The ENTIRE Fortnite Storyline Explained

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the storyline of fortnite for years has been incredibly complicated to understand but we have finally gotten our clearest timeline of the storyline than ever before and to be clear this isn't just a recap for chapter three this is everything you need to know in a single video whether it's your first time ever seeing the storyline or have you been a die hard fan welcome to the entire fortnite chapter 2 storyline explained now there's a few things you have to know first before this story begins and those are the basic core points to the world of fortnite when chapter 1 first began this island seemed like a normal sandbox video game map that was for a while until things just seemed out of place random bunkers would appear out of nowhere with no explanation the island was always attacked by the most random things like a cube or a giant lizard we knew something was wrong with this place but we just couldn't figure out what and then eventually everything was revealed you might be familiar with the big bang this is the event that created everything we know and in the fortnite storyline the big bang was caused by an energy known as the zero point it's essentially god and so with an energy as powerful as this one it attracts a lot of attention and so for billions of years the zero point has had to protect itself and as a permanent solution it created an island with a deadly storm on it in a universe full of unlimited realities this is reality zero the fortnite island and so fast forward billions of years and an organization known as the imagine order has taken over the island and gained control of the zero point they built a headquarters called the bridge underneath the island and add impenetrable bunkers for easy access to the surface for thousands of years the imagine order learns more and more about the zero point and uses its energy to create something called the loop because the zero point created every single reality in existence the io uses it as a portal and they just kidnap people from whatever reality they want yes they bring random people to the island and trap them in this loop which erases their memories stops them from speaking and forces them to fight each other over and over again for eternity this is what creates battle royale but there is one catch if someone leaves the loop it creates a clone of them and traps them in the loop instead and that is called a snapshot and so now you know the basics of how the fortnite island works it is time to delve into the mind-bending story that chapter 2 has revealed where everything began to click at the end of chapter 1. over the years the zero point attracted many things to the island but eventually it became too unstable and looked like it was on the verge of imploding luckily there was a group of people who were brave enough to save it this was the 7 a mysterious group who are dedicated to protecting reality you see the imagine order don't know enough about the zero point to contain it so they send their field agent jon jones to manipulate the seven into doing it for them what the seven of us are attempting is very risky i suspect they are not the only ones watching but it must be done or we lose the bridge forever when i hear this again will it help me remember or once looped will i be just as muted as the others no matter it seems the lengthy precautions worked what i didn't factor was that the only way to trigger the device was from within the loop itself thus this hasty and primitive recording and why now you i find myself looped the zero point must be contained once more if they are correct it will be the end and so it was the end the entire chapter one island was sucked into the zero point and spat back out as a new refurbished island every single thing that was there in season x is reorganized into a fresh new place to keep the zero point and the bridge protected once more the seven's job was complete and here we are fortnite chapter two we don't have much time to admire the island because the imagined order have already sent a scout team named ego to search for any problems nothing noteworthy happens until the end of season 1 though when a mysterious man named midas appeared on the island midas is an ex-employee of the imagined order who decided that the loop and the whole kidnapping people to murder each other idea was you know pretty unethical so he recruits loopers from all around and turns them into secret agents who give him total surveillance of the island he gets to work on a device that will push back the storm destroy the loop and free everyone trapped on the island but while he's working on this device though the imagine order don't exactly sit there and take it lightly they create a war on the island between two teams named ghost and shadow to try and cause chaos and stop midas from working on his device but unfortunately their plan fails and midas eventually completes the device after months of waiting he activates it and works just like a makeshift zero point eventually pushing back the storm breaking the loop and for a moment everything is peaceful he did it while it might has worked hard he didn't account for one thing that the storm wasn't made by the imagined order it's actually alive and well it doesn't exactly go down without a fight are you even wait wait wait wait can you hear me here you hear me and with the storm flooding the entire island and the loop being back under control the imagine order can finally continue with their plan but first they have to deal with something [Music] now that's out of the way their plan is in motion sure they have control of the zero point but the io don't know enough about it to have true power over the universe that's their end goal but before they can get to that a newt represents themselves you see when the zero point created the chapter two island it used a lot of energy and that energy attracted a cosmic being known as galactus the devourer of worlds he has been making his way to the island for months giving thor enough time to summon the avengers so he brings them to the island and asks for their help and tony stark realizes that if