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foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's put our hands together for them [Applause] just for a few seconds Let's uh pray and ask the spirit of God too much understanding this day inside here I want you to pray all you're asking God for his understanding you can lift your voice in prayer foreign foreign [Music] thank you Jesus can we all stand please let's all standing would you ask spirit to give you understanding ask him for understanding open your mouth and ask him for understanding [Applause] um foreign the house [Applause] let's go to First John chapter four this is one two and three not two first John John one two three not two beloved [Music] believe not every spirit beloved foreign beloved believe not every spirit try it again beloved believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God cause many false prophets are gone out into the world hereby know ye the spirit of God every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God here it is beloved believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets are gone out into the world hereby no is the spirit Jesus in other words by this you shall know the spirit of God every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh of God and every spirit that confesseth not the Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God and this is that Spirit of antichrist o whereof ye have had that it should come and even now already is in the world panica few things that I'm going to be sharing with you this wonderful morning and quite a number of the things that I'm going to be giving you I'm going to get it from some of the experiences that I've had with the Lord things that are things that are difficult to not just believe but understand that we had to pray for understanding it is so critical that when you listen to me please try to listen to me as though you might not have another chance this is stuff that God would want us to hear while it's too we still have time I will hand over a message the other generation that I know is coming yeah of the Ministers of God a different breed of God's children a generation unlike this present generation and I feel God has given me the grace to prepare that generation to come on [Applause] so I would say things that might not be um logical to some of you here but a generation to come will sit on that and build on that and their experience because of this kind of information it's important when we have discussions like this you know listen Wireless we still have time you have to listen Wireless you still have an opportunity to hear what I'm saying it's a chance that you have some of you might not be aware that this is the blessing that you are having now [Applause] both of us being here I am here in indripan you are here I can speak you can hear me I can see you you can see me this is a blessing so take advantage of this moment still here together it's important foreign [Applause] the Lord taught me something concerning the flesh anointing is not the anointing of the flesh but the flesh anointing the flesh anointing the flesh anointing not the anointing of the flesh anointed where you have the flesh as an anointing and you function effectively physically because of an anointing flesh we are all aware of the anointing of the spirit when the spirit is brought by the Lord upon your flesh that's the anointing that we have known so far when a man is saved to be anointed usually the anointing of the spirit and what God would have anointed is the flesh by the spirit that anointing we are familiar with that one we know that one but there is the flesh anointing where the flesh itself becomes the anointing that God would have used to anoint your spirit with where you have an anointed spirit anointed by the flesh I know we have a subject that we have already started dealing with midweek services so I will continue on that Path stop growing in Grace during the week but today I want to bring you to this level of understanding which the Lord himself brought me up too and he explained to me things you know that we as his body have failed to comprehend hence we have not yet fully experienced total package of Salvation we are living lives as though he never came as though he never died for us as though he was never raised from the dead foreign we don't seem to be better than non-believers we don't seem to have any advantage either over them or over the devil because of a misunderstood concept the advantages of even the fleshama we have taken the flesh to be one of our adversaries where you have to fight the flesh oppose the flesh destroy the flesh so that you become victorious in the spirit I hope you understand the meaning of the word anointing is Pastor you can help me without even referring to the Bible what you have learned so far concerning what an anointing is also what is an anointing thank you so much my father for the opportunity to explain a little bit of what I've understood from what you've taught us what is an anointing the anointing is the personality being given to an individual the one and the personality being given to an individual and how is it given how is that personality given you know people say to that individual the term anointing smearing smearing okay you cover an individual with another individual and we took it even further because the anointing that we had known previously was that of oils where there is just the use of oil when oil is uh poured on an individual that's an anointing happening and then we took it further and we realized that more than just oil personality is also used by God to anoint another different personality and with scriptures to break all that up God anointed Jesus not with oil but with the personality called The Holy ghosts so the Holy Ghost now was used you know is in anointing says also Upon Jesus and he is not oil he is not a wind is not just a force the Holy Ghost is not electricity and a personality had to be used so Jesus was smeared he was covered he was blanketed with a personality called the Holy Ghost now we don't want to take most of our time dealing with that what I want you to understand is this when God gives the spirit to the flesh kanyama that Spirit becomes an anointing of the flesh we know the anointing of the flesh to be spirit but I'm here to talk about the anointing of the spirit which is flesh okay and the things that you should be able to do after realizing the presence of such an anointing questions that you should be able to do physically by reason of that flesh anointing that you have if God gives a spirit to the flesh so that the flesh is Anointed what does God give to the spirit for the spirit to have an anointing if God gives a spirit to the flesh so that the flesh is Anointed by the spirit the flesh is empowered by the spirit what does God give to the spirit for its empowerment what empowers the spirit if it is not the flesh [Applause] do you know the restrictions that you have as a spirit you have no right nor permission whatsoever to function on the earth as a spirit unless the flesh to that spirit and that flesh becomes an anointing and your spirit now is authorized to function on the earth based on an anointing a covering a clothing that it would have received called flesh I wanted to follow this place hear me didn't hear me well yeah the animals it's an opportunity for us to be together it's a blessing us seeing together I can see you you can see me you can touch me I can touch it it's a blessing that we must take advantage of at least we still have it okay I want you to follow this you see