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what is going on ladies and gentlemen my name is Ryan or Tootsie and today we're hopping into the world of balloons tower defense battles and if you guys are excited you want to see more you guys know what you got to do show some love show some support hit that like button subscribe and turn on notifications now I'm gonna be doing this video solo but that's alright because we're actually gonna be battling against the game itself we're gonna be playing balloons tower defense battles modded and hacked and we're gonna see what kind of crazy around we can get to how crazy the balloons actually get in the later rounds I don't know I'm not entirely sure myself but you know what I'm excited to see this I'm excited for whatever is to happen to happen and if you are too you guys know what to do so without further ado let's do this I'm actually gonna hop into quick play I'm gonna go to battle school and then then I'm gonna do the practice mode so basically normally practice mode is just like this training thing where you can practice going up against yourself but we're gonna do it and we're gonna just see how far we can actually last so I gotta do a late-game strategy with our hacks and our crazy awesome stuff all around so it's gonna be super duper fun I need to here and once like let me let me I need to like zoom out there we go alright there we go for some reason my screen was like zoomed in all the way and it was not what I wanted all right we got snowy castle interchange I think blue circle is probably the easiest to like I think balloon circles are gonna be the easiest for us so we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna play on saloon circle and we're gonna do obviously we need a banana foam we're gonna need a normal dart monkey because normal dart monkeys are gonna be super overpowered and on top of that I feel like super monkeys are gonna be pretty good as well because super monkeys are just like crazy crazy opie and they can pop everything so we can go ahead and grab one of those guys I think we're just gonna use a normal dart monkeys for on for now I'd like to get on the other monitor we have which is the Ray doom so we're just gonna spin until we get the ray of doom I just want the rain of doom everyone that's all I want I want the radium and fun fact I don't know if we're actually gonna get the radio come on give me the Ray do meeee give me the radio do meeee come on No alright you know it's fun we don't even need we don't need the radium we don't need the radium okay it's not something we need more mods and addicts are actually being developed and built right now as we speak and I'm super excited about that and all right so let's start this off strong I say we put down some monkey glue and before we do anything crazy let's get ourselves a banana Tower because the hacked banana tower because right now we only have 75 Iko right like our ego is nothing it's just not impressive right so before we start jumping into things I think we need to start getting a banana farm because that's just gonna give us so much money with Diamond bananas like it's gonna be crazy okay it's gonna be absolutely crazy okay I feel like our glues about to run out now oh right as I said that it just ran out okay come on all right bada bing bada boom so here's our first we're gonna put this guy down right here can I put this guy right here I can yes okay so this guy's gonna start giving us crazy crazy money there we go $600 all right more bananas right off the bat okay let's just put down a normal Dharma link you guys um and then we're just gonna be good for like the rest of the game there we go we just have to put down that one dart monkey and now boom and you just get it and I light everything okay we don't we don't we don't worry about that yeah we don't need to worry about that well we do want to worry about is banana plantation there we go we needed to start getting crazy money right that's the point that's the dream is to just get insane amount of money I think I think these guys the dart monkeys are what's gonna be the strongest I think dart monkeys are gonna be like what's super Oh Pete I'm not entirely sure okay we also want to get the I need $4,000 come on give me $4,000 there we go now we can get these and now the way of valuable bananas look there were three thousand dollars each $3,000 each all way to do is get that next upgrade boom now now we just have infinite money basically okay we just have infinite money we have nothing to worry about because we're just getting $30,000 every crate of bananas let's start working on getting um let's get a couple of banks up and running because banks are gonna be really good because they're just gonna give us banks are how you make crazy money look look at the banks look at the three look out a bunch of money what's making it stain it's crazy and it's gonna give us a ton of eco per round too because we only have 75 eco right so now at the end of this round look at this look at our vehicle ready ready boom we now have max Seigle our eco cannot go up any higher literally we just maxed out on our Rico that's fine we don't need any more anyways so what we can do here is I think the plan is Regis we just upgrade all of these guys right cuz they're just gonna be so darn powerful I don't think we can lose I actually don't think we're gonna lose if we do this and I want to see what round like we can get to round up guys right now in chat Sally one round do you think we're gonna be able to get two hundred two hundred five hundred thousand I have no idea but now begins the long and painful journey of having to put down all of these monkey towers and I mean all of