The formation of the so called The Middle East

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that the Africa and Middle East used to be one until in 1867 when the French dig the SE canal and created a man-made separation mhm so they then take that small piece of land called Middle East and try to define the entire continent ah look the the stories of the Bible they happen in a very very small place very small portion of of of of the very very North yeah so you take that of the continent of the continent now you take that small portion of the of a geographical location that is outside of Africa they call it Northeast Africa so these are now those who try to africanize the Middle Eastern Stories africanize the Bible africanize the Quran African has abrahamic religion Abraham this these religions are called abrahamic religions right and now abrahamic religions are Judaism Christianity and Islam why abrahamic because all these three religion they claim to be the descendant of Abraham all of them the Muslims the Christians the Jews their Story begins with Abraham and then when they stretch it further to their first ancestor will be Adam now this are not African because our ancestors are older than Adam go throughout this continent you go to maruping you get a 1 9 million years old remains of an ancestor day you go to makan Val get the 3.5 billion years Proto human and human remains you go to to Ethiopia you get a 3.2 million years remains of what they called dinkes you go around this continent whether it be the astrus Boise zenopus um homo eraas homo habiles homo sapian homo sapien sapien even the homo sapien sapien which is the Modern Man evolved about 300,000 years ago so when you speak of you're speaking of a homo sapiens sap civilization civilization created by ancestors who look like us not those ones now where you go to the credle of my kind they usually call it the of mankind but it's basically of Mony kind because what they always look nothing like that look nothing like that they come up with ape they call them the primates you know hom because this is the European concept Evolution evolution of the black man not one yeah because yeah because of course all of these uh six or homines they all found in Africa all these six V different varieties of ancestors they claim that they evolved from monkeys us no no from our ancestors who left one of the six ancestors who evolve one of them left to Europe H through the Iberian Peninsula H they have all different theories how did this out of Africa migration the Out of Africa Theory Jula have a song about it scatterings of Africa is the Out of Africa migration now they claim that this indigenous African men left the continent get caught up in Europe by the Ice Age it began to to effect the recessiveness of Gene the mutation the the the albinism H which then produce the white men uh the chromagnon the neeral The Basque the Latinos all of these type of theories the Out of Africa Theory so now they would say the first species are primate they are relatives of the monkeys but that is not our story it isn't no it's our European story yes our story goes like this there are four kingdoms there is the human Kingdom we have always been human there was never a time when humans were're not human there is the animal kingdom and the human Kingdom and the animal kingdom don't mix and then there is the mineral Kingdom and there is the plant kingdom of the four kingdoms where whether you go even according to the dagara cosmological wheel the wheel of the dagara cosmology you know it's got five thing and then the fire which is basically the sun yes and then from the the human kingdoms the animal kingdom the mineral Kingdom and the plant kingdom again according to the tagara cosmology of bukina Faso West Africa and water is not a kingdom as well yes the Water Kingdom the Marine Kingdom in in the in the dagar cosmology the Marine Kingdom because everything else came out of the water and then go through uh the processes of metamorphosis so and hence in ancient kimet the gods they have a um the gods with the snake heads that is mainly the goddesses the the the females they have snake heads snake why because it is symbol of Resurrection self evolving it releases shed its skin and keep on Reinventing itself and then the Frog because it achieved in 10 months what human beings according to Western Evolution story what human beings achieved in a billion years which is evolutionary process okay so the CH they use the Frog for the male deities the heads of the male deities and the sne the female deities but because of their metamorphosis like all throughout all Africa yes our totems our totems are about the qualities that are in those animals you abessive you have to bleed before you deil this one you know why most of the advis of the king it would be very interesting to hear about what was it you know kind of a story some is is is communities that lived [Music] around when were when with from M from going to Li um on the way when they separated with B their totem was monkey so on the way when they were traveling then a porcupine passes by no and then they saw it as a good om a good sign that where they going is going to be good then they change a totem and then they become you see by just an accident situation of a porcupine was passing so they adopted it as their totem yes they were surrounded by they look at also qualities in that so they also start to model their society according to those qu the the nature of that particular animal yes because you see we lived with the animals yes uh we did not have this biblical