Monona this is this became a shock to me when the Lord began to show me the importance even of his flesh way before even before he showed me that foreign otherwise he would not have a right you'll see he would not become a leader a ruler in the garden first Garden ER before the garden that was given to Adam the first Garden in the Book of Ezekiel Ezekiel chapter 28 13 chapter 28 thank you thank you so much he was put by God and he was in charge he was reigning over there from that headquarters he was in charge of the entire physical Earth reigning over Earth from that garden and for him to have a right to function on the physical Earth something physical had to be given to him and that's something physical had to be his anointing which authorizes him to function on the Earth even if angels are to come sleep with the daughters of men an anointing has to be found for their spiritual bodies and they will have to commit fornication at the level of the anointing of the flesh the devil is not purely purely purely in terms of texture he is not purely spiritually otherwise he would not be allowed to function on the physical Earth without in without having possession of a physical body as so the kind of Flesh given to him not like the one you have yeah in another form because flesh is not the same the Bible declares there is flesh for fish flesh foreign but he had to be given some kind of Flesh and it is that flesh that would then entitle him dominion over the physical Earth Spirits are not allowed to function effectively on an earth that is physical unless they are willing to occupy a physical body and through that what did they influence the physical Earth because the Earth is given to the sons of men hear this hear this hear this way so this devil which was an anointed character yeah a body had to be given to him and there was a need for an anointing to be given to Lucifer yet he was a spirit originally and the question is how do you anointed a spirit how do you anointed even if I'm to go by your theology or maybe your understanding of the devil that the devil is not physical the devil is not cannot the devil is not fleshly the devil is spiritual okay let's go by that still how do you anoint you were an anointed what do you use what do you put on a spirit for that Spirit to become anointed so that that Spirit starts functioning in a better way by reason of that anointing what what what is that a license that Spirits require which is for them to function on the earth if it is not your flesh that you think is enmity against God imagine if you are to take advantage of your flesh imagine if I can get you to understand that God anointed you when he gave you flesh imagine what is going to happen the spirit had to be given the flesh so that it becomes effective the flesh hear this here it is let me quickly show you something ah God's desire the desire that Jesus had was for people to be [Music] that he came in the end he's Drive China was just so that people the one believe that he is in the flesh not spirited opposite to your thinking he did not come to prove his duality that was Hunger and he wanted that idea to be sold and the price had to be free foreign [Music] to an extend where the Bible now [Music] that you have to try every Spirit any spirit that comes and it opposes the presence or the significance of the flesh that spirit is not of God now I will show you something that is going to surprise some of you the Bible even says that Bible wrote that spirit is the spirit of Auntie Christ May our anti-christ yet it would have opposed not the spirituality of the Christ foreign Christ means the anointing or the anointed yet a man who comes with a spirit and he uses that Spirit to oppose the flesh that Spirit has a name called the anti-christ okay follow this follow this yet what that Spirit would have opposed is not the spirituality of Jesus but the flesh that has opposed the Flesh of Jesus is called auntie so what is Christ the flesh no no no you're not you're not following this following visit please you don't know who Christ is Christ it means against the anointing against the anointing and let's look at how that spirit is saying is against the anointing and let's look at what the anointing is [Music] and then he tells us that when the spirit comes and it teaches you that Jesus did not come in the flesh a spirit that opposes the flesh the flesh the physical that spirit is against congratulations I have to say this because most of you you have come across this Same Spirit what you thought was that Spirit was in fact not that spirit people that you find criticizing the anointing of Jesus or the spirituality of Jesus they are not really the Antichrist s the Antichrist will come against every material manifestation of spirituality [Applause] when the spirit starts crystallizing when the spirit begins to put on a body you are witnessing the formation of the Christos [Applause] the devil's business right now if you get into his mind he wants everything that is in the spirit to remain in the spirit the moment the spiritual starts putting on physical body the spirit of antichrist who rise this is why the devil is against you having an accommodation that is against tangible material wealth because he understands what the anointing is not just the spirituality of a thing it is also the physicality of a spirituality when when when when foreign do you know that these people out there who do not believe in what we believe they don't care how many scriptures you have memorized to them foreign how many hours you can cite and Court scriptures you can pray they don't care tell them I pray 11 hours a day that spiritual practice don't allow that practice to begin to put on flesh when your spirituality starts showing signs in your physical appearance activated you have triggered the spirit of antichrist Antichrist is not against the spirit of Christ the spirit of antichrist is against the manifestation of Christ into flesh so they don't care when you talk about power you talk to them about power they don't care oh God just don't bring that power into visibility don't let us handle that power let it stay in the spirit but there comes the moment when that which was once they were the he has to become fleshama it it is at that moment that we beheld the glory that's the only time that this world will experience the glory when that which was once the word the spirit has now become flesh and the Word was made flesh and we and dwelt Among Us John chapter one John 1 verse 14 verse 14 years and the Word was made flesh the word was made flesh and it was after the word was made flesh that what and dwelt among it came it's not it could not it could no longer stay in heaven whatever has taken on the form of Flesh must be downloaded from the heavens that's how spiritual things are deposited though by God you see you can walk around in a spiritual it has to be made flesh for it to dwell among them [Applause] are you following me are you following me are you following me are you following me the devil is aware what is contained in the spiritual Warehouse and he also knows what qualifies them to be said so that they dwell among you yeah those spiritual items are supposed to be given form body foreign the flesh might come in a metal form yet it can still be flesh is you cannot have a vehicle on the earth unless that vehicle was once in word form [Applause] it had to be given to the inventor in form of a word in form of insight in form of a revelation in form of an idea and we could not Behold The Glory of a vehicle until that word became flesh it may be seated you must eventually become what