Slendytubbies Is a Broken Masterpiece

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The year is 2012 (when I was 5 :P) the game's slender the eight  pages was published and takes over the internet like a plague. thousands of people across the  world flocked to the game seeing their favorite youtubers playing it. the game was free and was  very simple and yet it was terrifying to most people. people all around the world were getting  nightmares from this tall pale creature. videos like animations, parodies, and how they had seen slenderman in real life flooded the internet. it was an historical moment in youtube culture it was a golden age. blue isle studios (the mastermind-   behind this game), would then go on to make the sequel ‘slender the arrival’ which would make an   even bigger audience and if you've been on youtube  since 2012 there was no way you haven't heard of   this guy and even though slender the arrival and  its ancestor only made a hundred thousand copies   millions and billions of people have heard  of this creepypasta and its games and with   that being said i think it's safe to say that  slender the pages and the arrival was a massive success months later many parodies and mods were created  replicating slender the eight pages just with a different theme   and although it was blatant copying  this made the slender community a   lot more stronger games like slendypants, shrek sim   and slender space just made the game a  lot more enjoyable it made our favorite   characters we used to love as children in  tvs into horrifying monstrosities and yet   one game stuck out this game would go on to be  one of the most popular slendy games for its time   and would go on to turn this indie  game into a full-fledged series   that is still being worked on to this day getting  millions of views on youtube and that game is uh yeah i'm just going i'm just gonna have to  give this game a a 0 out of 100 worst game made   on december 2012 made by zeoworks does exactly  as the title says. it's slender the eight pages but its teletubbies instead of pages you have custards  how do i how do i get you instead of slenderman   you have tinky winky (don't give him the damn satisfactio- AHHHH) and instead of a normal forest   you were in the mainland and although simple the  tension that the monster could be anywhere was  terrifying in slendytubbies you can't see that  far compared to the original in slender you could   barely move and your flashlight would eventually  die but here you can run extremely fast with   unlimited battery and instead of eight custards  you had to find 10. the AI is very different   compared to the original as soon as you started  the game tinky winky already is going after you   whether you collected a custard or not and even  though the map is huge and you can't see that far   tinky winky always knows where you are and would  go after you no matter how safe you think you are   there are three modes in the  game single-player multi-player   and competitive for some reason i mean i don't  think there's going to be an e-sport about this   game anytime soon but whatever in the multiplayer  you choose to either play with or against your   friends which was amazing the original never  had multiplayer so not only could you play   with your friends you can also scare the living  crap out of them (yeah they won't open the door... AH *sinister markplier noises* although there was only one map  there are three versions day   dusk and night even though day and dusk would  make the game “less scary” quote-unquote the fog   became a lot more visible and you can just see  how restricted you are to how far you can see   and since you can't see that far tinky winky can  come out of the fog at any moment and kill you   similar to slender the eight pages as you collect more  custards tinky winky becomes faster at two to one   custards remaining he becomes faster than you  there is also a lot of landmarks as well around   the map to find these custards you can find  gigantic trees a beach the house some weird   lamppost thingy that you see from the beginning  of every teletubby episode and a cave (ZAL) and yet   it wasn't enough yes the game was creepy and was  a creative slendytubby's parody but it was just   too simple there was nothing to keep it up there  was nothing to make it stand on its own two feet   once you've played it twice it just gets boring  sure maybe you can play with your friends but after that what's next to come  well on 2014 everything will change (oh shoot here it comes) (Some more epic slendytubbies 2 footage) ._. (Yeah you get the idea) In may of 2014 the sequel to slendytubbies was  released and is in my opinion the scariest   Slender parody of all time everything from the  monsters (19 fortnight card who wants and yes i a-*interrupted by nostalgic critic) Everything was at least 10 times more terrifying than  the last game the monsters were absolutely   disgusting from a headless dipsy that carries  a chainsaw with him to the erratic twitching   of lala on the outskirts this game was a paradise  for horror every youtuber i saw playing this game   has gotten scared one way or another which is what  i think makes an incredibly fantastic horror game well let's do ourselves a favor and  step back and just see why this game   was such a terrifying masterpiece  as it is starting with the monsters... the monsters in this game are just  absolutely terrifying each variant is   unique and stands out in their own way each  monster has their own screams and behavior   and honestly this was a good move because in slendytubbies one tinky winky was the only monster   and everyone else was dead in very disgusting  and awful