The Flash Alternate Ending, Superman Deleted Scenes and Alternate Post Credit Scene Easter Eggs

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Welcome back everyone it's Charlie this will be  my flash movie video for the alternate ending alternate post credit scenes there was a bunch  of Henry Cavill super in they cut out of the   movie I know there's lots of questions about what  happened to Grant gustin's flash Cameo scene from   the DCTV Universe don't worry I'll explain all  that as well as reverse flash if you're brand   new to the channel be sure to subscribe to get all  the videos and careful for spoilers if you have   not seen the movie yet because we'll be talking  about everything to explain what they cut out of   the movie just starting at the beginning of the  movie and we'll do all the deleted scenes in the   order that they would have appeared in the movie  there were a completely alternate opening scene   featuring Henry cavill's Superman Ben Affleck's  Batman Alfred even some deleted scenes of Wonder   Woman this is the original full version of that  scene yeah I have to go to work uh three minutes   ago and sorry I'm in sort of a rush for the  sandwich you can't rush a good sandwich dude we have a situation at Gotham General  a robbery gone wrong this is the middle   of the morning why is our bat friend even  awake call Superman that was my first thought ever about her I'm sorry is  my sandwich ready I learned   my lesson on the boat last year's  stuff my sister comes out with me   she's drunk personal comments about my  mom's friends as well which I think is we eating that candy bar maybe you could throw it  to me hi Bruce yes I'm coming the funny thing is   they included some of that in all the trailers  like there are a lot of deleted scenes in the   trailers you may have spotted they had the funny  scene of him in the shop in Central City getting   ready to go to work trying to get his food like  give me the PB J because he needs so many calories   but then there's a bunch of Justice League  problems all over the Earth so all the different   members of the Justice League are handling things  and they have a funny moment with him trying to   decide which one to go help like which problem  is the worst should I go help Superman trying to   stop this volcano kind of seems like he has that  Under Wraps Batman calls him through Alfred needs   him in Gotham City the reason why they got rid of  this and they just started with his take off is   they just wanted a more action-packed opening  and they sort of stopped short there's just a   couple funny moments where things slow down right  here at the beginning and they wanted a quicker   opening where they go straight to the hospital  save and Ben Affleck Batman's chase scene there   were a couple completely alternate versions of  the movie that they had before they settled on   doing a version of Flashpoint or doing a version  of Michael Keaton's Batman originally when the   first few directors were hired on after Batman v  Superman came out and they first announced they   were releasing a flash Solo movie this was the  original release schedule we would have seen the   movie back in 2018 back then they weren't going  to do a version of Flashpoint the main villains   would have been the flash Rogues like Captain  Cold Heatwave mirror Master Captain Boomerang   of the DC EU there wasn't going to be any time  traveling Iris West would have been a bigger   character and even though reverse flash wouldn't  have been the main villain of this first movie he   would have still been a much bigger character than  he was in the current version of the theatrical   cut that you see now this movie did have a  lot of reverse flash in it that they cut out   I've got a separate video coming about him just  because he's such a huge character to The Flash   and they got big plans for him for the future of  the flash even though Ezra Miller probably going   to be recast but the director Andy muschietti  very literally posted a reverse flash picture   on his Instagram and then confirmed a couple of  days ago oh yeah reverse flash definitely killed   Barry's Mother originally his cut of the movie  was four hours long so just a lot of it wound   up hitting The Cutting Room floor thus reverse  flash hit The Cutting Room floor basically the   next big deleted scenes were when they first meet  Michael Keaton's Batman and he starts explaining   what really happened to him after the events of  Batman Returns this is a version of the scene that   they released online a guy called Superman who  can stop soda yeah and flies shoots lasers out   of his eyes yes he flies and he shoots lasers  out of his eyes yes no one said Superman that   might be a little on the nose you call yourself  Batman yeah I don't call myself super bad man what you're doing here it's dinner Swain  is Batman really not So Much Anymore   you know didn't really need me things have changed  Gotham's now one of the safest cities in the world   I I need you we need you in my timeline Batman's  our strategist our our leader the world needs   Superman you're the best detective in the world  you're probably the only person who can help me   find him so will you help us okay they confirmed  that there's a much longer deleted scene version   of this that'll be on the Blu-ray when that comes  out so we will get to see it with Michael Keaton's   Batman giving a much longer explanation of what  really happened after Batman Returns a much   greater detail and why he stopped being Batman  in the theatrical version that we saw he kind of   brushes past it like well Gotham save the city in  the world they don't need me anymore there are a   couple other smaller deleted scenes and character  moments with Michael Keaton's Batman just talking   with Barry about his past and it was meant to  dovetail with the more Flashpoint comic story of   both Batman's backstories being relatively similar  like his backstory being similar to Ben Affleck   Batman's backstory at one point they had thought  about doing a version of Jeffrey Dean Morgan as a   version of Flashpoint Batman but when they found  out that they were going to get Michael Keaton   they just got rid of that story the next one was  when they go to rescue Supergirl in the middle   of the movie there were a bunch of deleted scenes  of their actual fight scene and Escape primarily   Super Girls fight against the Russians Sasha  Kaye claims that they cut this because it got   way too rated R way too Homeland unless you went  full homelander on all the Russians popping them   all like a bunch of Flesh balloons I don't think  they're gonna put these in the Blu-ray because   they were so hardcore they wanted to keep the  movie PG-13 but she said their whole Escape scene   at The Silo she called it The Silo but it was that  Russian prison that she was stuck in went on for   way way longer there were also more scenes like  that deleted scenes that were way too hardcore   and R-rated during their final fight against the  kryptonians mostly Super Girls Death Scenes when   Zod and other