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what's going on everybody my name's Ryan 2d and in today's video we're actually gonna be visiting revisiting an old video that I filmed to remaster it so a couple weeks ago I actually did a video called the fastest shooting bomb tower ever and now I've come to the realization that it in fact was not the fastest bomb shooting tower ever and I do apologize I at the time thought it was the most powerful but we're missing some very key elements in this video that made the bomb tower the fastest ever that being it wasn't God boosted and it didn't have striker Jones two things that are quite a ridiculous buff once it's added on so I decided to revisit this video redo this challenge and see how powerful we really can make the cannon monkey or that you know you know what I'm talking about but either way let's jump into today's video the idea with this challenge is you want to go ahead and we're gonna get rid of this guy and it's to get a super monkey to boost a normal Tower and this is not a normal strategy this is actually kind of ridiculous and can't normally be done in a normal game that's why we normally use a lot of monkey boosts and drops to help us out so the first thing first is we're gonna want a bomb tower right so we can go ahead and we're just gonna drop our bomb tower down right here and this is gonna be really the only tower that's gonna pop anything right that's basically the rules of the game and that's what happens and first things first we're gonna drop eight team cash drops in because that's gonna be enough to get us to big monkey farms right off the back I know a lot of people are always like why are you doing that that's totally cheating and yes this is quite cheating because normally this strategy is not possible without this it is it'll just take you until maybe like round 100 around 120 in order to fully get it and it's just nice to be able to get it right off the bat kind of see truly how powerful this can be and last time I got bigger bombs and heavy bombs instead with a faster reload because I just wanted to do more damage but we're talking about how fast we can get the tower to shoot right and we're gonna be using the extra rain Trac bombs yeah so we can go ahead and we can get the extra range and we get frag bombs as well cuz frag bombs are really nice to get so we can do that we can also those go ahead and put on auto start we don't need anything else we'll play an auto start and this thing's already doing really good we can get faster reload that's gonna make them reload and shoot 20 percent faster which is already pretty awesome I'd like to go ahead and get some some better upgrades but really I don't think we need them right now one thing that I need to be able to do is eventually we're gonna need to put down a village so we can detect camo but right now I think it's not we're not worried about it also this shrapnel is doing a lot of work we only have two upgrades in our right now and it's already doing wonderful wonderful things I kind of want to put down cluster bombs as well throws that secondary bombs of shark for sharp fragments every shot that's pretty awesome no expense it's only $500 there we go that's gonna that seems like it's doing even less now it does not seem as powerful as the first one maybe I'm crazy but we can go ahead and get faster reload and missile launcher because now look how fast it shooting and this is just by itself and we can go ahead and we can get actually we don't even need recursive cluster right now but that's gonna be a really nice upgrade to get once we do end up getting it we have four of these awesome banana research facilities which is making us loads of money every single round but we're not there yet we're gonna need a few hundred thousand dollars just because we need to get a true Sun God temple a true Sun God support temple and ultra boost we just need a lot we can go ahead and the curse of cluster only cost $2000 so might as well get it and the recursive cluster basically makes it so every second shot another little bomb goes out as well so as you can see it's already working to our advantage in doing wonderful points well you know what we can do is we can go ahead and we can drop down our totem so we can go ahead we'll put our totem right here and that totem is gonna be able to work for us and then we can also just go ahead and just get our village right here we can put this village down I guess it doesn't really matter too much but we can do that and get bigger radius and then radar scanner now he can pop pretty much everything he's already shooting redonkulous lis fast like also we did they get all these meters but like he's already shooting really fast I'm gonna be really spooked to see what's gonna happen when he's got boosted has an alchemist has striker Jones this guy is gonna be crazy oh no we can't pop these monkey intelligence beer up there we go round 20 is win anteye anteye cannon balloon show up okay do I want to get bomb blitz I don't even need bomb blitz so I will eventually get bomb blitz because what bomb bullet says is it says wouldn't life is lost a bomb storm will destroy every balloon on the screen below is on G what it fails to tell you is it also gives you the ability to it just does more damage as well it actually empowers it and makes it a stronger thing in general so you actually do want to end up having it it's just pretty expensive to get but we can right now we want to focus on getting more of these guys right because we just want to be able to have as