Why Flat Bars Are BETTER Than Drop Bars For Most Cyclists (Objective Analysis)

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Drop bars or flat bars may be the best option  for you, depending on your use case. But when   we take a look at both designs objectively, the  best option for most people is a flat handlebar,   and it's not even close. In this video, we  will analyze the differences between these   two handlebar designs, covering everything  from performance to frame geometry,   product design to safety. As rider comfort is  a subjective experience, ergonomics is not part   of my analysis. Some of you will find drop bars  comfier, others will find flat bars comfier. Let's   start with when flat bars are objectively better  than drop bars, and later, we'll flip the script. Flat bars are better for bike handling. The  wider your hands sit from the steering axis,   the more leverage you have to steer your bike.  With a wide flat bar, you can expect better bike   control at high speeds (as the additional  leverage helps to counter the ground forces   that are constantly nudging your handlebar), and  at low speeds (as you can make small adjustments   to help keep your balance). A high steering  leverage is also particularly important if   you use front luggage, as any weight at the  front of the bike requires additional effort   to steer. Even with a very heavy front load, wide  handlebars can provide a light steering response.   You can expect to ride with more confidence  and more control with a flat handlebar,   especially on rougher terrain. But note: there are  drop bar exceptions to the rule that make the most   of a high steering leverage. The Curve  Walmer is 600 millimetres wide at the hoods,   which is getting mighty close to  offering flat bar levels of control. Flat bar bike designs are more stable. As the  grips are closer to your body when you use a   flat handlebar, manufacturers need to increase  the front centre of their flat bar frames by   approximately 50 to 60mm to ensure rider hip,  back and arm angles can be maintained. This has   multiple indirect benefits. Number one: you get  a longer wheelbase, which makes your bike more   stable at speed due to a lower centre of mass.  Number two: you get a larger front endo angle,   which makes it harder for a bump, pothole or  rock to send you over the bars. And number three:   when you stand up, your centre of mass  is better centred between your tires,   which maximizes both front and rear tyre grip.  As a result, flat bar bikes are more stable and   confidence-inspiring to ride, in particular,  on steeper or rougher sections of trail.   Again, there are drop bar exceptions to the rule  that design in long front centre lengths. I made   a frame geometry masterclass around one such bike  that you can watch in the top corner of this page. Flat bar frames have no toe overlap. You have  toe overlap when you turn your handlebar and   your front wheel makes contact with your forward  foot. This is usually a problem on drop bar bikes   in the small to medium sizes but can be a  problem on bigger bikes with fenders too.   With the longer front centre lengths of most  flat bar frames, we can virtually eliminate   toe overlap for riders of all heights, which  improves low-speed safety, in particular. Flat bars offer better braking performance.  One finger braking is easy on a flat handlebar,   which leaves your thumb and three other fingers  to get a firm hold on the small-diameter grips.   In comparison, drop bars typically  require more fingers on the brake levers,   especially in the hoods, which results in a less  firm hold. This is particularly noticeable if you   try and brake into bumpy corners. In addition,  flat bar brakes offer more stopping power with   the same lever force. This is thanks to mountain  bike brakes being available with more pistons   and larger pad surface areas, as  well as larger-diameter rotors.  Low gear ratios are more common on flat bar  bikes. Low gear ratios are absolutely essential   if you want to make riding in the hills nice  and easy. If we compare the lowest gear ratios   on bikes in the off-road touring category in  my buyer's guides, the flat bar bikes have   20% lower average climbing gears than the drop  bar bikes. This is because flat bar shifters   are easily paired with mountain bike drivetrain  components. As these parts are intended for the   steepest terrain they come with the gear ratios  to match. There are many ways to hack drop bar   drivetrains, but ultimately, low gear ratios are  more commonly found on, and are easier to retrofit   to flat bar bikes. My Touring and Bikepacking  Bike Buyer's Guides are updated yearly for free,   and will teach you everything you need to know  about the bikes before allowing you to compare   over 200 bikes at the back of the books. You can  find a link to my guides in the description below. The price is often lower on flat bar bikes.  If we take a look at the Marin bike range,   we can see that the drop bar Gestalt X10 and flat  bar DSX1 share a very similar aluminium frame,   carbon fork and specification. In fact, the  spec on the flat bar bike is a touch better.   The extra cost for the dropbar model? $400. We see  similar price differences with Specialized bikes.   The Sirrus X 5.0 is $550 cheaper than the  Diverge Base Carbon. Again, the flat bar spec   is undoubtedly better, but the price does not  reflect this. The price discrepancy could be   attributed to the shifters of drop bar bikes being  more expensive to manufacture. For example, a set   of Shimano Ultegra road shifters is three times  the cost of the equivalent flat bar shifters.   Another explanation could be that the drop bar  market will simply pay more for the same thing.   Whatever the reason, flat bar bikes almost  always represent the best value for money.  Flat bar bikes offer a broader range of handlebar  designs and hand positions. While drop bar   handlebar designs do vary, especially in terms  of width and flare, it's nothing compared to flat   bar designs. It's a bit of a myth that drop bars  offer more hand positions. These days you can find   flat bars in a crazy number of configurations.  Bar ends fitted inboard? Sure. Outer bar ends?   