Spirit vs FaZe – Map 2 Nuke - PGL CS2 MAJOR COPENHAGEN 2024 - Playoff Stage

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if they want to close it out two and zero or will Spirit come back Alex and Chad what do you think what do you think Copenhagen does this need a third map as yet undecided well regardless the gloves are off this is not a quick Spirit paning of FaZe once more we actually have a match on our hands see if Spirit can bounce back on ph's pick of nuke underway with the CT side start of spirit a he for Chopper a flash in the back pocket and the door blown off Magic's with some jeules and he's going to have company oh he opener from Frozen two Glock straight to the Dome Carrick and even getting cheeky with it where you going has down the vents the bomb's down top site ztics and Don flying up the ladder to try and format some form of retake Mouse is moving an awful lot doncan ontic they're sharp shooters Carin comeone round the world should be no way in here this thre man Heaven operation starts their maneuver quick click Frozen he is in game form major form a quad kill from Frozen carrian with a cherry on top and the new ition does not let off the gas from Mirage straight into nuke he knows what it takes to win under carrian robs Frozen and carrian Once Upon a Time donning those Ms jerseys into 2019 had a lot of success reunited now under the phase banner and Frozen that's a statement to make to get the pistol look at this magic sit down that top site eradicated in an absolute heartbeat and then the fact that spir even attempted the retake that was phases every day of the week the first pistol in the series and the best way to kick off the campaign on nuke yeah I mean you put the jewel vers on the top of the Hut you expect something more you're meant to deal with that that's exactly what magix is there for oh man Frozen too aware too sharp if we just return to a couple of the little details of Mirage that little bait in underpass where we had the hero AK robs and Frozen at the take 90 gets the kill they're lling Don into one of his familiar come on boy yeah we know what you do we studied this we know the tape we've watched plenty of games we know exactly how to deal with your blood lust I can't believe they lost that round the Glock comes into the mix of carrian as well absolutely Hook Line and Sinker you're not going to be contesting this series if you drop rounds like that Spirit no that's for sure but what a star contrast that would be to Cavita not too long ago that's the thing we've already had this and in recent history so as I mentioned the gloves are off now we actually have a different match up on our hands and one that I hope Spirit can bounce back and give us a game because map number one was extremely dominant you take the pistols out of the mix what does Spirit really have to boast another nothing round as the full Eco having to be taken oh carrigan's going to farm some cash that's nice thank you very much 600 bucks there's 12 terrorist a he'll take it another all five Staying Alive perfect from FaZe exactly what you'd hope for now plenty of options available with these bonuses on the game plan he said it needed to be perfect well so far so good the fact that he's shown up and not only calling a strong game but fragging out of his absolute mind it's one of those carrian classics and vanquishing the dragon be one way to start the campaign in the playoffs it was shaky during the elimination stage it wasn't easy they were down and out they clear the smoke Go flash is great but ZX he finds the head shot Shiro in combat combination they've taken two heads out of the equation and now Shiro has got another on a silver platter thank you very much carrian rain slipping down behind the wall of smokes they'll be covering this by Chopper worried about the vents so means there's plenty of gaps Chopper did he catch some info if not rain is passed mouth moving from Chopper yeah I think he bring around the rosie c a whiff now yeah it is ring around in Rosie this is so bizarre Cho's gone round will die in the back yeah he could theoretically Chopper on control a bit confused 50 seconds as rain's going to open that door this can still get out of control there's a world yeah the door's been open Chopper addressing it ztics distracted robs to activate and rain down no progression from robs there felt like that might have been his opportunity instead it's a one V5 yeah hand I guess Chopper did spot something because uh there was also a rotation down the vent ro oh he'll take his chance 20 seconds bom plant would be a nice bonus but un likely ontic is going to allow it good one HP in it one single point of heal and a very important round for ztics he didn't have the best of maps on Mirage and this is the thing we're holding these individuals to the highest of Standards well now you're on the biggest of stages at the biggest of events this is the Pinnacle of Counter Strike your first major yeah your first major and we've got expectations like that yeah well hey you've done it once back it up right yeah for sure understandable I mean he does he kind of you know talks the talk about not feeling pressure yeah if you want to be nonchalant on the stage right this is the thing we are going to definitely put you under the microscope but if he can bounce back on map number two that even speaks more to that mindset PR of the rifles Spirit a chance to steady their campaign yeah make no mistake as well this a map that Spirit made pH look faulty on donk typically out yard capable of finding one or two he's got shirro in support of that as well spamming away it smokes carrian slinking across into the warehouse and lots of room now they test onx and that's enough to pull shirro away for a moment caran trying to Pip this Gap he's been spotted just a sliver of him the dunk on the screen getting run on down here by shirro he's a dead man walking and a full versus three goes even worse for fa B robs dropping Unison broke Hees himself for the clutch not to be dunked with a double and getting fired up you saw both Shir and Don making some noise after that it was a well played round you can see the pressure that was applied they take the yard space they get a player over into warehouse then they pressure ramp shirro has to move back Don fortunately catching the slip oh wow look at this you got the face clown boys there robano Eddie of course Eddie but yeah looks like f the uh the spirit boys have certainly not come into this one kg well hold out FaZe have nothing yeah watch out for the clocks folks can't have another one of those and this is where they have to for their confidence keep this as spotless as possible yeah maybe don doesn't need to be running and gunning as much as uh he considered before maybe he does maybe he does maybe the E Cobra can slither a couple of extra bonuses that's the thing if the last map he didn't have the the best of games he gave away a couple of kills where maybe he shouldn't have but still managed to get a boatload of frags and have impact with the deagle did you got to take the good with the bad high expectations on an individual like Don when you ascend the ranks as quick as he has and with the rifle no less there a level of expectation right spotted towards red ready for squeaky and H here they come handled simple no dramas hav dropped down the vent with the bomb so maybe when I say no drummers there's a slight one that's a cash injection Carri yoink daylight robbery