Sherlock Holmes in Washington Classic Movie

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your name T's William Easter mr. William Easter right your passport please do I have to go through this rigmarole every time regulation sir Easter nuisance on Cory you receive your American be saying listen whatever time definitely we seem to come on I'm pretty close to Henry huh had your word sir have you wish to run the economy so Henry what is your destination New York or Washington I'm sorry I have nothing say so Henry Marchmont official business oppose any motto sir Henry go good luck sir Henry Thanks I may need it shall I take your case sir definitely not I think you think the old boy carried the fate of the Empire in that little black case Pepsi does I'm suppose a little way lively now hey just a moment you shine one present you hold on wait a bit wait I say I've got better yes sir why'd you leave sir the Graysons Elaine John Grayson's senior class parallel nation parlor solicitors Chancery Lane you've got it over there everything quite regular-sized little ale mr. bus had to take a taxi fare from New Year's a hop aboard will you be late now Thanks all right no sense of balance none whatever Thanks sounds yummy no sense of balance posture perfect of the inner ear I fancy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when I read that you were on route Washington say Henry I just couldn't rest until I found you went and dine with us very kind mr. Jefferson I put you first on my unofficial list oh I have a much better idea oh must let me put you up during your stay thanks Washington is so crowded room [Music] thank you but if say Henry isn't the one who is I don't know but the hen received a cable from London tipping him off it's up to us to find the real British agent before this train reaches Washington yeah whoever's got the document will be protected there because Henry isn't carrying it I've got it besides a Henry in myself only one man has come all the way from London a chap called Grayson John grace integrations are ma'am Grayson's carrying the document why Sir Henry's being used as a decoy it's so old it's new when Grayson leaves the cloud congos to get his luggage that's our cue we know what to do is to good that's grace and standing at the bar the little fella excuse me sir don't give it a thought brother I'm in politics I'm used to hard knocks I'm Henry Babcock sandal Babcock how do you do John Grayson should and Grayson have a blast great use for my home state used to nor man named Grayson mighty fine man he was murdered two grapes jobs fire this book has got me all confused I do we should set me straight on the international situation oh you're so right so Henry will mistake the broad of you I always say another great juice question you can't have too many vitamins I always say thanks but if you don't mind I I'll have a whiskey and soda why sure George bring him over will you hey let's get a chair I was built for comfort John little beggars what capture myself in the lad till mother got a cat Shh don't say oh sorry permit me man oh thank you're very kind I'm sure Porter yes it are we on time yes sir be in Washington in 20 minutes by the way Grayson what's your line 9 yeah what business you in what's your racket oh I represented a London legal firm farlow Nessun Paulo Paulo I used to know a man named Paulo no nor does Marlo could have been the same father no I suppose not I've been making a tour of my state getting the opinions of the home folks taking a lot of their ideas back to Washington I got to hear more of your activities senator give me your address and I'll have all my speeches mail to you quite your kind sir sorry I have no car hug Oh Porter yes miss permit me thank you very much not at all obvious missing dress for the next week or so I hope thank you I'll get my paper together pleasant meeting my friend better look me up in Washington I just get my bag thank you thank you oh I forgot to pay George excuse me sir oh dear all gone Nancy darling I didn't dream you I got leave oh darling it's wonderful just three days oh that's all we had a second to lose the first thing I did let's get this well I haven't had much experience after tomorrow your aunt's giving us reception until then you and I are going to be a couple of busy people who's your boyfriend you needn't worry he just lit a cigarette phone [Music] this is the BBC News Bureau broadcasting from London at this time we present our regular morning summary of the news a British subject has disappeared under curious circumstances John Greyson senior Clarke in the firm of Paolo Nash and Paolo solicitor's Chancery Lane has not arrived at his firms representatives in Washington foul play is suspected sort of thing that shakes your faith by Jove I say Holmes shakes your faith in everything you allow me Watson I've never seen you affected by the news however startling starting My dear fellow it's devastating seen the scores the Navy got 428 for six wickets against the army at Lord's may I draw your