The Fascinating Aerodynamics of Bike Touring and Bikepacking

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By the time you're cycling at 30 kilometers per  hour, as much as 90 percent of the resistive force   experienced comes from aerodynamic drag. And it's not until you get down to 12 kilometres per hour   when rolling and air resistance are equal. While most bicycle travelers do not cycle at speeds   above 20 kilometres per hour, we still ride in  places with headwinds, meaning the air resistance   is the equivalent of cycling at much higher speeds. Another way to frame it, you could cycle further   with the same amount of effort, or you could cycle  the same distance, but have more energy left at the   end of the day. Today, we're going to take a close  look at some interesting findings in the touring   and bikepacking space, to find out how some small  changes might make our lives a little bit easier. But first, some ultra basic fluid mechanics. Feel  free to skip to 2:15 if you just want to see   the results. Fluid mechanics is ultra-complex but  if we distil it down to the most basic elements   relevant to bicycle touring, we end up with this drag equation. Drag consists of the air density, the speed of the rider, the frontal area of the rider, and the coefficient of drag. For touring, it's   the frontal area and the coefficient of drag  - or Cd - that we are looking to optimize. The Cd   describes how aerodynamic the shape of the object  is, and it's not a fixed value either. For example, it changes depending on our touring speed,  the surface textures of our bike and gear,   and the air density. Here are some approximate  drag coefficients of different objects.   And here are some rough drag coefficients of  different riding positions for you to compare. As you can see, without luggage you're probably  about as aerodynamic as a cube. When we multiply   the coefficient of drag with the frontal area,  we get the CdA, or amount of drag per unit of area. To reduce our CdA, we can make our shape more  aerodynamic, our frontal area smaller, or both. To get the unified hour record, it is estimated that  a cyclist needs to have a CdA of 0.2, and you need   a CdA 10 times less to get the recumbent hour  record. Five years ago, I was interested to find   out what would happen if I adjusted the frontal area of my luggage setup. I conducted a test to   find out the speed difference between bikepacking  bags, rear panniers, front panniers, and both. With a   power meter fitted to my bike so that I could  pedal at exactly 200 watts, I cycled around a   velodrome for a full day with different bag setups so that I could create data that was statistically   significant. With a higher than average touring  speed, two large front panniers were 6.4% slower than bickpacking bags, two  large rear panniers were 6.5% slower,   and a complete pannier set was 7.9% slower. As  these speeds are much higher than most people   travel, I would love to conduct this test again  at a speed between 20 and 25 kilometres per hour   and I would also like to try it with a larger volume backpacking handlebar pack. Before we move   on to the wind tunnel testing, check this out. This  is the biggest touring bike available overlaid   on the smallest. I've just updated my touring and  backpacking bike buyers guides, and as part of the   update, I've uploaded the frame geometry of hundreds  of different bikes for you to visualize on the   website, Bike Insights. If you haven't already  seen them, my guides teach you everything about   bikepacking and touring bikes before allowing you  to compare hundreds of different options available   at the back of the book. The best part is that  these guides are updated yearly for free! Wind tunnels are commonly used to accurately compare  the aerodynamic properties of different objects. But one of the issues in the accuracy of the data  is that the wind arrives in a steady-state, whereas wind, when you're out cycling, is often much more turbulent. In addition, there is no ground speed in   a wind tunnel, and the rider is locked into place,  which doesn't quite mimic the riding movements   outside. A technology that might provide better  data for outside conditions is aero rakes, which   are commonly used in Formula One. Back to wind  tunnels - even with the inaccuracies we can still   learn information about how different luggage  setups are likely to affect your speed. Francis Cade made a luggage aero testing video and found  a less than 1% reduction in speed when   he added two bottles to his fork. With a handlebar  bag attached as well, it reduced his speed by a bit   over 2%. Then when he added a bickpacking  seat pack, it actually made him a touch faster,   likely because the airflow was separating cleaner  behind his body. And the complete ensemble with   panniers made him 3.6% slower, which works out  to be about 9 minutes over 100 kilometers.   