Emmanuel Makandiwa - Bearing The Armour

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oh my God thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you oh foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ER what a blessed day for all of us to be here I would like to first of all thank and appreciate in as much as we have had the apostle some few minutes ago appreciating mom but to me she's um a beautiful friend that I have she's um she is the energy she's the battery and I would like to appreciate my wife for not just being here for me but always being there for me so thank you thank you my dear thank you I appreciate you so much [Applause] thank you for giving us such a wonderful welcome we have been to a number of places but it is not everywhere you go where you get received in this kind of a manner where you feel like you 'd rather stay there forever I don't know whether it [Applause] but you know what happens sometimes having stayed for too long in a place usually the welcome changes I don't know but I feel like this one might last for quite a long time thank you God has given us his best he has given us his finest the Apostle of God and his beautiful wife [Applause] because of the gift that God has given to me which is of sight I'm by God's grace able to look at certain people and see what they have externally and even see what they have internally what they've done and the capacity within them to do things that are that they are even yet to do and I begin to glorify God and I begin to thank God for empowering an individual and sending him towards us so that all of us can benefit I'm here to do two things to salute you as a man and as a woman of God for the great job great work that you have been doing in this area [Applause] so I will say a lot of things about you until somebody decides to leave this taint and again the other thing that I've come for come to let you know that I'm coming again [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tell me who would not want to come back again and have a look again at such beautiful and handsome faces that I'm seeing from up here you are all looking good [Music] so I'm going to minister until you beg me to stop [Music] [Applause] I don't know why you gave me only one day because I hear that you were here yesterday I came across some pictures laughs and they're going to forgive you you may be seated you may be seated thank you so much I'm going to minister today just a little bit and then I'll be here again on Sunday right and um there is quite a number of things that are going to be recorded testimonies that some of you testifying you will testify and at the same time not be believing what you're telling people [Applause] so you just have to praise you just have to pay yourself for things that you even never prayed for we have gone past by God's grace a dimension of ministry where we always accuse people for not bringing enough Faith to church and we have gone on to a level where we understand that when God blesses us as men of God he gives us what he gives us in abundance when you look at um the life that Jesus made available which is life in abundance because I understand in this ministry that's the kind of life that you believe in there is a life that is meant for the new creation it's especially made life and the Bible declares that the reason why he came [Music] and I know that you know him the one that came Jesus he came for a reason that they might have life not for him to have the life but for them to have so that his life ceases to be his life but for his life to become their life he came so they stop living the day he arrives their lives come to an end and they start living his life the day he arrives and again the life that he came to give his generous in his giving life in abundance [Music] if the life that he gives to you is a life that is in abundance it means it's a life that overflows why would you need the life that is more than the life that you desire to live why should be why should life be life in abundance he should have given you life that is sufficient for you to live but then he gives you extra life life on top of life the reason for the abundance of life is so that when you come across people that are dying and situations that are dying you begin to overflow you can be able to distribute the abundance of life have a part of that life that you give to dying people around you dying things around you and still you have enough life for you to live that's why the life has to be life in abundance so I'm saying that to say if God gives life and he gives it in abundance when he also gives us faith he gives us faith in abundance even if it comes small it has to be developed until it gets into its abundance so that when we come to minister like this and a few people few brothers and sisters that are good just coming to church without caring enough faith they find you ready in possession of faith that is in abundance so that when you are about to cause things to happen even people without faith they will become victims of your faith [Music] and they will carry Miracles that they never came believing for there is a sharing of Faith so you will have things happening to you that you even never prayed for because you didn't know how to ask for such things we are not the generation that just [Music] jump into the car and then we are traveling simply because we have got fuel no there must be a reason there is always someone special situated at the destination before we take off God knew that you were going to be here today [Applause] that this is your time this is your moment this is your era some of the things that God is going to do for you are things that you cannot remember ever praying for why because there is a place in the Bible where God says even before you pray I will answer so God will pick things from a thought Realm things that you imagined [Music] is in the business of answering thoughts imaginations and desires that has never been uttered before so when the day comes and you are having an inventory of the things that God would have done for you you'll look at certain things and you can not remember ever asking God for that and for that and for that and you say to God how come you gave me this and this is you asked for it but I never asked for it Jesus his thought we are a heaven that understands desires desires are in prayer form ah okay I just wanted to find out whether I'm in the right place or I'm lost [Music] somebody very special there is someone very unique because you have to ask God sometimes how come the flow of the anointing isn't stopping then that's how sometimes you know there is somebody with a need Jesus because he was the custodian of the power he was in a position to let count him to let the people around him know that I felt the movement of power when somebody touched me somebody have touched me for I perceive that virtue has gone out of me thank you you may be seated there is something that I'm going to let you know which I think is very key and very important especially if you're somebody that really um you you want to be sure whether what you are doing for God is the right thing child of God there comes a time when one or two questioning interrogating and investigating the reasons why we are still here ever since we got born again why the delay who is behind the sounding of the trumpet when are we supposed to leave this planet we have been born again and we got born again again and we are still getting born again we are tired of confessing every day we thought it was now time for us to go there must be a reason why we keep getting born again and steal he is not taking us home the idea of serving God is really an idea that is divine serving God um let me give you a um okay this uh this cannot be the scripture for today I'll let me let's see let's see let's we'll go to the book of Samuel later but now just to uh okay [Applause] in John chapter number 17 where you know the prayer that Jesus made was recorded which is a blessing it's a blessing having an opportunity to hear him pray the god that we pray to the god that we