The Rapture of faith. Will we answer His call to come and follow before He comes?

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all right i have with us again dr golan roshi and  you guys are gonna be so excited because today   we talk about the rapture wait wait wait wait  before you guys freak out because i know that's   like such an exciting topic for somebody um maybe  not the rapture you're thinking of this rapture   is different this rapture is a calling  a calling to rapture so what what does   that even mean go on yeah let's get started  so we're talking about the calling that god   always in the old testament and in the new head  on every believer on every person that trusts him   calling for a rapture from this world a wrap  a revenant a separation a call for holiness   holiness in in hebrew means to be separated to god  so a calling to go after god not to be like this   world but to follow him leave everything behind  merriam-webster has the definition of rapture   it's a state or experience of being carried away  by overwhelming emotion that's one of them another   one expression of manifestation of ecstasy and  passion another one they talk another definition   is a a mystical experience when the spirit  is exalted to the knowledge of divine things   well you know we don't think about these  definitions much most the time if any   believer ever hears rapture we think about the  return of yeshua how he comes and he takes us   back with him to be with him forever that's  usually what we have the connotation but the   word itself actually has a different meaning and  so we're actually going more into the real meaning   of rapture here today yeah so we're again we're  talking about the calling of god for holiness from   from his followers from his from the believers  right calling so it's it's god calling and the   initiative is on is on us to follow him to leave  everything behind and follow him and we'll go   over some scriptures and we'll talk about them  and you can read the first one from romans 12   2 romans 12 2. and do not be conformed to this  world but be transformed by the renewing of   your mind that you may prove what is good and  acceptable and perfect will of god so here we   have the first hint that the will of god is in  opposition to this world to the what they call   in in german the zeitgeist the spirit of this  world the spirit of this world is with is in   entities with opposition to god yeah entity  and opposition so here again we have a hint   if we want to if we want to do the will of god we  have to separate ourselves in holiness from the   spirit of this world to conform our minds right  but please if you can if we'll go to the first   example of this calling at least in the old  testament and if you can read in hebrews   11 8 to 10 and we'll see how this calling  is defined by god himself when he called   abraham by faith abram obeyed when he was called  to go out to the place which he would receive as   an inheritance and he went out not knowing  where he was going by faith he dwelt in the   land of promise as in a foreign country dwelling  in tents with isaac and jacob the heirs with him   of the same promise for he waited for the city  which has foundations whose builder and maker   is god so abram heard by faith and went out and  we can read about it of course the backdrop is is   genesis 12 1. you can just read genesis 12 1 so  we'll see the the the background of of hebrews   genesis 12 1 now the lord had said to abram get  out of your country from your family and i will   show your father's house to a land i will show  you you know you know what this reminds me of   in passover isn't that we we say this uh  my my father was a syrian ready to perish   he was a syrian ready to perish and even even just  thinking of how how disconnected a syria assyria   is like the enemy of god and you know it's like  he he brings that narrative brings you back to   this moment but what you read in in in in genesis  12 this is this is the this is the calling this   is a concentrated example of the calling of god a  separation of everything that we know we have to   deny ourselves and abraham is called to deny what  to to to leave what to forsake what his home his   country his family his family and go to the land  that i what does it say in the end of the verse   to end i will show i will show you so he's living  without a map without a blueprint without gps okay   you want me to go there i'll go there no to  the land that i will show you but first what   you have to do you have to step out wow you have  to leave god calls you you have to go wait wait   god where do you want me to go hey hey i just  called you out go out you know it's the same   thing with the manna you know you remember  the manner from heaven that he gave israel   did they give him the everything they needed they  had to for 40 years did they give them in one day   or what every day right every morning they had to  wake up in faith and he told them don't take for   the for the next day don't take for the next  day every day taking faith and i'll give you   the next day i'll give you fresh so abram again  the calling is to leave everything to the land   that i will show you after you leave i will show  you day by day if you walk in faith but this is   the calling of god to leave everything and if  you um if you jump to the