concept that we have to have dominion over the Earth and subo it and dominate it we do not have this Western concept that we have to subdue nature we have to uh dominate nature we live with nature so we take certain qualities the Benda people they have the python dance you know the DBA the DBA among the Benda and the ancient Benda and the shaa stories cosmologies we were taught sex by the python so this is a movement that we do in B it's a python dance it's a dber but also it shows that the young Maiden now they are in a position to engage in sexual intercourse and begin to procreate but also it come from their stories of creation that the two founders of the Benda nation which is chamila and rulana H there were a python which separated and then they became two men who the other one occupied the other part of the land the other one occupy other part of the land they were not supposed to be in the same space should they find themselves in the same space they will quickly join up and become a python which accidentally happened like that one was a good performer sing going around the other one was running his kingdom and then he had this other one performing somewhere everybody comeing to see him they call him come and see he refuse he refuse until they prize him to go when he go then they meet and then they joined together again become a python so the python become the greatest symbol of the Benda people but the python also for again his qualities so it is not necessarily literally like that these are symbolic these stories are metaphorical they are symbolic they are representing qualities within these animals we learned lot of things from animal we named ourself you know our names understand so we lived with nature we named ourself after nature after these animals after their qualities they form totemism our totemic Mysteries come from interacting with these animals but at no particular stage have we literally saw ourself evolving from monkeys in particular but we have stories of us relating to python our ancestors other us coming from the python others coming from there but it's all metaphorical it is not literal so the python of the universe we have to something so so so we have all of these things because our people understood that all of nature it is within us all the elements that went into nature it is within us the amount of salt that is in the sea is the same amount of salt that is in our human body uh our spems our tears our blood they carry the same salt so we are the totality of all that exist we are part of everything that exists so so we saw qualities that we can draw unto ourself and and use them to motivate ourself to inspire ourself and say we are and all of that you understand these are totems which are refer to in this realm of anthropology and sociology they call them spirit animals that those are the spirit animals because we recognize spirituality in everything that is in nature that is the uniqueness of African spirituality how we relate with our universe how we relate with our ecology how we relate with with the cosmos itself so so those qualities they come in to Define uh certain realities about us because where they were staying there were a whole lot of fishes and then become their totem and interestingly enough that makes us all collectively nature conservationist because you not supposed to eat your animal totem so if all of us come together we will eat nothing from nature from exactly the Indians India they even literally was they stop they stop when it pass understand they don't eat it because it is Holy according to them and so it should be going with most of us we're not supposed to be eating don't know maybe the body of the god you know which are some of the rituals that come from the cannibalistic religions you know e in the body of the God and all of that so yeah but it's quite interesting to know and and in a more broad up totemic way you don't supposed to your you don't eat your totem you don't eat your totemic animal in probably they probably maybe the their true totem supposed to be K but I think there's something in relation with them about and then yeah I mean and of course it goes even until to the wild alone there you know so yeah so those are our own totemic Mysteries but then coming back to this um glorified plagiarism of uh painting the characters of The Bible Black Black Jesus black Jesus now like I was saying that the Black Jesus story it is delaying the black emancipation because instead of it's a a really poor imitation it's a poor imitation of the white jesus because you see anytime you hear somebody say black God the black God is a poor imitation of the white God yeah the white the Black Jesus is a poor imitation of the white jesus that means to say you're using your Jesus your black Jesus you're using the white jesus to measure your black Jesus with so the painters of the Black Jesus no matter what happens they still become the bar the standard the standard so the Black Jesus his mother is still a virgin maryh he still turn water into wine and he still have 12 disciple but these disciple are only black understand so is a glorified plagarism that most of our woke and conscious communities are doing as much as they doing it with kimet too that the go to kimet they started to look for the Christian God in Africa in kimet they started in kimet to look for the Christian God in Africa in kimet and then from there the missionaries where they come in here they come also they use um names of our God to Define their deities you know they'll be saying now when M become Jehovah you are now colonizing the