pray to and you get an opportunity to hear him pray you know Jesus is God and yet wallist you was here in the flesh there was a need for the flesh part of him to communicate with God the Creator the father of All Flesh and for that prayer to have been recorded in the Bible and we have it and we know what Jesus would say how we talk to his father that's that that's a very very serious template coming across God praying [Music] that is going to help you understand how he would want you to talk to him and what I know about Jesus prayer if if the father is ever going to ignore prayers not this one if Jesus is in prayer if we are to catch him praying at any time and then within the prayer we get to verse number 15 and we hear him say that I do not pray I'm not asking that you take them out of this world I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world I I pray not there is a not I pray not so in the process of praying he tells us the way he will not pray things that he would not ask the father for I pray and there is a knot this is not the kind of a prayer that I do I pray not that you what that should that thou shouldest take them out of the world so what are you saying there again there is an acknowledgment of the power that the father has take his own out of the world he knows the hand of his father it is that magnetic that powerful that at any time in the twinkling of an eye if the father is interested the Earth can be evacuated so listening to him talk to his father there is a disclosure of the secret power that the father has tick them away and I'm not asking you the day to take these people out of the world but there is something that I'm going to ask for later now this is not for for today okay but just listen to this so if you want to sleep just go ahead and sleep in the no wake up wake you up very soon yes I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world but that thou should keep them from the evil oh which is probably the reason why most of them would want to be taken away there is so much evil they cannot handle F anymore not because they've finished the business but because they have no ways of call existing with evil they want to escape the grip of the devil they want to run away from diseases and afflictions there is so much poverty on the Earth which are the things that have now become an Evangelistic tool tool motivating people to depart f evil so I don't want that to become the reason why you should take them out but what I'm asking for is your ability to keep yours safe from evil [Music] again that's another disclosure that God has power but he can distribute to his people so that during their stay on Earth they will have a way to avoiding evil keep them from the evil from the evil from the evil whether the evil is a deed or the evil is the evil one and having Jesus praying for me that's not for himself for me knowing him you know the rest of you people you can come and you try to comfort me that you know man of God we are praying you have heard people come to you men of God saying that we are praying for you most of them are lying and they feel that are praying they are not being heard but you see what happens now when it's Jesus praying for you you take that to the bank it is possible for you from the day that you believe in his prayer from the day going forward you will be kept from evil believe that you believe that now once you are here before you get back home your belief from here you'll find evil at home missing if you want to believe something else go ahead and find something else that you can believe in the Bible tell me don't allow me to hear him pray I'm there foreign [Music] Jesus prayed for me that the father who would keep me from what evil evil hey okay if you don't believe in me if you don't believe in him that's not a problem because sometimes I don't even believe in myself but in this case now it's Jesus ah it's Jesus do you think the father would at any time ignore the prayer of Jesus a sinless man the only son ready to fulfill the will of his father and then he prays that's why sometimes God enjoys spending time with me because you know [Music] [Applause] anyway that's not for for now let's let's go to your message we are going now to visit the prophet Samuel and I'm going to show you things that you need to be concerned about during your stay because we have heard that we are supposed to be kept of which your desire and your prayer was so that you leave this place and look at what you're saying in prayer and look at what he said in prayer and you know who is to be answered between the two of you I know our message is different and the way we preach it somewhere some people jump some we make noise some we usually speak a little bit and it's good that's how we place the place sometimes but you must understand that if you are praying that he comes and he is praying that you are kept here knowing the two of you [Music] knowing the two you and Jesus you praying over there that should get you you are taken away and then him praying over there saying to them but don't take them away other my brother knowing you and owing him so if we are going to be here for some time what are we supposed to be doing then hmm chapter 14. first Samuel you can read for me verse number six you stop and then later on we'll get to this number seven Samuel first book of Samuel chapter 14. verse number seven right six then seven later okay and Jonathan said to the young man that bear his armor in John mafan said to the young man whose Duty whose assignment whose calling was to be the armor the man in possession of the ammunition of Jonathan had to be spoken to by Jonathan and Jonathan is getting ready to minister and preach a sermon not to everybody but to a guy whose responsibility had been well defined this is somebody who is in possession of the armor of Jonathan and Jonathan fields a need talk not to everyone during that whatever Summit to talk to somebody who is in possession of an armor those are the guys that I'm here to raise [Applause] I've come to understand that when God raises in a man [Music] he supplies enough and sufficient ammunition to deal with any kind of Affliction or evil in question but not all of that ammunition is supposed to be kept by the armed men there is the keeping of the armor the servicing of the armor which is supposed to become a responsibility of other people around Jonathan [Music] to a point where you know when you are the armor it's it's a message that I've been promising other people for years now saying some of you people I'll talk to you about the AMA Bihar some of you and they've been fasting some of them for me to talk to them and then I choose people who are not even fasting for it and then I'm bringing it here [Applause] so I'll talk I'll talk about him and I'll talk to you about to you what becomes of you when your assignment is understood and you understand now that's why you think that God has not been answering you there is a reason so I'm here by God's grace to make sure that all doubts are dissolved yes be seated please why am I already talking up as if he has finished the reading go ahead and read and Jonathan said to the young man that bear his armor so the young man that bears the Amma must be the guy that is not just good at carrying the armor he must be in attentive guy the way the guy is supposed to pay attention it has to it has to be a gift you will notice men of God as your minister that you always have people in your ministry that when they are not present one is to administering you lack the fuel there is always an area a corner and there is always an individual that you look out for and the rest of the people might not even know why you suddenly changed the topic because of an individual who usually brings an attentive Year to your messages who is absent that day there is the art not just of carrying the armor not just of serving God in their in his house but of hearing because the owner of the armor that you carry might want to say something to you because he understands how his anointing is supposed to be kept by you so be good at hearing