attention to the fact of really momentous things are happening in the world today excuse me with your consuming interest in the game I'm surprised you've changed your mind about running up the Lord's Cricket Ground afternoon how did you know I changed my mind elementary my dear Watson invariably when you go to a cricket match you fill your flask with my best whiskey just now I noted in passing that the flask was empty a single Griffon fond method it had been recently filled obviously after filling it we would pour the contents back into the bottle therefore you would change don't mind about a cricket matches you amaze me Holmes I mean mrs. Hudson oh excuse me mr. Holmes there's a gentleman and he's very insistent well I do declare he followed me right up the stairs didn't I ask you to wait my good woman you may ask me to wait but not the British Empire mr. Holmes I must talk to you immediately how are you mr. Allens that will be all now thank you mrs. Hudson my good woman indeed tell me my dear Watson that you don't recognize mr. Allen to the home office oh I knew the moment you came in how I are how do you do you see what the name it it's the only law just the Bears that show 428 mr. Holmes I'm here on a matter of the utmost secrecy I assure you mr. Arens the dr. Watson is the very soul of discretion wenches sit down mother like Watson please be so good as to keep tapping on the table with you all night it will break the wavelengths if by any chance there's a dictograph in the walls oh you read oh thank you you can stop now Watson well mr. Allens I take it you've called on me in connection with the kidnapping of John Grayson in America last night oh yes yes exactly Grayson was carrying a document of a very confidential nature indeed its contents are of such great international importance that I am not at liberty to reveal them but if that document falls into the hands of the enemy I can only say it will be absolutely disastrous for this government and her allies for that reason we did not wish to transport it to Washington in the usual way so a regular Kings messenger Sir Henry Marchmont was dispatched not carrying the document of course that's right so Henry was the source of headings let me say precisely the document was actually entrusted to a reliable but insignificant man in our Secret Service on his arrival in Washington he was to make himself known to Sir Henry and deliver the document how not even Sir Henry knew that this man petty : who travelled under the name of John Grayson was the real messenger Pettibone yes Alfred Pettibon yes good man number I I worked with him often I hope you may be able to work with him again but he's completely disappeared he's vanished gone without leaving a trace I can see the possibility of serious ramifications in his disappearance exactly so far we've been able to keep the knowledge of our loss from both the American and British public Holmes you must retrieve that document before it can be used against us of course the Washington police have been notified of Grayson's disappearance but even they don't know that he was carrying the document now that's about all the detail and activity to give you well if you've got Grayson that is Pettibone they must have got the papers not necessarily what see it doesn't pull up because they've got the man they've got the document what form is this document in it was typed on two sheets of legal paper to sheet that's - Balki to swallow and dry Watson fearfully dry especially legal papers well whatever shape the document was in and I trust Pettibone to get rid of it before anyone could lay hands on the document must be found before it falls into the hands of our enemies I'm here on behalf of His Majesty's Government to urge you to find it that means going to Washington of course with all possible speed a bomber is waiting for you at Crichton provide afterwards Tsubasa good bye errands goodbye Holmes good luck thanks very much rely on you Watson we're off to Washington at once I'm not sure that's exciting I never seen a game of baseball let's go start packing Monday first I'd like to take a look at the home of Alfred Pettibone everyone Watson [Music] my dr. Watson what a surprise and mr. Holmes won't you come in thank you I'm frightfully sorry but you won't find my son in he's gone to Washington some business or other due to the climate over there do you mind if we looked over your son's room why of course it's upstairs thank you the key is if I have not just put my nose inside cause if I cared anything about his silly old collection sort of collective collections postage stamps military buttons butterfly bugs snapshots read a monograph someday on the noxious habit of accumulating useless trivia so good as to stop pacing Watson you distract me all right unless I'm greatly mistaken a friend Pettibone did not carry two pages of legal paper when he left this room I wouldn't be too sure Holmes ashes a deceptive unit on the country my dear Watson the rag used in artificial documents leaves an ash that is