African God you are colonizing the African god and African African Spirit the African culture because in the original culture where come from so will haveu as the ancestors who are charged with responsibility of connecting so they they are the ancestors who are charged with the responsibility of conveying the needs and the prayers now when now is taken out of the culture of and he's put into the Bible he's not he's no more tolerating the things he was tolerating yeah like he doesn't tolerate what um he was was tolerating yes so he's tolerating the things of the Bible now so you have colonized this God effectively so he he was okay with when he was in his original habitat he was okay with h he was okay with Consulting and healing through traditional medicine now he's no more okay with that so he was okay with Badu now when you get into the now theu become the Demons of the Bible they start to refer to them ason instead of understand so the colonizing the African Gods with the um these European gods they come up with this God who is a chameleon God the god of the Bible because in every culture he reach he adopted the image of that when he come among theu he become when you go among the people he become when you go the people become when you go among people become but when he become Mari he does not tolerate the things that he was tolerating about about the Sha he's now coming up with his Israelite attitude towards African things which when he was original mui you never had a problem with the Masa cultural practices where you originally come from so they colonized this so so again it is that search for the Christian God in Africa using the Christian spectacles to study African divinities African deities African gods and that is how they managed to colonize us because you see they come up with um and and that is the most effective tool of colonialism and neoc colonialism is um they come up with strange thing that sound familiar they're using names that sound familiar yet these things are very strange they're imposing something very strange to you using familiar terms like but they're introducing something completely strange before that and then that is what created that now you have a certain group of black people who questioning their Black Culture their black identity and rejecting it now and start to have issues with some of their things that they will normally not have issues with them they will normally not question them and so that is how our colonization became and then now the modern woke movement is repeating the same thing but this time they are recognizing themselves not the white man who's doing it remember the willly Lyn strategy is always creating self monitoring slaves so the W movement is creat self monitoring slaves you know I remember my brethren he said people are waking up to sleep again and some other people took offense but it was really at this point that the woke movement was supposed to be woke is having people now going out and taking non-african things and trying to africanize them and come up with trivial arguments like the Middle East was part of Africa and being part of Africa so therefore everything that happened in the Middle East is African even though it is fundamentally opposed to Africa you get into the bigger continent here you don't have this toxic monotheism you don't have this intolerant God you don't have this insane God you don't have this omnipotent lunatic you don't have this jealous God you don't have this insecured God you don't have this God who created things in six days and get tired and had need to rest on the seventh day you don't have that the entire continent then you have this piece of land which produce that Judaism Christianity and Islam and you want to use these thing that is so strange to this thing and try to colonize the entire continent because you have decided to glorify something that is not even African developed outside of Africa but because of by proximity they are close by you understand so you want to claim that oh the Middle East before it was separated from the continent through the canal the Middle East was part of Africa and then they even refer to it as Northeast Africa in order to sneak in through that Su can to sneak in judeo Christianity and Islam into Africa but look North Africa today is occupied by the Arabs yes through Conquest yes Libya Morocco Algeria um Egypt morania understand yeah erria itria although itria is part of Ethiopia but again e asiatics like in eia etics now are you going to say because of those Arabs who are living in North Africa and the culture they've developed over the past 1,400 years or 1,300 years of occupying North Africa are you going to say that their culture there is a culture of us because of they in the same continent with us no otherwise AP apartate will be extension of our own culture because it was invented in South Africa here by non South African so the fact that there was a bunch of people who were living next to our continent in the desert yeah uh and developed this desert religion with their desert ancestor who come from Iraq yes Abraham came from Air of the childes the heir of the childis is in Mesopotamia it is in Iraq yeah so now you see that guy from Iraq is ancestor of us us so and this is the logic of the Ibraham religions that most of them they saying oh Adam we have ancestors that are way older than Adam M based on the living evidences that are there if you don't want to go through the framework of evolution and everything we can just start with yeah that's it about 300,000 years ago we can talk about okay it will be a little