nvidia's Glorious Mistake | GTX 1080 Ti

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the next generation of PC enthusiasts will call us Liars we'll tell them of the Glory Days of PC gaming when new graphics card releases were worth buying and when you could get a top of the line 4K gaming card with 11 gigabytes of vram for 700 and they'll look at us the way we look at our parents when they'll tell us how they used to be able to just buy a house well you know what it was true all of it and it's actually still pretty damn good I don't like gratuitous Nostalgia I talk mostly about old CPUs and graphics cards not because there's something Noble about them but because these days it's an economic reality that many of us are going to have to live with our tech for longer so I'm gonna quickly debunk one of the myths about the GTX 1080 TI it was still a damned expensive card at the time I wouldn't have dreamed of spending over 600 pounds on a gaming accessory in 2017. I didn't plan on buying a regular 1080 until I found an open box return for 380 which at the time was the most I'd ever spent on a graphics card what we should all be misty-eyed for is a time before the scalper pandemic before GPU manufacturers realized many of us would pay whatever price they wanted to charge us but anyway let me hop off my soapbox for a minute and tell you all about the 1080 TI at the time of writing Pascal is the oldest unproblematic generation of GPU from Nvidia Maxwell had a couple of models which don't support dx12 there have been a few instances of the 900 series having driver issues with certain games and the 980 TI has pretty high power consumption for its performance so the 10 series is about as far back as I recommend going in 2023 thankfully or perhaps damningly there's plenty of good performance on display in the Pascal series and while the 1080 TI won't win any awards for efficiency these days it still looks to have quite a lot of performance to offer at about 250 Watts lately it seems like new game releases are targeting 8 gigabytes of vram or higher even at 1920x1080 so 11 gigabyte cards like this one are experiencing a Resurgence in interest from gamers my example here is actually an EVGA SC2 model that's had its heatsink replaced with a rising Tech Morpheus 2 and a pair of Arctic 120 mil fans the heatsinks seemed better days but there's enough heft here that I think the inevitable sag might actually straighten it out eventually the aftermarket cooler works a treat I replace the thermal paste and it runs at a stone cold 50 to 60 degrees and can boost to about 1900 megahertz all by itself granted I am on an open-air test bench AKA cardboard box so this isn't a review of the Morpheus itself but it seems to be an excellent performer and the Arctic fans are pleasantly quiet too of course just like a current GPU is useless without a decent sized memory buffer an older GPU with plenty of vram is no good if it can't perform to find out how the 1080 TI is coping with the storm that is gaming in 2023 I've slotted it into my moderately priced gaming PC featuring a ryzen 5 5600x and 32 gigs of ddr4 3600 thankfully the PC Port of The Last of Us seems to be past the worst of its teething troubles since the 1.04 patch the game now seems to have its vram usage under control and the medium preset no longer looks practically untextured however this is the 1080 TI and we have 11 gigs of the stuff to play with so I skipped 1080 medium and went straight to high this provided a very acceptable 62 FPS average dropping to the 40s at minimum there are just enough instances of long lingering drops into the 50s that you might want to add some upscaling to smooth things out 1414 might be possible if you're happy playing well below 60fps I chose the medium preset then went through and manually turned any setting that claimed to be heavy on vram up to high and this surprisingly still managed close to 50 FPS [Music] now this is a pleasant surprise Jedi Survivor has also had some performance enhancing patches applied since its release in late April and I have to say they seem to have done some good the GTX 1080 TI is not only capable of 1080 at high settings it can even stretch a little further the Epic preset doesn't quite manage 60 but at high hits a 70 FPS average if you own a 1440p display then the high preset will allow for a little under 50 FPS so a frame limit of 30 or 45 should be a decent experience while looking a good bit sharper than 1080. if you're still hoping for 60fps FSR balanced would be my choice also while I was here I thought I'd have a go at enabling RT a feature which is technically possible for NVIDIA non-rc cards like Pascal but in practice many games don't actually seem to