unmistakable don't you stop pacing I'm not pacing I've moved an inch sorry old fellow my ever mrs. Pett abode on the feed doesn't follow our friend seems to be quite a camera enthusiasts what's this cook f15 that's very fast lens yeah three five summer copying set up American match folders that's right USA Oh pity poem want American match for business work the microscope most interesting what was this what's this microscope was last used for examining microphone I'm beginning to see the pattern stop now did you know that the letters of our soldiers overseas are being photographed on microfilm so that one carrier pigeon can carry the equivalent of 18,000 letters oh we had a carrier pigeon in the last war back in 1915 belonging to the brigade Signal Corps yeah yeah the poor bird kept flying round and round in circles all day long found out later on it was cross-eyed tragic thing we're good doc this is what I was looking for hmm this projector magnify is tremendously anything placed on the slide like this piece of microphone I understand come so doing cleanup wait a minute he's photographed what match folder what do you want to photograph that for probably to line up his equipment before you photograph the document we got it Watson yes just as I thought this document has been reduced to microfilm to make its concealment possible Alfred Pettibone is most ingenious fellow a bulky document is obviously difficult to conceal but two pages of a state paper photographed on microfilm would be reduced to a size no larger than a hip in his tamp slitting a match folder will this this razor blade Pettibone placed the now my new document inside Stuckey together again and there he had it an American match full of rare in London but completely inconspicuous in the United States do you mean stay we're off to America just to look for a match folder to big country a big country Watson and a small match folder come along did you find what you were looking for mr. Holmes yes thank you mrs. Betty bran the last 20 minutes have you I know what made you think well we distinctly heard footsteps wasn't it was the house settling Croesus yes such popping and groaning we're but used to it thank you goodbye mr. Holmes goodbye mrs. better gone goodbye so sorry you missed Alfred I'll tell him the minute he gets back it's very oh yes of course there's no accident I assure you what some Oh aren't you better find out who did it times to precious now at least I know they've learned of my entry into the case they the same group that took after Pettibone off the train on his way to Washington a group that will stop at nothing to get their hands on the document he carried it now leader there's a clever resourceful criminal who seems to have sources of information from everywhere means a worldwide organization who will stop at nothing you said quite that's why we must get our bags and ourselves bought that bomber without delay but a purse by an adversary worthy of our best efforts present he has all the advantages even that of being only a merciless nameless shadow think of it Watson a few hours will be flying out over the Atlantic we're playing over New York sir you okay yes sir we've been cleared by radio non-stop Washington what is that book that someone grosses your attention Watson will come the Queen customs and manners of America you must be halfway across I've only got to page 37 for your information my dear for though we are now flying over New York I know the New York [Music] [Music] this is the car be very helpful mister man detective leftenant Grogan of the Washington police how do you do welcome to Washington thank you this is my associate dr. Watson how do you do that oh I suppose I should say how are you buddy sir what's cooking rogon headshots were investigating the Grayson case for the Washington police any new developments Grogan none mr. harms the glaad unless you have our complete file and of course we'll cooperate in every way thank you I appreciate your help especially as I'm unfamiliar with your country oh yes of course this is your first visit oh there's the Lincoln Memorial most impressive oh by the by mr. lang thank you for your cable Graham I received it just before I left London cable I sent no cable about our reservations of the Hotel Metropole no we thought you stay at the Embassy of course look at that well since some strange person has taken such an extraordinary interest in my welfare I think I shall stay at the automat Falls Oh mr. Holmes as the Washington Monument there's the capital mr. Holmes magnificent [Music] we're expecting you mr. Holmes thank you I questioned everybody known to have been in that club cars matter of course so Henry Marchmont confirms that Grayson had contact only with the people in this list now he had a drink with senator Babcock he chatted with a miss Pringle about some my she had in the cage and he picked up a book drop by mrs. jealousy not very much to go on how many of these people have been attacked already I've heard about your deductions mr. Holmes well some