thank you very much robs has found some damage he won't be long for this world fors dark spams away found by ztics diffus to come through but if I'm FaZe I consider that a win oh yeah oh most definitely when you when when you consider what was invested and what you gained I'll consider that one a flat win in the column although albe it three CT rounds consecutive fashion from team spirit and there was a smile on the face of Don there so uh what does that meano means he's only just getting started yeah let's find out broi uh it was the ability if they wanted to drop an awp across but T side of nuke can be quite difficult to wield that weapon it will be operating with 5 AKs shirro however has his out to play what's the game plan going to look like for FaZe this is another map where they haven't been able to make a mark on Spirit previously but with Mirage going in their favor the conversation is completely different takes a lick of damage the smoke to land front squeaky does create some problems is there event slip something that RS Once Upon a Time very good at sewing the seeds of Doubt for rotations is now a smoke wall on yard Warehouse as well as main constricted a vision W there's a lot of moving Parts in the opening 30 seconds here a far second map Ray maneuvering forward he's overlooked him D gets a freebie a lazy clear from rain how did that go down Shiro's found Frozen on the yard towards red now with his awp broky cut down by Chopper and FaZe falter into the gun round empty-handed by one frag I think they're going to keep it that way o fro no not bad from robs don't getting a bit greedy frisky with that one 40 seconds another difficult clear runs to his demise ztics will take that thank you very much yeah I think the smoke was just obscuring Don in the corner but they had a whole game plan right there the haty into the smoke that's a premeditated strategy that they were just running with so don fortunate to survive and finds the damage pH into a tactical timeout Neo absolute legend of the game and opportunity to have a [Music] conversation going to consider the finances as well with that plant and the loss bonus starting to build there is a conversation for a few Investments try and limit how much money Spirit can start to build on this CT sign and we can see it taking shape on our screens a hero AK again a scout for carrian and a mixture of pistols once Rob's going to bring on in just a deagle Max loss bonus into the neck so there should be more than enough money to guarantee a buy for everybody going into round number eight but what damage and what story does round number seven have available because if we just reflect again on barrage phase came to play they weren't messing about Scout of caran makes sense towards outside pressure from broy on the AK going to the smoke and they've dealt with it quite easily yeah that's comfortable still hope for phase on the rifles of rain and Frozen oh yeah and robs ooh ships in the night it's comfortable from Magic's good night yeah that type of round they needed to find it oh actually maybe they can plant Cho a smoked off that's a big smoke it does facilitate a potential plant the Molly it's a little late but rain gets the bomb down gets away miraculously how is he still alive yeah how is he still alive they pre smoked it right yeah I mean he's gotten away with at least the plant but Frozen in a 1v4 I think that's asking a little too much Shiro thinks the same okay this is the spirit that we were hoping to see starting to wear a new action now three rounds to the good bom going down yet again as mentioned there was going to be more than enough finances but that's going to guarantee for broi who's actually going to get dropped in awp so we see the game plan evolving for phase the pistol and the conversion against the cleanest of EOS to get them to two rounds see they need to really start getting a little bit of traction before the half gets too far far away from them yeah let's see what the call is it's going to be interesting you got everything you need now donka will adopt this more passive main hold he's got the setup made it'll freeze up shirro towards secret and it looks like a late set of smokes to be limped out from carrian you can see him parked deep towards spawn there it is the waterfall smoke top main Warehouse Vision denied yet again the one Landing top of unbreakable oh what yeah just getting found robs trying to find Space so it didn't really Force any gaps did it no Rob's getting caught that's a bit of pill for phase to swallow rain trying his luck around these smokes again once spitten twice shy smoke has faded he's worried about Don in main little does he know Don right behind you is a pantomime in action donk strikes onto rain he's got his number now a frags and running away with it the team spirit broi left alone in a 1 V5 no real way back in no fun to be had he is being hunted elevation oh wow motivation from broi beautiful flick catches magic as he ascends the ladder three more remaining all ready to strike he next Reveals His position it's Chopper spotting the cross and there it is Don raising his voice in The Royal Arena anticipating a 43 Mapp and vertigo would be that third and deciding map yeah yeah yeah I mean two te rounds it's not the end of the world says face fans in this Arena thinking there's more twists and turns of our second map of play but this has been some convincing scenes I'm looking at the casualties of this yeah look there's only been Nine Kills in the last six rounds of play Okay so so the fact that they're not really making a dent is starting to be a bit of an issue but team spirit are the ones to take the Tactical time out things seem to be going too good they want to have a discussion about how many more rounds they can slather on top now I say one of the positives for FaZe is they have been able to get the bomb down in a couple of rounds facilitated them with the loss bonus a couple of extra rounds that was Chopper catching RS trying to slip out behind that smoke get in towards the vent Don with an easy one and ztics felt like he was going to get caught off guard Frozen pushing through the unbreakable smoke thought he had the jump but wasn't ready pontics just swinging out counterterrorist couple of kills for broy sha well this one has set piece written all over it Tech 9's back 10 squeaky to be blown off donk with some more variant he's on rain again oh and he tames the spray onto the Norwegian robs is in trouble Chopper surely Tap Away he's got to 20 hp Gan gets nothing and no one can get past ztics cool as a cucumber collects three drops down the vent they know where you are donk just swinging between these two opportunities a little bit of a window for rock but Don he'll collect the other two and between the two of them ztics on your screen and Don all five to secure seven on this CT side well it wasn't like d didn't have his confidence on Mirage but it feels like the rest of the team are there now as well taking a lot of these fights and ztics the man on your screen had a tough go on Mirage right he is this more supportive or anchor ele it's normally great for the multi- kills when the chips are down and now he's really stepping up they can't bully him towards ramp as Spirit quickly up to seven rounds they are running away with this first half of play we have to remind you back in C when they played nuke it was 135 and then the second time they played in The Grand Final 139 so couldn't even get