him you'll never be able to serve in any Department until you are able to understand the language of Jonathan if you cannot bear his word do not try and bear his amount I'll talk to you very soon I will talk to you very soon huh what did Jonathan say to the guy whose name we never had yet his life was defined by a responsibility [Music] so that you know that your name is not significant [Music] you are nothing until your assignment comes to Define you in the house of God we are not really interested in knowing who you are we really want to know what you can do what are you here for if you are to die and we bury you as a church what else have we buried what is the reason behind our cry because Dorcas was not raised for the sake of raising the Dead it wasn't an experiment on how to raise the Dead proof had to be produced this is what she was doing before she died and that proof became the power behind the reason it's not the power the powder brought if she dies this ministry is dead and by raising hey what we have raised is the ministry you might die and wonder why men of God are not coming to raise you and you blame them for not having enough anointing to raise you instead of blaming yourself for not living enough reasons for men of God with little power [Music] come and raise you the power behind your Resurrection has to be service this woman was full of good work okay leave it leave it it's not for here visited thank you thank you hear this hear this hear this I know there are things that you might be wanting to see but unless you hear you can see there was no light until he spoke [Applause] don't worry if there is any situation soon because as we speak Jesus is not enough he's here [Applause] so if you've got a situation you really want that to be dealt with take it easy you're not the one who arranged this side take it easy we'll get to that [Applause] okay because some people when they when they hear the word they think ah you know these guys they just stuck these days wait wait because if the word is from God it has to be accompanied with power yeah power [Applause] all right you're still reading right you're still in verse six six ah okay and Jonathan said to the young men the young man that bear his armor come in invitation he said to him come attend mm-hmm and let us go over unto the Garrison of these uncircumcised let us go to the goddess son the camp of these uncircumcised Philistines we want to pay them a visit you to understand is that Jonathan Jonathan is not just an average boy that you can meet in the street this is the King's son soul the king of Israel is a son his name is Jonathan now if you look into the previous chapter you don't want to go there the Philistines had come against Israel and Saul had chosen the best of his military guys up to a number about three thousand well trained soldiers and he took two thousand for himself and he gave Jonathan a thousand and with a thousand Jonathan went and he attacked a certain sector of the camp of the Philistines then he came back and because of that one attack the Philistines they went back and they really reinforced themselves and they came back against Israel in this chapter now and at this point the Philistines had 30 000 chariots against Israel and 6 000 well-trained Horsemen a senior officials that had oversight over these 30 000 chariots Against One Nation and they encamped in mcmash and they made sure that they've really displayed their ammunition like they usually do in North Korea and in Russia just a display laughs and because of that the Bible says in Israel was scattered and Saul lost most of his military boys he was left with only a number which is 600 men the rest went into caves they went into holes in the hyenas were coming out running away because people wanted to stay there it is happening because also in that same first chapter the chapter just before this one it is recorded that at that time there was no weapon in Israel there was no Smith in Israel so what Israel used to do in that chapter was to carry their weapons to the Philistines so that they would be sharpened by their enemy imagine how your enemy would sharpen your weapon against himself there's a lot of don't talk about here you I know people that are good at prayer and yet they always have the devil sharpening their prayer life When you pray according to him when he causes you to pray when the devil deviled your prayer life you pray because of problems you see you see [Applause] this is just the background of the story that we are having here imagine you don't have even one Smith in Israel yet you're a nation and then the Bible goes further to say there was no weapon the only weapons available were in the hands of Saul and Jonathan so it was an Army without the armor visited I'll get another time to really look into this person because it's not for here this one now where you have your enemy sharpening your arrow I wonder how he would sharpen it knowing that it is against him when the devil teaches you how to pray he will give you a kind of prayer that makes him comfortable you pray that kind of prayer for seven hours in his drinking coffee yeah we are dealing with the devil who is capable of even giving you a song that you can enjoy because he knows what brings him peace when when you are when you allow when you allow the um okay so if there's no if there is no weapon in Israel what kind of a war are they ready for and how did they get to that place as a nation of not having a Smith thank you if I if I get time next time I think I'll I'll try to index I'll try to explain that because there's a way that they did it the little the little that I can give you because of this one who is pushing me your Apostle is pushing me here [Applause] so please apostle [Music] don't hesitate once my time is up please you let me know okay yes yes yeah verse 19 chapter 13. now there was no Smith found throughout all the land of Israel for the Philistines said lest the Hebrews make them swords or Spears mm-hmm but all the Israelites went down to the Philistines to sharpen thank you wait visited visited [Music] how did they achieve that so you see the war had already started years back not today they'd already started attacking Israel not by attacking Israel but by making sure that significant people key people in the industry doctors and nurses key people are taken out of their country [Music] for the attack that's the best way that you can temper with their industrial infrastructure where are these myths the war had already started when people started going out for greener pastures [Music] it was a military strategy [Music] until Israel at this day now they have no Smith you'll realize that as you go if you get home and you just want to enjoy reading the Bible you realize that they were Jewish people in the land of the Philistines working for the Philistines some of you you would go out there for treatment you are likely to be treated by zimbabweans outside that's not for today I want to bring you to a place of service where you understand how to carry the amount so that you are not good for nothing in such a beautiful house of the Lord there is a reason why God brought you here you'll know it today [Applause] ah this oh so now I've given you the background look at the the entire Valley of midmash you know the number and now now that you understand what is happening let's go back to what Jonathan is now attempting to do Saul his father is not ready to confront the enemy so what they did was to just go and sit under a tree he had 600 men they all went and they said under a tree and there was a priest I don't know what they were doing there they are under this very huge pomegranate tree they don't know what to do what what are we going to do what are we going to do and Jonathan could read the situation and he realized that there is no strategy here and the Bible says in Jonathan sneaked away and making sure that his father is not aware and he took his arm appear and what he's about to say to his amabira it's it is suicidal they want to attack such a huge Carrison of the Philistine the two of them [Applause] this