bit after Adam but we talk about the the great B temples at sud Kings 75,000 years old I'm talking about things that are before Christ BC because yes about BC now the thing that before Christ um in South Africa you talking about the Souther credle now um the 75,000 years old Bandu Temple suda caves in 300,000 years old understand that place it is older than Adam in 294,000 it is 294,000 years older than Adam yeah yet the white deci to name's calar older than Adam in 294,000 years old but it is again this tendency of bibing information they do M they do placenta analysis through the framework of M mitochondrial DNA they are searching for the common ancestor the genric the common ancestors of all people on of all women on that where do all these females whether they Indians or who and who and who where do all females come from they found out they come from one woman who lived 300,000 years ago in central Africa and then when they decide to publish a story about that woman they said the African Eve how is it that she become an African Eve you African African Eve so because Eve is not African any other first of all if is not African that is why they have the African otherwise they would have said if discovered Eve now but they say the African Eve because Eve is not African now the African Eve these African woman they're using IF as a prototype for this African woman but this African woman is older than if if supposed to be modeled after this woman not the other way around but colonization will do will help have you have a creature of 6,000 years ago called Eve yeah to become a prototype of a 294,000 years older than Eve to model Eve that's right that is colonization that is using the Bible because according to the Western Civilization life began the first men yes those who are the West gave us two theories yeah of existence but the W give us two theories of anything anyway they give us um Christianity and Atheism they give us creationism and evolution they're all contradictory they give us capitalism and communism they give you monogamy and homosexuality understand me so now in this contradictory Paradigm of them in everything now those who go by the creation Story the the the creation story of the West as the West stand today extend to Adam and Eve it begins at Adam and Eve so the world according to the Western logic is 6,000 years old and then the very same West come up with Evolution and then discover that the universe is billions and billions of years now the other day I was going through body news 24 stuff you know and then I see one of them they said ah they have discovered something that existed before the Big Bang now the Big Bang is supposed to be a point of origin now they discover something that was before the Big Bang a star that existed before the Big Bang this is the wor yes now Western Civilization it is an ignorant civilization it is based on Research Now you research what you don't know now everything in the western civilization is is about research research research because why they don't know and Discovery to the point that they discover a place that people have been staying there for 200,000 years old you know they've been staying there for 200,000 years and then they arve there the moment they arve there according to them that place begin when they arve there it exists so this is what the an say in that uh they they have this thing but they come in they find people living there and they say there we we discovered you now you live yeah now you live you know before we come you were not living so that is why B Henry Stanley is actually the man who coined the term the Dark Continent because the West was ignorant of this continent so according to them it was dark it was and it became light the moment they got there they got here there so the ancient Egyptian used to tell the Greeks that you see you Greeks are children your philosophy is nothing but foph the Sophie of the fools philosophy philosophy that you think the gods began the day you discovered them the day you became aware of them like the moment you learn about Osiris then you think the stories of oir Osiris began that time but it is older than you it is this story was in existence before there was Greeks yes before they were European before the European evolve or crawl out of the cus mountain or the caves where they were living there was these stories now upon their Discovery so these are the people who have mastered rewriting history to suits that is why there's always this saying among the conscious Africans that tales of the lion will always glorify the hunter until the lion tell their own Tales so this is the time that the lion the slumbering Giants of Africa must tell their story according to how they know them our ancestors do not have the concept of evolution from monkeys to humans so it's not our story so one of the thing is we must never lie to ourself about history in order to have history we must not go around and paint Jesus black in order to have a black Jesus we never had him we don't have him we don't need him it is not necessary for us to have a Jesus black or white we don't need a Jesus it's not our story we have our own [Music] stories African children must go and learn the story ofodu The Great Warriors the the Great Hero who saved the people from this big giant which we Callo whether it was a dinosaurs whether it was a dragon but it soled the whole people MH and then there was these child born of Immaculate Conception because these things swed everybody and this child was left only with Mother yeah with her own mother yes and then this child was