FREE Interior Design Software - Which Just Works! Alternative To Sketchup

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hey guys hope you're doing well it's been quite some time since I've given you a software video so in this video I want to give you a detailed breakdown of an incredible Interior Design software I've come across a free Interior Design software called super Bolter let's get started first things first it runs completely on the browser to access it just go to and click on the get started button over here it will allow you to create an account so I'll just continue with Google I'll use my homeowner ID it allows me to get started so let me just set up my profile I'll say I am a homeowner and uh it's asking me to get a sense of taste and mood so super Bolter does this to get a sense of what is the kind of design you may enjoy so I'll just select some random pictures maybe some designs I may like and just keep these photos in mind and I'll tell you why you need it a little bit later in the video next it asks me a lot of different items which I may be interested in so I'll just select some random items for now don't worry too much about it and I'll click on design my new home so this is a simple form which is like an onboarding form I guess they ask these questions just to understand uh you know your preferences who you are Etc you can just put in any data it doesn't really make much difference so I put in my mobile number and it gives me an OTP okay so I'm in now basically this is what you see when you log into and it takes you know some basic updates on your profile now over here they have some tutorial videos so as you can see more products rotate home try light modes design snapshot Etc by the way this is all working inside of the Chrome web browser which I'm sure most of you use what I'll do is now I'll just click on this button which is add a new home over here you can either upload a floor plan you can create a single room or you can even select some popular projects which are going on over here for example they say monthly Serenity Prestige Lakeside so let me just put in monthly serenity and I just click on search floor plan what super Bolter has done is it's scraped a lot of these different projects which are ongoing has imported a lot of their flow plans and it allows you to get into your interior design that much faster so what I'll do is I'll click on add to my homes and I'll give it a name I'll just say homework now and now once that I have added this particular home to my homes I'll click on open so initially when you open it up for the first time it says that they want to do a simple 3D test just to make sure that everything is working fine so let's start the 3D test so the very first question it's asking me is are you able to see the entire sort of room with the furniture I'll click on yes can I rotate the room so I just clicked and I moved it around and I'm able to rotate it relatively easily I'm just clicking and dragging I'm clicking holding and dragging I am able to rotate I'll click on yes am I able to paint the wall so let me just click on a paint I'll click on try paint and I'll move over to the wall and yes I'm able to paint the wall as well so let me click on yes am I able to move the sofa set so I click on the sofa set and I drag it around and yes I'm able to move the sofa set so I click on yes and then next it's asking me if I can apply a design now just go through this test once don't worry too much about it I'll tell you how to design a home and all of that a little bit later but now I was able to apply this sample design okay so I was able to do it so now my test is complete I'm able to do all the different functions which Super Bolter has so I'll click on continue now if you remember correctly I am scrolling up and down here I have to zoom in and zoom out and I'll just click and I'll move to see my entire home this particular layout this particular flow plan this particular 3D which you're seeing is for the monthly Serenity the project which I exactly selected so let me just give you a quick overview of how the software works first thing is on the main screen right here you have the canvas this is where you can see your particular design you can control it you can pan around Etc you can move objects you can rotate it okay on the right hand side you have a lot of different products you have a lot of different designs and you have a lot of different execution bundles okay so it can be wallpapers it can be paints all these different kind of bundles now these designs these products are actually made by real designers real interior designers real Architects and what this software is allowing you to do is basically incorporate a lot of these designs which have been created into your respective homes suggest products for you give you a budget and allow you to check out so what do I mean by that let's take it step by step let's focus our attention on the canvas view on the top left you have all the different rooms available in this particular home so for example I want to jump into the living room I can just select that and it just opens up the living room similarly I wanna jump into the master bedroom I can do that and I jump into the master bedroom say I want to see the whole home I just click on all rooms I can see all the rooms next on the bottom left if you see there's an ability for me to go to the top view I just click on this Arrow this Arrow icon right here and I click on top and I can see the exact top view of this particular home and how it's been bifurcated between foyer between kitchen Etc next what I want to do is I don't want the top view I want the 3D view so I'll just go back into the 3D or walkthrough view okay so I'm right now in the walkthrough mode this is how how I switch between a lot of the views top view 3D walkthrough View and 3D view so I am seeing the 3D next next to the automate home to ignore the automate home for now I'll talk about this later I have the button to switch between showing the walls are hiding the wall so for now I want to hide the walls so I can't see any of the walls so this allows me to get a very interesting perspective maybe how different rooms or how different areas fit with each other allowing me to design more easier by the way to pan around all I'm doing is I'm just clicking and dragging and then I am just you know moving my cursor around in different angles I can just zoom in and zoom out by scrolling up and down like like you can see right here now say I want to move I can just drag this joystick and then I can move around like this also so click and hold a span and the joystick is to move the next thing in the canvas view I want to talk about is these some basic features of saving a particular design typically it is auto saved it's a cloud-based application uh the second part is if I click on this take picture button it takes a snapshot and once the snapshot is taken I can just download that snapshot so this will allow you to create a sufficient reference images to move around and play around with it and the next part is on the bottom right pay attention to this rupee icon here this one is going to be really really