The Fasting Mindset with Dr. Terri Lance

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hi everyone I'm Megan Ramos and I'm here today with a very special guest dr. Terry Lance Taryn is actually part of our fasting method family she's one of our medical advisers her background is in psychology so she's helping us develop all kinds of behavioral tools to help you make passing and dietary changes sustainable for the rest of your life Terry right now I works with us also as a fasting coach so she's working one-on-one with individuals helping them figure out their dietary and fasting struggles to achieve their ultimate health goals so welcome Terry thank you for being with us today on our YouTube channel oh thanks for having me here Meghan this is exciting we are new to the world of YouTube despite dr. Fong having so many YouTube followers and YouTube visits Terry's our first fasting coach that were featuring every one of our fasting coaches has a really unique background and has more of a unique area of expertise so I look forward to having everyone on the channel talking about their stories so Terry can you tell us a little bit about what got you into fasting and how that sort of shaped your career sure I think you know whenever I try to explain this to a new client um I always talk about my own journey is really what led me to this I was a teacher at the beginning of my career and then I went back to school and I became a psychologist and things were fine career-wise but my health and my weight were always a challenge for me so from the time I was a young kid I was always overweight struggling with my weight when I was in my early 30s I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and still struggling with my weight was one of those people who would try every kind of dieting plan and lose a lot of weight and then gain a lot of weight and oftentimes more than I had originally lost so I finally about six years ago realized I needed to change my life and so I really changed how I was eating a couple years into that I added in fasting as well and I started with some longer fast I actually started with extended fasting which now is I would much intermittent fasting but I did start with extended fasting and then I got to work with you for a while I'm having you as a coach which helped me really get on track and see some more progress and so then just there meeting with you and and talking a lot about kind of where I was headed and you started expressing some interest in working together so I was able to for the most part close my practice as a psychologist and move into this coaching realm which for me has been great because it's taking both of my former careers as a teacher and as a psychologist and bringing them together in this area that's so significant in my life photos are just amazing so for everyone watching today you know I met a very healthy Terry we first met I think at low carb Breckenridge the very first low carb Breckenridge the tooth Kido deuce Richard Morris and Carl Franklin rented a lovely house and I got to actually meet and chat with Harry for the first time there and like she looks fantastic you know and you can just feel the positive energy and that just like the energy in general rating off of her and it's it's nice to be in that kind of company and I'm like wow this is one really healthy woman and then you started to tell me a little bit about your story and you hear it it's one thing to hear it but it's another thing to see it so after Terry officially joined the fasting method as a coach there was a festival that happened in New London Connecticut called Kido fest and the Friday of Cado fest we hosted fasting Friday with the whole fasting method team and we wanted all of our coaches to show their before-and-after photos and Terry's before a photo when I first saw it I was like oh my gosh like just a complete transformation especially in such a short period of time - is is really phenomenal so actually Terry had first emailed the photo into our operating officer who happened I mean my husband and he said Megan you're not gonna believe this like I can't believe this is Terry it's just just awesome so Terry everyone's gonna know in the comment box they're all gonna want to know what was this extended fast saying did you start off with was it like 120 days was it like two days was it started doing three-day fast and for me I mean I couldn't imagine going more than you know I guess at that point I was probably doing 18-6 regularly and three days just sounded like forever and so I did some three-day fast I did a couple of four-day I even did a five and a half day and I never went beyond that I remember originally talking with you my goal had been to get to 7 days for health reasons and I never did do one that long yet as I said I prefer the shorter fast now but I've never gone beyond the 5 and a half day a lot of women find 3 days to be very beneficial for them women more so than men like their their Braille in their primary hunger hormone really takes a deep dive especially after the 36 hour mark your body virtually produces none of it by the 72-hour mark so our third day of fasting we're virtually experiencing no hunger whereas men tend to experience more fluctuations in ghrelin from day to day then us ladies do when we're in a fast so a lot of people find that it's just easier to get into a fast and stay there for a few days and I actually I did a 72-hour fasting protocol to try to drop some through some stubborn weight loss plateaus where my body set weight just seemed like it wasn't going to crack unless I hit it with a big hammer so for a while I did those three day fast and then that last little bit that last you know five pounds that was really subber and I did some more five-day fasting - all right so no 120 day fast for everyone in the comment box but three three to five days is