ways po was hanging from a tall tree   with several scratch marks on her face dipsy was  decapitated in the house with his face completely   covered by blood and lala was stranded on the  beach side with her eyes completely scratched   out but in slendytubbies too they've come back  alive and are desperately trying to kill you   so much so that they will guard any  custard they see blocking your progress and again the models are just  terrifying let me explain   dipsy's character has two versions of himself one  where there is a strong decapitated version of him   or the one that keeps his head and is much more  taller tinky winky on the other hand has consumed   35 steroids and is now a tank he moves around  using his arms in the front and behaves much like   a gorilla wait so does that mean that we've turned  back to monkey is tinky winky a monkey now- Po is a more unique creature that now has blades on her  shoulders and has two extra limbs sticking out of   her chest but i've saved my favorite for last and  that monster is laa laa. Laa laa is an extremely tall   and malnourished individual roaming the wasteland  while twitching erratically in all directions   she tends to make these very nerve-wracking noises  almost sounding as if she's in pain (tell you to   be custard and then she's gonna absolutely bash  it crazy hello is that you crying?) judging from   the appearance she is extremely hungry and  is most likely suffering from starvation now remember i said in the last game how  her eyes were completely stretched out   well in here she is now blind and  can only find you by smell or sound honestly i love monsters like these seriously  because even though they try to kill you and you   are most likely terrified of them it makes  you extremely sad to see the state that they   are in right now and what i love here is how  each monster's body corresponds with the maps   lala is extremely skinny because she's in  a wasteland a place that is very scarce   of food tinky winky is now more of a gorilla  because he's in a more overgrown and abandoned   version of the mainland dipsy's second version of  himself with his head on is now stranded on a lake   so he's most likely going to get his  food from the fish that are in the waters   so he's adapted to the lake and now  behaves more like a marine animal (I MEANT TO SAY REPTILE) and po is, uhh... a necromorph from dead space now before i talk  about anything else although these models are   creepy they were not created by zeoworks in  fact the animations weren't even changed either Po is a necromorph from dead space tinky winky is  a modified version of the tank from left 4 dead 2   and if you look closely you can  even see the pants and the shoes   lala's from an indie game called donald horror (is  it chasing me? OH *$*#%) and dipsy is from resident evil 4. (Frick I’m out of ammo) now i have no idea if zeoworks asked permission to  use these models or if the models are just allowed   to be used but i really hope they didn't  just outright steal the models because uh   well that would be stealing the maps are the maps are also really amazing as well there's a wasteland   with an incredibly ancient ruin of some building  that lala likes to spend her time in there's the   mainland but now is more overgrown and is now like  a swamp oh uh and there's also a minecraft version   of the mainland as well(MOB SO ICY SONG) and it's not even the four  teletubbies that are chasing you anymore no no no   there are some other monsters that are chasing  after you and that are completely original there   are these tubbies called the newborns and they  mostly spend their time in a dark sewer system   where there is some weird advanced lab that is  going on here some gamer dungeon probably with   rtx keyboards now from the looks of it these  are pods and since there's only two of them   maybe these are where the two newborns came from  wait wait wait hang on this game has lore an   actual story behind it slendytubby's lore? well  from the looks of it there is well we're going   to talk about that later in a more relevant time  so for now we're just going to go on to the next   thing. You can now customize how many custards you  want from 5 all the way to 25 customs which is   also really cool as well there is now a fully  developed lobbying system enhanced graphics   and minecraft. Slendytubbies 2 is a masterpiece  that handles horror extremely well   and although the game is bugged out  and has some questionable model usages   you 100 should give this game a go turn  off your lights get your headphones out   go to one hundred percent volume and play  the game how it was meant to be played what if i were to tell you that slendytubbies 3 would have an hour-long campaign   a large community exclusively of  five-year-olds populating the fan base   and american teletubbies colonizing  someone else's land for their oil on august 2017 the third game of slenedytubbies  was released and i'm going to be honest guys   it it's not great with slendytubby's one having  a very interesting parody to slenderman and Slendytubbies 2 carrying on its legacy uh slendytubbies  three has story mode and gun a quick disclaimer   the campaign is extremely flawful remember  i said in slendytubbies 2 how it was also flawed   okay now i want you to times that by uh i don't  know 10 billion (seems accurate) add no barriers add a gun remove   all horror elements and that’s slendytubbies 3 there are so many countless flaws within the game   that if i were to talk about every single glitch  we would be here for hours now i'm not gonna   be too hard on these guys because not only has  this game been worked on since february of 2015   the game