them I think one of the things we might want to do is I'm considering considering getting some spy couple upgrades but it just makes your screen so crazy that I don't know if it's worth it I don't think it's worth it because our screens just gonna be like constantly just terrible but what we can do is we're just gonna we're just gonna upgrade and get as many normal dark monkeys as we can and then I just the rounds are just gonna keep coming at us and it's just we're just never gonna lose around two hundred and twenty two million nine hundred ninety nine I wonder what happens if you hit like a certain run like if you get to round 100 what happens what happens if he gets around one hundred I've never gotten around hundred before right because it normally is just impossible even with like your strongest strategy but this obviously just trumps any like opie strategy that you have right so like I don't even know what's gonna happen like I have zero idea what's gonna happen okay we need more monkeys we need everything we got captain I'm giving her everything she's got alright ludie alright we have our much this is so crazy we get out the thing is this monk this tower is so overpowered like it's so broken because it has it shoots just like the rainbow darts that just go through everything literally everything and you can just put them all so close together that like when zoom geez come in it's just gonna be just it's just gonna just collapse on them I don't know what's gonna be I feel like all juggernauts would be stronger and all honesty but I feel like these is just this is way funnier to go this route way funnier because it's just so many and we're we're guys I don't even know what's gonna happen once I like fill Azolla I feel like I'm just gonna sit here and just stare at the screen as as we don't even cuz I already do this scene balloon she have you seen any balloons now that we've actually put some dart monkeys down I haven't seen any balloon it's already round 18 guys 18 is around to beat and we haven't lost yet okay I mean really there is no winning this because we can't because it just goes on forever and it's not like we're up against an opponent because we're going in practice mode right now right so possibly it's not gonna work but what I'm looking for guys is weight gives us a count right so we have 20 monkeys down that's it we're 20 monkeys in that small area we're gonna have over 100 of these monkeys 1 4 done guys [Music] for the super she hates gee I didn't realize you would live to look at the money we're rich we're so rich there we go now we have infinite money we just got infinite money right off the bat yeah I'm going live today guys I decided you know what's a nice Saturday morning when I go live and guys want to let you guys know in advance um this video I'm gonna be actually taking this livestream and going over to my facebook because if you guys miss my live streams you guys want me to lecture more cuz I know I've been doing a lot of videos recently if you head over to my facebook channel which is in the scripture now hello that's what I'm gonna be doing a lot of live streaming from now on so if you guys want to see life zooming over there or you want to just watch my old like my old style life June 4 I talk to chat and kind of hang out that's the place to be and so we're gonna be taking this live stream over there after a decent amount because we still we still got a long ways to go here we still got a long ways to go so don't worry about it now but if you want to watch the whole stream I'm gonna be taking it over to Facebook okay there we go okay we just gotta keep putting down super monkeys that's the plan okay that's that's the plan right we're good all these monkeys there's so many monkeys they don't even get to shoot late literally the balloon show up and then it's just hey-oh instantly how many do we have 33 monkeys 33 monkeys and these these monkeys can pop enemies and literally anything that gets sent to them they're gonna pop it they don't care okay all righty how long has the stream me honestly I have no idea it depends if I lose games over games over stream ends right but I mean I could go on for a while who knows like I look I have no idea we're just gonna keep upgrading see what happens uh we're gonna put the monkey down there we go I was about to say the monkey wouldn't go down we're just not losing money anymore we are it's just infinite money like what are we supposed to do now like we literally can't spend that much money I wish I had that in lies could you imagine literally I just hack in so I have just infinite live so I literally I literally cannot die and I just let I just let that I just let the rounds run and just see like what kind of craziness happens that'll be amazing okay there we go all right how many more to be that scarecrow it's always so annoying hey he's wait why did I put that monkey right that it's a terrible spot for this monkey I can definitely fit way more monkeys in there I can definitely fit you I can definitely fit you right please somebody can fit you I can't fit - oh I lied I can't fool me - dude I might be able to fit three I think I thing is possible we're gonna try oh it's totally possible [Music] there we go okay so we can put three super there these aren't even super owing these are like God monkeys like what are you supposed to do against this right I don't get I know a lot of people want to see the Ducks on guys I have good news okay I actually have some ie I recorded the lyrics on the sinan over so somebody is working on the duck song as we speak I need to film it as well because it's gonna be I'm gonna make a music video it's gonna happen guys okay it's gonna happen I'll