double digits pH Clan traditionally seen as an iconic Face Clan strength they just used all their util on this Alex they only have a smoke a couple hold up a second they've left Molly left moles for what could be a double pump so it doesn't feel as bad as it just looked yeah it's Bleak though if these opening Jews continues not to go their way Don focused towards the up top sight and it's rock to ahead him a huge deviation from the norm for fa folks finding the head shot onto Don ztics in the gap on yard smokes will be thrown feels like they've got infinite utility right now doesn't it two now for the cross and the bomb is at the tail of this pack playing close to the smoke when to obscure the sideline of heaven and Shiro flabs the ladder isn't going to get there in time and wasn't even taking a gander anyway they are giving up the Lower Side as they look to push and clear out Lobby he's sing the top with util and steps still two lobbies ontic looking for answers this could be the end of carrian the robs as well could be exposed here not ready carrian W onto Chopper anticipating another and Nails it caragan humbled by Magic into the 3v2 oh you have a lot of Cash There's heaps of residual finances available for Spirit going forward you can see now with the two alive 11k for shirou 8.8 for magix and plenty of money on the three already in the grave looking for reinvestments this is a must win for FaZe all that hard work work and just being contained it seems by Magic looking for damage knowing that FaZe even in a round Victory only going to get the round win bonus bomb is going to go off they'll have enough but if you can limit their finances make it a little bit sketchy already looking for a way out is rain jumping yeah look uh diligent from rain and bouns them out all three will stay alive so important important the can get away from you real quick with the mr12 ain't that so only two more rounds of play available so that's going to help them down the home stretch but as mentioned there was more than enough for Spirit to buy back in wow and actually that's quite surprising to see seven rounds up before to the good and spirit take their second tactical timeout in the first half yeah interesting so what are we looking for if we're H right we're talking 84 or 9 three would be very strong first halfes right you'd be very happy with that you feel like you could close get the pistol should be done close the book move over to vertigo and that's where you have the surprise for faas or from phas should I say fact that they floated it the Perma ban and I do I do like the fact that Spirit haven't shied away and going well let's go to territory that we know let's go to ancient it's let's punish them right let's punish this petulance that's on display and with so many days to prepare it's going to be interesting if we get there to just see what the complexion of uh both of these squads on vertigo is given oh it is less frequently seen I think FaZe with at least the four of them have played at about seven times yeah that's over a 2ear span G space R the point man no surprise there worried about an up close in person with Don he's in main once more shirro already rotating down towards secret sees the Flames calls out the progression and readies himself major debutant in his quarterfinal oh wow rain wrecked Shiro there the orb just cut down and already this round feels was like yeah you can't go down the vents drop a second guessing that the Molly will confirm his suspicions and now eyes on zonx the ramp player with the window already broken could start to cook up and aggress it's rain clearing oh rain disgusting he's only got four kills yeah he's doubled his kill total but those were two stunning head shots they were vicious oh my so he takes down the Ora and then he takes down the ramp player magix is the one filling that Gap Don still main doing nothing there is someone I wonder if the uh process the audio of Frozen on top main this is one of the things when you're playing in an arena you have to play to the environment sometimes it's going to be a little bit harder to hear some of these sound cues and not only that you've always got communication flowing I don't think they're winning this one Spirit no but my question is is uh is there any sort of reward to being conservative here FaZe probably wouldn't mind keeping hold of everything take taking this fifth round into the the next Chopper and man and Don have plenty of cash to Splash I think fa can send a c hunt yeah I mean the ak's nice right Don would like to Fe that through and he's controlling his spray very competently broky catch your n no goes wide and hits the head shot fa making a t half out of this one and that one can be ascribed to Harvard nard the biggest thing in that round as you mentioned is the is being removed right that's the best result for FaZe there was still plenty of cash in the coffers and this from rain swing against the or beautiful and this one Bop felt like a one tap but multiple bullets required to get the job done just knowing your angles I mean you know he's a veteran for sure and it's good to see him warming up late towards this half he will be integral on the CT side yeah you want to see him warm need your MVP you to up again so carrian waiting for the information is anybody up close towards red are they trying to be disruptive of our yard progress waterfall smoke at the ready once more this is the game plan final chance for FaZe to post a tside round the bar that they'll be setting for team spirit on the side swap Chopper Des sends ahead of the the the way that he's operating on the ladder makes me feel that he thinks someone slipped right the fact that he's so nervous on the ladder showing his toes seeing if he gets shot at interesting wall limits the options of ztics rain just walk straight into him beautiful awareness ztics you find First Blood here but there's another a little further than he expected carakan levels it out for on 4 45 uncertainty you can see knowing Heaven and Hell could be occupied has got Magic's on high alert oh he's lucky he gets sing through 9 HP lives on 20 seconds though this is uncomfortable for FaZe Don versus caran I think this determines the whole thing oh and Don finds caragan 15 seconds you got to find four and a double for from dunk triple in total planting shirro surely what Brokey gets one gets away shirro misses the shot there's a chance he can clutch this 3 seconds two seconds shirro holds on down to the wire there the buzer shirro committing to the fight broy head on a swivel hitting some bangers to turn that into a one-on-one in the blink of an eye but not enough 84 on the half and that count Mouse game is the story of the first half for me the slip down the vent or at least the possibility you could see Chopper worrying about it all half long donk with so much impact from the heavens stalling out that squeaky leag and they four rounds away from at least forcing overtime on map number two ztics with the first carrian again finding impact this is Don The nade Landing follow up with another onto Frozen and sh under so much pressure he's like do I hide do I take the fight well broi brought it to him smoking a kit for broi and a lot of UT again from team spirit you highlighted this on Mirage the tside pistol there was a lot of nades it was a lot of moving parts for a pistol round and the same to be said yet again yeah I mean there's this already opens up so many possibilities right