is free and from what i can tell there's  no ads so this was strictly a passion project but   that doesn't stop it from being bad of course  it's not all bad the music is pretty good   but the reason for my negativity about this  game is just that it's just not scary not   once was i startled or was i screaming  or even jump scared in the entire game   although there were some good moments but more  on that later before i even talk about the   campaign i need to say something first firstly  since my storage on my computer is all at red   i will be using gameplay made by stormkas to use  as footage stormkas is a pretty good channel and   the link will be in the description and  secondly uh that's it on to the story the campaign starts with an opening scene  of poe at the beach admiring the view   as she's admiring nunu comes and greets her  five seconds into the game and we're already   introduced to our first mechanic choosing what  you say selena tubby's three's gameplay is mostly   choosing what you say like in the walking dead  games although this isn't really a bad thing   to be honest there's nothing really to criticize  here it's a very calming introduction to the game   and managed to have some pretty good character  development for the first few minutes when i said   this game does have some good moments this is one  of them poe eventually returned to the house and   we are now introduced to another opening shot of  the mainland showing a bunny along the way with   hd gaming graphics surely after that we  are now playing as our first character   poe the first moments of the gameplay are you  talking to your friends most notably the 14   year old depressed tick-tock girl that's sad for  no reason purple guy in the soundcloud rapper   fun fact in the 2015 demo everyone was two times  more fuzzy and shiny thank god they removed that   because it didn't really look good they also  added this kinder surprise eggs level music after you talk to your friends you are now given  your first objective cook food for everyone   ah yes the woman must do the labor while tinky  winky is king of them all the way to cook food   for them is to use this machine but alas  it's broken dipsy tells you how to fix it   by pressing that button and getting a wrench  and again you have to do that all by yourself   when you eventually feed everyone their custards  they all decide that it's time to go to sleep   poe agrees to get some rest but however  this is the start of the infection a few hours go by and when everyone is asleep  tinky winky wakes up and breaks the [ __ ] machine   oh my god do you know how long the woman had  to take to fix that for you poe wakes up seeing   tinky winky leave and this is your first major  choice that will affect the gameplay dramatically   would you take lala with you or go by yourself  now i thought long and hard about this and i   decided that i will assume that you chose to go  by yourself don't worry when the choice comes   to play and affects the gameplay i'll tell the  alternative of what would happen if you brought   lala but for now we're gonna assume that you win  alone after a painstakingly long time of walking   and doing nothing you have now finally found tinky  winky and oh no he turns into the spooky monster   oh no she turned ugly and spooky i also love the  dialogue here poacher says oh my god it just runs   as you are running you are now back in  control of the character you must run   back to the house and wake up your friends but  alas they're [ __ ] dead when you realize that   your friends have been deceased a weird moment  plays in this game that i just don't like   basically you have to click arrows to  turn the direction that you need to go to   so for a few minutes the game is just a  click the arrow video game at some point   as she's running poe just locks herself onto  something and yet we can't seem to see it   that's because in the beta there was originally a  lamppost thingy there and they just removed it and   forgot to add it back oh my god and this is truly  just screaming in human reactions look at this yeah did you know that poke and fly all that  effort to escape sneaky winky unfortunately is   all a waste of time because as soon as you  see a tree that you somehow can't go around   you die leaving chapter 1 to conclude the game starts with a beeping sound saying that  there is no signal and here is where we play our   main character walter white okay okay i want  to call him that but we're actually going to   call him guardian okay that that's what he's  called as you've heard from the description   the guardian's plan is to get to the satellite  station for help however before he does that   he needs to get the night vision camera which  is for some reason sealed up in a metal door   thingy and now the game starts the guardian's  workplace seems to be some sort of sewer system   where he monitors the four main teletubbies to be  honest i actually really like the concept here how   the four main teletubbies think they're living  normal lives only for them to not realize that   they're actually being monitored and also i think  now is an appropriate time to talk about another   one of sonotubby's mechanics the camera inspired  by silent hill's camera angles i'm guessing they   try to replicate this as well but in my opinion it  really isn't necessary for all these camera angles   i'd much rather play this game in first person  rather than third person but again that is just   my opinion i also really like how the first  minutes of chapter 1 play out you have to do   a little puzzling and ingenuity to get to the  night vision camera once you acquire the night   vision camera well we have good