sing the duck song I tell you what if we get alright okay alright if we pass 1500 live viewers or we get 750 lights okay either either one of those and I'll sing the ducks on guys either one of those okay but only in that situation will I sing the duck song okay no no other situation while I do it alright 750 lights are 1500 live viewers you guys can decide whichever one you want go grab your friends go grab them be like - yo this guy's about to sing this moonlit song I need you to hop on the livestream okay guys humming wait how many more company rap 60 we're gonna have like 200 monkeys by the time we're done guys no joke we're gonna have about 200 of these monkeys by the time they're done okay everyone's like like the livestream quick do it do it like it I like to move it move it I like to move it move it I like to move it boom boom boom oh just me okay I'm sorry this is I want you to know how tedious this is having to put down all these monkeys but it's worth it okay we're doing a science experiment everyone okay we're trying to figure out if we can then we attack all these monkeys and we put all these monkeys down well round we gonna get to we're already on around 29 okay what happens when like if the zones you start coming out and like start giving me some trouble I think we just lose right I think we just lose it though and you start coming out but I refuse to believe we're gonna have any choice I refuse to believe that we're gonna have any trouble until like around 60 or 70 because if we start having troubles like early on like we're just done we just lose right I don't want to lose that's scary ah hi there we go I'm really glad I was able to put that monkey in there he's like a tall I am monkey alright we can all right we can collect all of these okay alright I really don't need any more money I think I think it's been decided that like I have enough money right like we don't we don't need the banks or anymore right okay let's see everyone wants the Ducks telling you guys are crazy about the Ducks on you know I'm gonna I'm a rock I really hope once I upload this ducks on the video guys it's your responsibility to help me get the ducks on viral okay alright that's I want that to be my most viewed video of all time because I think it would be one of the silliest things be like yo this to do what's his most viewed video oh it's just a recreation of the duck song of him screaming into the microphone he can't even sing I know that's what makes it awful alright round 33 guys round 33 we haven't even worried about it a balloon like are you guys worried at all I'm not I'm just sitting here okay alright how many even do it there's 84 monkeys down and we're halfway through this minute I don't think we're gonna be able to get 200 I think 200 monkeys is a little bit extreme but I think we're gonna be fine a little bit okay I wanted to hear my thing hey we just passed a thousand live viewers thank you each and every one of you that came out to the stream today it really means a lot to me when you guys come on hangout I know like a thousand seems like a big number but I really appreciate each and every one of you guys coming out you guys are amazing I'm like definitely not muted Ethan okay hi guys I want to see see the thing that's like I can just push this button in the boom like that okay my okay this is my pet peeve with balloons okay my pet peeve with one of the glitches that's in the game if you have a bunch of super monkeys right for example we have all of these guys that have a disability right we use this it just turns these up in here right the fact that these are all turning if you push the button again look it always does the same super movies it doesn't do a new batch so basically like you only need one of those upgrades it's not like it it targets and then a different one I guess it's kind of hard to explain I hope you guys understand what I'm talking about otherwise I said I feel like I sound crazy you guys I run you guys are like what are you what are you talking about I guess them pesky kids on me lon are ladies I have all of a sudden turned into a fire at somehow no idea to Ray Reese Reese Dean and thanks for coming out to the channel love you thanks everyone super monkey I don't even need Oh around 36 ow that was the sound of either a Moab or a BFP I have no idea because I didn't even get to see it cuz it literally just instantly managed so can I put no I wonder how many of these guys I can like squeeze in here here we're gonna actually sell that guy cuz I want yeah did you gotta like work your way up from the middle that's like that's like your best option that's what all right so there's three I think you want to do it on each side and then kind of meet up in the middle cuz you don't I feel like you're gonna have a lot of wasted space I could be crazy to I mean we're fitting you can just fit so many monkeys in you so many monkeys it's crazy how many ones you fit in here this is like that's the thing with these monkeys is they have like no rates right so you can just put funds and puns and - oh please I mean there we go I highly doubt I can put any more down right no but that's like a perf that's I don't think you do you might be able to squeeze one more monkey and I mean like maybe maybe one more money but the fact of the matter is it's not gonna happen okay it's just not gonna happen there we go we're we're around 39 so far we're still going really really strong like we're going just fine and dandy and it doesn't seem like we have any intention of stopping anytime soon and you know what I'm pretty okay with it I'm you know what I'm 97% okay with that okay so three percent of me that's not okay with it just has to get over it my