galactus gets his hands on the zero point it could destroy reality as we know it so stark builds rift beacons around the map over the course of the next two weeks and uses them to bring his stark industry's lab onto the island he then uses stark industries to work on his plan to defeat galactus he gathers battle buses and upgrades them fitting them with explosives cannons and lasers so eventually after months of preparation we look up to the sky and see galactus he is no longer just a shining star in the distance he is coming fast and by the time tony stark finishes his plan galactus is already here welcome to the party you look like someone who needs a jet pack there you go we gotta stop galactus from eating to zero point you are free right and with galactus minutes away from devouring reality tony stark finally explains what his plan actually is to us i hacked your time loop thingy made a few billion battle bus clones and then turned them all into very powerful bombs we need to get galactus to eat as many buses as possible before he's done with the zero point if everything goes right it'll open a portal and send him back where he came from the avengers help us throughout the event as we fight galactus in his army of drones until eventually looks like he's taking the bait let's get you out of there if this works it's return to center for all of us and if it doesn't work well we had some laughs right either way you did good no this is not possible you did it thank you bus driver it is done galactus is defeated the avengers have returned home the island is back to normal and we are back on track but there's just one problem galactus and trying to eat the zero point has exposed it they did it we're still here yeah but the zero point is exposed you have to go in oh come on last thing we need is another snapshot of me inside the loop no the last thing we need is someone escaping the loop you need to get in there and fix it understood man i'm on it and do not draw the attention of the seven jones right there all right i just need to stabilize the zero point to resell the bridge but not let anyone escape easy right okay locate the best hunters across all the eyes at season five and agent jones is instructed to use a zero point to travel between realities and recruit the best hunters in the universe to stop any loopers from escaping now he uses his trusty portal gun to protect him from being stuck in the loop and begins his search for hunters on jump 15 he recruits daryl and michonne from the walking dead by jump 31 he's gotten ryu and shoon lee from street fighter and then when jump 42 comes around he recruits one of the last hunters ripley and the xenomorph from alien jones jumps between realities 88 times with doing his job leaving reality logs for the imagined order each time he finds a new hunter but while he has been distracted doing this the zero point has gotten more and more unstable eventually the zero point is almost on the verge of imploding once again and to his shock the imagine order haven't been doing anything while he's been out on the field working his butt off so understandably he gets pretty upset reality log doesn't even matter what's the point of recording these logs if you're not gonna listen we've lost control of the zero point do you get what that means you must not because you're doing nothing i've dedicated my life to the order i've given everything and for what to just sit back and watch reality end that's not who we are at least it's not who i am not anymore and just like that he abandons the imagined order turning his back on the organization he's dedicated his life's work to he decides to take matters into his own hands the zero point is on the verge of completely exploding and this time the seven isn't there for the imagine order to manipulate so instead jon jones takes matters into his own hands this is agent jones requesting access to restricted file 8752 this is agent jones requesting access to restricted file 8752 really no time to stabilize reality but plenty of time to revoke my credentials this is agent jones requesting access to all materials related to the seven great okay if you're not gonna give me what i need i'm just gonna have to tell you except the seven are pretty angry at him for manipulating them during the end event he has it all figured out though so he turns his back on the i o for good and rushes to save the zero point in time he has to get through all of the hunters he spent months recruiting but luckily he gets there just in time now the seven can't get to the island without help so jones sets his portal gun to their location and throws it into the zero point the seven receive his portal gun and use it to transport themselves to the island the meteor crashes down the door opens and the foundation is revealed [Music] look i know you have no reason to trust me but oh no hang on i can get you all of them but i need your help to fix that you have a deal for now oh that's very reassuring time to get to work as you saw jones struck a deal with the foundation promising him access to gino the leader of the imagined order and the sisters his trusted employees we have yet to meet any of them and we'll learn more about them in chapter three but as for the deal the foundation helps jon jones stop the zero point from imploding as it breaks down and is on the brink of tearing itself apart the zero point brings all kinds of realities to the island and it begins blooming like a flower jones says that he spent his whole life studying the zero point but this is the first time he's really seen the true energy at the center of the shell but unfortunately the foundation can't continue the blooming process it is about to explode there is only one option left to contain the explosion the foundation seals himself and the zero point into a tower of stone but for this to work jon jones has to overload his portal device to truly contain it inside of the spire and of course with no portal gun jones will be trapped in the loop but it's a sacrifice he is willing to make the foundation then seals himself in the zero point and we are thrown into season six the island becomes primal while the zero point heals jon jones is