Final Fantasy Tactics: Review & Secrets | ft. @projared | The Completionist

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I love these guys. Some of the best content creators on YouTube.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pausetheequipment πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

ProJirard the Finishist!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TrimmersX7 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 24 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's interesting they thought that Cloud was the only moderately useful secret character, because IMO he kinda sucks and Worker 8 is easily the best secret character.

Although in the PSP version Balthier is really good, but they weren't playing that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EnderPete πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 24 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've never level up Cloud up to anything meaningful, is he good?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ChokottooLoop πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

The video just started and mildly judging them for their Greatest Hits copy of the strategy guide. But I'm watching it to see if I learn anything new. Doubt it, but you never know.

Edit: Already :'(. The iOS version is not an emulation, they ported it from PSP, fixing the slowdown (arguably too well, some things are now too fast) and improving the graphics. No multiplayer, sadly. But it's not emulation.

Edit 2: They're playing the original version and still quoted being able to have 24 units not 16. That's WotL only.

Edit 3: Dropping that Cloud is a secret character and THEN warning about spoilers after? Foul.

Edit 4: Failed to mention Javelin II and Escutcheon II. Shame.

Edit 5: "There is no indication as to where to get this weapon from." (on Materia Blade) - nope, Cloud's help text tells you it's at the top of the volcano. Seriously, these guys...

Edit 6: Yell/Tailwind and Accumulate/Focus is a lot better than throwing stones for EXP/JP grinding, Silly.

Final Edit: Well, I didn't learn anything and they got some things wrong, kinda want that 30 minutes back.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EzioSC5 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 24 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