fingers hurt cuz we have over a hundred of them we have over a hundred of these guys and we still having a bit of money this is ridiculous we can't lose we actually cannot lose what kind of crazy okay there's me more more super monkeys okay there we go simple darts I really said that I can't put a monkey right there I think my goal is 150 guys if we can get a hundred and fifty monkeys on the map I think I'll be happy look it right there look how crazy that is I wonder what happened if these were all like the the juggernauts cuz you imagine that would be crazy that would be so crazy you could not see the screen like I would not be able to put down more monkeys because the screen would just be flooded with so many of those things like even one of them it makes less screen hard to see those you don't know I'm talking that if you go you're I can just guess I can just show you I guess I never mind I can't show you because they're not gonna attack if you go all the way down on if you get the of it juggernaut the juggernaut bouncing everywhere and they just like you never stop bouncing and there's so many of them they just becomes redonkulous absolutely ridonculous are we at 1:15 we might not be able to hit 150 i I think 150 might be too crazy of a dream does that means I need to put 15 more monkeys down and I don't think that's gonna happen 15 monkeys doesn't it just doesn't seem viable okay we're about to see our first oMG guys around 43 is the first oMG let's see I round there's the Sanji oh no that just lag in my game really badly and that's really concerning that it lagged off of one's OMT like that's not okay that it like that hard off one going there's gonna be so many projectiles on the screen I might just break crash my game I might just end up crashing my team and I don't know how I feel about that I is there any way we can fit seven more monkeys in here oh my god there's so many guards so many darts I want 150 monkeys I want them but I don't think those is there any room anywhere for monkeys they can't fit they're put so many darts this is so many darts everybody that's only when they're like right here can you imagine how crazy this is gonna be once they get like in the middle area around here like I yeah I have no idea what's gonna happen I actually look how laggy it gets and we're only on around 49 I this is gonna be crazy this isn't gonna be absolutely insane everyone I don't know what to expect we're around 50 all right what's up everyone around 50 halfway to 100 we can definitely get to around 100 I have no I don't think we're gonna have any trouble not getting around 100 but while we're here what would you held everyone doing a chat say hi I'm gonna show you out guys I put all my talent on I can look at chat I can we kept hanging out with you guys we got Zach we got Drake I'm Bob banana we got Michelle Lauren Fandango superstar hey mom Shelly there's a demon well who else we got we got Brandon zing we got death to gamer we got Ian Bob - we got Anthony we got Mike man we got a Jordan vlog in games thanks for popping out everyone we got so many people ivan GG squats silly goose silly roll chase Evan Oh weirder weirder something I do there's so many people to check every toilet Kingston ward Paul Lugo who else we got big brain plays yo what's up everyone thanks for coming out to the stream today I appreciate you guys guys I can't even oh my gosh those orgies don't sing look how many tarts there are there's so many I don't even know what to do round oh my gosh those are all zone G's they just getting melted that's all that happens is they just get instantly melted but it's crazy okay yo Nathan makes you coming out of the stream the first live stream ever I appreciate you my K that's awesome uh 104 likes at the duck song are we that we almost have a hunt so yeah so for those of you just showing up I promise the stream if we get to 1500 live viewers or 750 likes counting the duck song so yeah if you guys want to hit one of those milestones oh I'll sing the duck song I'm really bad at the duck song but there's a lot of people I know there's so many darts I want to see like how many of these guys like popped can you like click on them so I guys pop 2,000 1,000 I feel like it's the close catch right 4,000 now you guys pop 17,000 so that guys pop the most good oh that guy's popped 18,000 interesting everyone's like 50 like 5 more likes oh my gosh are we there do we have 750 likes already what I'm gonna I have to double check I want to make sure you guys aren't pranking me I don't want to be pranked by you guys oh my gosh we have 750 likes alright duck song it is hello Judy q my cousin Sam the editor saying the cameraman asked him I'm his cousin ha ha ha idiotic production thinking $5 donation it's really staff the editor this year dude if your cousin's that means we've hung out before right if if your cousins with them we've definitely hung out it like Easter something right because I or I always go over to Sam's for Easter I missed this year but I'm pretty sure we've hung out if that's the case but I will definitely make sure Sam gets that $5 will do good survey for the donation that's really funny all right all right I'm done procrastinating I'll sing the duck song ok let me look up the lyrics this person all righty all right Marty can you give this money to my cousin Sam the editor or Sam the cameraman ask him on his cousin okay so all right here we go here's the duck song alright the fame duck song I know you guys want to listen to it I know you're really just alright what I'm gonna do is okay I'm gonna bring my mic so um I'm bam bam but I fell um my dog walked up to a lemonade stand and he said to the man running Stan hey bum bumbum got