many as possible I need another monkey farmer one monkey farmer please coming right up alright now we have all this money to worthless which is really nice so we're not really gonna have to worry about anything look at that is around 28 and we already have a whole his money this is great this is working out to our advantage we're gonna have to see how how just how powerful this tower can become right so that's what's gonna be on me you know what we can also do is we can put down striker Jones actually we don't want to put record Jones down just yet because we want to be a little bit patient so we can put down this super monkey which you guys know the drill you put them on that second where you have like these tracks in the road you want to put them down on the bottom layer of the tracks for this strategy to work properly and now what we can do is we can level up the Sun avatar and then we can turn into the Sun Temple but we're not ready to turn them into the Sun Temple because we need to make them a support Sun God so in order to do that so for those of you that don't know there are four different types of towers there you have blue green purple and like an orange a yellow which is primary military magic and support now when the Sun God absorbs temples it absorbs the different categories and so in order for it to be a support temple while it needs to absorb support towers so what we're gonna want it to do is really wanted to absorb some of these supports ours so I want it to absorb this village so we can get bigger radius and we can also go ahead and level up and get foam lay in defense which is 50,000 and just to be safe let's have them upgrade there we go we'll just get some we'll just get some other stuff for him to upgrade and grab and we can go ahead and turn this guy into our first son temple so our our only son temple so now we have this son temple what we can also do is we can put down the village again and we didn't just get the monkey intelligent zero to make it even stronger and then we can put down the this as well which is the century Paragon which now we definitely have over fifty thousand dollars in upgrades for support temples oh my goodness this guys having some Eastern hats and troubles hey we finally reached level eighty-five let's go okay we can recharge this and we can go ahead and get bomb blips which just makes this a massive tower there we go we can use homeland oh my gosh look how fast he's attacking Wow that's insane and he's not even really boosted this is gonna be a very interesting cuz this is how fast he attacks anyways look how fast the attacks I am kind of nervous to see how fast this guy's gonna attack not no joke he's already attacking this fast okay this century Paragon is getting really annoying he put oh it's just because they're exploding that is really annoying I'm selling it and I I'm not dealing with that that's too that's too annoying to deal with this thing yeah this thing's gonna absorb all of these things it's gonna be really nice and he's got the village here we can let's just go ahead let's just go ahead and we can get ourselves herma Spike's there we go and now all we need now is well about a hundred thousand dollars actually we don't need that much we only need about fifty thousand more and then we're gonna be finding this thing's already popped eighteen thousand dollars the Missal adds a lot it makes that shoot really really fast and so once we have this guy down then we can get the permanent brewmaster we can go ahead and then get striker Jones as well there's just a lot of extra things that we're missing okay so here we go we can go ahead and get the true Sun god yes we went to some of the true Sun God and now there we go that's the true Sun God and we can go ahead and we can put a village down so let's make sure the villages in both areas know if they came out oh man oh that was so lucky as soon as one the one got by and he ended up blowing all of them up that's awesome okay so there we go homeland the fence how's this guy doing so he does not have the sun-god effect on yet but no need to worry because we're about to put this guy down this permanent brewmaster you guys know how it works put him down and then we can get permanent brew and so he's gonna first preserve the brew on that which is going to give him the range so now he has the range to have that so now look how far away this guy can shoot look at the attack range how crazy is that he's already look how fast it shoots too well we still have a couple more things that we're gonna need to do here right because we're gonna need ourselves an engineer and now we're gonna want to upgrade this guy all the way to ultra boost which only cost sixty one thousand dollars by the way now we can go ahead and we're gonna need one a nice little robot because I'm we're gonna ultra boost this guy and then we're gonna robot him so now he's ultra boosted as well look out oh my goodness he takes out bulbs like it's nothing and now now we have that we are also gonna want to get striker Jones and we're gonna wanna oh my gosh look at striker Jones just bring actually we can put regular Jones and you I don't think he needs to be within the radius of anything in particular but just to be safe I'm gonna put them in this radius okay so does he have striker Jones well actually so so now boom so let's go ahead and we're gonna just upgrade this guy all the way to max level oh my goodness look at his range this range is too far we have to move trigger jokes I never thought that I'd say that but we have to mo striker Jones