The Fnaf Game That Is "Impossible"

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I'd like to believe so hard that people have to go through three procedures before being able to publish their FNAF fan game number one anything related to audio whether that be audio cues Ambience or maybe even music they need to know when to use audio cues correctly they need to know how to make good Ambience and they need to know when to Loop their music if necessary also they should really check all their mechanics and see if they work or not if you just add something never play test it and just publish it you'll get such a game no one wants to play it and to follow up the last one number three make the game understandable now why am I even talking about all of this well lots of FNAF games that I've played in a channel before have these type of things have good mechanics have good Ambience have good sound cues and it's just overall very fun to play but there's one FNAF game that throws every single thing that I just said out of the window well actually one thing and that's the last thing I mentioned making the game understandable is peak for making your game fun adding too much in one game makes your game feel like it's just a job at that point what game am I talking about post shift 2 post shift 2 had an original game called post shift but no we really don't care about that that one's okay but post shift 2 is just out of this world complicated so complicated I'll put it upon myself to tell you guys every single one of these animatronics mechanics so lucky if you would please right Remnant chica night two and three that's how it feels to read the instructions of this game it's everywhere you don't understand anything now really this game is super complicated it should at least give us something to communicate with us about the mechanics of every single enemy or obstacle that we're facing and that problem has such a simple solution it really does every single other game that I've played that has FNAF like content gives us a phone call cuz that's what we were introduced the very first game we've ever played but we don't even get that we don't even get a single phone call explaining a single mechanic in this damn game and it's not like they don't even have voice acting like in the very first beginning of the game they give you this dialog between two characters Remnant Bonnie and a random person and this goes on for a bit and don't get me wrong the dialogue between these two is pretty cool like they talk about like repairing this guy or whatever and rant Bonnie is just not having it but the moment you step in a night they give you paragraphs after paragraphs of text so that you can read and figure it out yourself it's so annoying and that's a way that people lose interest in your game but okay sure whatever sure the game doesn't give you a phone call and it gives you lots of paragraphs to figure out yourself whatever it can get worse right maybe the game mechanics are better even though you have to read them maybe you have good game mechanics right man there's only so much I can try to fight for this damn game like seriously there's not a ton that's good about this game other than I guess the animation but man I wish the mechanics were just a bit better just to make up for the paragraphs that you had to read beforehand it's not not at all just because you are forced to read every single thing that you have to do for the night doesn't mean that it's easy at all you have three rooms um I guess three rooms Actually I don't even know how much rooms there is God damn it but there is a lot of rooms in this first night and a lot that happens in this first night for example there's Remnant foxy or is it Minotaur foxy no I don't know but for this animatronic guess what you need to do no you don't flash him no you don't close the door cuz there's no doors in sight no you got to take out a tablet that you have to figure out how to use on your own and type in a whole ass sentence that the guy tells you to do yes it's Unique sure that's the only thing I can give you it's Unique but other than that this mechanic sucks it's super stressful and it doesn't work half at the time cuz the buttons are so small and you're stressed out and you die most of the time that's not even the worst part yeah sure after that he's gone but lots of these mechanics are very stupid like for example Chica Chica is honestly one of the most simplest out of all of these and that's kind of surprising CH will let out a little light down in a hole and if the light turns out yellow you have to send down a drone to stop her that's the only thing I can give you I I can't understand anything else I mean I guess Freddy you have to find him in a short amount of time but surely after the night they give you a cool rest or whatever or peace of lore M if a Min game is a lower bit then sure yeah it does but usually these mini games are beatable take an example like candies or actually how about candies 2 candies 2 gives you multiple mini games after each night giving you guys more lore about what's happening in the game for example first you start off as the chimpanzee I'm pretty sure his name is chimp and you go and walk around the entire restaurant and yada yada and Etc each night goes and goes and shows you more about the lore of the game but I can't say the same for this game yes they give you a mini game after the night but godamn does this explain absolutely nothing but godamn this is not a break this Min game is constructed so poorly the mini game consists of you trying to escape some purple guy what a shocker however this mini game is so and I mean so RNG I'm sorry but this game just keeps getting worse and we're only in the first part yes yes there is two parts in this game post shift part A and post shift Part B post shift part A containing the first three nights and post shift Part B containing the rest of the nights why did they do that don't ask me and moving towards that if you're able to beat this damn mini game three times you are now moving on to Part B of this game game which may I tell you right now this entire game is completely different with new rooms and everything each night introduces a different room night four puts you in an area where you have to monitor your screen which has a game that you also have to play but also has a balloon boy character creeping up on you behind you as time goes on as well as two puppets that you have to deal with after night 4 you got to go into a completely different room night five puts you in a room called lab where you have to face all the remnant animatronics The Remnant animatronics are more of the broken animatronics remember Remnant Bonnie in the beginning of the video yeah this image is just a very broken animatronic think about the FNAF 2 characters but very very very withered either way this entire section is super complicated and even looking at some gameplay I really don't know how this KN works you have to use the same tablet that you used on miniature foxy to get him away for these animatronics as well however each animatronic has different types of things that you have to do with this tablet for example you have to match what you're hearing and click the right button for I'm pretty sure Freddy or Bonnie and for the rest I don't know this entire section is very complicated and I don't understand why but it's night five and you're at the home stretch and usually night five is the last night that you have to deal with other than the sixth night and that's exactly what you have to do after night 5 you're not done which this night fits its title so well its title of the night is called hell or I guess your hell you have to go through a lot and I mean a lot it's so complicated and so confusing and you have to survive for a very long time dealing with a ton of animatronics after you finished with that night it's finally over the game that You' started maybe one day day ago is finally done all the hard work you put in to make it here you've completed part A and you've completed Part B all you're left is with the extras thinking about what you have accomplished playing this game and making it through the end and with that we conclude why this game is one of the hardest FNAF games ever and why it's super complicated and why it was deleted 5 hours after it was posted but reuploaded because well the game is the game and they really can't change that and this game has very very very unique mechanics it's still such a good FNAF game even though most people who play this never reach the end because of the sheer complex mechanics but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed and if you did please subscribe and like and comment whatever you want me to do next and with that I'll see you guys in the next one and please follow my procedure if you're ever going to make a ffan game so that these type of games don't happen often although it's not bad I would like to have a good time playing it see [Music] you [Music] oh
Channel: KrisXP
Views: 18,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NknnGIf2ZX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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