The Fastest way to create Architecture Floor Plans

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stop creating boring black and white floor planes and stop wasting time capaciting images in Photoshop here's a better and faster way to create architecture drawings for presentation and competition boards let's get started in this video we'll be using lumion which you can get for free if you're a student but if you're not a student then there's also a free trial first you need to have your project imported into lumion with materials furniture and vegetation already added to the scene if you don't know how to do that then you can watch these videos here when you have your scene already set up let's start creating 3D drawings starting with the 3D side plane first I will click on this button to go to the photo mode now let's create a camera view by clicking here then I will click on this button and choose one of the style presets in the Lumia provides I will choose the daytime Style and with just one click you can see that our render is already looking a lot better next click here to add an effect then go to architectural and select the orthographic view effect then we can turn it on using this toggle you will see a new property bar at the bottom of the preview window here you can switch between a perspective 3D View and an orthographic 2D view to navigate you can drag the right Mouse button to orbit and drag the middle Mouse button to pan and if you use the scroll wheel then you can zoom in and out alternatively you can use these sliders to zoom in and out and change the orientation of the view more precisely The Heading and Pitch sliders will snap to the most common values such as 90 degrees 180 degrees Etc note that you can also use the wasd keys to move forward backward and left and right while the Q and E keys will let you move up and down when you like the look of your view click the camera button again to update it there we go it's a super quick way to create a site plan just imagine how long this will take if you did all of this in Photoshop you can even try different variations of the same image for example I can click these three dots and copy this photo then paste it in the next slide now I can click here and try a different style preset such as the realistic Style then you get my further adjustments with the effects such as changing the sun angle for example or if you want to learn more about editing and creating your own Styles and effects then you can watch this video here next let's create an elevation of your building again I will copy and paste one of the existing views to the new slot now I will go back to the orthographic video effect and adjust the heading and Pitch slider so that the view aligns with one of the elevations of my building you can see that the elevation of my building is blocked by the trees and other buildings that are in front of it to fix this you could use this slider here I will switch to an isometric view to make it easier for you to see the effects of this slider you can see that as I adjust the new clip slider it will cut away the parts that are nearer to the camera which are in front of my building similarly the four clip slider will cut away the parts that are farther away from the camera just use these two sliders to cut away the unneeded parts in your render note that you can hold the shift key while dragging a slider for a more precise value down here is the fill color which will let you fill the background with a simple solid color if that's what you prefer as for me I like having the sky in my elevation so I will turn this off and again if I would like I can make adjustment to the effects to fine tune the look of my render also make sure to click this button to update the view the cool thing is that when you're exporting a render you can choose to export several render elements or render channels in lumion which will be very useful if you want to edit the render even more in post-production software like Photoshop for example I can use the sky Alpha map to help me replace the background of my renderer really easily to do that in Photoshop press Ctrl a to select this whole image then press Ctrl C to copy then I will turn off this layer then select the other layer and click here to add a layer mask now hold alt and left click the layer mask then paste the sky Alpha channel here next I will press Ctrl I to invert the mask and now we have a mass style image then we can drag in a new background for our sky and make some quick color adjustments pretty cool huh next let's create a 3D section cut this is similar to the elevation so I just need to copy and paste the elevation View then I can change the angle of the camera if I like in this case I will create a section cut through the long side of my building now I can adjust the new clip amount until it cuts through my building like so after that I can change the lighting so that the sun shines through my building in a way that it gives more depth to the render making it more Dynamic you can see that the interior looks a little dark so I can go to the Shadows effects and increase the brightness so that it's not too dark there we go now I can edit this in Photoshop such as adding another background or you can also add poche to the section if you like it later in the video I will show you how to Overlay a line drawing on top of the render floor plan which is even faster and that looks great next let's create a 3D floor plan this is similar to the side plane that we did earlier so I would just need to copy and paste the site plane and zoom closer to the building now let's update The View however if you use the new clip slider to cut away parts of the scene you can see that it cuts away things like the trees which makes it look really odd so instead we can go to the build mode and in the tools and utility category click here to add a clip plane now I can move it up and down vertically so I custody building on the first floor the cool thing about this method is that since I have my projects organized in different layers such as vegetation site elements Etc I can choose the layer that I want the clip plane to cut through in this case is layer 1. on which is my building as you can see now the cup plane is only cutting through my building while the trees and other elements are not affected this will result in a better looking flow time [Music] just like the other drawings we did we can change the Styles and effects for a different look for example here I can use an overcast sky and increase the exposure and contrast a bit this will give you a floor plan without the rational Shadows from the Sun if you want a floor plan without the sights on it then you can use your 3D model and hide the sight then save it as another file here I'm using SketchUp but lumion is compatible with many different software back in lumion you can click on the imported model and click here to create a variation now for the new variation I will hold alt and click here to load in a new model that I just created there we go you can see we now have two different variations of the imported model in Lumia back in the photo mode I can add a new effect located in the utility category which is called variation control to use this effect first click here and select the imported model of the building the origin which will be different depending how you created your model in your 3D software next click ok now you can switch between the different variations using this slider this will help you control the variations in different views additionally I can add the layer visible effects and turn off the layers for vegetation and site elements however I want these trees to be visible so I will select them and change that layer to a different layer which will be visible in this View that looks good you can see that the clip plane also affects the other views that we created by using the same method we can move the clip plane to another layer you can rename the layer accordingly if you want to be organized then add a layer of visibility effect and turn off the clip plane layer just apply this method to all the views if you need a bonus tip is that you can export a line drawing from your 3D software then in Photoshop you can import it and overlay on top of the render from lumion by setting the blend mode to multiply also render elements are very useful for post-production for example you can use the material ID channel to make it easier to make a selection and by using that selection you can make adjustment to the material or overlay a color on top of it or replace it with a different texture the lighting render element is also useful you can add it to photoshop and make some quick adjustment to create a clay render effect the possibilities are endless and that's how to create beautiful 3D drawings for your presentation boards if you want to learn more about lumion and how to create beautiful renders for your hero shots then I recommend you watch this Lumia playlist here that's all for today so Inspire guys and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Architecture Inspirations
Views: 512,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: architecture inspirations, how to create a realistic floor plan, how to create architecture floor Plan, lumion orthographic views, how to create presentation boards
Id: iIhodOkCuIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2022
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