guy had never had all of the sermons that you have heard but you look at his courage he had never been to church he had never tested the Holy Communion this guy Jonathan made his father was not aware [Music] he was to go and attack the Philistines and there's a reason why he doesn't want his father to know because already the father is never going to agree to that for many reasons including security reasons son he doesn't even have a thousand soldiers given to him all of them have fled is left with one who carries the armor and he's he's about to break the news and introduce the military strategy which is supposed to be run by only two guys all right what kind of a strategy is that so I'm trying to I'm trying to bring your attention to what is about to be said now so that we don't just we don't jump into what was said I'm preparing you all of you you must be ready now to hear what kind of a strategy is that too against thirty thousand chariots and Jonathan said come come let us go over unto the Garrison of these uncircumcised so that number that you have heard of [Music] is the number of the uncircumcised no matter their number 30 000 chariots and 6 000 Horsemen [Music] understands something it's not just about number you are looking at thirty thousand not just soldiers not just Philistines you're looking at 30 000 people without a covenant [Applause] no matter their number yes yes ah how many was the population in India what's the population in in Nigeria what's the population in Britain yet it is Britain that is a great Great Britain not great India not not um you see there is there is something even in terms of science how big is the United Kingdom having having colonized what fraction of this planet but you look at their size [Music] there is something about confidence but some of you must be aware of you have you must understand my armor beer there is something that we have that they don't they have no God to pick up the Chariots the Bible says the horse might be set and Ready for War but Victory and safety comes from the Lord it is the god Behind the Walls Jonathan is about to unveil a strategy you see the reason why some of us we come across scriptures like that and we understand them like that is because we are always asking God since you asked you Jesus you asked your father not to take me what am I supposed to be doing here you are there I'm here what you want me to do on Earth you begin to see things like that there is an assignment we are here for an assignment I cannot come to Earth and give birth to five children and I call that an assignment go and do your research and find out [Laughter] it's all about giving if you have the Google how many babies in one pregnancy wow foreign you have so many other creatures to compete with you if that is your assignment what am I supposed to be doing okay let's sit down let's get into scripture stick to the scripture let's stick to the scripture let's let's see what we can see there he says to his amabira come first before we go there is a calling the same way Jesus called his disciples so that he would send them he called them to himself so that he would send them he called them to himself so that he would send them you Accord to him so that you are sent by him he doesn't call you and then you go you caused you and then you come to him okay the reason for coming to him it is so that he says behold I give you power that's the armor you come to him for the armor you come to him to be equipped before you go and he he tells you don't don't attempt to preach stay in Jerusalem until what the armor comes I'll explain that later The Hope by the time I get to that point I will still behaving you if you feel like this the right time for you to enjoy your sleep go ahead we can even give you some blankets even a mosquito net we can put it you might never come across this opportunity again yes [Applause] I'm not saying this because you're sleeping I'm just prophesy because usually what I see it takes few minutes to happen all right so here what um Jonathan is about to say come so that we may go and let us go over to the Garrison of these uncircumcised yes it may be it may be here is that the Lord will work for us it may be that the Lord will work for us what kind of a Doctrine is that where you can get God to work for you this gentleman's understanding of the workings of God is out of this world I would have wanted to attend that kind of a Bible College where they teach us how to get God to work for us this guy has an understanding that I've never seen but apart from getting God it's one thing to work for God it's another for God to work for you this guy what what there's something that there's something that's been said here in K in case God decides to work for it but but it's going to he's going to explain how God works it as much as God would want to work for you or for us he's not going to work for us unless we do something we will have to understand how God works for us in as much as he is our God and we're supposed to be working for him don't say that's what Mercantile is saying we just came across this is the one reading that he might work for us but he's going to explain how God does it here it is for there is no restraint to the Lord to save with by many or or by few foreign has no restraint nothing can stop him from saving using either many or just a few but this is how he works follow that verse 7. and his armor Bearer said unto him now hear this do all that is in thine Hearts so what he was saying what Jonathan was saying for God to work for you he can work with you even if you are many he can work for you if you believe but he is not restrained even if you are few still God cannot be limited so what does he say because there is something that we are going to be doing as a ministry here whether we are many or we are few we are going somewhere now God cannot be stopped by your number that's what he's saying in fact if you have to investigate his understanding of God he would rather do it with a few than with many because the greater the number the more chances of his power being diluted you are going to be Victorious and you are going to really give credit to the number we were many but with a few God is even more motivated because what stands out now is his strength not your number against the enemy are you following you're trying just to investigate Jonathan's theology is understanding of God even with a few he can work for you through you that's how he works if he's going to work for you by himself he doesn't even need you but in this case he said with few or with many so there is no chance of you not being there and then he works for you you just need a few and then he works through the few just be there that's how he works for you so you'll find yourself delivering yourself God will lose he's going to stretch his end and he touches your hand and he uses your hand to set you free when God uses you to say to you free is there in the Bible Israel was crying for a deliverer and an angel of God was sent to Israel to a woman a message was given you are going to give birth to some soul a deliverer so the Deliverance that you pray for lend to get pregnant with the Deliverance that you were praying for you will not be delivered until you deliver the deliverer [Applause] learn to deliver the deliverer who delivers you that's how God works for you when he works through you am I talking to someone you've visited please visit so you are now at number seven verse 7. I like the response I wish we had people that respond like this he what he said we have heard what Jonathan we have heard the message of the apostle I I wish I could hear his people's response how do they respond to a message which is a suicidal is that one do all that is in thine heart I'm giving you men of God the permission not to question Not To Doubt but to do three or four things that are in your heart all all things that are in your heart I'm supporting what you have in your heart sometimes what you have in your heart might not be what is in God's hot but I know whose armor I bear it is not God's armor it is your armor