you have known when you start becoming what you have known proof that you have really understood is when you have become what you've understood you have to grow in the things of God to a degree where people is a good one have to look at you in order for them to see what you know you have to see what you know not here we have to what you have known when the word has now become flesh I'm yet to find a scripture that has fulfillment of itself in itself all of the scriptures written oh says how come in chapter 4 of The Book of Luke Jesus comes and he goes to a passage of scriptures he talks about the spirit of the Lord upon him for he has anointed me for he has anointed me foreign [Music] your flesh requires a spiritual anointing but your spirit requires a fleshly anointing [Applause] foreign says that even your flesh cannot stop you because it is there to support you [Applause] but notice what he said he said this scripture is today fulfilled in your eyes so there was no fulfillment of that scripture at the time the scripture was written until that word to become flesh foreign [Music] yet it was not yet this day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears now hear this because Jesus said what said he had read the scripture so that they were just here and then he closed the book and he sat down and all eyes were fastened on him and he closed the book and gave it again to the minister and sat down and the eyes of all them that were in there all of them that had had now it was time for them to see what they had heard of course now it is no longer in audio format now it is in visual format they have to physically see optically appreciate what has become of the world and he says today but why is Jesus saying today what was it about that particular day realize that this was not the day Jesus was born how come the scripture was not fulfilled when he was born what was it about that particular day for that scripture Jesus knows if he if he looks into all of this he would know this scripture is fulfilled today next Wednesday at one o'clock that particular scripture is fulfilled on on Friday at 10 o'clock he knows exactly according to the unveiling of events he would know that this event is according to that scripture is according to that scripture he says today this scripture is fulfilled so you are witnessing the scripture that was once a scripture now it has become so you have both the prophecy and the Fulfillment of it so he closed in the book done with the book that paid the narrow book no more time for the book and he handed it over to an inferior guy those that enjoy keeping books and he handed over the scriptures the Bible to Theology and then Jesus sat down and he made sure that people had to focus now on him and not on the scriptures if you search the scriptures because you think in them you'll find eternal life I of me it's not in the Scripture it is in the Fulfillment of the scripture John 5 39 search the scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal life and they are they which testify of me be seated please foreign becomes a reality foreign but don't let that word put on fleshama questions is Antichrist you know anyone who says that Jesus did not come in the flesh is not of God it's not of God and this is that Spirit of antichrist the spirit is unto what yet it's anti-word flesh [Applause] the idea that it is wrong for you to have a successful business that idea is not just an idea it's a spirit and that Spirit has a name it's not just anti-progress of Auntie Christ May our Antichrist it's against manifestation of the spirit that you have received which is the spirit of success what is wrong with that if God was really against flesh he not healed he would not open the eyes of the blind what was the idea behind the cleansing of the lepers foreign spiritual lepers those were physical eyes physically what exactly is in the mind of God when you find him healing a physical what is trying to mend and to correct is the anointing is also given to the spirit so that the spirit can function well by use of the flesh well it is when your body is Yahoo is well yeah when your head is without pain when your back is healed foreign is it he shows himself to men who were very much concerned about his death my particular choices and he appeared unto them what are you talking about um hey they said yes are you a stranger are you are you a visitor of the men who did Mighty works and yet they killed him he's dead Alpha and they were talking to the men watch himself and when Jesus was raised from the dead he was not just a supernatural Resurrection where his Spirit was raised and now they come and they see the body still alive he's standing right next to them he's talking to them and they compelled him please just come and have a muscle of bread until he went ahead of bread ah that's my friend he understands that language they knew how to invite him to themselves they invited to bread so he then and then he started he took over the show he broke the bread he gave it to them you know the story then suddenly we realized this is him it it so happened that when they they knew that it was him he then vanished according to scripture he vanished that's something yeah I would need time for that one where he disappears you know him there is a knowing you know him to a certain level where he disappears yet yet he was with you all alone yes there are people there are people like that if you notice that is your way when you're good born again in the things of God and you seem to be having God and His presence every now and then ask for one thing God gives you in two minutes ask for another thing in five minutes you ask for another thing in 10 minutes you were so much excited you could feel that God is with me why because you had not yet known him it came to pass when they realized that it was him that he vanished there is a knowing that causes him to vanish do you know that there are things about you anyway that God will not allow people to know so that you remain visited please let me leave that part let's let me show you now when they realized that it was him though having arrived they could not spend the night they said no no no no we can't we can't sleep now become Witnesses of the resurrected Christ let's go and talk about that then they went straight to Jerusalem and they met with the 11 disciples when they go to that place wanting to introduce the matter they found out that that was actually the topic some amongst them like Simon had also witnessed what he had witnessed was not the resurrection it was the missing body those things are different now those things are different but in case you think that somebody stole my body then Jesus comes Jesus and he stood right in the midst of them and he said unto them peace and they were all terrified for they said he is a ghost or a spirit and Jesus knowing what was in their hearts Jesus is asking why are you afraid behold touch my hand go ahead and touch my feet for a spirit foreign [Applause] you thought he came to advertise his spirituality watch what he's about to market now Spirits there's no flesh and bonds such as I foreign behold my hands and my feet that I have hands that you can behold and my feet that it is I myself he repeated it is I my self he's trying to prove to them that he's not a spirit where his flesh yamayaki behold you can even touch I'm not a spirit that is what we've been trying to do you have been trying to become more spiritual those are times it says that's the reason why you are doing less he did more yeah when he understood the anointing of Flesh that was put upon his spirit