All I think about now when I see ProJared is all that porn he posts on tumblr.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nachopartycandidate πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 25 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies
a quick announcement for today's video Super Mario RPG turns 20 years old this year and to commemorate the awesome occasion Jesse Cox Dodger strippin octo pimp Alex from the decks and beard grows myself and so many more people are coming together to do our annual JRPG stream it's happening on Saturday the 24th at 12 p.m. Pacific Standard Time head over to slash that one video gamer or slash Shibu see see you guys there yes you hey everyone and welcome back to the brand new episode of the completionist today's episode is on one of my favorite found Fantasy games Final Fantasy Tactics holy crap were talking about tactics I'm in oh my god Pro Jarrod where did you come from from right over there's like three steps to the side just out of your peripheral vision damn tactics I love it let's talk let's go [Music] Squaresoft and Final Fantasy has kind of been king of JRPGs nowadays I would beg to differ but back in the day they would take a lot of big risks and a lot of the time those risks would pay off things like Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG legend of the seven stars were games that on paper are weird and scary yet they instantly became fan favorites obviously the weird and scary do that ocher battle Marcia the black queen and tactics ogre let us cling together were two incredible JRPGs on the Super Nintendo that took everyone by storm the company quest let you assume a Monsuno helm both these games but by 1995 Monsuno had moved on to work at squaresoft and so his first project was another tactical style RPG known as Final Fantasy Tactics released in 1997 Final Fantasy Tactics would go on to sell over 1 million copies in its infancy it went on to establish the Ivelisse world that would later be revisited in such games as Ben Grimm story Final Fantasy Tactics advance advance 2 and Final Fantasy 12 and back in 2007 PSP users were greeted with a brand new port known as Final Fantasy Tactics war of the Lions it would feature a better translation of dialogue updated cutscenes and they added the Onion Knight and Dark Knight as a job class today we chose to play the original PlayStation game because the port does suffer from loading times and extreme slow down during battles the game is available on iOS and ps3 via emulation for those of you who wanted to give it a shot but I think that at the core of it Jared and I both agreed we wanted to play the version that we both grew up with that's right let us start with the legacy of roms Abele's and the world of Ivelisse long ago there were three neighboring kingdoms known as Ivelisse or Dahlia and Raimondo all three kingdoms had royal blood ties across each other but at the end of the day they were constantly in conflict the biggest conflict between all three became to be known as the 50-year war throughout the 50-year war we saw a rise of independent royal families with tremendous power and when the war came to an end these families were almost completely in charge of these countries but you know these stories go it all starts the death of a king or dahlias King King Abdullah dies which soon turned the entire world into a race to the throne the king has two heirs to the throne his daughter of Elia who isn't as royal as we think she is and his youngest son of Elia has the support of goltanna and the Black Lion while Queen Ravi Leah and her brother Prince Lord of a White Lion support her younger brother and across all three kingdoms wealthy families are taking sides this is where our heroes are introduced enter Rob's a belleve the youngest male of the baled family the game starts out with his father dying he's got his brother's die start zal back and his younger sister Alma to help run the royal family name on his deathbed Rams his father work-wise Rams are you sent my mom's ashes on his deathbed Rama's father requests that ramzan lead his friend Aleta with guidance and justice Delina high role is Rob's his best friend growing up Dalida is considered a commoner but was raised as royalty alongside ramza they're practically brothers training in the Academy they hope to be Knights what they end up getting involved in goes beyond their own scope the game is split into four chapters each which see Rama and Aleta changing exponentially what's weird is that the game starts off at are born monastery with a tutorial fight this fight is actually where the game begins but all of chapter 1 is to flashback up until chapter 2 without spoiling too much dolena loses someone close to him by the end of chapter 1 realizing that he is just a commoner but wants to become more as by the end of chapter 1 Ramnath sees that his family is heavily involved in the plot of this new lion war that's begun and through the evolution of the game you discover that the war isn't what it's meant to be that's about as far as we should go before we ruin the rest of the video you can tell there's a lot on the line here the stakes are so goddamn high that our heroes are the only ones who seem to have any idea as to what's truly right and that's awesome personally I always believe in doing the right thing and that's Rob's entire aspect thus making our main character one of the most relatable Final Fantasy protagonists let alone video game protagonists out there and look at that there's no princess that needs saving well there kind of is but our main character does need to save her because she's a love interest and that's saying a lot this is one of the things I really liked about tactics around this time so many RPGs were coming up that were all based around love stories and the fact that tactics isn't about that at all was really refreshing and within the realm of tactics we have ramza who is not only trying to stop everything in the name of justice he's trying to make sure