God is not my man of God [Applause] before what is in your heart as a member is fulfilled have you ever sat down to investigate what is in his heart the ma the man who is now he's about to say something again listen to them turn the mold I am with thee according to thy heart so all of you the few of you that are standing you can sit including you you can see it including the apostle Now read it again from the time that he started responding do all do all that is in thine heart turn thee behold I am with thee look according to thy heart the Lord means look I am present I will never walk away from you every time you open your eyes you will behold my presence I will be here I'm with you to do it to do according to thy heart that's my assignment I will do according to your heart yet I have my own heart my heart that I have not allowed to have ideas and desires that are not consistent with your heart this is a man that if you are to operate him he has got his own heart away from Jonathan's heart he has got his own preferences so his submission is not just the submission of a man is the submission of the heart of the men what is in your heart I'm here always to do what is in your heart already I'm giving you qualities of an armor beer you you still have things that you feel okay let me spare you for now I want to I want to be your favorite so let me leave that one for now Jonathan says to the amabira this is the strategy we are going to present ourselves [Music] we have to go the two of us and allow ourselves to be caught [Music] and he said yes yes I'm listening behold I'm with you [Music] the people at home at kilgal and not even aware that Jonathan has gone two people are missing look at what they're doing these two boys [Music] what we're going to do is to approach the garden it will make sure that they see us and if they then say to us [Music] hey stop there we are coming there that will take that as a sign to mean we are in trouble but if they see us and they say come over here then we know that God has handed them over into our hands what kind of a stupid strategy would you follow such a Visionary who who unveils a vision like that God I love me that's the time that you will bring out your cell phone and you're texting your wife my wife just prepares haza for me I'm coming you can't believe what is happening here what the Apostle is saying and the amabira said Yes again let's go then they went I don't know I don't know why would why would you would set that as a as a sign stay there then we shall stand still because now we know that there's no chance if they say come to us thank you what do you mean by that maybe it means that when they see us in order to over there they would have seen Danger we are not well camouflaged our ability is exposed but if they say come come come here it means God has been able to hide to what we carry we look just like any other people there's no danger outside of us and we will we enjoy operating like that we have power that cannot be perceived by the enemy when he thinks that I'm here to jog ah you must be ready for a surprise before Christmas I will surprise him the devil is has looked at us some of us for years and measured us our height and our width yet we have treasure in this earth and vessel what is Ethan is the vessel but inside lies treasure power sit down let me just finish explaining some few things so that I don't waste your time here when they got to the place you know what happened they were summoned come come come come come come and they were saying you see these are Hebrews some of them are coming out of uh caves now come come come come and we as they were coming they go to this camp where they killed 20 people just the two of them being too and if you look at the way they killed Jonathan would kill some and allow some to escape and the Bible say and also the armor Bearer would finish from behind and Jonathan climbed up upon his hands and upon his feet and his armor Bearer after him and they fell before Jonathan and his armor Bearer slew after him uh-huh and that first Slaughter which Jonathan and his armor Bearer made was about 20 men within as it were and half acre of land which a yoke of oxen might plow now that was the number that they defeated and from that number there was some kind of a wave like a tornado that could not be explained a spirit of confusion that got to the entire camp and there was in a fight that could not be explained chaos because of two men I wanted to see something here now because of some of the things that God is going to allow you to do here is the rest of the story that I don't want to keep talking about because there's a time when [Music] foreign you seem to know already what I wanted to say right so why are you worried if you didn't know you knew okay one is this is happening Soul then Saul said unto the people that were with him number now because of the chaos in the camp in the Garrison and so say number the people do a census see who is missing here number the people we want to be sure what is happening where is that chaos coming from uh-huh number the people and see who is gone from us and when they had numbered behold Jonathan and his Alma Bearer were not there and Saul said unto are here bring hither the Ark of God for the Ark of God was at that time present with the children of Israel yes and it came to pass while Saul talked unto the priest that the noise that was in the house of the Philistines went on and increased they are no longer still killing they killed 20 in a way there was a style there was a kind of killing it's not just an issue they didn't just kill they they killed in a certain way that would create noise and Chaos in the Cape of the enemy Wireless Saul was advising the priest to conduct a ceremony carry the box and the noise increased because of two people that had gone missing there was chaos withhold withdraw thine hand and soul and all the people that were with him assembled together yes and they came to the battle and behold Every Man's sword was against his fellow those are the enemies Every Man's sword was against his fellow so chaos is happening and there was a very great discomforture you see that moreover the Hebrews that were with the Philistines before that time the Hebrews that were with the Philistines before that time in diaspora you see that what I was telling you why there was no longer a Smith in Israel it's like I said it's a message for another time but hear this now the Philistines moreover the Hebrews that were with the Philistines before that time which went up with them into the camp they also joined from the country round about even they also turned to be with the Israelites yes that were with soul and Jonathan yes move on likewise all the men of Israel which had hid themselves in Mount Ephraim instead of coming out when they heard that the Philistines fled yes and they also coming out yeah when the church is almost done they will come from caves and everywhere yes at this point there are no way to be found is when you are having a project they disappear Ed yeah what happens May makeup um anyway keep on reading even they also follow that after the main battle yes so the Lord saved Israel that day and the battle passed over unto Beth Haven yes and the men of Israel were distressed that day for Saul had adjured the people saying cursed be the man that eateth any food until evening that's another story for another day be seated you'll come across that one at a later stage it has its own people because there's something wrong that Saul did causing people to swear that no one is going to eat and he made people too fast on a day of a feast when energy was needed the most [Music] and Jonathan disobeyed a fasting command he took his Rod dipped it in honey everyone had seen honey and they wanted to test it but they had its own that they're never going to eat because Jonathan was not present he was busy doing his work he comes not knowing that everyone is on a fast and he took the honey tested the honey and the Bible says that his eyes opened we're enlightened it's amazing that the guy who was not as religious as