news and bad news  good news is we're in first person bad news is   yeah now that the lights turned  out we encounter our first enemy   the newborns the concept of the newborns is  actually pretty simple they're slow and blind   so as long as you're not in their way of where  they're going via being behind boxes you should   be alright however because they're really slow  some parts of this are just tedious and if you   die you have to wait for the newborns to get  out of your direct line of sight all over again   it's very simple and i feel like there could have  been more to this i don't know maybe you could've   used the objects around you to make a sound to  lure them away from you thankfully this part   is actually very short and as long as you're  patient enough you can make it to the ladder hatch when you escape the sewer system through  the ladder we enter the mainland by   uh oh all right now that the guardian is outside  his next objective is to get custards from various   locations for research now i thought this  is going to be the son of the arrival thingy   where as soon as it hits chapter 2 it begins  essentially doing the cylinder the 8 pages thing   but no the game already tells you where all the  custards are and you only have to collect four   of them to be honest i'm a little disappointed  that this bit doesn't do the main premise of   sony tubbies and slenderman in general instead  it just feels like a chore to do because of how   long it takes to get these custards but i mean i  guess it's interesting in a way you essentially   explored the aftermath of what happened  and you figure out what happened to poe   she [ __ ] died once you are done collecting  custards you need to collect one more   but oh no tinky winky is already there the spooky  man himself and then some anime [ __ ] happens   where the custard transforms into a super  custard and tinky winky consumes it from his   chest and oh knows he becomes the spooky tank  from left 4 dead 2 oh nose now that all the   cusses are gone we are now being chased by a fast  bulky and strong purple guy and you need to get   out of there as fast as possible and again we have  another major choice that will affect the gameplay   will you go to the mountains or the cave and again  i'll eventually say what happens in both options   but we're gonna assume that you went into the  mountains although tinky winky seems deadly   his attacks are very slow so as long as you  just run in a straight line you should be fine   after about a minute or two of us running to the  cave we have now made it concluding chapter 1. chapter 2 begins with us walking on  the mountains now this is the middle   point of the game and we are now halfway  there to getting to the satellite station   now i really love how the mountains play out in  this game it's very atmospheric and i feel like   there should have been more areas for the player  to explore here because it seems very linear   and there's only a couple places you can  explore i also really love the ambience   here it just makes me feel like i'm actually  there we unfortunately can't see that far due   to the amount of snow that is blowing in  our face right now but as we are walking   we seem to hear some talking if we explore  further the talking gets louder and louder until you proceed to get kidnapped by a spooky yeti nerd  man you can attempt to talk to the guy but he will   not respond time goes by and when we wake up we  have no idea what has happened to us but when we   get a bearing of our surroundings we see ourselves  in this very unfamily friendly place that is rated   m for mature with the amount of blood diseases  that we are contracting every second staying in   the pit it becomes very clear that this is a food  chamber nonetheless we walk out of the chamber to   see a recently lit fire and a robot cutting a tree  i don't know what the intention of the robot is   but it seems to me that this metallic machine is  supposed to be some sort of comedic relief because   of how casually he talks to you saying that you  will be eaten by his master of course the guardian   is quite angry and he is having none of that but  the robot warns him the robot says that if you   escape the yeti will notice and will kill you as  well as the robot man himself the guardian advises   him to escape with him but he disagrees and so our  journey begins again now zeoworks you're probably   not gonna see this but i would really love to see  an option to keep the robot with you and make them   follow us throughout the mountain part that would  have been really cool as the robot is a very chill   and casual character but of course as we leave  the yeti notices and is most likely ripping   the robot apart so we need to move fast and now  there's another part of the game that plays out   that could have been interesting if it were more  complex basically we make a choice whether to go   left or right and it seems that the yeti uses  echolocation so he screams in random directions   thankfully we can hear whether the screen was  left or right so we need to make a choice of going   the way that he didn't scream again it's a neat  concept but i feel like it's a little too simple   maybe he could have been chasing us while we were  choosing or how we could have gone first person   and run wherever we liked thankfully it's not that  long and we only have to do it like five times   once we are out of reach of the yeti's habitat  we can now leave the mountain through this gate   but alas it's locked but not only is it locked  we soon discovered that we've lost our night   mission camera so we have to go back and find  our camera and the tool to use to break the   