of the Babcock was held up on his way from the station but nothing taken mrs. jealousness home was ransacked that night and she found the book that you carried from the Train literary torn to bits that's right miss Pringle Oh miss Pringle says someone released the mice from the cage that during the night sometime if she found the cage to uh apply what happened with marcela an intriguing line of thought Watson but not essential to the case mm-hmm apparently Grodin they're still looking for the document I'd very much like to have a look at that club car well that'll be easy I have the car I held on assigning the railroad yeah good but we've searched the car thoroughly mr. Holmes we couldn't find a thing well what do you think what's this mr. Holmes your trunk trunk I have enough trunk sets right there to Sherlock Holmes Hotel Metropole how was this trunk delivered expressman brought it sir was the name of the company do you remember the license number naturally I didn't notice that I just signed for it well I thank you that Allu Great Scott poor chap he recognized mr. Holmes yes who was he and then we're looking for John Grayson his real name is Alfred Pettibone British secret service why should they send the body here obviously to frighten us but I'll tell us they know that Sherlock Holmes is on the case gentlemen they knew we were on the case as early as their attempt on our lives in London they're much too intelligent to believe that a corpse would frighten a trained detective no I rather think they intend this as a message and they wanted to be sure and I'd be here at the Hotel Metropole to receive it message what do you mean they want us to believe that they found the document and therefore I have no further use for Grayson that's true then we're done for I'm not so sure that it is true Watson if they have the document why they're wasting time sending me this no it's an attempt to throw me off the track Robin you have a police laboratory of course certainly I'll see what I can find out about the bus yes whatever marks it reveals AMPA trunk a microscopic examination everything about it the lining the blanket in which the body is wrapped everything there nothing escaped we are the best police laboratories in the world mr. Holmes I pick up Adam Epson and Griffin you see I'm so accustomed to working right alone with my blogging's in Baker Street though I sometimes forget the more modern scientific methods so particularly effective here in America there's anything there they're fired mr. Holmes while you're doing that I'll take a look at the tub card coming Watson here we are mr. Holmes I have the father's you asked and the railroad come to send mr. Murdoch fires you liked it how'd you do very good let's go in this way gentlemen well it looks as if the police have made a thorough search whoever did it it wasn't the police there have been visitors here since our friend Grogan my goodness look at our car talk about a blitz how's it Holmes if Grayson hit anything in this car certainly isn't here now not necessarily Watson if you will help me put this place in some kind of order yes it was yeah that's certainly more like yes Thank You that'll be all Watson will you be mr. Grayson for the moment great if you want me to all men what do you want me to do you having a drink at the bar Oh bring me with skin so any witness killed Stuart Hey sorry dr. Watson but the bars closed she's about to close according to Grogan's reconstruction of a scene if you see yeah yes Grayson pauses at the bar well senator Babcock moves across and sits down here do you mind being senator Babcock for the moment Watson going up in the world sit down please now the sprinkler seated there no were they Watson hmm no no I miss Pringle that's right the most woman oh the mouse woman and Watson over here please no not there not there that's senator back up Oh sit down please now you're mrs. Jolson boys scooted mr. Holmes he ain't mrs. Jellison he's the young lady what Serena Marsh Martin was sitting right here a mrs. Ellison was right here she's a sort of a big fat lady what a Grayson dude that attracted your attention so particularly to mrs. Jefferson the little man he retrieve her book the young lady sitting here didn't she converse with a little man no sir that he only didn't have no converse with no one but a little man did a cigarette she read back and said thank you very much but you have matches here for customers we as she called me in I saw a cigarette and I knew she wanted a match and Grayson used one of his own matches oh oh yes he took a photo from his Colt pocket did you put the match cola back in his pocket or did he give it to young lady Oh Mama's fairly busy try to remember what you've tried a doomsday I couldn't write to say just weapon to that match folder oh yes I remember just one important thing what when a little man lit a cigarette he said something very peculiar what was it he said permit me oh well our gentlemen I'm extremely grateful to all of you that's all we can do for the person I think