they were was the guy who brought victory he wasn't on the fast doesn't mean that he doesn't believe in fasting he knows when to fast it could be your time to get a man who is interested in marrying you [Music] and then you fast and you're fast and you're not really monitoring foreign until you begin to lose the very things the very things do you know what they said to each other like I said it's not for here do you know what they say to Jonathan when they saw Jonathan eating the honey they said thy father straightly charged the people with an oath your father said whoever is going to eat today is going to die it's going to be killed do you know what Jonathan said he said my father has troubled the land yet it was a fast I don't know I know I'll find another better place where I find a man of God they're troubling people [Laughter] yet it's a fasting it's a prayer and Jonathan said imagine if all of us had eaten today the kind of victory and the Bible says because that day is is as people were fighting as the Israelites were fighting the Philistines they became so hungry that they started killing uh Gods and eating it wrong with blood is there in that chapter because of anger and the people flew upon the spoil and took sheep and oxen and calves and slew them on the ground and the people did eat them with the blood thank you there was something wrong with his father's strategy of War [Music] at that time it Saul handed over the kingdom to his son yet he chose to stay in power when his strategy had seen inspired so that was trouble to the land imagine the two of us what we did and we all eaten today you're wondering why your children are not performing well in school you know it is known by every physician as long as a child is not eating enough food the brains are also fasting they go they write an exam always their own in absolute so that they pass it's just the Bible that is only the Bible that you are reading there are other books my mother there are other books that you need to read you are troubling the land [Laughter] imagine had we all eaten I wonder why my husband is always angry with me you know where it's going right the hungry man isn't Angry Men if a man is hungry bring him to church ask for all the halleluias that you are crack any joke look at him look at him you wonder so why is he here he's angry every service he doesn't respond to anything put him here you hear some people saying you know the problem you know with me is that I'm not that emotional I'm not an American emotional guy I'm not an emotional oh all we need to do is to remove the preacher and we put football let him see a football here this same guy who is not what emotional he is all over the place you will have to come and sweep the popcorns one match that he was not he was playing he was watching [Laughter] there is something wrong with your emotions foreign like I said it's not for here that's for another place how the land is troubled by a man in leadership without a strategy so we leave that for now let me show you let me talk to you briefly now and then we are done concerning the um I'm a beer which is which in this case is you if you've ever wanted to do something for the Lord in his house or even at your workplace you want to be seen doing something for God because you have come across a scripture in the Bible that tells you that at some point people will and shall be rewarded not even one person is going to be rewarded for being prayed for not even one you have to be aware of that not even one person shall be rewarded for having his demons cast out you will not be rewarded for being healed from a disease what the healing was your reward the Deliverance was your reward there is something else that you have to be rewarded for service service service tell Free People Close to You services I could have laid my hands on all of you I can do that I can lay my hands on all of you it's easy for me I've since discovered in Ministry that there are certain heads that I have laid my hands on it's not all about the hand that you lay is the head this is the head is the head this is why the word has to go ahead of the hand I want to touch the right head this has to be your passion don't rest until a place for you in the house of God to serve is found don't rest when you carry the armor let me say this it's a bit complicated but I know you people here your spiritual people because of this ministry and I know what you Feast on I know what you eat so you'll be able to handle what I'm about to say [Music] when you are in amabira the Amma that you carry is not your armor [Music] so you don't own it best on your ability to bear it it means that you are at some point going to be found caring and anointing that is not yours you are entitled to carry and to keep and to walk around with an anointing that is not yours foreign it will be easy for you to know you have to be able to look into yourself and find his anointing in you not his anointing in him his anointing in you not his anointing in him because the anointing is the armor that he uses I feel like I'm just starting now [Applause] just like with the life of Jesus it is not for himself to live hey oh yes the life of God is not for God to live by in that same chapter Jesus thanks he gives glory to his father forgiving him Power Over All Flesh to give eternal life oh Apostle can I use you for just for the moment please just come and stand over here let's obviously thank you so much as thou Hast given him Power Over All Flesh now this is Jesus thanking his father forgiving him what power over what you are all flesh so that what that he should give eternal life to as many as thou Hast given him I wish I decided to do that one and forget the rest God giving him power Jesus give being given Power by God is by his father and the power is Over All Flesh not even Spirits because there are people who are good at just spiritualizing and saying no no you know we believe in we are not and they think they are very very spiritual by attacking everything material and everything physical they don't understand the power given to Jesus by his father over not Spirits or flesh to do what give to give eternal life eternal life now that's another dimension of eternal life which is not just given to the spirit there is eternal life but we were supposed to have worked on as a church until eternity is given to the flesh this is not a 10 hour life spiritually what the power the power that Jesus got from the father that we have failed to receive is the power over our flesh to give our flesh eternal life it's not that's not what is happening because that's not what is being preached and that's not what is being believed that's why that's not what is happening foreign so if God gives Jesus power to give flesh eternal life it means then flesh has to be ready to bear that power when you get that power and you carry it that was an armor given to Jesus but it's not Jesus who's supposed to carry that power it is the flesh so we become his arm appearance so the anointing of Jesus has to be carried by people that are saving him not him you want to see his power you don't go to him you go to people that are serving him those are the people that bears his armor so notice eternal life was given to Jesus but it's not for him to live oh yes because for us to enjoy so we must have an understanding of getting to Jesus and getting a part of what he carries and not allow him to carry what was given to him by himself tend to what bearing in let me let me let me come here let me let me leave Jesus for some moment and I will give you practical things here if you are his amabira the first thing that you need you need to understand is that this man here is apart from being the son of a king the child of God is also a warrior you have a fighting apostle this cannot be achieved by a lamp this can be achieved only by a lion these are the works of a lion [Applause] there's a fighting spirit him so you cannot believe that you are his son unless you find yourself fighting in life not allowing things to stay to remain the way they are now no so if this is my man of God and