see the rise of russia the king of the north and china the kings of the east and we begin to see israel and persia and syria and iraq and iran and all of the biblical nations begin to arise and align themselves everything is pointing to the fact that jesus is soon to come as that old song used to said people get ready jesus is coming and soon we'll be going home man i i must be in a presbyterian church tonight because i thought pentecostals would have shouted over that come on somebody i'm telling you i'm looking for a day when that eastern sky splits and the trumpet is blown and the dead in christ will rise first and thus who are alive and remain shall be caught up to meet the lord in the air never to be more parted with this world hallelujah i'm excited about that day that was the baptist nod amen i'll take it some of y'all should have had some coffee tonight i'm excited about this whoo praise god man it's exciting whew to think we're alive in such a time as this to be able to see the things that are happening in the world right now prophecy literally being fulfilled in front of our eyes here's some facts about the antichrist that i'll give you i'm going to go through these very quickly these are not even the points of my message these are just some introductory things i'm going to speak quickly but you can read along with the notes and the references are there daniel chapter 9 verse 26 number one the antichrist will arise out of the armies who destroyed the temple the antichrist will arise out of the armies who destroy the temple number two according to daniel chapter 8 verse 23 the antichrist will be an intellectual genius according to daniel 11 36 he will be an oratorical genius he'll be a slick talker with smooth with his words according to revelation 17 11-12 he'll be a political genius according to daniel chapter 11 and revelation 13 he will be a commercial genius in other words he'll have a business plan an economic peace plan that will uh be false but yet it'll cause the world to uh be hooked into his um exact um his exact plan revelation chapter six and verse three and uh revelation six in revelation 13 says that he'll be a military genius uh 2 thessalonians 2 in revelation 13 says he'll be a religious genius revelation 17 and 12 says that the antichrist will begin by controlling the western power block people say do you think america will be affected by the antichrist yes i do daniel chapter 9 verse 27 says that he'll make a seven year covenant with israel but he'll break it at the three and a half year mark revelation 12 says that he will attempt to destroy all of israel revelation 17 says he'll destroy the false religious system so that he might rule unhindered daniel 11 2 thessalonians 2 revelation 13 says that he will set himself up as god himself psalm 2 daniel 11 revelation 13 says that he'll briefly rule over all of the nations revelation 19 says that he will utterly be crushed by the lord jesus christ at the battle of armageddon whoo praise god revelation 19 verse 20 says he'll be the first creature thrown into the lake of fire hallelujah 2 thessalonians 2 says he's a master of deceit matthew 24 says he will profane the temple revelation 13 says he'll be energized by satan himself daniel 11 says he will do everything according to his own selfish will daniel 11 also says he will not regard the god of his fathers daniel 11 also says he will not have the desire of women daniel 11 also says that his god will be the god of power the god of this world that's what the bible says about this person called the antichrist so we've got to ask the question tonight number one are you ready when does the antichrist come when does he come well the answer simply is this my friend he comes at the loosing of the first seal revelation chapter 4 you see this the seven seal book and what do you see the angel said they looked and they found no one worthy to open the seal i personally believe the seal the seven seal book was the title deed to the earth and nobody was worthy to open it because nobody paid the price to redeem it but the lamb of god that was slain from the foundation of the world this first seal is at the beginning of the tribulation period but here's what i believe according to scripture the church will be raptured out before the antichrist is revealed you say pastor brad how do you believe that let me give you the scripture second thessalonians chapter 7 and let's look at this together or chapter 2 rather verse 7. here we go he says for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work only he who now restrains will do so until he's taken out of the way verse 8 and then notice and then the lawless one will be revealed whom the lord will consume with the breath of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming go back to verse 7 and look at that with me notice this for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work and only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way stop right there leave that verse there and i want you to notice this only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way i want you to notice something i want you to notice the word he is capitalized i want you to notice the word he is capitalized this verse is very confusing to a lot of people because the bible says about jesus lo i'll be with you until the end of the age so we know jesus is going to be here but what happens at the rapture of the church at the rapture of the church all of the believers are taken out and so some people have mistakenly said well the holy spirit is taken out of the earth that's not true that's not true and i can prove it to you because people do get saved during the tribulation period whether you believe it or not they do there are so many jews that come to christ in the middle of the tribulation period god unleashes every stop to get them to come he seals 144 000 jewish witnesses the two witnesses who were slain and resurrected are preaching and angels are blowing trumpets announcing the gospel of the kingdom so jews are getting saved and some of them are being killed the bible even references the martyrs who are under the altar who came out of great tribulation so the holy spirit isn't necessarily taken out of the earth but the holy spirit in the church is taken out and so notice now i want you to notice how the world is is consistently seen to be growing darker and darker and darker in the days in which we live right now now i want you to notice or i want you to imagine rather what the world would look like when there was no force of good restraining evil take all the churches out of the communities take all the church and by the way that's what they want to do they want to silence our voice they want to hinder our influence they want to lessen our ability to be able to do things for god that is the antichrist spirit to get god's people out of the way to wear out the saints and to cause them not to be effective but i want you to notice what would happen if all of the churches stopped doing anything to promote righteousness and allow the floodgates of evil to come in what would happen