since the place was torn to bits after the murder of Grayson the attacks on senator Babcock mrs. Jefferson miss Pringle I'm convinced that the document left the club card long before these events but how by whom and who was the mysterious young lady whose cigarette Grayson lighted did anyone meet the young lady he sure did he who was he Oh handsome in the uniform I see I suppose you wouldn't remember what kind of uniform I certainly would lieutenant Navy fly by boys in the army he's gonna be a flyer - splendid did you happen to give him sanding oh I didn't happen I just couldn't help hearing it mm-hmm well what did they say oh yes she said he had three daily they had to move fast before the big Potter aren't was given them until we put a ring on the finger and they both look mighty happy just the way you look right now and where I'm looking for self come on Watson that's the girl I told the hate I could swear to it so your dress they're all they're right in our laps and also right in the lap of Sherlock Holmes that's the least of our worries the head could ten like homes I hope so rate net Englishman I have several friends who did they are now graced some of the best prisons in England yes sir I talked to the catering company it's quite all right they could hardly refuse me it's the company the Acton catering company yes I know what to do pop over there you want to work for the catering company all right are you get in the house find out all you can Katie yes yadi goes against Olivia save it you have to be I'll try and get in the girls room unless you hear from me carry on as we planned Flash Gordon seems a very capable fella sports pages hmm these Brooklyn fellows seem to be arguing the umpire story thing what are you reading Watson come Oh put it away never seen you take an interest in the society columns before it's a concern I'll drop at once I'll show you what some hmm you find what you're looking for oh how do you know this is a girl it would be an extraordinary incident wouldn't it if more than one neighbor left ended in Washington were to become engaged in the last few days to a girl from New York whose aunt was giving them a reception I'm sure you must be right she's pretty girl yes he's walking around with a dynamite in a handbag [Music] [Music] [Music] who is it maybe you can come up here I did though one get you to that party's gonna be awfully dull after this let's not go let's go away and get married you've only got one more day that's an idea we can't do that Danny I'll tell you let's take a look at the new apartment it was awful sweet of Andi to give us the whole floor in this house for our apartment at least we can do is let her have the fun of showing it to us okay let's face the party I'll get my bag thank you oh no you don't that's the way I got them [Music] how do you do so glad you could come this is mrs. oh dear what is your name Roxton of course I know it as well as my own and this is mrs. Vale how do you do quite not yet most people attended Mary Ann with Miss partridge over there Thank You major thank you you're a lucky guy Pete I'll see you later the red floor first door right I'll wait there you bring him up thank you telephone sir Navy Department calling oh yeah be right back lead on Macduff this way sir hmm matches match me darling take them up thank you Oh Pete holodecks and keep the major oh thank you [Music] [Music] why up here they said it was private there's a phone in here sir hey it's my new apartment miss Partridge didn't want me to see it the laughter was finished hey OWASA smells pizza in here sir thank you we should get some action sir Henry with Sherlock Holmes in Washington yes I don't mind telling you I'd give anything to get my hands on that document yes I know or at least know that it's in safe hands engaged today and married tomorrow no thanks have you a match miss partridge yes lieutenant Miriam asked if you would comes the new apartment but he's not supposed to see it yes the new apartment he must think you're already married yes I don't dare let that man out of my sight excuse me really please surely I'm so sorry Oh may I thank you this way please oh I know the way thank you here where are you well here we are Gorgon good connections we've got it go into the potty and I think you better go ahead first mr. Holmes I'm not very good at this I think you do all right the only possible explanation mrs. partridge forgive my intrusion but is your niece the kind of girl who would just disappear in this manner ever own free will they ordinarily of course not but the girls in love so they'd naturally tell you of their destination really I have no idea or would they be back here again tomorrow you see I prepared an apartment for them an entire floor in this house by the by mrs. partridge I gather the right you ordered for the apartment was not entirely satisfactory those tiresome workmen I told him not to come in here this afternoon but they did and walked out with the rug which they no doubt informed you had been sent by mistake and