I'm coming to save God under him as Samuel served God under a lie there's a scripture like that he is saving God but you always serve God the under a lie biblical and the child Samuel ministered unto the Lord before a lie the ministry was to the Lord but you do it under a lie under the Lord Eli under the Lord in case you are coming from a place where you are told no no no no it's not about saving a man of God I don't minister to your minister to God under who under a lie so if you're going to be ministering to the Lord under the apostle there is a there is something about the apostle that you need to understand because when God then talks to you his voice is going to sound like the voice of Eli when God talks to you when God talks to you when God then talks to you while he's chair ministering to the Lord under a lie under Apostle when God comes to talk to you by the time the voice of God arrives it gets to your bedroom you will hear the voice of the immediate man that you have submitted under it means the men of God under you he has a way of flavoring the voice of God [Music] the calling that you will receive will be somehow colored by the men that you have submitted under that's why every man of God who has come under another man of God they are almost like they talk about the same things as much as they try to invent other new things you always you can hear that you Peter you used to work with that man well even if he says good morning you can tell Peter was with Jesus you can't hide it so be seated thank you visited so now if this is the man that you chose to sit under you cannot tell me that you are not prophetic choosing such a man for your men of God you cannot tell me that even the devil cannot tell me that there is something about your eye that sees now arriving getting into his space area of influence I'm close to the men of God not because I have his phone number no I'm within his ministry I'm functioning under his jurisdiction because the anointing that he carries is not limited to his physical body no the anointing goes beyond that is why the Bible says about Lucifer you were an anointed care will be that covereth anointed character that covereth anointing covers it has wings in anointing goes beyond the anointed so wherever you are as long as you are in the ministry there is an anointing that covers okay let's let me leave that for now but hear this when God gives him if he's a warrior it means his instruments weapons that he uses during conflicts so if I have a man of God who is armed and dangerous I will come to him because of what I've seen and I feel safe because of what he carries I'm safe this man is Anointed but what happens is this now I have to understand number one that the men that I follow is a warrior he's a fight the number two is an armor Bearer I must have an understanding of the armor that he carries getting to know how he's anointing which is the weapon that he carries works do you know how he's anointing works because if you carry his gun and you don't know how that gun operates or if it's a grenade and you don't know it's a grenade you're likely to kill the man that you're supposed to be helping you play around with a bump you cannot carry you cannot keep you cannot maintain you cannot service an anointing that you're not familiar with you have to study how his anointing works is not his Heaven anointing that can produce this quality in quick way I know different anointings don't look at me like I don't know what I'm saying this just this just this coming here allowing people to just come and then we make sure that they come blindfolded and they get here and they look at you they are looking figure they won't even believe they are in quickly things [Music] there are people in United States there are people in Australia that that are far from looking like you before we we start talking about whatever in this economy if you're in poverty you have to tell people that's why people they are coming and they are borrowing from you and you say they don't believe that you're genuine you look like you have all of it in place I'm talking about the workings of an anointing that you're not even aware of [Applause] [Music] look at what some of you have experienced by now you're supposed to have been buried is it you is that your face this is after coffee you are still here what strategy did you use there is always an anointing that protects but so okay okay all right all right president visited visit so hope I'll be able to say this part so if the man has the weapon and then I'm coming to take to take the to carry the weapon for you what am I doing there is something that I'm doing what I'm doing is I want this man [Music] not to be wearied because he's a warrior [Music] and warriors they do not specialize in caring they specialize in fighting so I make sure that I come up with ways of reserving his power by carrying the weight [Music] and I'm the one to carry the weight [Music] so that the men of God stays fresh when it's time for him to fight then I hand over the heavy ammunition to him and he is able to use his weapons not having carried it for too long lest I begin to question whether he is really anointed or not in many Ministries many places that I've been to they've worried they are men of God I've been to places where the men of God has to set up the chairs has to connect the speakers he has to he has a bunch of keys in his pocket after everyone is gone he has to lock the church am I talking to somebody [Applause] and they wonder why he cannot heal their sick yeah having an understanding of the weapons that these men carry and you come and you're ready to carry that on his behalf but what is going to happen is that when you carry the armor and people see you they're going to see him without the armor you might be considered the anointed because the Amma you carry doesn't have a name on it thank you there are things that will begin to work for you at home away from him and people will come to you and wonder how did you do that it's easy to forget that you bear the armor that is not even in your name laughs the anointing of the apostle should not stay on the apostle if the Apostle has an amabira so if people really wants to see how humbled this man is the people are supposed to look at you if we find him still carrying the armor then I will preach like this because I would have known now that in as much as God has equipped him he's yet to equip him people capable of caring what he carries hear me hear me hear me hear me hear me and hear me well for him to be functional it means do you know that you know it's as if he's supposed to come for a service ready to heal the sick he gets out of his house after having a nice shower and then he's coming on his way the power to heal is not on him he has to find it somewhere before he gets in here he should meet someone outside there having prepared the atmosphere and he hands over that power to the warrior that way you will do more wonders than you are doing now when you are carrying this anointing all by yourself wasn't it Moses who created the Ark of the Covenant it was him was it him that carried the Ark of the Covenant no the Apostle might invite you and he might lay his hands on you he might even give you a title that he is not given to himself foreign the high priest Moses was Moses the high Moses no Moses doesn't even use that title yet he is willing to hand it over to you so that you're called High priests you must understand that that high that height is somebody else's armor but you will be called by it because you bear it so it's not an issue of titles from is far as that back is over there you can be causing things to happen in this ministry from as as far as that not having a title it can make you he can make you influential and he stays in a hiding place because if you study that that's why that's why you saw that even the even the armor Bearer he was also killing from behind making use of the the anointing that wasn't his so he's going to ask for one weapon give me one and then he will leave you with the rest but you will be killing on his behalf using