new testament just if   you you know it's what we're saying it's the same  calling calling of god to leave everything behind   and we have an example in mark can you read mark  1 16-17 we will hear of two brothers and as yeshua   as he walked by the sea of galilee he saw simon  and andrew his brother casting a net into the sea   for they were fishermen then yeshua said to them  follow me and i'll make you become fishers of men   then they immediately left their nets and followed  him exactly so they left everything everything   they had invested in this world all the nets yes  and and even further it wasn't just them and when   he had gone a little further from there he saw  james the son of zebedee and john his brother   who were also amending their nets and immediately  he called them and they left their father zebedee   in the boat their father like abram your father  house so leave whatever nets whatever security   whatever investment you have in this world if if  god is calling you he has something better for you   of course the messiah what's what's  better than going after the messiah   but leave everything everything you got invested  yeah and you know when i think about it it's like   it reminds me of how abraham knew the  struggle and he knew the temptation to go back   and why did he send his servant to get rebecca to  get isaac's bride he said don't send my son don't   let him go there just send my servant you know he  sent his servant to go you know bring rebecca back   in faith he knew that god would would be faithful  and provide he knew that if he would if he would   go back he would be tempted and you know that  what we read in hebrews if you go if you go   back to hebrews 11 hebrews 11 i think it's verse  verse 9 even when he got to the promised land   hebrews 11 if you read verse 9 what does it  say yeah starting verse 8 by faith abram obeyed   when he was called to go out of the place which  he would receive as an inheritance and he went   out not knowing where he was going by faith he  dwelt in the land of promises in a foreign country   this is incredible he even though he got to  the promised land it's as if he never got there   really even in the promised land he lived like a  foreigner why why it says on the next verse why   he said to be intense yeah for he waited for the  city which has foundations whose builder and maker   is god exactly he knew the calling of god wasn't  over it's not over it's it's it's for the rest of   your life you're never there you're never there  and because the calling is it's it's not a one   it's not a single event no okay i'll i'll i'll go  i'll go this minute and that's it you go for the   rest and even if even when he got to the promised  land it says he lived there like a foreigner   because he waited for a better a better city  than you jerusalem that would come from heaven   and not even just the city of jerusalem to be  built like in david's time we're talking about   he waited for god's foundation and now and now in  hebrews 13 in hebrews chapter 13 if you can read   verses 13 and 14 look this calling the the the the  the writer of hebrews saying this calling is upon   our life also let us also what therefore let us go  forth to him outside the camp bearing his reproach   for here we have no continuing city but we seek  the one to come and look we we live in israel   we live in the promised land and some of our  some of our brothers and sisters are living in   jerusalem but yet we're called to live to go after  yeshua outside of the camp and of course we know   that in israel if you follow yeshua you would be  you would be thrown outside the camp it's not a   it's not a matter of if you know you're going to  be thrown we know it on our flesh but waiting like   abraham waiting for what if you can read 14 for  for here we have no continuing city but we seek   the one to come exactly so we're still leaving  that calling to to go out and wait for the city   uh to come it really reminds me of so many of  the people who contact us that we've reached   through online media many people especially  that are coming out of the orthodox communities   because they come to faith and they have to  forsake everything they can't be followers of   yeshua and stay with their families they can't  you know they can't stay in their community in   fact they're kicked out forcibly and so it's such  a dilemma it's not just easy i guess you know we   kind of take that for granted in so many cultures  you know and they have to bear that for the rest   of their lives because it's not like they're  family with okay you can come back now we're sorry   no they have they they literally have to wait for  a city for a new city that would come from heaven   there's a good friend of mine and i mean she was  uh when she came to faith orthodox moroccan family   and then wow it was kind of a very kind of violent  harrowing situation and but then when she uh   finally her family it's like she's had  children now and she's like raised them up and   even still it's like she'll get to visit  them some but there's a wall between them   they it's like they're so it it's tough it's  a continual cross to bear it's a continual   struggle she's she's yeah and she's she's always  going to be a foreigner in her own land in her own   you know yeah yeah and and again if you can go to  james of course jacob yeah