gate by traversing through this gigantic ice  lake we eventually find our night vision camera   however it is revealed that the screen  is cracked this is unfortunate but beyond   this discovery we won't be exploring any other  dark areas that require the night vision camera   next we need to find a tool which could be found  in the cabin thankfully jack kell isn't in the   cabin and it seems to be long abandoned however  it has a tool that could be used to break open the   gate once we go back through the lake and get to  the gate we unlock it and we are now free from the mountains finally after a long journey  through the mainland and the mountains we   have now reached the outskirts and we can  even see the satellite station from here   at this point in the game we are reaching  the final chapters of sonotubby's three   now that we can be at the outskirts at dawn  instead of nighttime like in the sequel you   can fully see how messed up the place is it's  an extremely dry and empty wasteland that is   very scarce of life i find it interesting how  back at the mainland it's all colorful and has   a living breathing ecosystem however beyond  that is a barren wasteland with only the cold   dark mountains to be as the barrier as we are  traversing through the mainlands we see a fire   and here is where the choice of going alone or  bringing lala with you back at the mainland takes   effect see because we went alone although poe  and dipsy died lala had enough time to escape   tinky winky and somehow by some luck has ended up  here in the outskirts and we can even talk to her   she is obviously in a complete distressed  state of what she has been through and the   guardian tries to calm her down which of course  doesn't work lala keeps trying to ask who we   are and we have a little minor choice we can tell  her that he was the guy monitoring the teletubbies   or we keep silent staying silent is probably the  best choice but if we were gonna confess to lala   we actually do have some interesting notes about  the guardian and his job confessing to lala shows   that the teletubbies have tight security around  the mainland and had they explored beyond the   mountains they would erase their memories of the  person that went to the mountain and bring him   or her back to the mainland and it turns out  that guardian is a partner alongside of nunu   of course lala is extremely mad at us and even  swears at us what a [ __ ] saying that we knew the   infection was going to start and that we are the  ones to blame but that's not even the most surreal   part the most surreal part is that you can punch  her how wholesome after a while we eventually calm   lala down by not hitting her but to which she  tells us that she is indeed eating a custard   guardian tells her that the satellite station  is most likely getting a gear so we have to head   there fast lala agrees and we are now traversing  through the ancient ruins however before we can   get to the satellite station we must collect some  more custards for data and as we are collecting   custards lala warns the guardian that she isn't  feeling very good once we collect all custards   and escape the ruins lala sits down she can't walk  anymore from the pain of the custard that she has   consumed rolling the sad music gamers because lala  is about to freaking die you can attempt to get   her up but it's too late she is about to transform  into the spooky monster what will you do will   you end the suffering of her or leave her to rot  choosing either of these will make you feel cruel   and evil but the good choice is most likely ending  your suffering in which we do that with a rock fun fact as i am recording this i went down into  the comment section of where lala died in a few no   several people have explained that they have cried  during the scene i mean i can sort of understand   why but i don't think this would cause me to burst  down in tears more of just a sad disappointment   and now it's time to tell you the other choice  see if you were to bring the teletubbies with you   most notably only lala because dipsy was too tired  she would come with you but you would depart ways   quite quickly by splitting up after returning  to the lake she has been brutally murdered and   scratched by tinky winky and when we arrive  at the ancient ruins she's already infected   and we have to collect the custards while she  is here and to be honest zeoworks finally did   something that works see because she is blind  making any noise can make her come to us and   this is genuinely scary the fact that we have to  stay quiet and might not know where she is while   we have to collect these custards is terrifying  finally xeoworks does something extremely well in   this game but now we have finally arrived at the  satellite station with no girlfriend chapter 2. the cave is the alternative option to  escape tiki winky if you didn't want   to go through the mountains the cave is well  a cave with brown tarnished stone everywhere   and seemingly random crystals all over the  place oh and a little secret egg the cave in   my opinion is a really spooky place as well as  just caves in general in real life ever since i   was a toddler i always hated the caves just the  idea of being trapped in a complete dark place   and getting stuck in the really slim tunnels was  just terrifying i'm not sure why xeoworks didn't   take advantage of that and make these really long  narrow hallways and really cramped in tight spaces   because instead the cave is actually pretty  wide open and has a lot of places to move around   however there are pages hinting at the fact  that there might be something in here with you   if you go a specific