The FIFTY - Peak Obsession - A Fifty Project Short Film - with Jeremy Jones

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Super cool dude. Shared a beer with him a couple summers ago in Portillo chille. Gonna check this one out!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

I've been watching all of these! So good. Also, really shows what pin bindings are capable of

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/chrispyb 📅︎︎ Nov 29 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] yeah I can see rock like this walls maybe 20 feet no just keep her tight that just sucks to have just such like these question marks feel like well that's a scary line but then you throw in the conditions and you're like yeah that's like right now that's what I'm thinking I'm like I'm going straight until three people just traversing across the superzero off to the left is a little bad and it could be white ice but he doesn't need white ice to turn around well well hold on hold on sorry sorry realizing you probably have no idea what's going on right now so here to fill you in well that was me Cody that was when I was up in Alaska trying to climb and ski this really rad line called pontoon the reason well beyond a being a really amazing line is that it's listed as a classic in this book called the 50 classic ski descents of North America so this whole year I've been traveling all around North America with my buddy and cinematographer brn a solid trying to do something that no one else in the world has done before which is to climb and ski all 50 of the lines listed in the book this has been my first year trying and I've been lucky enough to ski with some really cool people skied some incredible snow eat some pretty snow too but more than anything and learning a lot of lessons along the way you see although I've been a professional skier for more than 15 years this whole world of climbing speed mountaineering it's still pretty new to me which is kind of why this project exists because I'm using it as an excuse to learn the mountains in a whole new way which is why I'm in Alaska phone booth some of the best lines on the planet place I'm very familiar with but usually only with helicopters so this time can we try and something a little different skiing the classics but on foot this is pontoon peak of lore in Alaska it stands 7,000 feet straight up from sea level has some legendary steeps some butt clenching exposure and well let's get back to that last shot maybe we get to see some of these lessons I'm learning along the way I'd be white ice but he doesn't need white ice to turn around we are just 150 200 feet from the top of the skiable face and we are just trying to decide what we want to do from here moving forward do you want me to be honest okay I already decided when I was down there that I'm not gonna go all the way up I'll say VR&E says that we're done all right we kneel at the top and personally I feel that I don't want to come home and be angry at myself because I did a stupid decision a good dear friend of mine taught me that once so it's great to go down even though we didn't go all the way up but it's how it is you know sometimes you just can't go all the way up the ski mode which is key first turn always a doozy oh yeah [Applause] like kinda needs a feel lame that we don't we get 9/10 boy up and ski down have a good run but every single one of us just didn't feel that upper section I knew what I was feeling and my gut and I felt like we could go up and we could we could make it as safe as possible but I was fearful that it was the wrong decision to go so as soon as you said it I was like done what we skied was amazing what we really wanted to do is not just barely survive the top leg we'll just have to come back again uh-huh [Music] we are driving to Valdez Alaska a strike mission last second call hearing things are materializing but we have gone through this once already right we didn't do the strike mission call up here once this year that's it this is why we're coming to Valdez meteorite [Music] I'm not sure elderly it'll be I haven't gone out there when it's this late or this melted out so hmm sweet we're gonna go kinda back out there and meander around and try and figure it out I'll go into town by some flagging some marks kind of our way and then go from there so if maybe some maybe some bear spray too just in case well when we were just scouting the route and seeming like very complex and weird maybe this isn't the way it's the way you guys that bears prayer I'm sorry we have an order but we do have shotguns this is kind of my last tenure oh yeah zombie slasher I got a lot what I mean actually I did think last night that it would be good to get a machete because we could be full bushwhacking women I got it it's only 20 bucks yeah yeah we are on more of an adventure than I actually thought it could be yeah real real real quick hey Jay what's up kid let's put it this way I just went bottom of Shetty and flagging tape okay sounds good good luck out there yeah yeah this is what I think the crux is do we go here and Traverse or into here and then boot up so do you know the story about meteorite I was telling him I think but I want to hear your version well I always thought that like oh cool you know it's such an amazing mountain that's a cool name meteorite but then there's reports that in the 30s a meteor hit it the guy went out and there was like this big smoking pile and they're like was a meteorite was a UFO and but that's what's created the face and then that's what in theory is created the face it smells like a fish tail to me but at the same time it's a pretty cool story it had like I don't know like I'd totally see it cut [Music] so that's the zombies laser yeah we were walking from where we stand now do that peak all the way back there so you're claiming like it's five miles to before we start going like up no no it's five miles to like the actual base of the line okay so total vert from Google Earth is like six thousand yeah okay that makes me feel better you know and April hanging by the river spring break this parts gonna suck oh my god that is so cool well I'm more involved than I thought yeah [Music] how about this [Music] that rollovers still etched in my brain because you've written us 25 years ago out of that alley yeah and it changed my life that run just like me right yeah I just I just knew at that point that I'm coming to Alaska every spring yeah looks even cooler from here so planer so just brought all our here for tomorrow stashing it out here as we can come in really light tomorrow to this point it's gonna be like all about energy conservation tomorrow how was that that was exactly what we needed to do to us just figure out the entrance it's kind of fun to do it on our own without much local by us because they're just flies and helicopters very few people have a different the road [Music] how's it