james 4 4 we see that   there's it's either the love of the world or the  love of god it's it cannot go together that's why   the calling is so important to follow you can you  read 4 4 james 4 4. adulterers and adulteresses   do you not know that friendship with the world  is enmity with god exactly whoever therefore   wants to be a friend of the world makes himself  an enemy of god yeah a friendship of this world   is is is is again with an enemy of god you  cannot you cannot love the world and follow   so this calling and this is why this is why we  said it's it's a rapture in the sense that we   we think about separation total separation if  you follow him if you follow this calling you   have to put everything behind and again a verse  that looks like that in first john first john   the second chapter 15 and 17 do not love that  world this world yeah do not love the world or the   things in the world if anyone loves the world the  love of the father is not in him for all that is   in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the  eyes and the pride of life is not of the father   but is of the world and the world is passing away  and the lust of it but he who does the will of god   abides forever amen and this is why we're saying  this calling of the this calling of of god on our   life it's a calling of for separation for holiness  for everything and we're not talking about   hate the world the trees and the mountains we're  talking about the spirit of the world and in in   western countries we can we can sense the spirit  right right paul talked about in in one of the   epistles you know basically we're we're not to  remove ourselves from all sinners we'd have to   leave we'd have to leave the planet basically  you know you can't find a place where people are   said love your enemies you're supposed to be in  the midst of it lights in the midst of it and   he was talking about hey we're not going to have  fellowship with a believer who's doing all these   things and you know practicing in other words  continuing but it just shows you it highlights   that the radical nature of this calling yeah it's  a calling for a complete holiness again holiness   in hebrew separation separate separating yourself  from your past life and from the spirit of this   world in the world but not of the world exactly  exactly and now we'll just go a few examples we   we already talked about abram well we talk about  different examples of people that had this calling   in the new in the excuse me in the old testament  and and went after the calling of god for complete   complete holiness and if you can read for genesis  from genesis 6 8 to fourteen you don't have to   read all the verses but from eight to fourteen  will get the sense but noah found grace in the   eyes of the lord and this is genealogy of noah  noah was was a just man perfect in his generations   noah walked with god and noah begot three sons  shem ham and james and verse 14 well right before   fourteen i'll start in thirteen and god said to  noah the end of all flesh has come before me for   the earth is filled with violence through them  and behold i will destroy them with the earth   make yourself an ark of gopher wood make rooms in  the ark and cover it inside and outside with pitch   exactly so here's again here's the  calling to separate yourself from this   corrupt evil work now in in in noah's place in in  noah's case he had to separate himself physically   because there was no other choice but the calling  is the same it's a calling for holiness and not to   participate in the in the sins of the world but  noah had to perform faith in order to build this   gigantic uh wood structure and hoping you know  waiting for rain to come for flood that would   it was the first flood on earth right yeah and  this wasn't just like overnight construction   this was years and years according to rabbinic  tradition it's 100 years it took noah 100 years   to build this and can you imagine the faith he had  to um to show for 100 years the criticism from his   name exactly so this is the calling this is why  we're saying this calling is not a one-time thing   it could be the calling is god is calling  you one time but you have to follow him   day by day yeah exactly so so noah is one example  we already talked about abram but we have lot   we have lot abraham's nephew you said nephew in  genesis 18 15 and 17. and this is really important   genesis 19 in 19 sorry genesis 19 15 and actually  before this event lot came with abram he came out   so he already kind of took that call to come but  then now he chose he chose saddam and gomorrah he   chose the beautiful land the fertile land what  seemed to be the best by sight he went by sight   instead of going by faith exactly and so here is  uh sodom and gomorrah is about to be destroyed   he says uh it says when morning dawn the angels  urged a lot to hurry saying arise take your wife   and your two daughters who are here lest you be  consumed in the punishment of the city and while   he lingered the men took hold of his hand and his  wife hand in the hand of his two daughters and the   lord being merciful to him and they brought him  out and set him outside the city so it came to   pass when they had brought them outside that he  looked and said he said escape for your life do   not look behind you nor stay anywhere in the