he's too he's too far out I had to sell we just made we just lost so much money on that investment but it's okay I'm pretty sure let's look at his upgrades okay so level three so level four all bombs shooters and mortar bombs monkeys shoot 10% faster so they're gonna shoot 10% faster already let's see bomb shooters need of the hero get 5% range okay so we definitely want to make sure that he's in the range so is he gonna be in the range no he's not okay we gotta find like the perfect spot for let's put him right I think right there's gonna go that might be too much I guess that's fine okay and now he's in range as well so if you guys read this so our Tillery command also gives double damn if she pops per shot to all bomb shooters or more to monkeys for 10 seconds okay so that means yes and all so that means it does double damage as well and all bomb shooters okay an attack and if additional 10% faster so basically this guy is insane now because of striker Jones buff look how fast the attack I can't wait to see the true power of this guy look how fast it shoots it's insane it's actually like Opie it shoots way too fast to even understand what's going on right now nothing all right here we go look at all these cameras boys I want to see what happens when it goes up against like a really strong okay so what we can do around 60 is we can we're gonna pop it and then we're gonna use this that was the times that was the double damage and that didn't even like phases I really interested to see you go up against like as OMG cuz right now it doesn't seem like anything's gonna stand a chance against this thing I feel like we can even get to like round 200 but this there's no problem just because there's so much a oe explosive damage that there isn't like a set number of balloons that are able to get by right just cuz he's just so much damage look at him go and let's see is he maxed ultra boosting he's still not even max ultra boosting do you guys know that we're gonna need to get in a submarine right like a submarine is definitely something that we want just because there's so many there's so many like ability right look we have our ultra booster II of the striker Joe's ability and anything he's in the striker Jones dream because anything in the striker 200 says even the more rain right so we can go ahead and we can get the monkey sub because you guys know the monkey sub just decreases cooldown so I can use this and that increases the damage by times two for ten seconds which is just mind-blowing all right here we go oh my goodness it's crazy wait I have a question if I if I get the slowdown time let's see what happens so if time is slowed down wait let me let me do that again does this guy oh no I think I wasted so it I think the tower also shoots slower too so we might be able to see this thing in like slow-mo action which would be really cool cuz I would definitely want to see what happens in slow-mo so if I do that yeah look up look how fast it's shooting that's crazy so you can actually go in little organ we can play in slow-mo I'd never thought of it like that but we should totally use that more as like a slo-mo pang so we can see like everything that's happening and then we can use all the bonuses and effects like right when we want to all right well we got around sixty eight so we can do this and just boost as well I definitely want to see what all of the Boosters so let's go ahead and I want to get a couple of these things because I really want to see what happens in slow-mo when we use this thing because right now it's too fast for us to see it's actually going faster than our if this is shooting faster than my brain cannot can comprehend and we're not even using any boosts this is just how it shoots naturally with that leg with the elements and all the pops so I'm a little bit scared to see the true power of this thing because we have double damage from the artillery boost we have ultra boost we have the you know the village trees we also have this is the the energizing totem that we're gonna get and on top of that we have the monkey boost which is a double tube with dimes to attack speed so this guy is going to be off the rails overpowered like it's gonna even gonna be fair for anything that it tries to go up against guys I'm actually really interested to see how far could we go with this tower guys if this video somehow gets 10,000 likes I will do an all weekend stream or like an all-day stream where we just see how far this thing can go I'm very interested to see that see look I can just use this ability and then look at that it's just double damage and it just melts and so I'm yeah we're gonna wait and then once we go up against that zone G we're gonna use this that we're gonna slow down time and then we're gonna take a break and we're gonna just really see how powerful this is okay let's go alright come on let's take this guy out oh my goodness it shoots too fast it's too powerful I really want to know how many how often it's shooting a sentence I wish it told you I wish there was like a little number to that like it's like I wish towers had stats on you know like like an you click on a tower and it showed you like rape right here it says like attack speed or so it tells you exactly you know every second or every millisecond it's going to shoot this many times the pierce the damage so it means like every time it hits one balloon it's going to pop this many I like I wish I saw that and then maybe some individual towers needed like special lights needs like cuz like necromancer's you need like okay