gonna do I'm just going really I don't know what that's supposed to mean I can't think right now I know is just 115 and I'm eating a peanut butter and jelly not because of drunk but because I'm starting the day so I definitely would be a big day big mountain serious man which is why it's 115 having breakfast janitors that's I realize [Music] glad we set the chorus last night because there is no moon is pitch-black mcbird's quite a bit easier dark navigation in theory dear this buddy told us yesterday feels good to actually be moving out from here [Music] we are where we stopped yesterday stashed all our gear and so we're kind of out of the Alaskan jungle and still 6,000 feet below the peak so we're like 5 miles in it's been slow going just like complex swag and all that stuff alright the bed meteorite we have switched to the crampon starts 6 now feet to the top [Music] climbing my boys let's go climb this mountain so the faith properties around the corner we're trying to gain this Ridgeline stay out underneath all of that we could stitch the rope right here if you want [Music] [Music] beep [Music] and I remember this turn three of the best L experienced in my life you know trudging along and we're about to get to the part that's gonna make that heartbeat getting energized by my environment definitely a foggy night morning feeling the power of the mountain now [Music] hey now time to get some perspective [Music] yeah boys holy how does this feel good [Music] ah Reagan in that was awesome those amazing I am kicked and but some variable but I think it's gonna be okay ten seconds buddy [Music] [Music] [Music] so if your [Music] thirty seconds [Music] [Music] yeah buddy Wow well meteorite my first time skiing it on the road well it seemed done so get back to the road and I'm gonna feeling it's gonna be one heck of an adventure this day is not over yet [Music] yeah [Music] yeah I don't like that Oh keep moving I'll try and keep high for ya but still we grossly misunderstood how long this was gonna take and I feel like I'm gonna puke I'm so tired super up since 1:00 in the morning that's currently 5 o'clock this is type 2 fun at its finest 16 hours into our day and got some bushwhacking river crossing and the car but I am feeling it right too AM start a little before two and it is now 7:15 so a little little after more than 17 hours so yeah yes Jim tears tears let's do it again not right now I I don't mean like turn around right now [Music] surprise blue this morning could uh could have used a little better night of sleep a little more rest but we have chance ago rebate Pont in most chair this time so why wouldn't you take advantage of that two minutes ago whenever about to land I'm like oh my god I'm so tired one minute later when I look at it am i cool this looks fun not a beautiful piece no bushwhackin we've done direct nice to take a plane into and not have to walk 45 miles [Music] having a blast just moving on up content peak and - halfway up the exit cool are doing good right now okay now I'm good back our way up snow feels good much better than last time but we're about to get to a place I really feel like you just want to keep going fast and get to the ridge this is pretty much where we turn around last time it's kind of like put your pole in the snow you'll have it step and then it gets a little hollow yeah once I start dude we're not stopping just space it out a buzz get me to the reach oh [Music] yeah [Music] yeah dude oh yeah hell to the yeah [Music] these moments when you're on these ridge lines and you're looking out it's stuff like this and all that little tension all the tiredness all the process ease the stress the I mean you get up here and you're like that's why I can't do that because this is magical [Music] [Music] yeah 20 seconds up dropping [Music] heavy hey get in a safe spot and we should move fast I mean it's shedding everywhere so I'm just play I all that's new debris and then that was the biggest one that I saw there so I don't know if we want throwing up quick and get down here or just get down here how do you want to do the exit do you guys want to go where we came up which means mirror below well that's it oh okay I will go I'm gonna stay in the shade cut left cut high go out that way cut back our original route that we did last time yeah and get out to the bottom get to sort of down on radio and then radio and tell us if we should follow your track or our compacts now accept it just keep it moving [Applause] [Music] Geir radio out and yeah like yell in the radio if anything's coming down when I'm in here [Music] I'm out the stuff and everything is shedding follow my tracks move fast I'm gonna grab some things and move out of here I prayed if you go first I'm probably not gonna be too far behind you dude I'm gonna hook I'm gonna stay right on this so let's go together okay [Music] [Music] I got at digs nice little spice the end of that exit I came around that corner bucked up it's like huge friggin fountain yeah yeah boys we just stay on the top shelf yeah yeah I'm just showing my stuff and then I can grab all this stuff your nephew wanna [Music] yeah yeah that was fun thank you come back it makes more sense if I get the Iza kind of days or it like one I confirmed that like yeah that was the right call to turn around like that pitch and that top and that's fine how expose it it is with the snow conditions we had you know I questioned it I was like we could have done it baby and you're like yeah but then you get up there and I mean I know that that was the right call when the mountains are right there right and then the stuff gets pretty darn simple and you just can't force kind of right no and to me you know like 80% doesn't get you where you need to go hanging boys yeah that was worth coming back for [Music] so sack yeah that was fun buddy thank you it's awesome to be here chair the sensei the master he's so good man so beautiful writer you can just watch him come down I'm like oh no more to learn okay more to learn you're the reason I'm here enable offer you that service no way yeah cuz you film that mount Timlin movie yeah right out of your backyard [Music] yeah I was still inspiring like I kept watching that video over and over again please do thank you yeah I'm sorry Mike your love of the mountain oh my god and decline it that'll puffier even your butthole ready dad I'm gonna call it up here go home for a little bit start touring some volcanoes he's a mellow stuff
Channel: Cody Townsend
Views: 1,023,041
Rating: 4.93577 out of 5
Keywords: The fifty, The fifty project, cody townsend, cody townsend the fifty, meteorite alaska, pontoon alaska, ski mountaineering videos, backcountry skiing videos, jeremy jones, jeremy jones meteorite
Id: xDo0mQvAvyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 31sec (1951 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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