way you might find a  collection of notes that look like they had   been crudely drawn by a child these are most  likely diaries and journals of what they have   seen in the cave because whoever this guy is was  most definitely trapped in the cave eventually the   journal ends with paper torn apart and the words  being more and more incoherent to the point where   we don't even know what they're saying anymore one  thing that xerox is good at is making side stories   i love to be in the cave only to find someone  else just like us was entering it as well a   theory that i've seen by most people is that this  individual is the friend of the pre-infected yeti   and that the yeti was once a teletubby that  recently ate a custard however it becomes   very apparent to whoever this individual is  has in fact eaten the custard you know with   all these infections happening it just begs the  question why couldn't they just eat the teletubby   pancakes instead you know the ones with the smiley  faces those are probably delicious by the time the   last page was drawn and torn apart this is most  likely them transforming into the spooky monster   nerd man this theory is confirmed by the sounds  of strange and disturbing noises that we can hear   the gimmick with this part of slow tubby's three  is that the cave is a maze and we have to traverse   through the cave without getting caught by the  individual i mean i guess it's a good concept but   i'm not a big fan of mazes and that's not even a  terrible part once we get out of the maze we have   to do another click the arrow video game which  thankfully is shorter but is also a little bit   harder we jump in some sort of water and we escape  the cave when we escape the cave instead of going   down the mountain we instead are in a valley where  we can see some sort of blood that confuses the   guardian another theory that i've heard is that  when lala was escaping she chose to go through   the cave and manage to escape the monster hence  the blood i guess and again xeoworks is amazing at   doing side stories based on logic we can pinpoint  that lala would most likely die in the mountains   so she would have have to go to the caves but one  part of this that just breaks complete logic like   how poe jumps really high is this ledge part we  have to get up the valley but once again these   teletubbies have godly powers and can jump super  high from rock to rock if lala's theory is correct   then she had to do this as well and teletubbies  just jump really high in general i mean in the   actual show they themselves jump really high so  maybe it's not broken logic but their biology   maybe they just have some really strong  legs once we get up here it just becomes   the outskirts like in the mountains again so  we shall now move on to the satellite station finally after many infections  characters puzzles and hardships   we have finally arrived at the satellite  station at this point in the game we are   now on the final chapter of slino tubby's  three and the campaign is coming to a close   the satellite station is a base out in the middle  of the outskirts mostly buried under the mountains   and according to the guardian the people working  at the station have already developed a cure   i mean kovit took like nine months of it being  around to finally get a cure so how could these   guys get a cure to stop an ongoing infection in  just a day we get to the entrance of the satellite   station but alas it's locked so you have to go  around the side to do a little puzzle solving   switching a lever will affect the other levers so  you have to somehow get them all aligned once you   get them aligned the gates opens and we now enter  the station upon entering the satellite station   we are now greeted with teletubbies everywhere  working doing their own thing instead we enter   the station to see a cold dark hallway with a very  eerie ambience this outright tells the guardian   that something isn't right in case you didn't  know this place feels off don't worry there's a   dead corpse here with a very unfamily friendly  rated emperor mature gore laying on the ground   the note reads get out while you still can how  original the satellite station seems to have   some extremely advanced material everywhere with  advanced gates advanced computers and even lasers   for security have teletubbies outsmarted humans to  the point where they can just build this kind of   stuff i mean they don't even have any fingers so  this is pretty impressive now unfortunately this   game having camera angles this area is the worst  offender i mean just look at this it's very clear   that the satellite station was not designed for  this kind of mechanic it's a very claustrophobic   place with many sharp turns and corners i really  don't know why they didn't consider going first   person here another thing that i don't understand  with a satellite station is the complete overhaul   in solar tubbies 2 it was way more cooler with  blue line thingies going up and down on the walls   not a giant robot so i don't know why they got  rid of that but whatever let's just see what the   story is all about in this place all these corpses  that we see as we are walking through the station   are all blue people now i probably know why they  didn't include more variety of teletubbies here   budget but i would really like to see them add  more teletubbies here and not just blue nerds   speaking of blue nerds one of them is actually  alive you could talk to the nerd who was named   ron ron tells you that dipsy entered the satellite  station with a spooky chainsaw and started going   for the 20 kill streak in call of duty ron was  caught but managed to