any grapes the man said no which is so lemonade but it's cold it's fresh and it's all the leaves can I get you a glass like that hmmm I'll pass and any wild away you waddle waddle til the very next day bump bump bump bump butter bum when the duck walked up to the lemonade stand and he said to the man running the stand hey bump bump bump got me grapes the man said no like I said yesterday we just sell lemonade okay why not give it a try the duck said goodbye and then he waddled away waddle waddle and then he waddled away you wanna waddle and then he waddled away waddle waddle til the very next day pum pum pum pum pum when the duck walked up to a lemonade stand and he said to the man running Stan hey bum bumbum gaudy grapes the man said look this is getting old I mean lemonade's all we've ever sold why not give it a go the duck said how about no and then he runs away [Music] when the duck walked up to a lemonade stand and he said to the man running the stand hey bump bump bump got any grapes the man said that set if you don't stay away duck out glue you to a tree and leave you there all day stuff so don't get too close the duck said adios in any wallet away waddle waddle then he waddled away waddle waddle and then he waddled away waddle waddle to the very next day bump bump bump bump at a time when the duck walked up to the lemonade stand a nice inch in the man run understand hey bump bump bump you got any glue the man said go why would I get one more question for you got any grapes bump bump bump epiderm then the man stopped started smile started to laugh he laughed for a lot he said come on tuck let's walk to the store I'll buy you some grapes so you don't have to ask anymore and the man brought some silly walk to the store and the man popped some crepes he gave one the Duncans the duck said huh no thanks but you know it sounds good that would make my day do you think this store do you think this store do you think the store has got any lemonade everyone I hope you enjoyed don't worry around I'll be here all week promise okay I got I'll be here all week around when I'm around 74 I wasn't even paying attention I've just been singing this whole time I literally haven't even been paying attention we're on around 74 already what's what is this madness guys this Maggie this has become this has become absolute insanity around 75 I can't even believe it yeah I have no idea what's going on right now we're just it's just so laggy and crazy and amazing I wish we could like add an anti lag you know I'm a hacker and I modified the game to make them run better and smoother wouldn't that be great I'd like that I would be a fan of that kind of mod lag equals death I know the lag is super real just because look how many projectiles there are there's just so many rainbow darts on screen to just annihilate everything yes I should make a mod I should make a mod or fur there's a one tower that literally it's just one cart that does pure sisterly literally everything literally it has like a million peers and it just one shots every balloon that's all it does is just one shot every balloon and it just attacks like super press and it's just like yo teddy thanks for the $10 in success I appreciate you I love the sticker that's really funny I need to do more stuff with stickers I guess I just don't stream that often so it's like hard to do stuff with the stickers so it's kind of like a like a mixture you know like a voodoo barber in a Bobby Hoover abuja barber buddha board a ba boo boo boo boo boo boo back let a video that was English I promise I studied I studied Latin definitely 100% money it's not like it's not it's just okay how do you get to practicing law so you go to practice mode all you do is to go to quick play and then battle school which is in the bottom right corner and then you can go to practice mode I mean and you can this isn't even like a hack thing you can do this in just normal blues to practice your skills okay you can practice your skills I do have a club I think they're caught that my clubs called Darth Vader's I'm pretty sure Darth Vader's is what the name we voted on years ago I wonder if anyone's still in that Club I think I'd be really cool guys we're on the ground this is getting super duper crazy and intense okay this is gonna be super insane and awesome and crazy but this is where we're gonna be ending up this part of the stream everyone if you guys want to continue watching if you want to see if I get to round 100 head over to my facebook it's in the description down below guys so just right now all you do is says continue watching here go over to my facebook leave a like on my Facebook page I'm gonna turn the stream off and I'm gonna go live on Facebook immediately right after this I'm talking like literally and closing my stream and then we're gonna go live on Facebook so if you want to keep watching in the link go down click on Facebook head over to my facebook page like my page and then I'm gonna be going live in just a little bit to see you there if you don't have a Facebook that's fine to ask your parents maybe your mom will let you watch on her Facebook or something like that if not I will see you guys tomorrow for some more awesome content thanks for watching everyone likes it Facebook go go go
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 197,307
Rating: 4.8988924 out of 5
Keywords: Funny, tewtiy, iphone, mobile, live, livestream, steam, action, funny, upgrade, bloons, op, vs, secret, hidden, bloons td 6, hack, glitch, cheat, hero, crazy
Id: 0RoLbDyUJis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 7sec (1747 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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