the door's been Ned look at this hold up a second smoked and rain is being held by choppo is he ready for this he just looked away oh oh God he's completely ruined their plans the util dead on Chopper's cold corpse dropping into the vent robs was ready to receive broky and Rain have found their head shot it's only Shiro a perfect pH Clan pistol someone has done their homework that is massive for rain that completely unravels that execute the availability what we're expecting to see the key piece the in-game leader on the roof ready to rain down Hellfire top heart they have to hit the goal and now it's just shirro and he's about to go down in the back a couple of his shots Shiro will get the frag but that's all he'll get broi to secure the second pistol in the map and this is sitting pretty but maybe we have a story of the first where both pistols go in the favor of the team to lose the map some Norwegian support well this is essentially fourer phases rounds in the map pistol and then a freebie into the next yeah they're going to have to replicate the way in which some of those rounds through for team spirit full Glocks though should be a nice casual opportunity for us to take a break FaZe Clan just keep this one clean right rain it's interesting to see Spirit having to operate under pressure as well I know the first half was pretty good for them but still there's these scenarios where they're the ones being forced to make a decision based off of FaZe taking the fight the fact that rain is just going there's nobody outside I'm going to keep walking keep creeping that's really such a disruptive frag as it's oh plenty of bodies outside uh-oh shouldn't be any more issues yeah some significant damage there harrian racks himself up a triple and yeah donk donk and his Glock in the yard he's not want to go down without a fight but there he goes robs picks it up I'm I'm happy to see that it's carrian who's been getting the Lion Share of these Eco bash kills you know in game Leader's got to get his yeah absolutely now is the time in those rounds there only two rounds away from tying this up on the preferred side their map choice of nuke we're already starting to flirt with the IDE of vertigo just around the corner but there's still plenty of hard work to be done for team spirit broy awp comes out first gun round let's see if he can find impact with that seven consecutive was the bar set by Spirit oh Chopper burning quite significantly D taking almost damage to half HP as well he's down robs his two though Don catches caragan they're pushing and top sight's open for business Don and ztics have just walked in and claimed this site for their own and that was a problem that FaZe had back in the Grand Final in Cavit the top site felt very fragile felt like there were a lot of gaps it was exploited and walting it towards a if we can review how that Gap was was manufactured it must be between caragan and Frozen one would assume arm has been cuz robs was down early to attend to Chopper right yeah and it was rain and broky to deal with yard early but once the smoke wall is up they were starting to rotate back so this is the expectation is it a heavy secret play or are they going to pressure ramp or they're going to try and split lower through those two no it's popping through main split the sight and this is where you do have to take a couple of risks right on the CT side you want to try and be strong across the map where you can be they're walking to their demise chumper will fall quick isn't he clear from rain important to have them all staying alive there will be enough money for a buy into the next Frozen will be out of buy himself robs will be able to drop his leader more than enough for FaZe to fight back with another bu round and they definitely will do so with two saved rifles and the awp still in the hands of broi but that looks very simple for Spirit yeah just Donan stics kind of walking into that top getting themselves one each that frag felt pedestrian just strolled in into Maine taking him [Applause] down and this is mr12 it's so cut throat nine already in the bank that's the first tside round we've seen from team spirit we haven't really had a back and forth tussle though have we you know this game has felt somewhat one-sided I think Mirage obviously those lighter buy rounds to the big difference makers type of rounds where Spirit even on their CT side were getting opening kills and then were unable to convert hasn't been tussle hasn't felt awfully clutch heavy in the round timeline helps demonstrate that with that streak of seven that you highlighted Just moment ago phas can change that yeah it has to start now though mag has a Mac 10 and a decent spawn yeah Roki very aggressive peing over the molotop and making sure they heard that in fact they may not be expecting this but the SMG started to push straight through slowed by the smoke choer out on about on yard oh announces his presence still will get across interestings using another smoke towards ring straight through and that's not a fight for a ma that's not a fight for a ma 10 how has that gone wrong for robs that is disastrous they're coming towards Frozen he's been nice with it thinks twice and burnt down slowed by Shiro the molotov connects and now a very uncomfortable nuke for phas robs is going to be really punching the air punching his desk conceding a mid-range engagement with a M 10 that is wild that magix has won that and it just forces FaZe into yet another save with three players he was alone it was he jumped through a smoke on his own with an SMG that is an everyday frag for robs it it feels like the last two rounds that Chopper has a great understanding of the phase rotations having them in the back pocket because the gaps that they've even either been able to fight or find have uh looked pretty fluid double digit secure shro will go down with the bomb it's not the end of the world again we have to look at the finances rain can drop broi can drop it can be another rifle round eventually they are going to have to fight for some of these four rounds the difference and the drops have taken shape here it is from Magic yeah it looks like he should have been dead to rights I mean he controlled that spray beautifully this let's not take it away from Magic so much as it it was still a screamer from robs rain isolated then he's going to be doing an awful lot of heavy lifting if he can get past this ahead of the smokes is dog hoping to punish rain as he spams the Z not going to be ready and just like that the Gap is found oh what Frozen couldn't believe it stic was trying to climb down his head four of them now down secret it's only Frozen here right now they're noisy yeah he's going to have to call for backup this is crazy this is crazy the whole team's down here shirro is going to clear you out frozen you've Ned that is there anything more Frozen unbelievable triple and here comes robs Jerry on tops and D down off one fazeclan have found their hero on nuk and Frozen keeps up the form we saw on map one that is exactly what Frozen needs to do with this team statement rounds where he steps up puts the round on his back and converts with that massive multi and they weren't easy fights they weren't easy fights at all was he the one that got Z jumping his face knew he had to be somewhere yeah they knew he had to be somewhere or at least they thought he did hence the shirro clear looking for him where did this boy go yeah it felt lazy though