there really good range to mix it up especially if you're struggling and have a lot of insulin resistance like Gary did and like I did so Terry I feel like although very different still sort of similar situations with our careers I got into nephrology so for those of you listening it's a study of kidney disease dr. funds actually a kidney doctor and I started doing research in nephrology because I wanted to try to be able to detect it earlier give the patients skills tools that they needed to slow down their kidney disease or prevent it from progressing and maybe even reverse it and that was the whole reason why one into nephrology I had a strong passion for that is what I wanted to do even as a young teenager when I started at the clinic and well I'm not saying that there isn't a need for all of the amazing staff in nephrology but thou that I've learned these tools through diet through fasting and lifestyle that are so beneficial I left nephrology formally to help teach people how to integrate this lifestyle and they're now able to slow down the progression of their kidney disease perhaps prevent kidney disease from occurring or to you know try to sustain you know their kidney function aware where it is through dietary and lifestyle interventions so they definitely still need to go the chronic kidney disease clinic get all of the support there but I just couldn't knowing everything that I knew about nutrition and lifestyle could just sit there on the research end of things anymore I thought I had a different calling and that my work could be integrative with the work of my former colleagues in nephrology Department so but what made you say okay you know counselling is great but you know let's try to focus on the nutrition side of things is there any times where you're working with a client and thought you know what you know we changed your diet maybe it would help with some of the symptoms that you're experiencing absolutely and I think one of the frustrations for me is I felt kind of limited to talk about it very much because within the field psychology you know there's there's a lot of ethical boundaries about what you can talk about and what you can't and when I watched people struggling health-wise and I struggle with their weight struggle with lots of medications I just wanted to give them some other tools at some point I even considered maybe going to some type of medical training go to a naturopath program or something because I just wanted to find a different way to help people and so again getting to do this coaching it's so exciting someone just asked me the other day like what do you like about your job and I said oh my gosh when someone tells me their a1c came down or you know they had lost hope that they could ever lose weight and since January they've already lost nine pounds that is so rewarding and I wasn't feeling that anymore as a psychologist you know talking about antidepressants and different things so it's just been really rewarding to help people at a more foundational level to address their health for the person out there is listening to us and I guess first as as fasting coaches like we are we know that there is a physiological component to adapting to being in a fasted State the body goes through transitioning from sugar burning the fat burning there's hormonal changes people lose water electrolyte balances might get thrown off so there are some physiological concerns but throughout human history we are expert fasters it moves fasted since the beginning of man time our bodies are well adapted for the most part to be in a fasting state and well there's a percentage of the population who struggles physically a lot of it is mental because they're you know our our kitchens are closed and stocked with good food everywhere we go we buy gas we go to get coffee we even go to the pharmacy and we're just bombarded by you know sugary treats or starchy treats so we're we struggle a lot with the mindset and we find that in a lot of cases fasting the more mind-over-matter Terry what have you found since being a fasting coach what are the biggest mental rules that you've encountered I think one of them the biggest is and I know this sounds so obvious but just changing so many behaviors and so many old thought patterns like it's noon that means it's lunch and you know people just have themselves set on a schedule that all revolves around food and so much of our social interactions with people our business interactions revolve around food and to really start to kind of tease those things out and stop connecting everything with food I think is one of the biggest things that people need to do in really making this transition work and it's not easy and the other thing I think happens for most people is that once you start fasting you realize how much you've been using food in ways that you didn't even know we're problematic every time you're bored every time you're upset every time you're scared every time you're lonely and so I have found for many people the awareness around their problematic use of food really kind of heightens once they start really enacting the fasting and and I think that's where we're focusing to really help people because it is very doable but it is a lot of change it's a lot of awareness and changing behavior a lot of change in mindset as far as how we talk to ourselves so many times I hear people say I can't do that I can't go for more than five hours without eating or I can't not have this or I can't do that and changing how we talk about ourselves and to ourselves I think is kind of fundamental to making these changes fasting is not hard thinking about fasting is hard and thinking about not eating is hard but once we start talking to ourselves in a way that's supportive of it big change can happen so I think the mindset changing old patterns and most of these are patterns we've