would be replaced tomorrow yes but did you yes oh yes always their company requires them to nevertheless there have been leather heels on this floor and the woman's heels very recently I should say not yours mrs. partridge but recently enough so that no dust has had time to settle in the imprints say ladies this seems to be in a struggle over there the woman's footprints disappear and a man's leather heels come round and stop there either she was carried out in the carpet or else that door neato why it's a dressing room I have to not marry skeleton right Watson this is a matter for you I'm afraid the doctor examine him how is he Watson the head nothing seriously heavens is there someone we go disappeared right from under our noses it's unbelievable I better try to trace that truck that won't lead us anywhere our antagonist is too clever for that but the girl must be found immediately you're sure the police chemists found nothing definite in their examination of the trunk not one thing pertinent to the case what about Grayson's body and the blanket it was wrapped in every object connected with this case has some kind of story to tell do you think they'd mind if the laboratory is completely at your disposal mister thank you dr. Watson I began at once usual findings on the trunk mr. Holmes bought in Washington been banged about a good deal all labels removed hmm the body no marks of any kind yeah well if you need me call thank you Watson please just tidy up a bit this blanket is beginning to tell me many things it remains to translate them properly yes just as I thought this blanket has had a most varied history it's been on many a sea voyage well it is not six months ago since then it has been used to wrap a multiplicity of objects carvings of teak wood candles not as made of pewter and furniture furniture yes teak wood leaves not mistakable staying due to rubs off easily and there are evidences of wax drippings particularly concerns as Watson is the furniture there's like your chair the 15th yellow in the room second what do all these things suggest you what's an aunty mine Matilda lives in Brighton the old-fashioned 38 you exactly antiques have another ground to cover for nightfall the antique shops in Washington hey hey nti antiques antiques what connection is a Louis the 15th chair with this Partridge girl this slipper of wood came from a lure the 15th chair that have once been wrapped in that blanket from other evidences the blanket supplies I deduced that it's been used in an antique shop and whoever controls those antiques murdered Grayson and kidnapped the girl but come on all the girls kidnap up becomes a murderer [Music] shopping for antiques let's keep searching Watson the girls in grave danger hello hello this isn't the place it seems to be look Watson there's Kevin it's obviously imitation and yet they're pressed as if they were authentic Oh watch me I feel a certain this is it this is my purse man thank you what kind of a joke is this her don't bother to answer you can tell the police all about it no she'll I promise you well no please here haven't you noticed we have quite alone I sent for you to ask you a few questions you always send a rug for your guests that was a very nice rug miss Partridge it's not my idea of a method of transportation no I'm sorry about that but I'm afraid it was unavoidable but why you've no right to bring me here like this I've always found it wise to take what rights I can get miss Partridge you have a document which I must have document I have no document and won't do you any good didn't mind but I do tonight I don't know what you're talking about you'll remain a prisoner until you produce it how can I produce it when I haven't got it but you have it'll observe that on the train you had contact a little british agent named Grayson he gave her something where is it but I hardly even notice the manner I wouldn't even have remembered him if I hadn't seen his picture in the paper he disappeared or something he is dead mr. partridge oh now will you tell me what I want to know but I can't you won I can't I tell you let me out of here he gave me nothing that's strange because I know he spoke to you there's something very curious about that door up there to open it you'd have to know the combination but I tell you I spoke to no one on that train I didn't a little man try to be attentive to you he may have offered the usual cout does it I don't even remember I'm saying I'm sorry I don't just vote one of the years thank you and you're quite sure you said nothing at all - yeah of course I'm sure permit me and you're certain that nothing passed between you I'm certain mr. Howell please I must ask you to trust me with your bag a little longer I have an eccentric interest in the linings of purses it's a foible oh you'll know mr. Howe I believe mr. Howe is a gentleman of unusual accomplishments under his influence I've known people talk fluently who never talked before but I don't know anything I tell you nothing [Music] you stay out here I'll go