that no one kills each other more importantly he's trying to find himself and where he fits in with not only his friends but his family and delete is really doing the same thing he's also trying to find his place in the world only he knows exactly what he wants that to be and goes about it and really selfish ways really pay attention goes thorough when it comes to the Final Fantasy Tactics story you'll be amazed at how much lore and backlog that really can be it's still confusing as all hell yeah it's definitely you'll take yeah I mean you'll probably need to like read up some wiki's yeah or something you can probably go down if this was if this was like 1999 you can go to porters and get one of those like cliffy note things on the game cliff notes cliff notes yeah cliffy notes matzah Nona's team's biggest strength going into Final Fantasy Tactics was the familiarity of their legacy which got them the gig the ogre series arguably maybe the biggest influence as to why 3d tactical RPGs exist I even go on to say that a lot of the same assets from the original Super Nintendo and Famicom games were built upon in Final Fantasy Tactics and it totally works as squaresoft made this game from the nostalgic and the newcomer while this type of RPG wasn't new it was a dramatic change for the Final Fantasy fans out there yes three tactical RPGs are turned based but the grid based combat was something people weren't used to most Final Fantasies and other RPGs produced by Square software to dat be based engines at this point so tactics really shook things up for them if you've played Fire Emblem you're probably scoffing and most of the footage we're showing you but this was a really big deal back in the day and for me I just got finished with half a SD seven at the time so this was a great change for my 9 year old self the sprite work in the animations where the game may seem minimal to most especially for a console that was rocking it hard in the 32-bit era it didn't really bother me in fact I really liked it I thought the aesthetic matched very nicely overall there are many moments where certain characters would physically do something on screen and the sprite work would actually reflect their actions you did that do just grab your dick yeah yeah he did you have to grab his dick back then hmm that's how they do it in Ivelisse Oh Ida complain about anything the summons that summer can cast are a little phoned in but the cutscenes were ramzan and Dalida are interacting or when Rob does with his family show how powerful a unified presented game can work very well without the need of 3d insane graphics the most refreshing thing about follow Fantasy Tactics has got to be the soundtrack just because this game has Final Fantasy in the title you would never know based on its music that it was a Final Fantasy game it's original and it stands on its own two feet belting beautifully the music is so distinct there isn't another game out there that sounds like it let me put it to you this way the music is so good and so iconic I can start humming pretty much any song from it and Gerard will be able to immediately pick up on it mm-hmm right right bop da da da da da duh duh duh duh duh I put down an ad [Music] so the story is a little confusing but good the overall look and feel the game is spot-on but gameplay is always hit and miss for many people I remember hating it first but it grew me quite quickly some games don't hold up very well over the years I'm a real big believer in a game like Goldeneye not aging very well but everyone still praises it let's see if tactic still holds water is it pregnant no why why would it be holding water it's a phrase I don't think it is I'm pretty sure it's a phrase sure it's not though alright I'll check my sources but I'm pretty sure it's a phrase it might be afraid yeah mmmm I think we're there yeah I think I'm right on the surface yeah I think it's a phrase did he cast Watauga what makes this game Final Fantasy s is probably the biggest mystery about itself for starters we explained that the game was made from nostalgic gamers and newcomers alike so let's start there you control roms across Ivelisse battle after battle chapter after chapter each with a specific want goal and conflict so without further ado let's talk about combat the combat is uh yeah what the hell is going on here what these dudes are just marching in place yeah on the 3d battlefield you control five carrots at a time that march-in-place well why are they marching marching illustrates that currently everything is ok however if the marching is altered then something's going on maybe they've been stopped so they don't move maybe they've been turned into a statue so no they're petrified granted the game tells you when skills and spells have gone off so you'll more than likely know based off of visual appearance but I digress this is pretty cool combat involves you individually controlling five of your characters on the field of battle each person has their own sets of stats level speed strength etc there's even a Zodiac stat based on their signs and birthdays the zodiac stack gives bonuses and debuffs depending on the other enemies zodiac that part I never really paid much attention to but I really loved that attention to detail within each round of turns you can control ramza or one of your characters to do one of two things one move the character and to act when it comes to moving the amount of space is determined by the character's current job class and skills in each battle you must eliminate all the enemies on the grid at the end of a full round of four turns any downed enemies or ally will turn into either chests which gives you an item or money or a crystal which will give you full health or a skill you haven't learned yet from one of the jobs available this means that the characters get permanently killed if Rama is down for more than four turns then it's game over sound simple enough yeah well it's simple yes kill everyone but it's never that easy party configure mint