escape alive hence the   reason he's all beaten up eventually ron devises a  plan for guardian there's a key card past the door   that will allow him to get through the control  panel where we can call the military for help   but you must go through the vents as the door is  locked so we go through the vents which could have   made a good scary moment like if there's a monster  in the vents but no there's no creatures in here   so when we get out of the vents and get the key  card oh noes the stupid nerd blue butthead man is   dying from dipsy's chainsaw y'all hear something  we try to help him by getting back to him but he's   already dead with again more rated m for mature  gore that the kids aren't allowed to see guardian   doesn't seem to give a crap though because now  that we have the key card we go to the locked door   however before we go through it oh noes he has  gone insane and he sees teletubbies everywhere   after a few drug doses dipsy with chainsaws  coming for us and oh noes we have to get back   to the laser to kill him the chase begins but  chances are you probably might not get this first   try because you probably don't even know where  you're going because of all these camera angles   again this is the worst offender and it doesn't  help that we're being chased by a spooky man   why can't we just go to first person this  is so bad oh my god eventually we get to   the laser and dipsy dies and explodes however  his chainsaw is still intact and we grab it   after we grab the chainsaw we go back to  the door to unlock it and to which we find   guardian wonders why nunu is in here  but oh noes he was the traitor along he   confesses to the guardian that he made  the customers infected with koben 3000   his reasoning behind this teletubbies are weak  after this stunning confession he just walks away   as he walks away though the lamppost thingy  that he was next to turns into the super   lamppost thingy and then some heavy metal  rock music plays with lyrics included and   we now have to do a battle now there's a lot  of things to talk about with this thing from   the loud copyrighted heavy metal music to the  fact that we're fighting a boss with a laser gun   uh remember when this game was about horror and  dread yeah me neither we have to kill this guy   with a chainsaw and our controls are ducking and  blocking walking dashing etc now there is a bit   of strategy to kill this boss but all of this is  unnecessary it just feels off for a game like this   just 20 minutes ago i was talking about how  slimy tubbies 2 was a masterpiece of horror   and now we're here how i can't even say this boss  is short this is actually quite a long boss and   you might not even defeat it first try when you  do eventually kill the lamppost thingy you go   to the panel and ask the military for help and  then we proceed to chase down nunu and stop him   we return to the outskirts that day just in time  to stop nunu nunu trazi invents us into joining   him he explains that his newborn army is attacking  everything as we speak and that he injected a   virus into the machines that create said newborns  leaving him or joining him we'll say both choices   but we're gonna say nah nunu gets angry at us  and summons the red nerd man and it turns out   that poe was alive well kind of we have to do  another boss fight and we have to kill poe again   and this is twice as long this boss does as  well require some strategy and you might not   get it first try due to the many phases she goes  through her first form is her normal form but at   around half health she turns into spooky man  with blades and around a quarter of her health   left she becomes a [ __ ] scorpion the first  inning we get is by losing to poe's third phase   if she kills us the military comes to see us  dead on the ground they try to figure out what   happened and why he's dead but the newborn army  comes and trying to steal their stinky v-bucks   the next ending is when you agree to joining  nunu he introduces you to the custard factory   where all the custards are made we are required  to jump into the custard pit and if we do we turn   into the spooky monster the third ending is when  you join nunu but you refuse to jump into the pit   poe comes to you and cuts half of your legs off  making you a monster with no legs however when   we kill po we achieve the good ending when po  dies we walk up to nunu and saw him to death the   military comes in which we are greeted to sergeant  miles we attempt to explain the situation to him   but his partner warns him of something he saw  they go up a small hell and and holy [ __ ] don't leave the video just yet it's  not done it's actually far from done   so that was the campaign the campaign  in my opinion was just really bad   it was buggy slow and just kind of sucked  all around but this game took 2 years to   make so we have to respect him for trying even  if it was bad it was made with lots of passion and hey i guess it explains how everyone  got infected but what else is there well   there's an anniversary edition of sony  tubby's one that ups the graphics by a lot   uh um unless you're playing on mobile   hello your computer has virus and well originally  there was going to be a sequel or more accurately   a dlc that was supposed to be chapter 4 of  the series but that was cancelled however   in 2015 z works made a side game along the way to  further expand on the sun tubby's genre which was   sonotubby's 2d it was sunny tubbies but no longer  freezing the game features all the maps we know   and love like the sewers however hear me out this  game is broken horribly horribly broken first off   if we go to the secret lair and take a pass its  