every time he makes reference to the flesh he's making a reference to the authorization given to the Spirit by reason of this flesh I have a right to function in the physics he said behold my hands feet in my that feet Yes that it is I myself and or me touch me see what kind of a message is that what kind of a preaching is that what is it about flesh that Jesus likes so much he doesn't want them to experience his spiritual nature and what are you going to use to touch his hands so he's trying to prove to you that we are at the same level but look at what I can do with this flesh let's visit it I have a hand that your hand can touch I have flesh that your flesh can touch yet I've walked into your middies having all those doors not only this I will take you from here to Bethany and I'll beat you farewell foreign [Applause] some of you I can look at you and see that you're not getting this you think I'm just talking about something that happened in the Bible I'm about to reveal to you why why do you know that being in that state even of confusion it could be because you are spiritual do you know being a focused could be foreign are those that have mastered the flesh more than the spirit and we have always been what be more spiritual so that you overcome yet they keep overcoming you because they've understood the anointing called flesh okay see that I want to show you something here I want to prove to you thank you so much thank you except the flesh are manifest which are these adultery fornication and cleanness the viciousness idolatry witchcraft these are the works of the flesh visited milk hear this guy do you know that if you don't know how to balance between spirituality and your physical nature don't confuse flesh with carnality being Canal doesn't mean to be in the flesh carnality is a mindset come fungiru it is the way of thinking that you must be delivered from not from the flesh from the carnal way of thinking there's nothing to do with flesh every time the Bible speaks against flesh it is not speaking against the meat it's speaking against the desires the evil Deeds of the flesh not this flesh e this is God given a this is an anointing is also don't go against your flesh what's happening look at the prophecy given in the book of joy in those days my spirit upon Spirits upon all Spirits upon all spirits to think that flesh becomes a qualification that entitles you to the outpouring of the spirit flesh you will send forth his Spirit and the spirit will begin to look for flesh that you thought it was against God qualifies you for the spirit the flesh qualifies you for the spirit when he pours out his spirit it's upon every All Flesh it's a blessing from God your flesh is a blessing from God [Applause] okay remember if we are to look at the anointing let's say it is when oil is poured on you you know all of us can actually see that the man is under the influence of oil when you're covered in oil is outside of you and you are inside of it is that right same applies also when God breathed you into the body Yama it was not the anointing of the body God had already created the body move for the spirit that he had then he breathed the spirit into the bodyama so now the spirit is covered with the body the spirit is now anointed flesh was spread around the spirit where and you are now Allowed by God to begin to function as you will now things that you not be able to do okay let's talk about if God is going to reward you for good works let's mark the beginning foreign physically born after the time you physically die die and you are rewarded according to your activities in between is not key if flesh [Applause] is not an advantage why it says if you have something that you want to do as a spirit and you don't do it now and then you wait until your body dies you will not have any right because as a spiritual they've lost your anointing your anointing is buried [Applause] criticizing your flesh is the spirit of antichristo any criticism against you drinking clean water you're having a decent breakfast it's a manifestation of the spirit of Antica anything that opposes what nourishes your flesh you may be said you may be sick Maybe can you honestly tell me that is this it is the same thing ordering a bus from here to South Africa Johnny and driving your own vehicle to South Africa South Africa and buying a first-class ticket in South Africa I want a preacher who shows me where the devil is situated in all that if we become this foolish to see the devil in that what kind of a father are we having here what kind of a god are we serving here you're telling me there's no difference they're telling me buses you can look at me in the eye and you tell me the bus is what kind of a preaching is that foreign if you had the way of acquiring a search warrant y you go to Every man's house who preaches against the flesh you will find some medication you'll find some medication in his house he'll be preaching is against what flesh flesh he gets sick he goes away to church he goes away to the hospital church he goes away he knows you know that if your body is not kept well it doesn't matter how effective you are safe from where you cease to function the day your body dies why that becomes the death of the anointing of your spirit your license is revoked you have no right to accept your influence over a physical Earth because you no longer have a body are you following this are you following this are you following this what are you thinking what are you thinking what are you thinking what are you thinking when or visit it you know what what what happens is this we have a when you want people to believe you want to bring them to your light some people think that there is a way that you need to preach you can go to Bible College and learn all these abiotics and you you know really how to construct a sermon your introduction your outline is very well your body your conclusion you can quote any Scripture people are wondering this guy knows scripture that is not what brings conviction as this is [Applause] what are you going to do if you encounter a man who doesn't even believe in the Bible imagine you were prepared ready for an argument because you think we have all the scriptures yet he doesn't he doesn't even believe in others look at you you were ready to shock him if he says this I'll call it the scripture if he says yet the guy comes and he tells you point blank that book that you are carrying I don't believe in that so right away the platform is taken away from it so how do you preach to such an individual it is only the scriptures that you have become [Applause] and the world is ready for the word that has become flesh who shows because it understands flesh more than most of us let's say you you you you close a a scripture you decide not to talk about the scripture you decide to demonstrate scripture that is what Jesus would do so you would Open the Eyes of the blind eyes and then he says I am the light what indeed of the world he would provide multiplied bread and he gives them physical bread and then he says I am the bread of life are you following this he was raised from the dead for him to call himself the resurrection it's a demonstration of what was written or what was believed that's a proper memorization of scriptures not having them in your head but becoming what you have read [Applause] where theologians have been chased away I can walk in there without the Bible and show them the Bible [Applause] because if you're good at articulating scriptures people that are looking at you are wondering when are you going to become that is at your level of understanding