Of course. How about a nice loop? Butterfly  wings? They make that. Back sweep? Get it   in whatever angle you want. It's hard to imagine  there isn't something for everybody. I'd recommend   playing around with the website WhatBars  to get a sense of your flat bar options. Flat bars allow for more backpacking bag  capacity and better access. Handlebar pack   volume is much less restricted on a flat  handlebar as the bar and levers do not   interrupt the width of the bag at all. The bag  volume is often twice as large on a flat bar!   In addition, the roll closures are much easier  to access, as the drops don't get in the way. Flat bar grips are easier to live with.  Bar tape is susceptible to tearing,   moving about, or unwrapping itself with use  on a long bike trip. This just means more   bike maintenance. In comparison, flat bar  grips are tough enough for mountain biking,   long-lasting and super easy to replace, given  they often slide straight on and are fastened   down with bolts. Additionally, it's much  easier to replace and maintain brake and   shift cables on a flat bar bike, as you can do so  without unwrapping and re-wrapping any bar tape. Flat bars have a low risk of sweat corrosion.  If you've ever worked in a bicycle repair shop,   you'll know all about sweat corrosion! This is a  chemical reaction that occurs between your sweat   and aluminium handlebars, in particular, and  the corrosion is often eating away at your   handlebar without your knowledge. This is a good  reminder to periodically peel back your bar tape   if you use aluminium handlebars. While  sweat can destroy a flat handlebar too,   it turns out that bar tape  is the ultimate sweat sponge,   which results in corrosion almost  exclusively being a drop bar problem. Flat bars are better for gearbox shifters.  If you like the idea of a gearbox drivetrain,   a flat bar holds the advantage. While there  are many workarounds for getting a Rohloff or   Pinion gearbox shifter onto a drop bar, the twist  shifter is easier to access on a flat bar as it   sits right under your hand at all times. It also  allows you to dump at least eight gears at once,   which is surprisingly useful  when touring or backpacking. if we take a step back from the points  I've just made, we can see there's a strong   safety argument for using flat bars. Think about  it. Better handling and control. Better braking.   A more stable frame design. No toe  overlap. And less risk of handlebar   corrosion. All of these factors ultimately  help to keep you upright. This is important   to note for riders who aren't yet super  confident with their bike handling skills.   If you're new to bike travel or are spending  a lot of time off-road, I'd recommend honing   in on flat bar bikes. Right, it's now time to  find out when drop bars are objectively better. Drop bars are more aerodynamic. By the time you're  cycling at 30kph, as much as 90% of the resistive   force experienced comes from aerodynamic drag.  For those who intend to travel further or faster,   there is a strong case for drop bars. Drop  bars are faster at higher speeds because the   hand positions on offer will help you to tuck  your elbows in and lean forward, putting your   body in a more aerodynamic shape. Additionally,  you'll get a reduction in your body's frontal area   thanks to the narrower width. This allows  you to ride further with the same effort,   or the same distance with less effort. Drop bars  are great in headwinds too. That said, some flat   bars are designed with aerodynamic handholds in  mind. Alternatively, you can add bar ends to the   inside of your grips for a speedy ride position,  or better yet, fit some aero bars to your bike. Drop bars are better in traffic. Drop bars  are often best in urban environments. This   is due to their 15 to 30cm narrower width, making  splitting traffic, riding near close passing cars,   negotiating pedestrian areas, and riding  through narrow alleyways much easier. Drop bars offer the drops position. In the drops,  you can lower your hands to adjust your hip angle,   stretch out your back, and take  some weight from your backside.   These adjustments may keep you  feeling fresher on a long ride.   That said, butterfly bars are a flat bar  option that provides a similar high and   low ride position. And aero bars fitted to any  bike allow for similar body tweaks to the drops. I think that's it for drop bars, so that begs  the question, why are they so popular? I said   this would be an objective analysis, but  perhaps there's a subjective reason why   drop bars are popular. Could it be that drop  bar bikes simply look better? After all,   it's a fact that you'll get more Instagram  likes with drop bars! It's worth noting that   drop bars aren't popular everywhere. There is a  clear cultural divide between drop bar and flat   bar touring bike manufacturers. Mainland  European brands will almost always spec   a flat bar on their touring bikes, while North  American and British brands cling dearly to drop   bars. If everyone around you, and every shop  is selling bikes with one particular bar type,   it's very easy to assume that that handlebar  will be the best option for you too. In summary, while drop bars do excel on faster and  longer rides, as well as in urban areas, when we   take an objective look at both handlebar designs,  it's clear that flat bars are the best option for   most people. The higher steering leverage allows  for better bike control both at high and low   speeds. We can also use this steering leverage to  better overcome the slowing effect of any front   luggage, and the leverage also better resists the  forces coming from the ground on rougher terrain.   The frames themselves work out to be more  stable thanks to that long front centre,   and this helps to eliminate toe overlap almost  entirely as well. Flat bar bikes often brake   better and offer a firmer handhold at the grips.  The brake and shift cables are easier to maintain,   the grips aren't delicate like bar tape, and  there is almost no risk of handlebar corrosion.   If this list isn't exhaustive enough for you  yet, there's also more space for handlebar   packs with large volumes, and the  cherry on the top is the lower cost.   You can support this work directly on Patreon  or via Paypal, and if you'd like to learn a   thing or two about bikepacking or touring  bikes, check out my buyer's guides! Goodbye!
Views: 404,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flat bars, drop bars, flat vs drop, bikepacking, bicycle touring, bicycles, frame design, frame geometry, handlebars, touring bikes, bikepacking bikes
Id: 1X-atbNA-sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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