didn't it just rounding that corner they didn't catch him on the jump spot either and when most players play this position right this is wild absolute wild scenes usually when you jump spot and you see cross rights yeah that is wild the restraint on him and then it opens the door for robs to come down and be jarring great job from Frozen wow wow wow wow well that could be the fire Styler for phze team spirit with the opener Don manufacturing that well money for a buy they brought it back out and G has a Cho up broke his or again oh towards y but it's going to be rain in combination with broy the Flames to get it done Don dead brutal forced to watch from the sidelines it seems can they do it without him 18 kills at the moment for Don next closest on his team ztics with 14 Smoke's going to start to fade it doesn't spot anything Brokey on the awp they are down whose responsibility is it this time they've already moloto off the vent option it's robs dropping in towards dark no Maneuvers towards the front of control good on the flight path of Chopper Cuts him down now it's rain what a spray takes down both of them ztics left alone in yard with no hope the last two rounds Spirit once they've got the space they've just run with it think trying to again punish F's rotations but yes it feels like FaZe have been able to find the answer robs you were right it it looked like he wanted to drop down towards dark but heard those steps coming door swings open Maneuvers for one and then rain rotates in time FaZe back to a two round game astics has no choice but to save plenty of time to see this one simmer out is it me Chad or are these last couple of rounds you've talked about the pace of them this is like uncharacteristic speed from Spirit yeah I'm not sure why they've just had the penny drop and decided hey we need to go full gas full gas no stop and it's really cost them because they're not being diligent they're running into these positions where they can get multi frag their spacing hasn't been good like that was a rain triple kill round from primarily ramp how often is rain there meanwhile ztics with 150 bucks coming into the next round of play his teammates are not going to have much to their name at least an AK-47 and C for ztics yeah conversation starting to shift now 2400 available into the next round of play starting to feel out the pressure just turned up a notch let go spirit in trouble or do they have an answer robs was great and then they' just baited the line of sight they run out trying to deal with him rain steps out grabs a couple so great team play thetic saved AK has been given the good graces of a couple of smokes to get him some space but the fact that they're trying to do it off the rip and this deep you see it again they've had to Brave the Flames I'm not sure what the utal damages of rain right now but he's definitely been licking with the Flames more often than not yeah and it's cut ztics down down to just two body shots one more will do it Zonk put low Chopper already in a grave they might have to just change the pacing on their progression outside especially if rain's going to keep throwing that yeah and just as easy as that rain flashed in by broki takes down the rifle and we're looking at a one round game here Don at least has picked up the AK maybe there's something more to be said Financial damage having to operate without any armor whatsoever yeah no fun too man disc repid SE no [Music] space ztics is begging that they can get the bomb down right now the Lost bur is into the next won't get him a b around the corner into a nice little setup from fa so no real drama just shirro 25 seconds left on the clock does pick up the AK Brokey he's had enough of that b just one round the difference now still not going to be what I would consider a full buy available for that a spirit zix is going to go wanting into this round have to operate with something a little bit lighter ak's for most jumper with a Gil I love it I wonder if they could do the drum as like the kind of the the heartbeat of the round picks up pace when things are exciting maybe slows down when things are a little less active kind still challenge for you as he goes for one audacious little one tap there broy thinks twice of sticking around again towards yach just look at the damage they're taking from UT before Spirit can even get going uh there's a real opportunity here I wonder if magix is wise to robs his tricks both of them staring at this oh no magic Cooks him that's a big gap that's a big opportunity and that's brave from carrian he's taken down the bomb carrier Chad what does that mean bro is there in support as well wall bang under carrian he's being stubborn with it oh Brokey he lets that go don dead carrian taken down donk now he considers his mission accomplished he's taken down two players and put the bomb on the floor they still to be worried about this aren't they still causing a fuss over towards Hut Chopper playing in the Smoke we'll find some space carrian with bogden's law picks up the awp now broki can be Unleashed oh I love this have the bomb with 37 the red carpet is rolled out for a post plot here Chad don't have a smoke but they do have two mollies one towards Windows is going to be possible door is going to get blown off so they're going to flash anybody out who might reside rotating in now carrian 4 V3 bomb needs to go down 15 seconds carrian swings open the Deon door he'd have to go wide he covered nice magic onto caragan Spirit flipping the script but rain made it even more uncomfortable onto magic that's a big one Shiro Nails Frozen the impact frager watching from the sidelines it's rain in the 1 V2 he has got time but as he got a Char oh Chopper locks it in for team spirit they definitely gave him an opportunity there he takes the fight they both swing the first goes his way but the second the ingame leader for Spirit locks it [Music] in and this is just Thursday folks remarkable turnout incredible to see Counter Strike fans in celebration of the new engine the new game CS 2's first major and just towards the end of their working week fans have flocked to the Royal Arena here in Copenhagen and we getting a game of Counter Strike finally locking horns the two of them not just a spirit blowout not just looking like a 20 in favor of phas one round now for team spirit they've had to battle to The Nail searching for Solutions offered up an opening from robs this time round brok it again poshes with the awp expecting the UT a little bit more so will be team SP nobody going to burn down to half HP this crawl is on a time of the smokes so plenty of time for now but Don needs to get a move on silly descending leaving ztics with a nade cross his face well they boxed them in interesting timing on that smoke there just as they arrive it's kind of rain just raising a red flag I don't think he meant to throw it like that look at the they can go back then yeah so must have been Mis thrown didn't quite catch the trajectory still going to cause an over rotation but yeah there is a potential slip to back V [Music] rain stays restrained robs in support safe from the spread they're not rushing at this time around taking their time as Spirit right a diligent clear from donk it's Magic's first Contact he's going to find him and he's going to lose his head it's a big start man Advantage for FaZe pressure to plant on team spirit there's another oh instantaneous head shot from sheero robs takes his place Shiro seems