plane  escape to the mountains unless you be destroyed   don't look back so here we here we see again this  radical call not only to go out but never look   back go forward exactly and look at before you  before you remind us who look back can you read   luke because yeshua is reminding us yeshua himself  so in luke the 17th chapter 32 33 he said remember   lots why remember her why whoever seeks to save  his life will lose it and whoever loses his life   will preserve it yeah so so even yeshua is telling  us to remember his lot's wife here's the thing   there's if you just read this on the surface  whoever seeks to save his life what is he   talking about like save your life like uh from  death well actually if she was trying to do that   she would have obeyed the angel right if she was  actually really seeking to save her mortal life   she would have obeyed the angel but she wasn't  seeking to save her mortal life she wanted to save   her cultural life she loved her life in the city  and remember you know think of the context of it   remember abraham came through and destroyed those  kings who fought against sodom and gomorrah and   all the spoils and stuff he said no i'm not taking  a bit of it you guys keep it and and basically   you got to imagine that lot was probably very  wealthy after all that because they probably   gave a lot of the spoils to him and were like  oh you know you're kind of this holy in other   words his wife had a lot to lose she they probably  lived in luxury they probably lived you know he   was he was in the city gate right so he had some  sort of authority they were mad at him because   you know he was kind of asserting his morality  upon them and they they remember when the evil   men wicked men tried to attack him but yeah she  looked back not to save her life but to save her   life her life she had before her life in sodom  the life in other words the the society life the   friends so again it shows you how radical is the  call of god yeah only not only to leave everything   go forward not looking back not looking back in in  in in you know in she misses every the luxury life   she had no no no you leave everything trust me  go after me day by day and i'll and again we see   in abraham it's not like abraham got something he  had to wait for a city he had to wait for a better   city than his the rest of his life he had to wait  for jerusalem to come from heaven he had to wait   for a city that that her builder is not men now  and now we see the other example is moses and in   exodus 31 exodus 3 1-10 yeah now moses was tending  the flock of jethro his father father-in-law the   priest of midian and he led the flock to the back  of the desert and came to horeb the mountain of   god yeah and you can read verses 9 and 10. now  therefore behold the cry the children of israel   has come to me and i have also seen the oppression  with which the egyptians oppressed them come now   therefore and i will send you to pharaoh that  you may bring my people the children of israel   out of egypt yes and of course moses is later  saying god who am i i'm not fit i can't even say   the word's right and then god just just follow me  just do what i say hear the call and follow the   call i will take care of the rest aaron would help  you don't don't worry don't i'll give you signs   and wonders but you have to but but again moses is  an example of somebody that heard the calling of   god and and went and did it he did it he obeyed  with faith and in hebrews in the hebrews you don't   have to read but in hebrews it says he tells us  in hebrews the 11th chapter that he had he had   a lot to leave because he was he was a prince  in egypt yeah it's actually he he left twice   right first when he left the comfort of egypt and  being royalty he was royalty he was living in the   palace he could have just ignored the cries  of his brothers he could have just ignored   the oppression of slavery but he didn't and  he took out he took action himself and which   cost him okay but then the second time  you got to think about it he was liv   living life so good he was in the country he had  every he had his wife he had his children he had   an easy peaceful his father-in-law was probably  rich and he seemed like a nice guy so it's like   yeah he had everything he needed there so then he  went from luxury and prestige leaving that to then   he was leaving the comfort and safety serenity  of that shepherd life and here's the interesting   part in in moses's case it's not only a calling  for a calling for moses god is telling him it's a   calling for the whole nation you will you will  get the whole nation out out of egypt now of   course egypt symbolizes the world yeah to the  promised land so the same route that abram did   the same route will is israel israel as  a nation has this calling on itself to   a complete reverence a complete separation a  complete holiness from egypt the spiritual egypt   to the promised land so and this calling is  still today you know even though we live in   israel most of the people in israel are  not believing yet in yeshua they're still   in in exile and spiritual exile in spiritual egypt  and the calling is upon them and we think about   just even like what we talked about  with with abraham he knew how uh   seductive that call would be to come back so  he didn't send his son he sent his