useful to show one of super Boulder's most important and Powerful features so we'll get to that later so this gives you a brief summary of you know the canvas the actual canvas View on the right hand side this design portion let's look at how this works so on the top left you have a lot of these template designs so if I select dining for example it gives me a lot of different dining room designs right and I can see who the particular architect or interior designer for this was if I scroll further I can see how it's going to look this is a product render for this particular existing design and I'll be like okay I'm not interested in this maybe I want to see the balconies different balcony options which you have you can click on balcony it'll give me a lot of these different designs now I'll explain how how the apply design button works but for now let me just take you through how this entire right side window works next and after next designs so select your specific region get a lot of different templates next to design you also have products under products I get lot of different options for the bedroom for the living room for the kitchen and in each region I can select either for ceiling for flow of different kinds of paints different Electronics I may need ceiling lights Etc now what I really like is if I select a specific button inside the products it will give me a range of different products directly pulling this information from different e-commerce websites so this is actual products available right now for me to buy so this for example is from Amazon this is from Amazon if I go further this is from Sony similarly say I want to know about paints so if I select Berger paints it'll give me all the relevant Berger paints and if I click on a particular color it'll take a few seconds and it will load up an approximate cost for getting my you know particular home painted this way also so keep this in mind we're gonna use this a little bit later so this product is not just loading random products it's actually available products which you can buy today so if I select ceiling lights for example it's giving me a lot of different collection from Philips and they're adding more and more Brands as we speak let's move to bundles so bundles are different bundled products for example if I click on one of this gives me an entire wallpaper collection uh you know which has been specifically curated by designers so we'll not use that bundles that much for now so let's focus on designing our first bedroom so what I'll do is I'll click on bedroom and over here on the top left where there's the all rooms button I'll click on this and I'll click on the master bedroom so this loads up my entire master bedroom exactly as per the floor plan which I just you know was able to download so let's just check it properly okay looks good and now what I'll do is I will try to choose a master bedroom theme which which suits my personality so I like this one so I'll click on apply design and it will prompt me again that any existing products will be deleted do you want to apply this design I'll be like yes I want to see how this design would look in my home so I click on apply so it takes a few seconds but what it is doing is it's installing or it's downloading all the products which were there in that design including the theme into that exact bedroom now over here if you see the TV which came it does not necessarily fit in this room size so that's okay I don't want a TV in my master bedroom so the moment I click on that TV it give it it's giving me a lot of specific options it allows me to customize it customize it how I can customize it by selecting different options by adjusting the size and I'll click on replace product it actually replaces the product but also I can customize the finishes so if I click on finishes it will load up a lot of different finishes which I can apply here so these finishes are your laminate finishes I'll be like okay I like uh I like this Novara wood I'll just click try in 3D takes a few seconds and I'll apply it wow this looks cool okay so I'll close this again so but actually speaking I don't really want this entire unit also so what I'll do is on the right hand side if you see of the canvas menu I can just delete it so I'm just clicking on the product and I'm just dragging it around so I moved it on top of my bed perfect okay there's some extra pillows here so let me just delete those pillows I'm happy with just two pillows now there's one light stand which has got stuck here so I'll just click on this and I'll move it to the light table okay perfect okay so I have a wardrobe on the left then I have a bed over here so let me click on the bed and I will select Upholstery and I can change the different upholstery which is there for this particular bit so let me click on this gate Rosewood and I just changed the upholstery for the BET uh and then for the wall what I'll do is I don't want an upholstery of course I want a paint so what I'll do is I'll go to products bedroom um let's select Berger paints and I'll click on this beige color or simple beige color so let's scroll down I'll click on try in 3D and I'll just apply it there you go and I like this color actually it's pretty good so what I'll do is I'll apply it here as well here and here wow okay and I think this is perfect and I click on done so now I have a really cool room I have a bedside stand I have a fan I have a wardrobe what else do I need so what I want next is I also want say uh I want some wall lights so let's check out some wall lights so or rather I don't want this maybe I just want a mirror so I'll just type mirror and I'll click on search and I have a lot of different mirrors so let's see I think this is pretty good this is a Fab India product so let me click on try product what I'll do is I'll place it try product and I'll place it here there you go so I have this placed here and I'll move it around perfect let me click on the fan so let me click on the details so the fan I can see it's a fans out propeller fan and all of the cost the dimensions the details are right here I'll close on this so I like this room so I just finished designing my master bedroom pretty cool pretty cool curtain this extra product got placed I'll just delete it up and that's it so my master bedroom is just done so if you notice in like in in 15-20 minutes a proper bed with upholstery everything I was just able to finish right now let's move on I wanna do the kitchen next so kitchen is one of those areas where you know it's really hard to do anytime so let's go to designs let's click on kitchen and let's take this one now again you can you know apply you can remove you can test various different design formats so it's not necessary you have to use the one which I selected I'm just showing you how to use the software guys you please play around with it as you deem right interesting so it's added a lot of different elements and now I'm not sure if uh you know the entrance and all of that has been Incorporated correctly so what I'll do is I'll click on all rooms okay so that I get a sense of where the kitchen is okay so if you see the placement of the kitchen it's not