Farmall Farming Marches On

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] farm all farming behind those words is one of the greatest ideas in all the history of agriculture future generations looking back on our life of today may pay as great a tribute to the far mall tractor as do we to the reaper both are true emancipators the reaper released man from hand labor in the harvest the farm all tractor freed him from the drudgery that is inseparable from slow animal power here are glimpses of the largest tractor factory in the world it is the international harvester company's tractor works in chicago one of the three plants building mccormick deering tractors today the scenes to follow will give you some faint idea of the tremendous activity that must come into play before a tractor is ready for the field in this vast laboratory of industry skilled minds and hands convert the simplest of raw materials into the beauty and utility of modern machinery from white hot molten metals to polished steel through massive operations and ever vigilant inspection the farm all advances taking on familiar shape and form you will see it emerging finally at the loading platforms ready to travel afar to years of profitable service in the corn belt of the middle west and the cotton fields of the south to destinations innumerable throughout the world nearly 200 000 such tractors have gone out from the factories to the farm soon a fifth of a million farmers will have adopted the farm all systems that is a gauge of the success of farm all ideas a success that is now only in its beginning the basis of farm all success is the fact that it was the original true all-purpose tractor and that it today offers the farmer not only a perfected farm power plant but equipment to use with it for all his farming operations that drawbar belt and power takeoff farm all success is further guaranteed by high quality standards of manufacture users of mccormick beering equipment may be certain that this rule is never forgotten in any harvest or plant the farm all is always a mccormick deering tractor if at any time you are shown a general purpose tractor that does not bear the name mccormick bearing you may be sure that it is not a farmhole today this tractor is available in three sizes and that is further reason for the growing popularity of the farm all system of farming every farm power need is ideally met by one of the three farmers the three plough f-30 the two-plow f-20 or the new farm all 12 which you will now see in a score of everyday farm operations anybody south of the mason and dixon line knows what this fan is doing middle busting or listing 10 acres a day with this f-12 buster is just a fair day's work wouldn't that give a cotton mule a headache and if you want to plant on the beds it's easy to equip the buster with a planting attachment the wheel in the furrow runs right down the center accurately spacing the bed you can set the rear wheels for anywhere 44 to 79-inch treads [Applause] here's a cotton planter they're going strong for in texas it is primarily a cotton planter but it will also plant corn camper and other seeds runners and press wheels can be supplied instead of the wheels and covering shovels those single rim wheels on the tractor are just the ticket for sticky gumbo soil they clean themselves remember that tractor is probably using less than a gallon of fuel an hour here's one of the big reasons they call them farm all this is the finest cultivating tractor you ever saw 20 acres a day and a swell job whether it's the first time over or the last that little tractor just rambles right along you don't see it weaving sideways to grab the juicy stalks and a horse fly is plum out of luck the operator can give his whole attention to the roads ahead which is one of the reasons why he can really do better work than can be done with horses the patented triple control feature guiding the tractor shifting the gang and breaking either rear wheel for a short pivot turn makes it easy to cross cultivate checked ropes with the number twelve seven foot more this factor will cut from 20 to 30 acres a day watch it turn this corner farm all 12 because this low fuel consumption is a wonder in the hazy it provides power to cut rake head load haul and put the hay in the mouth here you see it with a 12 foot sweep break a speedy means of bunching or moving to stacks this is a good combination for the grain field too for hauling shocks to stack or thresher 110 in the shade it's all the same to the farm all when horses are dropping with sunstroke this cool running power pulls the binder right along this man is using his old horse binder and he's doing a good job of course with a tractor binder the binder mechanism is operated by the power takeoff in heavy grain the tractor can be slowed down without reducing the power takeoff speed which prevents choking the binder this little job is powered by a real international three by four inch four-cylinder engine here is economical power for the corn binder or the one roll pool type corn picker the handy manual governor control gives steady engine speeds of 1400 down to 900 revolutions per minute this scene shows the little tractor operating the enceladus cutter the smooth steady flow of power is a constant satisfaction to the f-12 owner whether it's grinding seeds selling corn pumping water drawing wood operating the hay baler or what have you the farm all 12 lived up to its reputation for being the biggest little tractor ever built just think of operating all day on barely 10 gallons of fuel and the tractor is always on the job when it's wanted always full of pips it never gets distempered never breaks a leg and if you should drive it into a barbed wire fence it would be just too bad for the fence and so we draw to the close of this pictorial story of far mall utility by car loads and train loads these tractors are moving from the factory to the farm as you review in your mind the many operations we have seen the farm all handle here think what this nimble many-sided power will mean to you imagine it working the year round on your own farm and try it out for yourself one of these days get into the seat drive it and you'll feel that sense of new control and new power the farm all 12 brings to every owner go to the mccormick deering dealer for this tractor remember that if it isn't a mccormick beering it is not a farm all [Music] you
Channel: MenWithTractors
Views: 65,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bxahHW8blBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2018
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