missing and the imagine order have set up guards all around the spire to protect the zero point with all of our main characters taking a break from things we're introduced to someone new raz raz is an explorer obsessed with learning the secrets of the spire he claims it calls him in his dreams as a kid so he does everything he can to learn about it he begins by investigating the crystals of the spire after hearing the final reality log left by jon jones warning people to listen to the crystal song once you gather supplies and pickaxe of crystals for as you hear a high-tech hum coming from them sure sounds like the foundation is trying to communicate from within the spire so he tries again this time razz constructs a device that could translate the homes from the crystal and this is the message that gets decoded so you get sent on a quest to talk to as many snapshots of agent jones that you could find trying to get some kind of answer to all of this of course most of the snapshots have no memory of anything and just can't help you but then we come to jonesy the first a snapshot who knows a lot more than he lets on after we defeat him in a duel he reveals that these fire and the zero point inside of it can give someone a lot of power but exploit their every weakness he warns us not to let someone powerful be corrupted by the spire otherwise jones won't stand a chance of escaping and so now we have to rush back before the spire attracts attention from the and that's when he's cut off when we head back to razz we're already too late raz has been fully corrupted by an artifact he found at the spire he becomes glyph master raz and then uses a shard of cube energy to fight us after a long and hard battle we defeat him and take the artifact away from him but meanwhile on the island batman has been trapped in the loop after he was investigating a rift in gotham city since getting trapped he is built to shack written down notes from self every time his memory gets reset and prepared an escape plan with the help from catwoman batman escapes the loop by standing in the center of the storm and being the only person left alive he then comes across a gang of island dwellers who all escape the loop on their own they form an alliance and decide to get off the island for good but if you go too far out from the island you literally just evaporate so they can't do that they need to get back to their own reality the same way they came here through the zero point so batman is actually able to unlock one of the bunkers on the island and they make their way into the imagined order headquarters after fighting golems io guards and other enemies the gang finally get to the bridge batman's detective skills are put to the test as he figures out how to use the ios technology to open a portal he realizes that the zero point connects every single reality in the universe to each other and that it's flicking through millions of realities every second he needs to make it open a portal to a specific reality not millions at once he finally figures it out and helps some of the gang get back home but not before he is betrayed by one of them deathstroke reveals he has been working for the imagined order this entire time he returns to gotham city and batman catwoman and harley quinn go after him and so this journey ends with a big reveal lex luthor and the batman laughs talking to a mysterious figure from the imagined order and making a deal with her and now we are back on the island the unwanted attention that jonesy the first was talking about well it's coming ufos begin showing up around the island and abducting loopers we end up investigating things like crop circles alien symbols appearing on tvs and farms and a lot more but loopers begin to pick up on this a conspiracy theorist named mari creates a radio show where she warns the people of the island about the incoming threat of aliens but her broadcast doesn't last long as she is contacted by the same person we saw in gotham city she orders us to destroy the tvs with alien symbols on it and shuts down mari's broadcast but just before mari ends she reveals that the name of the invaders is the last reality but we don't even have time to process this because before we know it the invasion has begun [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] the last reality has arrived and the imagine order are not happy about it they sent dr sloan who was agent jones boss and is a highly professional leader of the io to the island to deal with the problem now that jones is gone she has to do it herself she sets up io bases all over the island and builds her own headquarters underneath corny crops and it's here they study the mothership floating above the island eventually the mothership sends down ufos and an alien species known as the chimera to annihilate everyone on the island however turns out the chimera end up being a pretty easy force to fight off the only true threat is the huge mothership in the sky and sloane has got to do something about it while they're coming up with a plan the mother ship is already hard at work it moves around the island slowly abducting entire locations it takes slurpee swamp and coral castle and sends the chimera to completely overrun holly hedges meanwhile the last reality scans her minds in an attempt to figure out where the zero point is and how it exactly works but sloane is one step ahead of them she realizes that there's a mole in the imagined order leaking information to the aliens eventually she figures out that it is actually maven leaking info but instead of punishing her sloan gives her fake information instead maven eventually snitches to the aliens telling them that the io's secret base of operations is at corny crops and yes it is but at this point sloane has built a huge bomb into the complex of course the aliens abduct the poi just as planned and eventually operation skyfire is a go it was time to put an end to this invasion once and for all sloan gathers a team of loopers aka us to get abducted onto the mothership and make sure everything goes smoothly once we're abducted we break out of prison and make our way through the mothership dodging guards and spotting many easter eggs along