all men evil would prevail and take over everything so the bible in first thessalonians second thessalonians chapter two references the church as being the restrainer we're here right now restraining evil but notice this it says until now he is taken out of the way and then the man of sin the lawless one will be revealed the one whom the lord will consume with the breath of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming the bible says in the book of revelation when jesus comes back at the second coming with us on white horses riding with them he will smite the antichrist with the breath of his mouth that's what this is talking about hallelujah so when does he come the antichrist comes at the beginning of the tribulation period number two what does he represent he represents a false savior with a false sense of peace i mentioned to you a moment ago that this greek text in revelation 6 reveals that the crown worn by this rider on the white horse is a stefano's crown which is a crown of victory won by a military conqueror the greek word for the crown that christ wears in revelation 19 is a diadem or a royal crown a crown of royalty so the revelation 6 white horse rider is not the lord jesus but a false messiah who comes with an agenda to set himself up as god number three what is his goal the white horse carries a rider who conquers the earth greedily running rashad over all those who stand in his way with his out of the control lust for power he is a great deceiver a dictator and a lying devil his desire is control and worship see what's going to happen is that when when the rapture of the church happens and everybody is in chaos y'all i have some theories that probably would make you turn your head sideways have you ever thought how the world is going to explain the rapture of the church i mean you have so many people who don't even believe in god or they say they don't they're atheistic they don't believe in god you know whatever what are they going to say when all of these people are suddenly taken out of here you know i i just wish i could see cnn that that day i can promise you i won't be concerned about it at the moment but i wish that i could see it if you think we've seen conspiracy theories right now you've never seen one and i think it's kind of weird that i don't know if you've paid attention um uh i don't know if you've been paying attention to it they've gotten away from the term ufos because it's too taboo you know you think of martians and aliens a little green men but they have the the the upbeas or whatever they call them the unidentified uh flying divi they've been in the news for like the last 12 months well you've got the cia and you've got the fbi and you've got the american intelligence people saying we don't know what this is other countries are saying we don't know you've got these don't call me crazy it's out there they're tracking these things at speeds that are unrecordable making uh um 180 degree turns in water and don't displace any water when they move there's no technology like it you know what what if the rapture of the church happens and they say yep all they all got abducted by aliens i don't know you know this is kind of funny to think about you know crazy isn't it now don't write me hate mail that's not in the bible i'm just saying you know it's weird when you see all that stuff but i mean you're not thinking about sci-fi and what people might think when all of that happens but nevertheless the world's going to be in chaos there'll be economic collapse and there'll be all types of things happen and this van will rise to power and he'll have a solution he'll have a solution for the world pro world's problems and he'll do his very best to try to institute peace in the world people are divided i'm going to get into this a little bit in the next coming weeks but there are two different theories about the antichrist some people believe he'll be of roman descent and have some type of connection to the catholic church there have been even people now i get hate mail every time i mention the word catholic church pope false religion whatever now notice i want you to hear me um i i don't say that against all catholic people okay i mean the system the the if you don't know that catholicism in his origin is idolatry uh your head's in the sand you're praying to dead people you're doing rosary beads you're praying people out of hell all types of things that are not in the bible come on somebody i'm gonna preach the truth whether you like it or not hallelujah because it's the truth and so a lot of people you know the pope right now is is trying to call together all of the abrahamic religions go look it up in the news go to google look at wikipedia look up abrahamic accord and look up the abrahamic house where the pope pope john paul went to um went to qatar and met with some of the prestigious kings and princes and they started what's called the abrahamic house where a mosque a jewish synagogue and a christian church all meets in the same place under the banner of we all worship the same god well i'm telling you right now the god of islam and the god of christianity and judaism is not the same it is not the same all all roads do not lead to rome jesus said i am the way the truth to life no man comes to the father but through me but let me tell you something the rise of the antichrist we're going to read this in the next coming weeks is a push to a one world religion a one world religion you're gonna hear things like oh it's all the same and then guess what's gonna happen at this economic collapse what's gonna happen is the push towards a one world currency and i believe it'll be digital we already see the systems being put in place you know it's true you know i am i had a minister friend that i was helping uh the other day was going through an issue and i sent them a little money and i sent it to them through paypal and i did something wrong and you know what happened it locked my account out for 15 days i couldn't access it and they couldn't access it had to wait i want you to imagine if you were here sunday and you heard about what perry was talking about in that one world type of currency system all you got to do make the government mad all they got to do reach them push the button bloop you can't you're not eating today till you submit to what we say it's not far-fetched i'm i'm more concerned today people need to learn how to grow their own beans and potatoes and raise their own come on their own cows and have a well because you just don't ever know who praise god there's going to be a one world government there's going to be a push for a one world currency there's going to be a one world governmental system all of that is culminating around the system of the beast and so some people said well they'll rise out of rome and i do believe however according to the scripture we're talking about the city on 10 hills and it talks about all the different things i do believe that the false prophet will arise out of rome but i'm going to show you in a few weeks and i'm going to give you uh pages and pages and pages of