very well drilled and ready good find though and the door is open he can't disrupt the plant dog providing some covering fire three players from FaZe trapped on the top side they're disconnected from this low plant ztics has a Molly this could come in clutch oh it's certainly going to come in clut now with lot of robs carrian has to do more than one can't don't strong tov2 time sensitive no opportunity for broki it has to be frozen otherwise a 12th round is coming it seems soix has just secured it he knows broy does too team spirit are one away from forcing vertigo it feels like that conversation can finally begin it's been quite touch and go but team spirit without pi piing up a pistol here on nuke the map choice of phas are about to take us to Uncharted Territory this is not a map that FaZe play this is fa's permaban something they are yet to dine on with Frozen and then you have to ask the question what changes with the setup right with Frozen coming in what have they been cooking if they knew this was going to slip there would always be a possibility that's with the Des to discuss we've got to see if spir can get it done right here right now look at the fragile purchase all the money shoved in towards the center of the table is fighting for their honor whil I agree three sounds tantalizing let's find out if there's anything here from face Clans defense it is a broken awp partnered up with smattering of lesser weapons than MP9 but broke his or about to be tested here and he's quick with it taking down ZX the jumping Magic's plucked from the air by robs on the MP9 strong start Frozen oh he's catching some sort of timing here from Chopper dead doesn't clear clean carrian versus Don can another for his head to head yes indeed space they managed to take it convincingly with the just SMGs Chad That was supposed to be it that was supposed to be just the last putt to take us to three really interesting conversation to be had now the 1900 losses to the next nice little time to bring up the cash on screen for everybody to team spirit and you don't shove next round you're going to have a couple of AKs a couple of gals so do you want to shove all in or do you want to take the Eco and it looks like the Eco option is the one Chopper has called forward with so FaZe will be given a free opportunity to get 11 rounds on the board it'll be up to phase if we go to overtime and it started in style bro on the chopper the deagle for Don oh R trying to get cheeky with it he does take down Don to the minimum but they'll keep it quick they'll keep it efficient our final round of Regulation it's either OT or Spirit forcing us to three and you can see with the bu taking shape right now three gills of M an AK definitely far from ideal is that a second orb that's been [Music] Bor it looks like there's a second or over towards CT spawn they're going to run double ORS right now intriguing well they can always go back for the other rifle sure this could cause some issues drops on the second awp this is how Mirage started off so dynamically it kind of threw team spirit through a loop now we go round 24 folks every move you make rain is watching you Don on the yard this time not with the rest of the pack they're looking to pop top Chad many a heartbreaking nuke with a pace change into the top s it's broky though denies lovely double on the awp shirro and ztics left wanting empty-handed as overtime looms face force it 12 12 only one more frag needed the or to fill the feed or should I say or it's broky puts himself to the top of the board and FaZe extends play map [Music] [Applause] two Reigns family watching there in the crowd as 122 secure yeah fa had to bring this entertaining style of Counterstrike and I'm glad we're getting it this time round rolling with the punches and throwing a couple of their own yeah that is beautiful from broy isn't it what more could you ask for but they're definitely playing their style right they're playing like FaZe should and fired up now the momentum shift Spirit had them right where they wanted them they did awp and M9 that was all they needed to get past to lock in map number three it's broi boys you got to watch out for broy he's on a heater we do have a lot of flashes Cho is about to just barrage utility into the top side carrian first man to resist he hasn't got too much in the way of support here they come what's he got carrian getting tested here and extinguish but burning burning Carri 100 to Zer thought he just thrown the smoke to do enough but there's rain a 4v4 bomb's still in lobby Chopper's not in the sight and he has the bomb so he has to get past ramp getting towards the site the smokes are starting to fade though that's the problem yeah and R utility oh and a bit of Chip damage there onto ztics hasn't limited Shiro's options he's still going to be hard to clear they're trying to come up the vent they're trying to come up the ladders all over the shop spit switch Shiro still catches him Frozen did not clear him but somehow it's still quite even I say that Astic tips the scales in spirit's favor he gets the kill and still gets the incend up towards heaven so so much done in terms of impact to secure that sight felt like it was going to be more of a treacherous pass for chopper with that C4 but he gets it in they get it down spirit will respond to hold on to this awp sure we're in overtime but cash is not unlimited going to keep that in the back of his mind is broki all right well that's come a few rounds to late if you're a team spirit fan most definitely you'll feel a bit hard done by a bit robbed that we couldn't just make that happen in regular and we just saw hi deciding to take their only tactical timeout for this overtime since we've shifted to mr12 once we make it to overtime there is going to be one timeout for each team each set of potentially six rounds both teams will have an opportunity to call a 302 tactical chitchat and it feels like I don't want to say the pressure of the moment I don't think it's gotten to Spirit right they've been looking more like themselves within this map of play it's more fa who have stepped up to the plate and bringing that top level of Counter Strike but there it is from carrian thinking he can just call the bluff on the flames and hoping get a kill before he goes down they just didn't come out that Hut yeah I think he had the expectation of that there was Pace there you're right thought he could get away with one or two before the Flames found him and it wasn't just a top up Molly you can see them also go for the rafter Molly as well yeah so layers on layers from Spirit 5 AK-47s in the mix could be quick look at ztics he's already out squeaky they're just running at them Chad they've run them down Frozen and carrian watching that's off of the timeout hi just called that and they've gone straight towards the top Rush oh oh wow fa most definitely going to be feeling kind of rocked is ringing what just happened if part of the game plan is to be disruptive and make sure they couldn't execute they didn't give them any time to stall them out it was just a top up the fact that they're boosting on the box to stop you from getting up the ladder it's just extra levels of cheese it's beautiful there's nothing here for you now broy rain you can have a look there's nothing for you here it's a 14th for team spirit with one of the quickest rounds we've seen yet hary calls the timeout as you discuss you only get one and he just throws the whole