How to Pick the Right Intermittent Fasting Protocol

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hi everyone I'm Megan Ramos and today we're going to talk about intermittent fasting protocols and how to pick the right one for you now you hear all this terminology out there 16 hour fast the 18:6 diet the 24 hour fast what does all of this mean and what should you be doing so the first fast I'm going to talk about is the 14 hour fast and more or less this fast is very simple you eat dinner you start your fasting and you continue to fast throughout the night while you're sleeping and when you wake up in the morning you have breakfast so you're sleeping for most of your time during the 14 hour fast it's only that you're avoiding snacking in the evening time before you go to bed the 14 hour fast is great for people who are brand new to the concept of fasting and really struggle with trying to eliminate that evening snacking the next fascinating regimen we're going to talk about is the 16 hour fast or the 18 hour fast you'll commonly hear these referred to as a 16-8 or the 1868 what does this mean so this means you're going to skip one meal a day so every day you're gonna pick a meal whether it's breakfast lunch and dinner and you are just going to fast through that meal time most often people pick breakfast since the morning time is just really hectic and a lot of breakfast foods aren't a very low carb centered and a-hat tend to be highly processed and have a lot of refined sugars in them so a lot of people will wake up they'll have their morning tea they'll have their morning coffee with no sugar sweetener they'll have some water and they will not eat until lunchtime so during the sixteen eight or the eighteen six baths you just skip that one meal and then you eat two consecutive meals so you could also cut out dinner and eat breakfast and lunch if that is your preferred way of eating the sixteen eight and the eighteen sixty ayat are best suited for younger individuals looking to maintain their good health or for individuals who have reached their health goals through fasting diet already and are looking to maintain their good health but the 16 or 18 hour fasts can also be used to strengthen our fasting muscles when we're brand new to fasting so if you are brand new to fasting you would start off with the 14-hour fasts and then graduate to the 16 or 18 hour fasts but if you've already reached tremendous success with fasting then you would use the 16 or 18 hour fast to maintain those great results the 24 hour intermittent fasting protocol means that every other day or three times a week you're skipping two consecutive meals now most people elect to skip breakfast and dinner so what does this mean well an example of this would be eating dinner on Sunday evening starting your fast waking up in the morning skip breakfast and then skip lunch but break your fast at dinnertime so you're fasting from dinner on Sunday until dinner on Monday and you would only do this three times a week or do it on alternate days now if you do it three times a week you can really do it in any combination you could fast 24 hours on Monday and Tuesday and then do a third one on Thursday or Friday you can mix it up to make sure that it fits into your week or if your weeks very consistent you can actually do it on alternate days now the 24 hour fast is a great way to help flex your fasting muscle but it's not necessarily the best weight loss protocol especially for our women men do experience more weight loss on the 24 hour intermittent fasting protocol than women but men with a lot of metabolic syndrome off the need to do longer fasts same thing with with women looking to lose weight we often find that they need to do longer than the 24 hour fast but the 24 hour fast is a great way to start flexing that fasting muscle and working our way up to those longer intermittent fast that are going to get us to regain control of our waist lines and of our health now our gold standard for weight loss and for metabolic syndrome is doing a 36 or a 42 hour fast three times a week so what does this look like so if you were to eat dinner on Sunday I wanted to do a 36 hour fast you would eat dinner space all evening fast all day Monday but break your fast on Tuesday morning and Tuesday you would proceed to eat breakfast lunch and dinner start your fast Tuesday evening continue your fast overnight and all day on Wednesday break your fast Thursday morning and eat breakfast lunch and dinner you don't have to do the fast the three days on Monday Wednesdays and Fridays you can do them any day that you like but during a 36 hour fast you are skipping three consecutive meals so it might sound a little bit complicated but it's pretty simple so if you are following on Monday Wednesday Friday routine you simply fast Monday Wednesdays and Fridays and you eat three meals a day on Tuesday Thursday Saturday zin Sundays now the only difference between the 36-hour fast and the 42-hour fast is that you're simply skipping breakfast on your eating days so you would still fast those three days a week so Monday Wednesday Friday for example but on Tuesday Thursday Saturday and Sunday instead of eating three meals breakfast lunch and dinner you would only eat two of those meals you would either eat lunch and dinner or breakfast and lunch on your eating days one of these fasting regimens is ideal for men with metabolic syndrome looking to regain control of their health and for women with metabolic syndrome and women that are also trying to lose weight who do not have metabolic syndrome so those are the most popular intermittent fasting regimens available and what intermittent fasting regimens work best for what individuals thank you so much for watching today if you'd like this episode make sure to click like and subscribe to this channel and if you have any questions please leave them in the comments below thank you everyone and happy fasting
Channel: The Fasting Method
Views: 18,746
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Keywords: fasting, intermittent fasting, fasting protocols, Megan Ramos, the fasting method, dr. jason fung, jason fung, education, resources, tips, fasting tips, therapeutic fasting, weight loss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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