the way eventually we make our way to the abduction chamber where we can see that corny complex and all of the bombs attached to it is primed and ready to go the plan is going pretty smoothly and sloan arms the bombs but the last reality have a trick or two up their sleeve i'll figure this out just stay alive this is impossible we thought it was gone for good last time it nearly destroyed the island okay we need to hit this thing hard and fast yeah not good so we fend off this cube and shut it down then get back to arming the bombs we're successful with two minutes left until detonation sloan gives us some pretty bad news you played your part now i have to play mine we are fighting a war in which we are hopelessly outgunned i won't bring you home she betrayed us and leaves us to die on the mother ship but we weren't giving up any time soon we go to the dying cube and we use our collective power to revive it turning it blue but then the elevator begins to rise taking us higher and higher into the mothership and this is where the grand reveal sets in the aliens didn't bring back the cube from chapter one there are thousands of cubes out there they are the last reality the aliens were just an enslaved army but before we even have time to register this sloan's bombs detonate the mother ship is blown to pieces and we are falling down towards the island preparing for the worst we're hit by falling debris and everything cuts to black [Music] [Music] so [Music] hey [Music] [Music] with all of these cubes crashed onto the island it is an absolute disaster the last reality may have lost their mothership but they are still our most dangerous opponent yet and among all of these cubes there is one golden cube controlled by the cube queen she has revealed herself saying that she will stop at nothing until we are all completely wiped out we are going to be just like every other reality she has destroyed and enslaved except if the fortnite island is destroyed that is a gigantic problem because if the zero point is destroyed so is everything else reality itself will be totally annihilated so the queen finally begins her plan she takes her golden cube and makes her way to each of the stranded cubes around the island awakening them one by one she then uses her energy to clone them producing hundreds of baby-sized cubes eventually they all move towards the center of the island directly above the zero point with all of her cubes in the right position she emerges from hers and reveals her true form she then seals herself inside of a corruption bubble while the cubes merge together to create a huge town and eventually this town becomes a pyramid with the golden cube pointing directly into the sky and also directly downwards towards the bridge the cube queen not only wants to destroy the island using her cube monsters but this is just the beginning of her evil plan she wants to go further instead of just destroying our reality the cube queen wants to destroy every reality that has ever existed and there's only one way for her to do that with the zero point the fact that the zero point is the key to every single reality out there she just needs control of it and she could use that power to destroy every single thing that has ever lived leaving her and her minions as the only thing left standing and that would complete her plan and truly make them the last reality in the meantime dr sloane is gathering alien devices from abductor crash sites and taking them to an emergency i o bunker to study them but over on the other side of the island the blue cube lays dormant ignoring all of the cube queen's demands and sitting still waiting to be activated while sloane and the queen prepare their plans a familiar face finally returns the foundation after months of being in a coma underwater has awoken but he isn't on the same island he wakes up in gotham city and runs into batman who attempts to interrogate him eventually they stop fighting when the foundation explains he has sworn enemies with the imagined order he reveals that he and the seven want to take down the i o and free the zero point the foundation is currently living his biggest nightmare as gino has controlled the zero point and the imagined order are finally beginning to learn its secrets and gain true power over the universe batman eventually agrees to help the foundation get back to the island we also learn a few things from this encounter like how the seven all wear their iconic suits as it is airtight and protects them from the effects of the loop suddenly the foundation gets dragged through a rift by the batman who laughs who's posing as the real batman to lure him to the island they fight and the foundation's visor gets cracked leaving him vulnerable to the loot however he wins the battle and stands in the middle of the storm while being the only one left the method for escaping the loop he realizes that he needs to find jones immediately after spotting just how much has happened since he was thrown from the spire all of those seasons ago once he finds jones then he could get to gino the sisters and finally take down the evil imagined order once and for all this journey is only just beginning and it will continue when everything reaches his climax in the chapter 2 finale yes you are now fully caught up on the entire fortnight storyline and prepared for chapter 3. this video has been a long time in the making i mean seriously we've been paying attention to the storyline for years so thank you guys so much for your support it's been tommy and keep it here on top 5 gaming
Channel: Top5Gaming
Views: 4,611,493
Rating: 4.9310403 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, The ENTIRE Fortnite Storyline Explained, fortnite story, fortnite storyline, fortnite chapter 2 storyline, fortnite chapter 3, fortnite chapter 3 storyline, fortnite full storyline, fortnite story chapter 2, the story of fortnite, fortnites storyline, fortnites story, fortnite season 8 story, fortnite season 8 storyline, fortnite story secrets, fort, nite, battle royale, story, storyline, new, chapter 3, video
Id: JxqhqdpBRLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 27 2021
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