if you are not yet if your life is not up to the world there's no hope for all of us so you must be able to argue with flesh how much of the word has now become flesh ensure that they can be home [Applause] now sit down let me let me finish something that I said that I didn't finish do you know that you can even if you're not if you don't know how to balance the two like I said do you know the more spiritual you become we are likely to become poor there you are thinking let me answer this question again why is it all of the inventions most of the most critical inventions they were not done by Christians why is it that people that create even the guys that created the plane says you know that invention was supposed to be given to intercessors let's be honest who has more experience in Disguise than spiritual people huh then yet the guys that brought about that machine were physical they were not even prayer foreign of their spirituality they are a way of their spirituality they are not aware of their flesh and bonds their emphasis is on their spirituality [Applause] okay sit down let me tell you something yes pasta they're the same money we are saying as a spirit same way you have no right to function on the earth so for you to function we give you a word okay diesel so now as a spirit you are able to function because you now have flesh same way now imagine what happens to you when we start increasing your spirituality there are things that you're supposed to be able to do now on the earth as a spirit inside and the spirit is so happy that he did not been for the body I wasn't going to be able to effectively so the spirit inside must be happy but God gave it the Bible declares what Jesus himself said a body have you prepared for me yes that's Jesus a body have you prepared for me Hebrews 10 5 wherefore when he cometh into the world he saith sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not but a body has thou prepared for me hmm when Jesus is speaking you must understand which part of him is speaking when you hear him say a body have you prepared for me that's not his body speaking that's Jesus and the body that you prepared for me is the Christ is not Christ in heaven okay diesel if Jesus wanted to come here and showcase his spirituality Mary was not needed Maria is Mary was needed for the creation of the Christo but hear this way so now we are saying you will now be able to do more on Earth because you are Earthly your physical when we start to harm this body and diseases are coming and this body is getting sickness you become less effective because we are tempering with the anointing of the spirit whatever you feel like doing you can no longer do you are now bound to the sick bed whatever your spirit is thinking of doing it cannot jump out to go to China and do some crazy things it is not licensed it can go but it has to carry a body there to find another body there is yeah so let's take for instance the spirit man we have empowered him scriptures fastings and all those devotional things and your spirit is becoming more and more and more powerful you'll find yourself not becoming more effective physics hear this once we this is why people who are good I've given this as an example people who are good at reading if they come here we give them the Bible read the Bible they struggle to read the Bible that can be explained people who are good accounts they come to the house of God you give them a responsibility based upon there knowledge over there they fail to produce whether they they've been in construction for years you give them a project as long as it has something to do with God begin to see some errors most of the people that you think are landed here and you think they are qualified for God's work employ them let's bring them idea and yet they've driven organizations why because out there the emphasis was not on spirituality it was on their flesh so they were given more grace to function on the physical here now we want to awaken the spirit that has no license to function on the earth people are following this so you you see yourself becoming less ons your life is breaking down your business is breaking down your marriage is breaking down you seem to be losing control over the physical world because emphasis now has been on the spirit who is very licensed to function on the Earth I'm showing you how you can be broke even because of spirituality you are wondering I'm born again I'm not a child of God I'm reading my Bible but now money is no longer coming what is happening emphasis now the people out there that have made billions of dollars in their busy controlling my economies they are not as spiritual as you are they are conscious of the anointing called flesh which is a right to influence this physical dimension [Applause] so if you're going to if you're able to do seven things you know being conscious of your flesh which is and then you come to church and we start training your spirit man you realize that as you go back now you'll be able to do six things and you come back again we train the spirit man and the spirit man is becoming greater and stronger and then you go back you realize that you are now able to do only five things you are going spiritually you are dying physically we are training a man who is not licensed to function in this Dimension each if we if we keep in educating you you improving your spiritually you know you get to what point you disappear that's the crime that Enoch committed and he was sentenced to disappearance [Applause] thank you [Applause] you might be wondering why is my physical life breaking down I don't seem to be in control anymore of what is happening to me physically you have underestimated the anointing of the flesh where the flesh is the anointing itself if we take people who are not born again not born again it will bring them here and we ask them to change this design you will be shocked at the level of quality is [Applause] this is why quality is difficult to achievement in the house of God where you have the most people there spiritual whenever what's the reason I'm answering that question it's a good question if Christians would be given airports and airplanes to maintain no one will ever arrive d why because spirits that are not licensed to functions you want to spiritually do physical things are you following huh there is no order in your life let's go to your house let's get into your car yeah let's look into your wardrobe the more spiritual you are becoming the more chaotic your life is start a business Tango business employ Christians they are not punctual their understanding of quality most of the hours they are in your office they are praying guys what have you done with your flesho to think that today you have just been told that you are very spiritual and maybe that is the reason why you have that broke physics I have just stopped you in your tracks you were now on a journey to see more spirituality [Applause] [Applause] people that have managed to balance their spirituality in their physical manifestation ah you get to their place foreign Christians do they have in Britain you get to Heathrow Airport you sit there you just watch you can count if it's in the evening you can count the number of planes just looking at the lights as they are coming tonight you can count not less than seven or eight that you can see that are descending foreign the moment this one touches the ground it begins to run the other one is also touching the ground the other one is taking the capacity image Buddha but how many minutes do you spend in the airport before you are cleared it's my minute