support it Survivor gives a very good reason for this to be the case average FPS at 1080 high is in the 30s and lows dropped to the good old cinematic 24 but there are some glitches at first I thought these might be related to distance or lods but they still occur right up close still at least the improved self-shadowing makes Cal's hair a little more tame the last of the really Troublesome titles in my test Suite re4 remake is another game that doesn't like it when you try to exceed the recommended vram limits nevertheless while it would have been pretty simple to do so dropping texture quality to the four gigabyte setting was enough for a mere Amber warning at 1080 and otherwise Max settings the game could run at about 90 FPS on average pushing resolution to 1440cs that dropped to below 70 FPS with one percent lows a little below 60. sadly the RT function is grayed out so we don't get to see how the 1080 TI handles Ray tracing in this one tomorrow a quick palette cleanser before we dive back into the unoptimized muck Forza Horizon 5 can still be pretty demanding on vram if you opt for higher settings but I think I should be safe with 11 gigs anyone with a 1080p display can look forward to frame rates in excess of 60 FPS even at the extreme preset with the canned Benchmark providing an average of swasant Nerf anyone looking to play at 1440 will have to drop to the ultra preset to see almost the same frame rates once more out of curiosity I gave the RT function a try and low it did appear to be working a 1080 high with RTX stream I could see reflections of the wing mirrors on the side windows which means that rays were most definitely being traced somewhat shockingly this was all possible as a very playable frame rate with averages of 64 and lows of 55. not bad for a card with no RT cores foreign having abandoned my Xbox game pass version of Halo infinite after the buggy launcher deleted it from my drive I've installed the free to play version through Steam this means I can't do my old campaign test runs anymore but I can still test out multiplayer big Team battles are the more intensive variety of match and the 1080 TI could manage an average FPS of 75 at 1440 High settings with lows of about 60. smaller scale matches like team Slayer are a little lighter on the GPU meaning for an extra 10 FPS or so at the same settings graphical heavyweights are played towel Requiem recently introduced some optimizations for lower end gpus but the 1080 TI doesn't need anyone's charity at high settings the 1920x1080 resolution might not be exactly true 1080 thanks to the non-optional upscaling but even with resolution Optimizer set to ultra quality the game runs at a pleasant 73 FPS on average pushing the output routes to 1440 sees averages closer to the 50 mark But if you have a 1440 display the drop is worth it the game looks far sharper this way though the halo around amicia is still a little distracting at times [Music] God of War is a smooth experience on the 1080 TI even at 1440 Max settings in regular gameplay averages hang around the 60 Mark with lows closer to 50 FPS given how intensive cutscenes can be you might consider some FSR or a drop to the high preset and the game looks excellent regardless it seems I kind of forgot to test at 1080 but as I'm sure you can imagine you can expect frames in the high 80s and 90s out of the 1080 TI even with the quality settings maxed out [Music] Spider-Man remastered continues the 1080 TI's winning streak if you still daily drive this card in 2023 I'm happy to say you need and be stuck at 1080p in modern games as Spidey Glides along at over 100 FPS at 1440p that only drops as far as 85 and I dare so you could probably get a 4K 60 experience without too many dropped settings though I didn't get around to testing it this time Ray tracing is once more grayed out so unfortunately we don't get to see how the 1080 TI handles it which is a shame because I reckon we have enough horsepower to drive 50 to 60 FPS maybe with some upscaling Uncharted 4 also doesn't require compromising on resolution for a smooth experience at Native 1440 Ultra the 1080 TI can manage to hold a 70 FPS average with lows dipping only slightly below 60. given the style of game I don't think 90 plus FPS averages are really necessary but 1080p owners can certainly get that from the 1080 TI anyway with an average of 95. [Music] I'd hope to try cyberpunk 2077 with Ray tracing enabled for the lulls more than anything as I can't imagine Pascal could drive any more than a handful of FPS without some heavy-handed use of upscaling I believe it's been possible in the past alas I don't know if I needed a specific Drive assess but the game's menu just didn't allow me to enable it anyway