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let's talk about pre-germinating grass seed I'm seeding my lawn with this stuff right here this is from Jaclyn made by Simplot Everest Kentucky Bluegrass I buy my seed from United seeds online and they I've been buying my seed from them for several years now they're good to me they give me a good price and this stuff is pure Everest Kentucky Bluegrass this is a certified Blue Label okay you want to look at the little label that comes sewn onto your grass seed right here but this is certified uh with the blue tag or whatever no weed seeds or noxious weeds to be found this stuff on a new lawn needs to be seated at about three pounds per thousand so considering I have uh 8 000 feet I need about 25 pounds of seed so what I ended up doing and this was before my camera uh went could put on me and my audio sucked so I measured out my seed and put them in these paint strainers like this okay so I measured out 25 pounds of seed and split them into eight of these bags so this is just two bags right here but I you've gotta you gotta use your imagination here a little bit folks measured out twenty five pounds of seed put them in these bags and then I put them in this bucket like this okay put them down in this bucket you put your seeds in the bucket right here and then you fill up the bucket with water and you weigh it down with a brick like this so I'm gonna put two of them in each one two I'm Gonna Fill these suckers up and then weigh them down with the African bricks I'm going to fill it all the way full with water so see how the seeds float you gotta get it pushed down like that because it needs to be under the water apparently this is crazy talk this is freaking weird stuff right here and then you change the water every 12 hours it's tedious I get it but you change the water every 12 hours and you let the old water drain off and then you put new water in so they're claiming like if you don't change the water the it gets toxic or something so it may damage your seeds or something like that I don't I don't know I don't make the rules here folks I only follow them here are the bricks here and then you can you let this soak in the water for three to five days the first time I did the lawn you can see it right here I did it for five days pre-germination this round this has been sitting in there for almost 10 days which is less than ideal but I'm just trying to find time to make it work and I'm using this as an overseed to reseed some of my bald patches or my bald areas here so but the important thing is you got to change out the water every 12 hours why pre-germinate your grass seed so the grass seed takes like 21 days to germinate just takes forever Kentucky Bluegrass uh perennial rye grass tends to be a lot faster but Everest or Kentucky Bluegrass is really slow so this will speed up uh your time the grass has to the seed has to sit on the dirt by about double so for every one day I don't know if this is true or not but they say for every one day I don't know who they is either um for every one day it sits in the water you're shaving off two days it's sitting on the soil when I see the lawn here I had grass in seven days and that just isn't ever the case so I'm hoping that with this longer soak I'm gonna have grass in like four days but I might have let it soak for too long I don't know I just am too busy haven't had time to do much of anything so so that's the story of how to pre-germinate your grass seed once your seed is sufficiently soaked and has pre-germinated whatever that means you need a carrier some way to spread it because it's all wet and clumpy and if you try to put in a spreader it's just a big clumpy mess so it's all wet so I'm using this product right here this is a humic acid granular humic acid I sell this stuff on my website and so I'll take the seed and I'll mix it with this I'll wring out the bag of seed the best I can and then I use this and I'll mix this into the seed and try to make the seed as dry I try to get the seed as dry as possible by mixing with this granular humic acid you'd use Milorganite or like a bio stimulant something like that you want to use something that's not going to burn the lawn and humic acid is just going to benefit the soil you want to mix it in there really good and that acts as a carrier to carry the seed so it carries the seed as so you can so you can spread it because right now in that wet state right now in the wet state where the seat is what do we got here loud oh yeah side by side Yay see that so right now with the seat in its wet State like that there's no way to spread it so you want the carrier the humic acid to spread it and the carrier can also be milorganized or Bay State fertilizer or one of any one of these biosolids or something that's not going to burn your lawn we've got the grass seed there carrier just you can just kind of make sure you're always changing out your water that's the most tedious part about the whole process is changing the water constantly and then after it's sat for five days you put it down and then you do your normal seating routine as is and you go about your business you end up with the lawn it starts looking like this so I've been working away like crazy trying to get this these trenches backfilled and the sprinkler's done but I've got my G my seed germinating over there but I got out the roller Rick the roller I'm rolling this and I have some serious depressions in low spots through here that was a lot of work took me like four or five days is to put this this these two zones in I ended up doing two zones and these are shooting too far into the street so now I've got to get some smaller heads that only go you know maybe 20 feet or something like that I've got the MP3 thousands on there and there's it's shooting too far so now I'm over here changing out the water so I've been changing this every 12 hours I'm on day three I think it's freaking crazy this is a crazy process I've been told at work so I'm hoping for the best planning on putting the seat down in a couple days got to get some sand I'm gonna top dress over there so once the top dressing's done then I can put down all my additives and my fertilizer and my seed and all that stuff I'll put down another application of glyphosate and then put the seed down on all my additives so this was super brown at first and as I'm changing the water it's turning more and more clear not sure why we're changing the water but I was told to change the water every 12 hours so that's what I've been doing I'm gonna let it soak for five days I'm putting these bricks on here like this keep the seeds submerged that I've just been doing so much stuff I ran over my phone on accident with Rick the roller so it broke gotta clean all this crap up so that's kind of what I'm doing and uh that's it for today at any rate that's pretty well it for uh how to pre-germinate grass seed I hope you guys uh find something useful out of any of these videos that I make if you like my stuff like button subscribe share it with your all your friends all that fun stuff so anyways that's gonna do it for this video I appreciate you guys thanks for watching and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Connor Ward
Views: 160,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pre germinate, fall overseed, grass seed, overseed, regenerate tall fescue, seed germination, swell seed, lawn care, lawn, how to grow grass seed, pre germinate seed, best grass seed, best lawn seed, how to pre germinate seed, germinate, grow seeds, kentucky bluegrass, perennial rye, perennial ryegrass, kentucky bluegrass seed, CONNOR WARD, lawn rebel, lawn restoration, lawn reseed, lawn replacement, reel mower, grass seed germination, fastest way to grow grass seed
Id: B_U8fUard5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2022
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