Squad into the top site that's going to feel damn good how does Chopper proceed forward was he given instructions to follow for the final round for the first half of OT the magic number that we're looking for in OT number one is 16 155 we do it all again and ztics he knew what his mission was straight out that squeaky door destroying the hopes and dreams of baz at that top site hold Rush a no stop surely they don't go for the same play again nah but remember they were having issues when they were taking secret space with the walls so I don't expect to see them go back to that standard type of play be a different flavor for sure it's D feeling it doesn't drop main drops yard though Flash from carrian Once answers towards Lobby and that's a bit more proactive from face really do not want to allow it to set up to execute bit of a gap the smoke wall is it going to bleed over ever so slightly but broi from his position has Vision oh but they've lost Frozen disadvantage phase the CT side wallowing in despair as a second wave of util spawns Molly for good measure rain peing around them trying to find anything he can work with here trying to tip the scales back in ph's favor 50 seconds D versus rain he's just looked away rain deleted double out of donk caragan not going to be cleared I spoke too soon it's magic to close and a perfect half of overtime absolutely Flawless stuff and it feels like every time they've manifested a play through the smoke Spirit have come out on top ramp with magic donks earlier on in the CT side where they pop through and now this time just lurching through and deleting any hopes fa had Don the destroyer of Dreams through the smoke rain considered it for a moment as soon as he averts his gaze Don there broke he can't believe it down as well the double from donk securing 15 for team spirit map two well F of thought we may as well take this time out to collect oursel because we have to do the same why not three consecutive required on their tside campaign you have to tip your hat to the likes of Donan ztics to be a map down in a pressure environment their first major their first major playoffs on their first stage but shining under the lights just one more round required is this where it ends on nuke they've gone yard control this is very heavy from Spirit this is full yard control for info spotted by rain I suspect or at least considering the possibility util to be thrown out as well chiro's posted for this this is a full Biff in yard monotov's in back well placed utility there Frozen could be catching that nade imagine if he actually nailed it oh FR lucky to be alive instead it's the or tanked up now trapped oh run down but supported this is crazy Death Match right now on yard teammates bailing each other out shirro goes down to the Smoke Cha's next on the naughty list look how low he is you can't leave here yeah you can't leave broki ensures it now this dastardly Duo have taken Lobby where's the bomb still down towards yard they're going to have to go back towards Sal to pick that up be difficult to punch your way through R's on high alert bomb now collected from Frozen 35 seconds left on the clock how could this go wrong Chad 30 seconds if they don't just go lower right and they go in towards the two individuals top site that's a problem carrian Mak a lot of noise to towards B but they're coming out well doesn't matter if broi hits his shot but magic is still a problem he's taken down the bomb carrier broi goes down oh my God it really could have slipped away right there what happened to broi he was looking at the ground looking for the bomb I suppose didn't expect the reek out would have been a real mental breaker well the hard stop for a moment two more opportunities for Spirit to still tip us over towards that third map but just two two more rounds for FaZe for us to go again they've been in this position before and that yard control moments away from disaster on either side of the server thought doc did a great job staying alive the N to get the individual off top of Silo speaking the top of Silo that's where broi finds himself perch on The High Ground slipping inward secret early be able to respond to any threats if they do to a smoke ball for the cross carrian in spawn Grenadier ready to unleash the fury of the nades setting his team up now remember in regulation there was a whole conversation regarding Rob slipping down the vent Chopper having to deal with that round after round right now he's assisting outside I mean the bar is set so incredibly High 3T rounds B have to match that they got to keep it perfect the favorite side here the CT side oh and the shadow it leads to Chopper onto rain down he goes Don is building closer and closer to map three out yard overextending the Donk no trade available as he gets across ooh shirro Bots one as well it was the bomb yeah okay but could this be a recovered round carrian full Focus broky Molly's the vents limits their option sonk Springs into action by tucking into the dark there is a smoke that could be hard to deny the pl he's going to have to let it go oh he's nailed it he's absolutely nailed it take it out broky looking to hit one but he's running out of time as well he's going to try and spam this time broki gets it down this is for survival and oh what robs onto Chopper there two on two angled adopted shirro closing the Gap robs as well with him from the right they call the block they hit the shot we go again this is the phase that is in form on a stage this is the phase that we all want to see when the chips are down when it looks like there's absolutely no chance they pull up around like that how has that gone down like that ztics denying the plan you think that's enough most definitely enough they had a 5v3 number Advantage again Spirit keep putting them themselves in these positions to close out the game but B AR given up oh that's a tilter that is a tilter you can see it on their faces they know that was supposed to be theirs vertigo was supposed to be logged in instead FaZe might be able to force another overtime matching Spirits 3T round run with three of their own oh he was very close pre aim was nice onto rain on the cross just spams away so far though they are not shying away from this after he cut them in pieces in Cavita on the smoke spams this time look at what they're working with though a couple of MP9 a scout going to be tough car committed in the smoke with the ballb yeah because they plan to need and go but then not ready for the chopper clear he will go down empty-handed some damage dealt but donke is here early broke his orn struggles to big head shot from rain hang on hang on a second hold your horses it's only a scout an AK-47 recovered and an MP n otherwise we have to go again here on map two of our quarterfinal the Royal Arena once more once blood baked shot good find magic he's heating up time sensitive carrian has secured it for FaZe R will secure it as well nothing here for Sher we need another their back the wall in two Mario in this map of Counter Strike phase they were 12 to9 down an awp a couple of MP9 they did it they go into overtime they lose the first half being on the CT side 0 to three and then they pull it back and I'm pretty sure the round they won in the previous was what a 2v five a 3v5 yeah no for sure at least a Twan Advantage for for Spirit the fact that we continue to go and need another this is exhilarating Counter Strike but it it's going to test the mental of Spirit they