Specialized has a lot of wind tunnel videos  on their YouTube channel, and there are two   interesting results relevant to touring. The first  is with regards to your hand position on a flat   handlebar. Most people ride in the grips, but if you  can comfortably move your hands inwards near the   stem and flatten your arms, that is worth a 6% gain in speed at 26 kilometres per hour.   The second is the difference between baggy and  fitted cycling clothing. The numbers here suggest   your choice of clothing is almost as important as  your luggage setup, which makes sense as your body   makes up the largest percentage of your frontal  area, and the drag is higher on a flappy surface. Bicycle Quarterly has also tested different  bike and gear setups in a wind tunnel. At 32KPH, they found that the difference  between a fitted rain jacket and a looser fitting   rain jacket is an 8% difference in  terms of wind resistance, which according to my   estimations is around 2% slower cycling  speeds. And if you want to lift your handlebars   20mm higher, that'll cost you 1.5% from  your baseline speed. Bicycle Quarterly also found   a handlebar bag was more aerodynamic than a  saddlebag, and that while a front fender reduced   drag, the rear fender increased it - resulting  in no overall drag penalty. Speaking of fenders,  an interesting paper came out last year suggesting  that if you fit fenders to your bike, you can make   it more aerodynamic. The idea is that the upper  part of the fender shields the forward spinning   portion of the wheel, which reduces the turbulence  of the air behind the wheel, and therefore,   the drag of the bike. The study suggests that  fenders with specifically 135 degrees of coverage   are the sweet spot between a reduction in the drag  coefficient without too big an increase in the   frontal area. But any longer, and the larger frontal  area tips this balance. Based on my calculations,  the 4.5% reduced Cd would mean that the fenders  could be 0.9 to 1.6% faster between 22   and 36 kilometres per hour. But this study was  conducted using Computational Fluid Dynamics or   CFD. In the bike world at least, CFD is considered  more problematic than other forms of aerodynamic   testing because it's really hard to account  for things like moving spokes, rotating legs,   and turbulent airflow. Some companies have actually  brought out wheel shielding fenders to the market, but unfortunately, there is no independent  data that I could find to verify whether   they worked as claimed. Null Winds boasts claims  as big as 20% when you're cycling into   a headwind with their fenders, which to me  sounds a bit too good to be true. Birzman   also teased an aero fender set which was said  to improve a wheel Cd by almost 4% at   48 kilometers per hour, but this concept never  made it to market. Another interesting example   of front wheel shielding is found on the Ceepo  Shadow R time trail bike. Again, there is no data   available which suggests to me that while some  aspects of the aerodynamics might be improved,   there are likely negative downstream effects. And lastly, we have a study by SQLab who wanted to find   out whether there was a performance advantage using their Innerbarends. While riding at 36KPH on a velodrome, they found a 14  watt difference between the Innerbarends and the   grips on a flat handlebar. This works out to be a  1.8% difference in speed at the same power output. Okay, so if wind tunnels, CFD and outdoor testing  are all somewhat problematic, what can we take   home from this? We really just have to go  back to the theory. Reducing the frontal area   of your luggage will help you travel faster, with  the same power output. The more luggage you can jam   in line with your bike the better. We're talking  frame packs, seat packs, top tube bags, and even the   area under your down tube. Tighter fitting clothes  are always going to be beneficial as the shape   itself is more aerodynamic, and the frontal area  is smaller too. If your body is conditioned for it,   you can reduce your frontal area by changing your  body position on the bike. Using my KOGA Denham Bars, I can put my hands near my stem, or in my  bullhorns, to change my CdA, allowing me to   go noticeably faster. Or alternatively, we could  all just ride aerodynamically-superior recumbent   bikes. If you've enjoyed today's bike nerd content  from Oaxaca Mexico, consider subscribing, liking   this video, supporting my work on Patreon,  or grabbing a book. I'll catch you next time! This is the first time ever, that I've  had to walk my bike because of the wind!
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Keywords: bikepacking, touring bike, touring bikes, bicycle touring, bikepacking tech, bikepacking bike, aero, aerodynamics, bicycle aerodynamics
Id: Ue_Tz7e0DmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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