it's gonna summon this many balloons or something like that you know maybe I just I wish we had more information available to us so we're gonna basically we're gonna play in normal speed then we're gonna slow it down so we're actually what you're going to be seeing keep in mind is the slowest speed we can possibly make the game without cheating or hacking well we're gonna use the time speed so we're gonna play a normal speed we're gonna slow it down and then we're gonna use all the boots because normally we just playing a double speed and you can't really see what happens in the zone buddy instantly knows so let's see it's slow motion what's gonna happen everybody so we're gonna play it and we're gonna wait for the zone G to show up okay so there's the zOMG I'm gonna do that so here it comes it's on its way and now we're going to do that we're gonna use the boost boost and then and then okay so it's being boosted right now I know everything is in super slo-mo so here it is get ready everybody boom boom boom oh my god that was in super slow motion that was in super slow motion okay okay okay let's see what happens and not super slow motion before we end this video out I want to see what happens and not super slow you know what actually I have an idea everyone let's go home we're gonna let's go into the sandbox and see the power of this guy that's what I'm gonna do so let's go ahead and we're gonna play and we're gonna go to our favorite after this and let's do this again one more time but I really want to see the true potential and power of this guy right so we can just go ahead and we don't need this so bomb shooter you guys I was I literally could have gotten any upgrade and I got so low so rehearsin closer and now we can do faster firing let's get ourselves our super bunch and now we can go ahead and we can just make sure so I like getting the village and we can also go ahead and get let's just get a couple of villages because the villages is what's really okay also let's just get that why not okay so so boom we got our Sun temple and you guys know let's go ahead and get this guy again this is well and we can also just put our it there the monkey engineer down cuz that's also like fifty thousand and now we get the Sun okay now we want to put down a permanent brewmaster so Permenter brewmaster and we also want to go ahead and put down our village I did not want to get that village that was not what I wanted on the slightest I wanted this village upgrade we also want to get ourselves an ultra boost engineer which that's we can fix this so we do one now we also want striker Jones we can put striker Jones down I mean striker Jones can kind of be in the radius we don't carry that much they're real and now he's got his match range so that's definitely in the radius okay so that's pretty much everything that we're gonna be able to get without using an energising total so let's just go ahead and this should wear off pretty soon - one two three four that's gonna be at max and now let's go ahead and just see it potential so let's go ahead and we're gonna send one zone gene and then once the zone G's hits we're gonna just see what happens right so we can just go ahead and do that so it's not as powerful but you can still see it's really strong still so let's see the real potential of this guy right let's see what it can actually do working in it accomplished and if that's the case let's go up against let's just see a bad bowler so let's just start small so we're gonna go up against the bad balloon and it's radius is about right there okay so blues boom alright so up against the bad balloon it started to see a little bit of resistance it definitely shows a little bit but it's prop 67,000 what it can do all right let's just see it let's just see it let's just see something crazy let's do 100 bad boys with the spacing of 0.1 so basically so a hundred bad balloons stacked on top of each other here they come oh and they're gonna be split out okay this is gonna be good so booze booze booze alright let's see what happens oh my gosh so it kind of just melts up oh my goodness is that every bad balloon oh my goodness is lagging horrendously right now oh man here it goes oh my gosh look at the money we're making we're making crazy amounts of money right now it's shooting so fast loose it again keep going oh my goodness it's trying its best it is shooting oh go I boost it again and now we got to get that double damage let's pop that double damage come on boom double damage that was 100 bad blooms that's 500,000 balloons pop guys and it didn't have a single problem with that this tower is absolutely insane but I think that's we're gonna end off this video everyone if you enjoyed make sure to hit that like button subscribe and turn on notifications thanks for watching everyone love you guys and I'll see you base tomorrow for some more awesome content bye everyone Wow
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 351,379
Rating: 4.8801413 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, bloons tower defense 6, Bloons TD 6 bomb tower, btd 6 bomb tower, bomb tower, btd bomb tower, ultra boosted bomb tower, bloons td 6 ultra boosted, funny, gaming, Tewtiy, Tewiy, Tewtiy bloons td 6, tier 5 bomb tower, bloons td 6 tier 5 bomb tower, btd 6 tier 5, bloons, btd, bloons td, bomb shooter, BTD 6 bomb shooter, Ultra Boosted bomb shooter, Mobile, Mobile game, iPhone game, IOS game, Gaming, Google play game, God boosted
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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