way to the left we can literally go out of the   map and enter the void some maps in the game allow  chatting while others don't and the strangest part   about this is that on the maps that you can chat  the monster can see you chat but not yourself   furthermore if you go to the maps that you can't  chat in sometimes the monsters won't even be there   specifically in the multiplayer if the owner of  the server starts on let's say the school they   will see the monster but no one else will so it  results in this and this one is really something   if you go into the mountains and find the yeti  the yeti will chase after you but if you walk it will walk with you other than that there's  not really much to talk about this game the most   interesting part is how broken and glitchy it is  although i did stumble upon a very toxic couple on   a server so that was interesting i mean this game  isn't even it's so bad it's good however a game   that is so bad it's good is the selena tubby's  3 multiplayer like the campaign the game is very   glitchy but it is a lot of fun oh hi 316 moscow in  all the previous multiplayers it only had versus   in co-op however there is a game mode that is  called survival now where you literally have a gun   the game mode is heavily inspired by killing floor  the premise of the game is that there is a breach   of specimens and a group of people have to kill  them in waves survival mode does the exact same   thing just with teletubbies i mean even the models  look similar next game mode is infection this one   is my personal favorite game mode because i love  how it plays out there's 12 people on a server and   one to three of them are started out infected and  they have to kill the survivors before the time   runs out the survivors are equipped with a deagle  and a shotgun but no melee weapons so if they run   out of ammo their good is dead now unfortunately  there's not really much of a balance here between   the survivors and the infected most of the time  the infected will win because of the godly speed   and jump height however the strength that the  survivors have is teamwork sticking together in   a group they can easily mow down infected one  after the other but in reality most games have   the players splitting up hunting for kills and  not even think of the slightest about teamwork   which is why the infected will win most of the  time of course there's the regular old collect   in verses where you can now choose your flashlight  and play as the monster and to be honest playing   as the monster feels much more fairer now i'm  talking specifically about cylindrica's 2 and   2d sony tubi's 2 vs mode was kind of weak whereas  the monster couldn't even kill anyone i mean look   at mark here trying to kill his friend in the game  did i get you oh come on why didn't i kill you   stop moving how are you not dead i'm resulting  you're you're attacked where'd you go oh you missed but you're not dying this is a  bunch of bull okay the teletubby man you'll never   kill me oh i am i swear to god you're spamming  everyone could see that i'm clicking right on him   and i'm killing you you killed me oh you did kill  me yeah but while playing versus in the second   game is underpowered 2d is overpowered there's  no time limit in the game and the way you kill   people is being within a radius of the monster  so you can literally just stand on the custard   and just stay there and win but thankfully slim  tubby's three's verses is very fair there's a   time limit so the monster can actually win and the  monster has an easy way of killing them while not   being too overpowered next is sandbox mode which  is kind of like gary's mod of all things where you   can kind of just do whatever you want you can free  roam as a camera spawn in like 20 million bosses   have said 20 million bosses fight each  other turn on pvp and kill your friend   etc the last and most recent game mode is  theater which is some sort of like replay system   my guess is that it's supposed to be for making  youtube videos when you didn't record the footage   so the game does it for you and that's all  the game modes and despite all the glitches   talk to people getting kicked for no reason weird  roleplay servers once you get into a proper match   worthy of your time the multiplayer is a lot of  fun and you should definitely try it out sometime   the sonotubi's genre is kind of a happy story if  you think about it what started off as something   nothing more than a parody of sonnerman became a  full-fledged series with its own personality style   horror character development lore and community  z-work saw the potential that the first game had   and persisted to make more of it with lots of  love and passion and with the new slime tubbies   game new worlds coming out it seems that the  sony tubby's chapter is coming close to an end   and personally that is why i think sony  tubbies is a bad but charming masterpiece you
Channel: Sournale
Views: 2,877,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Slendytubbies, Slendytubbies is a masterpiece, Slendytubbies masterpiece, Slendytubbies is bad, Slendytubbies is charming, Slendytubbies is good, Slendytubbies review, Bad slendy games, Slendertubbies 3, sournal, sournalee, sournail, sour nail, sournales, sournaile, ST3, ST2, ST1, Slendytubbies 2D, Slendytubbies Campaign, Slendytubbies 3, Slendytubbies 2, Slendytubbies 1, Slendytubbies Classic, Slendytubbies monsters, Slendytubbies Game, Slendytubbies Markplier, Slendytubbies Meme
Id: PMNiaHM3Vjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 14sec (2654 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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