kryptonians kept killing her that  were way more graphic and the Flash's takedowns   of the kryptonians wound up being a little more  graphic there was a little more hand vibrating   through kryptonians if you get my meaning slightly  stabbier versions of both of the flashes then the   next major deleted scenes like way bigger were  the actual Multiverse cameos after dark flash   appears and the Multiverse starts to collapse  on itself they said that they actually did way   more Cameo scenes than just wound up hitting The  Cutting Room floor because the movie went on for   too long the ones that they've revealed so far are  a cut scene of Marlon Brando's jorel he would have   also been on Christopher Reeve Superman's Earth  than an Adam West Universe they would have also   included scenes of Burgess Meredith's penguin his  version of The Joker they had the Joker's laugh   from his universe but when you see Adam West  Batman you just hear his laugh they would have   included Linda Carter's Wonder Woman in her own  Universe she would have been in one of the other   Chronicles with the different colors they were all  meant to be the Green Lantern spectrum of emotions   those were the colors that they were going with it  did sound like they had more plans for DCTV Grant   Gustin related Multiverse Cameo scenes but I think  it was a combination of scheduling problems that   prevented that as well as the whole way that they  conceived and pulled off these Multiverse Cameo   scenes which is one of my complaints against the  movie Just The Way They visualized the Multiverse   they used one really weird sketchy CG but also the  whole concept of the Chrono bowls I feel like the   way the Flash TV show depicted the Multiverse was  way better so like the crisis on infinite Earth's   crossover scene with Ezra Miller's flash wound up  being way better than what they did in The Flash   movie with all the The Cameo scenes there were  probably some other Multiverse Cameo scenes here   that they cut but the director hasn't revealed all  of them yet then there was a much much longer very   very different ending in post-credit scenes that  were meant to set up a movie version of crisis   on infant Earth and a new version of the Justice  League as part of the new 10-year plan that they   developed so this is what Henry Cavill was talking  about when he said that much much more was on the   way after that Black Adam Superman post-credits  scene this was before Jane's gonna have been hired   and they'd essentially kind of pushed him to the  side during the ending when Barry switches the   can of tomatoes to help free his father it makes  the final change of the timeline but small enough   that things aren't as bad as they were before  what was going to happen when he stepped out of   the courthouse it was still going to be the DC  EU but a slightly different retuned DC EU like   it still would have been the Schneider verse  instead of seeing George Clooney's Batman in   the scene stepping out of the Mercedes in the  original version he was going to see Supergirl   floating down they included a version of that  deleted scene in the trailer is where she asked   him are you ready and you can see Batman's  Mercedes Maybach the courthouse steps behind   her Michael Keaton's Batman would have been the  Batman to step out of the Mercedes you probably   saw the behind the scenes of them filming this a  long time ago this is him on the courthouse steps   with Barry during this scene of them celebrating  his father getting out of prison Wonder Woman and   Henry Cavill Superman both wearing their civilian  clothes in their disguises like Diana Prince   and Clark Kent disguises would have shown up to  celebrate with them and because this was a result   of Barry changing the timeline a little bit again  now Supergirl and Keaton's Batman were on this   main Earth and the other Justice League characters  weren't aware of the changes till Barry told them   what he did so Michael Keaton's Batman would have  been the de facto main Batman for crossover movies   until crisis on infinite Earths in the movies so  the idea is that because the timeline had changed   Henry Cavill Superman had always known Supergirl  and she'd always been on this Earth there would   have been a post-credit scene where they share a  scene together like Superman is Supergirl but then   Barry also has a dream in a post-credit scenes  and during it Ben Affleck's Batman was going   to warn him of a coming crisis teasing crisis on  infinite herbs that would have been their Avengers   end game Thanos kind of teaser like at the end of  the first Avengers movie they would have also set   up a live-action Batman Beyond movie for Michael  Keaton's Batman they're not doing that anymore   because of James Gunn's reboot of the dceu that's  also why they changed the post-credits scene and   changed the ending as well to make it more  ambiguous so is George Clooney's Batman and   they make it seem like Ezra Miller's flash is now  stuck in that alternate universe in the Clooney   verse they would have gone on to do Justice League  two and set that up with this version of Michael   Keaton's Batman in reverse flash would have been  one of the bigger villains of The Flash 2 sequel   until obviously all the trouble with Ezra Miller  happened and that was also kind of wrapped up in   the James guns reboot like we'll tie a bow on this  and kind of put it over in its own little Universe   there's a bunch more deleted scenes that they cut  so we'll probably learn about those over the next   couple weeks is there any big ones besides like  reverse flash I'll do separate videos about that   my reverse flash video should to be up in the next  couple of days there's also a bunch of trailers   coming from Netflix today like avatar The Last  Airbender Netflix supposed to release a trailer   a one-piece Netflix trailer so I'll try to do  videos for all that stuff this weekend too and   the other big thing that's happening next week is  Marvel's secret Invasion episode one is dropping   I'll be doing weekly episode videos just like  all the other Marvel Disney plus Series so I'll   link those Below in the description click here  for my flash movie post credit scene video and   click here for my full breakdown of the entire  movie with all the Easter eggs and references   thank you so much for watching everyone stay  safe and I'll see you guys in the next one!
Channel: Emergency Awesome
Views: 2,172,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Flash Post Credit Scene, Trailer, Emergency Awesome, The Flash Trailer, The Flash Post Credits, The Flash George Clooney, The Flash George Clooney Batman, The Flash End Credit Scene, trailer, Superman Legacy Trailer, The Flash Ending, The Flash, the flash Movie Trailer, Superman, The Flash Batman, Marvel, Movies, Movie, 2023, emergencyawesome, Charlie Schneider, Batman, the flash, The Flash Superman, Henry Cavill, The Flash Cameos, The Flash Deleted Scenes
Id: 5QE60SU8usQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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