had since we were little kids you know many of us learned they everything on your plate you can't skip a meal I mean poor child is gonna die if they don't eat today so lots of big changes that I think people actually have to address in making this significant change I was personally in my own experience I've seen this for thousands of the people that would come through a program but for me so many things I had associated with food that I never even thought of or could have even anticipated for years I lived in the suburbs and I've been at the neurology clinic I was there for just over 20 years before I departed so that's a lot of driving and commuting back and forth and when I started fasting I realized that my mindset when I got in the car to go home was to think about what I was gonna have for dinner how was I gonna prepare it go through a mental checklist of what was in the refrigerator in the cupboards did I have all of the ingredients that I need to stop somewhere on the way home to get something and I had done this like for a decade at this point and I thought oh my gosh like this is this is an automatic response this is a habit I don't even think about it I get into my car and this is what I think about so I had to play around with some different strategies for those days that I intended to fast when I got home so I recorded a list of to do things on my phone that I could play back to myself while I was driving to start thinking about you know what gifts are you going to buy for your mum for this holiday or you know planning out Mother's Day or Valentine's Day or other other things to try to change my mind and then technology became a little bit more advanced and there thank gosh she could start listening to podcasts in your car and audiobooks in your car and that became a real game-changer for me and then I got to the point that eventually over time I could get into the car and drive home from work without having to do all of that and I wouldn't be thinking about food on the way home so there's just so many areas of life where this just all crawled in and and food is just it's how you celebrate the good times it's how you comfort loved ones how you comfort yourself and there's a lot of strategies that fortunately Terry is going to help the fast day method create for for everyone in our community throughout the course of 2020 so we can help to start changing these attitudes around food and one thing that you said that made me laugh I was just telling someone the other day as I have to do a fasting blood test and I did a fasting blood test a few few months ago now this is a follow-up blood test and a few months ago when I went to do it like you're just at all hour fast like I fasted for 11 days 12 hours should be nothing but because I'm thinking that I have to fast those 12 hours were like 12 days like that my 11 day fast was easier than those 12 hours and I joked about this upcoming blood tests I thought oh geez like it's gonna be the 12 longest longest hours of my life since the last blood test but in today I fasted for 24 hours without thinking about at once so really in semantics and how you process fasting and what you're trying to think about on your fasting days makes a big difference information about Terry and working with Terry on our website at the fasting method calm and Terry also hosts in our community a focus group on behavioral strategies as well so you don't have to just meet Terry up in our coaching program you can meet with her inside of our membership community and we've got a few new things in the works that Terry is helping us out with different ways for people to engage with her another 100% sure on the release date of this episode so I don't want to give away too many hints but go to the fasting method come to check out and see what Terry's up to and the last lay method but before we go Terry is gonna give us her top three tips just three quick tips to help you get into the right mindset if you're brand new to passing so one of them I know this is an overused concept right now but I think it's really important is to know your why why are you doing this why is this important goal wise for you um so for example for me I don't want to be diabetic again I don't want to have neuropathy and so when I decide whether I'm going to eat or what I'm going to eat I can go back to that why so really making clear what your why is not just hey I'd like to lose a little weight or something it has to be really clear something that's really important to you I think seeing what you're doing both eating wise and fasting wise as good self-care is really important so it's not just that you're doing something good for yourself when you fast and then whatever you do when you eat is fine they both are your two strongest tools that you have and then again the positive language rather than to talking about how hard it is talk about how excited you are that you get to fast today talk about how awesome it is that your body can go without eating these hours just changing those little things can make such a difference focus on your progress instead of perfection and instead of focusing on what's challenging about it I think is key awesome thank you so much Terry I really appreciate everything that you've shared so we hope this is helpful have you got any comments or questions please leave them in the comments box below and the fasting method we'll get back to you if you want to watch more videos like this make sure you click like and subscribe below we appreciate your support well that's a wrap for today and happy fasting everyone
Channel: The Fasting Method
Views: 16,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fasting, extended fasting, education, mindset, behavioural, support, psychology
Id: A-wXCgcB-hI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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