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We're talking about tradition now. What is ours, us and created by us. Let's not forget it, making it seem like we're criticizing other people but us. Please repeat that statement. Traditionally we'd say the ethnic groups, tribes and nations. All of them have a concept of God, none without. Each tribe has an idea where they're from, it goes on. [Lists them down] So we can see him... I'm also challenging you to do the same. The king's palace was filled with everyone who is Swati. They brought their cows, sheep and goats with them to the palace. In Xhosa "people of the river". "We came from a place of heaven and arrived on earth". Who came up with traditional beer? KFC then started... People's beliefs, come from the people. People... [Lists different clan names, in different languages.] Your clan names... It starts with me... Xhosa people say "It is a privilege to know thyself." In Sotho they say, "How do we teach you other's origin and ways, but ... -don't know your own". Your clan name, who you are so you know. Love yourself, we are the people. A person, it is an ancestor of the people. Tradition, humanity, a person and people. The world stops, in Pedi it's "Wait world let me get off ". "World open up let me enter." They'll be initiation, a lot of people will be initiated. Majority is not initiated for a gift. They are getting initiated to return tradition at home. We are going to see a lot of people initiating to be traditional healers... -people covered in blankets. People shouting... As a kid you're told to leave the space because the adults are speaking. When a baby is born, it already has a title of an adult. A first born at home, in Xhosa we call it a "elder" Amongst you people... Traditionally, being the first born. The child is old The concept of the first born... As a adults we obey her... The grandfather's name. The kids have to be excused, the adults are speaking... You are not supposed to talk about an adult in front of the kids. There's an adult and you are a kids...That's the context I'm referring to. When we talk about tradition... Tradition You explained it well... Where we come from... Traditionally... To the bogeyman? He is the bogeyman, used to frighten kids. It doesn't even make a sound when they kill it... You swayed in different directions. I forgot his name... Let's say it in slang, he's a "jimmy come to joburg", from Malawi who came here... -to deceive everyone here, including people from Soweto any township... They call this young man "father", he scams them and goes back home. He claims to build a city. I understand you now, an African church has to built... Preaching "God from Israel!" The people who claimed he's from Israel banned him, now we're stuck with him. "Jesus from Israel and Jerusalem, God from Israel..." Mazibuko, where he's from he's out lawed and they don't praise him. Yet you still are. We don't that ancestor with white hair, we want a black one. It's a problem. "God from Israel"... Why don't we talk about our God? Even in our National anthem we don't talk about our God but Jesus to protect us. It's not to be messed with, it's really dangerous. We go to stadiums and tents to pray, let's fix this "God from Israel". I will be God...My father birthed, I birthed my son. It's a cycle. Leave this Earth... To bring us back to our senses. It should just be shut down. The pastor got slapped during lockdown. They only want notes. "Did you hear about the department having an event for traditional healers?' He was praying and even read the bible. Where does it fit into all of this? I don't know you all, forgive me. Let's set a date, a week for us to meet and sit down. That should happen. "Did you hear them, so what about them?" Everyone then has different perspectives and opinions.
Channel: Unpopular Opinion
Views: 39,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: thzS5XPJrLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 25sec (3385 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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