foreign [Applause] everything has to be opened your shoes you have to remove your shoes like oh no this is remove everything in your pockets they have to search you pay Duty even for the clothes that you have that you are putting on Africa it's about spiritual where do we have more of these spiritual practices it's all because we are less spiritual it's because we are more spiritual than them if that spirituality has not become our problem s we are now unlicensed but this is a function we have lost our authorization to be effective we can no longer produce quality which could meet the World Market this is why we are functioning by the spirit in a physical effort requires a fleshly anointing [Applause] oh foreign people have been accusing us if prayers work how come prayers are not working they are actually working it's because of prayers you know the economies that we have in Africa are products of prayer people that have an understanding of the flesh one one they have a way of maintaining certain political standards they don't vote for a man so that he becomes a leader they they vote for a leader so that he leads one of them in Africa you vote first in order to find out whether your vote was right or not how much do you have before you become our next president how much of the flesh the spirituality how much of the flesh because they know they are looking for somebody who comes and governs their flesh Essence they know how to analyze the extent of the fleshly anointed that the men carries it's only in Africa where a man who doesn't have a car can become a president a man who doesn't have a house can become a president what we consider sometimes there is this state of confusion created by spirituality we have undermined the presence the importance of the anointing called flesh Yama flesh Yama flesh flesh Yama there must be something about the leader that proves leadership before a position um people people should never choose a man to lead you must choose a leader in order for you to choose a leader you must have found him already leading Moana [Applause] check me to one of your projects before you make me your project because I'm much more difficult if you can't raise a chicken it'll be difficult for you to raise me up it's not because we are less spiritual it's because we are more spiritual and the more spiritual we become somewhere we get disqualified from physical things so Enoch got to that point where you know nobody left and God said in this kind of a condition you can no longer go back and be effective you have lost your anointing foreign when your spirit wanted to grow instead of your spirit going after food for the spirit your spirit made your flesh to fast um you fasted physically so that you grow spiritually the one who wanted to grow which is the spirit did not eat he made the flesh too fast so that he grows which is okay we all fast but there comes a time when your flesh is tells you that I need this kind of food and why why command it in the name of Jesus where you're going to believe that that angel was coming from God when he wakes you up asks you to break your fasting he says Rise Up eat this bread you are going to lay your hands on him for the journey is too long you need your body your your anointing your flesh to arrive there [Applause] most of God's children are dying yeah because of the way that we are treating our bodies and the devil is not afraid of you if you have all the power as a spirit he just monitors the way you look after your body he knows that two years from now you'll be good it's not food but most of you people are eating foreign [Music] that's what you think of it well it's just piling our food today in the morning foreign foreign a mystery that requires unveiling [Music] please I I I don't want you to feel guilty the important when your children are eating well don't be accused foreign don't let any man accuse me for Desiring more [Applause] it is not because of a fallen nature that you desire to become better it was before Adam sinned [Music] that he desired to be like God is not a fallen nature he had not Fallen as yet to become better he had not yet Fallen wanting to extend your house is not because you are Fallen it was given to you by gods as a gift such people so that you can improve your life [Applause] it's a gift from God oh no so what if I don't have the food that you're talking about I don't have the money mariacho and dinner what do you expect me to do this is where now this information becomes very important [Applause] striking a balance foreign I personally told God that I'm ready to minister and I'm ready to um foreign [Applause] now I have to meet a man who doesn't believe in the Bible but if I love him according to the Bible and he believes in my love he has believed in scriptures that's what I said when time comes that now people can no longer believe what you're saying become what you want to say all of those people that you know that they don't believe in the Bible they believe in love you can love someone without quoting a scripture for him until he wants to find out how come you're like this could you say then it's now time for scriptures [Applause] um can you can we feel love do you know in your preaching you have relatives that are trying to convince now I can preach about healing or I can heal the sick foreign scripture but they're going to find out that there is something about this man what is it about this man then I take them to scriptures I say I've become that is when you communicate God foreign when it's God that you want to communicate it's so easy people are ready to see even more than they are ready to listen people are ready to see even more than they are ready to listen can you demonstrate what you have found in the Bible somebody was telling me about a message that another preacher was preaching um and the way that he was telling me I said is that the way that the preacher was preaching yes and I said are you sure that you would want to listen to that kind of preaching that kind of a preaching manager there wasn't Grace there wasn't love um the message was full of violence I said to him I said to him is this the kind of a message that you can you can put on earphones before you go to bed can you do that I said to him if you ever had this kind of a Preacher whether in a bus or in a Combi is this the kind of message because this this causes accidents is this the kind of what is I'm telling you this is the honest truth that you cannot you cannot have him talk to you and your body is normal Rambo you listen to certain people you feel like you want to kill someone because they don't know that when you're ministering you are communicating what you carry so I have God first before you talk about him it would be important for you pastors here to have a revelation do you know how people feel when you are ministry that's what you carry yet there is another preacher I said stop I know who is a terrible [Applause] oh it's important for people to two have a feel of that that reminds me of a message can I can I have my my other phone foreign I want you to leave this place and be able to communicate God [Applause] your life has to become a reflection of what you have believed we don't want contradictions I'm looking forward to seeing Sons and Daughters who can demonstrate what they have heard practically practically [Applause] practically we have to be able to watch you can't run right foreign no that's it [Applause] it's my this is my this is my daughter I read that message okay listen to that I don't know if anyone has ever told you this listen to that I don't know if anyone