in regular rendering modes I was able to run cyberpunk at 1080 high for an over 60 FPS average increasing to 1440 at the same settings drops that average to 45 which isn't unplayable but it will make things a little more sluggish at least the game has a plethora of upscalers built in to help improve the experience [Music] Witcher 3 was also a pleasant surprise even though this is a patched next-gen version of the game running in dx12 the 1080 T icon still Blitz through it at 1080 Ultra the game just grazes beneath 100 FPS with 1 lows of 72. if you have a 1440 monitor you don't need to do anything in the settings to maintain a smooth experience the ultra preset once more delivers a playable frame rate though this time only 81 FPS on average with lows dipping slightly below 60. it is worth bearing in mind however that parts of the Witcher 3 are extremely CPU intensive and if you're still pairing your 1080 TI with a 2017 era CPU you'll almost definitely see lower frame rates than this out of curiosity I checked and was surprised to see Witcher 3 is another game which will RT with a pascal GPU however this is worse than Survivor with raw 1080 only hitting about 11 to 12 FPS playing with quality settings makes no difference only upscaling is really of any use with balanced FSR achieving a 22 FPS average Ultra performance looks like it might get close to Thursday but geralt's face looks like someone's art project I took fortnite for a spin in my usual three test configs low with epic view distance and 100 rescaling medium and 100 row scaling and epic the former two options work flawlessly with the low settings option being hard to justify on frame rate grounds this mode scores 186 FPS at 1440 whereas medium only sees a slightly lower average of 141 medium is however slightly too pretty for serious competitive gamers Epic on the other hand is obviously pretty to a fault with software Lumen and Nanos enabled frame rates plummet as the visual quality skyrockets full 1440 can't deliver a smooth 30 FPS and even adding TSR quality upscaling doesn't really achieve that either averaging 40 but with one percent still below 30. [Music] Warzone 2 wasn't a great time at 1440 Ultra I mean any more than it ever is it averaged over 60 FPS but one percent those were a ridiculously low 34 FPS and I sincerely recommend dropping settings or adding some res scaling to get a better experience here I don't often recommend playing this or other more realistic looking Shooters at 1080 or below unless you have no other option but if you do you'll have a much better time at Ultra averages climb into the 90s and while those are still proportionately very low they're slightly more tolerable [Music] okay show of hands who expected that of the 13 games tested the GTX 1080 TI would still be able to play eight of them at 1440 with over 60 FPS I know I was pretty surprised even games like Resident Evil 4 held up pretty well and having the large 11 gigabyte frame buffer to hand was useful for playing some of the new games with higher texture settings than even some similar performing modern cards compared to the RX 5700 XT the two gpus are generally neck and neck with the occasional game favoring one card over the other but having the freedom to increase certain settings on the 1080 TI makes it very appealing the extra vram seems to be keeping the used costs high as the average going rate seems to be over 200 pounds whereas the 5700 XT costs way less and the 6700 costs only slightly more pros and cons aside though it's still impressive that a six-year-old GPU can prove itself this relevant in 2023 imagine if this wasn't an exception to the norm as if the 780 Ti had performed this well in 2019 or the 980 TI in 2021 and that the 1080 TI wasn't the only fondly remembered high-end g-force of the last decade and a half for the time being one can only imagine how well the 4090 will hold up in 2029 thanks for watching kindly do the usual YouTube things if you feel so inclined and I'll see you next time foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Iceberg Tech
Views: 556,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iceberg, GTX 1080 Ti in 2023, GTX 1080 Ti vs 2023, can GTX 1080 Ti play games, is GTX 1080 Ti worth it, GTX 1080 Ti resident evil 4, GTX 1080 Ti plague tale requiem, GTX 1080 Ti spider-man remastered, GTX 1080 Ti forza horizon 5, GTX 1080 Ti halo infinite, GTX 1080 Ti uncharted, GTX 1080 Ti god of war, GTX 1080 Ti cyberpunk, witcher 3 remastered, GTX 1080 Ti the last of us, GTX 1080 Ti jedi survivor, GTX 1080 Ti fortnite, GTX 1080 Ti warzone 2, GTX 1080 Ti ray tracing
Id: 516OexsGlO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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