already feel like they should have been loading up vertigo and having a a quick smoke break outside now it's smokes but it's outside yard we continue to play nuk map 2 this time it's a complete ruse nobody out here to sell anything shirro purged up and over trying to see if he can get any information and you're right it is the mental for team spirit to be under this type of pressure to be under the pump in this environment it's completely new territory where this is fa's home oh the Mind Game suck to sink here in an early smoke wall now they return and they line up yet another this time with intent so they've had broi holding heart for the majority of this and there's oh what there's ziros or out aimed outgunned by an AK47 rain sharp shooting ztics off angle jiggled out good find but Brokey quick to the eye on the scope choa to be presented with a chance at a double the bomb is now at his doorstep in a three on three got a lot to worry about grab as well as secret carrian slipping under 30s considering their options they got the bomb back caragan undetected Magic's completely unprepared caragan he's cooking now with where's the bomb froy drops it onto Carri keeping the Ora up in heaven rain provides the cover donkey is gone bomb has beened this first round for the t-s side of phase is set up and you just take a look at Don on the camera there the stress is getting to them the pressure is getting to them they didn't consider Heaven at all the bomb down towards Ram they know they down secret really there's a player up Heaven as well in carrian he finds a way he finds a solution Chomper is going to give this one a go well if you got ch ah a bullet between the eyes carrian continues him and Rain side by side frag by frag they are doing it what a shot from rain onto shirro as well because we were on board with him earlier into the round he was staring at the smokes and there the second wave and you can just see how much is visible a great shot from rain 25 kills joined by broki on 26 on this second map of play and they are breaking the wheel of spirit right in front of our very [Music] eyes and Don does deliver takes down one of the stars of the show in Rain opening kill hang on bro key what is that you're going to have to explain that one again thought he caught a timing I suppose everyone's making place for attempting to trying this time is Don's turn Frozen onto him though and Cha yeah what is going on here we got a death match round DRS down big from choer double kill from him well that's a a very interesting round indeed from FaZe I think everybody got a uh free day from carrian to do what they'd like yeah I mean you want to keep your opponent guessing just giving them a round over on the CT side and apparently that's where it's turned to be the most difficult to do so in the depths of over time taking stock good frag totals from the debutants in the quarterfinal yeah think showing from Donan ztics if anything you'd expect a bit more from shirro and Magic he's just charging at them running at them there's another from Magic's double kill there's some impact for you Lobby crunch in a full gun round in a major quarterfinal and now Frozen oh nearly doing the Absurd he started heating out there didn't he bro but these calls this is what happens when you get into a second overtime you you've played the whole strap book you start calling pistol rounds on full Gunnies that is wild right you think about the two type of rounds since we've got here that Spirit have been able to throw out the fast top after the hle time out and now straight in towards Lobby guns are blazing everyone's a point man oh man it's good ztics put Frozen down down it looked like he was just starting to get a bit uh bit crazy with it and we're looking for 19 18 18 and we just keep this one going is there more give me [Music] more okay rain with the n nothing to report Qui on yard he baiting out that CTU to making it look like there was a lot of pressure towards top side no incendies remain to defend so this is a tone setter this is team spirit back on the tside setting the tone for the three rounds to follow SP W for progression top site weakened mission accomplished Roi he found impact in this position before and this time again Magic's down Molotov good broky pushing oh he's got a lot of support in Rain donk however has combed bind it's Frozen's over rotation that could cost him Chopper spots him robs is still knif out up Heaven hoping to keep them distracted covered by dump nice head shot and there it is 18 in the bag as Chopper lets out a gutteral yell they've been here so many times before this isn't the first time Spirit have been one round away from securing map number two feel like a broken record at this point it's about closing it's about getting that magic number and Harley this time has saved the Tactical time out for that right moment can he make the round winning call for his save every time he's done this though it's been something pacy there's no way you have the kones to throw something py into the mix once more this is just the chess game yeah sure it's so many different looks so many cat and mouse games the slips down the vent standard yard progressions the amount of plays through smokes that Spirit have gotten away with what have they cooked up in the lab fa are the ones who have had to continuously Fight Back Time and Time Again team spirit just have to close the door on this map just one round just five kills and they've said that plenty of times in this map let's find out if there's more to be seen on nuke first and 19 team spirit on the very precipice of taking us to a third here our second quarterfinal of Cs 2's first major pgl Copenhagen and it's donk at its very first and he's not stopping for anyone on the war path slinking across set up for Success Spirit put him in a position of power rain is very committed towards B see that position just highlighted by the OBS crew another smoke towards squeaky door lands in the front of zic so it's just stall tactics right now as broi has been loving the up close and personal play to war t with the awp he's had so much success from this very position interesting isn't it it's not something you often see but how do they get down towards the Lower Side Don here stretching his legs one way would be out squeaky down the vent yeah that's Frozen's opportunity to start unloading 20 bullets into the potential smoke here comes that smoke we discussed shirro lines it up they're going to try and join Don down the vent or top what he's coming up youtil carrian safe broy Frozen everyone's here good start start from Don it's Frozen with the double Frozen with the triple he extends play a dink as well was that all for not three and a half frags from Frozen but it doesn't matter it doesn't matter we go to vertigo team spirit resilient on the quarterfinal stage and a third map required to secure the semi-final very positive signs for Spirit here not only the two young guns on the stage Zante as well as Don stepping up the men
Channel: PGL
Views: 22,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faze spirit, faze vs spirit pgl cs2 major copenhagen 2024 - playoff stage, pgl cs2 major copenhagen 2024 - playoff stage, spirit faze, spirit vs faze, spirit vs faze highlights, spirit vs faze nuke
Id: rX-sebNWka8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 28sec (4348 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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