The Jesus of History versus the Christ of Faith
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Channel: The Aspen Institute
Views: 1,386,934
Rating: 4.203238 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus Christ (Deity), Religion (TV Genre), History, Documentary, Channel, Culture, Television (Invention), Reza Aslan (Author), Civil, Civil War (Literature Subject), aspen ideas festival, Aspen Institute (Nonprofit Organization), Megyn Kelly (TV Personality), Religious Studies (Field Of Study), The Bible (Religious Text), Crucifixion (Cause Of Death), Crucifix (Art Subject), God (Deity), Mary (Literature Subject), Mary Magdalene (Deceased Person), Christianity (Religion), gospels
Id: 7VOMFjQfJ8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 9sec (3729 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
The consulting producer on the show is Rez Aslan, a popular scholar of religion best known for his book "Zealot: The Life And Times of Jesus of Nazareth". In his book, a key note is that Jesus came from an apocalyptic time in which he was not the only person claiming to be the messiah. This sounds very similar to the world of The Leftovers and season 3 in particular. There is a whole world of people claiming all sorts of powers, abilities, and solutions in the Post-Departure world. Kevin is just one of many to share a possible connection to the supernatural and/or be pointed to as being a guide. Just thought it was interesting.
I think this is super fascinating. I really do feel like the show is heading towards a story about a new world religion It's interesting to see how these things start in reality