growing so rapidly like after the mother gave birth to this child when the child was born he was born wearing a necklace of the div's bow so the birth of our into trans and get into the spirit we don't Ste our we don't do the the things of the chakra Hans and all of that we don't do those stuff those are Asiatic Eastern metaphysics again these woke groups they'll go to k and see the pictures of the people of K yoga it come from there these are yoga pose and what what they are grabbing on straw they are trying very hard it's a a it's a desperate search for something that is not there and it's not us in places that you know very well cannot yeah and ignoring their own like for instance the story of there's much to it when it is explained in our own way in our African way [Music] you know with Consciousness and then conscious of the fact that we are alone other people because he never saw any people now they show that the evolution of Consciousness is inborn so we need to have a metaphysical explanation of our stories in order to fit the black metaphysics andn metaphysics and we have our own cosmologies that are buil that are in build with our own metaphysics a metaphysical explanation of these phenomenon we need to stop using European Concepts to Define our own phenomenas now we have those phenomenas went out destroy this animal of again he teaching us the ungrateful and unthankfulness of the people yes that you must watch the people you try to say like Benjamin Boro from Zimbabwe say that when you fight for black people fight with one hand because the other hand must remain free to push those black people who are trying to pull you down like I was saying that the Black Jesus story is delaying our emancipation and it still got us caught up in this metrix of the Jesus the only difference is he painted black so that is neocolonialism neocolonialism is that we africanize our colonization we painted black we made it look like us we make it suit us to continue colonizing ourself because we are at the stage of self-monitoring slavery slavery has never produced more slaves than this time they removed the physical chains and the physical chains were removed from the hand and the feet and they were put into the brain the mind so now again we have to unchain the mind because we voluntarily chain it even if you tell the people the historical evolution of Christianity as a colonial religion they will tell you that but I was not forced to be a Christian I chose it yes you chose to enslave yourself because you are living the plan worked out so perfectly well even when we see it is right in front of us we are too reluctant to do anything about it because it threatens going through is called cognitive dissonance a cognitive dissonance yeah we cannot accept because then what else is there it's a cognitive it's very scary yes to then go back and then ReDiscover yourself yes because yourself very scary you see conditions were created for that kind of identity crisis that we are facing that your identity was destroyed and and replaced you know and and and literally so because you grow up now you have to go into their schools then they demand that you have a European name they call it a Christian name because they can't call you they have to call you Nelson then you go on and become Nelson Mandela instead of because they can't pronounce it but it's not only because they can't pronouncing it they are renaming you they are branding you they are directing your destiny they are channeling you somewhere so they are beginning the process of identity crisis you're identifying with some European called Nelson you can't identify with the other Nelson the other ho the M the r all these people you can't identify with so they're giving you something else outside of you to identify yourself with and then from there it begin the process of dismantling your own identity they give you they feed you with a religion that is not yours which is Christianity they feed you with a world view that is not yours they feed you with a life view that is not yours they feed you with a cosmology that is not yours they feed you with epistemology that is not yours they feed you with an ontology that is not yours they feed you with a philosophy that is not yours they feed you with history that is not yours they feed you with a culture that is not yours they feed you with a calendar that is not yours so what you doing now you reach a point that you think that without all of this artificiality that they gave you without all of this you feel like you are lost you'll be lost that is why our people when they come in and discover we don't read Bible yeah and then they say and how do you worship God because they are conditioned to believe that you need a Bible worship without this thing yeah you need a Bible to worship God so you can't worship without the Bible uh you say I'm not religious and then how do you worship God God belongs to no religion I don't have to be religious to have a relationship with God yeah it is spiritual that is why we're talking about African spirituality and of course some of those people who are still caught up in The Matrix they're saying there is no African spirituality so they're basically denying the African his unique and individuality that is supposed to help emancipate him and help now to make him him find spiritual grounding within his own skin they tell you that this grounding that you need within your own environment and skin you call it African spirituality it doesn't exist because spirituality is universal there is no such thing we are spirits going through human experience