notes and scriptures that i believe that the antichrist will have an islamic connection 100 he will have an islamic connection possibly a jewish background because there's got to be some way that somebody brings peace to these two dueling religions that institute the ability to build a temple where there's now a mosque think about it folks who are a lot closer to that than we really think we are this antichrist will demand to be worshipped and he'll do so by instituting a mark that his followers will have to take in the right hand or in the forehead it's been debated on if that's a literal mark or if it's that's figuratively speaking because there is some jewish figurativism about the mark in the hand and the forehead concerning the scriptures in the old testament so some people say it's literal some people it's not but here's what i know it's the allegiance to a system and it's not something you will take on accident so many people are worried about you know the covet vaccine you know they're going to slip a microchip chip in you or something you know and then all of a sudden you've taken the mark of the beast first of all that's probably not going to happen not saying it couldn't but that's not how it works that's not how it works at all you don't you don't go you don't go to the cvs pharmacy or walgreens and get a flu shot and think you're getting a flu shot and then all of a sudden the pharmacy says haha i got you you got the mark of the beast it doesn't work that way it's allegiance it's worship now i will tell you i i do believe some of the forcefulness of the nation you can't travel you can't do this you can't do that you can't work you whatever and i it's crazy and i just want to get on the soapbox for a moment it's crazy to me all the nurses and hospital staff that work through the coven uh crisis with no vaccine now they won't fire them if they never mind i'm gonna stop crazy the world has lost their mind and the antichrist system is being set into place believers better make up their mind who they're going to serve because as i've said time and time again while i believe and i'm closing right here while i believe the church will not go through the seven years of tribulation described in the bible i do believe times will get much more tougher here in america before that time i believe without a shadow of a doubt the church could suffer immense persecution i i and it may not be the same type of persecution they have in uh in asia or iran or iraq or in some of the other hostile countries of the world where they behead and some of those things and it may not be to that point but you know i can easily see in america going after the tax statuses of churches i can easily see you know censorship i mean my goodness if we live in a nation where the 45th president of the united states can't even have a social media platform but yet the same platform allows the taliban to post pictures of our uh of our uh helicopters flying around with people hanging from them come on somebody if if our nation will censor something to that degree but yet not censor the other then what's to say you can't say the name of jesus on tv anymore what's to say you can't preach the gospel on tv anymore they cut your youtube channel off they demonetize you they they find you on the ed you may not even know this john hagee preached a message in canada over his program this was not yesterday it was like 15 years ago he preached a message on homosexuality they aired it on his program in canada and their version of the fcc fined him like a half a million dollars but you can have two men and two women kissing on tv and nobody cares so is it freedom of speech or is it not so i'm just saying some of our rosy no problem christianity might get shaken up and i think part of the great falling away that'll happen that's prophesied in the bible before the return of christ will come when little comfortable christians who are who are really just what the bible refers to as the seed fell on the stony ground and when the thorns and thistles came and choked it up they fell away because they couldn't take the heat of the trials of life so what am i saying tonight in my closing there are perilous times ahead but here's what we must remember the church is not appointed to the wrath of god the antichrist does not come until the rapture of the church and number three times may get perilous before any of that happens so you and i must make up our hearts in our mind that we're going to serve god no matter what happens that we're going to obey god no matter what happens that we're not going to deny him that we're not going to do those things that we're going to stand for jesus and not bow to the spirit of the world and the spirit of the antichrist that's what it's going to take to make it in the last days because the white horse rider is soon to step on the scene next week we're going to look at the red horse rider and the the different horses and uh can't wait until we get into the the pale horse or what i'm going to show you really the word there is the green horse because the word pale is chloros and i'm going to show you the tie to islam when we look at that horse but tonight we're going to finish up with this and as you close your bible and stand up with me tonight i want to encourage you strongly strongly strongly first of all let me say this there's some scary stuff we talked about but i'm not afraid of it i'm not afraid of it i've told people all the time you know i don't mind going to heaven i don't necessarily want to go right now you know i've got people to save and and people to minister to and i'm not afraid to die i just don't want it to hurt serious i don't want to burn to death i don't want to drown to death i don't want to explode in a bomb jesus let me just go in my sleep close my eyes and open them up in heaven that's my prayer but i'm not afraid of death death is our final enemy but you know what i am afraid of and all fear is not bad by the way people get to rebuke yeah you shouldn't be afraid and not no listen you you shouldn't be comfortable going petting snakes i mean you know god does give you some common sense fear you know what i'm afraid of i'm afraid that sometimes we don't take this serious enough because if we did we'd really witness and evangelize those around us when the mormons are beating down the doors of our of our uh neighborhoods and the jehovah's witnesses are knocking on the doors early in the morning now i'm not suggesting that's that's our mode or our method but the point i'm trying to make is if they can get up and do it and muslims can get down six times a day and pray then us who have the truth we can be more fervent and more zealous in our approach to reaching people for jesus christ amen let's pray let's ask god to give us that
Channel: Brad Smith Ministries
Views: 2,090
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: revival, Jesus, church, life, Holy Spirit
Id: TA8Wy4DqdK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 4sec (2464 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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