inside I'll assume the character of an eccentric art collector as soon as I'm convinced that this is the place we're looking for our signal to you and you get grooving and bring him here on a run but don't lose it in time next to second Mecosta life no madam I don't know who she is but notice the modeling it has good symmetry good lines oh I'll be right with you sir thank you I'll just take a look around what mix table cabinet Spanish Moorish influence imitation of course it is not an imitation it's authentic oh come now my dear man ah may I see some of these ceramics those are for sale there Ming vases mostly and they haven't been marked yet that's really a very little consequence see if they're genuine I can tell other than a shilling what the International price might be if you please sir there are other customers oh yes yes of course well I'll just look around ah what a very interesting collection of pewter [Music] [Music] that would be $500 now what would you just give me the address where you want it sent yes mrs. J Wellington jr. Dupont Circle [Music] [Music] good night good night I'll have it sent out in the morning oh dear oh dear I'm most terribly sorry you broken one of our best pieces sir Ming Dynasty a Tang Dynasty not Ming definitely not me it is my business to know sir the pottery is Ming and worth $2,300 is were closing for the evening I must ask you to settle at once Oh nonsense my good man Tang pottery is worth $600 best just a moment please yes of course hello a customer dropped a variable piece of pottery I'll finish with him immediately how could you say that it's me 20300 fiddlesticks you asked $2,300 for something that worth no more than six hundred I demand to see the piccata I'll wait on you the protection of innocent customers show me to the owner of this establishment or I'll turn the entire affair over to my legal representative Ming indeed just a mine she can rewatch skullduggery I need to put an end to it this very night Ming for tang indeed and I won't be put off call the proprietor immediately very well just a minute yes this man is mad an eccentric collector I can't get rid of him insists on seeing you in person all right settle into my office I'll get rid of the one quickly ah no screams to the customer gun [Music] you get downstairs yes huh [Music] [Music] I must fight to cipher I must fight to sorry about vows but but really sad yeah khakis guilty for talking the most obvious fraud you see young he tried to convince me that I'd broken a Ming pottery and when anyone could see the de pétanque to the Tang era its its value is no more than $600 all right you pay him of the 600 we'll call a meta settled no oh thank you very much sir thank you I'll send you my check in the morning I I see you know the London value of these pieces it's my business exactly yes exactly you know I think you're just the man to help you find some furniture I'm anxious to get I'm most frightfully bored with the usual conglomeration of pieces that we can pick up on the other side what do you really want mr. Sherlock Holmes yeah Heinrich Hinkle or as you now call yourself mr. Richard Stanley in 1914 secret agent of the German Kaiser since then head of the most insidious international spy ring that ever existed you're wrong a case of mistaken identity I've been a respected member of this community for a great many years I didn't antiques because of their rarity and beauty merely a device to cover up your real business of transporting secret information to the enemies of this country very interesting but just a figment of your imagination I'm a very busy man mr. Sherlock Holmes where is Nancy partridge you are not looking for that girl you're looking for a certain document how do you mean oh the documents perfectly safe you see the man who has it doesn't know he has it that's a very pretty Tara but quite untrue the only man who had any contact with Grayson on the train was Senator Babcock the senator doesn't have the document we took the trouble to find out permit me thank you I had to been misled by the common notion regarding the shape and bulk of state papers they might easily have been reduced to a to a convenient size you know say a document no larger than Earth and the postage stamp postage stamp oh that's a very interesting theory but not supported by the facts I'm quite beside the point where's the girl she's not here of course but you're quite of liberty to look round if you care to thank you nice won't do so [Music] [Music] interesting piece Spanish isn't it Moorish oh my era it's an amazing specimen yeah sure you won't find what you're looking for there you stimulate my curiosity this might be interesting [Music] [Music] who was what an incredibly inventive people weren't they yes it was in shocking condition when I got hold of it but I had it restored they liked it now but old fashioned if that's the best you can do mr. Stanley I think I miss sickly examine the rest of the room now help yourself thank you again awaiting that door mr. Holmes you didn't think I was