and we are going through human experience as Africans so what do you call that when a spirit going through African human expence African spirituality easy as ABC like that simple logic it doesn't need too much dichotomies and and and and and these um Concepts and all of that it's as simple as that that spirituality is reality if you don't deal with reality you're not deal with spirituality so African spirituality is African reality now you can't tell me that there is no African reality you telling me that we Africans we do not experience reality as African in this country we go through in racist Indians racist Kats racist Europeans and then we are forced to reflect on our uniqueness as African and you telling me that uniqueness cannot be defined and contextualized in this country they don't have in this country they don't have we have malop so why do you define that it is not Universal no it is particular particular yeah understand so you can't tell me that our strategic particularism doesn't exist so you want to subsume us and consume us within this Western universalism which is basically westernism understand you absorb you denying things that are particularly African and then you universalize them but you know that universalism is westernism once they say something is universal they mean to say it is Western accepted standard Western approved say it is global international I'm saying while they westernizing everything where's the African in you you still go and choose that yeah it's like when you say rainbow Nation what what is that is there a black is there even a black color the rainbow so understand so you get us absorb in other color spectrum except your own in that color spectrum there is no black you understand unless you telling me that when you combine all those colors they will give you color black but nobody is combining those colors to arrive at a color black up to so far understand and there is no even the integration that we might fight so hard for it does not arrive at a Blackness no it doesn't we get to integrate we absorbed in the integration we become poor imitation of the white yeah we become afian we EMB the whole thing and it's not even ours exactly so now this denialist and this woke this over denial of things African there is no African spiritual if there's no African spiritual then there's no African culture yes and if there's no African culture then there's no African personality and if there's no African personality there's no African identity why do we have African culture African philosophy and we don't have African spirituality what is much wrong why is these people are fighting so much African spirituality why African spirituality but yet they do agree that there's African culture understand they agree that there is African philosophy and but they deny that there's African spirituality why why because the battle it is about the soul of the band and that is why at B Soul Society we say the oldest human soul it is the B soul and there is a reason for that and then the first subject that we teach is African spirituality there's a reason for that and we say all the nine modules African spirituality African cosmology African ontology African epistemology African psychology African history African culture African calendar the totality of all that is Africa is my witness this is that Africa bear witness to this we evolve this we have we need to just Define them to our people in our own terms not some other people people have been telling us a lot about us who are not even us people who can't even speak in African language they want to teach you about African culture and African history and African spirituality yet they can't speak the language the language is a door to culture the language is a carrier of our Concepts principles and ideas and and it's it's quite disappointing that that there doesn't seem to be an even even an effort to try and understand the people in the within the communities who you are charged with the you know by with the custodianship of their indigenous cultures and languages and knowledge systems and all of that and you you don't even make an effort to try and understand them and understand them because you see that is the whole thing this is a dilemma of South Africa strategic position that are supposed to contribute to African renissance which is the Revival of our African cultures are occupied by converted Africans who are Christians who have problems who have reduced africanism in this country into Heritage day where you only wearing your dashikis and all of that just for one day in a year and then you know the the trivialization the nonsens ification of Africa and these are the people who are responsible for funding that supposed to go towards developing our African cultural expressions our African institutions our alternative institution outside of the universities because it is a fallacy to think you can use an institution like a university which was not fundamentally designed to make us us no we have to create alternative institutions that is why we come up with institions like B Soul Society the institutes like that you understand because it is about creating institutions that are deliberately designed to give expression to our africanness not this institution that were not originally designed for that and we keep on trying to fit ourself into them like this concept of private you know they are private hospitals we go there we forced to go there we say it's integration it's Freedom the Private Hospital designed for you no they're not no they're designed for the to be private to the