is so incredibly important you will easily determine the tide of battle just by picking the best job classes for the sake of the team for example I always try to have a monk on the team a job that can do incredible damage and heal nearby party members easily one of my favorite jobs in the game the class system is heavily influenced by Final Fantasy 3 & 5 allowing players to pick all kinds of different jobs if you're a traditional kind of player you can go with a black mage a white mage or a summoner but there's so many jobs so many roles that do so many things all of which are very useful but most of the obscure jobs are very situational very very situational mediators dancers ninjas samurais Oracle's there's so many jobs there's even a job called a calculator which can punish enemies based on their stats truthfully I love having all these options but for efficiency of the game you want to stick with your basics try to get your entire team to master the very least Squire Knight chemist Lancer monk mage priest summoner Archer and time mage now why force your entire team to master all these jobs you can assign secondary skills to any job out there in fact you can assign not just secondary skills but other perpetual skills such as dual wielding dragon spirit which casts Auto revive your character takes the hit or Hama doe which allows you to attack before even getting hit and interrupt there's there's also passive skills like increased job points upon actions the customization for this game through the roof and we're not stopping yet let's talk about guest characters throughout your journey you'll encounter characters that are a part of the plot so you can't control them yet at the end of their plotline you'll end up getting a prompt to ask them to join your party you can choose to accept them or deny them as you can have up to 24 different characters in your party that includes ramza your other four starting characters all the guest characters you'll meet and even the monsters and animals you can convince to join up with regards to completing the game I consider completing the game getting your core 5 members to level 99 with all jobs maxed and all skills learnt all secret characters joined in your party and defeating the secret deep dungeon so before we continue we're going to warn you guys for spoilers coming up as for some of the guest characters you can get in the game for the most part guest characters are overpowered from the very GetGo the type of characters that join up are the kind of characters you'll end up using the whole game guest characters cannot become Squires as they become their job that they are in the plot of the game for example Agrius is a holy night because you can't make normal characters become character based jobs you'll end up replacing your other characters with the guest characters when Orlando joins your party your party becomes broken as hell this character class is essentially the combination of all the magical nights in the world of Ivelisse so he's unstoppable plus he comes equipped with Excalibur one of the best swords in the game but that's kind of where the weirdest of the game starts to show a little bit character variation is very very pointless you might as well only use the five characters you were given at the beginning of the game ramzan and the other four randoms and then replace them with character guests as the game goes on our end party before we stopped playing the game was ramza one regular party member Agrius orlando and clout that's right cloud from Final Fantasy 7 is a secret character in the game but we'll get to that in due time there are some secret missions and side quests you can go on in fact you can't ask some of your extra characters to go on these missions for you they can get you Gil special items and more you can also poach monsters and sell their pelts to make money and build items but overall that's where the side questing kind of ends the game is rather but the secrets the game give you are pretty badass I wish this game had some multiplayer co-op team control I play quite a few 3d grid RPGs in my day and the ones that include multiplayer have always been my favourite hell any co-op I'll face a game always puts me in a good mood well at least we got each other right buddy we could take down anyone that gets in our way Ted buddy how's it going good great I don't care hey man we need job points okay we're gonna throw rocks at you what oh no I'm a better thrower you can't 110 give us job points crawled [Music] [Music] well there's a lot to explain for our final level section we're going to try and explain the basic points there's too many characters and too many events that take place so if we can get just the gist of it I'm happy it turns out the war between both the black and white lions was methodically planned out by the church as they want to assimilate control of all the kingdoms Ron's on your team is on the side of justice trying to stop everyone from killing each other on the other side Dalida is manipulating all sides and parties involved using his personal agenda to get what he wants eventually marrying princess Amelia making him the king but as we go further on our quest Rama and the team discovered the real truth there's a legend called the zodiac brave story about the 12 stones that possess all kind of strong magical powers it was just a rumor however it's actually true these 12 stones are obtained by 12 of the most evil men involved within the church and these stones end up possessing them in some form of demonic being led by a royal knight named war mob their goal is to bring back Ultima the ultimate destroyer of worlds and what's worse is Rama's brother die start is involved with the plot as the plot thickens one of the evil stone wielding Knights ends up kidnapping Alma Rama's sister and drags her along the entire journey they want to use Alma's body as the body for Ultima so you and your party spend a later half of the game hunting down Alma our crew ends up hunting down and