as ever I don't know whether God is included in that or whatever but the way you preach and teach the word is so comforting uh-huh listen please you have a way of making people not feel uncomfortable about their current relationship or status with God you have what you have a way of making people not feel uncomfortable about their current relationship or status with God like you don't single out and teach only the righteous but you make people so involved and feel loved by God and that's amazing okay you read all of it these are the kinds of messages that I read don't know this is against any article in any of the there's no personality imagine if I'm to read this you think I'll read I'll listen to anything else maybe of course because she's my daughter she's biased okay I don't know if anyone has ever told you this but the way you preach and teach the word is so comforting you have a way of making people not feel uncomfortable about their current relationship or status with God so it means there's a certain way of preaching that makes people feel uncomfort tonight and we think that's a radical preaching bringing people to repentance yet Jesus himself he said I did not come to condemn the world this is why if you look at my life I've heard crazy people around me crazy people that is crazy people why I'm a physician I've been sent to him [Applause] but you know I'm showing you this to show you that even the Healer also needs healing foreign foreign there is no preacher who doesn't want to be preached to um I don't know if anyone has ever told you this is I don't know if anyone I don't know if anyone has ever told you this but the way you preach and teach the word is so comforting you have a way of making people nice [Applause] it's a way are not preaching there is a way there's a way it is done in a way it is preached the way you teach this people have had enough problems huh domestic violence there's domestic violence out there and you come and experience people are not coming to the house of God to be abused this is what I always tell people my pastors pastors I tell them [Applause] [Applause] they also have children [Applause] you are their pastors don't forget what the throne and be in positions that you are not supposed to be it's an honorable under your ministry respect people for that come and sit under your ministry respect people for that is also you think people don't have things to do even if they don't have anything to do they may still recline to their homes Indiana would not sit under condemnation I can sit under conviction not condemnation conviction convict me lead me to truth foreign but the one who is preaching feels as if he's preaching well I don't know if anyone has ever told you this but the way you preach and teach the word is so comforting mm-hmm you have a way of making people not feel uncomfortable about their current relationship or status with God current what or what or status with who with God like you don't single out and teach only the righteous but you make people so involved and feel loved by God and that's amazing uh-huh thank you for that okay [Applause] what was my response that's that's the first message followed by what you don't even know what your message means she didn't know whether anyone had told me that also here you that's me now telling you what you don't even know what your message means to me you don't even know what your message means to who um you are a natural healer then give it to me [Applause] did she cut scriptures for me but immediately I'm confirming to her that you have healed we have healed even the Healer it's a well thought message foreign Ty how is she even trying to prophetically that you might not have heard I don't know if you have ever had this we need that she knows it always the same way you come also for the words we also need that is if I had time to teach you on believing in your circle yes it ceases to matter what other people are saying out there you need key people in your life who when they speak their word becomes so if I'm to ask you now reading into such a message you think there can be any criticism more powerful than that forget it forget it the only way that you can touch me is when you have come within my circle are you of the household of faith when you speak from there your words have impact your words can you help me your words can improve me I'm saying this to encourage somebody here you need something like that where you are told that you have now become an experience to us the word that has now become flesh to us we feel loved by God around you that's Ministry according to me I don't know according to you but that's ministry as you go out there people should confirm this about you ever since you arrived there is something that is just that is happening in this house we had lost all hope at the moment you came in we feel like we can face tomorrow again [Applause] that is very very very very very very important let the word become flesh let it become your energy I'm saying all this to you so that you can keep my words that I've spoken to you wherever you go these words will keep on ringing whatever happens to you whatever happens to me just you will always be able to hear and remember this is what he said this is what he said God is not against you God is not against your flesh your flesh did not come from the devil it came from God appreciate God for that gift [Applause] you know if you need more money it's not because you agreed you have a greater responsibility you don't want your children to suffer under you so your need for money not coming from the devil God himself gave you that need okay [Applause] please be seated I'm preaching to you people and I'm pouring out myself this is and those of you that would want to foreign of hearing me take as much as you can welcome [Applause] you say don't waste an opportunity because there is a sharing of what I carry some because of um I've I've tried my best to present to you soon that I know that when you finally stand before God you will not find a contradiction in heaven what I would have preached my thing is great ever becoming a member of this ministry committed to telling you the truth concerning God how he feels about you but take advantage of the mantles there is so much that I carry that I should not keep caring so much that I carry that I should not keep caring so and this is for a very long time so that it is developed so that it is improved but there comes a time that I saw in the spirit where a transplant what's happening [Applause] I'm saying yes these might sound like parables but they are not terrible these are not parables I'm not just preaching from scriptures I'm preaching myself out [Applause] but it would be good to hear that you are going forward [Applause] and that is going to become my joy and my reward [Applause] not just a crown e Corona bits on my head from but seeing you going forward is like a crown s seeing you going everywhere you conquering Devils [Applause] coming Victorious that to me is a reward [Applause] foreign must be used effectively the little time [Applause] the little time that God has given to you use it wisely make changes make improvements [Applause] if you have got an addiction or maybe it's a sin that is bothering you again sometimes you just have to look at the little time that is left and you may realize that there is no need for you to keep falling into that same picture how much is much time do you know that even if even if you even if you live up to 100 years even if you live up to 100 years you soon realize that that's still nothing that's Stuart even 120.50 