his what anointing so bearing his armor it's not just so that you help him his armor also helps you there are demons that would not pass through your house because of your responsibility in his life [Music] you may be seated maybe seated if I were you hearing this I would not allow myself to sleep at home tonight I would rather take some wake up tablets and think about this [Applause] don't always assume that the apostle is getting enough help from men and women in the front there don't don't don't always make that assumption but he is satisfied with the kind of service that is getting from the people in front here don't why would God bring you here and give you a burden if these people in front are satisfying the need the need [Music] okay [Music] oh Joshua God told him that I'm going to magnify you today before the people and he said how God said the ark is going to be carried into the water and I will divide the water and people who know today that as I have been with seven Moses so shall I be with you but for for Joshua to be glorified he did not carry the ark himself he gave it to the priest yet God said it is you wallist it is them caring it is you to be magnified today but who carries the weight the priests there must be a group of people apostle and those people are not people that have missed this um Summit these are people that are present here they are sitting inside there they are good at hiding foreign that are supposed to carry the Covenant the ark the weight of the ministry and allow you to walk without the ark [Music] when Miracles are no longer happening people should not question you and say where is your anointing the anointing that you carry has to be on people on people on people on people on people on people there are places where Jesus healed the Sick by not healing them there are places where Jesus healed the sick when their faith healed them and Jesus was so humble to say your faith has made you whole so Jesus would have taken what you brought and used it against your disease in their places where people had no faith in Jesus would use his faith to heal them your faith has made you whole so this woman didn't just have a disease she also had faith enough to heal her disease she had both the healing and the disease in the same body and you must understand if I look at the commitment and I know I've said this just so that you don't give up thinking that all places are already occupied I know the leadership of this ministry I once came here I spent some time with them and I know their spirit and I know they are Hunger for the things of God in their commitment they love this man like no man's business I know that but now what I'm trying to encourage you to do is to join them we want to create a place where this man can minister to us from [Music] in that building is an armor you are not aware of what a building does to the warrior of the word of God you don't you have no idea you have never seen this many minister you have never all along he has been ministering to you from a place that you did not give to him give him a place to do not let him carry the armor [Music] carry the armor let that be your burden man of God I cannot be as skilled in the way this you are but I can build I can put my money and then we give you a place and we come and we see it let's watch what is going to happen let's watch foreign you don't want the Lord to take him home before he starts Ministry do you want that to happen do you want us to stretch our hands towards him and say Lord you can you can you can have him now sorry my Apostle sorry sorry foreign there is something that you will be able to do only because you have come to the right place Jesus in certain places would not do certain miracles places I'm closing by saying this it was in caesarea Philippi where the buildings were so magnificent when Jesus had seen that that's when he said I will build my church so the building Vision was activated by structures around you'll cause a man of God to preach a certain message based on what he would have seen you decorate the church according to the message messages would men of God they pick men of God they pick messages from environments you have to know this is why I'm saying if we are to give him a place he will give all of us places foreign [Applause] buildings and properties from a building from a tent he preaches your life cannot be permanent your job cannot be permanent [Music] from a tent it will have to be the spirit of a tent that is why Abraham everywhere he went everywhere he goes to he would pitch tents and build Waters that's why the building of an altar is the building of his convictions and relationship and the Covenant with God that's why until today the religion is not broken but tense accommodation you would pitch that's why he would not stay he never stayed in one place great even to be here Abraham kept on looking for a city whose Builder and maker is God that's why all of his houses were intent for you must understand where is he preaching from am I talking to somebody here [Applause] if I were you knowing how hard it is to get a man of God who has the word from God and then God gives me him I would work go after money like I've lost my mind and I would not allow anyone to stop me and I'm saying God pick me up work for me through me I will have to fight get into the camp of the enemy destroy them for the sake of the victory of God's people let it be known that even with few of us Victory is attainable if you feel of us [Applause] we want a place [Music] where we build the church and we hear God from there let's see if your children will die homeless you think I did not come here to prophesy what am I doing I'm prophesying to your children let's see if your children [Applause] will die begging for bread I was young and now I'm old yet I've never seen the righteous being forsetting you're hearing you're listening to a man who was young and now he's old and he has seen almost everything and he tells you what he has never seen I've never seen the righteous of the Lord being forsaken wherever your children goes they shall reign they will rule they will govern they will manage it will start as employment and they will buy the business they will buy those companies that's your generation no he's prayed never seen that things that you've seen happening in your life miserable things chaos diseases that cannot be explained poverty that comes from every direction God brought you into this generation to put an end to that cycle your children will not face that they will not face that let them laugh at you now whilst you are carrying Another Man's armor let's see who is going to last longer you have given God a reason to keep you alive when the doctors say there's nothing else that we can do you have only 14 days to leave and then the Amma will kick in the armor the armor let's see if God will allow you to come back and hand over the armor to the owner to say carry your arm by yourself God will keep you alive you'll be healed proportionate to the armor that you carry I know I'm talking to someone and I know I'm prophesying to someone [Applause] I've seen people coming out of situations where you look and you wonder how can a person come out of that okay when your your purpose is not yet over and when your assignment is not yet done they might kill you today and three days later you're out of the grave personally I know I have known people I know people that you look at them and people Everyone is walking out shaking his head and saying no it's over it's over so we are coming from seeing him I don't think things are not looking good you see them coming home walking like a ghost you wonder there is a day when the armor will kick in when all hope is gone now medication cannot bring you back to life all that is left inside of you is the armor the armor
Channel: Apostle Joy
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Id: odBkrEn9kN8
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Length: 136min 30sec (8190 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 15 2022
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