servant to   go bring his wife and we have so many stories  as we read through that exodus uh story and   as the wanderings and so forth of how many times  their heart went back their heart went back time   and time again and every time their heart went  back there was punishment there was consequences   there was there was pain and suffering that  they went through uh because their heart   yearned for egypt so so so again this is why the  calling is so radical and you have to go by faith   day by day yeah and remember you stress that you  have to okay you have to take up your croth and   your cross daily because it's this calling god is  calling you once but it's it's a daily walk and we   have two two other examples of women so rahab in  joshua said the second chapter rahab but it's in   joshua the second chapter 9 to 13. okay so rahab  said to the men i know that the lord has given you   the land and that the terror of you has fallen  on us and that all the inhabitants of the land   are fainthearted because of you for we have heard  how the lord dried up the waters of the red sea   for you when you came out of egypt and what you  did to the two kings the amorites who were on   the other side of the jordan sihon and whom you  utterly destroyed as soon as we heard these things   our hearts melted neither neither did there remain  any more courage in anyone because of you for the   lord your god he is god in heaven above and on  earth beneath now therefore i beg you swear to me   by the lord since i have shown you kindness that  you will show me kindness to my father's house   and give me a true token and spare my father my  mother my brothers my sister and all that we have   and deliver our lives from death so rehab  exhibited faith because she had she had a calling   and then what happened in joshua 6 25 joshua 6  25. look and joshua spared rahab the harlot her   her father's household and all that she had so  she dwells in israel to this day because she hid   the messengers whom joshua sent to spy out so she  left she heard the calling and with faith in this   in the god who called her she did  what abram did she left her father   her father not her father house because she  left with her family but she left her culture   her nation her people everything she  left and joined israel so much so   that in my in in matthew the first chapter in  the genealogy of yeshua her name appears there's   another person whose name appears that we're going  to talk about next yeah and ruth also ruth in   ruth chapter 1 16-17 so ruth said to naomi entreat  me not to leave you or turn back from following   after you for wherever you go i will go and  wherever you lodge i will lodge your people   shall be my people and your god my god where  you die i will die and there i will be buried   the lord do so to me and more also if anything  but death parts you and me again this is this root   again is exhibiting the the radical nature of this  calling when she hears this calling in her heart   she she lives everything by faith even though  naomi nomi tries to convince her don't count   you don't have to do that stay here this is  your people your gods why are you doing this   no because she she heard the calling of god for  complete separation and she's she and she says   only death will separate us i'm not leaving you  i'm going i'm going i'm already packed because   there's more uncertainty in the way than there was  certainty in ruth's naomi she's israelite she's   you know the family but you know i'm sure naomi  was even concerned like will they even accept her   exactly she's a foreigner because she knows what  the what the torah says and what culture says   and like like rahab this this separation this act  of separation by ruth got her in again in this   genealogy of yeshua wow so so it's it's costly  but the but the benefits you know the spiritual   benefits that's amazing are amazing yeah so we'll  see this is these were a few examples in the old   testament of course we have the examples  in the new testament for the same calling   for separation from this world the spirit of this  world so we already talked about the two disciples   the uh simon simon and andrew right in the boat  and the other two but we have philip in john 1 40   is it 42 43 the following day yeshua wanted to  go to galilee and he found philip and said to   him follow me and he followed him of course  he not only followed him he called nathaniel   yeah as well but again yeshua is calling him and  he follows him that's the pattern that is this is   the basic calling of god of his disciples of his  followers yeah follow me and it's going to cost   you know it's going to cost but it's but but  it's but it's but it's giving it's it's giving   everything right you know following yeshua what do  you need more right and matthew himself matthew of   the disciple matthew and we can read about matthew  in luke the fifth chapter were you reading from   27th or 28th luke 5 27-28 after these things  he went out and saw a tax collector named levi   sitting at the tax office and he said to him  follow me so he left all rose up and followed   him so matthew the tax collector matthew from the  from the tribe of levi again he was sitting doing   his own thing right probably a rich a rich man  yeah very rich and yeshua called him and what did   what what what's what was his reaction