perfectly been done correctly so if I go around okay so the kitchen is here this thing is blocking the doorway actually in two places so the entrance for the kitchen is here so what I'll do is I'll go back to the kitchen View okay this is the way I'm getting the entrance to the master bedroom so what I'll do is I'll just delete click delete and click delete and I'll delete this as well okay and on this side I'll have to delete this probably this as well okay so I have couple of spaces here okay this is actually a very compact kitchen for this particular floor plan so let me do this I think trying to see okay now few things you have to understand I am personally not interior designer so please uh explore the software yourself especially if you're in later than I'm sure you'll do a much better job than I am doing I don't have a great understanding of space but I'm just showing you how to use you know different elements or different features of this particular application now I go back to all rooms so now basically what have I done there is one living room which has been done there is one kitchen very basic stuff have been added there is one bedroom which has been done now you can of course spend a lot more time and complete this designed room by room see how it looks on its own see how it looks you know separately and of course what I would also suggest you do is you click on this walkthrough mode okay and then I'm using arrow keys here so I'm just pressing left and I'm going straight so just walk through the door so I'm walking walking and I just walk through the door and now I'll click and I'll move around and I'll see how you know each angle looks okay the living room looks interesting of course I have to change this wallpaper this looks really ugly I can just select this I can click on paints and I can add say a simple of course I'm never gonna paint something red like this randomly but just to show you I can very quickly just click on it in the walkthrough mode itself try in 3D and select it just like that the paint is applied so I'll just go back to the 3D view so my solution is walk through the entire space see how it looks from the first person view right here and once you're done with that right where I really really love what super Bolter has done is all the different products all the different material you have used the laminates the paint whatever you want to account for you click on this rupee icon here and it generates an estimate and this estimate is as close to real as possible so what do I mean by that it tells you that okay the amount of square feet you have selected is 185 square feet for the paint this is the coffee table you have chosen this is a chair you have chosen this is a photo frame this is a Phillips lights which have been used this is the cabinet which has been created right you get all of this as a simple estimate based on which you can not just prepare an item but you can also check out and once you add everything to the cart so it's going to add all of these products of course there'll be some products that are available not available you can get that data here but you will get a rough estimate of getting your entire home done so when I click on go to cart you can see all these items and I click on proceed it gives me all of this and it allows me to check out right here for the products which are readily available or I can select a specific room that I just want the kitchen items to be seen and I'll only buy the kitchen items it's really really cool and this is where I feel like they have done a really really good job and anytime I want to jump back to my design I'll have my pop-up right here I just open this and my design is right here one thing you have to understand I'm doing all of this on my Chrome browser I've not installed a single application I just have a good stable internet connection so this is why I am loving to use this software to just brainstorm and figure out you know what are the different things I can do another thing I want to show you before I let you go is if I go to the bedroom too and say there's like different different kinds of designs which are available here say initially while I'm brainstorming I select a specific design style maybe this one I select apply design and I click apply so it applies you know that furniture that bed that particular paint or the different products which are used but I'm like yeah this doesn't look that great I'm not happy with it so what do I do next I want something else well I just scroll down I'll be like okay this looks good I click apply design and I apply it deletes all of those products okay and it adds the new design with the study desk with the cockpit with the bed all those things and just like that a design is ready and I'm quickly brainstorming and seeing exactly for my flow plan how it's going to look so this is what I really really loved about super Boulder now in this particular case for example the lamps are just not fitting in so I may have to delete the lamps so let me just delete those but you get the idea right that brainstorming is no longer hard for me so I'll be like okay this cabinet is becoming too much I'll delete it or I can change the laminates of a particular cabinet from here itself I can start a project I can either show it to a carpenter or I can place an order with super Bolder and they'll connect me to all the relevant project guys so this is where it's become really really unique for me in the sense that I'm not just getting a design software but I'm getting themes and templates I'm getting a 3D basic 3D walkthrough software and I am being able to estimate my exact cost for executing that project so now for example from for Rolex it's gone to six lakhs because I added bedroom two and when I shift bedrooms so if I go to Kitchen it'll tell me region by region what is the cost so if I want to see master bedroom what's my cost it's 2 lakh 68 000. so guys I mean let me know in the comment section below if you have any questions about super Boulder uh I'm trying to get in touch with their Founders to do an interview with them to see how they've designed it and where they are seeing how it's going to add more features but right now it is completely free to use for anyone so I highly urge you to check it out these are not a paid or sponsored video I really was surprised by this tool I really loved it it was very surprising that they are giving it away for free because software like this can get expensive and yeah let me know if you have any questions the comment section below thank you so much for watching see you in my next video
Channel: Home Banao
Views: 518,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homebanao, home construction, interiordesign, designsoftware, homedecor, homedesign, 3dmodeling, rendering, visualization, digitaldesign, roomdesign, floorplans, furniturelayout, colorpalette, lightingdesign, materialselection, virtualreality, augmentedreality, designprocess, softwaretutorial, softwarecomparison, bestdesignsoftware, interiordesignideas, interiordesigninspiration, superbolter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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