collecting almost all 12 of the demonic stones along the way imagine that everyone's brothers and sisters from all sides ends up getting killed yeah this game is Game of Thrones before Game of Thrones even gamed or throned our final battle involves our crew waging war on for mauve and the remaining demonic Knights at the starting point of the game or von monastery win after win we end up getting summoned to essentially the underworld and resting place of Altima now the final battle has become between all five of us and warmoth okay so this fight is super hard so I'm really worried that we're just going okay all right yeah sure we're over levelled I get it we fused our skill together to complete this game we have to conquer everything but now the neck space of Altima is way tougher you know we I'm not sure we have the right configurations kill it goddammit alright well we've got one more final form you got it done okay yes yep we did we broke the game by completing it early you guys I'm sorry as the final boss explodes we are led to believe that ramza alma and the rest of our crew have died we cut to a funeral in which they are honoring ramza alma and their family or land whose son comes to pay his respects only to see ramzan alma riding chocobos into the distance essentially having these two faked their deaths and remain the mysterious party that saved Ivelisse from evil beings and corruption from the church it would appear we wrapped up our loose ends here except we forgot about our other protagonist Aleta cede Aleta has been convincing everyone to kill each other and has been puppet mastering this entire game including his now wife Queen Ophelia who has technically been held captive by Delita almost the entire game in the middle of the narrative it's revealed to Obie Lea that Dahlia wants to protect her and make her the true queen but judging on what's about to happen I'm not so sure that's how she feels Delita uh no V Lea's birthday brings her flowers as he greets her on greeting her OB Lea stabbed Aleta in the chest deleted does the same to her and the two poetically die as the game takes us back to the main menu I'd say that Dalida is the Icarus of this game he flew way too close to the Sun or the knife flew too close to the knife the knife is in his chest he went really close last night yeah he laid down on his own knife mm-hmm you [Music] as stated before Final Fantasy Tactics doesn't really have a completion bonus per se but it does have its fair share of secrets in Chapter two if you let miss Tanya join your party you can trigger a lot of key events later on in the game the more zodiac stones you collect the more secret event you can unlock when you get to chapter four you're going to revisit his hometown Galvin Machine City a lot first ticker character you'll unlock is available in between visiting all the cutscenes with most audio you'll need to venture to goal and read the rumors at the bar and head to Las awliya you'll meet Beowulf and agreed to go after this evil dragon known as rice after several battles you'll rescue the evil monster and both Beowulf and the dragon joined the party but you're back to God Machine City and one of the zodiac stones will react to a little sphere thing this sphere ends up turning into a full-fledged robot known as worker eight yeah you've got the iron giant in your party and he's pretty badass after that head over to his Γ©l tenΓ­a and read the rumors make your way to target us and buy the flower from the flower girl that totally isn't Aerith head back to Cal machine city and you'll unlock a battle in Delta Nia and then you'll have one final battle in no vesica temple once the battle is over rice the dragon gets turned into a human so the dragon was a human the entire time after rice becomes human you're going to want to head back to Galvan city for a cutscene in which cloud gets summoned to Ivelisse he wanders off into the overworld and he's gone missing the obvious place to go is our gonna swear you bought the flower from totally not Aerith girl however you can't make this scene happen until you cleared a story battle a tigress castle once that's done head to target us save the day and cloud will then join your plight cloud looks really damn cool but there's two really shitty things out the game first he's level one all guest characters in the game end up being the level your party is at when you get them except clouds so this is super annoying to his job class is soldier B up Final Fantasy 7 but he doesn't have the Buster Sword or in this game they call it the material blade you'll need to equip the skill move fight item and get to the top of the volcano located in Virginia volcano there is no indication as to where to get this weapon from which is it what's even stupider is that you need the blade or else you can't use cloud skills for the soldier job the last secret and character in the game is unlocked by completing the deep dungeon you can unlock the deep dungeon after completing the battles in Milan when you go back to war Julis a cutscene will take place and the new dungeon will appear what lies ahead of you is ten floors that are filled with the hardest monsters in the game each floor of the dungeon has one square that acts as an unlock panel to open the next floor so don't kill everyone until you found that hidden panel it's also dark as hell so killing some enemies sooner rather than later will actually help light up the room when you've reached the final floor you'll have a secret battle with the demon lit abyss who has the thirteenth hidden zodiac stone this entire fight sequence is really brutal but what makes it one of the worst fights in the game is the zodiac summoned so you can't actually master the summoner job class in the game until you've acquired the secret summoned zodiac in which a little bit needs to cast it on you that and in itself is a problem because his sidekicks are annoying as hell it will turn you in your crew into frogs and stone but with a little patience you can have your