Europeans the private school we force our children to go into private school the schools that were originally not designed to teach anything African because they private tolerate tolerate because they are not designed for you now it's the same thing that we keep on sending our children to the Romans to be educated by the Romans and then we act surprised when we see them coming back behaving like a caesar how does it work how does it work is because we forcing this thing look at the the the the hype and the fever of the rugby we just came oh my goodness 80% of our people of of our people who were wearing those rugby t-shirt and rugby supporting 80 to 90% of them they don't even understand rugby they don't even know just look at people shouting yeah they sh they jump they don't understand it at all but we are into these things that we must Force ourself into whiteness in order to be accepted understand have you ever seen white people in these countries wearing t-shirt when play when Pirates play the biggest teams in this countries Pirates and Chiefs they always have their Deb every year there always to Deb do you see them this you for it is so much that even load shedding was suspended yeah there was no load shedding immediately after the we started again we started again with the load shedding why and this supposed to be the time for the exams that children are preparing themselves for exams now they're taking electricity for for them understand but sports like that which they claim you see is because of we have also this narrow definition of nation building so social cohesion rainbow Nation because it is only nation building when we support white spots yes but when white supposed to support black spots no it's not nation building it's not even emphasized no it gets mentioned once in a while it's a by the way it nothing ever happens ever happens you understand it's a by the way so why is it that the responsibility of reconciliation is only rested upon the like people of this country why is it reconciliation such a one-sided story yes with people that don't really want to do but they're not interested they're not interested in reconciliation they're not interested in during it does not affect them in any way whether you you know whether you recile or not it doesn't it doesn't at all understand so we keep on bending and bending backwards to try to accommodate an idea that is not working it can't work it will not work because it is one-sided this relationship of ours is Loop sided understand so it has to be balanced and it's toxic and it's toxic and it can't be balanced remember we interviewing those sisters and as them that so you are working here at w wimp wherever and then you wearing t-shirts did the company Buy the T-shirt for you no no they had to buy they had to buy themselves those t-shirt and to show patriotism not even theany that are white companies sponsor the t-shirts to go and support a white team the president have to even leave everything and go and fly to go to Paris we don't have a country no we don't we don't have a country so and of course this will offend many people who feel like um social cohesion should be on the basis of us mimicking everything European and yet Europeans are not H reciprocating you know like they can't be bothered yeah they can't be bothered they don't need to you see now and we wonder why nobody take us serious nobody's going to take us serious until we take ourselves serious you know we need to reach a point where some of this unnecessary artificial festivities we boycott them like why why should we do that why should we participate in the Black Friday the biggest why should we participate in Christmas why should we participate in Valentine's Day we are the consumer we hold the power yes look at yeah exactly why can't we do that no we do the most ridiculous thing you find people are waiting for the shops to open to sto the sh and educated decent civilized christianized black people going there to M and all of them fighting over baskets and trolleys and just to demonstrate the level of consumerism crust materialism and westernism no this is pathetic this is pathetic [Music] so drink these children had their parents queuing up that thing apparently some ridiculous price 500 Ms for something like stupid like over 300 300 wow and these kids were just like and what is it supposed to do I remember another thing it's it's it's programming it's programming it's programming I remember one time I reach home my kids were telling me they need a particular school bag of sopia the first that's when I first learn about Sophia the First my daughter like we must come up with sopia the first who Sophia the First is some European princess you know that everyone must carry Sophia the first so this programming is continuous and the love of whiteness is instill in that way that you know you have to have your BBY doll you have to have your Sophia the first you have to have um all of these things that are part and parcel of European festivals and holidays and and and and heroes and celebrities you see now what where is transformation there where is transformation there there is no transformation you know the only transformation it is that the blacks are transformed into being non black that's it they're making a poor imitation of the black people they just creating afans that is only transformation that's all [Music] mhm
Channel: Bantu Soul Society
Views: 4,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 8sec (3308 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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