it'll be like a flash yet God will reward you according to what you'd have done during this time that you are in your flesho be careful what you do with that flesho [Applause] if you get a chance whether you are Clapping Your Hands you make sure that you use your body well [Applause] if you are singing you make sure that your reward according to the time that you were in the body you will not be rewarded I'll be remembered for what you did before you were born it is this time that you have that you are in that flesho there is no time for you to quarrel with people no longer have time for you you no longer have time to argue with people you just have to manifest s [Applause] go out there and love is more than talking about it love more than showing them scriptures go out there and laughs that is the scripture that they will never exist are you following this you love people that do not even care for your love still love them you love people that are seek to destroy you to hate you with the little time that you have just go ahead and laughs [Applause] every opportunity that you will get hmm demonstrate the nature of God that is Zira foreign do your best give yourself to it don't keep some all of it you get an opportunity to bless somebody bless somebody who is in need of something that you have it's an opportunity for you to hand over that thing there is nothing too hard to give houses have been given cars have been money has been given when it's time for you to share because you'll be rewarded according to this time I'm finishing this service now get whatever you can from me for the sake of preaching the sake of ministering from the beginning there is a better generation than us foreign their way of presenting God will be different because they will have a combination is to have an understanding of what I was talking about they know that God is the God of All Flesh not just the spirits [Applause] [Music] how to deliver Goods in to the flesh they would heal more people wonder they will raise them from the dead because their understanding of the flesh anointing will be greater than our understanding of it is are you following me are you following me are you following me you people are you following me are you following me I have to say this to you because I will I will share more things with you as well [Music] but there are things that I'm not supposed to say today because of the visitations that I've been having yeah these visitations are becoming too much too much there is an assignment there is an assignment okay diesel let's understand ask the spirit because it is the spirit that that helps us even in our infirmities in our weaknesses I I know what time seeing and I know what I'm experiencing it's not anything that is bad for you it's something that is good for you somebody that is also good ES for me by children of God I want you to go home knowing this device it's an investment walking with a god [Applause] we have things that I'm I'm here to understand there is just so much about his face that he is allowing me to see foreign not from experience but from what you have read God has a rare face his face is that is not the part that he shows to his people foreign I want you to be effective spiritually and to be effective physically you have to occupy and I am notorious or the spiritual positions available you're supposed to occupy them all the physical your flesh is your anointing there that flesh is what nations are waiting foreign father you have allowed me to communicate your love your heart your concern there is a greater calling there is a greater invitation of your people to greatness that they have never seen before foreign before I pray to the father of All Flesh the God of All Flesh I pray for your body your body I pray for your body I pray for your license to function your body your body your body your body that your body your body your body your body [Applause] your body foreign [Music] I pray that your body will yield to the spirit I receive your body will yield to the spirit I receive your body will yield to the spirit I receive [Music] your body will yield to the spirit I receive [Music] you should not have any disease in your body I receive [Music] you should hear you should not have any virus in your body [Applause] [Music] your body your body your body [Music] any pain from your body be taken away I receive be taken away from your body be taken away from your body I receive look at that [Music] some of you you feel like you are disadvantaged there are things that you don't have physically maybe you feel you don't have this teacher maybe you feel you don't have the brain you feel you don't have the intelligence [Music] I pray for the renewal and the renovation of your body I receive your body let even body parts be renewed I receive your heart you liver new bones new blood new flesh new nerves I receive renewal of your body renewal of that anointing I receive sicknesses are going I receive days are multiplied I receive your days are increased I receive there is increase in your days I receive I speak as a prophet that death that has been working in your body stops waking now I receive the death that was working in your body stops working now I receive roof I received we are stopping every activity of death I receive every activity of death I receive every activity death I receive in the name of Jesus I receive life has become your portion today I received life has become your inheritance today I receive life has become your inheritance today I receive life has become your inheritance today I receive life has become your inheritance today I receive may you live and not die I receive live and not die I receive live and not die I receive your situation has been judged I receive and not die I receive and not die I receive and not die I receive your situation has been charged I receive may you live and not die may you live and not die in the name of Jesus I receive child of God put your hands together for the Lord come on somebody put your hands together for him yes yes yes yes yes yes put your hands together thank you headlights foreign [Applause] how much would you give to him giving a chance this is the question how much would you give to God given a chance check that seat out Buddhism you go and you put it on the road something wonderful is coming don't don't abuse this opportunity foreign thank you mama has been busy paying for a lot of couples am I so it's good also if God has blessed you just find people that you can also bring for them let them come it's not even a fundraising it is just so that you show commitment in having your marriage improved we'll be preaching again about the anointing of the flesh is that so so couples please God how do you use the anointing called the flesh is that not so my couples make sure I don't usually emphasize from our programs but yeah I am marketing this program come yeah one more time put your hands together for the Lord bless you [Applause] May those with testimonies SMS to zero seven seven two four two one triple zero zero seven seven two four two one triple zero or WhatsApp Plus two seven seven eight three six five six five one nine plus two seven seven eight three six five six five one nine thank you Earth [Music] guys [Music] it's okay [Music]
Channel: Emmanuel Makandiwa
Views: 69,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: makandiwa, friday, thursday, midweek, Jesus, God, Christianity
Id: yGoNiCqr1O8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 58sec (10858 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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