going to draw a weapon I never touch the things how odd to find you squeamish that connects only with the shop you're very quick to say so and yet a short while ago I saw two other men in this room and they didn't go back into the shop so there must be another exit and perhaps another room yes mr. Stanley what is it we miss partridge here at once excellent Holmes I see your voice hasn't lost its flexibility when they come here tell them to leave the girl with you and to kill are you think I'll do that yes you will you're playing with lives now Stanley not just the girls thousands millions perhaps and we don't intend to let one man have that much power not now not at any time in the future I prefer you alive to face the retribution that's coming here but if I have to do it all right mr. Holmes I suppose we must all meet our mate sooner or later that's enough boys take your hands of him well mr. Holmes tell the clock to go home and see the fun doors locked well mr. Stanley it's the last trick the cows a home I'll remind you of that later Spofford allow me to present mr. Sherlock Holmes the world-famous detective he's come to rescue no I don't believe you oddly enough he's telling the truth my name is Sherlock Holmes and I did come here to help you but I seem rather to have missed it I'm sorry I'm afraid you've had a bad time well that doesn't matter it's Peter they say they'll do something to him if I don't tell them they say they've got him cheer up he's quite safe a tough customer like Peter isn't disabled very long back clout on the head he's alright all okay mr. Stanley they kissed and me this girl knows nothing I promise you won't even identify you and unfortunately she knows enough to hang us so do you I'm surprised at you walking into a trap like this but you see the position I mean on what has to be done Kayleigh Wow it will give me great pleasure to attend to mr. Holmes personally he step when the girls yours [Music] [Music] [Music] quick Stanley's escaped all right boys bring along come on attack [Music] Senate office building double-quick [Music] I'm glad to say some of that say if no man is safe look at the way my constituents snipe at me I don't recall seeing your face before straighten I don't think we've met well that explains it my name is Sherlock Holmes land and all your holes what's on your minds in the bed Carter I'm here to inform your great peril to your life Richard Stanley a dangerous criminal is now on his way here Richard Stanley why he's the most respectable citizen Washington has been for years what do Stanley possibly want for me a document under the stamps have a letter given to you by chap named Grayson Grayson Grayson Houston aw man Grayson that's the father disappeared saying I got that envelope right here in my wallet now what the Stanley see could be under these stamps a secret document of grave import reduced to microfilm and concealed under these very stamps thank you very much mr. Holmes that's just what I wanted to know I might have missed this microfilm if you hadn't led me to it I seem to have underestimated your capabilities mr. Stanley yes mr. Holmes your famous powers of deduction and observation made a very well in Limehouse or Soho but here in America I believe you're out of your depth if so the verdict of history will be severe indeed novice Sherlock Holmes I must confess to a mock dilatation do you mind if I smoke thank you the whole course of the world might be changed by your acquisition of the microfilm but it will be in for the better your match you can keep those thank you and now if your pardon me mr. Holmes why don't you do something Holmes of that thing so all-fired important the English senator cricket oh boy I was calling the crisis the last trick eh Holmes yes the last chicken say you're a smart fella Holmes hey here's the microfilm Holmes Thank You senator I see Holmes this is the microfilm with the document on it it'll be in the proper hands within the hour as I told you mr. Stanley the man who had it didn't know he had it come on let's go it'll be nice to get home to Baker Street rooms yes but this is a great country Watson it certainly is my dear fella look up there ahead the capital the very heart of this democracy democracy the only hope for the future I hold it's not given to us to peer into the mysteries of the future but in the days to come the British and American people will for their own safety and for the good of all walk together Majesty in justice and in peace that's magnificent I quite agree with him not with me with mr. Winston Churchill I was quoting from the speech he made not so long ago very building [Music]
Channel: ARF
Views: 267,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Public Domain (Content License), Technicolor (Invention), Animation (TV Genre), Film (Media Genre), Free Movie, holmes, sherlock, washington
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 32sec (4292 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 23 2018
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