The ford select o speed .

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so today we're going to talk about the selective speed was it a good transmission was it a junk transmission and we're going to talk about what crazy d and i are going to do with our selector speed [Music] so today guys we're going to talk about the selective speed i'm going to talk about the significance of the selective speed some information i found about the selective speed and what crazy d and i are going to do with the selective speed we have when i say so when i say selective speed you probably think of the continental 6000 which you wouldn't be wrong but they're actually in the first time it was actually introduced was in 1958 and it was tested by nebraska in 1959 in june the transmission gave you 10 overlapping forward speeds and two overlapping reverse speeds and it had a fully independent live pto which was which gave you 540 and 1000. so guys right there kind of ends my information i could find all that information i believe i said earlier um came from either ford site or a forum or sales videos i found so let's talk about the significance so when you're talking about the significance of the uh selective speed you had to take in consideration at this time all transmissions and tractors were standard so when it when it was introduced it really changed the game no other tractor had 10 forward speeds it gave you overlapping speeds so and i talk about the reason i call it speeds is because there really isn't gears per se um so the transmission runs off of a series of planetary gears which are engaged by a valve in the transmission so it turns on and off which turns on or off when is the clutch bands and so that's how when you're selecting the speed it changes your speeds is either engaging a certain one or certain ones to get that that combination of gears turning to get the speed that you're you're looking for so with with the selective speed like i'm saying we're talking about the uh significance like i said at that time nobody else was offering you a 10 speeds the only thing that came close was the case of matic um at that time is he like i said at that time the only thing else was offered was case-matic at that time john deere didn't have one it wasn't introduced until the new generation international was working on the their their hydrostatic transmission so the only two in the in the game right at that time with an automatic type transmission was case in ford which i think ford pushed so hard for his to be out is to kind of his to try to keep up with with case no this is my opinion um with that there because all i could find when i was looking up the information for this i i kind of got interested in in how significant ford was by dropping this the significance of the four transmission of the selective speed most of the newer transmissions you have you deal with now like in the fint and john deere and case and such their their transmissions are now kind of like the selecto speed except it's all competitively done and you had you were the computer with the selecto speed now the selective speed was reoffered in later with the like the the in the thousand series the first one really that comes to mind i think most people's one goes to use this the continental six thousand what i could find guys through the forums and stuff was everybody said they were really good transmissions they were great transmissions which we had the 6 000 continental at the shop there at crazy d's equipment are up there at omega equi tractor ag sales or whatever i think crazy dudes it's called i yeah i'm just the guy that fixes things so anyways we had one up there that i i did my inspection on it because i inspect all the tractors that come in make sure there's no major issues to be fixed um one of the upsides now to me like being the crazy d's editor as i could stop him from buying junk anyways guys i i digress there um bringing up crazy d let's let's shift over here to and it'll also talk to us about some of the issues with the uh selecto speed when we we crazy d and i as you know in my roundup ford roundup video we have 801 that has come in with and it's a selecto speed um guys the the shift cables broke which i think is one of the bigger one of the big issues they had with the early ones um so the just cables broke we're worried we were worried about since it's been opened that moisture has gotten in there and has done more damage than than where when just the shift cable being broke so we're talking i'm trying to convince crazy d my brother dave to just find some sort of an online auction and hope some collector go oh at 801 selecto speed i gotta have that and gives us a decent price for it because guys the parts for that transmission are a hard to find and b and you do do find them they want they want you your an arm and leg left kneecap and your firstborn child pretty much when it comes to price um which that tractor and one of the reasons we're talking about trying to figure out what we want to do with it is they don't bring a lot they just don't bring a lot purple we've looked at purple waves we've looked at auction time we looked at gravel road we've looked at big iron and several other other big online nationwide auction services and no matter where you seem to be no matter where you're at in in the on on the uh in the united states they don't bring more than about 12 to 1400 no matter if they're in the condition ours is in there's some pretty decent shape the paint's good which must have shed in all its life to look like they they repainted it but we repainted it it looked like it was ready to just rolled off mr ford's uh off out of this factory no matter what paint how good the paint and stuff was it said systematic it didn't bring about no more than about 1400 so you look at the parts i mean if we have to replace the planetary any parts of the planetaries are the planetaries and the clutches and such you're looking about six seven eight hundred dollars so we're four hundred and we're about eight hundred parts and about three to four hundred maybe five hundred in time in my time so when you do the math on that guys we're behind coming behind the eight ball at just fixing that transmission so we're thinking about finding a donor tractor finding um an 801 that has a standard transmission and and just marry them to marion that motor to the uh manual transmission and because they the they seem to have pretty decent value still they're still bringing somewhere between five thousand three thousand about five thousand depending on how pretty they are of course but so guys that's what we've decided we're just trying with um my question for you guys this week is i have a double question a should we just sell it and and walk a walk away should we go ahead and try to find a variant and a trench attractor for a different rear end and if you had a my second part of my question is if you have or had a selecto speed what problem if you've ever had problems with it what were your problems and how did you fix it um so that's very much my video in a nutshell guys thank you for coming in and watching um if you feel this word sharing go ahead and share please click subscribe it doesn't cost you nothing and when you do hit that subscribe button go ahead and go up there and hit that little bell in the corner and go ahead and set it up however you feel you want to watch my videos so that kind of wraps it up guys thank you for coming in and watching and i'll hope to see you next time bye
Channel: Tractor Doctor TV
Views: 1,850
Rating: 4.8532109 out of 5
Keywords: ford 801, Ford select o speed, ford tractor, old tractors
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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