he left  everything he left everything and followed him   writing the gospel according to matthew he didn't  give 10 days notice he didn't give any of that   he just took off can you imagine yeshua  passing him he's sitting doing his business   yeshua's follow me and he just goes up and follow  him can you imagine the the faith that yeshua gave   him and even just thinking the uncertainty  that matthew faced he was a tax collector   he was like that was the most hated that  was the most hated traitorous position you   could be in he was being called to follow a  rabbi would i even be accepted would people   even accept me in like is this am i going to  follow for a few days and come back to nothing   you know because you you leave your post  you're done and now and now when you open the   new testament the first book you see matthew the  gospel according to this this tax collector that   just followed the calling we're talking about the  calling of god for complete holiness separation   from the the spirit the zeitgeist the spirit of  this world into into god's calling into god's and   another example the rich young ruler in mark  chapter 10 mark 10 21 22. this is a negative   example yeah so then jesus looking at him loved  him and said to him one thing you lack go your way   sell whatever you have and give to the poor and  you will have treasure in heaven and come take up   the cross and follow me but he was sad at this  word and went away sorrowful for he had great   possessions yeah so he didn't he couldn't do it he  couldn't do it why because he had great possession   he had too much to lose you know like remember  lot's wife yeah she has two she had too much to   lose everything was so comfortable everything was  to go to go by faith to the land that i will show   you yeah and so the disciples were totally shocked  by this whole thing they you know kind of in the   culture of that day someone who is rich also they  just thought well god blessed him he must be holy   you know he must be blessed by god because he's  blessed he's rich they said who who lord can be   saved you then can be saved lord be saved well i  guess we got a good example of that in luke right   yeah so it doesn't rich rich rich people could can  be could could follow this calling also and we see   an example yeah and look you're reading from luke  the 19th chapter yeah 19 chapters starting chapter   2. now yeah behold there was a man named zacchaeus  who was a chief tax collector and he was rich   and he sought to see who yeshua was but could not  because of the crowd for he was of short stature   so he ran ahead and climbed up  into a sycamore tree to see him   for he was going to pass that way and when  yeshua came to the place he looked up and saw   him and said to him zacchaeus make haste and  come down for today i must stay at your house   so he made haste and came down and received him  joyfully but when they saw it they all complained   saying he's gone in to be a guest with a man who's  a sinner then zykia stood and said to the lord   lord look i i give half my goods to the poor  and if i've taken anything from anyone by false   accusation i'll restore fourfold and yeshua said  to him today salvation has come to this house   because he also is the son of abraham exactly  and and what what an accord to finish to finish   this podcast just the way we started it with  abraham remember and and yeshua it's as if   you show his clothes closing is the circle we  started with abraham and he's saying to to to   the people salvation came to to to to zacchaeus  you say zacchaeus yeah he followed the calling   like because he's also a son of abraham the  same abraham that followed the same calling   now is he just talking about genius the genealogy  he's a son of abraham or is there something   a little deeper that he's a son of because  he likewise is stepping out into that cause   exactly he says not only is physical physically  probably a son of abraham because he's an   israelite right but he followed the calling  of abraham the faith of the faith of abraham   and this exactly this is the same calling of  god again it doesn't matter if you're rich or   poor the calling the calling is the same  to leave everything behind and follow god   don't look back faith you know faith by day  by day in faith and and the god who promised   is also faithful to deliver wow this is such an  encouraging message thanks for sharing with us and   lord we just ask that you would help for us to  answer that call every day lord that we wake up   that we would remember that we're looking to a  city that's yet to come that we're just dwelling   in these tents these temporary dwellings waiting  for your arrival and a foundation that will be   sure when all these things are shaken when the  world shakes and when kingdoms are overturned the   king of kings is bringing a foundation that will  never be shaken in a city that will last forever   and so we look forward to that and yeshua always  say come soon come quickly in our day amen amen
Channel: ONE FOR ISRAEL Ministry
Views: 235,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: messianic, yeshua, one for israel, messiah, jewish, israel
Id: Ipklf4VYhJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 19sec (2059 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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