entire team learn the spell and take them down and when you finally defeat him you'll get one more secret character to join your crew byblos he's a demon hey this sounds like a law but really it isn't that much all this can be done with a lot of ease by the time you hit level 99 it just takes a very very very long time to get there you're gonna be throwing a lot of stones at you and your friends [Music] Final Fantasy Tactics isn't necessarily a hard game so much as it has a few moments of difficulty spikes depending on how you've raised your party there are a lot of specific fights that can be a pain in your ass if you're not prepared the execution site with gap period can be a little bit frustrating because of the time mages being introduced the Marquesas ninja fight in which roms a must learn ultima is one that we kept dying on a lot which sucks because Rob's up must survive the spell being cast on him if he dies he doesn't learn it there's a 1v1 fight with regrets insanely difficult because you're by yourself much worse about that is that if you save your game right beforehand you are locked into this fight and you can't go back as long as you make backup saves along the way you should be alright though the game is real linear and because we both have beaten the crap out of this game a lot you never really had any big problems in this playthrough in all honesty one of the best ways to power level your characters is to force them to hit each other any action counts for experience and job points so if you want to get at the top level you're going to be throwing a lot of rocks at each other for our playthrough Final Fantasy Tactics there were 138 hours of total playtime for chapters completed 18 game over screens 55 resetted games to farm items 1 dick firmly shaked 6 secret characters unlocked five characters fully maxed out to level 99 which means 100 jobs completely mastered with all skills learned it's so many goddamn stones thrown Weaver so just own celebrity Rises response sticks and stones rate break our bones but these job boys yes job points and leveling for that matter thread you needs thumbs Final Fantasy Tactics is one of my absolute favorite Final Fantasy games it's for sure my favorite PlayStation Final Fantasy and I make sure to play through it once a year it's a game that's so underrated that apparently very few people on YouTube even talk about it yeah I was very shocked that one of the few videos that discussed this game in depth was from a gaming historian and that's it shoutouts to norm you're the best norm I love you norm play me magic it's a shame because this has got to be one of the best Final Fantasy games out there that isn't traditionally Final Fantasy [Music] Final Fantasy Tactics has got to be my favorite tactical RPG as well as yours right oh god yeah for sure there's something so goddamn special about this game the gameplay is awesome the characters in it is are wonderful you have this great story that not very many people talk about I think we're one of the first ones here and I'm glad that we are to have an awesome conversation about Final Fantasy Tactics to give you an idea of how badly I wanted to play this game as a kid I actually didn't have a PlayStation 1 yet but my older brother's friend had brought his over and played I saw it I asked to borrow his copy and then I emulated the game on my PC using an emulation program called blim that's great it worked like crap it couldn't get past the first chapter I saw Argus grab my dick so many times you can please just out there it's kind of not necessary to go the whole nine yards for this one getting level 100 it's fun except it's not really a point to it it's overkill not necessary and while you have access to this large grandiose cast you're gonna basically stay with your 5 the entire game you can feasibly beat the game in about 20 to 25 hours or so and doing all that grinding the max everything out it's gonna bump you up to about 80 to 100 and it's wholly unnecessary and with the whole hidden characters and secrets thing there's only really one character worth getting and even at that that character is incredibly limited to the equipment in the game and their own skillset so data my guys we give this game our completionist rating of finish it that's all tell me after today guys so please as always let us know you said about today's episode somewhere on the Internet question of the day what's your favorite RPG and why in the comments below Jared yeah we're coming here man horse dudes always I'm so glad you're here in California man hang out and do all that fun stuff play tactics again oh my god we're totally this is already the best decision I've ever made yes I'm in if you wanna check out pro Jarrod you can actually see one of his recent videos on Final Fantasy Spirits Within right here on screen yeah click movie sucks yeah and if you want to see his let's play channel he's at slash pro Jarrod plays explain that Link to the Past randomize right I did it's my fun favorite it's so good it's so good check it out yeah check it now if you excuse us we're gonna throw rocks everywhere in the office yeah we need some drop point yeah we definitely level up Oh Oh huh oh he's dead yeah hey Chris can't drive without we need more job points buddy [Music]
Channel: The Completionist
Views: 629,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Final Fantasy Tactics (Video Game), Final Fantasy (Video Game Series), projared, Final Fantasy Tactics review, Video Game (Industry), FFT, PlayStation (Video Game Platform), Sony Computer Entertainment (Video Game Developer), Square (Video Game Developer), review, gameplay, Final Fantasy Tactics music, Final Fantasy tactics soundtrack, strategy rpg, Cloud Strife (Fictional Character), thatonevideogamer, completionist, secrets, final fantasy tactics secrets
Id: Dw0ojGnzfv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 3sec (1803 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2016
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